luni, 6 decembrie 2010

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2481

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Re: Hi From: Krystal Day
Re: New Member From: Krystal Day



Re: Hi

Posted by: "Krystal Day"   day_krystal

Sun Dec 5, 2010 2:40 pm (PST)

Welcome to the group! You will enjoy it here.

Blessed be,
Krystal Day

--- On Mon, 11/29/10, Serenity Seeker <> wrote:

> From: Serenity Seeker <>
> Subject: [Earthwise] Hi
> To:
> Date: Monday, November 29, 2010, 4:33 AM
> Thank you for allowing me to join your group. My
> name is GarriAnn and I am 53 will be 54 years old this week.
> I am in a place where I am in search of more serenity in my
> life and I have been attracted to the Pagan way for quite
> some time so I am looking forward to learning more about
> it.
> Thanks,
> ~GarriAnn


Re: New Member

Posted by: "Krystal Day"   day_krystal

Sun Dec 5, 2010 7:44 pm (PST)

Merry meet and welcome Ana!

This is a great group from different walks. Some are specifically Wiccan. I find the group to be very knowledgable. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Blessed be,
Crystal Day

--- On Sat, 11/27/10, staci_sunflower <> wrote:

> From: staci_sunflower <>
> Subject: [Earthwise] New Member
> To:
> Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 8:56 PM
> Merry Meet,
> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ana, although
> I go by many names depending on the situation or whom I am
> encountering. I have been studying this path for quite some
> time, but never felt confident enough to tell anyone or to
> pronounce my religion as Wicca when asked. I feel that I am
> still learning, although I have been pulled by the Goddess
> toward this path of enlightenment and I feel her all around
> me at every moment, I do not feel that I have the tools or
> the resources to fully serve her. I also am still confused
> as to what my talents are that she is telling me to use to
> aid others.
> I have been reading the posts today, and have already
> learned so many things...not necessarily things I didn't
> know, but they have given me positive confirmation that I
> have been doing things correctly and that I am following the
> right path, even though sometimes I take a wrong turn and
> have to double back.
> I hope to network and communicate with others and to be
> able to ask questions and answer some.
> I am currently living in Southern AZ, but am in the process
> of moving myself and my children back to my hometown in VT.
> I am a single mother of three children, one of which is
> married herself and is going to deliver my first grandchild
> in/around the beginning of June. My other two children are
> teenagers, my youngest daughter also feels drawn to the
> goddess and she has recently started studying and learning,
> mostly from me and from books that I read first so that I
> can make sure it is something that teachers her goodness.
> Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction; I
> look forward to learning and becoming an active member of
> this community.
> Blessed be,
> Ana

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