vineri, 12 noiembrie 2010

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2464

Worldwide Pagan Wicca Witch Paganism

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)



The Warrior - Archetypal Names

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:43 am (PST)

The Warrior - Archetypal Names
By Phoenix McFarland, The New Book of Magical Names

The Warrior is an instinctual energy form that cannot be repressed. In our culture's politically correct quest for sensitive, gentle, New Age, nonpatriarchal archetypes, we sometimes overlook the Warrior. But the Warrior is not just about aggression. In fact, in most cases, it's the opposite. The best Warrior would never have to fight. It's more about an approach to life and to self.

The Japanese Warrior philosophy claims that there is only one way to face the battle of life and that is head on. By learning to "attack" life from a fully frontal attitude, we can take from the Warrior self-discipline, an awareness of our own morality, and the consequent zest for living.

The Warrior is alert, in control, disciplined, with a clarity of thinking, and a relationship with their destroyer side. There are many things in life that need destroying - corruption, tyranny, oppression. On the personal front, we can destroy our bad habits, character flaws, weaknesses, and fears in order to become a better person.

Some Ideas for Warrior Names:


Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Choosing A Magickal House Name

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:45 am (PST)

Choosing A Magickal House Name
By Phoenix McFarland, "Magickal House Names," c. 1999.

From the treetop nests of apes to high-rise condos of modern humans, one thing remains true. We harbor strong feelings about the places we call home. Home has been called "the place you hang your hat" and "the place where they have to let you in," but home is more than that. Our homes become extensions of ourselves, a repository of our memories and our dreams.

To many Pagans, home is also a place of worship. Anthropology tells us that the Goddess was evident in the earliest homes, which often included a niche in the wall bearing a statue of the Goddess, conceivably to bless the home and its inhabitants. This was the first known house magic. As the first Gaia figures evolved into specific deities involved with the home, we saw Goddesses such as Hestia occupying the household altars. Modern Catholics with crucifixes above their beds and statues of Mary guarding their front doors are only a step away from the ancient Pagans and their Gaia figures.

Giving your home a magical name is one way of using magic to protect your house. It was a much more romantic and creative system than today's dehumanizing addresses. Naming one's home is still a practice so common in England as to be considered conformative. In North America, however, it is still rare enough to be considered a refreshing idea.

My husband and I have named every home we have lived in. First we got to know the house, its quirks and graces. Then we found the perfect name. Finally we hung a carved wooden sign with the new name on it near the front door. When we moved out we left the sign because it belonged to the house, not to us. We were delighted to see that long after we moved out, each new tenant retained the name and the house name signs still swing overhead, welcoming friends.

While the thought of naming one's house is quaint and creative, what practical purpose does it serve? Many. In searching out magical names for our homes, we look inward and explore our own expectations of what we hope this living situation will afford. That helps to fine-tune goals, and sometimes acts as a catalyst for better communication between dwelling partners. Mostly, in assigning a house a magical name, we can combine that act with protection and blessing rituals to draw good fortune into the lives of its inhabitants.

How To Pick A House Name

You can use the following criteria in naming your home:

Descriptions of the house: House of Seven Gables, Red Gate Cottage, The White House
Location of the house: Bay View House, Gothamview
Distinctive vegetation growing near the house: Holly House, Fir Manor, Cedar Cottage
Fantastic elements connected with the house: Elfin Estate, Avalon, The Hobbit Hole
Mythological aspects: Valhalla Hall, Diana's Den
What the house is used for: Covenstead Corner

When you decide to give a magical name to your home, try looking at the house through fresh eyes. Ask yourself some questions:

What did the house look like when it was new?
What will it look like when it's old, if it's new?
What sorts of people have lived in it?
When you first saw the house, what made you decide to live there?
What is your favorite spot in the house?

Those questions help determine what the house is like now. Next, ask questions to determine what you'd like the house to become:

What role do you want the house to play? (sanctuary, power base, lover's getaway, family nest, animal's den, covenstead, hobby place, office, springboard to a nicer place, retirement home, nursery, etc.)
What element do you want to improve to become the most noticeable about the property?
What do you want to attract into your home?
What/Who do you want to repel from its doors?
What do you want to convey to others in the name?

If this is a temporary house, what sort of permanent dwelling do you want to attract into your lives?

This last list is the most important in formulating the basis of a house blessing ritual. Getting these goals and expectations clearly in focus helps you to achieve a clear direction in your house magic. Each person can have a hand in name choosing, perhaps in carving or painting a sign for the front door as part of the ritual. Anointing it with oils or passing it through the elements as you weave a protective spell around it, will make it a talisman that hangs outside your front door attracting and/or warding off energy. You can do this as part of your house cleansing ritual. Cleanse it first, physically and spiritually, ridding it of all past negative energies. Then do the house naming as part of the protection spell that seals it from future negativity. I usually paint a little pentagram on each of the house's windows with clear nail polish during this ritual. The nail polish is mostly invisible except when the light is right, then a crystalline-looking pentagram emerges to shine in the Sun before becoming invisible again. Very good juju. At the end of the ritual, hang the house name sign near the front door. Then you will have more than a charming sign that greets all who come to your door. You'll greet them with magic!

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


The Tradition Of Craft Names

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:52 am (PST)

The Tradition Of Craft Names
By Anita L. Wynn (aka Wolfie)

Taking Craft names is not a neo-Pagan practice—it is as ancient as mankind himself. In former times, when the whole world was tribal, there were many peoples who would give their child a "common" name, for everyone to use, and a private name, known only to themselves and whatever Deity they called upon. Right into modern times, many native peoples have taboos about names. Why? Because it was believed that if anyone knew one's true name, he/she could not only have power over one, but could steal one's life, and possibly, one's soul. This was especially true of the healer/shaman/magician…their true names were taboo…often their "common" name was taboo, also, after they were vested with their office.

An example of this is the story of how Isis became a Goddess. She was human, and a queen, but was tired of humans, and wished to dwell with the Gods. The only way to become a God was for Ra to make her one. So, She waited and thought, and finally came up with an idea. Ra, the Creator, was an Old Man God, you see, and He drooled and spit a great deal, when he walked into the Two Lands every day after His heart's desire. Isis waited by the path, and gathered up some of the fallen spittle, mixed it with mud, and formed a serpent, which bit Ra on the heel next day, as He passed. He called all of His children to Him, but none of them could help. Isis the witch came to Him, and said, "Father Ra, I can heal thee, and give thee back thy life, but I must have thy name to restore thee." Ra, of course, hemmed and hawed, but finally told Her that it was buried within His breast, and She could have it, if She would only restore Him to life. And so She did, and Ra receded into fading worship, because Isis was the only one to ever have His True Name.

We take a Craft name, whether you know it or not, by ancient tradition, for our own safety. So that none can have the power of our true name over us, to do us harm.
For more on this subject, and the taboos of names world-wide, please see Sir J.G. Frazier's "The Golden Bough".

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


To Find Your Craft Name

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:52 am (PST)

To Find Your Craft Name
Adaptation by GreyWing of a Meditation by D.J.Conway in her Book "Maiden, Mother, Crone."


To leave the old personality behind and to show the world your new self, you may want to choose a craft name. This name should reflect your personal values.

There are several ways to find a Craft Name. Visualization is the way GreyWing found hers.

Use the image of the Goddess in her Maiden form. She is Spring, sometimes known as the Huntress, a fresh beginning, a continuation of life, rebirth. Although she is young we may call on her at all stages of our life.

You may either cast a circle using a pastel colored candle to represent the Maiden or do this meditation anywhere.


Sit in a comfortable position and your feet touch the floor. Place your hands in your lap and close your eyes. Visualize a white light coming toward you. The light positions itself over your head. See the light get stronger. The light slowly envelopes your head and shoulders. The light gets brighter and moves lower. It gets even brighter and covers you completely. Breathe slow and steady. Relax your body starting with the muscles of your face. Release the tension in your neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Feel the muscles of your abdomen, buttocks and legs relax. When you are totally relaxed, move on to the visualization.

It is near midnight. A full moon is in the sky tonight. See yourself walking along a path in the woods. All around you a trees. Hear the trees whisper as a light breezes flows through their top branches. The path is clear and well marked,as if followed for many years.The light from the moon is so bright it penetrates the leaves of the all the trees around you.

In the distance you see what must be a clearing, where the light from the moon shines bright. You continue walking till you reach the edge of the clearing. In the middle of the clearing you see a well. You walk toward the well, then stand beside it once you reach it. It is an ancient well, the stones worn and covered in the most beautiful green moss. You look into the well and see how deep it is. You feel all of the days problems and all your worries and negative emotions fall into the darkness of the well. You feel relaxed.

You hear a chattering at you feet.You see a small bird at the base of the well. It is jumping at chattering excitedly. It heads toward the opposite side of the clearing. There you see a hill.. You follow the bird to the hill . There is a handsome vine that grows from the top of the hill and hangs down covering what looks like part of a door. You can see part of an iron handle. You push the vines away. This reveals an old oaken door. It is tall with a rounded top. The hinges are made of iron, old and rusty, but were once very ornate.

You pull on the handle of the door. A little dirt from the top of the door drifts down in front of you and the door slowly opens.

Inside it is very dark. You step inside and wait for your eyes to adjust. With the help of two torches that hang in iron holders on each side of the door, you see a wide tunnel made of stone. It has a curved roof. You take one of the torches and start down the tunnel. You hear a creaking behind you. You turn and see the door closing.

You turn back to the tunnel and walk on. The light of the torch is bright and lights your way. You do not feel frightened. Further in the tunnel you think of the Maiden, the Huntress, her strength. You know if something should happen she will be with you.

The tunnel curves one way, then another. There are smaller tunnels that branch off. You know your path is to follow this main tunnel.

You hear the barking of dogs deeper in the tunnel. You know you are protected by the Maiden and are not afraid. You see reflections and glimmers of light ahead. Voices, footsteps and laughter follow the light. You walk forward to meet whoever is there.

The barking and laughter are louder. You see the light from torches being held by others, but can't make out who they are.

When you are close enough, you see a group of men and women dressed in white robes. All are carrying torches. The leader is a woman, tall and muscular. She wears a short white robe and has a bow and quiver over her shoulders. Her hair is tied back. She wears hunting boots. An owl perches on her right wrist. The hounds are barking and jumping around you.

The Maiden stops in front of you. She asks you to follow her. All but one of the group turn back in the direction they came. This companion links arms with you and coaxes you on. You all follow the Maiden.

The tunnel widens. You find the tunnel has widened so much it is now a circular room. In the center of this room is a fountain. The water from the fountain bubbles up then flows down into a shallow depression in the floor. The curving of the wall is followed by benches that surround you. You and the rest of the group set your torches into holders on the wall. You see the circular wall is covered with bright murals and elaborate carvings.

You walk slowly around the chamber. The scenes on the murals touch something deep in you. The pictures of the forest, the animals, ritual scenes, dancing and music making, all seem to have stirred a feeling of magick and mystery.

One of the companions points to the fountain. The Maiden stands beside the depression filled with water. You walk toward her. She smiles gently and asks you if you have any questions. You tell her that you want to find a craft name. You have been searching, but have had no luck.

She points to the spring and asks if you are ready for initiation. You remove the clothes you are wearing and step into the water. The Maiden picks up a white ceramic pitcher and dips it into the water. She slowly pours water over you, filling the pitcher several times. The Maiden and her companions sing and chant as the water runs down your body.

She blesses you and kisses you on the forehead. You feel your third eye pulsate and become active.

You dress. The Maiden tells you the answer you seek may come to you in a dream or in other forms.

The Maiden and her companions lead you back up the tunnel. The journey back is shorter. As you get nearer the door, the group stops and wishes you farewell. They turn back toward the central chamber. You replace the torch in its holder and push the door open. The Moon welcomes you back to the clearing.

Take three slow deep breaths and return to your present surrounding. Stay quiet for a few minutes and absorb the experience.

Be aware for messages and answers. They may come from unlikely places and people, or in dreams.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Another misuse of the word Witch in todays SMH

Posted by: "cblusea"   cblusee

Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:17 pm (PST)

This is just typical of the loud mouths who think they have so much power and money they can say and do anything and are then surprised as to why people become upset. As for Mr Rude and Crude he has paid for his ignorance to normal society with the collapse of his marriage.He wonders why he gets death threats and then has to air it all in woman's magazines.


Re: Another misuse of the word Witch in todays SMH

Posted by: "Radiohawthorne"   radiohawthorne

Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:06 pm (PST)

I'm really not sure what you're talking about because you didn't offer any links. But I googled the words "Witch in today's SMH", which brought me to the Sydney Morning Herald at, and the article, "DJs judge warns against 'witch hunt''. So, is this what you're all up in arms about?

I won't go into the issues of "Mr Rude and Crude" because I don't know anything about this and really don't care. But you seem to be annoyed that "The judge in Australia’s biggest sexual harassment case has warned the proceedings would not become a ‘‘witch hunt’’ or ‘‘fishing expedition’’ as lawyers argued over documents." This is the "misuse" of the word Witch? Why, because they didn't capitalize it?? It's a perfectly normal use of the word within mainstream understanding.

It may make YOU feel uncomfortable, but there is no "misuse" of the word at all. Your level of discomfort does not justify your declaring that the word is "misused".

Well, here's a way you could calm down about it; there is really absolutely nothing negatively judgemental in "hunting for witches". You could "hunt" for a witch if you want your palms read, right?

--- On Mon, 11/8/10, cblusea <> wrote:

> From: cblusea <>
> Subject: [Earthwise] Another misuse of the word Witch in todays SMH
> To:
> Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 3:32 PM
> This is just typical of the loud
> mouths who think they have so much power and money they can
> say and do anything and are then surprised as to why people
> become upset. As for  Mr Rude and Crude he has paid for
> his ignorance to normal society with the collapse of his
> marriage.He wonders why he gets death threats and then has
> to air it all in woman's magazines.
> ------------------------------------
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> that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
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> encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
> principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
> offended by a posting, write to me at
> Thank you.
> __________________________________________________________
> Earthwise is a world wide group.
> We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
> Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains
> were
> we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and
> outings,
> for more information see our calendar of events at Witches
> Meetup
> __________________________________________________________
> Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor,
> Medium,
> Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
> If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home
> page at
> __________________________________________________________
> Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
> related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on
> consignment,
> she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise
> Store.
> If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
> __________________________________________________________
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Northwest Style Frame Drum Making Class - Saturday November 6, 2

Posted by: "Ramanan Malini"   ammaschild88

Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:17 pm (PST)

    Merry Meet Jenn' What may someone use to illustrate the Sagas, Words by the Spirits, etc; on the Skin of the Old Faithfull and Rattle? Do you need Natural materials, fixatives, colors, etc; to keep the Entities content?

In Her Holy Name

Blessed Be.

--- On Wed, 3/11/10, New Pagan Journeys <> wrote:

From: New Pagan Journeys <>
Subject: [Earthwise] Northwest Style Frame Drum Making Class - Saturday November 6, 2010 at 12pm
Date: Wednesday, 3 November, 2010, 17:32


Northwest Style Frame Drum Making Class  Come join Rev. Jennifer Brown-Nashoba, a Member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, who will be teaching this wonderful class on how to make traditional drums.  When: Saturday, November 6, 2010Time:   12:00pm  Where:New Pagan Journeys11945 SW Pacific Highway, Suite 306Tigard, Oregon 97223(503)  Pricing: $70 fee inclusive of materials This incredible pricing is offered exclusively to New Pagan Journeys, as a service to the Pagan community, that Rev. Jennifer Brown-Nashoba offer the very same class through community ed classes through Clark County Parks and Recreation and soon to be released within one or two cycles for the guides to classes of Evergreen, Skamania, Columbia, Lane, Clackamas and Multnomah community education organizations are $40 Material fee + $80 tuition.      Rev. Jennifer Brown-Nashoba-Universal Life Church &-Church of the Seven Planes-Pride
Foundation Scholar-Member: Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma  

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ø¤º°`  Earthwise   ø¤º°`
  The Worldwide Spirit of Paganism  
      in Australia,  America & Worldwide!
  Take a Look at Our Huge EBay Store
  For all your Magickal & Ritual Supplies

This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
for in our communications with each other. Members are
encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
offended by a posting, write to me at
Thank you.

Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup

Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at

Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte

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