duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2774

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)



BOOK REVIEW - Reiki Light:  Reiki, Buddhism and the Medicine Buddha

Posted by: "gleason.mike@comcast.net" gleason.mike@comcast.net   gleasonm01915

Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:59 am (PST)

Reiki Light: Reiki, Buddhism and the Medicine Buddha by Karl Hernesson © 2011 Megalithica Books ISBN: 978-1-905713-33-2 416 pages Paperback $22.99 (U.S.)

I am not a Reiki practitioner, nor am I particularly interested in learning the techniques involved, although I can recognize the validity and usefulness of them. Therefore I approached this book as simply someone who wanted to learn about a topic. Honestly, I was not expecting the Buddhist background and history, although I did appreciate how that information placed Reiki within a historical context. Another thing I appreciated was the attempt by the author to dispel the rumors and falsehoods which have attached themselves to this method of healing. Knowing that the current form is quite a bit divorced from the spiritual underpinnings made it easier to appreciate the information being conveyed.

Mr. Hernesson makes several valid points about the advantages of "in-person" Reiki attunement as opposed to "distance" attunement, several of which are so obvious as to really not need stating, which makes their inclusion all the more important. Some of them also apply to other forms of distance learning, but that is another matter entirely.

A differentiation is made between Reiki and other forms of spiritual healing, with the emphasis added that is it not necessarily "better" than other forms, merely different. To some, this may appear to be nit picking, but it is necessary to do both, as there are individuals who tend to brag about the superiority of their way of doing things.

Unfortunately, to truly take advantage of this book one needs to be able to devote a decent amount of time to not only reading it, but to working with it, and that is a luxury I simply don't have. My evaluation must be based solely on the ability of the author to convey information in an easily understandable way, which Mr. Hernesson does nicely. Even the section on the chakras (which can often be quite confusing to one not familiar with the background of it) is clear and easy to understand.

Various methods of self-protection are explained in detail, ranging from simple shielding to complete sealing. Which one(s) you choose is for you to decide on an individual case basis. There are advantages and disadvantages to each method, and only you will know which is appropriate.

Techniques are discussed for the transmission of the healing energies which include a variety ranging from beaming the energy (from hand or chakra) to rainbow beaming. Along the way, the various aspects of the colors are discussed as they relate to Reiki. These can be applied for both in-person and distance healing.

The symbols which currently form such a vital part of the Reiki system (especially in the Western world) are explained (and their illustrations appear in Appendix F [starting on page 397]). Their usage in modern Reiki is looked at, even though there is a possibility that they were a later addition to the system. Without a doubt, they are very much integral to the usage of Reiki by the average practitioner. Their usefulness in cleansing an area, healing individuals, and as meditation subjects are all explored.

Breathing techniques are also explored in some depth, and their applications are looked at for a variety of uses.

It is necessary to understand the underlying principles of Japanese thought and perception (which are, understandably, different from Western perceptions) in order to help your practice of Reiki come to a fuller fruition. This is not to say that you must reject your Western-based concept of reality and truth and accept the Japanese version; it simply means that you must take into account the variations which occur between the two ways of looking at the world.

The book is extensively foot-noted and references a variety of sources with differing perspectives on the history, development, and use of Reiki. There is a great deal of information contained within these foot-notes and it should be taken advantage of.

I must admit that I skimmed this book (as opposed to my usual thorough reading of each page), and that I must have missed a fairly large amount of the detail. Regardless, I did read several sections in their totality and have to say that, personally, I would not hesitate to recommend this book.

I plan to revisit this book in the future. I also plan to have a Reiki practitioner I know read it and give me their evaluation of it, so expect to see an update on this review some time later this year.


BOOK REVIEW - The Suppressed History of America

Posted by: "gleason.mike@comcast.net" gleason.mike@comcast.net   gleasonm01915

Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:03 am (PST)

The Suppressed History of America by Xavian Haze and Paul Schrag © 2011 Bear and Company

ISBN: 978-1-59143-122-0 Paperback 160 pages $15.00 (U.S.) $17.50 (Canada)


The subtitle of this volume "The Murder of Meriwetherr Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition" perhaps sets up a false expectation in the minds of potential readers. The primary focus of the authors is on those unanswered questions which were raised by the encounters of the Corps of Discovery with Native American tribes, which ranged from how the Appaloosa breed of horse was able to be developed in the extremely short period of time between the alleged arrival of horses with the Spaniards and the journey of the Corps to who built the mounds in the Midwest and their purpose.

The record of this monumental journey, as it is taught in American schools of today, is one composed of conjecture in the main, since massive numbers of journal entries (not to mention entire journals) have gone missing. Even with the missing accounts, some things stand out. Lewis and Clark noted the appearance of tribes exhibiting "white" characteristics (hair and eye color among other things), similarities between some Native words and those appearing in European languages, and stories which paralleled Biblical accounts of everything from the appearance of giants among humans as well as the Deluge.

It is possible, of course, that the loss of so much material was due to simple misfortune. Writings were

sent over vast distances, through wildernesses little (or un-) explored prior to their journey. It is also

possible that a conspiracy existed to restrict such information from making its way to the centers of

power. There were rumors of the existence of vast quantities of mineral wealth (not just gold, but

copper and lead as well), which would have given certain people an incentive to hold that information in private hands.

It isn't until the tenth chapter that the actual death of Meriwether Lewis is addressed, and even there a lack of solid evidence is noted from the very moment of his death. Did he by means of an assassination, simple robbery gone wrong or, as was alleged at the time, by his own hand because of depression and/or alcoholism? We will, most likely never know. The accounts of his death (all at second or third hand) are suspect for a number of reasons; access to his remains (in spite of requests by his descendants) have been consistently denied; and the "experts" have rendered their opinions.

Attempts made to follow up on many of the anomalies noted by the expedition have been routinely denigrated by those is positions of authority because those doing the field work don't have the "proper" training and credentials; as if only properly trained individuals can make discoveries (tell that to the Bedouin youth who discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls) or are able to determine if something is authentic.

If you are a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorist, this book does not go far enough in its investigations and allegations. If you are a dyed-in-the-wool conventionalist, it is simple wild speculation with no solid evidence to back it up. If, on the other hand, you are willing to consider alternative explanations and occasionally far-ranging theories, this book may well inspire you to do more reading. Whichever side of that fence you are on, this book is an enjoyable way to spend some time.


NROOGD Public Brighid

Posted by: "LeaAnn" leaann.hays@yahoo.com   leaann.hays

Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:58 pm (PST)

NROOGD Public Brighid

Come, join the Goddess in her journey on the Wheel!


February 4th 2012

gather at 6:30 PM

ritual at 7:00 PM

What to bring:

Food to share: * Please bring enough to share with 4 others and be prepared to take any left overs home.

* Please bring your own Mess Kit


Neibyl-Proctor Marxist Library

6501 Telegraph Avenue

Berkeley, CA


We ask for a donation of $5.00 - $20.00. As always, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Contact information: delphina55@comcast.net

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