sâmbătă, 6 noiembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4542

Messages In This Digest (19 Messages)



Elder's Meditation of the Day November 5

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Nov 5, 2010 3:41 am (PDT)

Elder's Meditation of the Day November 5
"You could study the ancestors, but without
a deep feeling of communication with them
it would be surface learning and surface
talking. Once you have gone into yourself
and have learned very deeply, appreciate it,
and relate to it very well, everything will
come very easily."
--Ellen White, NANAIMO
Inside of every human being are our ancestors,
and these ancestors still live. Today, the
white man calls this DNA, but there is more
than DNA. We have the ability to go inside of
ourselves and learn from the ancestors. The
ancestor teachings reside in the place of the
center. The ancestors are waiting for us to
come there so they can share the ancient teachings.
It is said, "Be still and know".
Great Spirit,
let me walk in
the stillness.


Two of Swords Meditation

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Nov 5, 2010 3:42 am (PDT)

Two of Swords Meditation
November 5

Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Rose

Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Tie a blindfold gently
around your eyes. Folding your arms across your chest, visualize holding the gilt of two crossed swords pointing upward. Focus on your heart
chakra. See if you can hear or feel the pulse of your blood.
Become very still, softening to the sound of your internal rhythm.
Engage your center. Now raise your awareness to your third eye chakra,
Ajna, which houses your psychic sense. Allow initial random thoughts to
float through your mind like a carousel. When you feel the moment is
right, stop the circling mental motion and focus sharply on whatever
becomes totally present. Hold on to that thought. Freeze this frame. Now find yourself guided by asking questions of whatever picture you have
"taken," whether it is a person, place, or thing. If it is simply a
sensation, ask it to show you a sign. If it is a color, ask it to
express an emotion. If it is a person, ask them to give you a message.
Pass through the portal that is the Two of Swords, seeking inner vision
and hold the knowledge close to your heart.

This post was written by Igraine on November 05, 2010


Curmudgeons......Daily Wisdom...Nov. 5

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Nov 5, 2010 3:52 am (PDT)

Curmudgeons......Daily Wisdom...Nov. 5

All Ye Crones and Sages...I know with all the new things coming about you hear so many different things we youngsters are doing and I know it annoys you, what I think would be nice is....Share what's on your mind, your concerns and questions and lets make a connection with the younger generation to learn why they do what they do and at the same time share some Wise Older Wisdom with them as to hope to teach the Newer Generation the Way of the Craft!

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017


Postive Affirmation of the Day

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:29 am (PDT)


Everyday do what you love, be kind to your loved ones, and the
Planet. Paint your world with a rainbow of colours and you will never
have a grey day again .´¯`✿.¸¸. Gill ♥

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Friday Finds An Idea!, 11/5/2010, 9:00 am

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:45 am (PDT)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Friday Finds An Idea!
Friday November 5, 2010
9:00 am - 10:00 am
(This event repeats every week.)

As we know the goal is to live our lives magically in the moment every day in the now and while it would be nice to go and buy all the cool witchy stuff that is out there...their is so much in every day objects that we can use around the home.
So here is what I suggest...Post up an every day object once a week and let the creative juices flow and post up what we would or could possibly use it for magically.
I thought it would be kinda cool and inspiring...whatcha think..


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Daily Devotions of the Goddess

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:47 am (PDT)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Devotions of the Goddess

It is a gift of the ancients we bear,
Where vision come of mind and air.
To see deep within another's soul,
And hid the secrets that we're told.
By favor blessed in wisdoms light,
For within these visions we have Her sight.
Blessed be

Lady Abigail
Copyright © 11052010

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Mystery, Magic & Mayhem of the Crossroads

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:55 am (PDT)

Source: Jodi

Mystery, Magic & Mayhem of the Crossroads

Crossroad is a symbolic term denoting the union and joining of paths.
The association of the crossroad with Witchcraft goes back to ancient
Greek and Roman times. Classically the crossroad symbolizes a joining of
three roads, the balance of opposites, and the meeting of time and

In the Aegean/Mediterranea n region crossroads were sacred to Hecate,
Triformis, and Diana . Ovid, an ancient Roman writer, speaks of Hecate
as having three faces with which to guard the crossroads as they
branched out. Verro, another ancient writer, equated Diana with Hecate
and stated the images of Diana were stationed at the crossroads. Other
writers of the period called this goddess Artemis-Hekate, and attributed
the mother goddess aspect to her.

The crossroads are likewise associated with the ancestral spirits called
Lasa or Lares. These beings were originally thought to be spirits of
the forests and meadows, the fairy folk, and spirits of Nature. With
development these spirits became associated with the cultivated fields,
and eventually the Lara became protectors of the family and home, and
associated with the hearth.

Also, in the archaic Roman religion small towers were constructed at
crossroads, and an altar was placed before them upon which offerings
were laid. Such towers were associated with Nature spirit worship and
demarcation. Possibly this may be the foundation of the concept of
Watchtowers within modern Witchcraft.

Since classical times the crossroad has been a favored place for Witches
to gather because of its link to Nature spirits and the moon goddess.
When the symbolic crossroads were Christianized they became symbols of
dread. Crossroads become the construction sites for gallows, and
suspended gages that contained bodies of criminals. Also, suicide
victims, who were not permitted burial in hallowed churchyards, were
frequently buried near a crossroad. Then too, the Judaic-Christian Devil
was said to hover near crossroads. All of this, of course, helped to
defile the sacred grounds where Witches gathered. A.G.H.

Universally, the Crossroads is a place of spiritual power, but also
danger, where ghosts, malevolent fairies, the old gods and goddesses of
Europe and Africa, as well as devils are thought to lurk. The
Crossroads, that place where two roads intersect, now exist everywhere,
of course, but forks in the road weren't as commonplace in the ancient

The Indian god Bhairva was said to guard the Crossroads at
the edge of each town which were often littered with stone phalluses and
statues to represent him as the watcher of boundaries between worlds
and to honor opening doorways to new information from other places. In
Germany, the Crossroads are called Geisterwege or "Ghost Roads."

The Goddess of the underworld and sorcery Hecate (also the "Queen of
Ghosts") held dominion over the Crossroads in Ancient Greece. This
probably originated from her older role as Goddess over the wilderness
and unclaimed areas. The Greeks often placed offerings of "Hecate cakes"
at the Crossroads to the Goddess, sometimes marked by a single candle
so Hecate could find her way in the dark and evolved into candles on
birthday cakes.

In Africa, the Crossroads gods are varied and they go by many names such
as Eshu, Legba, Ellegua, Ndumba, Pomba Gira and Nzila as those who open
the way to the powers and teach wisdom. Hoodoo practices of the
Mississippi Delta rely heavily upon the mystical and sometimes maligned
powers of the Crossroads. Hoodoo associates the Crossroads with the
Devil. However, the Hoodoo Devil is not exactly the same as the
traditional Christian Devil. Instead, the Hoodoo Devil is more of a
trickster spirit, wise and crafty but not really evil, more like a
friend who has also gone down the wrong path.

Populations who are brought up on Hoodoo believe the Devil hangs out at
the Crossroads, waiting for the right person to come along, to strike
the right bargain, so he can steal the person's immortal soul in
exchange for a favor.

In the Crossroads ritual the bargain that is usually made is to learn a
skill such as to play a musical instrument superbly, throw dice, sing,
public speaking or preaching, and most popular to win in any kind of
gambling. During the ritual, whatever object is wished to be mastered,
the guitar, banjo, deck of cards or dice are brought to the Crossroads
at midnight, or just before dawn for three to nine nights in a row.
Certain animals should appear, such as a bear, a black dog or cat, to
let the person know his spell is beginning to work. On the last visit a
large black man should materialize. The black man (not dark-skinned, but
completely coal black) will ask to borrow the object brought to the
Crossroads. He will then demonstrate how to properly use the item. When
it is returned, the bearer will then be gifted with almost supernatural
powers when it comes to the object, winning all games or becoming the
greatest musician in the town and beyond. But often the person who
sells his soul to the Devil at the Crossroads for sudden wins will often
die tragically, or will have his winnings quickly taken away.

Because the Crossroads is land that belongs to no one it is an area that
invites ghosts and other creatures that might not belong in the natural
world such as vampires and demons. In Eastern Europe it is thought that
vampires carry their shrouds to the Crossroads looking for fresh
victims. Malefic fairies are also believed to haunt the Crossroads
looking for lost souls to lure into the half-lit world of the Fairyland.

In England, gallows were built at the Crossroads where the condemned
were later hung. This was done to confuse their ghosts, in case they
decided to return and revisit those who took their lives. Suicide
victims were also sometimes buried at the Crossroads so their spirits
would not search for those who had wronged them in life. It was thought
the four directions of the forked path would confuse them, to keep such
restless souls from "walking." Certain routes were used for funerals
and called "corpse way" and sometimes "corpse cross." Part of the
funeral ritual was to rest the coffin at the Crossroads before heading
on to the graveyard.

Some have suggested this is because the Crossroads form a Christian
cross. But belief in the powers of the Crossroads predates Christianity
by at least 1,000 years and occurs in cultures that are not Christian.
India may be a source behind the European tales of the Crossroads when
the Sanskrit-speaking Rom people, otherwise known as Gypsies, spread
their legend and lore about the Crossroad's occult powers. These
European and African beliefs later informed Hoodoo practices and Voodoo
rites in the United States. Ritual sweeping was also done at the
Crossroads and become associated with witches. A few hundred years ago,
the Irish thought witches met at the Crossroads to celebrate their

The Roman god Mercury (or the Greek god Hermes) known for his slippery
wit, deft intelligence and fertility also lorded over the Crossroads.
The Greeks erected phallic statues at the Crossroads to honor Hermes (or
Mercury), the god of travelers and to note the place were information
was exchanged.

Article and too-cute-to- be scary Voodoo doll by Susan Sheppard

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Herb of the Day: Cleavers

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:56 am (PDT)

Source: Lady Becky via Ravensgrove Coven

Herb of the Day:
(Galium Aparine)
Folk Name: Beggar lice
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Powers: Relationships, Commitment, Protection, Tenacity
Magickal Uses: Cleavers cling, or cleave, to fabrics. This can be used in binding spells.
Lady Becky

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Energy Shifting Techniques

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:57 am (PDT)

Source: Jodi

Energy Shifting Techniques

I have had great success with myself and others using the energy
shifting techniques that Donna Eden shares in her book "Energy
Medicine". Try out the process below so you too can experience the

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Crown Pull

This process is very quick, easy and effective for clearing the cobwebs
from your mind and releasing mental congestion. It opens up the energy
flow to your head and refreshes the mind.

Use this process whenever you feel overwhelmed, groggy or just need a pick-me-up.

Before you try the process, take a moment and notice how open and clear
minded you feel right now. Do the Crown Pull process. Check in again and
notice if your head feels more open and expansive.


1. Place your thumbs at your temples on the side of your head. Curl your
fingers and rest your fingertips on the center of your forehead above
the nose. Your little fingers will be resting on your eyebrows.

2. Slowly, and with some pressure, pull your fingers across your
forehead toward your thumbs so that you stretch the skin on your
forehead. Repeat that movement.

3. The idea is to do this stretching all over your head. Next move your
thumbs up from your temples to your hairline. This time curl your
fingers and rest your fingertips on the center of the front part of your
head (in the hair). Repeat the movement.

4. Move your fingers to the top of your head and repeat the movement.

5. Continue the process until you have stretched and pulled the skin over your entire head.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Three Thumps

This process consists of tapping on three different meridian points to
restore you when you are tired, increase your vitality and keep your
immune system strong. Use this process each morning and anytime during
the day that you need a pick-me-up.

1) Collar Bone Points (K-27, kidney meridian)

Benefits of tapping Collar Bone points:

a.. Become energized and feel more alert if you feel drowsy

b.. Focus and perform more effectively if you are having difficulty concentrating

Make fists and tap both right and left collar bones at the same time for about 20 seconds. Be sure to breath deeply in and out.

Variation: in order to assist the energy to cross over from right to
left and left to right cross your arms and tap the left collar bone with
the right fist and the right collar bone with the left fist.

2) Thymus Gland

Benefits of tapping the Thymus Gland

a.. Stimulate your energy system

b.. Boost your immune system

c.. Increase your strength and vitality

Make a fist and tap on the center of your sternum (center of chest on
breast bone) for about 20 seconds while breathing deeply in and out.

3) Spleen Points

Benefits of tapping Spleen Points

a.. Lift your energy level

b.. Balance your blood chemistry

c.. Strengthen your immune system

These points are located directly below the breast. Make fists and tap
each side of your body for about 20 seconds while breathing deeply in
and out.

Variation: Cross your arms and tap the left side of your body with your
right fist, and tap the right side of your body with the left fist. This
helps cross the energies.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Zipping Up

Benefits of the Zipping Up Process

a.. Feel more confident and positive about yourself and your world

b.. Think more clearly

c.. Tap into your inner strengths

d.. Protect yourself from negative energies that may be around you

After doing the Three Thumps Process and Crown Pull, place your hand at
the end of the Central Meridian, which is located at your pubic bone on
the front of your body. Take in a deep breath as you simultaneously move
your hand straight up the center of your body to your lower lip. (It
may help to visualize a zipper coming together.) Repeat 3 times.

This process is great to do before you go out into public places, malls,
meetings or when you need to speak with a boss, a difficult parent,
angry child, etc. You can add this affirmation while you are zipping up
to make it more powerful "I am clear, centered and balanced". You may
also want to visualize locking the zipper after you zip up and hiding
the key in order to prolong the technique's effects.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Spinal Flush

The Spinal Flush is a energy clearing technique. This process is great
to do with a partner. The Spinal Flush works to clear blockages in your
lymph system by massaging the neurolymphatic reflex points down the
spine. The reflex points that are clogged are easy to locate because
they feel sore when massaged.

Benefits of the Spinal Flush

a.. Energize your body

b.. Send toxins to your body's waste removal system

c.. Clear stagnant energy from your body

d.. Refresh you in the morning

e.. Relax you in the evening

f.. May stop a cold that is coming on

g.. Clear your head by stimulating cerebrospinal fluid

How to do the Spinal Flush

1) Find a partner (more on how to perform the process alone below.)

2) Lie face down or lean against a wall standing up with your hands supporting you.

3) Have your partner massage the points down both sides of your spine,
using the thumbs and middle finger, starting at the bottom of the neck
and working down to the sacrum.

4) Use body weight to create medium to strong pressure.

5) Have your partner go down the notches between your vertebrae and
deeply massage each point. Staying on each point for at least 5 seconds
and massaging in a circular motion.

6) After reaching the sacrum, your partner can repeat the process a
second or third time or end by sweeping the open hands down the back and
off the sacrum a few times.

Spinal Flush Without a Partner

1) Massage and clear the points you can reach by yourself.

2) Reach over your shoulders and reach around your waist.

3) Massage any points that are tender for several seconds.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Legend of the Cedar Tree

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 6:02 am (PDT)

Source: Jodi

Legend of the Cedar Tree

A long time ago when the Cherokee people were new upon the earth, they thought that life would be much better if there was never any night. They beseeched the Creator

that it might be day all the time and that there would be no darkness. The Creator heard their voices and made the night cease and it was day all the time. Soon the forest was thick with heavy growth.

It became difficult to walk and to find the path. The people toiled in the gardens many long hours trying to keep the weeds pulled from among the corn and other food plants. It got hot, very hot, and continued that way day after long day. The people began to find it difficult to sleep and became short tempered and argued among themselves.

Not many days had passed before the people realized they had made a mistake and, once again, they beseeched the Creator. "Please," they said, "we have made a mistake

in asking that it be day all the time. Now we think that it should be night all the time." The Creator paused at this new request and thought that perhaps thep eople may be right even though all things were created in two representing to us day and night, life and death, good and evil, times of plenty and those times of famine. The Creator loved the people and decided to make it night all the time as they had asked.

The day ceased and night fell upon the earth. Soon, the crops stopped growing and it became very cold. The people spent much of their time gathering wood for the fires.

They could not see to hunt meat and with no crops growing, it was not long before the people were cold, weak, and very hungry. Many of the people died.

Those that remained still living gathered once again to beseech the Creator. "Help us Creator," they cried! "We have made a terrible mistake. You had made the day and the

night perfect, and as it should be, from the beginning. We ask that you forgive us and make the day and night as it was before."

Once again the Creator listened to the request of the people. The day and the night became as the people had asked, as it had been in the beginning. Each day was

divided between light and darkness. The weather became more pleasant, and the crops began to grow again. Game was plentiful and the hunting was good. The people had plenty to eat and there was not much sickness. The people treated each other with compassion and respect. It was good to be alive. The people thanked the Creator for their life and for the food they had to eat.

The Creator accepted the gratitude of the people and was glad to see them smiling again. However, during the time of the long day of night, many of the people had died, and the Creator was sorry they had perished because of the night. The Creator placed their spirits in a newly created tree. This trees was named a-tsi-na tlu-gv {ah-see-na loo-guh} cedar tree.

When you smell the aroma of the cedar tree or gaze upon it standing in the forest, remember that if you are Tsalagi Cherokee, you are looking upon your ancestor.

Tradition holds that the wood of the cedar tree holds powerful protective spirits for the Cherokee. Many carry a small piece of cedar wood in their medicine bags worn around

the neck. It is also placed above the entrances to the house and the needles are burned to protect against the entry of evil spirits.

Cherokee Book of Legends.

Have a blessed month of November!!



'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Understanding Hecate and Her History

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 6:12 am (PDT)

Source: Jodi

Hecate and Her History

Hecate is a threefold Moon Goddess connected with the feminine independence from the masculine. Hecate is an ancient Goddess from an early, pre-Greek period of myth. At first, the Hellenic Greeks found Hecate difficult to fit into their pantheon. Although she was not considered a part of the Olympian company, she had retained dominion over sky, earth and the underworld making her the bestower of wealth and the blessings of life. Zeus himself honored Hecate so greatly that he always conceded to her the ancient power of giving or denying to mortals any desired gift.

Hecate is skilled in the arts of divining and foretelling the future. She gives humans dreams and visions which, if interpreted wisely, led to greater clarity. Also, because of her association with Persephone, she is connected to death and regeneration. Her presence is the land of the underworld allows for the pre-Hellenic hope of re-birth and transformation as opposed to Hades who represented the inevitability of death.

Hecate's name derives from the Egyptian midwife-Goddess Heqit, Heket, or Hekat. The hag was the tribal matriarch of per-dynastic Egypt and was known as a wise woman. Heket was a frog headed Goddess who was connected with the embryonic state when dead grain decomposed and began to germinate. She was also one of the midwives who assisted every morning at the birth of the Sun.

In Greece, Hecate was a Moon Goddess, one of the original trinity who were connected with the moon's three phases and ruled heaven, earth and the underworld. She was especially worshipped at places where three roads met and was known as Hecate Trivia, Hecate of the Three ways. Some scholars say that Hecate was not originally Greek, her worship having traveled south (where she had been worshiped as Isis), or from her original Thracian (Indo-European) homeland. In any case, the antiquity of Hecate's worship was recognized by those pre-Olympian divinities whom Zeus and his cohort had

ousted. The newcomers also bowed to her antiquity by granting to Hecate alone a power shared with Zeus that of granting or withholding from humanity anything she wished.

Hesiod in Theogony says that Hecate was the daughter of the Titan Perses and the Tiantess Asteria, a star Goddess, both symbols of shining light. Asteria was a sister of Leto who gave birth to Apollo and Artemis, making Hecate a cousin to Artemis. An even older tradition saw her as a more primal Goddess and made her a daughter of Erebus and Nyx (Night). A later tradition says Hecate was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Some say she remained a virgin by choice and others say she was married to Hades.

During the middle ages, Hecate became known as Queen of the Witches. Catholic authorities said that the people most dangerous to the faith were those whom Hecate patronized - midwives, healers and seers. They also saw the simple peasants practicing folk religion as "devil worshippers" and Hecate was portrayed as an ugly hag leading covens of witches in these practices.

Hecate of the Amazons was a Moon and underworld deity. Her chariot was often pulled by dragons. She was the oldest Greek form of the triform Goddess, who ruled heaven, the underworld and the Earth. After the matriarch fell, the Greeks worshiped Hecate only as Queen of the Underworld and ruler of three-way crossroads. In Greek Mythology, when the Olympian Gods claimed fame, Zeus did not dare try to take any of Hecate's powers from her, as he knew her powers were just as great as his if not greater.

As Hecate Trivia, Hecate of the Three Ways, Her images stood at the crossroads, where offerings of dogs, honey and black lambs were left on Full Moon nights, Divination and communication with the dead were performed in these places.

She was also know as angelos (angel) and phosphorus (light). In the myth of Kore-Persephone, Hecate does not interfere when the Maiden is dragged down into the underworld. Demeter is outraged and vengeful, but Hecate remains calm, knowing that certain things in life must come to pass and there is little point in becoming hysterical about them. This inner illumination (phosphoros) of consciousness, this learning to roll with the punches and then coming back to better things is the deep wisdom taught by the Dark Mother, the dark angel (angelos) of the collective unconscious. If we do not know this aspect of the Goddess or acknowledge Her wisdom, we cannot have a truly integrated personality.

Later, studies show Hecate with three heads and six arms, or merely as a pillar called a Hecterion. Hecate was shown holding three torches, a key, a rope, and a dagger. With the key, she unlocks the deep mysteries, the rope is a symbolical umbilical cord, the dagger, which has become the athame of Witchcraft, cuts through illusion to true power. But Hecate was also known as the most lovely one, a name for the Moon. It was said that She wore a shimmering headdress and was second to none in her powers. A statute from

the 8th century BCE shows Hecate with wings and holding a snake.

Hecate was called the Silver-Footed Queen of the Night, as was Persephone. In Italy at Lake Averno, an extinct volcanic crater, the thick, dark forest surrounding the lake was known as Hecate's sacred grove. Actual temples to this Goddess were rare. During the Middle Ages, Hecate became known as Queen of the Witches.

Hecate is known for her gifts of prophecy, her clear vision, and her knowledge of the magical and occult arts. Because she stands at the crossroads, she can look into the past, present and future, Her Priestesses were many, including Medea and Circe. Medea had Hecate's foresight and wisdom, Circe her gift of the magical arts. Since Hecate had three faces, she could look to the past, the present ,and future, thus she was highly

skilled as a visionary.

Hecate's worshipers invoked her in ritual and placed food for her as an offering. This was known as Hecate's supper. Rituals were always in the darkest hours of the night. Worshipers gathered to study and learn occult wisdom (later refereed to as the "black arts"). Initiations in the name of Hecate are still carried out by many witches whether they be solitaire or in covens.

Hecate is the Dark Mother, in both the positive and the negative sense. She can send demons to torment men's dreams, she can drive them mad, if they are not well integrated enough to cope with her, but to those who dare to welcome her, she brings creative inspiration. She is Hecate Antea, the Sender of nocturnal visions.

When one learns from Hecate with patience and love, one learns that She is not an ugly hag, but a beautiful Goddess. One must be willing to "sacrifice" oneself on the inner altar in order to gain Her good will. This type of sacrifice does not literally mean immolation or austerity of unnatural kinds This is a spiritual sacrifice, willingness to give up negative habits and friends, taking time for meditation and ritual, being kind and understanding

to your fellow person, and open to new ways of spiritual thought and understanding. The only thing we have of value to offer the Dark Mother is the life force of our being. When we can offer ourselves without reservation the Crone gives in return far more than we can imagine. Like Loki, we lose nothing, what we gain, is up to our intentions.

Hecate, the Crone, is the power behind the Throned Queen Mother, She is the ultimate advisor, for She sees clearly back into the past through the present and on into the future. She is the Keeper of the Key to the Akashic Records. The final mysteries of life and the universe are Hers. She is the gentle Death Priestess who meets us at the end of our lives and guides us into the world of spirit.

Hecate, the Crone blends with the Maiden and Mother as they blend with Her. She is the greatest of Teachers and Initiator, for She leads us downward into the entrance of the labyrinth web. From that point, we have no choice but to face the cycle of life and death. We are shown past lives, the mistakes, the victories, and the talents gained. Only when we can accept and understand, at least in part, does the Crone show us the most sacred of Her Mysteries: that the labyrinth does not end but continues on, back into life, a never-ending cycle of existence.

Today we can relate to Hecate as a guardian figure in our unconsciousness, holding the key to the dark realms within us and bearing torches to light our way into the depths of our inner being. Our patriarchal civilization has perhaps taught us to fear this figure, this terrible hag, but if we trust in her ancient energies we will find her a kindly guardian. She stands at the triple crossroads that exists at all levels of our being, manifesting as spirit, soul and body. We should recognize that the terrible, awful hag-like image of Hecate is merely a document of the unconscious fear of the feminine which men, immersed in a one-sided patriarchy, have over the millennia projected in this archetype.

We must visit and come to terms with the dark unconscious side of our "inner nature" for, if we avoid this realm, we create polarity and eventually develop a dualistic world view. We have to face up to our inner Hecate, make a relationship with her as guardian of our unconsciousness, our dark side, and, trusting Her stewardship, allow ourselves to grow into an awareness of the rich realm of our personal underworld. Only through this can we become integrated beings.


'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Women and Dark Moon Magick

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 6:18 am (PDT)

Source: Jodi

I call Upon You, Oh Crone so wise~

One Who rules the darkest skies.

Come and be my treasured Guest~

And Aid me on the most magickal quest.

Women and Dark Moon Magick

In the earliest societies that revered the Moon as the Goddess, the third

dark phase was personified as the Dark Goddess---wise, mysterious, and

compassionate. The story of the Dark Goddess begins thousands of years ago

in a time before recorded history, when the Moon was worshiped as a primary

feminine divinity. The Dark Moon Goddess was loved and honored, and they

accepted Her wisdom and Her mystery teachings of the dark. In her wisdom,

which arises from experience, she encompasses the season of Winter and the

underworld. Grounded in Her inner strength, the Dark Moon Goddess is filled

with compassion and understanding. The Crone is the Sorrowing Mother who

dispenses justice with both love and sadness. The Crone knows the laws

must be upheld, but this does not keep Her from feeling sorrow when the

verdict appears harsh to us. Injustice and imbalance, whatever forms, are

detested by Her. We may not understand or see the balancing of life's

scales, but the Crone never rests until those scales are balanced.

She rules over the magickal arts, secret knowledge, and oracles. Her animal

totems are those which live below the earth such as snakes, serpents,

dragons; bird of the night which are the Owls; ravens, crows and horses.

To understand the Crone is to understand the deepest Mysteries. The Dark

Mother is the ultimate Teacher of the very deepest of spiritual Mysteries.

Her Mysteries include the contacting of spirits. It is through Her that we

learn prophesy, seeing clearly backward and forward through time. If we

do not acknowledge the Crone, how can we "remember ourselves." Through the

Dark Mother, and the records of our past lives, we learn the necessity of

focusing our energy onto important things such as spiritual growth, living

our lives the best we can and seeking the Goddess within. She does not

seek us, we have to seek her. When we have finally reached the Divine center

and sit at the Mother's feet to receive knowledge, the Crone appears and

beckons. The Dark Mother guides us with Her lantern of ultimate truth and

wisdom, not running ahead as does the Maiden, but just before us with a firm

confident step. She teaches us that there are unlimited treasures within

the treasures. We must seek the Crone for our magickal teachings, psychic

powers and prophetic knowledge. These are things the Witch could never

obtain in her day to day life. It is the night and to the Crone that she

must turn to. The Crone holds the key of life; She is the light within the

darkness, the Power behind the Mother's throne. With Her aid, our eyes are

opened to the deepest of spiritual mysteries, and we gain the knowledge that is needed.

Over the course of history, the original role of the Dark Goddess as a

renewer was forgotten, and she became to be feared as the destroyer through

patriarchal myths, as She is still thought of in today's paganism.

Throughout many world mythologies, She is portrayed as the Temptress, the

Terrible Mother, the death bearing Crone, the destroyer and the terrible, or

the fearsome bent figure of a woman bearing a scythe, instead of the loving,

wise Crone. This is because man has feared the Crone, because they do not

understand Her. We must remember that to say something is destroyed, implies

it is done away with completely; the cycle has stopped. This means that

re-creation would have to start at an absolute beginning. In the Goddess'

cycle, nothing is actually destroyed. Although things die constantly,

everything that dies is merely reorganized, redistributed, reformed, then reborn.

What happened to cause this change and to now see the Crone harsh and

something to fear? This change probably took place at around 3000 BCE, where

there occurred a transition in the predominant religious and political

structure that governed humanity. Matriarchal societies, which had worshiped

Goddesses of the earth and moon such as Innana, Ishtar, Isis, Demeter and

Artemis gave way to patriarchal societies, which followed the solar Gods and

heroes such as Gilgamesh, Amen Ra, Zeus, Apollo and other Olympian Gods and

then later on to Yahweh. From there, while originally the Goddess reigned

supreme and alone, the patriarchal cultures later relegated Her to a

position of secondary importance, as the Mother of the God/King such as Isis

as the mother of Horus. The Goddesses were also forced to accept Gods as

their husbands, without whom they were powerless such as the marriage of

Hera to Zeus and Isis to Osiris. It has even bled over into the Crone aspect

wherein some pagans in the name of duality matches Her up with a God in

rituals not realizing that the Crone stands alone, independent and free

within Her own right. The dependent status of the Goddess was later

intensified when she was made the daughter instead of wife of the omnipotent

Father God/King and inherited his characteristics. This pattern was

symbolized in the birthing of Athena from Zeus' head, and she maintained her

elevated position as her father's favorite by denying that she ever had a

mother at all and by destroying her matriarchal antecedents, such as Medusa

and Pallas. It has spilled over even into today's followings in modern

paganism which is called Wicca, which many call the "old religion". The

teachings of the Great Mother have long since been replaced with the Wheel

of the Year of the Sun God and the Sabbat celebrations centering around his

life cycle. The all encompassing Goddess with myths of love and compassion

in all her phases are now replaced with the Dark Goddess as something to be

feared and warrior Gods eating their children or life being continued

through trickery and rape. If followers of the Goddess wish to return to the

true "Old religion" and worship the Great Goddess as daughters of yesteryear

did, many frown at this and consider it lacking the balance of the male and

female and that one cannot survive without the other, never realizing that

it is the Goddess herself that keeps the balance. The true "old religion"

entailed honoring the Goddess in her many facets and not simply as a sex

partner and mother. What most do not understand is that the Moon (feminine)

and the Earth (feminine) evolve around each other as they dance across the

nightly sky each month and share with each other's energies.

There is also confusion in that now everyone calls the Dark Moon the New

Moon. The New Moon is a patriarchal word. The dark phase of the moon, not to

be confused with the dark side of the Moon, occurs each month in the three

days preceding the actual Dark of the Moon, which most consider the New Moon

Over the centuries, as people no longer worshiped the moon as Goddess, nor

used the Moon as the calendar, they began to fear the dark and everything

associated with the dark, including the name itself. Unfortunately, because

they feared the dark, is it no wonder that they feared the Dark Goddess,

whom they do not understand. So, instead of the Moon being called the Dark

Moon, it became the New Moon. But today's Witches are claiming Her rightful

name of Dark Moon and Her independence, strength and freedom of standing

alone without a God.

For all women, the lunar cycle is linked to women. The dark moon phase is

linked to women when they are shedding their blood. When the lunar cycle is

overlaid on the menstrual cycle, the full moon corresponds to ovulation and

fertility, and the dark moon is analogous to the actual shedding of the

blood. The ancient Goddess-worshiping cultures of yesteryear understood that

when they bled, it is woman's most powerful time of the month; a time when

her psychic and spiritual energies are most highly sensitized. At this time

of a woman's cycle, she tends to want to withdraw and go within, to look

upon her darker self, but in this masculine world of today, women are

prevented in doing that. The renowned Aleister Crowley preferred to have

sexual acts with women when they were shedding their blood, as even he knew

it was a most powerful time of their body, as blood is very powerful. If it

is considered a powerful time for women during the dark moon menstrual

cycles, then it should also be considered a powerful time of the month when

the Moon is in Her dark phase. But just as with the rise of the male god

cultures of Zeus and Horus and in which women's menstrual cycle became taboo

so has working magick when the Moon is in Her dark phase become taboo. The

cycles of the Moon and women feeling its energies are a women's gift.

In the Craft, and most particularly in your mainstream traditions, it is

said that you should never do magick when the Moon is in its dark phase of

three days. They say it is a time of rest; a time to retreat behind closed

doors, as the Dark Goddess roams the land with Her destructive powers. They

say that Her powers are too strong and that we should not visit with the

Crone, and if we do, that we should not tarry too long for fear that we

could not handle the Crone's harsh energies.

Even in the Craft today, we have confusing and sometimes negative

associations with the concept of the Dark Mother and of the energies that

She carries. They say that pagans not long in the Craft should leave working

with Her dark powers to the adept, to the ones who have been with the Craft

for many years and whom can handle Her harsh energies. These same pagans are

unfortunately putting fear of the Dark Mother in the minds of others.

In most pagan books you do not even see many rituals for the Dark of the

Moon or for the Full Moon. Occasionally you will see an article wherein you

are to embrace the dark power by means of performing a ritual. However, the

Dark Lord is most of the time called in as well. This is not necessary, and

you really only need to embrace and call in the the Dark Mother during the

waning to Dark of the Moon. For the Dark Goddess represents inner strength,

independence from duality for She IS the Hermit in the Tarot with Her

torches leading us to wisdom. She and She alone holds the power and

gives the power to those seeking it. The Dark Moon is there in the night

sky and it stands there alone in all Her power, even though we cannot see

Her. During Her dark phase, the feminine Earth comes between Her and sun,

giving Her her much needed rest from the demanding male energies of the Sun,

as we, too, need our rest from the masculine world in which we live. The sun

does not contribute to the Moon's energies but only allows us to see what

phase She is going through. It is not the Sun who helps effect the tides

during Full or Dark Moon for only the Moon effects the tides of the ocean

and the tides of woman and man. Her powers are there just the same.

She stands alone and She stands strong. The Crone teaches us survival. She

has survived all things and from Her we may learn that we, too, will survive

all things. But first, we must seek Her to learn of Her teachings. Many do

not truly understand the Dark Mother because to understand her, you must

walk with Her. Women are daughters of the Goddess, and we carry Her gifts

naturally. We know Her no matter what Her phases is, as She is Mother and

Crone to us all. We women feel her like no other because we are Her.

The Crone represents a time in looking into the void, into the unknown and

to find the truth that is hidden in the darkness. It is a time for meditation, psychic
power enhancement or for looking into past life memories to help better
understand current difficulties. Dark Moon energy also lends itself to divination
and matters where truth is an issue. We need to seek the Crone each
month to release those things that we have hidden in the dark recesses
of our mind and are afraid to face.

The Dark Moon represents the mystery, performing different types of magick,

divination arts such as the tarot and scrying, and the banishing of negative

energies and seeking wisdom from the greatest teacher of them all, the Crone

It is also a time to meditate with the Dark Goddess and to listen to the

messages of wisdom that she has to share with you. It is a time to move back

into ourselves, disappearing, hiding and dwelling within our inner selves so

that we may be reborn and are able to look at things in a different light...

the Crones inner light.

There are a lot of Witches who seem to come more alive during the waning

moon up and into the Dark of the Moon. There would be many, many more

Witches feeling the magickal powers of the Dark Moon, if they would push the

taboo teachings of fearing the Dark Goddess and her energies that some teach

in today's covens. We need to go back to yesteryear daughters of the Goddess

back to before the patriarchal Gods with myths of war, rape, destruction

and killings which took over the world and squashed the wise teachings of

the Dark Mother.

Embrace the Dark Goddess and Her magick. When embracing the Dark Goddess and

performing magick, always do ritual and magick three days on or before the

Dark of the Moon. Some say that you can do dark moon magick two days before

the Dark Moon, on the Dark Moon, and two days after. Through years of

research, we have come to understand the Moon more so than ever before. Once

the moon turns to its true dark phase at that given moment, it will soon

start to shift into its waxing phase. Until it does shift into its waxing

phase, the moon's energies are erratic. It is best not to do any banishing

rituals 24 hours after the Moon is considered dark which most astrology

calendars give the time when the Moon reaches Her darkest phase.

When doing Full Moon magick, many pagans say that you can do full moon

rituals two days before the Full Moon, on the Full Moon, and up two days

after the full moon. This is not accurate, as the moon’s energies start to

shift one minute after the actual time of the Full Moon. It is best not do

any positive magick 24 hours after the Moon is full. For an accurate time

when the Moon is full, consult the U.S. Naval Observatory website.

But Daughters of the Goddess, do not fear the Dark Goddess but embrace Her,

once a month, and better it be when the Moon is dark, and there ye shall

assemble yourself in some secret place and adore Her, the Crone, and sing,

dance and perform magickal rites all in Her honor! We must teach ourselves

to once more see Her as She is and not as the annihilator, the destroyer,

the pain giver and perpetual suffering that patriarchal myths portray Her.

Many pagans think you need a God along side the Goddess for balance, but in

the end, it is the Crone who keeps the balance in all things. The Crone is

the deep love, the teacher, the wise one, the comforter, and She is

understanding. It is through the Crone that we can learn life's mysteries.

It is the Crone who keeps the balance.

http://www.hecatescauldron.org/Women%20and%20Dark%20Moon%20Magick. htm

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Power Animal of the Day: Tortoise

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 6:58 am (PDT)


The Tortoise

Commitment          Protection

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the tortoise fill you. 

Click here to listen to the Tortoise's Song.


dream is too large, no goal too impossible, no destination too far, now that you
are the tortoise!


tortoise will teach you how to make time work for you.  She knows that if you
simply put one foot in front of the other and keep moving, you are bound to
reach your destination.  She is not afraid to set ambitious goals, even
seemingly impossible goals, for her patience and tenacity are built upon a deep
belief in herself.  Allow her to give you this faith, this deep knowledge that
you can accomplish anything you set out to do, if only you will keep going and
never quit.  For you are the tortoise, and the tortoise never gives up.


her also teach you how to pull inside yourself and find peace and quiet there,
no matter where you are or what is happening.  Whenever you need to, you may
call her spirit to you and she will wrap you in her protective shell,
surrounding you with so much love and caring that the events of the outside
world will not disturb your center of peace.


when the desert stretches out before you, let the tortoise give you the heart
and the strength to cross the seemingly endless sands until you finally reach
the sea, the sea soft with love and wonder, the sea of life, where all is again
restored to you.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Quado's Garden: You are Worth the Shine and the Showing

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 7:08 am (PDT)


are Worth the Shine and the Showing


Today, set self-consciousness aside.  Today, be within yourself and express yourself,
openly, joyfully, proudly, with strength, courage and love.


Think about people you
admire.  Are they self-conscious, hesitant, unsure of whether they will be
accepted by others?  Or are they driven by an inner knowledge, an inner fire,
full of courage which allows them to say what they truly believe, coming from a
heart of rightness?


When you are in touch with
your inner core, when you are allowing your higher self to fill you and abide
within your center of peace, the words flow, the eloquence comes, the truth as
you know it finds a way to express itself, while still being compassionate and
loving toward others.


Do not douse your fire out
of fear that others will not like you or approve of you.  Love yourself. 
Approve of yourself.  You are worth expressing.  You are worth the shine and the
showing.  You are here to be who you are and it is good.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Massage Therapy Specials by New Jersey Holistic Health Services

Posted by: "njtouch@aol.com" njtouch@aol.com   joachimbecker

Fri Nov 5, 2010 7:20 am (PDT)

Hello... this is an invite to all my friends, associates and acquaintances in the area !
Chill out and treat yourself to something different at a price that won't rub you the wrong way ! I'm offering a great AUTUMN SPECIAL of:

1 Hour + Therapeutic Massage with hot Stones:

Special 1/2 price offering: $ 40
offer good through Dec 2010

Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available. Studio appointment only please.
Call, e-mail or text message for scheduling.
Feel free to share this offer with friends and associates.


Joachim J. Becker, LMTh
Massage - Drumming - Labyrinths - Native Flutes

Also on facebook:


Daily Hindu Wisdom: The Original Transcendent Shakti

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 8:51 am (PDT)

The one original transcendent Shakti,
the Mother stands above all the worlds and bears in her eternal
consciousness the Supreme Divine. Alone, she harbors the absolute Power
and the ineffable Presence; containing or calling the Truths that have
to be manifested, she brings them down from the Mystery in which they
were hidden into the light of her infinite consciousness and gives them a
form of force in her omnipotent power and her boundless life and a body
in the universe.

- Sri Aurobindo

More Hindu Quotes

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra


Posts from Tiny Buddha for 11/05/2010

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Nov 5, 2010 9:32 am (PDT)

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Tiny Wisdom: On Accepting YourselfNov 05, 2010 01:57 am | Lori Deschene
"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them." -Albert Einstein
It takes confidence and courage to acknowledge there are areas where
you could improve–but this is true for everyone. No one is perfect, and
everyone struggles with something. It's the people who are willing to
take an honest look at their weaknesses who consistently grow stronger.
Only in identifying your limitations can you stretch yourself and redefine what's possible.
Today if you feel challenged professionally, socially, emotionally,
or intellectually, remind yourself that you can always grow wiser,
stronger, and smarter. Once you accept yourself for who you are without
judgment or shame, you give yourself every opportunity to do that.
Knowing and loving who you are is the first step in becoming who you can be.

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5 Tips to Accept Your Weaknesses: the First Step Toward GrowthNov 05, 2010 12:30 am | Melissa Kirk

by Melissa Kirk
"Growth begins when we begin to accept our weaknesses." ~Jean Vanier
I went out with my mom this Sunday, a beautiful, sunny, fall day in
San Francisco. As we sat on a bench looking out over the bay and ate our
vegetarian spring rolls, she reminded me of an incident that happened
when I was a teenager when she and I had traveled to the Grand Canyon.
In a nutshell, I had gotten irate over a family that was feeding the
ground squirrels French fries right next to a sign that said "Don't Feed
the Squirrels." I went up to them and, apparently, was very vehement in
my request that they stop feeding the F&*$% squirrels their
F&*%$ junk food.
My mom laughed as she recounted the story (and how she now tells it to others), but I froze up in shame.
I remember how badly I felt afterwards for losing my cool like
that—how I felt like shrinking up and disappearing. What to my mom was a
funny story of a teenage freak-out, to me was yet another reminder of
how flawed I am.
The story reminded me of hundreds of other times—some as recent as a
couple of weeks ago—when I lost my temper and lost control. And how each
time, I've felt the cold fingers of shame, guilt, and regret, and
wonder despairingly what is so wrong with me that I can't seem to stop blowing up at people.
I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by people who forgive me my faults
and flaws as I forgive theirs. I can never hold a grudge for very long
because I know how it feels to make mistakes.
Always, when I've lost it with someone, I've apologized profusely,
and I've used these incidents as opportunities to look inside myself and
explore what happened, what triggered my anger, and how I can help make
it less likely to happen in the future.
But the truth is something that I can't change: I have a temper, and sometimes it flares.
We all have flaws, weaknesses, and quirks. Even when we work on the
things we can work on, we'll still be human, and still make mistakes.
I'm working on accepting myself as I am, including the part of that gets
angry and sometimes loses control of that anger.
When I think about all the mistakes I've made in that regard, and
especially when I feel myself starting to get lost in the shame and
regret, I remind myself that if that me that I'm ashamed of were a
friend of mine, I'd be able to forgive her.
I'd also be able to look on her flaws with compassion and
understanding. I'd understand that she still has some work to do on her
anger issues, and that she's doing the best she can.
In those moments, I remind myself that if I can feel that kind of compassion for someone else, I can feel it for myself.
When we mess up, screw up, fall flat on our faces, make mistakes,
and, in our own minds, fail, can we look at those incidents as just more
opportunities to learn about ourselves and what makes us tick? Each
time I get upset, I learn more about the nuances of why it happens, and
the telltale signs that I'm about to blow up. Each time it happens, even
though I still regret the pain I've caused others, I get better at
knowing myself.
Good parents let their kids fall down from time to time. It teaches
the kids how to soothe themselves, as well as where their limits are. It
makes stronger, more confident, and more courageous kids.
Can we treat our own selves this way, picking ourselves up gently
when we fall, and not berating and punishing ourselves for being human?
Here are a few tips for learning to accept our own weaknesses:
1. When faced with some part of yourself that you dislike, try to
encompass that part in one non-blaming word or short phrase. Mine might
be "I get mad." Someone else's might be "I can be judgmental" or "I eat
too much when I'm sad."
2. Consider the phrase and ask yourself: "If someone you loved had this flaw, what would you say to him or her?"
3. When you have an answer to that, turn it around and address it to yourself.
4. When you're in the throes of self-hate, regret, or shame, do a
Buddhist tonglen exercise: breathe in the pain of every other creature
who struggles with that same problem, and breathe out healing and love,
for all of you.  This can remind you that you are not the only one who
is imperfect.
5.  When you can, cultivate the ability to laugh at your human foibles.
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra


Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 11/5/2010, 8:00 pm

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Nov 5, 2010 5:33 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Thursday Night Prayer Circle
Friday November 5, 2010
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Protection, Strength, Healing, Prayers to Everyone Mentioned Tonight!

I'm lighting this candle tonight for anyone who needs Prayers, healing , guidence, help or love. If anyone has anything they would like to post, can be a simple prayer or anything they need to talk about your more then welcome! Your in my prayers!

We like to send prayers out tonight for:
granddaughter Morganna (coolseawatersz)Brain Bleed, talking,
walking, head & neck muscles back to normal, poss. leaving
rehab soon, Lt arm still not moving much please more prayers!
Karen Starns (night_raven_5465) Brain Tumor
Mona (mo58_2001) Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prayers also to Mona's daugher in law Lisa Bragg passed away after terrible accident 02/25/10
Rev. Felicity Lavelle (Breast Cancer)
Sharon (fotograffa2001) Fibromyalgia & Arthritis
Regina Rosian (emeraldharley2003 friend)cancer
Oberon (Colan CA, Hernia n Mesh surg)

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Yahoo! Inc.

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Scholar Mandakranta Bose & Witch John Storm on Voices of the Sacred

Posted by: "karentate108" karentate108@ca.rr.com   specialjourn

Fri Nov 5, 2010 8:27 pm (PDT)

Greetings Listeners of Voices of the Sacred Feminine.....

*This week on the show....*

*Mandakranta Bose* is Professor Emerita, Institute of Asian Research,
University of British Columbia, Canada. Two of her major publications
are /Faces of the Feminine in Ancient, Medieval and Modern India/ and
/Sangitanarayana: A Critical Edition/. We'll be discussing her latest
book -- Women in the Hindu Tradition; Rules, Roles and Exceptions.
Synopsis below -

This book accounts for the origin and evolution of the nature and roles
of women within the Hindu belief system. It explains how the idea of the
goddess has been derived from Hindu philosophical ideas and texts of
codes of conduct and how particular models of conduct for mortal women
have been created. Hindu religious culture correlates philosophical
speculation and social imperatives to situate femininity on a continuum
from divine to mortal existence. This creates in the Hindu consciousness
multiple - often contradictory - images of women, both as wielders and
subjects of authority. The conception and evolution of the major Hindu
goddesses, placed against the judgments passed by texts of Hindu sacred
law on women's nature and duties, illuminate the Hindu discourse on
gender, the complexity of which is compounded by the distinctive
spirituality of female ascetic poets. Drawing on a wide range of
Sanskrit texts, the author explains how the idea of the goddess has been
derived from Hindu philosophical ideas and also from the social roles of
women as reflected in, and prescribed by, texts of codes of conduct. She
examines the idea of female divinity which gave rise to models of
conduct for mortal women. Instead of a one-way order of ideological
derivation, the author argues that there is constant traffic between
both ways the notional and the actual feminine. This book brings
together for the first time a wide range of material and offers fresh
stimulating interpretations of women in the Hindu Tradition.

*And at the bottom of the hour.....*

*JOHN STORMM*....hereditary witch of a matriarchal clan, author of the
Witch Clan fantasy series discusses the Witch vs. Warlock, Pagans Today
vs. Pre-Christian Pagans, Is there a glamour over the eyes and minds of
the country?

John talks about his background ....I was born in 1953 in a family of
hereditary witches that count their ancestry all too many centuries ago
in ancient Tara. I was raised and trained in the craft, as the only male
witch in my family by my grandmother. I now have grandchildren of my
own. I began serious martial arts training in 1963. My sensei became my
father figure and I strove for perfection, holding a Second Degree Black
Belt in Mas Oyamas Karate, and a master's ranking in Chinese Kenpo. By
the early 1970's, between training for tournaments and running my own
small chain of studios, I took Radio & TV Broadcasting at El Paso
Community College in Colorado Springs, CO. This gave me my first good
taste of journalism. Thirty plus years later, and dying to write some of
these experiences in a book, I wrote an entire series in the Witch Clan
theme. These are character driven stories with true to life characters,
and experiences melded into an entertaining fantasy. My first full
length novel in this series is "Matriarch of the Witch Clan." Readers
are encouraged to visit our website at *http:///www.witchclan.com* to
correspond with the author or get information on the next release. I and
my family sponsor and are also registered as "Witches of the World" at
The Witches Voice (witchvox.com)and can be found in their archives

Call in Number: (718) 766-4662
Website: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/VoicesoftheSacredFeminine
Every Wednesday Night (Show Time May Shift Between 6PM-8PM PST)

_*Remember the THREE F's*_ .....mark Voices of the Sacred Feminine as
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Karen Tate

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