luni, 8 noiembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4546

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)

Thank you for a Wonderful Chat Night on NJP From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: News from Lindsey's Healing Center From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: Possible Comet Outburst in Progress From: Cher Chirichello
Re: Introduction From: Katrina



Thank you for a Wonderful Chat Night on NJP

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Nov 7, 2010 8:38 pm (PST)

it was fun seeing some of you online Chat, we'll do more discussions next Sunday, it looks

easy enough and no real errors noticed, so I think we got it! Have a wonderful Monday and
thanks for stopping in!!

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Fw: News from Lindsey's Healing Center

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Nov 7, 2010 8:38 pm (PST)

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Exploring Dreams and Imagery

Do you have vivid or recurring dreams that do not make sense to you? Are you curious about dreams - whether or not you remember your own? Do you desire to discover the messages that the images coming from your innermost being are trying to bring to your awareness? Come explore the world of dreams and imagery...
NOTE: You do not need to remember your dreams in order to participate. You may work with images and waking events in a similar manner to gain the full benefit of these workshops.
DATE: Wednesday, November 17
TIME: 7:00 PM (till 9:30 PM) Please be on time.
We will continue to explore the meanings behind the images that arise in dreams and waking events. You will learn a three-step process to interpret your own and other people's dreams.
DATE: Wednesday, December 8
TIME: 7:00 PM (till 9:30 PM) Please be on time.

LOCATION: The Healing Center, 142 Main Street, Bloomingdale, NJ
TO REGISTER: Contact Lindsey Sass at The Healing Center: 973-714-0765
YOUR INVESTMENT: $35.00 per workshop ($60.00 if you pre-register for both)
Leslie Lobell, M.A., a licensed professional counselor and certified clinical hypnosis practitioner trained in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, dream interpretation, guided visualization and Reiki. She has conducted workshops in both the United States and abroad. For more information, contact her by phone: 908-577-0053 or by email:

About the Healing Center and Available Services
The Healing Center is a safe & gentle environment for people to discovery the gifts of clarity and healing. We encourage you to open and receive healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. The Healing Center is dedicated to personal wholeness, offering a rounded program for "Total Healing on all levels".

Leslie Karen Lobell, LPC, RM/T
Leslie is a licensed professional counselor and certified clinical hypnosis practitioner trained in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, dream interpretation, voice dialogue, meditation and guided visualization.

A graduate of Dartmouth College, she earned a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland. Leslie also is a Reiki Master and Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master. For over a decade, Leslie has been utilizing both traditional and holistic modalities to assist teens and adults in creating happier, healthier, more peaceful and fulfilling lives.
Directions to The Healing Center
Only a few minutes away from Interstate 287 Exit 53 in NJ.
Take Exit 53 off of 287 north or south. Make a left at the end of ramp at the light. Go 1/2 mile on Hamburg Tpk. Look for Wayne Bedding on your left, get into slow (right) lane. Look for Rite Aid on your right. The Healing Center is on your right in the next mini mall at the bend in the road. Pull into parking lot.
For detailed directions:
Call 973-714-0765
or Click for Google Maps.
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Lindsey's Healing Center | 142 Main Street | Bloomingdale | NJ | 07403


Fw: Possible Comet Outburst in Progress

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Nov 7, 2010 8:39 pm (PST)

Space Weather News for Nov. 8, 2010

POSSIBLE COMET OUTBURST: A comet discovered just a few days ago by amateur astronomers in Japan is gliding by Saturn in the pre-dawn sky. Comet Ikeya-Murakami (C/2010 V1) is not visible to the unaided eye, but observers say it is a fairly easy target for backyard telescopes. Images obtained over the weekend reveal what appears to be an outburst in progress. The comet's coma (atmosphere) bears a striking resemblance to the coma of Comet Holmes, which famously exploded in 2007. Check for photos and more information.

SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: After unleashing one of the brightest X-ray flares in years on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 6th, sunspot 1121 took Sunday off. No strong flares were recorded for the rest of the weekend. Nevertheless, the active region's magnetic field is complex and harbors energy for more eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate an 85% chance of M-flares during the next 24 hours.


Re: Introduction

Posted by: "Katrina"   kala_astrid

Sun Nov 7, 2010 9:11 pm (PST)

Welcome to the group Sandi. May you find what you seek here with us.


Some things are best left unknown.

Trust is the hardest thing to gain and the easiest to destroy.

The longest journey is the journey inward.
Dag Hammarskjold

-------Original Message-------


Name: Sandi

How many years young are you?
I am 40 years old and happy to be old and wise rather than young and stupid
as I was in youth. I am an Aquarius sun, Cancer moon , Gemini ascending.
Yeah , I am a bit of a mess.

What town/county do you live in?:
I am originally from Orlando, Florida but I now live in Pensacola. I hope to
be in the NC mountains soon.

What path/belief/tradition/religion do you follow or drawn too?
Hmmm? This is a tough question because I have gone through a bit of a
transformation and although I am a witch my beliefs tend to be more
spiritual , Native American, and sometimes agnostic. It seems I am in a kind
of rebirth. One thing I am sure of is that I am part of nature and that is
where I find God/dess.

Which God/Goddess are you closest to?:
HMMM, Well, I will always be faithful and grateful to my mother Hecate but I
feel more of a connection when I address mother father nurturer, protector,
provider . I guess this could be part of my transition . Feels right to me.

Do you have a "totem" or power animal?:
Cats , specifically ferals. Of course I have a love hate relationship with
frogs . They fascinate me but scare me.

What other "non-pagan" things are you interested in?:
Oh boy ! Don't hold it against me but I love Documentaries! I do lot of
research on ancient history and the Sumerian texts as well as any other
religious history, even if it involves aliens. Actually I love alien
theories and the way figure into the 2012 prophesy. I also love conspiracy
theories such as NWO and the reptilian Illuminati.
Oh and I am an accounting major at Pensacola state College planning on
transferring to UWF.

How long have you been interested/studying/practicing?:
My Grandmother raised me in her Native American ways not as a religion
because our past is really disconnected but she always said she was Lutheran
, i have no idea what that is because she never said. I guess I made a
complete change over after 9/11 , although I had been dabbling in Santeria
and divination before that.

Do you have a book of Shadows?:
I keep journals! years and years of journals. Some of poetry and prayers ,
other more like diaries and self discovery. I keep a lot of my stuff on my
PC on files.

Do you have an Altar?:
Yes, It was boxed for awhile and I recently set it back up. Right now it is
so cluttered because my beliefs are so varied. When you research and study
you see the similarities in all religions. During my recent research I was
pronounced a member of Islam. Still confused on how that happened but I have
the certificate to prove it . (peace be with you all). I will ad this to my
alter but I guess then I'll have to pull up my pentecostal baptism and my
mormom membership too.

Coven or solitary? preference?
Ummm, well is there an Islamic , Sumerian , wiccan, spiritualist, shamanic,
alien cult, coven around? Ok, I'd say eclectic solitary.

What is your favorite Witchcraft, Paganism, Magic web site?:
I don't think I have one. Does nat geo count?

Anything else you'd like to tell the group about yourself or
Your path?
I believe that life is a journey on a path of knowledge with the end wisdom
and self discovery. All paths lead to God/dess.
Blessed be!
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