Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Do Love Spells Work? From: Silver Fox
- 2a.
- Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working From: Karen Tate
- 2b.
- Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working From: Karen Tate
- 3a.
- Re: Need Help! From: Silver Fox
- 1a.
Re: Do Love Spells Work?
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:10 pm (PDT)
Comments are always welcomed, even if it's a pointing out "you got something wrong." It's part of what I hope will stimulate the group into being active and not having the sound of crickets to keep us company.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
> To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. com
> From:
> Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 00:05:40 +0000
> Subject: [Earthwise] Re: Do Love Spells Work?
> Good day,
> I'm new to the group and I hope that you will find my perspective on this topic helpful or at least interesting.
> The question I am replying to is "Do love spells work?" The answer is they can but that isn't always a good thing. You see, you might be crushing on that really cute hunk at work and he's so sweet and nice. He's just really great, he smells wonderful and he's so smart. Thing is, you may have nothing in common and once you've done a love spell, if it works, he's in love with you. What if you find you get home and have nothing to talk about? Your interests are completely different. He likes dogs, you like cats. Then where are you? You have to break that spell.
> My second reservation about love spells is that love spells directed towards a specific person takes away that person's free will. That is something I find horrendous. I would never want someone to do something that would force me to act against my own free will nor would I want someone to do that to someone in my family. This being said, I would never work a love spell with a specific person in mind.
> For those who are looking for love, my suggestion is not to do a "love" spell but do a "meet someone" spell. What I mean by this is do a spell that asks the universe to bring you (not them) into contact with someone haveing A, B and C characteristics. Or ask the powers that be (whoever they are for you) to bring you in contact with multiple people that have these characteristics. That's when you take the time to get to know them, date and find the right one. In this you are doing the spell to influence your own actions rather than those of someone else and it's left in your hands to make things work.
> Now this is just my opinion and perspective through my own explorations but I hope it helps.
> Ariana
- 2a.
Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working
Posted by: "Karen Tate" specialjourn
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:21 pm (PDT)
See here's the thing you seem to be missing. With the mirror magic no
one is harming anyone. They either reflect back to themselves good
things because they've done good things, or they reflect back bad things
because they've done bad things. Therein lies the beauty of the mirror
magic. The people are holding up a mirror to them that's all. They
either help or harm themselves by what they themselves put out.
Karen Tate LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examiner php?id=129193467 6&ref=profile
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- 2b.
Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working
Posted by: "Karen Tate" specialjourn
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:42 pm (PDT)
See here's the thing you seem to be missing. With the mirror magic no
one is harming anyone. They either reflect back to themselves good
things because they've done good things, or they reflect back bad things
because they've done bad things. Therein lies the beauty of the mirror
magic. The people are holding up a mirror to them that's all. They
either help or harm themselves by what they themselves put out.
Karen Tate LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examiner php?id=129193467 6&ref=profile
fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition VoicesoftheSacre dFeminine
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives radio_show. html
Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
- 3a.
Re: Need Help!
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:47 pm (PDT)
To come out of the Broom Closet or not to come out of the Broom Closet....
That's a hard one, I myself still haven't told my own Parents and many of my family due to their strong religious convictions and being adamant that anything that "isn't of God" is therefore of the Devil and Satan trying to lead us astray.
More so if you're a teenager, you will need to give this some long thought and consideration. Perhaps a prayer or meditation with the Goddess for the best approach. But I can imagine it would trying to find a calm time and starting off with something to the effect of "Mom (or Dad), there's something I want to tell you...." and having it go from there.
All I can say is be sure of yourself, your beliefs and where you stand when you do this. Do you have friends, Teachers a support group there you can talk to immediately that isn't on-line or over a phone to help act as a support group?
Be prepared to answer some (possibly hard) questions regarding being Wiccan/Pagan. You may get very lucky and find you've done some needless worrying and made a mountain out of a mole hill. The worst is the reality that there are those Christians who won't accept Wicca and view it all as Satanism and Devil Worship. And be prepared for the Christian view of still trying to save your soul.
Maybe that helps, maybe it doesn't. But give it some careful thought and even prayer.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
> To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. com
> From:
> Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 19:04:31 +0000
> Subject: [Earthwise] Need Help!
> I have been wiccan for a while but my parents don't know, how should I tell them??
> --------------------- --------- ------
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> Earthwise is a world wide group.
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> Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
> we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
> for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup
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> Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
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> If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
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> Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
> related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
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> If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
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ø¤º°` Earthwise ø¤º°`
The Worldwide Spirit of Paganism
in Australia, America & Worldwide!
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This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
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Thank you.
Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup
Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
ø¤º°` Earthwise ø¤º°`
The Worldwide Spirit of Paganism
in Australia, America & Worldwide!
Take a Look at Our Huge EBay Store
For all your Magickal & Ritual Supplies
This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
for in our communications with each other. Members are
encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
offended by a posting, write to me at
Thank you.
Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup
Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
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