sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2861


Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)



The Wheel of the Year, Sabbats & Beltaine

Posted by: "gaia_d" Gaia_D@yahoo.com   gaia_d

Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:23 pm (PDT)

Re:The Wheel of the Year, Beltane

Hi Everyone--

I' think it's important to understand the basics about the "Wheel of the
Year" in order to understand Beltaine (and indeed, all the Sabbats) and
their relationships to each other as well as their place and meaning
individually, so if i may, I'd like to offer the following article i
wrote (it's from the Wicca 101 Class that i teach) on The "Wheel of the
Year - Sabbats" in general, and Beltaine specifically-- for anyone who
might be interested --


OF THE YEAR: Sabbats

© 2010 By Gaia_d@...
fIMPV0f_aoW3-1Yw_LiXv4K_WigiYxtBzJEbX667P_jZDh_xPyRPE> – Please
don't reproduce without permission.

I. Cyclic Time, Mythic Time, Sacred Time:

Our culture generally marks time in terms of a linear understanding of
time: That time moves in one single direction, always forward, from
Point A ---> Point B. However, this is only one particular way of
understanding time. Other cultures have understood and marked it, very
differently – Many, in terms of ever-repeating cycles, which instead
of a straight line, look more like circles or even spirals –

From http://hubpages.com/hub/Cyclic_Time_Concept

"Many ancient societies believed that time progressed in a cyclic
manner. They observed the cyclic nature of the day and night, similar
repeating pattern of seasons year after year; monthly cycles of moon's
change of form etc. and extended the same for larger time scales too.
Ancient Indian system of time measurement is an example for this. The
Ouroboros, (serpent swallowing its tail) and the Mayan calendar, are
examples of this.

In Dr. Larry Dossey's book, "Space, Time and Medicine", Dossey quotes
Mircea Eliade as follows:

"A sacrifice, for example, not only exactly reproduces the initial
sacrifice revealed by a god *ab origine*, at the beginning of time, it
also takes place at the same primordial mythical moment; in other words,
every sacrifice repeats the original sacrifice and coincides with it.
All sacrifices are performed at the same mythical instant of the
beginning; through the paradox of rite, profane time and duration are
suspended." Dossey goes on to comment: "Unlike modern man, primitive man
is not burdened with the irreversibility of time. On the contrary this
irreversible profane or linear time is meaningless. Not only does the
primitive become himself most fully by participating in archetypal
behavior, this realization occurs only in mythical time -- that is, in a
state where time is abolished, where time is annulled • ••••
It is characteristic of the mystic and of religious man in general,…
the religious man and the mystic also may be said to be "primitive," in
that they live in a continual present."

("Space, Time and Medicine," pp 28-29 )

This concept of "Mythic Time" helps us understand Wiccan holidays
(remember that word "holiday" is shortened from "Holy Days"). Wiccan
holidays (Holy Days) in general are based on an understanding,
observation and celebration of time that is not linear, but cyclic –
the ever-renewing, natural cycles on our planet, and the hunting and
agricultural cycles that early humans developed, as they lived through
those natural planetary cycles.

II. The Wheel of the Year:

OK, class, altogether, everyone please complete this sentence: Wicca is
a religion of: _____ (ANSWER: "poetry, myth, symbol, and personal
experience, rather than dogma and "belief").

The term "myth" does NOT mean "a story that is untrue"; it means a story
that may or may not be factual, but which contains and reveals basic
symbolic truths about the nature of life, reality, humanity, divinity,
etc. Myths are "stores about how things came to be" – they are
"stories that never happened, but are always happening"; they are
stories that tell us how things came to be as they are. This idea of
Wicca as a poetic and symbolic religion is particularly relevant to the
subject of how Wiccans mark time – aka one set of Wiccan Holidays,
known as the "Wheel of the Year" – or the SABBATS.

Taken dogmatically or literally, the mythic "story" of the Wheel can be
somewhat confusing, even troubling: A (Maiden) Goddess gives birth to
her Son, who then grows into adulthood and becomes Her Consort /Husband
– as a Wiccan mother once asked me, "How am I to explain that to my
five-year-old?" So, we will be exploring the "Wheel of the Year" from a
mythic, symbolic, poetic perspective.

B. The Antiquity, Universality, & Significance of These (Sabbat) Holy

Early Pagan religions celebrated these holy days long before
Christianity. Christmas and Easter were holy days/ seasons, long before
Jesus, celebrating (respectively) the Winter Solstice (longest night,
shortest day) around December 19-23 (in the Northern Hemisphere); and
Spring Equinox around March 19-23, the renewal of the earth after the
long winter. To really understand what these festivals and holy seasons
meant to the people who celebrated them every year, we must imagine what
life was like in early times, when winter meant a painful, cold,
frightening dark -- and possible death by freezing and starvation. Early
peoples probably developed various magickal and ritual techniques to
"coax" the sun back, and to celebrate its return when at last,
thankfully, they noticed indications that it was indeed returning. One
of the oldest human constructions still in existence (circa 3500 BCE
–older than the pyramids!) is New Grange in England (below).

(See http://www.newgrange.com/ <http://www.newgrange.com/> and
<http://www.knowth.com/newgrange.htm> )

New Grange was specially constructed so that the first rays of the
rising sun on the morning of Winter Solstice would strike and illuminate
the innermost chamber, immediately following the longest, coldest night
of the year, to "enlighten" and bring warmth to the darkest, coldest
time of year.

C. Wiccan Sabbats: CYCYCLES of RENEWAL:

The sun cycles through fullness at Summer Solstice (June 19-23), yet
that is also the moment of its simultaneous "death", because it
immediately begins its long journey toward Winter Solstice (the longest
night, shortest day), when it is "renewed" and begins its long journey
back again toward fullness -- around and around; -- Renewal,

Spring Equinox is midway between those two points, and it marks a moment
of Balance -- equal light and darkness. Thus Pagans celebrated it long
ago as "Ostara" or "Eostre" -- which also happens to be the name of a
Pagan (AngloSaxon) fertility Goddess, (from whose name we also get such
words as "estrus" and "estrogen", the female hormone)-- and to whom the
Moon-Hare or bunny rabbit is most sacred. Since Ostara celebrated the
renewal of life after the long winter, it was turned into the Christian

The scheduling of Easter every year reveals its Pagan origins: it is the
first Sunday after the first full moon after the Equinox -- all very
Pagan holidays; and its symbols (the egg, flowering trees, the bunny
rabbit) are all symbols of fertility, birth or re-birth, and renewal.

On "Borrowing" Pagan Ways:

When the new religious cult (called "Christianity") swept Europe, they
"borrowed" the by-then ancient Pagan holidays, symbols, myths, and
practices, in order to convince the people that they really weren't so
different; as well as to co-opt the power, familiarity and loyalty
associated with those earlier, established Pagan ways. All over Europe
and especially Britain, Christian churches were built directly over
ancient sacred Pagan sites, to co-opt their power. Ancient religious
icons of the Goddess Isis holding her baby, Horus, were turned into
icons of Mary and Jesus; etc, etc. This is a major reason why some very
conservative Christians (for example, Jehovah's Witnesses) don't like to
celebrate modern (even very Christian) holidays – because they know
that many of them began as Pagan holidays.

The Wheel of the Year:

There are eight Sabbats or seasonal holy days all together; they come
about six weeks apart. If we draw a large circle, and put Yule/Winter
Solstice and Litha/Summer Solstice at opposite "sides" of the circle, we
can fill in the other holidays, like this: (See for example:






Spring and Autumn Equinox (the "midpoint" times, of equal day and
night) fit right between both Solstices.

"Lesser" and "Greater" Sabbats:
The Solstices and Equinoxes are called the "Lesser Sabbats"-- they have
been celebrated by Pagans all over the world in many different cultures,
for a very, very long time. The "Cross-Quarter" Days or "Greater
Sabbats" are particularly Wiccan (although over the last 20 years or so,
they have become more universally celebrated by most Pagans), and they
fall between the Solstices and Equinoxes. Now, let's look at each of the
Sabbats – their meanings, symbols, and activities, a bit more in

Also, keep in mind that to really understand each Sabbat, it can help to
examine/ understand it's "opposite" on the Wheel -- So to better
understand Beltaine, do some reasearch on Samhain.

The first five Sabbats on the Wheel can be understood as "Fertility" or
"Growth" Festivals; i've included the few before Beltaine just to put it
into a bit more perspective; i hope that's helpful.

IMBOLC - Oimelc - Brigidmas - Candlemas: Feb 2
First, right after Winter Solstice (Yule) comes Imbolc/ Oimelc /
Brigidmas / Candlemas, on February 2, the Sabbat of quickening light and
new life ("Imbolc" means "in the belly", where many of the new herd
animals are gestating at this time of year -- "in the bellys" of their
mothers. "Oimelc" is a (Celtic) reference to "mother's milk", because
many animals are about to begin nursing their young. Imbolc (alternate
spelling, "Imbolg") can be understood as the first of four fertility
festivals, the first to magickally evoke the coming of Spring.

Among Wiccans, this is the time of individuation – a time when a
youth begins to become the (adult) individual s/he will eventually be.
Mythically, the God who was born at Yule (Winter Solstice) has grown
into a Youth; the Crone Wicca101.7 – The Goddess of Samhain has
regenerated Herself into a Maiden, and together, they playfully evoke,
celebrate and look forward to the coming of Spring. A traditional
practice for Imbolc rituals includes "Bride's Bed" ("Bride", "Breed" and
"Bridey" are all folk names for the Goddess Brigid, who was turned into
"Saint" Brigit by the Catholic church).

A doll (traditionally a "corn dolly" – more on them later) is
dressed up like a bride and lain in a specially prepared and decorated
basket or "bed", with the phallic wand over it, symbolizing the God, to
magickally evoke Spring. In keeping with the theme of Individuation,
this (and not Samhain, as many beginners seem to think) is the time when
Wiccan initiations are traditionally held. It is also worth noting that
as far back as Roman days, this was a time to do weather
prognostications, in order to know when the crops might be safely
planted – this is why this date is today known as "Groundhog Day."


This Sabbat is also sacred to and celebrates the Goddess Brigid: Goddess
of sacred poetry, Smithcraft, and Healing. Thus, other Imbolc practices
especially honoring Brigid include writing or learning sacred poetry and
chants, craftwork, and preparing healing herbs or mixtures, first aid
equipment, etc.







RESOURCES On IMBOLC Songs & Activities:

NOTE: Keep in mind that these are only a few – there are many, many
others, just do a Search; and remember to check the resources listed for
all the other Sabbats as they will likely have usable info, too.














OSTARA - Spring Equinox: March 19-23
The next Sabbat is Spring Equinox/ Ostara (Eostar/ Eostre) – named
for an Anglo-Saxon Goddess of fertility (Eostre) and possibly related to
our word "estrogen", the female hormone) –

It falls between March 19-23, and celebrates the flirtatious "courtship"
of the young Lord and Maiden Goddess. Symbolically, their "romance" was
a way of convincing the earth to awaken from its long winter slumber, to
the pleasures of life and love -- a way to (symbolically) evoke the
renewal of the earth and spring. In Wiccan Ostara rituals, a symbolic
"courtship dance" is often performed to symbolize this romance and its
potential for awakening the earth.

One popular chant often performed for the Ostara or Beltaine rite goes
as follows:

"Oh do not tell the Priest of our Art

Or he would call it a sin;

But we have been out in the woods all night,

A-conjuring Summer in!

And we bring you news by word of mouth

For women, cattle and corn—

Now is the Sun come up from the South –

With Oak, and Ash, and Thorn!"

(Janet and Stewart Farrar, "The Witches Bible" p 90)

The symbols of Ostara – eggs, bunnies, seeds, budding trees and
flowers -- are all related to fertility, birth, new potentials and new









RESOURCES On OSTARA Songs, Chants, Activities:












BELTANE- MayEve - Walpurgisnacht: April 30 - May 1

Next comes Beltane/ May Eve/ Walpurgisnacht (April 30 - May 1) – a
Major/ "Greater" Sabbat -- which celebrates the serious courtship and
"trysting" of the God and Goddess. ("Tryst" is a somewhat old fashioned
term referring to a "meeting", or a romantic-sexual interlude.) The
Lord and Lady, in their joy and delight, encourage the earth to reawaken
and enjoy the pleasures of life.

Beltane practices all relate very directly to sensuality, sexuality, and

On Wicca and Sex:
It is perhaps appropriate here to discuss how Wicca is a very
NATURALISTIC religions, meaning that natural processes like mating and
childbearing were/are considered HOLY, sacred, joyful, delightful,
wondrous, and particularly NATURAL -- with none of the unfortunate
negative implications of sex as dirty, dangerous, evil, nasty,
unmentionable, or any such thing -- and also considered an appropriate
way to *worship* the God(s) and Goddess(es). As the Charge of the
Goddess says,

"Sing, Feast, Dance, make music and Love -- All in My Presence;

for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on


In our present culture with its very conflicted, confused attitudes
about sex and sensuality, it can be difficult for us to even imagine,
let alone understand, the very different, matter-of-fact attitudes that
Pagan cultures had and Wiccans have inherited -- toward these very
natural, normal processes. They were much more open and honest about
such things. After all, there was little privacy where a whole family
might sleep together in a one or two room hut, both for warmth and lack
of space. Farm animals made clear whatever "mechanical" questions or
doubts might remain in the minds of folks. Children grew up very fast;
the idea of "adolescence" -- a time which temporarily, arbitrarily and
somewhat un-naturally postponed adulthood – was unknown. Children
assumed adult responsibilities as soon as they were physically able,
often upon reaching puberty, in order to help the family. Sex was a
normal, natural, open and accepted part of life, and their spiritual
practices reflected this.

If you go to a Wiccan Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane or Litha (Summer Solstice)
ritual, you may be a bit surprised by the frank, open and honest
portrayal of sexuality and fertility that is represented -- even some
folks who've been Pagan or Wiccan for some time, can be a bit surprised
at how much Christian notions of morality still survives in their

Try to set aside those moralistic attitudes and understand it all in
light of the cultures from which the practices of these Sabbats, arose.


Traditional Beltaine practices include:

1. The MayPole – an obvious fertility symbol, Father Sky's phallus,
inserted into the Earth Mother's "hub" or vagina, which is often
prepared with libations of milk and honey by the women, while the men
carry the Maypole around the Circle, and with great celebration, insert

Originally, the Maypole was "Danced" by the boys who wished to court
girls. It's been suggested (I no longer have the reference) that they
would approach the father of the girl they wished to court, and request
a ribbon (in very early times, it may have been a piece of "petticoat"
that was stained from the girl's first menstrual flow) -- to tie and
then dance, around the MayPole (see below).



2. The May Queen and King – A man and woman, representing the Lord
and Lady Goddess, would be chosen as May Queen and May King. Sometimes
they would mate in the fields, to bless the forthcoming planting and
subsequent harvest.

3. The Balefires – At night, the entire village would light huge
bonfires (called "balefires", meaning sacred bonfires) and run the
cattle between, in order to obtain a blessing. Often, individuals or
couples would jump the balefire, also for a blessing.

4. Greenwood or Beltane "Marriages" – Finally, couples would steal
off into the night for romance. Sometimes, people might get quite in a
"party" mood, drinking lots of Mead (honey-wine) -- and pair off
indiscriminately. On this one night, marriage vows were held in
abeyance (temporarily void) to allow for such indiscriminate pairings,
and any children that resulted from these Beltane-Eve or "Greenwood
Marriages" were considered to be literally the "children of the Gods" --
it was considered rude to inquire about the fathers of such children --
their father was understood to be the God, and their Mother, the
Goddess. There are many surnames in England that are said to still
reflect this notion. From this tradition, is where we get the idea that
weddings are unlucky or inappropriate in May, and June became the
traditional month for weddings.

5. Mummer's Plays, Morris Dances: Mummers Plays and Morris Dances are
two of the surviving folk traditions that many believe were originally
part of Pagan religious practices to evoke and celebrate Spring, but
were gradually secularized and therefore survived through the Christian
era. For more on this link between the Pagan past and secular present,
please see:



For examples of Mummers Plays and Morris Dances:




BELTANE Music and Chants:

1. MayPole Chant:

(NOTE: This is included in your "Music" Sub-Folder of your Lesson 7
"Extra Goodies" Folder)


"Spiralling into the Center,

The center of the Wheel, (Rpt)

We are the weavers, we are the woven ones,

We are the dreamers, we are the dream."

3. "The Lusty Month of May" from "Camelot":

For those of you familiar with the Movie, "Camelot", you have seen (part
of) a Beltaine ritual portrayed in the movie. When Arthur first meets
Lancelot and takes him home to meet Guinevere, he is told she is out
"A-Maying" – in other words, celebrating Beltaine. And to prove
it, she sings a wonderfully fun and thoroughly Pagan song: -- See it
performed on U-Tube:


"The Lusty Month of May" Lyrics:

Tra-la, it's May! The Lusty Month of May –

That lovely month when ev'ryone goes Blissfully astray.

Tra la! It's here! That shocking time of year

When tons of wicked little thoughts Merrily appear

It's May! It's May! That gorgeous holiday

When ev'ry maiden prays that her lad

Will be a cad! It's mad! It's gay! A libelous display!

Those dreary vows that ev'ryone takes, Ev'ryone breaks.

Ev'ryone makes divine mistakes

The lusty month of May!

Whence this fragrance wafting through the air?

What sweet feelings does its scent transmute?

Whence this perfume floating ev'rywhere?

Don't you know it's that dear forbidden fruit!

Tra la la la la! That dear forbidden fruit!

Tra la! It's May! The lusty month of May!

That darling month when ev'ryone throws

Self-control away.

It's time to do A wretched thing or two,

And try to make each precious day

One you'll always rue!

It's May! It's May! The month of "yes you may,"

The time for ev'ry frivolous whim,

Proper or "im."

It's wild! It's gay! A blot in ev'ry way.

The birds and bees with all of their vast

Amorous past Gaze at the human race aghast,

The lusty month of May!

* * *

Also listen to:

a) "The Mummer's Dance" By Loreena McKennnit – (McKennit writes
and sings many Pagan-inspired songs!)


b) - "Bringing in the May" from "Welcome to
Annwfn" by David Hamouris -



"Bringing in the May" Chant by David Hamouris -- Lyrics:

"If you survive the night of madness,

If you survive the crazy scene

Then you shall dance around the pole

Take what's shattered, make it whole,

And the pattern of the mystery-

Before you will unfold -

Bringing in the May,

Bringing in the May.

And now the quarters we must call

Between the equal and extreme --

We know the Morris dance is done

So that all can feel the sun,

As it penetrates our flesh and blood

And spirit made us one -

Bringing in the May, Bringing in the May –

(Spark of Eternity, Hole in the Stone,

Cauldron of Changes, Cauldron of Bones!)

c) - "In May, That Lusty Season" from "A Circle
is Cast" by Libana -












RESOURCES for BELTANE Rituals & Activities:











Happy and Blessed Beltaine, All!


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Beltaine Mysteries

Posted by: "gaia_d" Gaia_D@yahoo.com   gaia_d

Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:36 pm (PDT)


Someone once asked me, "What's the point of celebrating
the Sabbats, if you live in a place where you can't experience planting
and harvesting?"

My Reply:

Because you see, the Harvest is YOU - and IN YOU.

We have to learn to see the meanings *behind* and *beneath* the symbols,
to understand Wicca.

Ostara / Spring Equinox is traditionally the beginning
of the "flirtatious" courtship of the Maiden Goddess by the youthful
God; with Beltane representing the passionate, "first Trysting"("Tryst"
being a somewhat old-fashioned word for romantic interlude); and Litha
or Summer Solstice representing the mature, "Married-type" love.

But more than that -- A major theme for both Beltane and
the Midsummer-Litha Sabbats is the "Hieros Gamos", or "Sacred Marriage"
represented by the union of God and Goddess, which also represents the
reconciliation and union of all dualities.

Dualities and Unity:

The Meaning of the "Hieros Gamos" or "Sacred Marriage":

Classical Greek philosophy understood the universe as a great dichotomy
between two sets of opposites, called "Dualities" (some of which are
listed below):


Light - dark,

spirit – matter

heaven - earth,

above – below

logic - emotion,

reason – intuition

linear – wholistic

solar – lunar

mind - body,

order – chaos

culture - nature,

male - female,


Further, they said that for the universe to operate
safely, it was necessary for everything in "Column A" to rule over and
"hold in check", its "opposite" in "Column B". And guess on which "side"
these mostly *male* philosophers put themselves -- right, Group A.
Females, they consigned to Group B.

This was the philosophical rationale for white males
"ruling over" everything from the Earth, to dark-skinned people, to
females. And this dualistic view became the foundation for all Western
culture and values. (A good reference for these thoughts is Rosemary
Radford Ruether's books, "The Church and the Second Sex" or "Sexism and
God Talk")

In the Hieros Gamos ("Sacred Marriage") - the union of God and Goddess -
all dualities are *resolved*, reconciled, and *unified* into one great,
healthy, integrated, beautiful and complete whole.

The Hieros Gamos In History:

The Hieros Gamos was a critical, fundamental element of
ancient religions throughout the Middle-East. Since the Earth was
understood as the body of the Goddess, only the Goddess could confirm a
man a ruler or King. Therefore, a Priestess, representing the Goddess
Herself, would ritually mate with the man chosen as political/ social
leader, ie King or Pharoah -- to validate his Kingship and to forge and
then represent his mystical relationship with the land and the people.

As long as the King/ Pharoah was strong and virile, it
was believed that he could protect the land and the people. But If
ever there was a need, it was understood that he would willingly
sacrifice himself for them. That's one of the reasons he was always
given the very best of everything -- food, shelter, etc -- to keep him
healthy and strong, a fit leader, protector and literal Father to his
kingdom – no matter what happened to the rest of the Tribe/ Country.

The Bible And The Hieros Gamos:

There is even evidence that the Old Testament Biblical
Matriarchs, like Sarah (wife of the first Patriarch, Abraham) were
Priestesses who functioned thusly in the Hieros Gamos. This explains
some of the very strange, enigmatic behavior of Abraham and Sarah, as
well as Sarah's "maid-servant" Hagar -- in the Bible.

For example, while traveling from their old home to the new
land that "Yahweh-God" was supposedly to give them, the Patriarch Abram
and his wife Sarai (who later became Sarah, as Abram became Abraham)
(and Sarai also happened to be Abram's cousin) they encounter first King
Abimelech, and later, Egypt's Pharoah – who both seek to court

Strangely, Abraham *encourages* Sarah to keep secret the
fact that they are married, and to allow herself to be "courted" by
first, King Abimelech, and second, by Pharoah himself. (See the Bible,
Old Testament, Genesis 20).

Most Christians try to explain away the story by saying that Sarah was
so beautiful and attractive to these men, that her beauty and
desirability by these powerful men, could save Abraham's life, and
that's why Abraham encouraged her to lie and garner the favor of these
powerful men. But Sarah was by then over 90 years old -- just how
"attractive" could she have been? There must have been other reasons
why these leaders found her so "desirable" that they were desperate to
"court" her! Could it have been because as a Priestess of the Goddess,
she could validate their kingship in a Hieros Gamos?

And when Sarah does not bear children, but wants her
maid servant Hagar, to bear for her, Abraham takes Hagar as a concubine.
It was a feature of the Priestess-hood that the Priestesses did not
themselves bear children, but had other women act as "surrogate" mothers
for them.

This is the theory of author and researcher, Savina Teubal
in her two books:

- "Sarah the Priestess" and "Ancient Sisterhood" by Savina Teubal.

For Internet resources on any of this, please see the following sites:


www.kolel.org/pages/holidays/5765_RHDT1.html -


www.libraryminyan.org/Hayeii%20Sarah%20-%20Miriyam%20Glazer.htm -


Mary Magdalene as Priestess:
It has also been suggested that Mary Magdalene (whose name
may be a corruption of a word meaning "Priestess") was actually such a
Priestess (perhaps of Isis), and that her anointing of Jesus prior to
his crucifixion (which anointing occurs in the New Testament, Mark
14:4-8) was in fact part of his ritual Kingship preparation -- ("Christ"
after all,means "Anointed One").

For more on this, please see the following Resources:

_the Jesus Mysteries_ by Freke & Gandy,

_The Templar Mysteries_ by Clive Picknett

_Holy Blood, Holy Grail_ by Baigent and Leigh

_Jesus and the Lost Goddess_ by Freke and Gandy,

_The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail_ by
Margaret Starbird




* * * *

The Hieros Gamos In Wicca:

Modern Pagans/ Wiccans represent the Hieros Gamos
("Sacred Marriage") in our most sacred ritual: the actual or symbolic
"Great Rite" -- symbolically enacted by the ritual lowering (or
"mating") of the (male) Ritual Athame or Blade, into the (female) ritual

This is (part of) the meaning of that most holy ritual:
the great *union* of all dualities into one beautiful, complete whole,
transcending dualities and indeed, all separation, into UNION
--represented by the union of God and Goddess –

An essential implication of this Mystery, is that each
of US must make the "Hieros Gamos" or Sacred Marriage within ourselves

We must all "search out", "court", and ultimately "unite" with our own
"Inner Beloved", the "Other parts" of ourselves that we so often ignore,
deny, even run from -- parts that often hold the "keys" to some of our
greatest strengths -- to become whole, healthy, integrated and coherent
human beings.

[An excellent resource on all of this, as well the techniques for how
one actually goes about doing it, is Jean Houston's wonderful book, "The
Search for the Beloved" – See:



These are some of the Mysteries of Beltane – I hope they are
Blessings to you All!

Blessings, and Merry Beltane --

~ From Gaia (Whose birthday is May 2!) *bwg*

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[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4722

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Walpurgis Nacht, 4/30/2011, 12:00 am From: WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com
Re: Your god/des, your fertility From: carteblanche13



Walpurgis Nacht, 4/30/2011, 12:00 am

Posted by: "WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com" WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:03 am (PDT)

Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group

Walpurgis Nacht
Saturday April 30, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every year.)
Location: Worldwide

Well Met Everyone

And the warmest of Blessings to those of you who celebrate Beltane on May 7th.

But, right now I would like to wish you all a magically wonderful Walpurgis Nacht, which occurs on April 30.

It is a time to celebrate your mystical 'family', and to reach out to each other in love and friendship.

Midnight of the 30th is also a time which brings us into closer contact with our wonderful guides and benefactors - the 'Lords of Light' - and is a Magical time to make that special wish.

So please enjoy this special evening in whatever way feels right to you.

May you experience the joy of magic and mystery during this night of pleasure.

With love


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Re: Your god/des, your fertility

Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13@yahoo.com.au   carteblanche13

Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:36 pm (PDT)

Forgive me if I sound a bit thick here, but are you wanting to enhance your reproductive fertility, or just talk about it? If you want to enhance it (i.e. make babies), I strongly recommend these people:


They've worked miracles for people close to me who now have children after decades of futile and expensive in-vitro attempts etc. It's the real deal, 6,000 success stories.

If, however, your question was about something else entirely, then, um, sorry!

As I understand it, there is rather a lot of "fertility magic" stuff out there from every culture on earth, and every age, to explore (but if you want results, try the herb people linked above first).

There's probably loads of people who share your wish to talk about this subject so it's great you've raised it on this forum so that they may do so!

Cheers and good luck,

--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com, "xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx" <gilligantor@...> wrote:
> Hi and thanks for your response,
> > Maybe you are hanging out in the wrong circles <
> Well no I'm definitely walking in circles when it comes to an expression of this whatever-you want-to-call-it path and my fertility.
> Is that what it is all about these days - archetypes and lots of 'we do whatever'? Slogan: "Paganism - we do stuff."
> It seems the overwhelming advice is to talk to your friends and be in the right circle.
> Cheers
> minka

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