Messages In This Digest (8 Messages)
- 1.
- Newness Abounds in October!, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 2.
- looking for makeup lady again From: sapphiresdarkhorse
- 3.
- The Wizards Oracle 10/01/2011 From: Grandfather Oak
- 4.
- The Wizards Oracle 9/28/2011 From: Grandfather Oak
- 5.
- Tuesday's Correspondence...October 4 From: Cher Chirichello
- 6.
- Today's Goddess: Hybla Saint Francis Day (Italy) From: Cher Chirichello
- 7a.
- A Past Life Dream Spell From: Cher Chirichello
- 8a.
- Apuleius, The Golden Ass From: Cher Chirichello
- 1.
Newness Abounds in October!, Butler NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Oct 3, 2011 3:37 am (PDT)
From: Denise A. Saracco < >
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 1:45 AM
Subject: Newness Abounds in October!
Greetings Divine Ones,
Here we return to the crisp, magickal days of Autumn. While I fully enjoy every season, there's something very special about Autumn for me. It is a season of harvesting, gathering, and warming. As we celebrate the Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, our brothers and sisters below the equator are entering Springtime. This fact reminds me of the interconnectedness of death and life - autumn and spring.
There are new developments occurring that I wish to share with you!
1. First, as of October 15th, I will be offering Massage Therapy for those interested. All details can be found on my website here: www.swiftwindtherapy.wordpress. com/massage- therapy. Please contact me if you wish to schedule an appointment!
2. Secondly, I am opening a venue for a Shamanic Healing Clinic. Receive a full hour shamanic healing session for only $30! Students of the Shamanic Healing Arts are providing one-hour Shamanic Healing Sessions to the community. During an intake process, each client will speak briefly with me to discuss the area(s) of healing requested. As guided, each client will be paired with the appropriate practitioner so the client's needs will be met.
A wide variety of healing tools are available:
* Chakra Clearing/Re-Balancing
* Extraction Healing
* Power/Soul Retrieval
* Aura/Karma Cleansing
* Sound Healing
* Heart Healing
* And More…
*Clients are requested to arrive 20 minutes prior to their appointment. The intake process is in addition to the hour healing session.
Appointment Times Are As Follows:
Monday Evening, November 7th, 2011 at 6pm and 7:30pm.
Sunday, November 13th, 2011 at 12pm, 1:30pm, and 3pm .
Sessions are available by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please contact either Shaman Denise at , 862-268-3213 or Peaceful Paths at , 973-283-9444.
3. Finally, I posted an article about my recent trip to Peru to experience Ayahuasca Ceremony. It was a deeply transformative, awakening, and healing experience. Please feel free to read about it at www.swiftwindtherapy.wordpress. com/writings.
May the Divine Light within each of us shine brightly into the world and create a reality of Harmony and Peace. Many Blessings to All. Namaste.....
In Love and Deep Peace,
www.swiftwindtherapy.wordpress. com
* * * * * * *
- 2.
looking for makeup lady again
Posted by: "sapphiresdarkhorse" realestatefunder01
Mon Oct 3, 2011 10:20 am (PDT)
i know there is the word rose in your name--BUT I CANT FIND YOU ANYWHERE
and want to purchase your products today. you already know my email
Victoria Thorne
- 3.
The Wizards Oracle 10/01/2011
Posted by: "Grandfather Oak" grandfatheroak_wizard
Mon Oct 3, 2011 2:36 pm (PDT)
The Wizards Oracle
"Autumn leaves fall, the wheat is ground,
Chills on cheeks, earth's colors abound.
Umber Candles flicker & glow,
Magic is afoot, didn't you know?"
~ B. Morris
We here at 'The Wizards Oracle' are not mind readers and therefore
need to know if you wish to be removed from our mailing list. This goes for
group owners as well.
If you have an upcoming event an wish to have it listed please send us a private email at
robert_patti@windstream. net
If you have a website where you sell 'Witchy Wares'
again let us know and we will gladly post it.
Grandfather Oak
Eleven Things Every Witch Should Know
1. Magic is what happens when you open yourself to the Divine. All real magic is a manifestation of the Divine - it is how you co-create
reality with deity.
2. The Divine is within you and is everywhere present in the natural world. And everything is interconnected by this sacred energy.
3. Witchcraft is not about information -- it's about transformation, so practice, practice, practice -- and do it as much as possible in Nature! Witchcraft enables you to commune with divinity and to manifest your destiny, your desires and your highest and sacred self.
4. The real ethics of how Witches live and practice magic are simple: Witches live in a sacred manner because we live in a sacred world. We therefore treat all of life with reverence and respect.
5. Because all magic flows from our connection to the Sacred, our lives and our magic, must be guided by the sacred nature of the energy with which we work.
6. The energy Witches work with is not neutral -- it is divine love.
7. Magic often works in unexpected way because it is not a mechanical process, and the Universe is not a machine. You are living and making magic within a divine, organic, living reality.
8. Witches don't command and control -- they commune and co-create.
9. The real secret of successful spell casting, as with all of magic, is your connection to the Divine power that dwells within you, and
surrounds you. And spells do work so be careful what you ask for!
10. Nature makes the Divine tangible. By working, living, and practicing your magic in harmony with Nature, you are in harmony with the Divine.
11. The ultimate teacher is the God/Goddess inside you and in the world of nature all around you.
By Phyllis Curott
The Living Rede
A lifetime of learning I've set to these pages,
Some learned from fools, and some learned from sages.
This tome contains musings: some wisdom, some rant.
Some will find truth here, some won't and some can't.
If your eyes fall upon this page, it's meant for you,
For the Universe offers what you're meant to do.
The Secret of Magic quite often astounds:
There isn't a Secret! Just look all around!
The Trees teach you lessons - the Willow that bends.
The challenge for you: learn the message it sends.
By Example and Symbol the Universe speaks.
It may happen quickly or take many weeks.
Be aware what you notice - it needs your attention
If you're going to hear what it's trying to mention.
For the Universe rarely speaks loudly and clearly,
But it speaks all the time if you listen sincerely.
You're here for a reason - to heal, teach and learn.
The better you listen, the more growth you'll earn.
The goal, it would seem, is reunion with Spirit.
Learn lessons while here, don't run from, don't fear it.
Though we travel our own paths, our lives interlace.
We must all grow together - this isn't a race.
So be mindful of others, and help when you can,
A bird, tree or pebble, a woman or man.
Material, Ether and Astral involved,
Work them correctly, your problems be solved.
Magic is simple, has rules, like Mundane,
Push or pull with your Heart and direct with your Brain.
The Emotions you raise will determine its power.
The more you project, that much sooner its hour.
The Thoughts that you hold in your mind as you cast
Tell the power its job - where to go and its task.
If your thoughts falter or change while you work,
Your focus is lessened - your power will fork.
Dual aspects to work with, the God and the Goddess,
Called Yang and called Yin - the names matter not, honest!
Yang feels like anger - you feel in your chest.
It jumps to the hand and for quick work is best.
Yin is much softer - it's felt at the womb.
The power of Love and the peace of a tomb.
Yang is aggressive - Male "Get It Done Now!"
If you're in a hurry, Yang does it, and how!
Yin is more subtle, for delicate tasks.
If you're working with love, it's the one you should ask.
All genders have both, their intensities varied,
And strong you will be with both energies married.
Be Humble and True, though, whatever your power.
Sometimes you're the lightning, sometimes you're The Tower.
The Cards hold no magic, the Runes have no secret
That's not found within you - if only you'll seek it.
Negative or Positive? Sometimes you must give.
The Antelope dies so the Lion may live.
Remember, when tragedy breaks down your door:
Whatever you lose, you will gain so much more.
I know it sounds hard, when loss brings pain and sorrow,
But you will know joy again - next year, or tomorrow.
One thing that I've found, and I hope you will heed:
Ask not what you want from life. Ask what you need.
Ask what you want and it may come to you,
But ask what you need: What you came here to do.
This far through my Rede you have stayed and have read.
Down paths much like mine you are likely to tread.
I welcome you, joyful, a companion to walk,
For someone to listen to, someone to talk.
These pages are yours to accept or critique.
May your road straight to Spirit unfold at your feet.
Stay if you will, here, or leave if you must.
Blessed Be, One and All. Perfect Love. Perfect Trust.
- Brian Gallagher
Western Astrology
Your Chakras
by Christina Lunden September 23, 2011 05:19 PM EST
The Angels would like to remind you that you are more than a physical being. Today, they would like to share insight about your Chakras.
Chakras are the energy centers in and through our bodies that connect us to our spiritual bodies. When we were born into this life (unless you are less than 9 years old reading this) you had seven chakras that were open and accessible to you. They are:
Root Chakra (where you legs meet the trunk of your body)
Sacral Chakra (just below your belly button)
Solar Plexus Chakra (just above your belly button)
Heart Chakra (want to guess where this one is?)
Throat Chakra
Brow Chakra or Third Eye Chakra (in between your eyebrows)
Crown Chakra (top and middle of your head)
These same seven chakras have been available for the previous 2,000 years to everyone born.
Since the year 2003, we have added several chakras as each of our souls allowed. Since these are new to our human bodies, you may see these in other teachings listed as other names. The Angels told me they are called:
High Heart Chakra (in the indentation beneath the throat)
Soul Star Chakra (above the Crown Chakra)
Zeal Point Chakra (at the base of your neck)
Christ Chakra (above the Soul Star Chakra)
Earth Star Chakra (beneath our feet)
With the addition of these beautiful Chakras, we have much more access to Spirit than ever before. We don't have to do anything to make them open. Each new chakra opens when we are at a certain vibrational level. It is like graduating to a new grade; you have more access to higher material and with that comes more spiritual responsibility.
We can say affirmations or prayers to strengthen our chakras. One of the prayers the Angels gave me to say while spreading my arms out to the side, opening my heart as wide as I could is:
"All of my Chakras are opened and blessed
Receiving the full integration of light
I am who I came to be
Living and expressing the light."
You are much more than the physical body you see. And your soul contains much more than we know or can imagine. In the last 9 years we have grown in our capabilities of who we can be as a human being and what we can connect to spiritually. Believe you are powerful. Believe what you speak for yourself can happen; so speak it often. Believe in yourself and that without you this world would be a different place. Your essence is needed here right now. Empower yourself to be the spiritual human being you can be today.
From another spiritual human being ~ Christina
Life in a Polygamous Marriage
Autumn Leaf Magick
Faeriely Odd Witches
I found this simple autumn magick, the leaves are really beginning to change here already! It's been hard to catch up here, I went back to work, since I work in a school and then football practice started. Practice 4 times a week! Running.... It will slow down soon.....
Autumn Leaf Magick
In the fall, write a secret wish upon a fallen leaf. Choose a leaf with red colors for a wish pertaining to matters of love, sex, passion, or health. A gold-colored leaf for wishes involving money, a brown one for protection, a purple one for healing, an orange one for energy, a yellow one for confidence, attraction, or persuasion, a green one for fertility, success, or good luck.
Fold the leaf in half, or roll it up and seel it with a kiss. Using the flame of a white candle set the leaf on fire. As it burns, visualize your wish comming true for you.
http://faerielyoddwitches.blogspot. com/2009/ 09/autumn- leaf-magick. html
Top 10 Crystals for Autumn
Fall is a time of transition. A change in the amount of light we get and changes in weather conditions can all have an affect on our mood and emotions. Crystals can play a part in making changes, improving transitions and helping us to move forward gracefully. Here are the top 10 choices for Fall.
1. Amber: Warm and inviting this actual resin from tree sap is an excellent choice for Fall. It is excellent at detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and other people's energies. Due to its strong connection to nature and the earth, amber is a great stone for grounding our higher energies. Amber can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression and suicidal thoughts therefore, bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid, which makes it a good stone for studying. A ber is used for past life work, divination and scrying. It aligns mental and emotional bodies via its deep orange and yellow color.
2. Amethyst: The stone of spirituality and dream recall. Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions. Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. Wear when sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra. Amethyst contains the grounding color of red with the energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and flow of peace. Amethyst is the color that you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this transition from the magic time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this threshold is the lesson of humility, which Amethyst can teach us. This stone can show us how to let go and trust; surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can receive more; and bow, that you may become a part of the greater whole. Amethyst is considered a Master Healing stone.
3. Carnelian: This stone represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness. Precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings. It is the stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or to historical events. Carnelian can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters. Helps ground people who meditate. Carnelian is one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms.
4. Copper: Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer's energy field. Next to skin: Detoxes and soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation problems. 3rd chakra: stomach, intestines. Warms, releases resentment, anger. Built up in joints as arthritis. Exhaustion recovery, circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Energize with sun. A plentiful metal ore that ranges in color from a
soft red-brown to a deep brick red. Assists in the fight against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, particularly when used in conjunction with other stones. Helps stabilize the metabolism and heightens the immune
5. Hematite: This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium, stability and is also used for astral protection. It brings our awareness back
to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. If worn, Hematite should be placed near the base of the spine.
6. Jasper: This stone is a methodical and meticulous worker of practical, down to earth solutions. It has the ability to foster and nurture and its energy is used for grounding and protection. Considered more effective if it is used for long periods of time because it works slowly. Each color of Jasper has additional, specific qualities when used alone. Jasper is very effective when use on the Root Chakra.
7. Kunzite: is a powerful, high level stone. It is used against negative energy and empowers positive and loving thoughts. Most effective on the Heart Chakra , it opens the emotional heart and spiritual heart. It represents unconditional lovingness and compassion. Used for healing abuse/loss/addictions. Helps emotional balance, confidence, connection to higher self and oneness. Kunzite is also used on the Brow and Crown Chakra for the reason that it deepens altered states: psychic readings, healing...being centered emotionally and spiritually. Strengthens healers and teachers.
8. Petrified Wood: This "stone" is most noted in helping us to investigate past-life experiences. Makes the user more aware of nature. It is a warm earthy stone, which is used at the Root Chakra, encouraging ones survival instincts and
is grounding. Petrified Wood is also believed to energize the Heart Chakra. In mythological times, petrified wood was believed to possess divine power and to this day, stands as a symbol of man's true connection to the natural world. This stone helps with mental longevity, helping to sooth emotions, generating calm and relieves stress.
9. Sodalite: This stone is most recognized for healing, meditation and wisdom. This a good stone for general communication for self and writing. It is used for expressing logic and ideas due to its connection with the Throat Chakra. It is also used at the Brow Chakradue to the fact that it can access fine levels of intuitive information and promote the understanding of these concepts. It is also known to enhance community relationships. Considered a stone that is still evolving, sodalite can strongly affect changes in your attitude about yourself. It helps you be more objective and less critical about ways of dealing with existence. It is a stone associated with studying. This stone should be worn or carried around as a touch stone for a long period of time in order to reap its full benefits.
10. Sunstone: This stone is a kiss of sunshine, crystallized. Honors the God, brings good luck and fortune. Energizes and empowers one's self. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvenates the spirit. Sunstone is used for protection, life force,
and grounding. Sunstone is a great stone to use with "energy vampires", or those who drain your energy from you. This includes parents, children, lovers, patients, bosses or anyone who is possessive, aggressive or overbearing. Sunstone breaks these bonds and allows light, separation and clarity from these energies. This stone clears and brightens both the entire Chakra and unbounds the Aura. Sunstone does great justice when placed on our power center or Solar
Plexus Chakra. Sunstone is a great stone to relieve stress and overcome fear. This stone is so brilliant that it can bring optimism, happiness and joy to anyone! Use this stone to help bring awareness to your spiritual realm and encourage the priorities of life. This is one of my favorite stones for depression. A good stone to strengthen the psyche as it promotes cheerfulness, good humor and a benevolent temper.
AL Offenders Can Choose Jail or Church
At least a dozen readers forwarded me this story, and it's a doozy. The town of Bay Minette, Alabama, has a program in
their court system which allows misdemeanor offenders to work off their sentences in jail and pay a fine, or go to
church every Sunday for a year. Yeah. Jail or church. As you can imagine, the Alabama branch of the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) is sending a letter to ... Read Full Article
What is Cultural Appropriation?
By Makarios, on September 30th, 2011
American Stonehenge: The Georgia Guidestones
Pagan club seeks to share beliefs with student body
But there are only four Pagans and four belief systems in the conference room on the second floor of the Nebraska
Union, and they're hoping for more.
Accepting The Magick by Lady Abigail
Recently a dear, young Witchlet friend of mind called me on the phone in tears. She was upset and feeling as if she was being driven to the edge off a spiritual cliff. Trying to do it all and be all she believed she should be as the perfect wife, lover, mother and Witch. We have all been there, between children, husband, job, home, money, life and kids, and not to mention schools starting again, she was becoming frayed on both ends. Her temper wa... [more]
The Missing Link: The Art of Debate by Crick
The Way We Were vs The Way We Are by Ryan Hatcher
Upcoming Events
Worldwide on Internet Radio: Sunday, October 9
21st Century Radio with Dr. Bob Hieronimus
Selena is the featured guest on this popular weekly show on the paranormal & hidden history. She will talk with Dr. Bob about Lady Liberty as an ancient and contemporary Pagan Goddess. She also will speak about religious freedom and the Pagan roots of the USA.
Tune in: 7-9 pm CDT (8-10 pm EDT)
On the internet - & on iTunes
Illinois: Thursday, October 6
Womanspace, 3333 Maria Linden Drive, Rockford, IL 6114
6:30-8:30 pm, $25 ($20/members)
In this intensive, Selena will share ways of working with the realm of Ancestors for healing, wisdom, inspiration, and spiritual development. Explore some approaches for connecting with and honoring three types of Ancestors – family, cultural, and spiritual.
Open to women and men, space is limited – please pre-register right away. $25 ($20/members)
To register & for more info, call: (815) 877-0118 or visit:
www.womanspace-rockford. org/pages/ programs/ programs/ programs. htm#ancestral
Virginia: Sunday, October 23
Sunday Morning Worship
Williamsburg Unitarian Universalists, 3051 Ironbound Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188
Selena will be guest minister & speaker at both hour-long Sunday Morning Services – at 9:15 am and at 11:15 am. Her presentations, part of an interfaith series, will explore ancient as well as contemporary Pagan traditions and their contributions to personal and community practices of environmental spirituality.
More info: ; (757) 220-6830;
Sunday afternoon workshop & ceremony
College of William & Mary Campus, Wren Building & Sunken Garden
Selena, an alumni of the College of William & Mary, returns to campus to do presentations on the final day of Homecoming weekend. Beginning at 3 pm, Selena will present a workshop indoors in the historic Wren Building, the College's oldest building and then will facilitate an outdoor Pagan Rite of Autumn in the Sunken Garden, where she led her very first public Pagan ritual in 1971. Her workshop and ritual are sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Circle on campus.
More info:
Tuesday, October 11
7 - 9 pm. Free. Open to women & men.
The evening guided by Selena Fox begins with a sharing of Old Wise Woman lore, symbols, and depictions in Crone Witch forms from antiquity through contemporary times. Selena then will facilitate a Full Moon ritual that includes circle casting with brooms, a guided Crone Witch inner journey, and spiritual healing work with a cauldron and herbs.
More info:
Tuesday, October 18
7 - 9 pm. $10 suggested donation. Open to women & men.
Explore working with the Powers of the Crone Goddess to heal from loss, dispel disease, cope with dying and death, destroy bad habits, transform self-image, and connect with inner wisdom. Pre-register to reserve a spot.
More info:
Tuesday, October 25
7 - 9 pm. $10 suggested donation. Open to women & men.
Venture into the Underworld and connect with the Crone as Hecate in this Samhain inner journey guided by Selena. Prior work with guided meditation and Crone understanding suggested. Pre-register to reserve a spot.
More info:
Saturday, October 29
In this workshop, Selena shares ways to connect with the Spirits of your Ancestors at Samhain and throughout the year. Learn how to identify ancestral omens and guidance, to do ancestor rituals at cemeteries, to pilgrimage to ancestral lands, and to work with ancestral portals on altars and shrines.
Part of this year's Samhain Festival. To register & for more information:
The ShadowHarvest Samhain festival is being held from Friday, November 4 through Sunday, November 6 in Washington, North Carolina. ShadowHarvest has been around since 2003, and it's been growing ever since! Our two big stores in the area, Truely Unique and Sojourner's, vend as well as other groups and individuals. We have a lot of workshops, and this year we are welcoming back our special guest Peter Paddon, a cunningman from Great Britain (now living in the US) who is a popular author, speaker (The "Crooked Path" podcast) and publisher (Pendraig Publishing). Here are some links to his work:
http://www.pendraigpublishing. com
24 Days until 2nd Annual Samhain Carnival/Campout. Our tentative schedule has changed. Friday there will be a ritual at 6pm. Saturday there will be a ritual beginning around 5:30-6pm, 6:30pm potluck dinner, South Winds Ritual will begin sometime around 7-8pm. Saturday, there will be a costume contest beginning around 2-3pm, Pinata breaking beginning around 3:30-4pm. www.samhaincarnival.thestoremore. com
Augusta's third annual Pagan Pride Day will take place on Saturday, October 1 at the Gazebo at Lake Olmstead from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. PLEASE NOTE NEW LOCATION! The address is 3 Milledge, and it's at the intersection of Broad Street and Milledge Road. You'll see the Julian Smith Casino building, and we're over at the gazebo by the lake.
Merry Meet everyone. I am announcing the opening of Something More on
Sat. Oct. 1st,2011. I have all your witchy needs, and if by some chance
I dont, then we'll get it ordered asap. I'm looking for vendors for my
new shop, so if you make beautiful things please give me a call. Amy
Robeson 931-308-1190. I look foward to seeing you.
Spell to Protect Your Book of Shadows
This is a spell that will protect and bless your Book of Shadows. In
this waxing Moon phase you can visualize the pages of your book growing
thick with wisdom and witchery. Set the book up on your work space,
light a few candles, get your favorite incense going, and set a magical
mood. Now ground and center yourself. Raise your energy high, and then
hold your hands palms down over the book. Repeat the charm while you
empower the book with the powers of the four elements, knowledge,
wisdom, and illumination.
"As the Moon does
Grow fuller and fuller each night,
My Book of Shadows grows too, in
Knowledge and light.
By earth, air, sky,
And sea, as above
Now so below,
The elemental powers spin and my magic holds."
Ellen Dugan
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
A New Beginning
By: Tanya of the West Wind
Items Required:
Green Candle
Black Candle (half the size of the green candle)
Seeds (any kind will be fine)
Ashes (must be cold)
The Spell:
Scratch the words "The End" into the candle wax of the black candle.
Scratch the word "Now" into the candle wax of the green candle.
Visualize what you want to end in your life. Light the black candle.
As you see the flame of the black candle visualize the end coming.
Encircle the black candle with the ashes and say...
Ashes to ashes
End to end
No more to me
So mote it be
Visualize as the candle burns. When the black candle is done light
your green candle and as you see the flame visualize what you want
to happen now. Encircle the green candle with the seeds and say...
Seeds I plant
Now they grow
Bloom for me
So mote it be
Visualize as the candle burns. When the spell is complete bury the
black candle remains and ashes and the green candle remains and the
seeds - do not bury these candles near each other - bury on
opposite sides of the yard if possible.
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Banishing Past Sorrows Spell
There are times when our past mistakes and fractured hopes impinge
on our present and make us feel low and depressed. This occasional
feeling keeps us from realizing our full joy and happiness. We
return again and again to the memories of broken promises and our
various disappointments. Instead of greeting each new day as a
moment of opportunity, our hearts remain stuck in the past. Not to
worry, we can banish these sorrows. Gather together paper, a pen,
and string. After centering yourself, write your sorrows and broken
hopes on to the paper, using precise language. Roll the paper in a
tube and tie it with the string, knotting it tightly. Place the tied
paper into a burning bowl. Light the paper and chant:
The ties of the past must vanish.
With fire and knot I do banish.
Chant until the paper and string are burned entirely to ash. Gather
up all the ashes and bury them in the earth.
By: Gail Wood
My Sources
http://salemwitchchild.blogspot. com/ Family/Relations hips/Marriage/ Life-in-a- Polygamous- Marriage. aspx?source= NEWSLETTER& nlsource= 55&ppc=&utm_ campaign= Entertainment& utm_source= NL&utm_medium= newsletter& utm_term= windstream. net
Coast to Coast Survival Plants arthritis. htm
Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac order_crystals. htm
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit -voicesofthesacre dfeminine
Time: 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. You'll have to make adjustments for your time zone. And the show is available later from the archives where you might listen at your convenience.
To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:
The Old Farmer's Almanac
http://faerielyoddwitches.blogspot. com/2009/ 09/autumn- leaf-magick. html pagan-wiccan store/pc/ home.asp
Moon phase Date Time
First quarter October 3, 2011 09:16:05 PM
Full moon October 11, 2011 08:07:18 PM
Last quarter October 19, 2011 09:31:41 PM
New moon October 26, 2011 01:56:46 PM
First quarter November 2, 2011 10:38:39 AM
Full moon November 10, 2011 01:18:09 PM
Last quarter November 18, 2011 08:10:11 AM
New moon November 24, 2011 11:11:08 PM
First quarter December 2, 2011 02:52:47 AM
Full moon December 10, 2011 07:38:21 AM
Last quarter December 17, 2011 05:48:50 PM
New moon December 24, 2011 11:08:21 AM
Moon phases 2012
Moon phase Date Time
Full moon January 9, 2012 12:32:14 AM
Last quarter January 16, 2012 02:09:22 AM
New moon January 23, 2012 12:41:40 AM
First quarter January 30, 2012 09:11:43 PM
Full moon February 7, 2012 02:56:10 PM
Last quarter February 14, 2012 10:05:41 AM
New moon February 21, 2012 03:37:09 PM
First quarter February 29, 2012 06:23:15 PM
Full moon March 8, 2012 02:41:42 AM
Last quarter March 14, 2012 07:27:01 PM
New moon March 22, 2012 08:39:28 AM
First quarter March 30, 2012 01:42:04 PM
Full moon April 6, 2012 01:20:26 PM
Last quarter April 13, 2012 04:51:14 AM
New moon April 21, 2012 01:20:17 AM
First quarter April 29, 2012 03:58:16 AM
Full moon May 5, 2012 09:36:07 PM
Last quarter May 12, 2012 03:48:03 PM
New moon May 20, 2012 05:48:21 PM
First quarter May 28, 2012 02:16:04 PM
Full moon June 4, 2012 05:11:44 AM
Last quarter June 11, 2012 04:42:42 AM
New moon June 19, 2012 09:03:00 AM
First quarter June 26, 2012 09:30:31 PM
Full moon July 3, 2012 12:51:46 PM
Last quarter July 10, 2012 07:49:33 PM
New moon July 18, 2012 10:24:32 PM
First quarter July 26, 2012 02:56:52 AM
Full moon August 1, 2012 09:27:24 PM
Last quarter August 9, 2012 12:56:40 PM
New moon August 17, 2012 09:54:31 AM
First quarter August 24, 2012 07:54:46 AM
Full moon August 31, 2012 07:57:45 AM
Last quarter September 8, 2012 07:16:10 AM
New moon September 15, 2012 08:10:34 PM
First quarter September 22, 2012 01:42:34 PM
Full moon September 29, 2012 09:18:32 PM
Last quarter October 8, 2012 01:34:11 AM
New moon October 15, 2012 06:02:36 AM
First quarter October 21, 2012 09:33:48 PM
Full moon October 29, 2012 01:50:30 PM
Last quarter November 6, 2012 05:36:55 PM
New moon November 13, 2012 03:08:20 PM
First quarter November 20, 2012 07:32:36 AM
Full moon November 28, 2012 07:47:28 AM
Last quarter December 6, 2012 08:32:49 AM
New moon December 13, 2012 01:42:24 AM
First quarter December 19, 2012 10:19:53 PM
Full moon December 28, 2012 03:22:40 AM
For anyone who is interested in Astrology and the 13th sign, there are new information resources at:
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Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. This is in accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. section 107.. edu/uscode/ 17/107.html
- 4.
The Wizards Oracle 9/28/2011
Posted by: "Grandfather Oak" grandfatheroak_wizard
Mon Oct 3, 2011 2:36 pm (PDT)
The Wizards Oracle
Do you need community?
Dani Phoenix Oatfield, SF Paganism Examiner
August 26, 2011 -
Paganism is a set of interesting belief systems. When compared to some of the other religions on earth you can understand why. Most other religions don't have solitaries that are dedicated and practicing members of the faith. But Paganism does.
Many Pagans, witches, and wizards get there start down the road of alternative religion by practicing on their own. This trial and error system helps the individual suss out what works for them, and what doesn't. Paganism is a wide and varied set of traditions and it can take time to figure out what methods, practices, and even specific traditions, are best for your spiritual needs. (more)
Self-proclaimed Wiccan murder suspect pleads no contest Friday
In court Friday, murder suspect and self-proclaimed Wiccan Angela Sanford said she was "too emotionally overwhelmed" to decide on a plea deal. Sanford, who is accused of repeatedly stabbing Joel Leyva, 52, with a dagger near Copper and Tramway in March of last year, asked the judge for a few more months to decide. But the judge said Sanford had to take it or leave it now. Sanford decided to take the plea and plead no contest to second-degree murder.
Authorities say Sanford lured Leyva to the remote spot for a Wiccan ceremony.
She will be back in court for sentencing on October 5. (See Video)
The Religious Roots of Homophobia
To vote for anti-GLBT candidates because you agree with them on fiscal issues is to affront every value a modern Pagan holds dear.
By P. Sufenas Virius Lupus, August 25, 2011
This particular article in the "Queer I Stand" column probably has the simplest and most uncomplicated point to make, which is even obvious in the title, and it is the following: homophobia has no logical basis whatsoever, and is only supportable within certain conservative creedal religious frameworks.
Certainly, homophobic strains have existed outside of the dominant monotheistic religions, and a discourse of "natural law" that argued against the utility or the morality of homoeroticism even existed in some neo-Pythagorean circles in the ancient Mediterranean. (more)
2011 Pagan/Wiccan Calendar
1: Birthday of Isaac Bonewits, founder of Ár nDraíocht Féin
12: Full moon -- Blood Moon at 2:06 pm
12: Birthday of occultist Aleister Crowley
18: Birthday of Nicholas Culpeper, noted herbalist, in 1616
20: Birthday of Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary
26: New moon
31: Samhain
31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)
31: Covenant of the Goddess formed in 1975
Beyond the Fluff by Maggi Setti
I've been struggling with not feeling that I want to call myself a Pagan; that somehow I missed the cultural boat. This boat feels like something I will never understand nor connect with. Yet, my religion is Wicca, and I am a Qabalist, ritualist, and magick worker. I never towed the feminist political line enough for the Goddess community, wasn't political enough for others communities either. I've always been missing the Pagan cultural "norm" bo... [more]
Autumn Magick on the Wind by Lady Abigail
To me this is something especially magickal about late August. The knowing of the great changes to come as the Autumn energies begins to fill your senses. The way the heat of the day has a power over the very soul of man for both good and bad. But mo... [more]
Dash on over to 'Witches Voice' to read yet more great articles -
Ritual Killing v. Factory Farming, Or, Are There Roosters in Heaven?
By Meera Subramanian
On August 16, city inspectors closed down William Camacho's barbershop on Pleasant Street in New Bedford, Massachusetts after they discovered three chickens, two pigeons, and four roosters in the basement. Votive candles and saint statues surrounded the birds, one of which was dead and placed neatly in a box. Black and white markings of arrows and lightning bolts and the words "El Palo Congo" were boldly inscribed on the walls.
Unauthorized Catholic Immigrants Will Renew a Christian America, Archbishop Says
By Marie Friedmann Marquardt
This summer, Los Angeles' new Catholic archbishop, José H. Gomez, has been wielding new weapons in a long, losing battle.
Traveling through the United States, Archbishop Gomez has stood before groups ranging from his Church's most wealthy elites to the middle-class Knights of Columbus, urging them to reconsider their position on immigration reform. His strategy: to proclaim (as summarized by the Catholic News Agency) "Immigration helps recover the Christian Origins of America."
The Trouble With Harry (Potter): Religious Conservatives Do Have Something to Fear
By Jay Michaelson
Most progressives clucked their tongues when some Christian conservatives condemned (and tried to censor) the phenomenally successful Harry Potter franchise, which comes to its provisional conclusion this week with the release of the eighth film in the series. There they go again, we thought. Yet while many specific critiques of the series are simply phobic reactions to the presence of witches, wizards, and magic, I think many anti-Potterites may be onto something interesting—even if they're not aware of it themselves. (Warning: this article contains spoilers galore.)
Reflections On 'Old Guard' Paganism
By Mike Nichols
c/o The Magick Lantern BBS, March 23 1990
1715 Westport Road
Kansas City, MO 6411
[This article may be reproduced and distributed exactly as is, without further permission of the author, provided it is offered free of charge. Changes in the text, however, must be approved in advance by the author.] article-64- 1.html
By: Mike Nichols
'Old Guard Paganism'. The phrase started out as a joke, but then caught on. This tells us something. It tells us there is a NEED for such a term. It also implies its own antithesis, 'New Guard Paganism'. And it indicates that there is some difference between the two -- a 'difference that makes a difference' -- and thus requires differentiating labels. (It should perhaps be noted that the word 'Paganism' is used in the present context -- however inaccurately -- to refer to modern Neo-Pagan Witchcraft, or Wicca. With grave misgivings, I have adopted this usage here.)
The first time I heard the phrase 'Old Guard Pagan' (used as a pejorative, as I remember) was during the organizing of the first Heartland Pagan Festival. It seems that the festival was being organized mainly by 'New Guard Pagans' who felt they were not getting the anticipated support from the 'Old Guard'. Yet, even after such misunderstandings were cleared up, the phrase remained. Why? And what is the line of demarcation?
I remember a discussion I had at the time with a long-time High Priestess and friend, in which we laughingly concluded that an Old Guard Pagan was any 'pre-Starhawk' Pagan. ( Starhawk's important book, 'The Spiral Dance' was first published in 1979.) Thus, an Old Guard Pagan is any pre- 1979 Pagan. And yet, seniority alone couldn't BE the difference -- although it might ACCOUNT for many differences. (It is interesting to note that Starhawk's book is responsible for a massive influx of people into feminist traditions of Wicca, and this shift in focus may likewise account for key differences.)
I suppose it's time for a bit of a disclaimer on my part. By the preceding definition, I myself am an Old Guard Pagan, having become a Witch in 1970. Thus, my views may be consequently biased toward the Old Guard. Still, I don't intend for this essay to degenerate into shaking my cane at novices and using words like 'whipper-snapper' and 'scalliwag'. On the contrary, I enjoy working with novices and have taught a beginner's Witchcraft course for the past 18 years. No, my real goal here is to examine what I believe to be real and profound differences in attitudes concerning certain key issues between the two groups. Hopefully, this will lead to greater understanding and tollerance on the part of both.
In the following passages, I've tried to distill the differences between Old and New Guard Paganism, presenting them as strict dichotomies. However, bear in mind the vagaries that must accompany all such generalizations and the exceptions that will inevitably be cited.
FEW VS. MANY: Even today, with a substantial Pagan community for support, a newcomer often feels insecure, frightened, and alone when rejecting the religious training of childhood in favor of Paganism. Imagine then, how much more insecure, frightened and alone an Old Guard Pagan would have felt, with literally no one to support such a decission. In fact, no one to talk to at all. When I first became a Witch, I knew of no other Witches anywhere. For all I knew, I was the first human being in centuries to make such a conscious choice. And this, I found, was typical of most Old Guard Pagans.
RESISTANCE VS. ACCEPTANCE: Naturally, only those of extraordinary courage and perception would make such a choice back then. Not only because they assumed they were choosing a solitary path, but also because they were sure to encounter active resistance -- if not outright hostility. Today, of course, Witches have appeared on Phil Donahue, Oprah Winfrey, Geraldo Rivera, and other national TV and radio shows, and the general populace is becoming more educated and, if not totally accepting, at least more tolerant.
SECRECY VS. OPENNESS: But before such positive media PR, most Old Guard Pagans learned quickly to 'keep themselves to themselves'. Usually, there was no one to talk with anyway, and when there was, it was someone trying to dissuade you from your choice. Thus, most Old Guard Pagans are more inclined to secrecy concerning their involvement than New Guard Pagans.
INACCESSABLE VS. ACCESSABLE INFORMATION: For Old Guard Pagans, information was hard won indeed. There were no Starhawks or Margot Adler's back then -- no one to neatly organize and systemitize the beliefs of Pagans. There were instead books by Sybil Leek, Paul Huson, Leo Martello, and Lady Sheba (at best), and books by Hans Holzer and Louise Huebner (at worst). And there were the historical tomes of Murray, Thorndike, Robbins, and others, as well as the disorganized 'linking' work of Gardner, Lealand, and a few more. And there was no one to tell you which book was worthwhile and which wasn't -- so you read them ALL! Typically, an Old Guard Pagan has read (and owns!) a small library of books on Paganism. And, back then, if you HADN'T read the classics (like Murray and Gardner) then you weren't taken very seriously by other Pagans. By contrast, many New Guard Pagans feel that reading one or two books (usually Adler and Starhawk) is quite sufficient. One unfortunate result is that Adler's or Starhawk's version of Paganism is taken as the 'standard' by the New Guard, which is far from the case.
SOLITARY VS. COVEN: Old Guard Pagans used to dream of the day they might meet another real Witche, or maybe even (ecstacy of ecstacies!) an entire Coven! Meanwhile, there was nothing to do but continue studying AND PRACTICING alone, as a 'solitary'. This meant that, since Old Guard Pagans studied and practised the Craft in relative isolation, they developed strong individual concepts about it, an inner sense of theology, and the ability to use ritual and magic effectively alone. By contrast, New Guard Pagans are often introduced to other PAGANS before being introduced to PaganISM. Their first experiences are group-oriented ( Would you like to come to a Circle?), and the group continues to DEFINE Paganism for the novice. Without going through a solitary phase, most New Guard Pagans never develop a strong personal sense of what Paganism means. Worse, when asked to perform magic or rituals on their own, they are brought to a complete standstill, since all their experience has been with groups.
LONG VS. SHORT PERIOD OF TRAINING: Even for the Old Guard Pagan who had managed to find a Coven to join, it was only the beginning of an even longer period of intensive training -- 'a year and a day' was the standard minimum. During this time, the novice might be apprenticed to any number of members of the Coven, to learn what they had to teach. At the end of that time, the candidate MAY or MAY NOT be judged ready for initiation. By contrast, New Guard Pagans are often introduced to Paganism and invited to join their first rituals in the same breath (often at Pagan 'festivals'). From the Old Guard point of view, this is not only wrong but actually DANGEROUS! A person who is untrained in handling magical power has no business inside a magic circle -- for their own sake, and the sake others attending!
JOIN VS. CREATE A COVEN: Naturally, the Old Guard Pagan would much prefer to join a pre-existing Coven -- the older the better. Only then could there be centuries-old secrets passed down through oral tradition for the novice to learn! The New Guard Pagan seems to care nothing for this. It is enough to gather a small group of people interested in Paganism, and start your own group. From the Old Guard perspective, this makes as much sense as a novice mountain-climber being taken on his first climb by a group of rank beginners as green as he is!
ONE VS. MANY COVENS: You may also be sure that an Old Guard Pagan is only going to belong to a single Coven. By contrast, New Guard Pagans often join as many Covens as will have them, collecting initiations as though they were stamps. (This is also a mark of New Guard Covens, because an Old Guard Coven would never consider initiating someone who is already a member of another Coven.)
INITIATORY VS. NON-INITIATORY: And, of course, initiation was the ultimate goal of most Old Guard Witches -- the one moment of transformation that all the training led up to -- the final reward for years of difficult study, work and devotion -- both alone and in the group. Most New Guard Pagans don't believe in initiations, since they claim (and they are often right!) that there is no one in the group more advanced than themselves.
RESPECT FOR ELDERS VS. NONE: This may come the closest to sounding like cane- shaking, but it follows logically from the previous passage. Most Old Guard Pagans would tend to assume that someone who has been a practising Pagan for more years than they have, has more knowledge and experience to draw on, and consequently more to teach. And unless situations prove otherwise, these Elders deserve our respect. New Guard Pagans, often feeling that Elders must first 'earn' their respect, do not seek out the wisdom of the older generations of Witches. The unfortunate result is the loss of much valuable legend and lore.
TRADITONAL VS. ECLECTIC: Granted, there is no such thing as a 'pure' uncontaminated tradition of the Craft, stretching back to the dawn of time. Nor would such a case be necessarily desireable, even if it could be found. Every tradition has borrowed from outside sources and is eclectic to some extent. Yet, while Old Guard Pagans often work to preserve their own traditions, New Guard Pagans are often deliberately eclectic, with a wonderful disregard of cultural heritage. The advantage of being eclectic is that it doesn't require much work, in the way of research. The disadvantage is that one often becomes 'jack of all trads, master of none'.
SKEPTICAL VS. UNCRITICAL: Perhaps because of the value Old Guard Pagans place on traditional forms of magic and divination, they are very often skeptical of new forms. For example, you won't find many Old Guard Pagans going in for the current fad of quartz crystals. In fact, Old Guard Pagans will likely point out that there have been no controlled experiments concerning the psychic property of crystals, that there is no historical precedent for such beliefs, that the use of crystals by Native Americans has been overstated and misrepresented, and that other precious and semi-precious gem stones are traditionally just as effective. New Guard Pagans, however, are often not far removed from New Age Pagans, and go in for everything from crytals, to channeling, to UFO's, without much hint of critical evaluation.
RELIGIOUS VS. SOCIAL REASON FOR JOINING: This is perhaps the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE that exists between the two groups, and it could well account for many other differences. For many Old Guard Pagans, there COULD be NO SOCIAL REASON for becoming a Pagan, since Pagans were so few and far between that most of us didn't know ANY other Pagans anywhere! New Guard Pagans, on the other hand, often become involved in Paganism for purely social reasons. One has the feeling that, if there weren't Pagan groups to join, such people would end up in the SCA, or some other form of surrogate extended family. Not that such a need isn't valid. But if social reasons are the primary motivation for becoming a Pagan, it marks a significant break from the Old Guard, whose motivation was chiefly religious.
Perhaps that is why Old Guard Pagans are often a bit isolationist, and are quite happy with a fragmented, inular Pagan community. In fact, Old Guard Pagans tend to look with grave suspicion on the 'calls to unity' -- to create a homogenous Pagan community -- that one often hears coming from New Guard Pagans.
RELIGIOUS VS. POLITICAL REASONS FOR JOINING: Similar to the passage above, this again deals with one's primary motivation for becoming a Pagan. For Old Guard Pagans, being political was something that grew out of one's religious ideas. But, just as there is much variance in Old Guard Paganism, so too there is much variance in Old Guard politics. From my own friends, I can cite Old Guard Pagans who run the gamut from Socialist to Libertarian. This same political diversity is noticably absent in New Guard Paganism, with most New Guard Pagans sticking to the same party line. Also, there is less tollerance of Pagans who diverge from that party line. More stress is placed on being 'politically correct'.
RELIGIOUS VS. FEMINIST REASONS FOR JOINING: Finally, many Old Guard Pagans have become feminists AS A RESULT OF their Pagan beliefs. By contrast, many New Guard Pagans are Pagans AS A RESULT OF their feminist beliefs. Once more, it's a question of which takes precedent. And although it may seem like the final result would be the same, such is not the case. Pagans who come to Paganism via feminism are often separatists, Goddess monotheists, anarchists, distrustful of both structure and authority, insisting on such ideas as consensus political forms, rotating High Priestesses (often without High Priests at all), and other non-traditional Coven structures. (Often, such groups disdain to use the word 'Coven' and simply refer to their 'Circles'.) The perenial problems that plague such groups (the lack of focus, the inability to set goals, the endless personality clashes and power plays, and the fact that nothing ever gets done) come as no surprise. Much of this would be unthinkable to Old Guard Pagans, who would no more rotate the position of High Priestess in their Coven than they would rotate the position of mother in their family. ( The New Guard attitude toward authority arises, I believe, from a healthy mistrust of it as it is typically used (abused) in patriarchal society. This perception is particularly acute among feminists. What it fails to consider is how authority may be used positively in a matriarchy.)
NON- VS. PROSELYTIZING: For an Old Guard Pagan, the idea of saying to someone 'Would you like to join our Coven?' or 'Would you like to become a Witch?' would have been unthinkable. Proselytizing was one of the most detested aspects of the religious tradition (usually Christian) being left behind. Those groups who actively recruit members were, to the Old Guard, groups to be shunned at all costs. Witchcraft is not the one, right, and only religion. In fact, it probably appeals only to a select few. And those few exhibit their courage and sincerity when they seek out a Coven or a tradition. When a Coven seeks THEM out instead (Won't you please join our Circle tonight?), there is no guage of the novice's devotion. Perhaps that is why the 'drop-out' rate is much higher for New Guard than Old Guard. (Other mystery traditions, such as the Freemasons, strictly forbid a member to ask an outsider if they would like to join.)
Lest one conclude that there are only differences between Old and New Guard Pagans, let me mention a few things they seem to have in common. First, there is magic -- both in its frequency of use, and what it is used for. Second, the use of drugs by modern Witches has always been a minority position, and seems to remain so. Third, the times of celebration and festival, appointed by the seasons and the phases of the moon, seem constant (although New Guard Pagans often employ inapporpriate names for the holidays). So, while there are differences, there is common ground as well.
If the remarks you overhear made by Old Guard Pagans (and the remarks made in this essay!) seem slighty petulent, tinged with sibling rivalry, it is not to be wondered at. The Old Guard Pagan is in the position of older brother or sister of the family. They often feel, quite justifyably, that the things which they had to fight Mom and Dad so HARD for, are now being handed to the younger brother or sister on a silver platter. They feel that since their freedoms and privileges were so hard won, they value them more. They often feel that the younger siblings do not APPRECIATE all the things the older siblings have done to make such freedoms possible. And, of course, they are right. Such will always be the way of the world -- the march of generations. Still, the thing to remember about sibling rivalry is that, underneath it all, we ARE siblings; we ARE brothers and sisters, whatever forms may divide us; we ARE all sons and daughters of the Great Mother.
Document Copyright © 1988, 1998 by Mike Nichols
This document can be re-published only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others.
The sacred circle of life by Helen Riding
I recently crafted a broad definition of Paganism as "Paganism is a religious movement embracing earth-centred spiritual traditions that celebrate the sacred circle of life and teach us to live in harmony with Nature and each other."
This definition was inspired by a clause in the current bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, the sixth source of inspiration adopted in 1995.
"The living tradition which we share draws from many sources: Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature."
On the advice of others, for which I am grateful, I changed my original wording from "a broad umbrella religion" to "a religious movement" to allow for the many different Pagan paths within Paganism. This change also allows for the fact that a Pagan path may not be a legally recognized religion in any given country. (Follow the link)
The Witches' Stang by Glaux
The stang is the central tool and main altar of our tradition. A stang, in its most basic form is simply a forked stick set with its long end into the ground. It acts as an axis on which magic can turn, and as a pole that can be "ridden" by the shaman or witch into different realms. Its forks represent the horns of the Witch Lord.
The stang entered modern Craft by the hand of Robert Cochrane, who called it as "sacred to the People as the Crucifix is to the Christians." I've written about Cochrane's use of the stang in my July 2011 post on Treading the Mill.
What is Wildcrafting?
By Patti Wigington
In addition to growing your own magical herbs in your garden, in many areas you can harvest herbs from their natural environment -- in the wild. This is known as wildcrafting, and is becoming a popular pastime. If you're one of the many Pagans or Wiccans who enjoys working with herbs, you may want to look into wildcrafting. However, much like any other natural resource, herbs must be harvested responsibly -- otherwise, a once-plentiful plant can quickly end up on the endangered list! An ethical wildcrafter should never cause damage, nor should they deplete a resource. Here's how to be an ethical wildcrafter. Get Permission: First, be sure you have permission to wildcraft in the area you're visiting. Some public lands require you to have a permit before you may harvest any plants. If you're on private property, get permission from the landowner. Also, be sure you check your local Department of Agriculture extension to see if there are plants that are on the endangered list in your area. That wild ginger may seem inviting, but if it's being depleted in your region, you need to pass on it.
Should Pagans Be Survivalists? August 9, 2011 by Star Foster
Nothing in excess. We all know the Delphic Maxim. All things in moderation. Consumerism is, in principal if not always in practice, antithetical to the Modern Pagan movement. Although we are not anti-material, we are not lulled by acquiring and consuming. Most of us reject the American Dream. Or do we? (read more of what Star has to say)
DC40 Calls Out the Pagans
Remember back in July when we talked about the "prayer warriors" of DC40, and their plan to invade the US capital for forty days and forty nights? Well, as you can imagine, there were some pretty heated comments in response. Read Full Article
Pagan Group Listings
Death Exists Only Within The Human Mind
Mabon, The Witch's Thanksgiving
by Gordon Ireland
To Autumn
O Autumn. Laden with fruit, and stained
With the blood of the grape, pass not, but sit
Beneath my shady roof, there thou may'st rest,
And tune thy jolly voice to my fresh pipe;
And all the daughters of the year shall dance,
Sing now the lusty song of fruits and flowers.
-William Blake-
Walk Your Talk
with Aleesha Stephenson
Inter-be. Interconnectedness of all things that exist in this world; past, present, and future. I love this concept (hence why I chose it as a theme for the magazine.)
I think the interesting part for me is how this connection comes into play in, what seems to be, the minor aspects of our lives. Even walking down the street and seeing other people walking by I am aware that something about them may trigger a memory, a happy thought, inspire a smile…. We are not alone, even when we are not surrounded by friends - we are never alone.
I could climb up a mountain and sit in the field of flowers and I would still be connected to other people's energy. The people who perhaps sat in this field 100 years ago, or the people who may sit here (or build a house here) in another 100 years. Since time isn't linear - rather it's a spiral - we are constantly moving within the same spaces time and time again.
Connecting ourselves to this energy on a more conscious level is the challenge. Often we get caught up in our mundane, daily lives of running to the market and preparing food, doing laundry, spending time on the computer - all those daily tasks that we get lost within. The gift of mindfulness—while we do these tasks—brings us to a greater acceptance and understanding of inter-being.
So let's talk about being mindful for a moment. Being mindful is when we are fully present in any given situation. Even now, are you truly here, reading these words or is part of your mind going over the check list for tomorrow's errands? When you are eating dinner are you allowing your focus to be on your food and perhaps the chain of events that brought it to you (inter-be) or are you going over the days events and grumbling about the shortcomings? Being mindful is about sitting, walking, doing… and all the while being fully present in the sitting, walking and doing. When we are mindful then our inter-being can come into a more fuller existence within our minds.
To be connected in a conscious way to our inter-being during these moments is to allow the threads of connection to weave their way into our consciousness. When I buy some flowers I know that the flowers were purchased at a local market. The people at the market purchased them from a company who delivered them in a truck. That company bought them from someone who owns the land they were grown on. The men and women who planted the seeds, tended the crops and then picked the flowers are all connected to me now. The soil they were grown in, the worms that tended the soil, the sun whose rays assisted the blossoms to grow… it is all connected, all inter-being with me in this moment as my body begins to absorb the energies, smells and sight of the flowers. I'm not alone… all of those energies are a part of me now.
Perhaps the seeds for these flowers floated through the air and landed on a mountain. Sitting on that mountain I am connected to the flowers in the vase in my home. Ahhhh… do you see it? Do you see the connection?
We all inter-be whether we are aware of it or not. The gift is to take the time to be aware and to gift a small smile of appreciation for all that is - all we are - all that is connected.
One small smile. Who knows who may see it and smile back from their state of inter-being.
Aleesha Stephenson is the Publisher, Editor, Graphic and Web Designer, as well as a Regular Columnist for Timeless Spirit Magazine.
A Raw Foodist, Reiki Master Teacher, who lives her Buddhist, Shamanic, with many eclectic Pagan beliefs, she home-schools one of her three spiritually-enlightened children as her elder children have graduated and moved on to the school of life. Friend (and mother) to them, her life truly is filled with light.
Author of the "Pathways Series," a series of workbooks created for 28 consecutive nights of spellwork for Magi's Magick Spells. Aleesha teaches classes in tarot, meditation, and Reiki. She is also a Raw Food and Fasting Coach. For more information, please contact Aleesha via email or visit her personal web page.
Sources: 27.html pagan-wiccan wildhunt/ 2011/07/pagan- charity-in- missouri- and-australia- plus-other- pagan-news- of-note.html php?op=modload& name=News& file=article& sid=28691 pagannews. php witchschool/ 2010/08/18/ pagans-tonight
- 5.
Tuesday's Correspondence...October 4
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Oct 3, 2011 8:12 pm (PDT)
Tuesday's Correspondence...October 4
Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters
Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Aromas: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Color of The Day: Dark Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Blue
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron
Gemstones: Garnets, ruby
Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus
Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection
Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money,
business, attracting more of what you have.
What's Happening Today:
Fast of Ceres -This Roman holiday was propitatory, begun in 191 BCE after a series of disasters. Originally held every four years, by the reign of Augustus it was celebrated annually. Besides fasting, celebrants wore garlands in the Greek fashion. This holiday has certain similarities to the Greek holiday of Thesmophoria which also honored the grain goddess.
Blackburn, Bonnie & Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford University Press 1999
London: CARRYING IN THE PUDDING, a ceremony dating to 1775, opens pudding season with an 80-pound meat pie, & songs such as "Ye Pancakes & Toasted Cheese."
ST. FRANCIS DAY/Blessing of the Animals-Once saved from a plague of mice by a cat which sprang miraculously from his sleeve. He was also a friend to animals and known for respecting the life force in everything, referring to "Brother Sun" and "Sister Moon." In many places around the world, animals are brought to church on this day to be blessed.
SWALLOWS depart for warmer climes
- 6.
Today's Goddess: Hybla Saint Francis Day (Italy)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Oct 3, 2011 8:13 pm (PDT)
Today's Goddess:Hybla
Saint Francis Day (Italy)
Themes: Earth; Ecology; Nature; Animals
Symbols: All Natural Objects
About Hybla:
This Sicilian Goddess presides over earth and nature, tending to all its needs. She also gave birth to humanity and inspires greater earth
awareness within us.
To Do Today:
Saint Francis of Assisi's life is celebrated today because of his gentle relationship with nature, which he considered a family member (often
calling animals "brothers and sisters"). This is why he became the
patron of many environmentalists. To remember him and honor Hybla's
spirit, which he so powerfully displayed, say a prayer for the earth
today. Invoke Hybla's nurturing energy with words like these:
"Earth Mother, look upon your child. Look upon the plants--restore the earth's greenery.
Look uponthe animals and protect them from more harm.
Look upon the waters and purify each drop.
Look upon the winds, and cleanse the air.
Take the world gently in your caring arms, and love it back
into wholeness once more.
Tuck a flower petal or
leaf in your pocket or shoe today to keep Hybla's earth awareness close
by. And, if you have pets, today is the perfect time to bless them.
Give them special foods, find nonchemical pest repellents, and pamper
them with extra love. Remember life is a network: showing kindness to
one strand extends the energy outward to the web. )0(
By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"
- 7a.
A Past Life Dream Spell
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Oct 3, 2011 8:15 pm (PDT)
A Past Life Dream Spell
October, the door to the other-world opens. Our dreams serve now as
doors to other realms. You can use your dreams to recall former lives,
and then use this information to help you deal with problems in your
current life.
this spell at bedtime when you aren't overly tired. To start, you'll
need a smooth and polished amethyst stone. Sitting on a bed, hold the
amethyst and say:
I call on
the power of perfect memory to enable me to see a past life I've lived; it shall be revealed in my dreams. I'll see only what I should see. So
mote it be.
Place the amethyst beneath your pillow and go to sleep. When you awake,
record any images you recall. Repeat this spell over many nights. ~ James Kambos
- 8a.
Apuleius, The Golden Ass
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Oct 3, 2011 8:31 pm (PDT)
Holy Goddess, comforter, your abundant grace
feeds the world, your abundant heart consoles us
all when we suffer. You do not rest, night or day;
you are everywhere, on land and on sea, aiding us.
My tongue is not equal to your praise,
nor my voice to your beauty, nor my wealth
to the sacrifices I owe you. A thousand tongues
in a thousand mouths would not be enough.
So I can only lock away your image in my heart
and make every action a prayer of thanks to you.
~Apuleius, The Golden Ass
Today marks the ancient Egyptian Feast of Lamentations, one of those festivals that unfolded
the story of the Goddess' loss of her brother-lover, and of his
resurrection at her hands. Such death-and-rebirth stories tell, in human terms, the story of the year's cycle. Now, as we look about and see the falling leaves, the darkening skies, we feel the same mournfulness Isis felt when she looked upon the dismembered body of her beloved Osiris.
How can we learn to
embrace all of life? It is easy to love the times of peace and plenty,
times when love is new and the living is easy. But our lives are as
cyclical as our planet's years. Times of pain alternate with times of
joy; times of loss with times of comfort; times of growth with times of
stagnation. There is no greater spiritual challenge than learning to
accept all as part of life, as part of the Goddess. )0(
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"
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