duminică, 13 martie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4677

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Melbourne Reclaiming Public Mabon Celebration 20/3/11

Posted by: "SunBird" fimariposa@yahoo.com.au   fimariposa

Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:09 pm (PST)

Melbourne Reclaiming Public Mabon Celebration

Sunday March 20, 2pm

@ Bellbird Picnic Area, Yarra Bend Parklands, Kew

(Melways Ref. Map 2D, K6)

(We will meet in carpark)

Join us for a celebration of Autumn Equinox, as we begin the journey
into the darker months of the year.  We will honour the turning of the
seasons, and the harvest of Summer's fruits.

This is a free public event for Pagans of all ages.

Please Bring:

- decorations for the harvest altar

- a plate of food and some non-alcoholic drink to share

- drums and percussion instruments

- picnic rug

- boots, if it has been raining (the ground can get a bit muddy there!)

For more information, please contact:

Fiona on 03) 9384 1082

Sandra on 0425 757 937

Rhonda on 0408 334 198

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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