marți, 26 aprilie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2600

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)



May Day, Beltane, Walpurgisnacht, Roodmas

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:22 am (PDT)

May Day, Beltane, Walpurgisnacht, Roodmas
By Kathleen Jenks, Ph.D.

Other names for May Day include: Cetsamhain ('opposite Samhain'), Walpurgisnacht (in Germany), and Roodmas (the medieval Church's name). This last came from Church Fathers who were hoping to shift the common people's allegiance from the Maypole (Pagan lingham -- symbol of life) to the Holy Rood (the Cross - Roman instrument of death).

This date has long been considered a 'power point' of the Zodiac, and is symbolized by the Bull, one of the 'tetramorph' figures featured on the Tarot cards, the World and the Wheel of Fortune. (The other three symbols are the Lion, the Eagle, and the Spirit.) Astrologers know these four figures as the symbols of the four 'fixed' signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and these naturally align with the four Great Sabbats of Witchcraft. Christians have adopted the same iconography to represent the four gospel-writers.

When the Druids and their successors raised the Beltane fires on hilltops throughout the British Isles on May Eve, they were performing a real act of magic, for the fires were lit in order to bring the sun's light down to earth. In Scotland, every fire in the household was extinguished, and the great fires were lit from the need-fire which was kindled by 3 times 3 men using wood from the nine sacred trees. When the wood burst into flames, it proclaimed the triumph of the light over the dark half of the year.

Then the whole hillside came alive as people thrust brands into the newly roaring flames and whirled them about their heads in imitation of the circling of the sun . . . When the sun rose that dawn, those who had stayed up to watch it might see it whirl three times upon the horizon before leaping up in all its summer glory.

People would also drive their cattle up the hill before sunrise and watch as the priests and priestesses lit the Beltane fires that shone so brightly they could be seen for miles around. It was traditional to build these fires out of nine of the sacred woods from Druidic folklore, including oak, ash, thorn, rowan, apple, birch, alder, maple, elm, gorse, holly, hawthorn, and others.

The bonfires were built leaving a narrow passage existed between two fires, so that cattle and other livestock could be led between the fires to purify them from disease or sterility during the coming year. Torches of dried sedge, gorse or heather were also lit and carried around remaining flocks or stables to further purify the air.

In ancient times, the physical light passing from hillside to hillside was a great and potent symbol of a rebirth of hope and life each spring – the eternal return.

With the Roman invasions of Western Europe and Britain, much of the symbolism and rites of the Floralia and Beltane became entwined -- eventually becoming the holiday we now call May Day or Walpurgis. The custom of going 'a-maying', collecting flowers, greenery and the maypole early on the morning of May 1, survives virtually intact to this day, as do the balefires in Britain, Germany and other countries of Europe. The sexual aspect of the holiday, however, has become almost extinct in many countries. The festivities were viewed as sinful by some Christian leaders, and in 1644, the celebration was banned by the Puritan-controlled Parliament in Britain.

The Christian religion had only a poor substitute for the life-affirming Maypole -- namely, the death-affirming cross. Hence, in the Christian calendar, this was celebrated as 'Roodmas'. In Germany, it was the feast of Saint Walpurga, or 'Walpurgisnacht'. An alternative date around May 5 (Old Beltane), when the sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus, is sometimes employed by Covens.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


May Eve

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:29 am (PDT)

May Eve
By Ember; Spell-a-Day Almanacs

The night before May Day is often celebrated with bonfires, feasts, and general merrymaking. Fires, one of the most popular traditions, are intended to frighten away the darkness of winter and welcome the life-giving Sun. Find a way to create your own May Eve bonfire. If you can't actually create one outdoors, use candles to represent a May Eve fire. Light as many candles in your home as you possibly can—red and white ones if you can find them—and spend the evening reveling in the glimmering light. Use the following chant to complete the ritual:

May Eve fire, burn and glow,
Give life to everything we sow—
Our gardens and our dreams will grow,
As I will let it be so!

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


May Dolls

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:30 am (PDT)

May Dolls
"Beltane" by Raven Grimassi

The May doll still appears in May celebrations, although with less frequency over the past century. The May doll's origin is traceable to the Roman celebration of the goddess Flora, associated with the month of May. On May 1st, images of the May goddess were once carried in ceremonial processions. In many parts of Europe a tradition arose in which the May doll was carried from house to house. The face of the doll was hidden by a piece of lace or a white handkerchief. The householders were asked if they would like to see the May doll, the May lady or the queen of May. If they replied yes, they were expected to pay for the privilege, and only after a gift had been made to the bearers was the covering removed and the luck-bringing face displayed by the viewers. Young girls went about the village in pairs or in groups of three, carrying a garland with a veiled doll in the center, and singing verses of the traditional May song of their district. Like so many of the old customs and traditions, this one has also disappeared over the years.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


May Eve, Eastwind Sabbat - Facts And Misinformation

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:31 am (PDT)

May Eve, Eastwind Sabbat –
Facts And Misinformation

The Wheel of the Year consists of eight Sabbats. Four are Solar in nature, and four are Lunar in nature; all mark the passing of the year with natural milestones. All Sabbats are major or minor, the major Sabbats being Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh. The minor Sabbats are Yule (Winter Solstice), Ostara (Spring Equinox), Litha (Summer Solstice) and Mabon (Autumn Equinox). It is through these Sabbats that witches through out the world mark the passing of the year with celebration and reverence for the deities and events that each represents. The above named holidays are marked by witches in the Northern Hemisphere. The witches in the Southern Hemisphere reverse the Sabbats due to the opposite seasons.

The Beltaine season of April 30-May 1 is unique. It includes:

A Pagan Sabbat: Beltaine, usually celebrated on or near the evening of April 30. Mainly celebrated by Neo-Pagans
Two Christian holy days:
A secular celebration, May Day.
A Welsh festival: Nos Galon Mai, The Eastwind Sabbat which Begins Sundown, April 30. This is the Festival of the beginning of Summer. Our Goddess presides.
Georgia Pagans -Witches & Druids celebrate Beltaine in different ways.
See a Basic Sabbat Ritual

There is a great deal of misinformation circulated about this festival; almost as much as with Halloween. Read the following information and then go to the links to arm yourself with true information.

There are four great festivals of the Witch's calendar. The two greatest of these are Nos Galon Gaeof (Halloween - the beginning of winter) and Nos Galon Mai (May Day - the beginning of summer). These two festivals are opposite each other on the wheel of the year, and divide the year into halves. Halloween (also called Samhain) is the Celtic New Year and is generally considered the more important of the two, though May Day runs a close second. Indeed, in some areas -- notably Wales -- it is considered the great holiday.

Nos Galon Mai, also called May Day, Beltainne: (pronounced Bel-tinna, also known as Beltain, Beltane, May Day etc.), is a Sabbat celebrating fertility and the union of the young God and the Goddess. This is a wonderful celebration of the love between the God and Goddess. It is their sacred marriage. (This is where the God and Goddess concieve the spring for the following year born at Imbolc.) Celebrated with your loved one, now is the time to lay in the fertile soil and germinate those seeds you planted. In Celtic mythology this is the beginning of summer, or the growing time. Colours for this Sabbat: Red and White (red for Her womb and white for His semen. It's a fertility thing), and green for the background.

At this time, life is renewing itself. Birds and animals are mating. In the fields, newly planted seeds are beginning to grow. Great fires are lit honoring the fertility God Belenos. Some leap the fires to show the exuberance of the season. Maypoles are erected and bright ribbons are entwined around it. The Maypole, a phallic symbol, represents the masculine. The soft, colorful ribbons represent the feminine. The union of the two symbolizes the union of the God and Goddess. This is the time to fertilize your dreams with action. It is legend that children conceived at Beltane were gifted by the gods.

Nos Galon Mai ushers in the fifth month of the modern calendar year, the month of May. This month is named in honor of the goddess Maia, originally a Greek mountain nymph, later identified as the most beautiful of the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades. By Zeus, she is also the mother of Hermes, god of magic. Maia's parents were Atlas and Pleione, a sea nymph.

The old Celtic name for May Day is Beltane (in its most popular Anglicized form), which is derived from the Irish Gaelic 'Bealtaine' or the Scottish Gaelic 'Bealtuinn', meaning 'Bel-fire', the fire of the Celtic god of light (Bel, Beli or Belinus). He, in turn, may be traced to the Middle Eastern god Baal.

Other names for May Day include: Cetsamhain ('opposite Samhain'), Walpurgisnacht (in Germany), and Roodmas (the medieval Church's name). This last came from Church Fathers who were hoping to shift the common people's allegiance from the Maypole (Pagan lingham - symbol of life) to the Holy Rood (the Cross - Roman instrument of death).

Incidentally, there is no historical justification for calling May 1st 'Lady Day'. For hundreds of years, that title has been proper to the Vernal Equinox (approx. March 21st), another holiday sacred to the Great Goddess. The nontraditional use of 'Lady Day' for May 1st is quite recent (within the last 15 years), and seems to be confined to America, where it has gained widespread acceptance among certain segments of the Craft population. This rather startling departure from tradition would seem to indicate an unfamiliarity with European calendar customs, as well as a lax attitude toward scholarship among too many Pagans. A simple glance at a dictionary ('Webster's 3rd' or O.E.D.), encyclopedia ('Benet's'), or standard mythology reference (Jobe's 'Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore & Symbols') would confirm the correct date for Lady Day as the Vernal Equinox.

By Celtic reckoning, the actual Beltane celebration begins on sundown of the preceding day, April 30, because the Celts always figured their days from sundown to sundown. And sundown was the proper time for Druids to kindle the great Bel-fires on the tops of the nearest beacon hill (such as Tara Hill, Co. Meath, in Ireland). These 'need-fires' had healing properties, and sky-clad Witches would jump through the flames to ensure protection.

Frequently, cattle would also be driven between two such bon-fires (oak wood was the favorite fuel for them) and, on the morrow, they would be taken to their summer pastures.

Other May Day customs include: walking the circuit of one's property ('beating the bounds'), repairing fences and boundary markers, processions of chimney-sweeps and milk maids, archery tournaments, morris dances, sword dances, feasting, music, drinking, and maidens bathing their faces in the dew of May morning to retain their youthful beauty.

In the words of Witchcraft writers Janet and Stewart Farrar, the Beltane celebration was principly a time of '...unashamed human sexuality and fertility.' Such associations include the obvious phallic symbolism of the Maypole and riding the hobby horse. Even a seemingly innocent children's nursery rhyme, 'Ride a cock horse to Banburry Cross...' retains such memories. And the next line ' see a fine Lady on a white horse' is a reference to the annual ride of 'Lady Godiva' though Coventry. Every year for nearly three centuries, a sky-clad village maiden (elected Queen of the May) enacted this Pagan rite, until the Puritans put an end to the custom.

The Puritans, in fact, reacted with pious horror to most of the May Day rites, even making Maypoles illegal in 1644. They especially attempted to suppress the 'greenwood marriages' of young men and women who spent the entire night in the forest, staying out to greet the May sunrise, and bringing back boughs of flowers and garlands to decorate the village the next morning.

One angry Puritan wrote that men 'doe use commonly to runne into woodes in the night time, amongst maidens, to set bowes, in so muche, as I have hearde of tenne maidens whiche went to set May, and nine of them came home with childe.' And another Puritan complained that, of the girls who go into the woods, 'not the least one of them comes home again a virgin.'

Long after the Christian form of marriage (with its insistence on sexual monogamy) had replaced the older Pagan handfasting, the rules of strict fidelity were always relaxed for the May Eve rites. Names such as Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and Little John played an important par in May Day folklore, often used as titles for the dramatis personae of the celebrations. And modern surnames such as Robinson, Hodson, Johnson, and Godkin may attest to some distant May Eve spent in the woods.

These wildwood antics have inspired writers such as Kipling:

Oh, do not tell the Priest our plight,
Or he would call it a sin; But we have been out in the woods all night,
A-conjuring Summer in!

And Lerner and Lowe:

It's May! It's May!
The lusty month of May!...
Those dreary vows that ev'ryone takes,
Ev'ryone breaks.
Ev'ryone makes divine mistakes!
The lusty month of May!

It is certainly no accident that Queen Guinevere's 'abduction' by Meliagrance occurs on May 1st when she and the court have gone a-Maying, or that the usually efficient Queen's Guard, on this occasion, rode unarmed.

Some of these customs seem virtually identical to the old Roman feast of flowers, the Floriala, three days of unrestrained sexuality which began at sundown April 28th and reached a crescendo on May 1st.

There are other, even older, associations with May 1st in Celtic mythology. According to the ancient Irish 'Book of Invasions', the first settler of Ireland, Partholan, arrived on May 1st; and it was on May 1st that the plague came which destroyed his people. Years later, the Tuatha De Danann were conquered by the Milesians on May Day. In Welsh myth, the perennial battle between Gwythur and Gwyn for the love of Creudylad took place each May Day; and it was on May Eve that Teirnyon lost his colts and found Pryderi. May Eve was also the occasion of a fearful scream that was heard each year throughout Wales, one of the three curses of the Coranians lifted by the skill of Lludd and Llevelys.

By the way, due to various calendrical changes down through the centuries, the traditional date of Beltane is not the same as its astrological date. This date, like all astronomically determined dates, may vary by a day or two depending on the year. However, it may be calculated easily enough by determining the date on which the sun is at 15 degrees Taurus (usually around May 5th). British Witches often refer to this date as Old Beltane, and folklorists call it Beltane O.S. ('Old Style'). Some Covens prefer to celebrate on the old date and, at the very least, it gives one options. If a Coven is operating on 'Pagan Standard Time' and misses May 1st altogether, it can still throw a viable Beltane bash as long as it's before May 5th. This may also be a consideration for Covens that need to organize activities around the week-end.

This date has long been considered a 'power point' of the Zodiac, and is symbolized by the Bull, one of the 'tetramorph' figures featured on the Tarot cards, the World and the Wheel of Fortune. (The other three symbols are the Lion, the Eagle, and the Spirit.) Astrologers know these four figures as the symbols of the four 'fixed' signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and these naturally align with the four Great Sabbats of Witchcraft. Christians have adopted the same iconograp-writers.

But for most, it is May 1st that is the great holiday of flowers, Maypoles, and greenwood frivolity. It is no wonder that, as recently as 1977, Ian Anderson could pen the following lyrics for Jethro Tull:

For the May Day is the great day,
Sung along the old straight track.
And those who ancient lines did ley
Will heed this song that calls them back.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Witches of Gambaga & Trinity Secret Power of Three on Voices of the

Posted by: "Karen Tate"   specialjourn

Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:12 pm (PDT)

Greetings Friends and Family,

Be sure to catch my You Tube video at the end of this email as I present
to the American Academy of Religion on Goddess Thealogy for a
Sustainable Future. Then also see the line up for *May guests* on
Voices of the Sacred Feminine.

Please tune in to our awesome shows every Wednesday at 6PM PST/9PM EST
or later from the archives at your convenience --

_*Next Show on Wednesday*_*....*

_*Marie Jones*_, author of *The Trinity Secret: The Power of Three & the
Code of Creation* discusses her book revealing the origin of trinity
myths, science vs the triune nature of reality, the sacredness of three,
and how this correlates with the code of creation.

Followed by....
Yaba Badoe*_ and _*Amina Mama*_ producers and directors of the award
winning documentary *The Witches of Gambaga*, an extraordinary story of
a community of women condemned to live as witches in Northern Ghana.
This is a story of strong community of "witches" and women's movement
activists determined to end abusive practices and improve women's lives
in Africa.

Taste the Forbidden Fruit
Taste the Forbidden Fruit!

Find us here:
__*Recent PAST SHOWS... You can access them in the archives*_ -

Filmmaker _*Steve Jones*_ will discuss the year he spent with Lady
Olivia Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis as he made the film about her
life, *Olivia, Priestess of Isis*. Followed by....

Documentary film maker,_*Thomas Quinn*_, discussing his book, *What Do
You Do with a Chocolate Jesus? (An Irreverent History of
Christianity).*...a funny but factual history of the New Testament, the
growth of Christianity and religion's role in the founding of America.
But we don't stop with the past, we also discuss the politics of
religion in the present: The re-writing of history by bogus Right Wing
historians, Evangelical Christians, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, and
the phoney fears of Sharia Law and Glen Beck's apocalyptic ravings.
We're going to ask questions like why Eve got a raw deal? Was Jesus a
feminist? Was there ever really a female pope? Where does the bible
stand on abortion? Do politicians misrepresent Christianity? Is our
government based on Christian values?

_*Barbara Walker*_, author of */Man Made God/ *and how that has shaped
our society. Followed by _*Patrick McCollum*_ bringing us up to date on
the Tier One vs Two religious intolerance lawsuit in CA, his travels to
Nepal, Russia, the UK, Israel and Palestine and what's happened since he
received the Mahatma Ghandi award.

_*Charlene Spretnak*_, author of *Relational Reality*: New Discoveries
of Interrelatedness That Are Transforming the Modern World will
discuss: What is relational reality, examples of interrelatedness in
areas of health, education/parenting, community/design/architecture and
the economy. What are some of the implications of the Relational Shift
with regard to women.
Followed by -
_*Nancy Williams*_, author of Hawkmoon discussing the *Roles of Women in
the Frontier West*.

_*Elizabeth Fisher*_ , author of the Rise Up and Call Her Name program,
discussing *Lilith Meets the Green Man*. In our conversation we'll be
discussing who Lillith and the Green Man are, the symbolism of the
apple, tree and serpent in the Garden of Eden myth, and how these
symbols tie into Lilith and the Green man mythologies. Then we'll see
how this all relates to ourcurrent cultural and political conflicts and
how this new mythology helps us build community.

*_Marguerite Rigoglioso_ *- author of *Virgin Mother Goddesses of
Antiquity *and our show topic is*When God Was a Virgin Mother...and the
Eleusinian Mysteries Illuminated*. Very interesting stuff including
discussion of an older Athena - the one that wasn't birthed from Zeus'
head. And in our talk, we'll discuss a new interpretation for
Persephone's rape by Hades and much more. And more....Marguerite is
also the author of *The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece* and time
permitting we'll see how these books overlap!

*_Bob Walter_ *, Executive Director of the *Joseph Campbell Foundation*
discussed what it means to be a "mythic activist", the importance of
Joseph Campbell's work in the world, the hero/heroine's journey, and how
rational thought, and the I versus WE mentality, replaced Goddess. I
also plan to ask Bob: What happens when myths become not metaphors but
fact (aka religion) and how it contributes to the agony of the world.
When one understands the psychology of myth and it's role in religion
where does that leave most people on the subject of God/ess? The
Atheist? Can we reconcile believing in God/ess with understanding myth
and how can we reconcile myth with your own spirituality/religion?

Time: 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. You'll have to make adjustments for
your time zone. And the show is available later from the archives where
you might listen at your convenience.

*To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:***

*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine

_*MAY LINE UP of Guests -
*5/4 -- Den Poitras....a story of the most radical male feminist alive
and his brush with parthenogenesis

5/18 -- Tami of the Wild Feminine discusses learning from
the female body, giving boys greater access to the feminine, learning
how to run feminine energy in our bodies and lives to shift into a new
paradigm and access our true creative potential.

5/25..... Jeanne Sable...GMO's Working Against Mother Nature

5/26.....Film maker of the docu-drama Bloodline, updates us on new
revelations about the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. *

_Check out my You Tube Clip on Eco-Feminist/Goddess Thealogy for a
Sustainable Future_


Goddess is a Democrat !! Imagine the feedback from that statement in my
interviews with Riane Eisler and Starhawk on my radio show, Voices of
the Sacred Feminine. But what were we really saying in that statement
that might not have been immediately evident? We were saying the
strategy to move us toward that paradigm shift, into a post-kyriarchal
world, would not just be the use of secular law, but through a change in
thealogy - the mythology of the Sacred Feminine, deity, archetype and
ideal, might re-establish the foundations on our planet necessary for
sustainable future for all life and Mother Earth. Hear the line of
thought....presented at the WECSOR/American Academy of Religion by Dr.
Rev. Karen Tate. For more info go to
*_*New News -- did you catch these articles?*_

_The Primitive Conservative Brain
_( Compare it to Mother Values.
Why Sacred Journeys? What about Turkey?_

Karen Tate
fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives

Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth


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