sâmbătă, 12 martie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4676

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



The Covenstead Residential: the Eleusinian Mysteries | NSW

Posted by: "Suzanne Naseby" suzanne@wytchyways.com   suzanne_wytchyways

Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:26 pm (PST)

The Covenstead Residential: the Eleusinian Mysteries
Thurs 21st - Mon 25th April 2011 [Easter long weekend]

At this residential we will explore the Eleusinian Mysteries and the
'myth' of Persephone and Demeter. This ageless and powerful story
isn't really a myth, because is lives in the heart of every mother and
daughter. We will explore our own journey of darkness away from Mother
and our returning emergence, rebirthed as women. This is such rich
territory that we need a 4 day residential to explore it well!

This residential runs from Thursday the 21st to Monday the 25th of
April. Thursday is an optional day of rest, relaxation and gentle
exploration of Shamanic practices in the beautiful bush surrounds.
This will be a divine day of arriving in our mind, body and spirits.
It will also be an opportunity for you to offer your services to the
other women attending this day. I already have a generous offer to
gift some Reiki and massage healing from one woman attending. If you
would like to attend this day too you can also offer a healing or
psychic session to the other women which you can gift or charge at a
nominal fee. Attending this day is only an extra $60 for the extra
night accommodation, activities and yummy yummy food prepared by our
very own wytchy cook Colleen from WitchteryGrub!
The Covenstead means 'home of the wytch' so on this weekend we will
make Rainbow Reach Retreat our home. We will create a non-hierarchical
circle of womyn with varying levels of experience and with varying
spiritual interests. Together we will explore the Mysteries. We will
take time to ask questions, to wonder, to sometimes understand and to
sometimes honour the Mystery. We will learn and share our wisdoms,
exploring spellcraft and ritual ... we will dance and sing and create
beauty together!

It is time to put the books down ... it is time to start experiencing
real magic!

On this weekend we will:
• share our mother and daughter stories
• learn about the Eleusinian Mysteries and what these ancient rites
hold for us today
• immerse ourselves in the myth of Persphone and Demeter
• learn and practice spell crafting
• share and practice divination techniques
• create magickal talismans
• learn about how to work with the moon for personal empowerment and
• learn and share simple but powerful chants and dances
• create and share beautiful rituals
"What a weekend!!! My only complaint is that it was Sunday afternoon
too soon!! I'm so excited about the upcoming 4 day retreat. I have
come away from this Covenstead retreat with a greater sense of self
and my pockets full of new friends.. or more accurately, old friends I
hadn't met 'til then. There were so many wonderful moments to recall"
Gai-Louise, NSW

"Thanks for organizing such a wonderful weekend of teaching & sharing,
your wise ways helped all the women present to let go of expectations,
inhibitions and helped us to cross the threshold into the wild world
of Wytchyness" Michelle, NSW

"I'm so impressed by how you manage to include all levels in your
ritual ... also the warmth, power, beauty and elegance of the circle
that you create The way you managed to engage us so quickly in song
and dance was very inspired." Josephine, NSW

"Thankyou so much for an amazing weekend! Wow it has had a massive
impact on me ... I would love to come to the Easter retreat next year
and will put that in my calender...YAY!" Louise NSW

I have been practising my wytchy and shamanic ways for over fifteen
years ... for many years before that I was a passionate book witch. I
remember what it is like to have a head full of wytchy stuff and
feeling uncertain about how to do any of it. I used to question if I
was doing it right, and I used to worry about doing something
dreadfully wrong!

I have been running wytchy groups, rituals, workshops and retreats for
ten years ... I started The Covenstead last year so that I could offer
some of my knowledge and experience on a regular basis. I also wanted
to offer a safe place where women could feel comfortable to gather in
circle and learn from each other.

Witchcraft is a very diverse path, and at The Covenstead we honour all
that rich diversity. The Covenstead is a melting pot (cauldron) of
witchcraft, wicca, paganism, shamanic practices and more. We come
together to ask questions, to share our experiences and to celebrate.


Thurs 21st (optional) Fri 22nd, Sat 23rd, Sun 24th & Mon 25th April
[Easter long weekend]

Rainbows Reach Retreat | Wyee | NSW approx 1.5 hours north of Sydney
on the NSW Central Coast
see the website for more venue info: http://www.rainbowsreachretreat.com.au/
Pick up from Sydney airport and group/share travel to the retreat
centre can be arranged.

$380 by 4/4/2011 | $450 after 4/4/2011
$60 additional cost to stay Thursday night

• 3/4 nights accommodation [some private rooms are available] in a
beautiful bush retreat
• All delicious vegetarian and meat meals (special dietary needs
catered for)
• All workshop & ritual/spell materials

Contact Suzanne via email: suzanne@wytchyways.co or phone: 0408 200 72
or for more info plus to register and pay with your credit card go to: http://www.wytchyways.com/CovensteadResidential.html

Women only

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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