Messages In This Digest (11 Messages)
- 1a.
- DailyOM: Feeling Threatened From: Cher Chirichello
- 2.
- Fw: Soul's Journey Newsletter -- March 14, 2011 From: Cher Chirichello
- 3.
- Late Reminder Free Healing Reiki Circle w/Nancy Smith - TUESDAY Mar From: Cher Chirichello
- 4a.
- 5.
- Sacred Symbols, What are they, why are they important and what does From: Cher Chirichello
- 6.
- Tuesday's Correspondence...March 15 From: Cher Chirichello
- 7.
- Today's Goddess: ANNA PARENNA Anna Parenna Festival From: Cher Chirichello
- 8.
- GODDESS BLESSINGS From: Cher Chirichello
- 9.
- Daily Aromatherapy Tip ... Facial Products From: Cher Chirichello
- 10a.
- Poppet Magic Healing Spell From: Cher Chirichello
- 11a.
- Ovid, Fasti From: Cher Chirichello
- 1a.
DailyOM: Feeling Threatened
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:25 pm (PDT)
DailyOM - Afraid of the Truth
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
March 14, 2011
Feeling Threatened
Afraid of the Truth
We avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don't know what to do.
Most of us have had the experience of being in possession of a piece of truth that we were afraid to share because we knew it would not be well received. There are also instances in which we ourselves have been unable to handle some truth confronting us. This might be a small truth, such as not wanting to see that our car needs repairs because we don't want to pay for them, or a large truth, such as not fully accepting that someone close to us is pushing us away. Usually the truth is evident, and we can see it if we choose, but we have elaborate ways of hiding the truth form ourselves, no matter how apparent it is.
For the most part, we avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don't know what to do. We often create our lives based on a particular understanding, and if that understanding turns out to be fully or even partially incorrect, we may feel that our whole sense of reality is being threatened. It takes a strong person to face the truth in circumstances like these, and many of us run for cover instead. Nevertheless, we can only avoid the truth for so long before it begins to make itself known in ever more forceful ways.
Ultimately, there is no way to avoid the truth, no matter how painful it is, so the sooner we let down our defenses, the better. When we know the truth and accept that we may have to adjust our lives to accommodate, we are in alignment with reality. At the same time, we can be patient with people around us who have a hard time seeing the truth, because we know how painful it can be. Whatever the truth is, we make a sincere effort not to close our eyes to it, but instead to be grateful that we have access to it.
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- 2.
Fw: Soul's Journey Newsletter -- March 14, 2011
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:31 pm (PDT)
Soul's Journey Newsletter
In This Issue
Have You Spoken to Me Lately?
Manifesting Q&A w/ Maggie & the Angels
Archangel Michael Saved Us
SJ Lightworkers
Featured Advisor: Jenn Prothero
SJ Community
I Am The Wind
SJ Radio Program Schedule
SJ Teleclasses
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SJ Members,
Our hearts go out to those affected by the natural disasters that occured in Japan. Please continue to send your healing energy and prayers. It truly makes a difference! More than ever, they need our healing support! Please consider donating through an official organization that will be able to provide the resources to those in need. Thank you.
Spring is almost here! Can you feel it? For most of us, daylight savings has already begun, hints of warmer weather is in the air, and flowers are starting to bloom.
On Thursday, it's St. Patrick's Day! You may want be on the look out for that rainbow with the pot of gold. You never know. :)
Don't forget that we have some great teleclasses still being offered. A current listing is provided at the end of this issue.
Have a wonderful week!
The Soul's Journey Staff
Facebook Members: Join us on our Facebook Soul's Journey Lightworkers page for a mini reading. Check in to see which advisor will be on during the week to answer your question posted on our Facebook page. The advisor's day and time will be announced throughout the week.
To kick off this event, Sahvanna will be on the Facebook Soul's Journey Lightworkerspage on Monday, March 14, from 10 a.m. - 12 Noon (EST).
If you haven't already, please join our Facebook group page and post your question early! Your question will be answered directly on our group page. One question per Facebook member. Sahvanna will answer as many questions as possible with the timeframe mentioned above.
Facebook Soul's Journey Lightworkers:
Facebook SJ Lightworkers
AD Space Update: GREAT NEWS! We have lowered our pricing for ad space in our newsletters. Please contact us at soulsjourneyadvertising@yahoo. if you are interested. In your email, please tell us what product or service you are looking to
Thank you!!
Have you Spoken to me Lately?
By Jenn Prothero
Hello, I am your guardian angel, your gift from God (whatever your idea of God is). I have been with you long before you came to this earth plane. I spend my days trying to get your attention, my job is to guide you through your journey here, but I have one law that forbids me from helping. That law is your free will to choose.
There have been days when I have had to sit on my hand, tape my mouth shut, and keep all my attention on not crossing that line. Other days I get very creative in trying to get your attention, jumping up and down, tapping you on the shoulder, pointing you in the other direction, or speaking through a friend. Either way, you don't seem to get that I am here, you don't seem to understand how I can work in your life, you just seem to ignore me. Thank God I am a spiritual being, my feelings don't get hurt like humans. I love you anyway, even if you don't know I am here.
I hear your thoughts, they are like prayers you know. I know your dreams and desires, I sit by waiting to guide you to them. I feel your pains, I am here with my wings around you to comfort you on the days you need it. I have seen you heading towards that stumbling block, tried to guide you away from it, helped pick you up, then cradled you in my arms. I knew you had a lesson to learn, but from my point of view, there are many ways those lesson can come to you. I know you don't have to hurt each time to learn, but I need your permission to be able to teach you in the gentle way I can.
The reason I am coming forward today is to give you some ideas of how to allow me into your life. I love you and want so much to be a part of your day. Once you call upon me, I will instantly give you a sign that I am here. For those of you that are just becoming aware of us, have no fears, we are always coming from a place of love. I also want you to know that no task is too big or small for us, your prayers are always answered. The only thing you have to do is ask, and prepare yourself to be open to the answer. You may not always get the answer you want, but know that from our loving point of view, what we send you is for your highest good at this point in your life.
When you wake up in the morning please make it one of the first things you do, just invite me into your day to guide, protect, and support you. This is enough to allow me to intervene in areas and situations throughout the day to deliver the highest outcome for you. I will do all that we can to ensure your safety, and happiness. I like to be a part of everyday, not just the ones when you really need help, I am like a good friend that is always there for you.
I love to send you signs, ask me to show you that I am with you and working on your requests, then keep yourself aware of what is around you. Sometimes I send you feathers, or coins, sometimes I will speak quietly into your ear, and still other times I may speak through a friend. There are no limits to the signs I can send you, I want you to know I am here working with you.
I know there have been times when you have asked for a message in the past, I sent you the message, but you couldn't hear it, your mind was so full of chatter. I know you were disappointed and thought I wasn't with you, but please know I tried to get through to you. The best way to hear me is to stay quiet inside. Hand your worries and concerns over to me so that you have to ability to quiet your mind. The answers are within you, they are very quiet, yet they make you feel safe and secure. A quiet mind is an angels playground.
I am not sure if you know this or not, but when you relax and have fun, you are more open to me being able to help you in life. In the past you have asked me to help you, but you had such a hold on what you wanted and how you wanted it to happen, there was no room for me to work in your favor. Get out and sing, dance, laugh and play more often, it really makes our jobs much easier. Thank you, after all life is all about being happy.
Finally I just want to say that you are an amazing being that deserves everything you dream of and more. I want you to hear me cheering you on, feel me patting you on the back, and see me setting you up for the times of your life. Thank you for inviting me into your day, into your life, and into your dreams. Each moment I spend working with you fulfils a part of me, fulfils a part of my purpose, thank you with all my heart.
Jenn is an advisor on She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and Crystal Release Practitioner. You can hear her show "Spiritual Sparkles", Tuesdays at 8 p.m. (EST) on www.soulsjourneyrad
Manifesting Q&A with Maggie and the Angels
Q: I have heard you say that everyone is psychic. what does this mean and what is the first step I can take to become more aware of my psychic abilities? (Anita, CA) PART II.
A: Tapping into your psychic/intuitive abilities iseasier than you think and remember that you are doing it already. Some of my favorite exercises or practices are 1) Before you answer the phone guess who it is calling before you answer (actually use your inner sense to 'tune in' and feel who it is 2) You think about someone and they call you or you have a dream about them. Try it. Think of someone you haven't spoken to in a while and remember the last occasion you were together, the feeling you have about them and their personality. Then don't be surprised when you run into them or hear from or about them 3) Psychic commuting. Before you leave visualize a smooth and timely route home and know intuitively which is the best route to take. Also, Visualize getting a perfect parking space and you will. (A favorite especially when working with the Angels) 4) Once you start these exercises, keep them up and they will work over and over as you are
developing, trusting and understanding the magic of your 6th sense. As you live each day connected to this energy source, you will have the world at your fingertips. Everyday will be an adventure and a delight. Go for It!
Maggie is an advisor on An Intuitive and an Angel Therapy Practitioner® You can hear her show "Manifesting with Maggie", Thursdays at 9pm est on www.soulsjourneyrad
Archangel Michael Saved Us On New Year's Day
By Nelly Coneway
We had a very intense experience on New Years day 2009. My son and two of his friends went to a party and I went to pick them up at 3 a.m.I was very tired, but prayed to the angels to protect and guide me during the long drive. On the way to leave one of the boys at his house I entered one way, narrow street with no lights and no visibility. It was empty but then suddenly a huge SUV came right in my line. Everything happened so quickly. I couldn't do anything, but heard Archangel Michael's voice "You are safe, let go of the wheel." Just when I thought that we will have a head on collision, something grabbed the wheel off my hands and turned it to the side so we escaped the crash. It was unbelievable that we didn't crash, even the kids in my car noticed it: "WOW, that was close, a true miracle." By the God's grace we were saved by mighty Archangel Michael.
Nelly is an advisor on Nelly is an Angel Therapy Practioner, Past Life reader, Hypnotherapist, Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Certified Pregnancy Yoga Teacher in "The Khalsa Way".
At Soul's Journey Lightworkers, we have so many wonderful advisors who truly want to help you spiritually grow! Each advisor has their own unique spiritual style and each individual brings so much knowledge and experience to the table. Readings are available through
Our weekend special is from 2 p.m. (EST) to 8 p.m. (EST). Advisors reduce their rates to $3.00 per minute just for Y-O- U! If you have a reading, please support your advisor by leaving feedback. It is truly appreciated!
The featured advisor for this newsletter issue is Jenn Prothero.
Featured SJ Advisor -- Jenn Prothero
Q: What type of services do you offer in helping your clients?
A: It seems to me that each time I am asked to provide a list of the services I offer my clients the list is keeps growing, which is a good thing, to me it means I haven't stopped growing and learning.
I offer Angel Readings, Angel Therapy, Reiki, Crystal Release Healing, Teachings/Workshops, Intuitive Coaching, Guided Meditations as well as Healing Circles.
I find that no two sessions are the same, I combine the different gifts I have to best suit the needs of the client. I may combine Angel Therapy with Reiki, or Crystal Therapy with Reiki. I simply remain open to be guided through each session.
Every client is unique, everyone has their own way of healing and their own time lines. In this way I also find that every healing session is unique, it is a continual learning process.
I find the most important part of a session with a client is being open to what spirit says and remaining amazed at the things you are shown.
Q: What is the greatest thing about being able to help your clients connect with the Angels?
A: The greatest thing about being able to help my clients connect with their angels and guides is the look on their face when the feel that comfort and love from above. I will never stop loving that very moment when they see, feel or hear their angel with them.
I have had clients come to me crying because of the pain in their lives and left with a smile on their face. There is no greater feeling than knowing that what just came through you helped another human take a step in a new direction in life.
The more I do the work I do the better I feel, it really is true that what you give you get in return.
Q. Did you have one defining moment in discovering your life purpose?
A: It's odd, I didn't really have that one aha moment that showed me what my life purpose was, it took shape over a number of years.
I was going through a very dark period in my life, I remember myself stating that there had to be more to life, there has to be a greater meaning. From that very point the greater meaning started to show itself very slowly, very gradually helping me to remember who I really was and why I was here at this time on earth.
From that time I was shown books to read, courses to take, seminars to listen to, and was also directed to many great mentors. I had a great deal of inner healing to do, by the time this came to my attention I had already been taught how to work with the angels. Arch Angel Rapheal and Arch Angel Micheal became my best friends so to speak during this time of my life. I worked with them constantly throughout the day, and asked them to work on me while I slept. This was a 24 hour job for all of us. The healing took place, the lessons were learned, the darkness was released. In doing all of that I found the true me. I found that I had the natural gift of healing, I found that each time I helped someone else I not only found a new part of me, I also felt a wave of joy fill my body.
The journey has taken several years, during which I remembered things from my childhood that I had shut off. I remember beings visiting me at night, I remember being scared some nights going to bed, but I eventually learned to shut that off. I also remember that I could easily pick up on someone's pain or feelings. Being an empath had played havoc in my life for sometime until I realized what was happening and how to deal with it. I recall going to the emergency room with my father once as a young child, I am sure I wasn't there for me but perhaps one of my brothers. What I remember is that there was a boy sitting beside me with a nasty cut on his foot, I looked at it and felt his pain. For the next two days I could not walk on that foot and there was no explanation. I never really gave it much thought until it came back to me a few years ago, I had taken on his pain. That is one of my purposes here in this lifetime, I am here to
transmute pain or darkness into light.
I have always known what other peoples motives where and what they were feeling, but I thought this was normal, I thought everyone knew that. This caused some issues in being a manager because I would know why someone was asking for something, when I said no they, nor I understood that I knew what they were asking for this for. I felt hurt that people would lie to me, little did they know that I knew it was a lie. The thing is that had plagued my life for many years, now it is simply something I am aware of, it doesn't have to hurt if I don't allow it to.
As I look back, I see that my angels where trying to show me what my gifts were for years, perhaps I wasn't ready, or willing to really look, but once I made that statement that there had to be a greater meaning to life, they upped the ante and starting working over time with me. This journey has been amazing so far, I look forward to helping so many more along their path.
Q: How powerful can energy work be for a client?
A: Energy work can be very powerful for a client, a lot of that depends on their openness to the inner healing, or their attitude toward it.
Like I say I have had clients come in the door crying because of the emotional pain in their lives, and leave with a smile on their face. I had a girl that was in such a mess that when she got on the healing table it was shaking due to her tremors from crying. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to connect, but within a few moments she was in complete calmness. The session was amazing and very powerful, she has so many angels around her helping with the healing.
I have had clients tell me that the pain they had felt for 5 years had now disappeared. Another client said she had been going to a therapist all year to try and release blocks, but after an energy release session with the angels she had released it. I have felt heat so intense running through my body that I thought I was going to pass out during the session.
I know for me there are many helpers from the other side that come to assist in an energy healing, they perform things that I can't even dream of. Clients have told me they felt hands in positions where my hands were not. I see things I don't always understand, I feel things when they are released, and feel the relief the clients feels once it is done.
The more open the client is the deeper and more profound the healing can be.
Q: What is one great thing about being a SJ Lightworker advisor?
A: It is hard to pick one great thing about being an advisor for Soul's Journey Lightworker's, I like feeling a part of a team that has an inner vision of being here to support and assist those along a spiritual path. I like the fact that this is a spiritual community where friends meet, support and encourage each other along the way. Real friendships have been made here at Soul's Journey either through the chat room or through the friends profiles on the site.
I feel the Soul's Journey site offers people the opportunity to not only participate but also to contribute to others. I love doing my weekly radio show, it shows me how much I am learning and growing, and gives me the opportunity to teach others.
Doing readings for people is such a joy, it really is a blessing for them as well as me. Delivering messages from spirit has to be my favorite part if I had to pick just one.
If you would like a reading with Jenn, you can contact her via
Do you have a story to share? We are now accepting submissions for upcoming newsletters. Send your submissions for our next newsletter to: soulsjourneynewslet ter@yahoo. com
Thank you to all you have contributed so far to all the newsletters!
The next newsletter deadline is April 8, 2011.
I Am The Wind
I am that gentle breeze
blowing through your hair,
I am the athlete racing
with the dolphins on the open sea,
I am the gentle kiss
that dries a child's tears,
I am the song
playing through the pines,
I am the power
behind the windmill,
I am the strength
behind the sail,
I am the lift
that gives a kite wings,
I am the breath
blowing gently across a field,
I am the invisible child
swaying slowly on the swing,
I am the comb
that runs through a horses mane,
I am the wind
I am freedom and beauty
strength and power,
I am everywhere, always, forever.
Wendy Crick -- East Jordan, MI
SJ Radio Program Schedule
8:00 p.m. (EST) - INTUIT
9:00 p.m. (EST) - The Soul's Edge w/ Jeanette Dames
Tuesdays 8:00 p.m. (EST) - Spiritual Sparkles with Jenn Prothero
10:00 p.m. (EST) - Dancing to the Beat of Your Own Soul with Diana Dorrell
8:00 p.m. (EST) - Balancing Heaven and Earth w/ Denise Iwaniw
9:00 p.m. (EST) - The Dolphin Healing Hands Show w/ Dr. Dave Hillis
10:00 a.m. (EST) - The Eddie Mullins Show
8:00 p.m. (EST) - Soul Awakenings w/ Sandra Harrick
9:00 p.m. (EST) - Manifesting w/ Maggie
8:00 p.m. (EST) - Connecting w/ Your Angels w/ Eddie Mullins
9:00 p.m. (EST) - SJ Lightworker Hour w/ Jennifer "Jay" Bull
10:00 p.m. (EST) - Heart Beats w/ Amy Heart
Check out the upcoming teleclasses that are being offered by Jenn Prothero and Denise Iwaniw. Teleclasses are offered at great prices!
All you have to do is sign up and be ready to learn in the
comfort of your own home.
Join the fun and don't miss out!
Teleclass: How to Create and Maintain Healthy Relationships -- Week 3
When: March 14, 2011
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $20.00
Click Here to Register: Creating & Maintaining Relationships - Week 3 -- Jenn Prothero -- March 14 Teleclass
Teleclass: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw
When: March 15, 2011
Time: 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $10.00
Click Here to Register: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw - March 15 Teleclass
Teleclass: How to Create and Maintain Healthy Relationships -- Week 4
When: March 21, 2011
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $20.00
Click Here to Register: Creating & Maintaining Relationships - Week 4 -- Jenn Prothero -- March 21 Teleclass
Teleclass: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw
When: April 12, 2011
Time: 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $10.00
Click Here to Register: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw - April 12 Teleclass
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- 3.
Late Reminder Free Healing Reiki Circle w/Nancy Smith - TUESDAY Mar
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:32 pm (PDT)
*Late Reminder for
Free Healing Reiki Circle
with Nancy Smith
*we apologize for the late send
Dear Cheryl,
.Date: March 15, 2011 TUESDAY evening
Time: 7:00 - 8:30pm Cost: FREE
Essence of Self 52 Skyline Drive
Ringwood, NJ 07456
visit us & register online or call
(973)-962-7688 by 3/15/11
* * * *
Reiki is an ancient Japanese art of healing harnessing the Universal Life Energy (Prana) through therapeutic touch. Reiki's roots are found in the ancient Vedic texts of India. Reiki is a safe, easy, and all natural system of healing that affects people on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. Chakras and major systems of the body are brought into balance enhancing the body's inherent power to heal. Reiki is received fully clothed. Reiki can also enhance any traditional medical treatment program being used.
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Essence of Self| 52 Skyline Drive| Ringwood| NJ| 07456
- 4a.
Posted by: "Martha Dickinson" mensachick529
Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:32 pm (PDT)
really again.. ok so I'm again assuming that it's ok to post totally pagan
irrelevant political statements since the president has been set?
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Karen Tate < > wrote:
> koch-brothers- products. html
> If you don't agree with the role the Koch Brothers are playing in polluting
> the planet, promoting the denial of climate change and taking control of our
> government and their puppet politicians - boycott their products.
> The link above shows all the products they make. UNITED WE CAN Hit them in
> their pocketbook! The link also shows all their many violations poisoning
> Mother Earth!
> --
> Karen
> LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examinerhttp: //www.facebook. com/profile. php?id=129193467 6&ref=profilehtt p://www.myspace. com/karentate108
> fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Editionhttp://www.blogtalkra theSacredFeminin e
> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archiveshttp://www.karentate. com/Tate/ radio_show. html
> Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations &
> Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
> You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
*SUPPORT OUR 911 FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!*
http://www.911familiesforamerica. org/
http://mensachickie.multiply. com/
- 5.
Sacred Symbols, What are they, why are they important and what does
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:12 pm (PDT)
Sacred Symbols, What are they, why are they important and what does it mean to you?
Many Religions and beliefs have their own sacred symbols, all have their special meanings, some share philosophy, and some deity, what are some of our Sacred symbols and share some info about them.
Symbols can also be worn in many ways, necklaces, tattoos, rings, clothing, some carry banners, flags, many many ways, how do you wear your symbol?
Some People do not wear a symbol for many reasons, some are scared of prosecution, some are embarrassed, some are confused and just coming out of another religion or belief, what reason do you have to keep from wearing yours?
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 6.
Tuesday's Correspondence...March 15
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:29 pm (PDT)
Tuesday's Correspondence...March 15
Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment,
Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters
Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin,
Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Aromas: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Candle: Orange
Color: Red and orange
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron
Gemstones: Garnets, ruby
Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus
Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection
Use for magic involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business,
attracting more of what you have.
What's happening Today:
Rome: Festival of Attis and Cybele.
Ides of March. The Ides of March has long been considered an ill-fated day. The ides were the 15th days of some months in the ancient Roman calendar. The word ides derives from a Latin word meaning "to divide." The ides were originally meant to mark the full Moon, but because calendar months and lunar months were of different lengths, they quickly got out of step. In fact, the ancient Romans considered the ides of any month unfavorable, as well as the calends (first of the month) and the nones (ninth day before the ides). The concept of unlucky days survived Julius Caesar (who was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C. -- talk about bad luck) and calendar reforms. William Shakespeare made the phrase "Beware the ides of March" a popular idiom in his play Julius Caesar.
Anna Perenna Festival- Romans honored Anna Parenna around this date because March was the first month of the Roman calendar.
- 7.
Today's Goddess: ANNA PARENNA Anna Parenna Festival
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:33 pm (PDT)
Today's Goddess: ANNA PARENNA
Anna Parenna Festival
Themes: Cycles; Peace; Kindness; Grounding; Longevity
Symbols: Circular Items (Rings, Wheels, Wreaths); Wine
Anna Parenna: Ana Parenna, like Ala, symbolizes the entire year's
cycle. Even her name translates as "enduring year." e to refugees from
the Roman aristocracy by giving them food until peace was reestablished.
It is the gentle spirit with which Anna comes into our lives, offering
the spiritual harmony engendered by random acts of kindness. Legend
tells us that Anna was once a real woman who showed benevolenc
Do Today: Romans honored Anna Parenna around this date because March
was the first month of the Roman calendar. In true Roman fashion - that
looks for any excuse for a party - they spent the day praying that Anna
would let them live one more year for each cup of wine drunk this day.
Wine (or grape juice) remains a suitiable libation to Anna Parenna when
asking for longevity. As you pour the liquid on the earth say,
A long life of health, blessed from winter to spring,
Anna Parenna, longevity bring!
encourage inner peace and security in your life, keep a pinch of the
soil-wine mixture in any round container as a charm. Open the container
and put the blend under your feet when you feel your foundations
shaking, or when stress wreaks havoc in your heart.
Wearing any ring, belt, or other circular item today stimulates a greater understanding of Anna's cycles in nature and in life.
By Patricia Telesco From 365 Goddess
- 8.
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:36 pm (PDT)
Goddess blessings for you,
The peace and hope that She brings.
She reaches across any time and space,
And Her love never falters or changes.
She cradles you in Her arms,
Her hand in blessing is laid upon your head.
When you are feeling alone and despairing,
Or needful of unconditional love
She reminds you that you are Her child
And She is always with you.
Rejoice! For Her love that is stronger
Than the worlds of Spirit or Mankind.
© Copyright 5/15/06
Beth Clare Johnson
(Mystic Amazon)
- 9.
Daily Aromatherapy Tip ... Facial Products
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:37 pm (PDT)
Daily Aromatherapy Tip ... Facial Products
Essential Oils can be incorporated into many facial products. A facial scrub to try includes:
1/4 cup yogurt
1/4 cup cornmeal
5 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Patchouli essential oil
5 drops Grapefruit essential oil
Mix together and refrigerate a couple of hours before using. Store in the refrigerator. -
- 10a.
Poppet Magic Healing Spell
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:40 pm (PDT)
Poppet Magic Healing Spell
Toxic emotions can bring on health concerns. It is essential to clear the air after any kind of argument or misunderstanding. One way to clear the air is by using poppet magic. For this, go to a craft store and buy a small rag doll without features or hair. Pin to the doll the name of the person who has been causing you problems, as well as his or her astrological sign on the doll's chest, near the area of the heart. If you have a picture of the person, all the better; you can scan the image and pin it to the doll's face. Light a white candle, saying:
Peace we make,
disquiet friend.
With this prick
our troubles end.
Peace is the way.
Love is the power.
Our problems flee
this very hour.
that is the key.
Heal our love.
So mote it be.
Susan Sheppard
- 11a.
Ovid, Fasti
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:46 pm (PDT)
The crowd gathers, scattering across the lawn in couples
to begin the festival. Some set up camp, some pitch tents,
and others make temporary houses out of reeds and togas.
Warm with sun and wine, they try to drink as many cups
as they would have years on this earth. Men drink as
many cups as Nestor's years, and women would have to
live as long as Sybil to make up for their intake. everyone
sings, clapping their hands.
~Ovid, Fasti
The ancient Romans celebrated a dozen or more annual feasts of the Goddess. Today was the spring festival in honor of Anna Perenna, a Goddess little known except as a divinity who brought abundance and long life. As Ovid describes above, to celebrate Anna Perenna was not only easy but fun: one sat drinking with friends in the open air, dancing and singing and clapping, enjoying the mild spring weather after winter's fierceness.
The description is as current today as it was almost two thousand years ago. Ovid could be describing a spring St. Patrick's Day party in a major city, with people drinking in the open air as they wait the bagpipers that begin the parade. What's the difference? The difference is in the sense of the sacred. To our wise foremothers, intoxication was a divine act, not to be undertaken lightly. It was a ritual, a serious although unpleasant way to honor the divine force. How might our attitudes toward addictive substances be transformed if we saw ingesting them as a religious act.
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"
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