vineri, 11 martie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2819

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)

Re: The Hermit - Llewellyn Tarot Blog. From: Jude DaShiell
Hail Bast unto the Ages! From: kalimir
The Call to Hera From: kalimir
Ganesha Full Moon Ritual From: kalimir



Re: The Hermit - Llewellyn Tarot Blog.

Posted by: "Jude DaShiell"

Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:06 am (PST)

Best tie breaker in these situations are relevant summaries of
pre-existing contents of divination journals when they exist. Other than
that, I take all of this with a salt mine.On Wed, 9 Mar 2011, ~T'rosy~

> I find I'm always a bit uncomfortable when people start stating universal
> definite yes/no meanings for the Tarot cards. To me the Hermit could be classed
> as a kind of teacher as well. After all there is a huge teaching/learning
> component in what the Hermit stands for, even if that teacher is your own wisdom
> coming from the inside.
> Even when reversed, one meaning for the Hermit can be the LACK of a teacher or
> guide and the need to look to one's self to find a path. Yes, the Hermit's
> lantern is lit with the light of inner wisdom, suggesting the need to search
> within and not without for answers, but I'd never say that he wasn't a teacher
> per se - maybe just a teacher on a different, more esoteric level than the
> educational institutions represented by the Hierophant.
> rosy
> ________________________________
> From: Jude DaShiell <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Wed, 9 March, 2011 9:27:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] The Hermit - Llewellyn Tarot Blog.
> The thought that the hermit is a teacher very much comes from Chinese
> Tradition in terms of both how the whole Shao lin order got started
> remember Kong Fu on TV for at least one example.On Wed, 9 Mar 2011,
> blackbird wrote:
> > The Hermit card should be fairly easy to interpret. Yet I am surprised by how
> >many people say that the Hermit is, among other things, a teacher. He really
> >isn?t. ...
> >
> >
> >
> > In her latest blog Barb is looking at the Hermit, I believe from the Legacy of
> >the Divine Tarot, and the Art is Gorgeous.
> >
> >
> >
> > I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
> > All other Cups
> > Have their Source in Me.
> > The Goddess Innana.
> >
> >
> >
> >


Hail Bast unto the Ages!

Posted by: "kalimir"   jai_ma_kali

Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:21 pm (PST)

hail Bast forever unto the ages.
Great Bast the eye of Ra
A million praises to yo Heart of my heart
Life of my life
Power within power
Praise the Eye of Ra
Solar Goddess; fiery cat
Ancient Lady of light
The knower of secrets and what is to come
Hail Bast, the lady of the sun
Hail Bast Lady of Light
Hail Bast Lady of my heart
Hail Bast Lady of Life
Hail Bast Lady of Magic
salutations to the Goddess!
Salutations to Bast
Come now, Great One
Live in me and I live in you
Live for me
I live for you!
Hail Bast
I welcome the great Eye of Ra, Bast!

Author's Notes: I wrote this for a friend of mine who is very devoted to Bast.


J. Dougherty


The Call to Hera

Posted by: "kalimir"   jai_ma_kali

Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:21 pm (PST)


Hera, Goddess Mother
Celestial Goddess
You who created this universe
you who nutrure all that lives
Celestial mother, Queen of the Throne of Gods
I adore you, with every breath I take
I honor the Hera that resides within me
all around me is Hera.
Because of you the earth spins
because of you the grass grows
because of you I am alive.
Mother, Goddess, Queen
come to me.
Hera, Lady, ancient one come to me.
Hera! Hera! Hera! I invite you, come to me, your child.
Queen Hera, celestial mother come!
I bend my knee to you (bend knee) and honor The Queen
Hail Hera!

By Kalimir


Ganesha Full Moon Ritual

Posted by: "kalimir"   jai_ma_kali

Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:21 pm (PST)

by Lady Kalimir

Kalimir does the LBRP, BRH, and Rose Cross.

Kalimir: "On this full moon night we call Ganesha. Lord open the door and hear

Sky Bear " Glory be to the moon full of light and ripe with wisdom."

Kalimir lights candle
Kalimir " Blessed be the name of Parvati, glory be to your name unto the ages.
Blessed Mother, sweet mother of our Lord Ganesha, I light this candle in your
honor. Please most holy Mother accept this offering of sweets. Blessed is the
power of Eternal Shakti."

Sky Bear lights candle.
Sky Bear" Hail to thee Oh mighty Shiva, God of all gods, king of creation, son
of Devi, husband to our beutiful Parvati and father of Ganesha. I give you
praise most holy Lord and I light this candle in your honor, please accept this
offering of sweets."

Kalimir " Great Ganesha born from the dust of the Devi, most deserving of your
position, great god of the 3 worlds. Most loyal onto our Mother Parvati, I give
you praise most deares Ganesha. i light this candle in your honor. Please accept
this sweet.

Now it is the time for everyone to stare at the Ganesha Yantra and to see him
start to appear while reciting this mantra 108 times


When this is done Kalimir welcomes and parsies Ganesha.

Kalimir says " Lord of Joy, subjugator of demons, beautiful Ganesha please
accept these flowers."

Sky Bear says" Hail to most noble Lord Ganesa please accept this honey."

Kalimir says "Lord Ganesha who helps those who call to you please accept these

Sky Bear says" Ganesha the Lord who removes obstacles please accept this rice"

Kalimir says" Lord of great wisdom, Ganesha please accept this milk."

Sky Bear Says " Lord Ganesha enlightened one and jewel of the Devi please accept
this yogurt"

Kalimir says" Ganesha, banisher of poverty please accept these coins.

Sky Bear says " Oh pleasent one who is most delightful and the gaurdian of our
world please accept these grains.

Kalimir says" Glorious Ganesha, please accept all our humble offerings oh great

Both Kalimir and Sky Bear now bless the offerings with incense.

Then Kalimir says "oh noble lord remover of obstatcles make our spell work,
bring what we desire of this spell into fruition with speedy and accurate

The spell is now to be cast.

Sky Bear declares" This spell has been cast and with the knowledge it shall come
to manifestation. We thank Ganesha.

Arati is now performed while chanting Jai, Jai Shri Ganesha.

Sky Bear says " Thank you Ganesha Divine Lord of truth, wisdom and power. We bow
to Ganesha and give you praise. We accept your blessings so that we may prosper.
We yearn to learn more about you and your mysteries. JaI Ganesha! Jai Ganesha!
Jai Ganesha!"

Kalimir says" I thank Maha Devi and Maha Deva. I thank and appreciate Ganesha
all pervasive one."

Both Kalimir and Sky Bear now say their own thanks and gives Ganesha Praise.

Kalimir says " With gratitude to Ganesha the ritual has ended. May all who
attended this ritual go in peace and prosper."

Note: You may cast the circle or prepare asacred space as per your tradition.


Author's Notes: Note: You may cast the circle or prepare a sacred space as per your tradition.


NOTE: you can make it as a solitary ritual or make it for mnore than two people.
I always had wonderful experiences with this ritual. I have done this particular
one since 2005.

another not: Jai means victory and Jaya means triumphant. Namaha means to bow.
Arati aka Arrti is the offering of lights, best to use ghee candles. Shri aka
Sri means rich and is used in front of the names of sages, saints, and Divine
written by Kalimir
J. Dougherty

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