vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4982

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)

Prayers For Our Pagan Soldiers, 1/5/2012, 7:00 pm From:
Friday's Correspondence...January 6 From: Cher Chirichello
Goddess of The Day: KORE   Festival of Kore (Greece) From: Cher Chirichello
Homeric Hymn To Hera From: Cher Chirichello
DailyOM: An Inner Choice From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: Happy New Year!  January 2012 Newsletter From: Cher Chirichello



Prayers For Our Pagan Soldiers, 1/5/2012, 7:00 pm

Posted by: ""

Thu Jan 5, 2012 3:40 pm (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Prayers For Our Pagan Soldiers
Thursday January 5, 2012
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Prayers For Our Loved Members in Iraq

Pete Barrington <lordtracker, member)Came home 02/08/10
Robert James
Sgt, Thomas Kerns Afghanistan
David Daugherty
James Martin
Michael Cochran <>
Scotti (scottia_37)
Eric McArter
Pvt1 Roy Nicholas Kimball
PFC Clint Saucida
PFC Trujillo, Floyd (Tony) Army/Iraq

Your in our Prayers, be safe and come home quick!
And Many prayers to the families to First Class Charles Heinlein Passed July 31st, PFC Stephen P Snowberger III & SGT Stewart, we honor they're passing and will never be forgotten!

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Friday's Correspondence...January 6

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Jan 5, 2012 7:59 pm (PST)

Friday's Correspondence...January 6
Today's Influences: Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Deities: Freya, Venus, Aphrodite, Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Aromas: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense:   Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Color of The Day:  Red, Pink
Candle: Red

Planet: Venus

Metal: Copper

Gemstones: Coral, emerald, rose quartz

Herbs & Plants: Strawberries, apple blossoms, feverfew

Associations: Family life and fertility, sexuality, harmony, friendship, growth

Perform Spells involving courage, physical strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.

What's Happening Today:

Twelfth Day (aka Twelfthtide)
Blessing of the Waters (Turkey)
Swap Day
King of the Bean (aka Bean Day)
Apple Tree Day
La Befana (Italy)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Greek Cross Day
Three King's Day
Feast of Aesculapius (Greek God of Healing)
Perch Tenlauf (Austria)
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Children's Day (Uruguay)
St. Peter Baptist's Day (patron of Japan)
Army Day (Iraq)
St. Balthazar, Caspar, and Melchoir's Day (patron of travelers)
Old Christmas Day
St. Macra's Day (patron against breast disease)
National Shortbread Day 
Christian/Pagan: Epiphany, Twelfth Night, Three Kings Day, Tirer Gâteau/Les rois (Voudun)

Greek: The sixth day of each month is sacred to the Goddess Artemis.

Greek/Roman: Koreion, the festival of Kore, also known as Persephone. In Roman-occupied Alexandria, water was drawn from   the Nile as part of the ceremonies. Theodosia celebrated the Gift of God on the island of Andros of ancient Greece, when it   is said that the water drawn of the spring nearby and drunk at the temple of Dionysos tasted like wine, starting on this day   and continuing for a week. The miraculous birth of Aion (Aeon), Kore's child of a virgin birth, was associated with Dionysus and   Sarapis, and this may be why Christians associate the Epiphany of January 6th with the miracle at the wedding feast of Cana,  when Jesus turned water into wine (of even better quality than the wine which had been served by the family of the newlyweds!).  
 Although the celebration of Aeon's birth to Kore is far older than the story of Mary giving birth to Jesus, Christians were  scornful of it and thought it mocked the story of the birth of the Christ child. They were also disgusted with the ritual where the naked statue of Kore was brought up from underground, adorned with jewels, and paraded around Her temple seven times for protection.  Despite their scorn, Christ's birth was celebrated on the date of the Koreion, January 6th, rather than December 25th, until the fourth century.

Celtic: Day of the Three-Fold Goddesses: Maid, Mother, Crone.

Slavic Pagan: Turisi is the holiday of the bull, Jar-tur, a symbol of the powerful forces of life and fertility. People
celebrate by wearing masks and parading in imitation of the Great Bull. Young and old alike join in playing games, ending   the New Year holiday.
Koreion - An early Church father, St Epiphanius complained that in Alexandria in the temple of Kore-Persephone, a hideous mockery was enacted on Epiphany. “And if anyone asks them what manner of mysteries these might be, they reply saying, ‘Today at this hour, Kore, that is the virgin, has given birth to Aeon.’” Part of the ritual involved bringing the naked statue of the Kore up from underground, adorning Her with jewels and parading Her around the temple seven times for protection.
Despite Epiphanius’s scorn, the myth of Kore giving birth to Aeon, the year-god, is much older than the story of Mary giving birth to Jesus which he thought it mocked. Until the fourth century, Christ's birth was celebrated on January 6th rather than December 25th. Source: Rahner, Greek Myths and Christian Mystery
Epiphany - The Epiphany (which means apparition or manifestation) honors the arrival of the Magi and the first public presentation of the Baby Jesus. In Belgium, children dress up as the Three Kings and go from door to door singing a begging song. In Spain, the Magi leave gifts in the shoes children have set out on balconies or by the front door the previous evening, filled with straw and grain for the camels. Children who awaken to find a charcoal mark on their face are said to have been kissed by Balthazar. Since the twelve nights of Christmas are a liminal time, when evil spirits, like the Greek kalikatzari, can roam the earth, people protect their houses by chalking the Three King’s initials C or K (in Hungary G), B and M (for Caspar, Balthazar and Melchoir) on their doors.
In Bulgaria, housewives rise early and carry the family crucifix, icons and plough to the village fountain. There they wash them with salt and water saying, “May the wheat be as white as the plough, as wholesome as the salt.” The clergy also bless homes with holy water. If the water freezes on the priest’s boxwood whisk, the year will be good and the crops fruitful.
In Danube port towns, they bless the waters. In Philippopolis, the most important town of southern Bulgaria, the priest throws the cross from the bridge into the Maritza River. The man who recovers it is allowed to take it around from house to house and receive money gifts, then returns it to the priest who bestows his blessing.
A similar blessing happens in Hungary only the priest uses salt and water and blesses houses and puts the initials of the three kings (K, M and B for Kaspar, Balthazar and Melchior) on the doorstep.
Italians believe that animals can talk on the night of Epiphany so owners feed them well. Fountains and rivers in Calabria run with olive oil and wine and everything turns.
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night was written in 1600 for the popular celebrations that used to take place in Britain on January 5, the Twelfth Night revels.
The Bean King
In olden times, a bean (or a pea or a penny) was baked into the Twelfth Cake eaten on Twelfth Day, January 6. As the ancient Romans used to do at the festival of Saturn at this time of year, people elected a “king” for the day. The British had their “king” when someone found the bean in his slice of cake.

Druidic customs
Old British customs for Twelfth Night abound, with scholars telling us some are Roman and some probably Druidic. A “king” was elected for the evening, and went through the house chalking crosses on the rafters against devils. After this, the master and mistress of the house went about the home with a pan of incense, a candle and a loaf to prevent witchcraft.
Who were the Magi?
The Wise Men of the East who brought gifts to the baby Jesus are known as the Magi (Latin for wise men). Tradition calls them Melchior, Caspar or Gaspar, and Balthasar. They offered gold (emblem of royalty), frankincense (divinity) and myrrh (woe and death). The latter, a herb used in mummification and embalming, symbolised the persecution Jesus would receive, that would even take him to death.

In Cyprus the souls of unbaptised babies, kalikandjari, arrive on Christmas day and leave tonight. They are evil demons who steal infants. Tonight housewives customarily knead pastry dough in total silence, frying it up and flinging it on the roof for the kalikandjari, while they sang,

Little piece, piece of sausage,
Knife with a black handle,
Piece of pancake,
Eat and let us go.
Carnival begins
The period from Epiphany (January 6), until Shrove (or, Pancake) Tuesday (Mardi Gras in French) is called Carnival. In Roman Catholic countries it is a period for amusement and revelry, hence the fairground meaning of the word. It comes from the Latin carnis, flesh, and levare, to remove. Lent, when flesh may not be eaten, immediately follows Carnival. On Shrove Tuesday, people ‘shrive’(confess) their sins and might eat pancakes to use up the last of the eggs and butter before the fast of Lent … which is why the French called it Fat Tuesday.

Goddess of The Day: KORE   Festival of Kore (Greece)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Jan 5, 2012 8:00 pm (PST)

Goddess of The Day: KORE  
Festival of Kore (Greece)
Themes: Luck; Cycles; Youthful Energy
Symbols: Coins; Corn; the Number Seven; Flower Buds; Pomegranate
About Kore: An aspect of Persephone before her marriage to Hades, this youthful
goddess motivates good fortune, zeal, and a closer affinity to earth's
cycles during the coming months.
Kore, whose name means
"maiden," is the youngest aspect of the triune goddess. She was the
daughter of Zeus and Demeter, as beautiful as spring's blossoms and as
fragrant as its breezes. It was this beauty that inspired Hades to tempt her with a pomegranate, a symbol of eternal marriage. Because she ate
the fruit, Persephone spends her winter with Hades as his wife and
returns to the earth in the spring
To Do Today:
Traditionally, on this day the Greeks carried an image of Kore around
the temple seven times for victory, protection and good fortune. Since
your home is your sacred space, consider walking clockwise around it
seven times with any goddess symbol you have (a round stone, vase, or
bowl will suffice). As you go, visualize every nook and cranny being
filled with the yellow-white light of dawn, neatly chasing away any
lingering wintering blues.
This is also Twelfth
Night. Customarily, all holiday decorations should be down by now. This
day marks winter's passage and perpetuates Kore's gusto and luck in your home year-round. Also consider carrying a little unpopped popcorn in
your pocket to keep Kore's zeal and vigor close by for when you need it.  )0(  
By Patricia Telesco 

Homeric Hymn To Hera

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Jan 5, 2012 8:10 pm (PST)

Let us sing now of Hera, the women's Goddess.
she who rules from her throne of gold.
Let us sing now of Hera, child of earth,
daughter of that most ancient of Goddesses.
Let us sing now of the queen of Gods.
Let us sing now of the most beautiful Goddess..
There is no one more beloved than you,
womanly Hera, no one we honor more.
There is no one more revered than you,
queenly Hera, no one more blessed.
Above all others, you are the most honored.
Above all others, you are the most beloved.
~Homeric Hymn To Hera
In ancient Greece, the primordial Goddess. was honored in three phases. As maiden, she was the growth of young
spring plants; as woman in her prime, she was the queen of heaven. And then she entered her third stage; the
hermit Goddess, the one who left friends and loved ones behind to attend to her own inner needs.
Today's world discourages such withdrawal on the part of all people, but women are especially discouraged from
restorative retreats. Yet without winter's rest, spring cannot come. Without lying fallow, fields will not bear as fully.
Without regular contact with our vast inner solitudes, we forget who we are.
It is winter now, yet spring will come. No matter how cold the days, how raw the wind, how dark the evenings, spring
will come. Let us make these winter days a time to gain self-knowledge and self-awareness. Then when the time
comes to emerge again, we will spring forth anew, reborn and revived.
by Patricia Monaghan

DailyOM: An Inner Choice

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Jan 5, 2012 8:12 pm (PST)

DailyOM - Peace
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:


January 5, 2012
An Inner Choice
Peace starts within us- we cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer.

Often we look at the outside world and find it in a state of seeming chaos or disorder. We feel compelled to transform the situation from one of turmoil into one of peace, yet we are often disappointed in our best attempts to do so. One reason for this is that we cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer. Peace starts in our own minds and hearts, not outside of ourselves, and until its roots are firmly entrenched in our own selves, we cannot manifest it externally. Once we have found it within, we can share it with our family, our community, and the whole wide world. Some of us may already be doing just that, but for most of us, the first step is looking within and honestly evaluating the state of our own relationship to peacefulness.

Interestingly, people who manifest peace internally are not different from us; they have chattering thoughts and troubled emotions like we all do. The difference is that they do not lend their energy to them, so those thoughts and feelings can simply rise and fall like the waves of the ocean without disturbing the deeper waters of peacefulness within. We all have this ability to choose how we distribute our energy, and practice enables us to grow increasingly more serene as we choose the vibration of peace over the vibration of conflict. We begin to see our thoughts and feelings as tiny objects on the surface of our being that pose no threat to the deep interior stillness that is the source of peacefulness.

When we find that we are able to locate ourselves more and more in the deeper waters and less on the tumultuous surface of our being, we have discovered a lasting relationship with peace that will enable us to inspire peace beyond ourselves. Until then, we help the world most by practicing the art of choosing peace within.

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Fw: Happy New Year!  January 2012 Newsletter

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Jan 5, 2012 8:17 pm (PST)

Happy New Year! January 2012 Newsletter
Happy New Year!  This month's newsletter features helpful information, coupons, and more!  Email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser.
January 2012 Newsletter
Dear Cher,

Happy New Year!  
  We made it!  Here we are at the year 2012.  Wishing you a most blessed new year filled with Love, Wonder, Health, and Joy.  This month's newsletter has information about the 2012 prophesies - the true intention behind these prophesies - in addition to allowing Peace and Health to rest serenely within your mind, body, and Spirit.  
10% Discount

While it's wonderful to receive gifts at the end of the year, I wish to begin your new year with a gift!  Mention this newsletter and receive 10% off any service: massage therapy, energy healing session, or an intuitive blend of both for the month of January.  Contact Denise at or 862-268-3213 to schedule your appointment.

Upcoming Events

New classes, workshops, volunteer events, and retreats are in store for 2012.  Classes include: Spirit Channeling Retreat, Spirit Drum Circle, Awakening Your Divine Essence, Healing Circle, Intro to Shamanism Series, De-Mystifying The Mayan Calendar, Alchemy Through Sound, and more!  Stay tuned for solid dates. 

On Friday, February 3rd from 4pm - 9pm, Boonton Main Street is holding an event "Go Red For Women".  I will be joining Susannah Pitman of Balance Acupuncture Center to offer our services to the community for donations to the American Heart Association.  Susannah will be offering 30-minute stress-relieving acupuncture treatments for a minimum donation of $25, and I will be offering 15-minute chair massage for a minimum donation of $10.  It is highly recommended to schedule an appointment to avoid waiting.  Contact me at or 862-268-3213 to schedule your appointment!

In addition, if you are searching for a class on a specific topic, please contact me and I will do my best to help you find it! 

Newly-Published Article

Every so often, I am called to write for The Shaman's Well.  This site contains a wide range of fascinating articles from people all around the world - Shamans, Spiritual Healers, Energy Practitioners, etc.  I recently authored a new article entitled "Ayahuasca - The Shaman's Red Pill" which can be found here: .  My personal experience with Madre Ayahuasca can be found on my website at  If you are called to work with Ayahuasca or another form of powerful plant medicine and have any questions, please feel free to email me and I'll do my best to help shed light where I can :)

The 2012 Prophesies

Most every indigenous culture, religion, and spiritual practice worldwide has some reference to, what is often referred to, as the 2012 Prophesies.  These prophesies, found in an array of ancient texts and spoken by ancient peoples, have become wildly popular lately for obvious reasons.  We are here.  We have made it to the year 2012.  Will doom and gloom await us as we travel through this year?  Many people fear this to be true.  However, it is my humble opinion that the ending of our world is referring to something more figurative, more metaphorical.  As I understand it from those Beings of Love who speak with me about this fairly often, the 2012 "end of days" speaks more to the end of an era and the birthing of a new era.  I am told we are shifting from an era of fear, separation, and disharmony into a new era of light, beauty, peace, and oneness.  Sure, we humans can be rather stubborn creatures - dearly holding onto the old, useless, and
familiar.  But our world has been through something similar before, and it will happen again and again in the future in similar ways.  The one main difference is that we humans are finally ready, or evolved, enough to experience the beauty of true evolution.  For those who subscribe to the concept of reincarnation, we have all been through something similar before as a different species living on different planets.  We are here now, in human form, to gift our fellow human brothers and sisters the gift of evolution.  We do this by evolving ourselves and lighting the way for others of all time.

The Beings of Love have ensured that this important message of planetary evolution sync up with all peoples, of all times, and of all races, creeds, and nations.  Whether you look into the Mayan Calendar, the Native American prophesies, the Bible, or many other sources that speak to the "end of days", there is a clear, undeniable correlation and oneness with these messages.  Their interpretations vary, yes, but this is where your intuition comes into play.  Feel what feels correct for you and move from this space when trying to decipher Truth from fiction in regards to this topic.  The recommendation I continue to receive and share with those I work with is this: exercise your free will by choosing to focus on your personal healing, growth, and evolution.  You came here for a very specific reason and a beautiful purpose.  Live your purpose.  Evolve into the Divine Being you are inside and allow your purpose to blossom exquisitely before your
eyes.  Heal the old hurts and pains, remove the veils of illusion, and step into the Light of your inherent radiance and beauty.  This is one way to evolve in a beautiful, organic way.

Now is the time to reclaim your true being and leave a legacy of love for others long after you leave this earth.  I am here to guide your personal journey if you find yourself stuck along the way.  Contact me at or 862-268-3213.

Here is a link that describes others' perceptions of the 2012 Prophesies for further information:

One of my Earth Teachers, Robin Rose Bennett, offers a beautiful way of describing the transition we are standing in:  

The Return To Peace and Health

The holiday season has just passed, and those here in the Northern Hemisphere delight in the return of the sun more and more each day until late June.  As you sit in the darkness dreaming of the sun, let your dreams also help you return to peace and health more and more each day.  Life here in the tri-state area often feels like it moves rapidly.  Technology keeps us "buzzing" all day with email alerts, you tube videos, information downloads, and a plethora of other technical functions.  Life is occurring at seemingly light-speed!  When the mind is busy processing, your body processes the thoughts occurring in your mind.  With so much to process and very little time to digest everything, it is essential to create "time" for rest and relaxation to allow your body to rejuvenate itself.  The body knows how to heal itself, but it needs the space and time to do so. 

A simple 10-minute meditation practice can ease a burdened mind and a tense body.  There are many ways to meditate.  Some meditations have you follow a beautiful, pre-designed guided visual process aimed at a specific goal.  Others suggest you sit cross-legged and practice the art of thoughtlessness.  According to the Ayahuascero I worked with in Peru this past year, his definition of meditation was a time to be one with everything around you; to notice the sounds, tastes, feelings, and your every breath within the void of the moment as one moment passes organically into another.  He said sitting upright is important, but not necessarily in a cross-legged position.  I recommend using whatever calls to you.  Know this: the art and act of meditation needs to be enjoyable, and not engaged as another thing to do on your "to-do list" that day.  Let your practice evolve to a sanctuary for you to return to each day as a treat.  This is how to not only
make a practice "yours", but also to keep with something very healthy for you that helps to bring in peace.

The Mayo Clinic, one of several organizations, has researched how massage can easily, quickly, and effectively affect the mind/body connection to restore balance.  " While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage helpful for: stress relief, managing anxiety and depression, pain, stiffness, blood pressure control, infant growth, sports-related injuries, boosting immunity, (and) cancer treatment." (Source: )

Help your mind and body fully release those kinks and tensions from the holiday to help your being return to a place of peace and health.  Contact me to schedule an appointment at or 862-268-3213.

  Swiftwind Therapy
Denise A. Saracco, Massage Therapist and Jaguar Shaman
Office Location: Peaceful Paths, 7 High Street, Butler, NJ 07405
P: 862-268-3213

Monthly Inspiration: Two-Thousand Voices As One
Eric Whitacre had a vision: open a venue for singers around the world to come together virtually and sing together as One.  Here is his insanely amazing masterpiece, "Sleep":   .

  Weekly YouTube Guidance

Based on my work with the Mayan Calendar, Swiftwind Therapy has a YouTube Channel as a guidance tool to help you navigate each week during this illuminating and powerful time in our history.  Watch this week's powerful video at
SwiftwindTherapy?feature=watch   and let me know what you think! 

 "Denise is a gifted Shaman who walks the walk and works her gifts and calling. It is wonderful to witness her love for people and the earth and stars and watch the magic that happens in and around her. I am honored to know her and walk with her. She has been a wonderful support and I learn a lot through mentoring her as well. The path of a Shaman is not an easy one and Denise faces the lessons and the challenges with grace and love which is how she can support others in these amazing times. I am grateful she is here in New Jersey assisting many on their journey. Blessings and Love." Janet StraightArrow, Shaman, Healer, Teacher

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