duminică, 22 ianuarie 2012

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4998

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)

Sunday's Correspondence...January 22 From: Cher Chirichello
Goddess of The Day: AUCHIMALGEN Bonfim Festival (Brazil) From: Cher Chirichello
Work Opportunity Spell From: Cher Chirichello
Almond Custard From: Cher Chirichello
Daily Aromatherapy - Anxiety From: Cher Chirichello
Traditional Scottish Invocation To The Moon From: Cher Chirichello



Sunday's Correspondence...January 22

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:31 pm (PST)

Sunday's Correspondence...January 22

Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

Deities: Brighid, Helios, Ra, Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

Aromas: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane

Candle: Yellow

Color: Yellow & gold

Planet: Sun

Metal: Gold

Gemstones: Quartz crystal, diamond, amber, carnelian

Herbs & Plants:Marigold, sunflower, cinnamon

Associations: Agriculture, beauty, hope, victory, self-expression and creativity

Use for magic involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.

What's Happening Today:

Answer Your Cat's Question Day
Celebration of Life Day (What a great holiday. Life is so precious and wonderful!)
Dance of the Seven Veils Day
Erotic Festival Day
Festival of Invoking & Banishing
Festival of the Muses
Festival of the Orgone
Goddess Month of Hestia ends
Hong Kong Arts Festival begins
International Day of Radiant Peace
Mayan Chronological Estimation: A Good Day For Those Who Walk In The Country.
Munich Ballet Festival begins
National Blonde Brownie Day
Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gizmos/Gimmicks Day
Saints Day
Speak Up and Succeed Day
St. Timothy's Day (Greek)
St. Vincent's Day (patron of winegrowers, schoolgirls, vinegar makers)
St. Vincent's Day (Valencia) - Spain
St. Vincent & the Grenadines Day - St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Tu B'Shevat / New Year of Trees - Judaism
Ukrainian Day - Ukraine

The Charming of the Plow - Though today many people may not even know what a plough looks like, life depends on it. Land is largely unproductive for food until it has been ploughed, made ready. It is fitting that at the start of a New Year, we understand that for the year to be "fruitful" we must make preparation. To be productive life contains an element of compulsion, where rebellion and protest have no place. Human life needs discipline if the harvest of our body and spirit is to be a good one. As we are interdependent with nature, so a "civilized" society is also dependent upon a variety of "trades and labor" to function. At the blot we hail the men and women whose skills enable us to maintain our existence. We are also reminded of the continuity of life - a new year born. At this ritual we "return the Corn Mother" (placed on the altar at Winter Finding). In the past it would have been ploughed back into the Earth. Today it is presented to a young
person during the Blot - a reminder that the future of our folk depends upon our young people and their discipline and fruitfulness. It is not the starting but the continuing that is really important and gives success.
St Vincent of Saragossa's Day - The Patron saint of drunkards, who died slowly in 304 AD after torture on the rack and the gridiron. "If on St Vincent's Day the sky is clear, more wine than water will crown the year". Saint Vincent is a christianization of Apollo, the sun god. Apollo is also the god of archery, agriculture, animal husbandry, crops, cattle, farmers, shepherds, sheep, poetry, medicine, prophesy and ethics. According to grape lore, if the weather is good on this day, the crops will be good this year. 

It is said, "If the weather is fine, you'll enjoy the wine!"
and "If that the sun his beams display,
Be sure to mark his transient beam,
Which through the window sheds a gleam;
For 'tis a token bright and clear,
Of prosperous weather all the year."
Birthday of Sir Francis Bacon - 1561; Philosopher, alchemist, Freemason, English statesman and founder of the modern Rosicrucian Order.
Festival of the Muses, the Goddesses of inspiration, sciences and the arts, the Muses are honored and invoked each year on this day with inspired poetry, folk songs, music, and dancing.
Day of Making Way for Khnum occurs on the 8th day of Pamenot in the Egyptian calendar

Goddess of The Day: AUCHIMALGEN Bonfim Festival (Brazil)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:39 pm (PST)

Goddess of The Day: AUCHIMALGEN
Bonfim Festival (Brazil)
Themes: Protection; Blessing
Symbols: Silver or Lunar Items; Water; White Flowers
About Auchimalgen: A Chilean Goddess of the Moon, Auchimalgen protects us from all evils
and disasters that lie in wait in the months ahead. Her husband is the
sun, who blesses the land with light, while she shines through the
darkness to keep her followers safe and inspired.
To Do Today: Count your blessings today, and give thanks for them. In our rushed
society, this is something that often gets overlooked, and life is far
more pleasant when we appreciate the little things.
Wear any silver-colored clothing or jewelry to honor Auchimalgen, and burn some lunar incense
(coconut, jasmine, lemon or myrrh) to fill the sacred space of your home with her protection.
The Bonfim Festival
takes place in Brazil today in a church known as the "church of happy
endings" because it was built by a ship's captain in gratitude for a
safe return to land. The priests of the area wash the steps of the
church with flower water to cleanse and bless the sacred place anew, and as a way of thanking the gods for their ongoing kindness. In keeping
with this tradition, sprinkle the doorway to your home with any floral
scented water (or personal cologne or perfume) to draw Auchimalgen's
beneficent energies to you.
By Patricia Telesco

Work Opportunity Spell

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:41 pm (PST)

Work Opportunity Spell

Do you want advancement in your current career? Or are you seeking a whole new career? This New Moon can be the beginning of the physical
manifestation of your answer to these questions. Therefore, you need to
take care now. Keep in mind that the universe may show you it has other
plans for you. Plot out the steps that you will need to take to get from point A (where you are now) to Point B (your desired end goal). Be
realistic and specific in what you ask for. Light a gold candle, and
place a tiger's-eye in front of it. State these or similar words:
Moon Moon,
Beginning and new,
Your wisdom guides me
in all that I do.
Touch the thumbs and forefingers of both
hands together to form a triangle. Center the triangle over the
tiger's-eye. Visualize yourself completing the steps necessary to reach
your goal. Project your intent into the tiger's-eye. Extinguish the
candle. Carry the tiger's-eye until your goal is achieved or you have an answer.
Holiday lore: The lunar new year
traditionally celebrates the planet's renewed fertility. In China,
during the fifteen-day waxing Moon, celebrants eat food, sing and dance, and promote happiness, health, fertility, and fortune for the year. In
the spirit of setting things straight, all debts should be paid off now, and houses cleaned and draped with red flowers, banners, and
decorations; red is considered lucky and dispels demons. Celebrants also avoid using swearwords during this season, lest they bring ill fortune
to themselves, and parents warn children against blurting out such
inauspicious words as "death" or "disaster," or anything of similar
sentiment. ~ Karen Follett

Almond Custard

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:43 pm (PST)

Almond Custard
Imbolc is traditionally a time to serve milk and dairy dishes. 
3 C milk
3/4 C sugar
4 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. almond extract
1 T. finely chopped almonds.
Mix together all the ingredients, except the chopped almonds, and pour into an ungreased 2 quart baking
dish.  Sprinkle on the chopped almonds and bake at 325 for 60 minutes,
or until a knife comes clean.  Remove from the oven and let cool for a
few minutes, then refrigerate. Serves 4-6  ~Margenta Griffith

Daily Aromatherapy - Anxiety

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:44 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy - Anxiety

Breathing Rose or Jasmine straight from the bottle promotes deep relaxation and peace. 


Traditional Scottish Invocation To The Moon

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:45 pm (PST)

Greetings to you, moon, our guiding jewel!
I kneel to you, I offer love.
I kneel to you, I raise my hand to you,
I lift my eyes to you,
O moon of the seasons!
Greetings to you, my darling one! Greetings to you,
O graceful one!
Steering tides as you journey, you light up the night,
O moon of the seasons!
Queen of guidance, queen of luck, queen of love,
O moon of the seasons!
~Traditional Scottish Invocation To The Moon
Before the calendar
measured time, we marked the year by observing the planets in their
stately parade across the night sky. We noted the tides and the moon's
phases and the length of days. We attuned ourselves to the seasons. We
did not grow angry when there was snow in winter or rain in summer. We
recognized that nature is more powerful than we are, and we honored her
Now we live indoors,
our lights shine at night; we mark the days and weeks and seasons on our dayminders and calendars. We have lost the sense of connection to the
currents of time as they flow through our world. In the process, we have lost our sense of connection to that world.  Honoring the lunar goddess was a daily part of ancient tradition in Ireland and Scotland, where
bowing to the full moon and praising her beauty was a monthly ritual.
Even when we do not see her, the moon still pulls the tides; she pulls
as well on our inner tides, drawing forth .womanly blood as she moves
through her own phases. To honor the moon is to honor the primal
connection between womanhood and nature's feminine force.

by Patricia Monaghan
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