luni, 14 martie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2821

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Re: Kali From: gaia_d
Birthday Reminder From:



Re: Kali

Posted by: "gaia_d"   gaia_d

Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:06 pm (PDT)

--- In, "magicklady@..." <magicklady@...> wrote:
> I have a young friend ,14 year old girl, who is being verbally, emotionally physically and possible sexually abused by her stepfather. We have contacted social services but mother is in denial and SS moves slow but they are moving so she has some protection due to their involvement. Now to my question, We have been thinking about asking Kali for intervention but need to know what price will she require. We don't mind paying but don't want to get the brunt of her ire if the payment isn't to her liking.
> Any help would be appreciated
> Magicklady


You're quite right to be somewhat concerned about what "price" might be extracted --
For example, i've often heard it said that before calling on the Gods to right a (perceived) "wrong", one should make sure that one's OWN "record" is clear -- Otherwise, the Gods may just finish by "disciplining" or righting a wrong you committed...

It's very easy to be self-righteously judgemental of others and anxious to have them "educated" by the Gods -- but before calling on Them to do so, be very sure that someone else has no similar claim against YOU.

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Birthday Reminder

Posted by: ""

Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:51 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: Witch_Essentials Yahoo! Group

Shantell Sheri's Birthday
Monday March 14, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every year.)

Hey everyone it is my Birthday today so I would wish you all a great day and hope that you have as much fun as I will. I will post all messages as normal as I am off work yeehhhhaaaaaaaa

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