marți, 1 martie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2552

Messages In This Digest (15 Messages)

imagery and mind over matter really works From: robertdjacoby14
i cant stop doing witchcraft From: robertdjacoby14
(no subject) From: robertdjacoby14
Re: new to paganism From: radcliffe helen
Re: new to paganism From: bobbie
Re: new to paganism From: Amanda Baker
Ostara  :) From: jessica balding
Re: I'm new From: Amanda Baker
Re: I'm new From: Christina
Ammended Psalm.... From: jessica balding
Re: Looking From: jessica balding
Re: Help needed for a ritual From: jessica balding
Re: Do Love Spells Work? From: Carrie Cardenas
Re: can this group help me obtain money am very poor From: jessica balding
Introduction and Invite... From: Caerwyn Llewellyn



imagery and mind over matter really works

Posted by: "robertdjacoby14"   robertdjacoby14

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:22 pm (PST)

i want to heal my mental illness and my blood pressure and i want loose weight all my using my mind to heal myself .i love not having problems . i picture myself working then i get a job . i pictured myself never going back to school and now i m back in school . i pictured myself not wanting to be in the hospital then i stopped trusting everybody and ended up back in the hospital . so i tried to picture myself wanting to go to the hospital and i went to the hospital . i never lost my stomach . but the rest of me looks good .


i cant stop doing witchcraft

Posted by: "robertdjacoby14"   robertdjacoby14

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:22 pm (PST)

i love mind over matter
and imagery and i heal myself a lot
i even heal my sores in minutes
and my pain goes away faster too
i also astral project a lot


(no subject)

Posted by: "robertdjacoby14"   robertdjacoby14

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:23 pm (PST)

i love saint johns wort and ginkobaloba !


Re: new to paganism

Posted by: "radcliffe helen"   kittthedolphin

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:23 pm (PST)

it is good to question such things, this way you will also sometimes begin
to question yourself... the best books for new beginners to wicca is:
read all books by scott cunningham and the wicca bible by ann marie
gallagher. also keep your eyes open for the book called the witches
bible...all are great books for beginners

Re: new to paganism

Posted by: "bobbie"   bobbie_favors

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:23 pm (PST)

hi. im new too. ive been questioning religion for a while which prompted me to begin searching. ive seen alot of pagan references in alot of what i read and whatch. my fiance and i took a trip to the bookstore one day and i found myself looking at wicca and witchcraft titles and found this book called paganism an introduction to earth centered religions. the statement of it being earth centered caught my eye and i find that i enjoy reading the book and can agree with it on many levels. i was wondering if you belong to a coven or pagan group at all. i am looking for a group to join myself so that i can learn more than what books can teach me.
--- In, "rebecca.langer" <rebecca.langer@...> wrote:
> Hi, and thanks for letting me join. I am new to paganism/wicca and would like to get to know a little more about it. I actually bought the "Paganism for Dummies" book years ago, but was rather self-conscious about proclaiming myself to be part of this culture because of the labels and stereotypes that surround it. I don't know if that book is accurate or not, but I feel better about taking part in this type of culture because I now feel more drawn to this sort of thing (that's the best way I can describe it).
> Anyway, I'm glad to be here and hope to learn more.
> Thanks again!
> Becky


Re: new to paganism

Posted by: "Amanda Baker"   celticflumpy

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

I too have begun looking for a coven and getting involved in groups. I have
been studying and practicing Wicca for about 12 years now. My biggest
reccommendation is to read everything you can! My understanding of the
spiritual path is that it is unique to one's personal experience and
perception. If you are drawn to something you are meant to learn
something. For example, I have wanted to meet other likeminded people for a
long time now. But despite my efforts in the past it did not work out. I
feel at that time I was not ready or meant to do that. Now, I have become
more involved than i ever thought! I feel that it's because now I'm ready
and the universe is placing opportunites for continued growth in front of
me. Again, this is my perception. If you have a question ask. If you feel
you need to say something, say it. Life is a series of action/reaction.
Good luck to you in your search. May your path be blessed and full of

Blessed Be,

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 2:21 PM, bobbie <> wrote:

> hi. im new too. ive been questioning religion for a while which prompted me
> to begin searching. ive seen alot of pagan references in alot of what i read
> and whatch. my fiance and i took a trip to the bookstore one day and i found
> myself looking at wicca and witchcraft titles and found this book called
> paganism an introduction to earth centered religions. the statement of it
> being earth centered caught my eye and i find that i enjoy reading the book
> and can agree with it on many levels. i was wondering if you belong to a
> coven or pagan group at all. i am looking for a group to join myself so that
> i can learn more than what books can teach me.
> --- In, "rebecca.langer" <rebecca.langer@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, and thanks for letting me join. I am new to paganism/wicca and would
> like to get to know a little more about it. I actually bought the "Paganism
> for Dummies" book years ago, but was rather self-conscious about proclaiming
> myself to be part of this culture because of the labels and stereotypes that
> surround it. I don't know if that book is accurate or not, but I feel better
> about taking part in this type of culture because I now feel more drawn to
> this sort of thing (that's the best way I can describe it).
> >
> > Anyway, I'm glad to be here and hope to learn more.
> >
> > Thanks again!
> >
> > Becky
> >

Ostara  :)

Posted by: "jessica balding"   beautishianlove

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

Also Known as: Ostara (Virgin Goddess of Spring - German), Vernal Equinox, Eostre (Teutonic Goddess of Spring, from which the Christian Easter is derived), Alban Eiler (Caledonni Tradition), The Festival of Trees, Festival of Kore/Demeter, Feast of Isis (Egypt), Feast of Cybele (Italy), Aphrodite Day (Greece), Festival of Astarte (Greek/Roman/Persian), Festival of Athena (Greece), Festival of Hilaria (Rome).

As the 2nd of the 3 Spring Festivals, the Equinox (Ostara), ushers in the start of Spring, and celebrates the Goddess, once again in her maiden aspect. The Spring Equinox is the arrival of Spring and end of Wi nter, the day when night and day are equal and balanced. It occurs between March 19th and 21st, falling on March 20th in 2005, the same day the Sun enters Aries (roughly 7:34 a.m. EST). The reason for this variance, is due to the differences between the actual astronomical event and our calendar.

The Goddess blankets the Earth with fertility, bursting forth from Her sleep, as the God stretches and grows to maturity. He walks the greening fields and delights in the abundance of Nature.

Energies are shifting from the sluggishness of Winter, to the exhuberant expansion of Spring. This is a time of beginnings, of action, of planting spells for future gains, and of tending ritual gardens. It marks the time when the growing sun brings warmth to our upturned faces as we gaze upon the skies and walk through fields showing signs of life, the buds and green that hold the promise of spring, and obvious signs of rebirth.

On the 1st day of Spring, She does give birth to the baby Sun: fragile buds emerge from their scales in the dewy Sunrise of the Year.
The Goddess bathes in Her magic fountain and becomes a girl again. She and the God grow up together, very rapidly.
Once more they become engaged on May Day, when the buds are opening to flowers (Adams "Feraferia for Beginners" p51)

There are many ways and traditions to celebrate on this sacred day: lighting fires at sunrise, ringing bells, and decorating hard-boiled eggs which is an ancient Pagan custom associated with the Goddess of Fertility. Agriculturally it signals the time to turn the garden, to plant seeds, to start the process of growth.

Symbols of fertility mark the beginning of spring, from hares (bunnies), to robins; however, one stands out more so than others. The egg seems to have been used as a fertility symbol since the dawn of man. From the use of snake's egg: the caduceus of Hermes holds the coupling snakes, Goddess and God, who produced it. To Orphic mysteries, which held the cock sacred as a symbol of resurrection, using hen's eggs as the symbol. To many traditions, the yolk represents the Sun God, while its shell is seen as the White Goddess and the egg as a whole represents rebirth. Symbolically eggs are marked with brilliant colors, various types of bands and images representing: the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, three-formed Goddess, Earth, Sun, and such shapes as triangles, squares, circles, and dots.

Another symbol of spring is the clover. In Shakespeare's time, the shamrock was thought to be wood sorrel; according to Culpepper, all sorrels were under the dominion of Venus. Trefoil is another symbol; Artemis was said to feed trefoil to her hinds. The four-leaved clover can also be seen in the same way as the quartered circle, a symbol of wholeness and balance.

This is the time of preparing the garden and selecting the seeds for planting. We till and prepared the earth to receive the seeds, a ritual act of fertility. Everything from vegetables, herbs, flowers and trees are selected and planted at this time.

Spring is an energetic time of the year, one that shows the renewal of life, the beginning of growth and expansion. We don't just watch this part of the cycle unfold, we are an active part of it, for the flow and ebb of nature is a part of our lives.

Spring Equinox was generally overlooked in Celtic lands until after the Norse invasion brought it into prominence. The Celts in Cornwall and Wales renamed it "Lady Day" and was when the young Goddess returned from her winter hibernation. On this day of balance, she is able to meet the young God, mate with him, and become impregnated with both the God to be reborn (Yule), and the Autumn Harvest.

In England the Dieties appear as the Lord of the Greenwood, a version of the Horned God, and the Green Goddess - fertile Virgin/Mother.

Greco-Roman tradition celebrates Ceres - Grain Goddess, from Equinox until the 1st Harvest. She is believed to go from field to field at the Equinox, blessing the newly sown crops. Her special blessings are asked for freshly tilled lands. The lily, now seen more as a Christian Symbol of Death, is actually a symbol of life in Greek and Roman traditions, often adorning altars and temples. A lily was given in much the same way as a diamond is today. In accepting a lily from a young man, a young woman was accepting him as a life mate.

The Norse also honor their Virgin Goddess and celebrate her mating with the young God, an even most traditions selebrate at Beltane. Fertility relations were almost obligatory on the Eve of Ostara, as was a communal meal featuring foods associated with fertility such as cake, honey, and eggs.

Slavic tradition believes this to be a day when death has no power over the living. A personification of Death is symbolically killed by throwing him into moving water to drown. Symbols of life renewed, flowers, are tossed in after him and he is sung to as he floats down the river. People who died on the Equinox are thought to be favored and accorded princely treatment until reincarnation by the Gods. Brightly-painted red eggs were passed around during the procession to the ritual site, where the renewal of Spring is celebrated with food, dance and drink.


Re: I'm new

Posted by: "Amanda Baker"   celticflumpy

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

Merry meet Peg,

Congradulations on your life changes. Change is very scarey and
uncomfortable. We walk a path that is in front of us and usually
empathically choose which way to turn when decisions are ahead of us.
Embrace your past as it has made you who you are but always look towards the
future as that is where you are headed. If you have any questions feel free
to ask. There are many books on what ever spiritual path you are interested
in. I recommend keeping an open mind and if something grabs your interest
embrace it. We learn from everything. Good luck in all your endevors. May
the God/Goddess of your understanding light your path and illuminate the
answers to all your inquires. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

So mote it be,

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 7:16 PM, Peggy <> wrote:

> I'm not just new to the group, I'm also new to the Pagan path. I spent the
> last 32 years as a Mormon and just recently left that life and my husband
> and moved to another State. I went from being isolated, sick with out of
> control diabetes and firbromyalgia, and depressed to living with my adult
> daughter and a complete change in lifestyle. In the last 6 months I started
> exploring the pagan beliefs and lost 40 lbs. I now have a nice little
> apartment with a herb and vegetable garden growing. I've started up my long
> dropped knitting business as well as started knitting for a charity group
> nearby. My most recent surprise is that I believe that I may have the
> qualities of an empath. I've been picking up from my daughter as well as
> friends and even people I don't even know.
> My daughter has been helping me learn the basics of shielding as well as
> finding ways to draw in positive energy to replace negative. The crazy thing
> is that I've had the feeling that I may be empathetic for years, but never
> told anyone because I wasn't sure I believed in it.
> I look forward to meeting other people on the group and learning as much as
> I can.
> Peg

Re: I'm new

Posted by: "Christina"

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

Hi Peg! I'm new to group & Wicca. I can relate to some of your circumstances, especially Fibromyalgia & depression. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of what I deal with is from my conflict about the religion I was raised in (Jehovah's Witness)& what I feel in my heart. I've always been drawn to what I call an Earthly Spirituality. Your story gives me hope that with more knowledge of the Wiccan Way, I too will find peace of mind & heart. I, too, look forward to learning much from this group.


--- In, "Peggy" <momsalittleoff@...> wrote:
> I'm not just new to the group, I'm also new to the Pagan path. I spent the last 32 years as a Mormon and just recently left that life and my husband and moved to another State. I went from being isolated, sick with out of control diabetes and firbromyalgia, and depressed to living with my adult daughter and a complete change in lifestyle. In the last 6 months I started exploring the pagan beliefs and lost 40 lbs. I now have a nice little apartment with a herb and vegetable garden growing. I've started up my long dropped knitting business as well as started knitting for a charity group nearby. My most recent surprise is that I believe that I may have the qualities of an empath. I've been picking up from my daughter as well as friends and even people I don't even know.
> My daughter has been helping me learn the basics of shielding as well as finding ways to draw in positive energy to replace negative. The crazy thing is that I've had the feeling that I may be empathetic for years, but never told anyone because I wasn't sure I believed in it.
> I look forward to meeting other people on the group and learning as much as I can.
> Peg


Ammended Psalm....

Posted by: "jessica balding"   beautishianlove

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

This is a Wiccan prayer patterned after the Shepherd Psalm; found in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) at Psalms 23:1. The author is unknown.
The Earth is my Mother.
I shall not want.
Her hand brings forth the green pastures.
She tarries within the still waters.
She leads me in fields of fruitfulness for my Glory.
Yea, as I walk through the summer of life unto death,
I will not be afraid, for You are with me.
Your womb in the earth will enfold me.
You prepare a harvest before me and bless my home with children.
You fill me with milk and honey.
My cup overflows.
Surely, goodness and beauty will nurture me all the days of my life,
and I will become part of the earth forever.


Re: Looking

Posted by: "jessica balding"   beautishianlove

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

Hi, have you checked facebook or typed pagan singles into google-something might some up in a search engine.
-Jess )0(

--- On Thu, 24/2/11, Daniel <> wrote:

From: Daniel <>
Subject: [Earthwise] Looking
Date: Thursday, 24 February, 2011, 6:15


Merry Meet all I am a 34 year old Man searching for a good wiccan woman to settle down with if there are any who are looking or know someone who is looking for a sweet romantic guy who loves to be close and cuddle please contact me I hope I havent broken any of the rules of this group if I have plz forgive me there is no where online for we wiccans to search for love so I figured I would try this Merry part and blessed be


Re: Help needed for a ritual

Posted by: "jessica balding"   beautishianlove

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

Light a candle of the god/goddess who has resonated with you from the beginning.
Bath with white roses/sea salt-purification.
Light some incense.
Have a herbal/flower bath.
Go back to nature, walk the grounds of your garden/some open space breathe in the air/chi, feel the ground beneath your feet. Then cast outside or meditate before working with your coven.
Take a handful of coins and throw them into the home and leave for 24 hours, then give to charity-this is done for abundance and prosperity, from giving back to the universe.
An end of training ritual is a celebration and also a personal thing, so you may want to cast with your coven and solitary!
Here’s some into on how some traditions celebrate ‘new years day’ / the end of the calendar year. I’ve also added some quotes, hope this helps.
-Jess )0(
The first 12 days of the year are said to be the most auspicious!
Latin American-end of a year-travel around the block with a suit case to ensure the next year is full of travel.
Spanish-Eat 12 grapes on each stoke of the midnight bell, for a year of good luck.
Romanian- Dance of the straw Bear to represent the birth and resurrection of all seasons.
Egyptian- Going door to door wishing the neighbours a happy new year.
Bali- silence and meditation for a day.
Other options-
On a white sheet of paper, write all the things you would like to get rid of, fold it and burn it, then bury it and pour some water on the spot where it was buried.
Get a two- or five-dollar bill. Fold it in four parts and inside put the white locks of an orange. Keep this bill inside your purse and you will always have money when you need it more. Note: Do not use it even if you really need it. You won’t.
Go around your house and sprinkle salt, mineral salt if it is feasible. It is believed that this will protect your household of negative thoughts and actions. I personally performed this ritual three times during the year.

Read more:
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let each new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

New Year's Eve, where auld acquaintance be forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive. ~Jay Leno

We meet today
To thank Thee for the era done,
And Thee for the opening one.
~John Greenleaf Whittier

One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above the little things. ~John Burroughs

George Washington Carver: "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."

Anon: (taken from the Native American Indian Traditional Code of Ethics): 8. All the races and tribes in the world are like the different coloured flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Creator they must all be respected. (Inter-Tribal Times, 1994-OCT)

Anon: "Sometimes you have to be able to see the invisible in order to see the truth."

"If you take [a copy of] the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind and the rain." Herbalist Carol McGrath as told to her by a Native-American woman.


Re: Do Love Spells Work?

Posted by: "Carrie Cardenas"   arieanna791062003

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)

they should work but be careful what you wish for it will come back to you.

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 8:13 AM, jessica balding <> wrote:

> If they don't work, then either the intent, focus or correspondences are
> all wrong!
> -Jess )0(
> --- On *Sat, 12/2/11, Silver Fox <>* wrote:
> From: Silver Fox <>
> Subject: [Earthwise] Do Love Spells Work?
> To:
> Date: Saturday, 12 February, 2011, 15:23
> *Do Love Spells Work?*
> By Doug Brinlee
> When it comes to the belief in modern day magic and spells, there are two
> camps; the believers and the skeptics. The skeptics do not believe in the
> hocus pocus and practices of today’s pagans and witches. In turn, the pagans
> and witches accept magic as readily as we accept the belief that gas prices
> will be higher in another month.
> Spells for love, success, luck, and a number of others that are beneficial
> are still performed by witches, although they claim to be white witches and
> their spells are harmless. Love spells are as popular as ever and are some
> of the easier spells one can cast. Beginners can do it or you can pay a
> professional witch to do it for you. But do love spells really work? Or are
> they just as the skeptics claim; a lot of mumbo-jumbo? If you are seeking
> love and you want some additional help in that department, here is some
> information you might find helpful before you get your chalk and candles.
> *What Love Spells Don’t Do*
> The days of spells that specifically target a person to bind them to the
> spellcaster’s will are over. Or they may still exist only in the latest
> online rpg. Today’s spells do not twist another’s willpower and freedom.
> They do not put the target in a trance or force them to do anything that
> would normally be against their better judgment.
> So love spells do not target individuals. That would be in violation of one
> of the rules in witch etiquette. The rule states: Do not bind another being
> unless you are willing to be bound. So you cannot use a spell to get that
> hot guy in the office next to you to fall in love with you.
> *Why Love Spells Don’t Work*
> Even witches and magic practitioners agree that spells do not always work.
> Sometimes they may not work they way that you want them to. One of the main
> reasons that spells don’t work is because of belief. Do you really believe
> in magic? Belief is very important for anything to work. If you have to do a
> project at work, it is much harder if you do not believe that you can do it.
> If you are playing a round of golf and you do not believe that you are very
> good, you will likely play a lousy game. Belief is essential if you want
> something to work.
> So let’s say that you do believe in magic or are at least willing to give
> it a shot. Why won’t a spell work? It could be several things. One of them
> is concentration. It takes practice and experience to attain the level of
> concentration needed to enable a spell to work. Spells have to have energy
> built up in them and then released at just the right time. If you do not
> have the proper frame of mind, you can’t do it.
> Motivation is another cause for love spells not working. You need to do
> some deep inner thinking before casting a love spell. Ask yourself why you
> are casting it. Are you seeking to hurt someone else? Are you trying to bind
> someone to you? Or is it truly to find love? Only when your motivation is
> true will the spell succeed. Selfish, greedy, or hurtful motivations are
> counter-productive to love spells and are a sure-fire way to get them to
> fail.
> Timing and energy are other reasons for the failure of a love spell. Cycles
> of the moon play a big factor in practicing magic, particularly love spells.
> When the moon is waning, it is at its least power which means there is less
> power to draw on for the spell. If you want to cast a powerful love spell,
> you should wait until the moon if full and at its peak.
> In love spells, part of the energy also comes from within you. You need to
> feel vibrant and full of energy when casting love spells. If you are sick,
> tired, or just don’t feel like you have much energy, then the spell will be
> a very weak one (if it works at all).
> *Why Love Spells Work*
> Practitioners of magic swear that if done properly using positive energy,
> love spells do work. When the witch or caster has enough energy, the moon is
> in the right phase, and their motivation is good, the spell has a likely
> chance of success.
> One thing to help a love spell is to make a list of what type of person you
> are looking for. Without naming a specific someone, give details with pros
> and cons, likes and dislikes. This narrows down the focus of the spell and
> allows the energy to find someone that matches what you are looking for.
> Now if you do not really believe in magic but are seeking love and willing
> to give it a shot, there are some things you need to keep in mind. The first
> is that love comes naturally. Everyone, at some point in their life, will
> likely find love. But first you have to love yourself. If you do not like
> yourself, this creates negative energy that disrupts what you are trying to
> accomplish.
> Witches say that love spells work for those who really want to find love.
> If you are just messing around, you won’t get the best results. But if you
> are really sincere about finding love, and think about how much you want it
> when you cast the spell, then it will likely be successful.
> Lastly, you need to prepare yourself for love. This means that you have to
> do some of the work. You can’t expect a spell to do everything. Clean
> yourself up some. Pay attention to your appearance. Buy some new clothes
> that will catch someone’s attention. If your hair is a mess, go get it
> styled. Start wearing a different perfume. If you want to have people over
> to your place, make sure it is clean so it will impress them. It is hard to
> find a soulmate if you live in a dump. Do yourself a favor and get yourself
> together in order to make the love spell work easier.
> Silver Fox
> "It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie.
> What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the
> truth."
> Jane Yolen; The Storyteller

Re: can this group help me obtain money am very poor

Posted by: "jessica balding"   beautishianlove

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:25 pm (PST)

Have you tried any money/prosperity or job spells?
-jess )0(

--- On Sat, 12/2/11, Barbara Nardini <> wrote:

From: Barbara Nardini <>
Subject: Re: [Earthwise] can this group help me obtain money am very poor
Date: Saturday, 12 February, 2011, 3:12


help with what

From: fifrey firey <>
Sent: Sat, February 5, 2011 2:45:03 PM
Subject: [Earthwise] can this group help me obtain money am very poor


i will like some one to help me


Introduction and Invite...

Posted by: "Caerwyn Llewellyn"   caerwynjllewellyn

Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:25 pm (PST)

Greetings All,

This is my introduction letter to this group, as well as an invitation to
join in on two ventures. :-)

First, a little about my self.

My name is Caerwyn Llewellyn. I know some of us know one another. Most
probably don't, but I am excited to build those relationships. :-) I am a
Fosterling in the Order of the White Oak, Secretary to OWO, and
Editor-in-Chief of Eolas Magazine. I am also co-founder of the seed project
Fianna an Domhain and the Red Oak Academy.

Recently, I have made arrangements with the moderator of your group to post
a link to Eolas Magazine every edition, which comes out every 3 months on
the 4 major Celtic festivals (Beltaine, Lunasa, Samhain, and Imbolc). Eolas
Magazine is currently going through some changes, and growth, and is looking
for support during this transition, and throughout the duration of the
magazines life span. Our focus with this magazine is to provide an
informative window into the modern and ancient Celtic Culture through a
Reconstructionist lens. This magazine will offer recipes, music, movie, and
book reviews, articles and interviews on current affairs regarding
environmental, political, and scientific events and news, interviews with
prominent and fledgling Druidic leaders and members, poetry, back-to-nature
skills, provide announcements of global Druidic and Celtic events, and so
much more.

If you have ever wanted to be apart of a magazine, wanted to write articles,
do music reviews (in fact we need someone to interview Gaelic Storm sometime
between now and April), etc, we are inviting you to come be apart of this
endeavor. It is time consuming, and it is on a volunteer basis, but the
rewards, in my opinion, are tremendous considering the impact you might have
on the modern Celtic movement; especially when you think about how much
information is still out there, waiting to be spread. If you are interested
in signing on to become apart of this team, please send me an email with
your request, your general interests and interests in working with Eolas,
and any material you have ever written to I
look forward to hearing from you.

In addition, if you aren't interested in joining on to the team, but would
like to have an article, poem, or idea considered for publication in Eolas
feel free to submit your request to

This is a link to our last Imbolc Edition.

And as a final invite....

I have been training in the martial arts for 15 years, in a very wide range
of styles, 10 of which I have been teaching. Last year myself and another
individual came together with the idea to create a modern day Fianna. This
project is huge. The scope of which I have yet to see its full potential. We
are looking for support in many areas of expertise, but specifically, we are
looking for dedicated, sincere, focused individuals who have the capacity to
dedicate their time to this project.

Expectations at this present time lie mostly in the area of research, or
skills contributed to produce a curriculum. In addition, we are still trying
to sort out our exact purpose and mission.

More specifically, we are trying to be as reconstructionist as possible and
applying that to modern day applications. So, as much research that can be
done and compiled on the Fianna, or other like groups such as the Gaestae,
would be great. With that, we need a list of appropriate poetry for study.
Books on philosophy, herbalism, nature lore, wild medicinals, and so on. We
are essentially attempting to create a "vocational" education center; an
online curriculum. Though we are looking to make a physical location for
training, and of course once enough members are established, perhaps create
seed groves/academies globally - though that vision is EXTREMELY long term.

We would love to have you on board if you feel up to contributing. It will
be slightly time consuming, with deadlines, but not so much so that people
will get burned out. We are, however, hoping to have a curriculum
established by the end of this year or at the latest by Beltaine 2012, if
that helps put things in perspective.

I appreciate everyone's time and especially your moderator for being
so accommodating.

I wish all of you a very blessed evening, and I look forward to hearing from

Much Peace,
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This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
for in our communications with each other. Members are
encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
offended by a posting, write to me at
Thank you.

Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup

Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at

Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte

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