sâmbătă, 28 ianuarie 2012

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2784

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)



Fw: Daily Kabbalah Tune Up: To-Do List - Thursday January 26, 2012

Posted by: "Jim.BR549" jim.br549@yahoo.com   jim.br549

Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:44 am (PST)


To-Do List
Thursday January 26, 2012
Many times we run our relationships like we run our office. People become items on our To-Do list. To-do lists might get the job done, but we want to do more than that. Our skills,learned and innate, help us get by but we want to do more than that. We want to be able to channel for those around us; be equipped with solutions before the problems arise, have the right words at the right time, be in the right place at the right time – for others.

We do this by asking questions beyond what's normal, what's required, what's on the To-Do list. When we really care, we can open ourselves up to receive messages for everyone and anyone who crosses our path
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Fw: [esotericresearch] Thought Forms  Artificial spirit type entitie

Posted by: "Jim.BR549" jim.br549@yahoo.com   jim.br549

Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:45 pm (PST)

 Subject: [esotericresearch] Thought Forms Artificial spirit type entities created by human beings



Thought Forms 
Artificial spirit type entities created by human beings or other spirit entities through  intense emotional concentration forming an image within and focusing energy (intense emotion) to give it form and substance.  They can be created both consciously or subconsciously. Poltergeist hauntings are considered one type of manifestation of  a thought form.  Witches are known to have the ability to create thought forms to perform specific deeds.  Tibetans monks call created thought forms called tulpas.   Tulpas are more or less ephemeral creations which may take different forms: man, animal, tree, rock, etc., at the will of the magician who created them, and behave like the being whose forms they happen to have. These tulpas coexist with their creator and can be seen simultaneously with him in spirit. In some cases they may survive him, or, during his life, free themselves from his domination and attain an independence.  They are created entities 
that take on whatever form they were envisioned as during their creation.  Old gypsies tales often told of a curses that could be send out to individuals that would wreak havoc in their lives.  These curses in essence are created artificial forms which were created with only one purpose in mind, maliciousness.  If they were created for dark deeds, they eventually become dark entities.  Likewise if a person put much thought and energy into a thought of love and protection, a guardian angel type thought form could be created.  A main problem/concern occurs when a thought form is created for vengeance and breaks free, becoming independent.  At this point it becomes a legitimate independent entity inclined towards gravitating to its original purpose, but free to roam until it attaches to a person, place or thing. Many old hauntings of historic sites are thought to be, thought forms by many in the metaphysical community.  This may be one reason
parapsychologist cannot find an active agent (person) who may be the source for psychogenesis  type events in 'haunted' public or historic sites.  The agent may have died long ago but the creation continues on.
"Professor H. H. Price, the Oxford philosopher and parapsychologist, suggests that once an idea has been created, it 'is no longer wholly under the control of the consciousness which gave it birth' but may operate independently on the minds of other people or on physical objects."  "Procedures used in Zen are reminiscent of the poltergeist situation. The Zen meditator tries to be completely awake and alert, and therefore meditates with open eyes. The poltergeist agent usually has his eyes open and is mentally alert and active when objects fly.
"The poltergeist person is not only awake, he is also often angry and he is tense and frustrated because he cannot fully express his aggression. Correspondingly, Zen mediation is a very intense form of meditation." This tension involves the physical discomfort of sitting in the full or half lotus position for hours or days and concentration on a koan, or on the repetition of a special word, requiring a great deal of exertion and building up of tension."
- William G. Roll, The Poltergeist
Witches, gypsies and Tibetan holy men are not the only type of people who understand the processes enough to purposely create thought forms.  Parapsychologistalso experimented with the ability to create a thought form and succeeded.  In 1973, a group consisting of eight members of the Society of Psychical Research in Toronto decided to find out more about these mysterious [PK] effects....The group was an ordinary cross-section of the population: an accountant, an engineer, an industrial designer, a scientific research assistant, and four housewives. None of them claimed to be a medium.  They succeeded.  They created an entity named Philip.
"Philip" was an artificial poltergeist,  or artificial intelligence, created as an experiment by a group of Canadian parapsychologists during the 1970s. It was that as a result of their experiment that the human will can produce spirits through expectation, imagination and visualization. The members of the experiment purposed to attempt to create, through intense and prolonged concentration, a collective thought-form. All eight participants were members of the Toronto Society for Psychical Research; and, none were psychical gifted.
The Owen group began conducting sittings in September 1972 during which they meditated, visualized, and discussed the details of Philip's life. Although no apparition ever appeared, occasionally some sitters felt a presence in the room; still others experienced vivid mental pictures of "Philip."
Within weeks after changing to the séance setting the group established communication with "Philip." They engaged "Philip" in a table rapping session where he gave yes or no answers. "Philip" answered questions that were consistent with his fictitious history, but was unable to provide any information beyond that which the group had conceived. However, "Philip" did give other historically accurate information about real events and people.
The group hoped their experiment would help in the study if the phenomena of poltergeists, hauntings, and Spiritualism. Their findings appear in the work Conjuring up Philip by Iris Owen and Margaret Sparrows (Harper & Row, 1976).
The results from the "Philip" experiment encouraged other groups in Toronto and Quebec to attempt similar ventures. The fictitious entities were "Lilith," a French Canadian spy during World War II; "Sebastian," a medieval alchemist; and "Axel," a man from the future. All personalities communicated through their own unique raps. A.G.H.
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