Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)
- 1.
- Honoring the Elements. 1.3 Water. From: blackbird
- 2.
- classes From: LeaAnn
- 3.
- DD 30 Nov 2010 - Equanimity - or Snap no Krackle but Pop. From: Blackbird
- 4a.
- File - TeachMe.html From:
- 1.
Honoring the Elements. 1.3 Water.
Posted by: "blackbird" blackbird_61
Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:34 pm (PST)
Hi All,
Last week we did a short mindfulness exercise introducing the element of Fire. This week we move round the circle to the West and consider the Element of Water. Once again I am using the Ritual as described on Page 80-81 of the Spiral Dance, 20th Anniversary Edition.
You are going to need some time alone for this one, as it is perhaps the most intimate of all the mediations I will offer for your consideration. We have rain here this mornng, with a little modification you can do this mediation outdoors, feel the spirit of the water on your face, as it washes down. Smell the good earth as it soaks up the rain.
As Always we begin by Centering, becoming mindful of our breath. Breath deeply and slowly,
In ... two...three...four
Out... two...three...four
Let yourself drift into Sacred Space,
When you feel settled and centered I want you to step into the shower, you should get it going and the temp just before you begin your breathing exercise. Now, in your mind proceed with calling a circle as fits your trad.
Now take a long moment, close your eyes, be mindful of the Embrace of the Water, let is wash over you. Feel it clease you, feel it carry away the burdens of your day, any Negative energies that have attached to you. The water is warm, its touch almost a caress, you can feel the Goddesses Embrace most clearly in the element of Water; return to the loving womb of the Mother and Goddess in Water.
Hail Guardians of the Watch Towers of the West.
We invoke you we call you.
Great Serpant of the Watery Abyss,
Great Ocean Tiamat,
Rain Maker,
Grey Robe of Twilight, Come!
By the Waters of her Living Womb.
Put forth your flow,
Be here now.
Great Ocean Tiamat... Tiamat should be so very important to us; She was the Goddess of the Oceans, the Source of All Fertility. She represents the Furious Dance of Predator and Prey we find right at the salt seas shore. The Crabs, the Great Rookeries of Birds, the great Colonies of Seals; no Fresh water lake can boast such a shore, the immense and amazing fertility of the Salt Sea.
And when Marduck Slays Tiamat, that bespeaks a terrible moment in human histroy. The Hero and Warrior slays the Mother, becomes the Supreme power in the mind of man, and War supplants Fertility, Death triumphs over life, and for 4 and a half thousand years we have reaped the dis-ease Marduke has sown that day.
Pour a small glass of Salt Water over youself. A Votive Candle holder full will do fine. Chant to yourself 7 times. Great Serpeant of the Watery Abyss, Great Ocean Tiamat. Honor this great Lady, Honor her fall, honor this death which has brought such tragedy to us all.
Then let the water wash over you,
Cleanse you..
Take a moment to reaffirm your connection to the mother.
To her Service, Her Life, Her Healing.
Release your Circle.
Brightest Blessings all BB.
I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
All other Cups
Have their Source in Me.
The Goddess Innana.
- 2.
Posted by: "LeaAnn" leaann.hays
Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:55 pm (PST)
if you are in california in the antioch or vallejo areas you minght want to check out:
antioch --
vallejo --
Moderators Note:
I'm approving this message because having checked out the website it seems to be a genuine outreach effort from a serious coven; I do hope Lea will chose to make some posts here at WE; let our group have a peek at the material you'll be covering in person, I expect this would be good for both our group and yours. Blessings, BB.
- 3.
DD 30 Nov 2010 - Equanimity - or Snap no Krackle but Pop.
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:55 pm (PST)
Hi All,
Today's card was the 8 of Cups
< > Rx, Gendron; thetgimg/gd/ cups_viii. jpg
theme of this card is Equanimity, calm in the face of a storm; Rx
perhaps not so calm.
I was just starting out for work, it was raining and I decided to skip
my usual first turn and thus avoid a school crossing and roll down
Patrick St instead; I had a Longgg wait for the light and just as I
pulled onto Patrick I heard and audible POP, the car lost power, and
power steering and it was rather like maneuvering an unwilling
underpowered rock. Anyhow I got the car safely off the road, and into
the parking lot of a furniture store. Once there I decided to walk home
through the rain; in needed to check my bones before calling for help,
because I needed to know just how much I could afford in repairs.
I called Max enroute and he was unable to give me a ball park estimate,
any where from 200 on up to real bad depending.
I sat down at my desk, and as my computer logged onto the net, turned
over today's card. Hoping for some bit of guidance as to the outcome of
the day.
Even in the moment the sense of Irony was there; 8 of Cups Rx,
Equanimity Rx; Thanks Nan that's like helpful! But in that moment I
decided I was not going accept that reading, that the card could mean 8
of Cups Rising, that I was not going to be over run by events of the
Day, I was going to Rise to the occasion. Now I had just spent several
hundred dollars on Vet bills for Sal, so a LARGE repair bill could be a
real problem.
I checked my bones, and with that budget in mind headed back to the car.
Called AAA, who showed up in minutes; left it with Max, who called about
an hour later; and settled in at the coffee shop to read. As I had been
heading into work my only reading material was 2 books on DataBase
Programming. Not exactly light reading. Still I settled in read my books
and made every effort not to Manifest Disaster by sending Disaster out
into the universe. When Max called the Estimate was well with-in our
means; and despite a LONG Tedious Wait; that part of the day went better
than expected.
And there is this too.
My 30 mile ride to work is almost all highway driving, mostly up and
down 2 mountains; almost anywhere else on my route, the car suddenly
going slow and sluggish could well have gotten me killed as someone
whipping up behind me plowed into crippled ride.
Almost 10 years ago a similar thing happened, My Daughter has borrowed
my car, put 200 miles on it whizzing all over Virginia, and picked me up
at work; As we approached the 70-270 interchange the fan belt snapped;
she was still chattering about her day as I eased us off the road and
into some new construction and shut the failing engine off. I KNEW then
Nan had looked out for me, looked out for my baby. Took her finger off
the bandage at the best possible moment for me to handle the moment;
rather than ... my Daughter, with the freshly minted license struggling
to get a failing car to the shoulder of 495.
I dont want to make to much of this, but I feel much the same about
today, If this thing must happen, I could not have asked for a better
moment for it to happen, and I feel as sure as I can be Nan once again
showed me her Grace. I'll never just know why she looks out for this
little bird but she does.
8 of Cups Rising, Equanimity; Rising to the Occasion.
And that is your Tarot Lesson for today. Blessings, BB.
- 4a.
File - TeachMe.html
Posted by: ""
Wed Dec 1, 2010 1:54 am (PST)
*** Your Title Here ***
Teach me something ....
Post A Favorite poem, or a Verse from that Poem
Tell me how that makes you feel about the Goddess
Link to a Pic of a Favorite Card at Taroteca
<http://taroteca.multiply. > tell me how you feel about that album/377/ Fenestra# 3#photo=3\
Review a Favorite Book that taught your something about the
or gave you a spiritual insight
Nuff Said ...
It's your turn now,
Especially if your a lurker here
Teach Me Something....
Brightest Blessings All, BB.
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