Messages In This Digest (21 Messages)
- 1a.
- In-Sights from Uriel Heals to Enlighten your Life From: Ash
- 2.
- Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 12/06/2010 From: Ash
- 3.
- MORRIGAN From: Ash
- 4a.
- Power Animal of the Day: Fox From: Ash
- 5.
- Quado's Garden: Unfold to Each Other From: Ash
- 6.
- A Facebook Christmas From:
- 8.
- SoulJourney Gift Ideas, Mercury Retrograde, and Discount Days From: Cher Chirichello
- 9.
- Get Ready for Yule!: Day 2: Legends and Lore From: Cher Chirichello
- 10.
- DailyOM: A Sign of Imbalance From: Cher Chirichello
- 12a.
- Daily Goddess Devotion From: Ash
- 13.
- Quartz (Rock Crystal) From: Ash
- 14.1.
- Powerful Affirmation of the Day From: Ash
- 15.
- In My Dream We Were ALL From: Ash
- 16.
- Tuesday's Correspondence...Dec 7 From: Cher Chirichello
- 17.
- Today's Goddess: IX CHEBEL YAX From: Cher Chirichello
- 18a.
- Mistletoe Herb of Solstice From: Cher Chirichello
- 19.
- Magical Mistletoe Spell From: Cher Chirichello
- 20.
- Babylonian Star-Rise Incantation From: Cher Chirichello
- 21.
- Belly Dance Basics, Dec. 7-21, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 1a.
In-Sights from Uriel Heals to Enlighten your Life
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 4:43 am (PST)
Enlightening Your Life with Jennifer & Archangel UrielDecember 6, 2010 Greetings!
*FR*EE* Miracles class on Tuesday, Dec. 7. Register here This month's article is entitled The Journey of Clarity.
Clarity is what takes us from doubt to knowing, shedding light on our
darknesss. But what is clarity, why is it important that we understand
it and are we ready to know the truth that clarity brings? Here's what
is in this week's newsletter:
the truth we get from clarity set us free or does it create more
confusion? The truth is a detail we need to take action. What actions
will we take? Read about it in the first article. I
get many requests to intercede on others' behalf, something I cannot do
for them. But I can help them make powerful choices that can bring them
back from the dead and choose life. This is the second article. In
Archangel Uriel's message this week we are asked to be generous with
our love, because when we love conditionally we limit the love that can
come to us. We
can empower ourselves and our children by understanding the nature of
energy movement and learning how to balance energy. This is the subject
of this week's Indigo/Crystal article. Visit the website to see a list of traits and decide whether you are Indigo or Crystal ... or both. Step into your Miracle Mastery! Get more from life! Sign up for the Miracle Mastery on-line program, now with group and personal coaching options. Click here to register.
Read the December article on the Uriel Heals website. El bolet�n est� ahora disponible en espa�ol.
The series on Indigos and Suicide is available on the Today's Children page in response to your requests. Read the newsletter in Spanish at Templo del Sol,
thank you Xitlalli! The link is on the Uriel Heals home page. Be sure
to visit the Lightworker Resources page on the website to see helpful
tools for your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. I would
like to welcome all of our new subscribers and thank you for joining the
Uriel Heals Newsletter. Recent newsletters and articles are available
on the 'Archives' page. The subscriber list grows daily and your emails
and testimonials are appreciated. To ensure that you receive the
newsletters please add its email address,
to your address book. All articles are copyright (c) Jennifer Hoffman
and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. Reprint is allowed with author and
website mention. For more information visit
And the Truth Will ...
I will talk about this in greater detail on this week's radio show on Blog Talk Radio.
of our requests for clarity respond to our deep need to have an answer,
uncover a possibility, unravel a life mystery or understand something
that has been a source of doubt and confusion. We want the truth so we
can know but the truth is not always what we expect it to be or it moves
us into greater confusion because getting the truth does
not set us free, sometimes it creates more ties that bind us to that
which we wish to be set free from. The truth is a detail and its power
lies in what we do with it.
humans we are action oriented so when nothing appears to be happening
and we feel stuck, we want solutions that point us in a direction that
will bring relief and start moving the energy in our life again. And we
think that clarity will do that and it will, to a point. Clarity can
tell us how we got to where we are, what we have done to create the
situation and is a glimpse into a potential future. But clarity will not
tell us what to do or how to do it.
is guidance and suggestion, it shows us how we have been using our
power and how much we are capable of which, if we have been using our
power to create a lot of drama in our lives, can be depressing. Since
the Universe operates in the present moment our clarity let us know what
is happening now. Then we have to take that information and use it to
create the next step. What is that? Whatever we need to do to get us out
of the stuck place we are in. Giant steps may not be possible but a
small step in any direction will feel better than no movement at all.
are so hard on ourselves to always move forward, do something, solve
our problems and take action when our place of greatest power is in the
stillness and silence where we can receive clarity and then pause to
assess our situation, find balance, connect with opportunities and
create solutions. Our clarity will help us find our way out of the
darkness as long as we don't expect it to be a moving sidewalk that
carries us to its pre-determined destination. We still have to do the
work, to create the connections and take action with purpose and
intention once we find the light that clearly marks the way and allow
the truth to empower us into new directions.
Read the December article. You can read the Frog and Scorpion fable from November's message by clicking here.
The Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show
The Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, December 8, at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers, dial 718-664-6504. Click here for show details and to download or listen to previous shows.
Save Me Please
Get the Cord Disconnect & Healing Meditation CD to help you release connections that no longer serve you. Click here to order.
receive so many emails from readers and I try my best to answer all of
them. Many of them comment about newsletter articles, others ask for
help and guidance. Some of them, such as a few that I received this
week, are pleas for help, asking me to intercede with the Universe on
their behalf because they have given up, are at the end of their rope
and do not know what to do next. These are hard to answer because I
can't intercede on anyone's behalf - no one can - they have to make a
choice to live life in a different way before they can find the way to
save themselves.
a year ago I did a reading for a client who asked about a friend who
was in the hospital, slowly dying from an illness doctors could not
identify. She knew her friend was going to die and was sad because
theirs was a life long, fulfilling friendship. So when she asked about
her friend's condition I confirmed that she was going to die eventually
and it would be fairly prolonged and uncomfortable but the illness was
not what was killing her. She had not made the choice to live and that
choice would determine what happened to her. She didn't have to die but
she did have to choose to live instead.
after the reading she went to the hospital and relayed my message to
her friend. Then two months later I did a reading for the friend who was
out of the hospital, nearly fully recovered and who thanked me for that
message because it saved her life. She said that when she received the
message it was as though a door opened and the Universe asked her what
she wanted. She said that she wanted to live and felt her energy shift
in that moment. Then she was able to recover enough to go home.
the answer to our questions is as simple as making a choice to live, to
be happy, to have peace, to know love, to have abundance. We believe
that we are surrounded by so many complex choices but it is so much
simpler than that. In the gap from where we are to where we want to be
is a choice and whatever we choose will keep us in the gap or move us
forward. This week make a simple, direct choice for what you want in
your life. Don't ask to be rescued, ask for what you want even if it
seems to be impossible. You will receive the answer you need to make it
possible for you.
Uriel's Message -- Love Generously
as your forgiveness should be unconditional, given generously to all
without judgment and flowing from you to others in an effortless stream,
so should you love others with the unconditional love that resides
within you. You often share this love in controlled, measured ways,
giving to those who have proven they deserve it or whose love you are
grateful for but it should be shared fully, generously and without
limitation, to everyone. Do not judge who you should love, be willing to
love everyone so that love can be returned to you.
love is more than what you know of romance, it encompasses acceptance,
gratitude, divinity, connection and truth. It is mindful of the place of
each person in the family of humanity, of the shared experience of
suffering and potential for ascension. Love given generously is always
returned to you multiplied, but not always from the person to whom it is
given. When you judge others' capacity for love and use that to limit
how you love them, you also limit the love you can receive in your own
life from all sources.
can you love those who hurt you? By remembering that they are part of
your path because you chose them. Can you love your enemies? Who is your
enemy, the one who hurts you? These are often your greatest teachers.
Those who remind you of your lessons in power are those who are your
most loving teachers, this is how you see them in spirit and this is why
you should be generous with your love to everyone.
love is a gift of spirit, not to be confused with the love the ego
recognizes as being deserved or owing. When you love generously you are
allowing your divinity to shine brightly in your life and allow that
light to become a beacon that attracts the love you seek. It will come
to you for as you release judgments about love, you remove the blocks to
love. Make love your practice with each person, so you give love
generously in the spirit of acceptance of who they are, gratitude for
their role in your life and you in theirs, see their divinity, remember
you are all connected and the only truth that exists is that you are all
of spirit.
Readings with Uriel offer enlighlightenment, support and clarity.
Click here for more details and to schedule.
Featured Healing ResourcesThe featured healers this month are listed in the Business Resource Directory. Please visit their websites.
Pam Dussault of Passage to Inner Joy, website
Information about joining the Business Resource Directory is available here.
Balancing Energy
of the new energies, Indigos, Crystals and beyond, come into the earth
with their own energetic signatures that are not always compatible with
the energies around them, including those within their family. They
bring in a new vibration that others may not be prepared for, know how
to deal with or cannot connect to. So they reject it because it is
easier to ignore this energy or pretend it is not there than to figure
it out or find ways to accommodate it.
we are aware that our energy is out of balance with others we do one of
two things, we try to accommodate them by changing our energy in some
way so it is closer to theirs or we shut it down so they are not
affected by it. Neither action is good for us because we are essentially
limiting our energetic expression and then we cannot operate within our
full power. This is how we stay safe around energy that does not accept
us but it is a strategy that hurts us more than it helps us.
when our Indigo and Crystal children experience the same kinds of
situations in their lives we struggle with how to help them. We can try
to keep them safe and protect them from others or we can empower them to
live through their energy no matter what but that is hard for us to do
because we remember how hard it was for us. This is why many of you
struggle with how to get your Indigo young adults to start their lives.
How can you empower them without appearing to be abandoning them?
a new energy meets and old energy it takes time for them to balance
out. Eventually, the old energy must rise to meet the new one and that
is a process. So teaching children about energy, letting them feel their
energy and then showing them how to express it in positive ways,
instead of being frustrated when others can't accept it, how to feel
comfortable with who they are and even doing energy balancing work with
them are all helpful. The purpose of this exercise is to get them to the
point where they feel comfortable with who they are so they can live
happy, fulfilling lives and express their energy to its fullest because
they are fully within it.
Read about Indigos & Crystals
Classes and Products
to all of the Guilt & Shame Healing & Transformation graduates.
You did a wonderful job. This class will be available on CD and via
download later this month.
Take the Miracle Mastery journey with our new on-line education center.
Now available with group and personal coaching options. Click here for more information.
The 30 Days to Everyday Miracles workbook is now available as an ebook for download. Click here to purchase.The Holistic Business Owner's Toolkit contains valuable resources to help you start or fast track your business. Click here for more information.
Buy the Book
Now in its second printing. Thanks to all who have ordered. Click here to purchase.
In This Issue
And The Truth Will ...Save Me PleaseUriel's Message -- Love GenerouslyBalancing EnergyOrder the Book
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Jennifer Hoffman
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 2.
Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 12/06/2010
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 4:46 am (PST)
You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you
what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that
they muddy their vision with "reality". Their vision becomes full of not
only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want,
too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration
that you are offering can then be answered.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 11th, 1998
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther
Visit Us Online
©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 3.
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 4:52 am (PST)
Source: Jodi
Morrigan, with your long red hair flying
And your tattered cloak the colour of blood
You screech across the battlefield in a raven's croak
Glorying in the slaughter, and feasting on the slain.
Morrigan is the red-haired Irish battle goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danaan,
said to be one of the three daughters of Ernmas The meaning of her name
is uncertain. It may derive from Mór Ríagan or Mór-Ríoghain ['Great
Queen'] or Morrigu ['Queen of Nightmares'] or Mor-Ríoghain ['Phantom
Queen']. She is a triple goddess incorporating the aspects Babd
['Raven'], Nemain ['Frenzy'] and Macha ['Battle']. The Morrigan gives
warning of coming battles, urges on her chosen side, and finally takes
the form of a crow or raven to feed upon the dead on battlefields. The
heads of those killed in battle were dedicated to her.
Morrigan is the protectress of the land and also has functions as a
goddess of agriculture and irrigation. A range of low hills known as the
Paps of Morrighan is dedicated to her. The Dagda ['Good God']
discovered her on the Eve of Samhain [Halloween] before the Second
Battle of Magh Tuiredh as she stood astride the River Unius, washing the
bloody armour of those who were destined to die. While in this
position, the two mated, perhaps indicating that the Morrigan has
aspects as both a death and fertility goddess. She urinated a stream
that irrigated the land.
It is possible that she was the original of the death herald, the
banshee. Those warriors who heard the siren songs of the Morrigan were
destined to die in battle, while those who did not might have wit enough
to live. Thus, her song is an omen of death, like the wail of the
She was implacable and without mercy, but she liked to mate with both
gods and human men, and could appear as a beautiful woman when she
chose. The mighty hero Cuchulain excited her lust as she watched him
wash himself, naked on the riverbank. She put on her finest clothes and a
glamour so marvellous that she shone like the sun, approaching the
warrior and inviting him to sleep with her. He shook his head, saying
that he was too tired from the day's combat. She replied that she could
help him in battle, and thereby save his strength for more interesting
things, but he laughingly scorned the help of a woman. And it was this
that roused her ire and from then on, she was his implacable enemy and
determined to bring about his downfall.
As Cuchulain watched, a wagon approached, drawn by a single bright red
horse walking upon three legs. Alongside it walked a footman holding a
forked hazel wand. In the wagon was a woman with hair like bright red
flames, wearing a red cloak. Red is associated with death and the
Underworld in Celtic myth, and this apparition of the Morrigan in red
was an omen of Cuchulain's death. Suddenly everything disappeared except
the woman, who became a great black bird, and flew away.
The next day on the battlefield, the Morrigan took the form of a red
heifer without horns, which caused confusion amongst Cuchulain's men and
gave an advantage to the enemy. Cuchulain was forced into a stream, and
the Morrigan changed herself into an enormous black eel, and twisted
herself about Cuchulain's body, so that he almost downed. Just as he was
about to untangle himself, she shapeshifted into a wolf and savaged him
badly. The Morrigan didn't get the fight all her own way, however, and
had to retire from the fray injured.
Knowing that she must be cured by the one who had wounded her, she
disguised herself as an old woman with a milking pail, sitting with a
red cow by the side of the road where Cuchulain must pass, on his way
home. When he appeared, she offered him a cup of milk, and he took it,
calling a blessing on the hag. She gave him a second cup, and again he
drank, offering a second blessing. A third time he drained the milk from
the cup, and offered a third blessing. This threefold benediction
completed the cure and the Morrigan turned into a raven, lying into the
air with a mocking caw. She perched on a thorn bush and prophesied his
Cuchulain met his end after being forced by three hags (the Morrigan in
her triple aspect) to break his geis of eating dog flesh. She watched as
he lay dying, an otter lapping his blood.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 4a.
Power Animal of the Day: Fox
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 5:04 am (PST)
http://www.poweranimalsunleashed. com/power_ animal_013fox. htm
The Fox
Intuition Anticipation
a deep breath and let the spirit of the fox fill you.
Click here to Listen to the Fox's Song.
Ah, how
fortunate you are to have fox power within you. Beautiful and clever, the fox
will help you move through life with grace and ease, attracting others with your
charm and intuitively sensing how to act, even when surrounded with newness.
Just breathe in fox power and you will instantly feel grace and confidence
flowing through you, guiding you to the right thing to say and do in every
circumstance. For you are the fox.
But when you
want to be left alone, the fox will lend you her great powers of camouflage,
letting you blend into the background at will, where you can observe unseen,
taking it all in and keeping it to yourself. You have both of these powers: to
attract confidently or to blend invisibly. The choice is completely yours.
The fox will
fill you with her sharp intuition, so that you sense what is coming down the
path before it can even be heard or seen. With the fox within you, you will be
able to anticipate, knowing when to lie low and let things silently pass by,
when to step forward and engage, and when to run like the wind, feeling the
freedom of foreknowledge and deep connection with all that is.
And safe at
home, her gentle caring nature will fill you, as you devote yourself to your
loved ones and know the true courage of deep and compassionate love.
You are
love, beauty and grace. You are the fox.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 5.
Quado's Garden: Unfold to Each Other
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 5:08 am (PST) garden/051009. htm
to Each Other
Today is as it is. You are
as you are. All people simply are as they are. Release your plans, fantasies
and expectations with the dawn and allow each relationship to blossom and
develop in its own
authentic way, a slowly unfolding discovery as two people explore themselves and
each other.
Let it be like this. Be as
two flowers that open to each other, gradually revealing more and deeper
truths. Let the rising sun of truth reveal the beauty which is you, deep
within. Lift the fog of fantasy and expectation and just be. Be yourself
shining forth in all that you are, exactly as you are, saying, doing, feeling
and being with a deep integrity which reaches down to your core. And allow
others to be who they are. Do not try to change them. Do not judge and
criticize. Reveal and understand, unfolding to each other.
Each relationship should be
like this, a way to learn from each other, a deepening of your relationship to
each other and to yourself. Each relationship fully explored will introduce you
to more and deeper parts of yourself. And each bit of love that you give freely
and unconditionally, makes your heart more open and receptive for the great love
of the universe to flow in, an unending stream of light and goodness.
Allow your life to be a
simple unfolding of the self, like a rose opening on a summer day and sending
perfume across the garden. And allow the other roses to open in their own way,
with their own beauty, some still in the bud, some in their last days, some red,
some pink and orange, but all beautiful
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 6.
A Facebook Christmas
Posted by: "" fshaunt
Mon Dec 6, 2010 6:50 am (PST)
For all you fellow Facebookers .. hahahaha
A Facebook Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the land of Facebook
Not a creature was stirring, not even a spammer or a crook;
The statuses were posted on the wall for all to see,
In hopes that a friend or two would reply... ok maybe three;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of "what presents will I get" danced in their heads;
Me in my pj's and the hubby ready to call it a night
Not a Facebook friend was in sight,
When out of the blue a notice appeared before my eyes,
I sprang to attention to see what and who had replied.
I opened a new window like a flash,
So the game I was playing wouldn't crash.
The moon through the window casting a magical glow
Gave the lustre of gold to this addiction we all know,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Friends popping up online everywhere!
With a little click of the mouse, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment this Facebook addiction was sick.
More rapid than eagles it courses through my veins,
It beckons and calls out my name;
"Now, Bear! now, WolfDancer! now, Christy and Pattie!
Ahhhhh, without my online friends I'd be even more batty!
To the top of the page! to the top of the wall!
Here's a brand new status for you all
I'm waving hello .. can't you see
Ok then, here's a new profile picture of me
So to all my friends, I send a message or two,
Sending love and blessings for a Year brand new.
And then, in a twinkling, I send out a little rhyme
Thank you all for being my friends here at Christmas time!
As I sit in my chair and was turning around,
The hubby stood there shaking his head and making not a sound
He was dressed in his pjs and ready for bed,
And stood there just shaking his head;
He said let's go - its time to hit the sack,
I said ok love, and to my friends on Facebook I left a brb (be right
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
I followed him quickly to bed
To all my friends I finish this rhyme I write
With a "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
Many Blessings,
Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
- 7.
[goddess] Baubo + 45 Beautiful Life Lessons + As you walk through li
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 6:54 am (PST)
Goddess of the Week
Wise Woman Blessing: As You Walk Through Life
45 Lessons Life Lessons
© Anita Revel
Through sexual liberty and carefree joyfulness, cheeky Baubo soars
free from judgement. She relishes laughter, merriment and mirth to
restore feminine balance and strength.
Carnelian, coral, agate, brown jaspar (orange stones)
Goddess-ence Ishtar* blend for the crown chakra
I am joyful My big hips are sexy! I am healthy and happy I am alive with sexuality I adore my womanly shape I feel absolutely supercharged I have abundant energy and vitality My vital energy resurfaces with laughter
Her Story
Baubo, the ancient Grecian goddess, is one of many wild goddesses of sacred sexuality. Like other goddesses (eg Spider Woman and Freya), she is also the archetypal goddess of life, death and fertility.
When Demeter was pining for her Persephone and witholding fertility from the world, Baubo danced and performed merrily for the Great Mother, inducing her to forget her anger long enough to take some nourishment.
Her Modern Energy
A Crone goddess with irreverent joy and liberation towards sexuality,
Baubo reminds us to relish sex, love, and above all, carefree laughter.
It is in the relief of sadness or fear that feminine sensuality,
sexuality and joy are restored. Acting the clown, Baubo could always say
"Let's celebrate! We have our sacred feminine, our life - we are divine, so let's dance!"
Reconnect With Your Inner Baubo
Try this today... It's an exercise I like to call the "Ho Ho Diet"
because laughing is a transforming and uplifting exercise, not only in a
physical sense, but also mentally and spiritually....
Wearing orange to stimulate your sacral chakra,
stand outdoors where you have plenty of space. Place your palms over
your centre: your womb, and cradle your wondrous core. Look up at the
expanse of the sky and breathe into your belly deeply. With all your
energy, and when you are ready to release, laugh out aloud, let the
whole sky reverberate with your laughter!
Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is listening
Love like you've never been hurt
And live like heaven on earth.
Love and delight
Anita Revel
Creatrix ::
Goddess-ence Products
100% Pure and Absolutely Gorgeous
These sublime essential oil blends for the chakras are available from:
The Goddess Goodies store, or from any Goddess Playshop Facilitator.They are 100% pure - this means they are not diluted with a carrier oil or base oil, and are therefore very powerful and transformative. Trade enquiries welcome
45 Lessons About Life
By Regina Brett, (NOT 90 years old!)
Regina writes, "The day before I turned 45, I wrote a column about the
45 lessons life taught me. I added five more lessons when I turned 50."
She has turned these 50 Lessons into a book, God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours, but the first 45 lessons are listed here for your reading pleasure...
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17.. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
What does your inner wow-factor look like?
Wise Woman Blessing
As You Walk Through Life...
As you walk through life, may you...
... look behind with fond memories and forgiveness;
... look ahead with intention and anticipation;
... look around with gratitude and awe; and
... look inwards with acceptance of your inner wow-factor.
~ Anita Revel
As published on the Facebook fan page, Dec 2009
Sponsors Corner
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sponsors in return. If you'd like to be a sponsor also, please reply to
this email with your EOI.
*Goddess-ence 100% pure essential oil blend
Ishtar 100% pure essential oil blend for the Sacral Chakra - Feel
playful, super-charged, sexy and wise. This blend of five 100% pure
essential oils encompasses all that is "woman" - nurturing mother,
inspired companion, playful bed partner, wise advisor and insightful
leader. Super-charge your creative core with the Ishtar blend.
This newsletter is created with loving intention by Aussie author, Anita Revel. Contact Anita simply by replying to this email.
Copyright notice: The author is happy
for you to share the weekly goddess with your friends and circle, but
please, credit the author and provide a courtesy link / pointer to
Blissed be!, PO Box 1800, Margaret River, Western Australia 6285, AUSTRALIA
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 8.
SoulJourney Gift Ideas, Mercury Retrograde, and Discount Days
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 7:20 am (PST)
December 6, 2010
Dear Cher,
Don't forget the store will be open Monday through Friday 11-6pm and Saturday 10-4pm until Christmas for your shopping convenience.
Every Monday until Christmas, come in and mention that you saw this note in the newsletter. Pull a chip from the bag and you'll automatically receive a discount off your entire purchase (your chip discount cannot be combined with any other offers). Black chips are worth 40% off, Blue is worth 30% off, Red nets you 25% off, Green gets you 20% off, and White chips receive 10% off. That's a discount off every item on every Monday until Christmas but you must mention that you saw it in the newsletter!
This Saturday, the 11th, is also Discount Day, so be sure and mention you saw this notice and pull a chip for savings on every item you purchase. Enjoy hot cider and applesauce cake, and speak with Alyson from Trinity River Co. who will be on hand with holiday-based soaps and natural beauty care products as well as goodies for the dogs and cats in your life.
A few Tarot "benefit" decks remain. For $5 (cash only), you can try out a deck or give it as a gift to someone. All monies collected go directly to the Bloomingdale Animal Shelter (BASS).
Several new oracles have arrived in the last few days. Wll of Doreen Virtue's decks are in stock, as well as Steven Farmer's, and Ted Andrews' Feathered Omens and Animal-Speak Runes.
Don't forget that SoulJourney is a drop-off place for the Toys for Tots program. Read all about it on the right. This Saturday is the last day to drop off an unwrapped toy for a boy or girl who might not have a Christmas this year.
Hope to see you soon!
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Gift Ideas $10 and Under
Incense, Burners, Charcoal
Oils, Salts, and SoulJourney Spell Candles
Handmade, All Natural Trinity River Soaps and Bath Salts
Sentiment Charms, Pocket Stones, and Inspiration Stones
Amber Resin
Plantable Christmas and Everyday Greeting Cards
Candles and Holders
Reindeer Candleholders
Checkbook and Credit Card Covers
Fair Trade Bracelets, Rings, and Banana Leaf Bags
Feng Shui Cures
Smudging Supplies
Car Charms
Holiday and Occasion Plantable Greeting Cards
Gift Ideas $20 and Under
Stone Specimens
Feng Shui Crystals
Bottle Toppers (you supply your own bottle)
Calendars and Annuals
Oracle and Tarot Decks
Books and Statues
Mortar and Pestles
Aromatherapy Lamps and Oils
Candles and Holders
Mugs and Cups
Small Instruction Boxes
Witch Diva Hats
Journals, Artwork, and Wall Hangings
Smudging Supplies
Unique Candle Snuffers
Wind Chimes
Gift Ideas $30 and Under
Djembis and Tambourine
Larger Stone Specimens
Fair Trade Necklaces and Small Animal Bowls
Oracles, Tarot Sets, Rune Sets
Feng Shui Crystals
Wall Hangings and Artwork
Gift Ideas $40 and Under
Large Fair Trade Animal Bowls
Larger Statues
Psychic Readings
Stone Wand Necklaces
Large Spell Kits
Handmade Glass Items
Large Cauldrons
Gift Ideas $50 and Under
Psychic Readings
Handmade Wind Chimes
Handmade Glass Items
Large Statues
Holiday Hours
Discount Days
Gift Ideas
Mercury Retrograde
Butler Marketplace
This Week's Spell
(from Judika Illes' Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells)
Vanilla Spell
Stick a vanilla bean into a tightly sealed canister of sugar. The aroma will infuse the sugar; use it in your cooking and feed it to your family to instill feelings of peace, contentment, and happiness.
Butler Marketplace -Dec 11
Homemade, Handmade,
All Natural Read More
Readers Schedule
December 11 - Psychic Readings with Dayna
A new schedule will start in January.
Bring in an unwrapped toy for a youngster until December 11. All toys will be collected and donated when the Toys for Tots Train comes through Butler on December 11. The basket is already starting to fill up!
December 6 - Store Open, Discount Day
December 10 - Mercury Retrograde until 12/30/10
December 11 - Butler Marketplace, Toys for Tots Train, Discount Day
December 13 - Store Open, Discount Day
December 20 - Store Open, Discount Day
December 21 - Yule/Winter Solstice, Full Moon (Long Night's Moon) at 3.13am in Gemini
December 24 - Store Closes at 4pm
December 25 - Christmas
December 26- Kwanzaa Begins
December 30 - Mercury Direct
December 31 - Store Closes at 4pm
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is turning into retrograde (backward) motion again on Thursday, December 10, and will stay in that direction until December 30th. Be extra aware of what you and those around you do during this time. Mercury rules communication and transportation, and when He moves backward (to our eyes in our heavens), you'll see the "fall out". Packages and letters you're expecting will be delayed, so order any gifts early and be prepared for problems. People drive erratically for no reason, so watch your own actions, too. And what you think you're communicating is not what the other person is hearing. Choose your words wisely and carefully so as not to be misunderstood. Try not to sign any contracts during this time and use this period as a time of contemplation and meditation.
Send us an Email SoulJourney
194 Main St.
Butler NJ 07405
973/838-6564 Where Life is Tragick
Without Magick!
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- 9.
Get Ready for Yule!: Day 2: Legends and Lore
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:00 am (PST)
If you can't see this email, click here
Get Ready for Yule!
Day 2: Legends and Lore
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
Santa is just one of many legends of the Yule season.
© Getty ImagesYule isn't just a time for stuffing yourself with food and burning a log. There's a lot more to it, and this time of year is full of rich tradition and legend. Today, we'll look at some of the folklore, customs and mythology that surrounds the winter holidays. We'll talk about the magic of mistletoe, the deities of midwinter, naked carolers, and even the fat guy in the red suit!
Mistletoe: Myths, Mysteries and Medicine
The first documented appearance of mistletoe goes back to Pliny the Elder, who wrote about Druids and their strange rituals involving the plant. From there, it's become known as a plant of both harm and healing, as well as being blamed for the Crucifixion of Jesus. Learn about mistletoe and its complex history, as well as why we hang it up and try to catch a kiss beneath! Read More
The Holly King vs. the Oak King
In many Wiccan traditions, Yule is the time of year when the Holly King and Oak King do battle. Find out what this has to do with the turning of the Wheel of the Year... Read More
The Origins of Santa Claus
Sure, Santa Claus is based upon an early Christian saint -- Nicholas, to be precise -- but did you know he was also influenced by a prominent tale in Norse mythology? Learn why Santa's reindeer fly in today's stories -- here's a hint: it has to do with a magical horse! Read More
Io, Saturnalia!
When it comes to festivals, parties, and downright debauchery, no one beats the folks of ancient Rome. Around the time of the winter solstice each year, they celebrated the festival of Saturnalia. As the name implies, this was a holiday in honor of the agricultural god, Saturn. This week-long party typically began around December 17th, so that it would end right around the day of the solstice... Read More
Hey, It's Hogmanay!
Hogmanay is the Scottish holiday that celebrates the new year. Observed on December 31, festivities typically spill over into the first couple of days of January. Learn about first-footing, why it's important to have a dark-haired person enter your home, burning a clavie, and great balls o' fire...Read More
The Legend of Mithras
Christianity hardly has a monopoly on the theme of resurrection, particularly around the winter holidays. A couple of thousand years ago, followers of a god named Mithras celebrated rebirth in much the same way as the followers of Jesus do today. Mithras was an early Roman god of the sun, who was born around the time of the winter solstice and then experienced a resurrection around the spring equinox... Read More
Chocolate Santas
Everyone loves Santa Claus, and everyone loves chocolate. Put them together, and you've got a delicious holiday treat. But what inspired this idea in the first place? Who came up with the idea of chocolate Santas? Read More
Tomorrow: Yule Rituals and Ceremonies
Tomorrow we'll look at some great rituals you can perform at Yule, whether you're a solitary practitioner or part of a group. We'll also talk about prayers, and ideas for setting up your Yule altar.
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
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- 10.
DailyOM: A Sign of Imbalance
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:02 am (PST)
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
December 6, 2010
A Sign of Imbalance
Overachieving and Overreaching
Overachievers are people who have achieved but still feel the need to do more, creating an imbalance in their lives. People who exhibit this behavior may be trying to compensate for feelings of insecurity and doubts about their worth. They may be chasing unresolved issues from their past into the present, or they might not be looking at their lives as a whole, but judging themselves based only on one aspect of their being. If this is a word that we've heard used with respect to our choices and lifestyle, it is worth examining in order to balance our lives for a more rewarding experience.
If we find that we cannot allow ourselves to experience and enjoy the present moment, putting pleasure off into some distant future, it may be a sign that we are being driven to achieve more than is truly necessary. Pushing ourselves beyond the point of exhaustion, or to the exclusion of important people in our lives, robs us of true and meaningful joy. Once we make the connection to the eternal part of us, it can nourish us and allow our priorities to shift from chasing after an elusive feeling to being fully present in the moment so that we can live our lives in the now.
Sometimes we need to look to those we love and admire in order to realize what we value about life. We can take time to note what we like about others, and then turn the mirror to reflect the light of those same words and feelings toward ourselves. It can be quite a revelation to see ourselves in this nourishing light. When we can put the energy that we've been devoting to a phantom sense of achievement into the truly satisfying aspects of our lives, we can restore the balance between our inner and outer worlds and experience true joyful peace.
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In general, an overachieving lifestyle is not balanced. What changes can you make to slow down and feel more joy?
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- 11.
NRDC: New attack on endangered wolves. Take emergency action
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:17 am (PST)
Dear Martin,
In the next few days, both the Senate and House could strip wolves of federal protection and abandon them to widespread slaughter -- possibly with full support from the Obama Administration.
Send a message to your senators and representative right now -- for the sake of wolf survival!
Just when you thought the situation couldn't get any more dire for wolves . . . it has.
Last week I alerted you that a group of senators might hijack a spending bill in order to strip wolves in the Northern Rockies of their endangered species protection, opening them to mass killing by state governments.
Over the past few days, members of the House have mounted the same legislative stealth attack on wolves.
But even worse: the Obama Administration may be about to join them!
Tell your senators and representative to oppose this senseless assault on an endangered species.
The media is reporting that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar
has been meeting with the governors of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming in an
attempt to reach a legislative deal that would put wolves under the
control of Rocky Mountain states that want to kill hundreds of them.
If the Obama Administration teams up with anti-wolf forces on
Capitol Hill, then an agreement to abandon wolves could be voted on and
passed in the next 10 days.
Don't forget: it was Interior Secretary Salazar who kicked wolves off the Endangered Species List last year. It was only legal action by NRDC and our partners that restored live-saving protections to wolves this past summer.
Now, members of Congress -- and perhaps the Interior Secretary -- are looking to bypass both our court victory and good science,
which say that wolves should remain on the Endangered Species List,
protected from mass killing, until they're fully recovered.
Tell all three of your lawmakers not to abandon wolves to state control and certain slaughter.
It will take only a minute of your time but could help spell the
difference between life and death for endangered wolves across the
Northern Rockies.
Do NOT assume that your representative and senators will defend wolves because they are pro-wildlife or pro-environment.
Many lawmakers will be under tremendous pressure to support this
measure if it is attached to a spending bill, especially if it has the
support of the Obama Administration.
Congress has never before removed an animal from the Endangered Species List.
Doing so now will not only lead to the widespread killing of wolves, it
will set a terrible precedent by replacing scientific judgment with
political calculation -- undermining the very basis of the Endangered Species Act.
The return of wolves to Yellowstone and the Northern
Rockies is one of America's greatest conservation success stories. Don't let Congress turn that success into slaughter.
Please stand up for wolves by speaking out today!
Peter Lehner
Executive Director
appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC
BioGems Defenders. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will
never sell, exchange or rent your email address.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 12a.
Daily Goddess Devotion
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:37 am (PST)
Source: Lady Abigail
Daily Goddess Devotion
I give you this day with all my blessings and love. Make it a special day for all those you love, beginning with yourself.
Lady Abigail
Copyright © 11142010
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 13.
Quartz (Rock Crystal)
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:55 am (PST)
Source: Jodi
Quartz (Rock Crystal)
Written and compiled by - Patricia Jean Martin
Quartz is the most common mineral found on the face of the earth and
occurs in all environments and all rock types - sedimentary, metamorphic
or igneous. Its name derives from the German word "quarz", although
other sources say the name is from the Saxon word "Querkluftertz" ,
meaning "cross-vein ore".
Because of its abundance, Quartz is the mineral with the most varieties;
some of its more well-known being Amethyst (purple), Citrine (yellow to
orange), Milky Quartz (white), Smoky Quartz (browns, grays, blacks) and
Rose Quartz (pink)...all to be covered in separate texts. And then, of
course, there is the clear variety, commonly called Rock Crystal or
Clear Quartz, which I will concentrate on here.
Quartz, a compound of silica and oxygen, has a very unique structure.
It contains helix chains of silicon tetrahedrons that make three turns
within the structure, creating the crystal's trigonal symmetry. This
gives the crystal the ability to be either a left or right handed
crystal. There are even some rarer "twinned" Quartz crystals where two
mirror-image crystals grow out of or into each other, and thus the
crystal will alternately be left and right handed.
Many rock collectors covet the large crystal (called macrocrystalline)
varieties of Quartz, but Quartz comes in many different shapes, sizes
and styles. Specimens can be found as pyramidal, prismatic, druzy,
barnacled (called "Fairy Quartz" or "Spirit Quartz"), phantomed,
twinned, clustered, sceptered, microcrystalline, fibrous, geoidal, veins, geodes, concretions (masses), stalactites, crusts,
sands, etc. Quartz crystals vary widely in habit but most often are
found growing as slender elongated prisms, pyramidal points or crusts.
Chalcedony is a microscopically crystallized variety of Quartz, although
here the crystals are arranged in narrow fibers and in parallel bands -
the latter showing up in the Agate types. The Chert, Jasper and Flint
groups also contain microscopic Quartz, although with impurities and
minus the banding and translucent qualities of the Chalcedonys. Quartz
is the most common component of any beach sands or gravels.
Quartz in massive or crystal form is very hard, registering 7 on the
Mohs Scale. The Mohs Scale -- a system set up by German mineralogist,
Friedrich Mohs, in 1822 -- classifies rocks by their hardness and
measures them from 1 - 10; 1 being softest, 10 hardest. Quartz is the
stone Mohs chose to perfectly represent 7 on the scale. Topaz, Corundum
and Diamond are the three that occupy spots 8, 9 and 10 on the scale,
and thus are harder than Quartz. Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite,
Apatite, and Orthoclase are 1 through 6 respectively on the scale, and
thus are softer than Quartz.
Quartz contains both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties.
Piezoelectric means that when a crystal is heated or compressed
different electrical charges are formed at each end of the crystal,
creating an electrical potential which vibrates - the latter making it
pyroelectric too. These effects were first discovered in crystals such
as Quartz and Tourmaline.
There are many reasons why Quartz is important in industry today, such
as in the sand used in the manufacture of glass, or the rock crystals
used in electronic equipment, i.e. the oscillators used for controlling
radio frequencies and in todays Quartz crystal watches.
All of the Quartz varieties are extremely valued as popular gemstones.
Two good areas in the U.S. to find fine colorless Quartz Rock Crystal
are in the Hot Springs area of Arkansas and in Little Falls or Herkimer,
New York, where brilliant but small double-terminated crystals called
"Herkimer Diamonds" are commonly found. Outside the U.S., South Africa
and Brazil are noted for mining an abundance of clear Quartz.
General Information:
Chemistry: SiO2
Class: Silicates.
Subclass: Tectosilicates.
Group: Quartz
Color: Most commonly clear (Rock Crystal), but also found abundantly in
whites (Milky or Snow Quartz), grays or browns to blacks (Smoky
Quartz), pinks (Rose Quartz), purples (Amethyst), yellows to oranges
(Citrine), along with many other colors of the spectrum.
Cryptocrystalline varieties can be multicolored.
Luster: Glassy to vitreous as crystals; cryptocrystalline forms are usually waxy or dull, but can be vitreous.
Crystal System: Trigonal; 3 2.
Crystal Habit: Widely variable, but most commonly as hexagonal prisms
terminated by two rhombohedrons which create a six-sided pyramid. Also
common are druse (or drusy) forms, which are host rock lined with
multiple pyramid crystals of Quartz. Massive forms can be any type but
mostly occur as globular, botryoidal, stalactitic, or in Agate hosts
where they line the interior of the geode.
Cleavage: Very weak in 3 directions - rhombohedral.
Fracture: Conchoidal.
Hardness: 7, but less in cryptocrystalline form.
Specific Gravity: 2.65, but may be less in cryptocrystalline form.
Streak: White
Other Characteristics: Striations on prism faces running up the length
of the crystal (perpendicular to C axis), piezoelectric, and refraction
index is 1.55.
Notable Occurrences: Worldwide but notably in many areas in Africa,
Brazil, and specifically in the U.S. Arkansas. For Amethyst (and less
commonly, Citrine): Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Russia, Canada, U.S. For
Rose Quartz: Brazil. In Agates: Brazil, Lake Superior region (U.S.),
Mexico and Germany.
Best Field Indicators: Hardness, crystal habit, fracture and cleavage, along with the fact that it is extremely common.
Uses: Silica for glass, electrical components, optical lenses and abrasives; Gemstones, ornamental stone or building stone.
Myth & Lore:
There is much myth and lore connected to Quartz...too much to list here, but below is a sampling.
Nearly every ancient culture has revered Quartz. The ancients believed
Quartz was actually water from the heavens that was frozen into eternal
ice by the gods. In fact, the word "crystal" derives from the Greek
word "krystallos" meaning "ice". Oceanic and Australian shamans spoke
of Quartz as "a stone of light broken off from the celestial throne".
The Aborigines used the crystals to invoke rain, as did certain Native
American tribes. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Quartz is the most
common substance identified with their mystical substance called
"maban". Maban is said to be the material from which wise men (called
karadjis) obtain their magickal powers. During initiation ceremonies,
maban is spiritually "inserted" into the body of the apprentice by the
The Australian sky god, Daramulun, was long portrayed through art and
sculpture as having a mouth full of Quartz, a huge phallus, and carrying
a stone axe.
In the creation myths of the ancient Japanese it was believed that
Quartz materialized through the breath of the venerated White Dragon.
As such, Quartz was regarded as the perfect jewel and came to symbolize
perfection or the pursuit thereof. Quartz graced their temples and was
also found throughout the temples of the ancient Chinese, Mayans,
Aztecs, and many other earlier civilizations situated around the globe.
An ancient Celtic practice, said to restore and maintain health, was to
place nine small Quartz crystals in water, boil it, cool it, and then
drink the enhanced water for nine consecutive days.
Clear Quartz polished into spheres have long been used as crystal balls
for divination purposes. It has been labeled the "Universal Crystal"
due to its diversity and abundance of intense metaphysical properties.
Clear Quartz is a secondary birthstone for Libra.
Below is a brief listing of common shapes (both fabricated and natural) and their general usage:
Sphere: Releases energies equally in all directions.
Pyramid: Amplifies and then releases tightly focused energies through the apex.
Square: Contains and anchors energies.
Egg: Feminine; releases healing energies from more pointed end.
Single terminated point: Tightly focuses and releases energy through the apex.
Double terminated point: Releases energy through both ends; can be opposites charges.
Cluster: Energizes group situations; energizes other stones.
Wand: Tightly focuses and releases energy through the apex; rounded section soothes.
Metaphysical Properties:
Astrological Sign(s): All, but notably Libra, Taurus and Aries.
Element(s): All
Chakra(s): Crown, but may be used to amplify and align all.
Stimulates and energizes.
Focus and meditation.
Spiritual development & heightened consciousness.
Enhances psychic ability.
Heightens insight.
Astral travel.
Gives physical aid in treating: Convulsions; vertigo; chronic fatigue;
arthritis; fibromyalgia; intestinal problems; kidney disease. Helps
clear radiation. Used in diagnostic healing. Helps relieve general
pain. Improves strength and stamina.
Stone therapy should NOT take the place of medical evaluation and
procedures, and should be used merely to enhance one's health and
My own thoughts and experiences:
I absolutely love all forms of Quartz, but my favorite is this crystal
clear variety...the most versatile of all stones and crystals.
Ever contemplate the Master Builders of the world?...those who
constructed the Great Pyramids in Egypt, the Mayan temples in Guatemala,
the ziggerats of ancient Mesopotamia to name a few...or those who built
the flying buttresses and towering steeples of the great cathedrals of
the world? Well, therein lies the greatest attribute of Quartz -- it is
our Master Builder...not to mention Master Communicator.
The strongest of Grandfather Dragon stones, Quartz is the master stone
for bringing energy and light to all it encounters. I've found that one
of its most potent attributes is to amplify, and that can be anything
from mental activity to spiritual consciousness to emotional
disposition. For this reason, I add a small caution to its use. It is
best used when your focus, mood, or intent is geared toward the
positive and beneficial, as I do feel it is indiscriminate in what it
will amplify when in proximity, and is not quite the negativity banisher
that it is often simply stated to be. This is not to say that Quartz
cannot dispel negativity; it can. To accomplish this, though, use your
crystals to increase and amplify the positive until there is nowhere for
the negative to go but elsewhere. Liken it, if you will, to shining a
brighter beacon of all-around light, one so bright and all-encompassing
that it would be hard for any shadow to exist in.
The above noted...for all things, Rock Crystal is a potent stone to work
with. Its strength and energy are beyond compare in the world of
mineralogy. I have used clear Quartz crystals in crystal energy grids,
in spellwork, in ritual, and even while gardening by placing a large
terminated point and directing its energy into the ground while I plant.
You can even bury small crystals next to any newly planted greenery
for vigorous growth. Oh, and don't forget that the faeries love Quartz
crystals too...the shinier the better!
A clear Quartz crystal ball I find is excellent for any psychic work;
scrying and/or communicating with the Spirit world. Although I was
given a gift of a sphere made from volcanic glass from Mount St. Helens
and I find it works just as well but in a slightly different capacity,
as it tends to lend its energies solely to new creative vision. One
might think that odd, since it came into being through Nature's ability
to destruct. But as the Wheel goes from death to rebirth, so evidently
this has gone. One small setback to working with it for any long length
of time, though, is that it can invoke a headache!
Quartz increases the power of anything that it is placed near to, and
thus is also helpful in recharging your other stones, increasing the
potency of your herbs and strengthening the vitality of your plants. It
can be used for healing, increasing physical vitality, enhancing all
spellwork, or for anything you wish to amplify.
"The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals" ~ Cassandra Eason
"The Crystal Bible" ~ Judy Hall
http://mineral.galleries. com/minerals/ silicate/ quartz/quartz. htm Quartz
http://www.purgingt oceanic.htm
Photo by: Patricia J. Martin
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 14.1.
Powerful Affirmation of the Day
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 9:42 am (PST)
Why dont you open up your door to Happiness and throw away the Key.
It may be the hardest thing you'll ever do, but when you are there you
wont want to ever go back...´¯`✿.¸¸. Gill ♥
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 15.
In My Dream We Were ALL
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Mon Dec 6, 2010 9:45 am (PST)
shared with ♥ by Ym
"In my dream we were ALL
holding hands, each and every ONE of us joining hands with the other...
and we ALL began to float... into the skies we floated higher and
higher... we were transparent and our hearts shined like diamonds... and
then WE as ONE huge circle began to fly... dipping and diving,
floating and gliding, soaring as ONE... as any ONE of us would tire, and
feel we were going to fall... the group as ONE would scoop them up and
in to the healing arms of the whole... where we would carry the tired
until they felt ready to fly again... when the tired were revived
she/he would reach out and the circle of ONE would open and grasp the
out reaching hands... In this way we were capable of going anywhere...
In this way we were stronger than any other... In this way WE ALL
reached the heavens... In this way we gave light to the Universe... "
Yeshe ma
December 6, 2010
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 16.
Tuesday's Correspondence...Dec 7
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:34 pm (PST)
Tuesday's Correspondence...Dec 7
Today's Influences: Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Aromas: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Candle: Red, Orange
Color: Red and orange
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron
Gemstones: Garnets, ruby
Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus
Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection
perform spells involving courage, physical strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.
What's Happening Today
Festival of Primordial Beings
Enlightenment Day
Lebanon Independence Day
Bodhi (Buddhist Celebration)
St. Ambrose's Day (patron of beekeepers, geese, orators)
Moravian Christmas Putz begins (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
Ivory Coast Independence Day
Day of Mourning for Dingle-Fritter, Gooseberry Humple, Tiger-Get-By, Lone Folding, but not Zimber Quattor (Fairy)
National Cotton Candy Day
Greece: Haloia of Demeter - commemorating the goddess Demeter's sorrow at the loss of her daughter Persephone, and the coming of the winter months.
Also, the seventh day of each month is sacred to the God Apollo.
- 17.
Today's Goddess: IX CHEBEL YAX
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:36 pm (PST)
Today's Goddess: IX CHEBEL YAX
La Quema del Diablo (Guatemala)
Themes: Protection; Banishing; Health; Providence; Home
Symbols: Lunar Emblems; Spinning Tools; Baskets
About Ix Chebel Yax: In Guatemala, this Goddess bears a striking resemblance to Ix Chel in that she teaches spinning, weaving, and basketry to humans. More important, she is a mother figure who watches over all household concerns from the moon, her home.
To Do Today: Part of the Guatemalan advent season, this festival finds people burning bundles of garbage in ritual fires to banish the spirit of evil, negativity, and sin from their midst, especially from the home. Doing so also purifies the people, keeping them healthy and staving off hunger. Go through your living space and gather up any garbage (including items that have been wanting for a trip to the secondhand shop). Find one item that can be safely burned, and snip a swatch off of it. Release it to any fire source to burn away any tensions or sickness troubling your home.
Afterward, clean as much of your house or apartment as time will allow. Invoke Ix Hebel Yax's blessing by placing a spool of thread in the room where you're working (white or green thread are good choices for peace and health, respectively). Carry this spool from room to room, then put it in your pocket for the day to keep the Goddess and her providence close by.
By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"
- 18a.
Mistletoe Herb of Solstice
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:37 pm (PST)
Mistletoe Herb of Solstice
A most sacred "herb" of the Druids and ruled the Winter Solstice. Considered to be an all-purpose
protective herb. It is Masculine in nature, ruled by the sun and the element Fire.
Traditional Uses:
1) Wear around neck (sewn into or put into a white pouch) as a protective amulet.
2) Wear around neck in small spell bottle w/ red cording as Lucky Winter Charm.
3) Sew into white pouch and hang anywhere (house, car) for protective purposes.
4) Sew into red pouch and kiss your love beneath it to keep your love forever.
5) Use in floor wash to attract patrons to a business.
Other magical uses: Healing,immortality, love, luck, protection, Renewal, Success, Used by Druids to see beyond the cycle of rebirth.
Please NOTE: Mistletoe is Poisonous if the berries are ingested by human or animal.
By Barbara Morris
- 19.
Magical Mistletoe Spell
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:38 pm (PST)
Magical Mistletoe Spell
Druids used the magic of mistletoe for festivals throughout the year, including Midsummer and Yule. Evergreens
were considered magical because they didn't wither away each year like other plants, making them seem immune
from death. Mistletoe also seemed to defy nature by growing in the upper branches of trees rather than on the ground.
The Druids called it "all-heal" because of its potent healing properties and its use as a fertility aid. Mistletoe that grew
atop oak trees in sacred groves was considered particularly powerful. Call on the magic of this wonderful plant by
threading a string of small white Christmas lights through the upper branches of a tree at Yule or at any time of year.
By: Sedwin
- 20.
Babylonian Star-Rise Incantation
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:42 pm (PST)
Hail to Inanna, the sky torch, the pure one.
Hail to heaven's noble one, crowned with great horns.
Hail to the Moon's oldest daughter, heaven's great queen.
I sing of her greatness, her beauty, her nobility.
I sing of her brilliance in the evening sky.
I sing of her rising, to shine down on all our lands.
~Babylonian Star-Rise Incantation
Winter nights give us an opportunity to see one of nature's great exhibitions: the star-filled sky. How many
of our forebears saw the features of their gods and goddesses in those stars! In the many eons of prehistorical
time, our ancestors studied the stars so closely that they have left astonishingly accurate star-maps all over the
world, even predicting eclipses that have not yet occurred.
How much more distant we are today from the stars and from the earth. Once every child could find her way
home on a dark night by noticing the positions of the stars. What intimate connection was forged between the
heavens and the earth, when a star stood, like a beacon or a street sign, revealing directions and illustrating myths.
As we sit by the starry blue light of our cathode tubes indoors today, have we really gained so much?
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"
- 21.
Belly Dance Basics, Dec. 7-21, Butler NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Dec 6, 2010 8:51 pm (PST)
Belly Dance Basics, Dec. 7-21, Butler NJ
Hosted By: Off the Beaten Path
When: Dec. 7th. 2010 - Dec. 21st. 2010
Where: Butler, New Jersey
Learn to Belly Dance!
Tuesday, Dec 7, 14, 21
Economic Stimulus Special Pricing! Regular price $35.00
This 3-session course is designed for those who want to learn Belly dancing but are not sure that they want to invest the time and money required for the 6 week course. In this introduction, our focus will be on basic dance movements and their use in middle Eastern music choreography. Wear comfortable clothing that allows flexibility of movement; bring a hip scarf if you have one; no experience necessary.
If registration exceeds 4 people, a second session from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. will be scheduled to allow for adequate individual attention.
Nancy Fader, "Raushanna", has been dancing and performing for over 20 years (Troop Odalisque; Fantasy) and has been teaching classes and workshops for over 10 years.
Event Location: 15 Boonton Ave. in Butler
Event TIME Details: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Directions: Call 973-492-1974 for complete directions or log onto directions page.
Please do not use
MapQuest or our listing is not correct.
Phone: (973) 492-1974
Website: http://www.SaintsAndCircles. com
Mailing Address: 15 Boonton Ave., Butler, NJ 07405
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