duminică, 13 martie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2820

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



A Prayer to Amaterasu - for her Children the Japanese People.

Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61@yahoo.com   blackbird_61

Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:53 pm (PST)

When I look up to the Royal Sky
I see her, a Tranquil Queen
behind a screen of Clouds, The Sun

For Thousands of ages may she shine.
For Thousands of ages may we serve her.

May we serve her with reverence
May we server her with Love.

The Goddess Path page 70.
Hi All,
As I am sure most of you know, yesterday a terrible Earthquake struck
Japan; and I felt certain that some of our members would, besides
sending money to help those in need via the Red Cross; or some such
agency would wish offer up appropriate prayers as well.

Amaterasu, Amaterasu-omikami <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaterasu>
is a sun goddess and one of the principal Shinto deities (ie Kami). The
meaning of her name, Amaterasu-omikami, is "the great august kami who
shines in the heaven". She was born from the left eye of Izanagi as he
purified himself in a river and went on to become the ruler of the
Higher Celestial Plain (Takamagahara).

She is also said to be directly linked in lineage to the Imperial
Household of Japan and the Emperor, who are considered descendants of
the kami themselves.

As Goddess Guardian of the Japanese people Amaterasu is a perfectly
appropriate Goddess for us to offer prayers too in the time of her
children's greatest need; and so I thought it might be best to take a
tradional prayer such as layed out in "The Goddess Path" and offer it to
Amaterasu, with some small adjustments for the present circumstance.

Lovely Lady of the Heaven's
Goddess and Guariand of the Nippon People.
Amaterasu, with Awe we see your beauty Rise.

Tranquil Queen of Heaven
When I look up to the Royal Sky
I see thee Shining in Great Glory. behind a screen of Clouds, The Sun

For Thousands of ages
Your Children have served you.
As your Brillant light did shine,
Now in their Hour of Greatest Need,
We ask you to shine the full measure of your blessing on your children,

May it shine from each Bosom, and Shrine.
May it shine from each home, and each field.
May it shine forth from each child you touch.

Amaterasu, may the children of your children
remember this moment with Awe,
and sing your name with great Praise.
Let them look heavenward and sing

For Thousands of ages may she shine.
For Thousands of ages may we serve her.

May we serve her with reverence
May we server her with Love.

I will be calling circle myself about 11:30 and Offering the Prayer at
about 12:00 am, I hope you will be joining me. Brightest Blessings All.


Re: A Prayer to Amaterasu - for her Children the Japanese People.

Posted by: "Kalimir" jai_ma_kali@yahoo.com   jai_ma_kali

Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:53 pm (PST)

Very nice. I have a big statue of Amaterasu. I also have her picture haanging up in my hallway.


Jai ma kali.
On Mar 12, 2011 6:53 PM, Blackbird &lt;blackbird_61@yahoo.com&gt; wrote:


When I look up to the Royal Sky
I see her, a Tranquil Queen
behind a screen of Clouds, The Sun

For Thousands of ages may she shine.
For Thousands of ages may we serve her.

May we serve her with reverence
May we server her with Love.

The Goddess Path page 70. Hi All,
As I am sure most of you know, yesterday a terrible Earthquake struck Japan; and I felt certain that some of our members would, besides sending money to help those in need via the Red Cross; or some such agency would wish offer up appropriate prayers as well.

Amaterasu, Amaterasu-omikami is a sun goddess and one of the principal Shinto deities (ie Kami). The meaning of her name, Amaterasu-omikami, is "the great august kami who shines in the heaven". She was born from the left eye of Izanagi as he purified himself in a river and went on to become the ruler of the Higher Celestial Plain (Takamagahara).

She is also said to be directly linked in lineage to the Imperial Household of Japan and the Emperor, who are considered descendants of the kami themselves.

As Goddess Guardian of the Japanese people Amaterasu is a perfectly appropriate Goddess for us to offer prayers too in the time of her children's greatest need; and so I thought it might be best to take a tradional prayer such as layed out in "The Goddess Path" and offer it to Amaterasu, with some small adjustments for the present circumstance.

Lovely Lady of the Heaven's
Goddess and Guariand of the Nippon People.
Amaterasu, with Awe we see your beauty Rise.

Tranquil Queen of Heaven
When I look up to the Royal Sky
I see thee Shining in Great Glory. behind a screen of Clouds, The Sun

For Thousands of ages
Your Children have served you.
As your Brillant light did shine,
Now in their Hour of Greatest Need,
We ask you to shine the full measure of your blessing on your children,

May it shine from each Bosom, and Shrine.
May it shine from each home, and each field.
May it shine forth from each child you touch.

Amaterasu, may the children of your children
remember this moment with Awe,
and sing your name with great Praise.
Let them look heavenward and sing

For Thousands of ages may she shine.
For Thousands of ages may we serve her.

May we serve her with reverence
May we server her with Love.

I will be calling circle myself about 11:30 and Offering the Prayer at about 12:00 am, I hope you will be joining me. Brightest Blessings All. BB.


Alternate Prayer to Inari.

Posted by: "blackbird" blackbird_61@yahoo.com   blackbird_61

Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:15 pm (PST)

Hi All,

I understand how some of our members, especially some of our older members might not feel comfortable offering prayers to a Goddess associated with Japans Imperial Household and Imperial Past; If I May suggest in that event you might with instead to offer a prayer to the Goddess Inari.
Inari is a Great Kami,

She is goddess of Prosperity, fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, industry and worldly success and one of the principal kami of Shinto. She is also the patron Goddess of a Personal Friend of mine, must as Innana is My own Patron. As such I have learned a fair little bit about her in passing; and she has much in common with our Astrological Mercury.

Goddess of Wit,
Goddess of Wisdom,
Shining Spirit, burring Bright.
Oh Goddess Inari,
Fill the Heaven's with your Blessing
Let your wisdom shine like a light,
To guide your people through the days ahead.
Let your peoples leaders find courage,
Let the technicians and engineers find true paths,
and avoid the shoals of further disasters.
let the world come to children with gifts of Water and Rice.
Great Kami, Shining Flame.
Your people need your wit, your wisdom, your guidance now.
Let this terrible moment, hold the door open for truth,
that they may going forward find their truest Path.
Great Kami, Shining Flame.
We Raise our voices to You.
Again I will be calling circle at 11:30 I intend to offer up both prayers. Sometime shortly after 12:00. Brightest Blessings, BB.
Oh BTW Kitsuen is the Japanese word for fox, they are closely associated with this Goddess, are are her messengers, she herself is a shape shifter, sometimes appears as a sort of Woman/Fox; there are some lovely painting of this. Blessings, BB.

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
        All other Cups
  Have their Source in Me.
                   The Goddess Innana.


Re: Alternate Prayer to Inari.

Posted by: "Kalimir" jai_ma_kali@yahoo.com   jai_ma_kali

Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:53 pm (PST)

Very nice. Tell me more about her. I too, care for Iannana. My main goddess is Kali.


Jai ma kali.
On Mar 12, 2011 7:15 PM, blackbird &lt;blackbird_61@yahoo.com&gt; wrote:


Hi All,

I understand how some of our members, especially some of our older members might not feel comfortable offering prayers to a Goddess associated with Japans Imperial Household and Imperial Past; If I May suggest in that event you might with instead to offer a prayer to the Goddess Inari.
Inari is a Great Kami,

She is goddess of Prosperity, fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, industry and worldly success and one of the principal kami of Shinto. She is also the patron Goddess of a Personal Friend of mine, must as Innana is My own Patron. As such I have learned a fair little bit about her in passing; and she has much in common with our Astrological Mercury.

Goddess of Wit,
Goddess of Wisdom,
Shining Spirit, burring Bright.
Oh Goddess Inari,
Fill the Heaven's with your Blessing
Let your wisdom shine like a light,
To guide your people through the days ahead.
Let your peoples leaders find courage,
Let the technicians and engineers find true paths,
and avoid the shoals of further disasters.
let the world come to children with gifts of Water and Rice.
Great Kami, Shining Flame.
Your people need your wit, your wisdom, your guidance now.
Let this terrible moment, hold the door open for truth,
that they may going forward find their truest Path.
Great Kami, Shining Flame.
We Raise our voices to You.
Again I will be calling circle at 11:30 I intend to offer up both prayers. Sometime shortly after 12:00. Brightest Blessings, BB.
Oh BTW Kitsuen is the Japanese word for fox, they are closely associated with this Goddess, are are her messengers, she herself is a shape shifter, sometimes appears as a sort of Woman/Fox; there are some lovely painting of this. Blessings, BB.

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All other Cups
&nbsp; Have their Source in Me.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Goddess Innana.

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