vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2457

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Learning To Listen From: Silver Fox
Learn To Sense Energy From: Silver Fox



Learning To Listen

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Nov 4, 2010 6:54 am (PDT)

Learning To Listen
By Helen Rosenau

Too often we walk around thinking we know less than we do. We believe That if we only had an answer, or even a clue about the answer, or on Really hard days even a better understanding of the question, that We'd be richer, braver, happier, smarter, better looking, more Successful, or any other attribute that seems in short supply and Great demand. That's a lot to carry around.

We all strive to hear our inner voice. But sometimes there's a lot of Static. The cues are confused, subliminal, even contradictory. We're Unsure which voice to trust, which one to listen to. The extra Donation to charity or a nicer gift for your niece? The chocolate bar
Now or the smaller jeans later? Staying at the office late or goofing Off in the park?

How can we integrate and unify these messages? How can we live in the Moment and still have long-term goals? Consider the various aspects of Your self: emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical.

When you listen to your heart, what do you hear? If you're lucky You've experienced the deep longing and excitement that comeswith Love. You've ridden the sharpness of desire that pushes you to the Edge of temptation. You've felt the strength of unconditional love, be It with a partner, a friend, a family member, or even a pet. Your Heart teaches you intimacy, connection, and caring.

Focus on your mind. Recall your doubts and confusion when you feel Thwarted or pessimistic. But then remember the acute clarity that Comes with true knowing, with finding exactly the thread of logic to Solve some thorny problem. Recall your triumphs, from a game of chess To a test in school to a winning proposal at work. Your mind gives you Insight, imagination, and creativity.

Your spirit is the aspect of you that yearns to comprehend your Purpose, your role in the grand design, in the web of life. Whether you focus on an external deity or your own inner light, your spirit has a deep, visceral desire to know why you are here, what it all Means, and how to contribute. Your spirit speaks of purpose, of Goodness, of your essential nature.

We all live with a sense of hope. We want our fears to be groundless and our visions to become manifest. We want to love and be loved. We want to believe in our own self-worth. We want to make something of our lives, and to share them with others.

And through all these intermingled filters, all these bouts of Motivation and desire, despite all the fretting and second-guessing, you live your life, with a partner, profession, family, chores, Hobbies. You live in the material world of responsibilities and Achievements, which you pursue with energy and attain with pride. You live wanting to grow, on all levels, from the emotional to the material.

So how can you be ready to take advantage of life's possibilities, to make progress in the outer world and your inner journey?

You need to do regular check-ins about what's happening in your life and how you feel about it. You need to be honest about your own core values. You need to find clarity, and marry it to purpose. Need to Find self, and put you into the world.

You can do this in just a few moments every week. If you are willing to be quiet enough you will hear your inner voice. Though the prism of your world is in flux, and the picture seems like a constantly shifting mirror, keep remembering that you are the element of continuity. You are its focal point. Your evolving sense of connection to, and confidence in, self-knowledge is exactly the key to success that you seek. This works both in the material world and in the Evolution of your spirit.

You can learn everything you need to become your own best teacher, if you know your heart, hear your mind, and trust your spirit. If you can Do these things, then your inner voice will become accessible and Familiar, honest and trustworthy, a valuable teacher and a reliable guide.

Don't be afraid to amplify your inner voice. If you do, you'll hear the melody in your mind, feel the beat in your heart, and the joy in your soul. Some days will feel like rock and roll. Others might be a Hallelujah Chorus or a solo flute. But if you learn to listen, you'll also learn to dance with your spirit. Then every other partner or goal you choose will reflect both your inner voice and your emerging sense of grace.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Learn To Sense Energy

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Nov 4, 2010 6:54 am (PDT)

Learn To Sense Energy
By Emer

We can all sense the energy around us quite well; but many of us are unaware that we can. Have you ever walked into a room right after there was a heated argument in it? You could feel it, couldn't you? It's all a matter of remembering how to do what you've known all along.

Here are some things to try:

1. Visualize energy coming from your hands and forming into a ball. Hold this ball, make it grow, shrink it, stretch it, twist it - play with it. It is there and you will learn to sense it with practice.

2. Sense your own aura. Hold your hands far apart. Now slowly bring them together. When they're about 1 or 2 inches apart, you may feel some resistance - this is your aura.

3. Hold a crystal in your hand(s). What do you feel? Move it over your chakras, or over the palm of your hand. Keep it close to you, but not touching.

4. Find a fist-sized stone and set it in front of you. Hold your hands over it, close but not touching. Feel anything? Keep trying, you will. Now, send energy through your hands and into the rock. Feel the rock again. What you sense now should feel different. Try pulling energy out of the rock, then see how it feels.

5. Walk around your house or yard and try to feel the auras of animals and plants with your hands. Try to sense a difference between them.

6. Walk close to a tree or human - don't touch. What do you feel? You are standing in their aura and will feel something somewhere in your body.

7. Spread some crystals on a table. Close your eyes and run your hand over the table. Keep your hand close, but not touching. Where do you feel the energy? Could it be in your fingertips or in the palm of your hand.

8. Sit in a straight chair or on the floor in a room, with your eyes closed. Try to sense the overall feeling of the room. Now take your chair and sit in another part of the room. Does it feel any different?

8a. Try sitting in a different room. How does it compare with the first room you were in?

8b. Same room, but move things around. Over turn chairs and generally make a mess. Now, how does it feel?

9. This one is best done after dark with the lights off AND your eyes closed. Slowly walk through the room, house or yard. Don't open your eyes - rely on your other senses. You will, in time, be able to sense the presence of obstacles. Believe me - this really works and it's fun.

You may find that you don't always sense with your hands. I quite often feel the energy fields through my heart chakra. Be open to all sensations.

At first, you may find that you don't feel anything. But, when you're done you may remember sensing something. This happens often in the beginning - you're learning. Go with it.

All things begin in the imagination. Go ahead and imagine a sensation. After awhile, you won't need that extra *push* from your imagination to get things started. And, so what if you're making it all up in the beginning? - it will all come together with practice. You're sensing more with your mind than you are with your physical body anyway. Don't worry about it. Just know that you can do it.

Now, some of you may be wondering what this energy is supposed to feel like. The depends on what's being sensed and by whom. It can be a tingling, heat, cold, stinging, prickling; everyone's different.

Remember, don't try so hard; just do it. Practice and you'll learn. Have fun with this. You'll surprise yourself.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller

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