marți, 19 aprilie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2852[1 Attachment]

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)



Initiation:  The Why's and Wherefore's

Posted by: "gaia_d"   gaia_d

Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:06 pm (PDT)

Hello Everyone --

I know we've had this discussion previously, but i had to write this up
for another Group, and i thought perhaps some who have joined here
recently might appreciate hearing this material.

PLEASE NOTE: My intention (in posting this) is *not* to promote
frustration, annoyance, concern, offense or an argument in / with
ANYone, but rather, to help answer some questions that i have often
heard asked.

"Why's and Wherefore's of (Wiccan) Initiation:

What it really is, and why it's so important --

(C) 2011 By <> ; please don't
reproduce without permission.


One of the problems with this topic, is that it's often raised by people
who don't know about or understand the background principles, out of
which this issue arises and on which it's based -- They analyze it only
from a very "democratic" notion of spirituality. Democracy is not just
a political philosophy; it's a philosophy of life that's seeped into
many areas of our culture. Our educational system, for just one single
example, is based upon the very democratic idea that knowledge is (or
should be) available to everyone -- partly because our system of
government (a democratic republic) functions best if the general public
is well educated.

However, metaphysics (of which religion in general and Wicca in
particular, are both parts) is not and has never been democratic.
Metaphysics has always been based on the idea(s) that:

a) One does not give power to someone who is ill-equipped to use it
wisely or profitably;

b) there are some who are more willing, able and motivated to do
the hard work that's required to obtain knowledge, wisdom, and
"enlightenment" -- and that they are more inclined to USE the
attendant powers and knowledge, wisely.

There have always been (metaphysical) "Mysteries" or secrets that have
been withheld from the general public. -- This is where we get the very
word, "Occult" -- which of course means "hidden". This is as true in
Christianity as it is in some of the more "esoteric" systems of
Metaphysics. For example, in (traditional) Kabbalah study, one could
not even begin to study it until one was at least 40 years old and
married with children -- Please consider for a moment, why that might be


Now, let's discuss Wicca in particular: First, a definition:

(Traditional) Wicca is defined as " A Mystery, Lineaged Path, whose
inner mysteries are generally oathbound" -

See for example:

a) "Wiccan Theology and Practice" by (High Priest) Sam Wagar:

"Wicca is an Initiatory Mystery Religion of clergy that was founded in
the United Kingdom in the late 1940s by a group of occultists led
byGerald Gardner and his Priestesses, most notably Dafo
(EdithGrimes-Stafford) and Ameth (Doreen Valiente). It grew out of an
occult milieu and its influences can be traced back several hundred

�Wicca is, after all, an Initiatory Mystery Religion of Clergy,
worshipping in small closed groups, and using techniques of ecstatic
trance and prophetic revelation to raise energy and work magick."

b) (High Priestess) Ellen Cannon Reed, in "The Heart of Wicca":

"I am not going to try to give a hard and fast definition of Wicca other
than it is an initiatory, Mystery religion. The Wicca I love and
practice�contains a great deal that isn't found in all the Wicca
books that are so popular today".

c) The Wiccan Church of Canada <> , which
represents the Odyssean Tradition, provides (the following) useful and
workable definition:

1. Wicca is an initiatory, oathbound mystery religion...

2. ...which is polytheistic, honouring a variety of gods and

3. ...but also dualistic, seeing individual deities, at least to
some extent, as aspects of one God and one Goddess...

4. ...and pantheistic, viewing divinity as immanent within the
natural world.

5. It centres around the mysteries contained within the Charge of
the Goddess and the Legend of the Descent of the Goddess...

6. ...and encompasses the practice of magic...

7. well as religious devotion.

.d) The Yahoo "Beginning Wicca" Group -

Defines Wicca thusly:

"Wicca is a lineaged, training required, initiatory mystery tradition,
with its inner craft work always being oath bound, Tracing its roots
back to Gardner and the New Forest coven. Wicca IS a polytheistic
religion with a belief in a God and a Goddess..."

I realize this is not often discussed, and is practically unknown among
most Pagan or Wiccan beginners -- but only the most superficial
generalities of Wicca are even available publically, in books, online
websites, or discussion groups. Most of what might be called "the
Mysteries" are oathbound. One of the reasons why formal training is a
good idea, is because that's one of the few ways one obtains access to
the information and training necessary to access the Mysteries �As
another High Priestess in "Beginning Wicca" (Rowan Moonstone) put it:
"Only someone already experienced in accessing those Mysteries, can
teach you how to access them."


Now, let's discuss a bit about Initiation, and what it really is.

Here's an article on Initiation from Ellen Cannon Reed's wonderful book
(which i highly recommend!), "The Heart of Wicca":

Some time ago, a young woman wrote on a computer bulletin board system
that she had had a vision of the Goddess in which the Goddess seemed to
accept her as Her child.

"Was this," she asked, "an initiation?"

Message after message assured her that it was. One, however, said, 'I
don't know. How is your life different? How are you different?"

That person knows what initiation is.

What is it? �nitiation is a spiritual experience by which one
becomes aware of the Mysteries. It is not a ceremony. It is not a
vision. It is not dedication. It is not an event; it is a process.

In his book, Men and the Waters of Life, Michael Meade says this about
initiation: ~

Initiatory events are those that mark a man's or woman's life
forever,that pull a person deeper into life than they would normally
choose to go. Initiatory events are those that define who a person is,
or cause some power to erupt from them, or strip everything from them
until all that is left is their essential self ... there is departure
from daily life, a suffering of ordeals and dramatic episodes, and a
return as a marked and different person. Initation is the dramatic way
the psyche shifts ground and orientation of an individual or group.'

1. Michael Meade, Men and the Water of Life (San Francisco:
HarperSan-Francisco, 1993), p. 11.

2. Ly Warren-Clarke, The Way of the Goddess (Dorset, England: Prism
1987), p. 7.

That is what the response to the question about the vision meant. A
vision of the Goddess is lovely, but is it life-changing? It could be,
but was it? Make no mistake, even choosing to pursue an initiatory path
will be life-changing.

RE: Coven Initiation:

So what of the ceremony known as initiation, the one a coven might
bestow some-where along the line in your membership?

In many traditions, this ceremony represents a number of things: It
means you have completed the course of study they require. It means you
become a member of their Inner Circle, that you are ready to take your
place in the priesthood with all the responsibilities that entails. It
means that the leaders of the coven acknowledge that, to the best of
their abilities to know, the Initiate has undergone the spiritual
experience described above.

Initiation can happen to those of any religion. It is a step in
spiritual growth.

"Properly conferred, a Wiccan initiation includes a transformative
personal experience the nature of which is ineffable. That is to say,
it cannot be readily described. Such experiences in religious or
spiritual settings are often termed "Mysteries." Thus the common
observation that Wicca is "an initatiory Mystery religion."

Part of the purpose in the long training period that normally leads up
to one's first initiation is to try to put the candidate into the proper
frame of mind to undergo and derive the fullest benefit from the
transformative experience." -- (quote from "Brocktn",\


So Initiation is "a transformational experience, which "shifts ground"
in the Psyche, and opens up new ways of knowing, perceiving,
experiencing, in the life of the Initiate �Such that they are able
to experience and comprehend the Mysteries."


An Initiation is a profound symbolic challenge, a *death* of the old
self, a *rebirth* into new life as a duly authorized and empowered
"Witch and Priest/ess" --

[NOTE: An Initiated Wiccan (even First Degree) is not merely a "member"
of Wicca, rather, s/he is a Priest/ess, and therefore CLERGY);

Traditional (First Degree) Initiation also involves a formal
"introduction" to the "Powers that Be";

[A Third Degree Initiation includes a (formal) endowment or bequeathal
of spiritual authority and power.]

An initiated Wiccan becomes a "Priest/ess and Witch" (both male and
female Wiccans are "witches") and therefore they become "Clergy" . With
sucessive Initiations (if they choose to pursue such) they take on more
responsibilities to serve the Gods and Wicca, and bless Their Children.

While it is appropriate for someone to DEDICATE her or himself,
INITIATION is something that is done *TO* one. There are several
important reasons for this. Yes, there are many "self-initated" into
today's "Neo-Wicca" (which includes "Solitary Wicca") -- partly because
many have found it difficult to find a teacher, HP or HPS to teach and
initiate them; partly because due to the large numbers coming into the
Craft without (formal) training, they don't often realize the importance
and meaning of initiation, and think it's soemthing they can do for
themselves or forego; And because there have been some very popular
authors who have (mistakenly, imo)encouraged such.

However, correctly understood, there is no such thing as
"Self-Initiation", it's a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron.

Initiation has five basic steps:

1. Challenge: You must be brought up short and made to realize what an
important step this is, and it is impossible to offer a truely powerful
(even intimidating!) challenge to yourself.

2. Symbolic Death: You must experience a symbolic death of your old
self; and this is not something that can really be done by yourself.

3. Rebirth: You experience a rebirth into new life -- and again, just
as someone cannot give birth to himself, neither can he "rebirth"

4. A transfer of (Spiritual) Power and Authority: You receive a
transfer of spiritual power and authority from those who already have it
-- obviously, this is not something you can do for yourself, it must be
done by someone already *possessing* that authority.

5. Introduction to the "Powers that Be" (and not just the ones on
"Angel" or "Charmed"! *g*) You are "introduced" to the Elementals,
Watchtowers, Deities, etc, as a newly and duly initiated "Priest/ess and
Witch" -- And as in any introduction, this must be done by someone
already well acquainted with both "sides" of the introduction.

6. One is then given access to (some of) the "inner Mysteries" of that
Tradition. Many bginners just don't realize that the information that
is readily available -- in books, discussions, etc - -is only a fraction
of the spiritual truths and Powers that are (part of) Wicca.

And as i said above, it has always been a key feature of metaphysical/
spiritual paths, that there are some things reserved for those who are
prepared and able to receive them, and use them wisely and profitably.

This is NOT -- as some (evidently insecure) folks have suggested --
because of any spiritual exclusivity, or desire to keep others "down".
Rather, it's to prevent such information from falling into the hands of
those for whom it would prove a curse rather than a blessing.

If you'll excuse a reference to another religion *g* -- Even Jesus said
that he withheld some things from (some of) his followers because they
were unable to receive and deal properly with them, and rather than
being a blessing to them, such knowledge could become a curse (See for
example, Matthew 13:12-13).

Similarly, there are "Inner Court" Mysteries that are reserved for
those who have been properly prepared and are able to use them, such
that they will be a blessing to them.

As i said above -- Wicca has always been an Initiatory religion, and a
Mystery religion -- and i hope it's a bit clearer why those two things
go together *smile*.

Initiation is also generally about acceptance into - and adoption into -
a group, as family. A lot of people who are in initiatory paths,
consider their covenmates to be family. Including of the "call at 3am in
an emergency" sort. And the sort you may not always agree with, but you
love, and work with, and sort things out with, because they matter like

You can't adopt yourself into a family. You can't force other people to
adopt you. Part of the process is about forming mutual connections with
those people, and that tradition, and that particular group, and so on.
It both takes time, and can sometimes be more complicated than other

You may want to be aware that a self-initiated witch may be considered a
"wannabee" until they prove themselves otherwise. (Of course, this may
not matter to you.)

The Value of Good Training and Initiation: A Personal Experience

IMO, and in the opinion of many experienced Wiccans, it is well worth
the effort, to seek training and initiation from a good HP/HPS.

As a personal example: I studied independently for the first five years
i was involved in Wicca; when i had the opportunity, i took several
classes and trained with several different teachers in different
Traditions, even initiating to First and then Second degree. A few
years later, i had an opportunity to meet and train with a very
knowledgeable and experienced -- and Lineaged -- High Priest and

The point of all this is to say that I found re-training a wonderful
experience -- even after all those years of study and practice, there
were "holes" in my knowledge and skills that this re-training addressed;
it shored up my knowledge and skills in a way that i simply could not
have done by myself, no matter how long i'd have tried. There are some
things that are extremely difficult if not impossible to learn on one's
own: for example, it is very difficult to learn how to manage, build and
direct energy completely on one's own or out of a book. It's very
difficult to honestly evaluate yourself, your strengths, weaknesses,
gifts, etc; and to become aware of and work through your "Shadow" --
which by definition, are the personal characteristics / qualities we
hide from ourselves. These things and many others are much easier to
learn and do properly, with a good, well-trained, experienced teacher.

It's important to remember, however, that Ultimately, it is the God(s)
and Goddess(es) who initiate Their own, and a HP/HPS can only confirm /
affirm that which the God/dess(es) do or have done. THEY determine who
is (and is not!) an authentic Witch.


FInally, for anyone who might want to pursue finding a teacher: check
out the following resources:

a) Witchvox: <>
Witchvox is a wonderful internet resource for information and referral.

b) Covenant of the Goddess (CoG) :
Covenant of the Goddess is an international, legally-recognized
organization of covens, clergy and solitaries, with local Councils all
over, in most population centers. It offers a wide variety of services
for/to the Wiccan community, including sponsoring festivals, workshops
and programs; credentialing Elders and Clergy; and maintaining a
resource and referral list.

c) Circle Sanctuary:
Circle Sanctuary is a working Pagan farm, sanctuary and organization
that publishes the magazine "Circle Network News," sponsors festivals
and conferences, and offers information and resource referrals.

I hope this is helpful -- Blessings -


Just a Little Art.

Posted by: "Blackbird"   blackbird_61

Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:54 pm (PDT)

I was raised in Western New York, where winter really lasts about 6
months out of the year, and the other seasons are pretty well crammed
into the other half; My Mom tells me she is getting snow today! and Im
not at all suprised really. And while I like to get out hiking with my
camera others with a better eye and more courage dare to paint.

I was recently introduced to this artists work through one of magazines
I browse every month at borders, take some time with it, while It's not
going out into nature, its not quite so cold either. ; ) BB.

Micheal Godfrey,


Re: Just a Little Art.

Posted by: "程倩雯"   chengqw21

Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:30 pm (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from 程倩雯 included below]

Hi Micheal,

I love drawing very much. When I was young, I like to hold my little pencil
and draw anything I could imagine. Then my father sent me to some tutors. To
my surprise, there were many students and they were all better than me and
older than me. I was totally frightened.

So I didn't receive any formal training. When I am sad and happy, I will
imitate some paintings. The moment is really beautiful.

Here is one I imitated few days ago.

2011/4/19 Blackbird <>

> I was raised in Western New York, where winter really lasts about 6 months
> out of the year, and the other seasons are pretty well crammed into the
> other half; My Mom tells me she is getting snow today! and Im not at all
> suprised really. And while I like to get out hiking with my camera others
> with a better eye and more courage dare to paint.
> I was recently introduced to this artists work through one of magazines I
> browse every month at borders, take some time with it, while It's not going
> out into nature, its not quite so cold either. ; ) BB.
> Micheal Godfrey,

Attachment(s) from 程倩雯

1 of 1 Photo(s)


Re: Just a Little Art. [1 Attachment]

Posted by: "Jude DaShiell"

Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:59 pm (PDT)

You could contact Art Institute Of America and get that training by means
of a correspondence course. Those are much harder because you have to
complete all assigned exercises and answer all assigned questions.
There's no 39 other people in a class for a teacher to call on when you do
correspondence education it's one on one. On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, ??? wrote:

> Hi Micheal,
> I love drawing very much. When I was young, I like to hold my little pencil
> and draw anything I could imagine. Then my father sent me to some tutors. To
> my surprise, there were many students and they were all better than me and
> older than me. I was totally frightened.
> So I didn't receive any formal training. When I am sad and happy, I will
> imitate some paintings. The moment is really beautiful.
> Here is one I imitated few days ago.
> Jenny
> 2011/4/19 Blackbird <>
> >
> >
> > I was raised in Western New York, where winter really lasts about 6 months
> > out of the year, and the other seasons are pretty well crammed into the
> > other half; My Mom tells me she is getting snow today! and Im not at all
> > suprised really. And while I like to get out hiking with my camera others
> > with a better eye and more courage dare to paint.
> >
> > I was recently introduced to this artists work through one of magazines I
> > browse every month at borders, take some time with it, while It's not going
> > out into nature, its not quite so cold either. ; ) BB.
> >
> > Micheal Godfrey,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


Re: Just a Little Art.

Posted by: "Blackbird"   blackbird_61

Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:00 pm (PDT)

Hi All,

My Apologies for any confusion I caused with my last post, Micheal
Godfrey is an artist I recently discovered, it is not BBs Given Name,
though I do envy the obvious level of Talent.

Still I would very much like to thank Jenny for her lovely post and
sharing her story, and her picture; You do obviously have some Talent
and some Skill; as a person who learned to draw the hard way, and whose
daughter has much more actual talent, I do understand the difference. I
do love to draw myself.

Two good example of my more recent work are this study of my friend
Chelsy <> , and my
friend Tamar <> ,
unfortuantely I dont have the time to practice that I had some years ago
- This Study of Marvel Comics Illyana Rasputin
<> is one of
the best things I've ever done; I was quite a fan of the 'New Mutants'
series at the time. I'm going to some length on this because of
Illyana's demonic appearance, and I dont want to confuse anyone here.

Again thankyou for sharing the lovely sketch, its quite nicely executed,
and I very much like the scene. : ) If you chose to go out in nature, to
do studies of things you might find in the woods, or even a park, please
do share with the group. I think you have quite a good eye. : )
Blessings, BB.

--- In, 程倩雯 <chengqw21@...>

Hi Micheal, I love drawing very much. When I was young, I like to hold
my little pencil and draw anything I could imagine. Then my father sent
me to some tutors. To my surprise, there were many students and they
were all better than me and older than me. I was totally frightened.
So I didn't receive any formal training. When I am sad and happy, I will
imitate some paintings. The moment is really beautiful. Here is one I
imitated few days ago. Jenny
2011/4/19 Blackbird <
> >

I was raised in Western New York, where winter really lasts about 6
months out of the year, and the other seasons are pretty well crammed
into the other half; My Mom tells me she is getting snow today! and Im
not at all suprised really. And while I like to get out hiking with my
camera others with a better eye and more courage dare to paint.

I was recently introduced to this artists work through one of magazines
I browse every month at borders, take some time with it, while It's not
going out into nature, its not quite so cold either. ; ) BB.

Micheal Godfrey, <>


CDW 18April 2011 Dark Angel Tarot - Strength.

Posted by: "Blackbird"   blackbird_61

Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:54 pm (PDT)

Hi All,
Our card of the Week is Strength from the Dark Angel Tarot
<> which proves a
suprisingly challanging card, (and this scan does not really do it
justice.) If we compare the image to the often more conventional Robin
Wood Image <> , we
can see clearly what a powerful departure this image truely is ...

In the Robinwood we find the rather conventional message of the Feminine
enegy of the Maiden, taming the masculine energy of the Lion; it is the
tale of beauty and the beast on display; and it speaks to how it is our
feminine nature that allows us to subdue the animal nature with-in
ourselves, how our feminine nature provides the compassion to see the
world through our "Enemies" eyes and break the cycles of violence that
mar our world. Notice how her one hand clasps the jaw of the beast,
disarming his most dangerious aspect. This is a powerful card in its own
right, and a lession for all of us to learn.

But it is not the image and message in the Fallen Angels Tarot.

No the message is quite different here. Here we have the Angel standing
atop a precipice, Surrounded by a boiling mass of cloud, a portion of
which has clearly taken the form of a lion. I cannot help but see in
this Image the Valkyrie Ara from my own righting, summoning up the
courage of her own lion heart, summoning the elements of Wind and Water
to battle beside her - This is not the Power of Compassion; this is the
Heart of the Warrior, manifest with-in and with-out.

As Above so Below, As With-in so With-out.

Ara, Innana, Dianna ... The Queen of Heaven summoning her powers in the
moment before battle is joined; a reminder that Inner Strength must
sometimes be expressed as outer strength, ' the Gods will not preserve
for us, that which we will not guard ourselves.
<> '_ Pandora de

While the Robin Wood, conveys an important esoteric message about the
nature of strength, this card reminds us strength is sometimes just that
Strength, the potential for force; the bridegroom of courage.

Blessings, BB.

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