Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: A question about banishing demons From: Fran Wolfe-Johnson
- 2.
- YuleFest 2010 in Florida From: All World Acres
- 3a.
- Re: banishing demons From: Gidget
- 3b.
- Re: banishing demons From: Raven )O(
- 3c.
- Re: banishing demons From:
- 1a.
Re: A question about banishing demons
Posted by: "Fran Wolfe-Johnson" tygermoonfoxx
Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:23 am (PST)
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Gidget < > wrote:
Recently my adopted daughter and her family moved into their first home and
> after getting everything in it place and doing some slight modifications to
> the home, she has been seeing a very dark figure with wings and it is
> starting to bother her. I need some help as to what to do to get rid of this
> evil entity that is in the home, can someone please give me some guidance as
> what I should do.
Not everything you meet out there is a daemon or means you harm. I would
try at least to find out what the entity wants before banishing it or
labeling it evil. It may well be a ghost or an elemental who was there
first, long before humans, and is merely curious about the new house
owners. To me, banishing or getting rid of something which manifests
without knowing what it wants or why it's there is a little like moving out
to the country and then shooting the raccoons, squirrels, and other wildlife
because they're ruining your yard.
You wouldn't do that, would you? Most of us would not.
Treat entities --- most likely elementals or ghosts --- in the same manner.
I'd start with a routine cleaning and cleansing of the house: clean
everything up, throw away what isn't yours, isn't loved, isn't being used.
Be specific in your requests: ask that anything *which means harm or
doesn't belong there* depart in peace and leave an offering outside the
boundaries to help it on its way. Make a separate offering on the doorstep
while asking that *anything which remains be welcome as family to come or go
as it pleases*
That might even be an angel. Angels are not cute, fluffy things full of
light and air. The first manifested angel I saw was quite dark, with
batlike wings, flame red hair, and a flaming sword. It turned out to be a
manifestation of Mikael as he appears in the Enochian texts and the older
Biblical texts. Imposing to be sure but not harmful.
I can guarantee one thing though: if you oust everything in the area
without finding out what it wants or what it's doing there you will have
more problems than you can handle. It's disrespectful and makes them very
angry. Learn to live with your astral neighbors.
"Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs
my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to
the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy."
-- Hamlin Garland
Fran Wolfe-Johnson (WalkerTXKitty)
FoxHeart Acres, FL
- 2.
YuleFest 2010 in Florida
Posted by: "All World Acres" allworldent2000
Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:50 am (PST)
The 10th annual YuleFest gathering returns to All World Acres, Plant City, on Thursday, December 9 through Sunday, December 12.
We are happy to be celebrating the 10 year reunion of this wonderful event and the awesome community that has grown up around it. The highlight of this event is sharing with others in a comfortable village atmosphere.
The festival will include a Yule ritual, healing circle, sweat lodge, nightly drum circles, workshops, vendors, camping, entertainment and activities for the entire family.
Activities will include: The Amazing Olav show, live music, Native Chanting and Drumming experience, Yoga, Tai Chi, Healthy cooking workshop and demo, Nocturnal Magick, the Story of Yule, Preparing for the Magical Year, Living Within the Energy Connection, Coffee House, Drum Circle drumming workshop, Mead Making workshop, Celtic Warrior workshop, Tour the Organic Garden, Trade Blanket, Lots of crafting including making stained glass ornaments, Yule Carols with the kids, and so much more.
All World Acres is a not for profit sanctuary that has been in service to the community since 2000. The ritual areas at AWA have seen rituals for every season and reason. Scores of handfastings, rites of passage, initiations, elevations, blessings, memorial services, and honorings have taken place here.
For info please visit website: htm
- 3a.
Re: banishing demons
Posted by: "Gidget" angie_baby33us
Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:11 am (PST)
Brightest Blessings to all,
Thanks to all who gave me help on doing this, we got the demon out and he was one nasty customer. Both my girls and I were physically attacked by this thing. My one daughter was being choked by it and myself and my other daughter both have bite marks and scratches on our backs from it. The house is now clean and free of all things evil and only goodness and light surround it. I went through the house room by room with a Sage & Sweet grass Smudging stick to cleanse and protect the house, then once done went around the outside of the house with some Sea Salt to stop anymore from entering, I even closed the doorway as to where this thing had entered. So once again thanks to everyone that help me with this.
In Love & light
- 3b.
Re: banishing demons
Posted by: "Raven )O(" reenehopkins
Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:41 am (PST)
That's great that its gone. Did Sierra help you?
Blessed Be
- 3c.
Re: banishing demons
Posted by: "" moonlightwolf4
Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:41 pm (PST)
Gladit is out of the house and now they can start to enjoy
--- In , "Gidget" <angie_baby33us@...> wrote:
> Brightest Blessings to all,
> Thanks to all who gave me help on doing this, we got the demon out and he was one nasty customer. Both my girls and I were physically attacked by this thing. My one daughter was being choked by it and myself and my other daughter both have bite marks and scratches on our backs from it. The house is now clean and free of all things evil and only goodness and light surround it. I went through the house room by room with a Sage & Sweet grass Smudging stick to cleanse and protect the house, then once done went around the outside of the house with some Sea Salt to stop anymore from entering, I even closed the doorway as to where this thing had entered. So once again thanks to everyone that help me with this.
> In Love & light
> Bellastarr
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