Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Alban Eiler From: Silver Fox
- 2a.
- Beach Magick From: Silver Fox
- 3a.
- Deities Of The Spring Equinox From: Silver Fox
- 3b.
- Re: Deities Of The Spring Equinox From: Powerbabe7
- 4a.
- About Ostara From: Silver Fox
- 5a.
- Re: HI I'm New From: Barbara Nardini
- 5b.
- Re: HI I'm New From: Benjamin Graham
- 6a.
- Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working From: Martha Dickinson
- 6b.
- Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working From: Wiccan Cottage
- 7a.
- Re: Do Love Spells Work? From: feinicsinion
- 8a.
- Re: A Message From Beyond The Grave From: Arhata Osho
- 9.
- Pagan Spirit Gathering, June 19-26, near Chicago IL From: Shauna Aura
- 10.
- Need Help! From: Cassandra Cranmore
- 11a.
- Re: Corn Pillows From: Jess Quinn
- 11b.
- Re: Corn Pillows From: Randi and Bryan heckadon
- 12.
- Intro and Wand Question From: Rose Lieberman
- 13.
- membership From: Renee Clanchy
- 14a.
- Re: The Angels From: Bronwyn Fish
- 15.
- 16.
- New Online Academic Course on Jewish Kabbalah [Begins April 4] From: codybahir
- 17a.
- Re: End the War Rally - Saturday March 19 - 12N - Los Angeles - Holl From: Martha Dickinson
- 18a.
- Re: St Patrick From: luther Pendragon
- 18b.
- Re: St Patrick From: Silver Fox
- 19.
- Gemstone Lore - Jet From: Silver Fox
- 20a.
- Gemstone Lore - Amber From: Silver Fox
- 1a.
Alban Eiler
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:24 am (PDT)
Alban Eiler
Source Unknown
The first day of spring, or the spring (Vernal) equinox was celebrated March 21. Alban Eiler, which means, "Light of the Earth," was the day that night and day stood equal. Crops were typically sown at this time. The equinoxes and solstices were seen, to the Celts, as a time of transition. This rare balance in nature made these days a powerful time for magic to the ancient Druids.
It has been celebrated as the New Year and is sacred to Ceridwen Cariadwen and Eostre, the Goddess of Springtime. In all her forms, it honors the Lady who carries within her the mystery of our life, our sustenance and our salvation in the Light. It honors the Lord of Light who stands in his strength against the Darkness.
The Vernal Equinox was celebrated long before the Celts, by the Megalithic people who lived in Britain before the Celts, the Romans and the Saxons. Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, Ancient Mayans all celebrated the equinox, as did Native Americans. Ancient Persians called it NawRaz, their New Year's Day. The Ancient Germans called it Ostara, after the Germanic fertility goddess.
Ancient Ireland: The spring and fall equinox were celebrated in ancient times. A cluster of megalithic cairns are scattered through the hills at Loughcrew, about 55 miles North West of Dublin in Ireland. Longhcrew Carin T is a passage tomb which is designed so that the light from the rising sun on the spring and summer equinoxes penetrates a long corridor and illuminates a backstone, which is decorated with astronomical symbols.
Ancient Germans: Ostara, the Germanic fertility Goddess was associated with human and crop fertility. On the spring equinox, she mated with the solar god and conceived a child that would be born 9 months later on DEC-21: Yule, the winter solstice.
Ancient Mayans: The indigenous Mayan people in Central American have celebrated a spring equinox festival for ten centuries. As the sun sets on the day of the equinox on the great ceremonial pyramid, El Castillo, Mexico, its "western bathed in the late afternoon sunlight. The lengthening shadows appear to run from the top of the pyramid's northern staircase to the bottom, giving the illusion of a diamond-backed snake in descent." This has been called "The Return of the Sun Serpent" since ancient times.
Ancient Greeks: The god-man Dionysos was a major deity among the ancient Greeks. "As a god of the spring rites, of the flowering plants and fruitful vines, Dionysos was said to be in terrible pain during winter, when most living things sicken and die, or hibernate." Persephone, a daughter of Demeter, descended into the Otherworld and returned near the time of the spring equinox. This story has close parallels to various Goddess legends, stories of the life of King Arthur, and of Jesus Christ.
Ancient Persia; Zorastrianism: Various ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Babylonia, Elam) circa 3000 to 2000 BCE celebrated new years at the time of the spring equinox. "No Ruz," the new day or New Year has been celebrated in the area of modern-day Iran since the Achaemenian (Hakhamaneshi) period over 2500 years ago. It survived because of Zoroastrianism which was the religion of Ancient Persia before the advent of Islam 1400 years ago. Many religious historians trace the Judeo-Christian concepts of Hell, Heaven, Resurrection, the arrival of the Messiah, and the last judgment to Zoroastrianism. In that faith, the Lord of Wisdom "created all that was good and became God. The Hostile Spirit, Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), residing in the eternal darkness created all that was bad and became the Hostile Spirit." This dualistic God/Satan concept is surprisingly close to the views of conservative Christianity today.
Ancient Romans: In "about 200 B.C., mystery cults began to appear in Rome just as they had earlier in Greece. Most notable was the Cybele cult centered on Vatican hill ...Associated with the Cybele cult was that of her lover, Attis (the older Tammuz, Osiris, Dionysus, or Orpheus under a new name)...The festival began as a day of blood on Black Friday and culminated after three days in a day of rejoicing over the resurrection. " Attis was born of a human woman, a virgin named Nana. He "grew up to become a sacrificial victim and Savior, slain to bring salvation to mankind. His body was eaten by his worshipers in the form of bread...[He was] crucified on a pine tree, whence his holy blood poured down to redeem the earth." 2 The celebration was held on MAR-25, 9 months before his birth on DEC-25. In Rome, the rituals took place where St. Peter's now stands in Vatican City. The similarities between the stories of Attis and Jesus are obvious.
Ancient Saxons: Eostre was the Saxon version of the Germanic lunar goddess Ostara. She gave her name to the Christian Easter and to the female hormone estrogen. Her feast day was held on the full moon following the vernal equinox -- almost the identical calculation as for the Christian Easter in the west. One delightful legend associated with Eostre was that she found an injured bird on the ground one winter. To save its life, she transformed it into a hare. But "the transformation was not a complete one. The bird took the appearance of a hare but retained the ability to lay eggs. ..The hare would decorate these eggs and leave them as gifts to Eostre."
Native Americans: A Native American legend "The Spring Beauty" tells the story of a young man, Seegwun, the spirit of spring, and his encounter with old Peboan, the spirit of winter. When Peboan breathes, the "streams stand still," while Seegwun shakes his hair to make warm rains fall and flowers bloom. As their meeting continues, Seegwun's warmth takes over, and Peboan melts away.
There are countless stone structures created by Native American's in the past and still standing in North America. One was called Calendar One by its modern-day finder. It is in a natural amphitheatre of about 20 acres in size in Vermont. From a stone enclosure in the center of the bowl, one can see a number of vertical rocks and other markers around the edge of the bowl "At the winter solstice, the sun rose at the southern peak of the east ridge and set at a notch at the southern end of the west ridge." The summer solstice and both equinoxes were similarly marked
Baha'i Faith: Naw-Rúz is an ancient Iranian New Years day festival which occurs near the Spring Equinox. It is now a world holiday of the Bahá'í faith. If the equinox occurs before sunset, then New Year's Day is celebrated on that day in the Middle East; otherwise it is delayed until the following day. It is celebrated with many symbols indicating regrowth and renewal - much like the Christian Easter. Some members follow the ancient Iranian "haft-sin" custom on this day involves arranging seven objects whose name begin with the letter "S" in Persian; e.g. hyacinths, apples, lilies, silver coins, garlic, vinegar and rue.
Evolution of Farming
People did not farm at all until around 10,000 BC, or about 12,000 years ago. About that time, there was a climate change that made it hotter and drier. People had to crowd into the places where there was still enough water. They probably began farming because the area where they lived got too crowded.
There got to be so many people there that they couldn't all get enough food just by hunting and gathering and fishing. Wild plants that you can eat don't grow close enough together. There are too many inedible plants in-between.
The hunter-gatherers who became the first farmers were going around collecting wild seeds, especially of what have become the cereal grains; wheat's, barleys. These people were collecting these seeds for a long time but at some point their technology developed to where they had the capacity to store food and store the seeds and somebody got the brilliant idea that they could plant these seeds closer to where they lived and then they wouldn't have to wander so far to collect them.
Right when they planted stored seeds things began to change. Prior to that they weren't harvesting seed from what they ate, they were harvesting from seed that dropped on the ground and escaped the harvest. The seeds that were resprouted naturally in the wild were doing what they had always done, dropping to the ground under the selective pressure of the ecology.
Once people stored the seed and then planted it everything started changing because now they were collecting seeds from plants that did not shatter. Suddenly there was a selective pressure in the surviving plants for non-shattering. People also began to select for clustering of the seed at the ends of the branches.
The ancient civilizations became rigidly divided into social classes. The economic and political power of farmers was dramatically decreased as elite groups headed by kings increasingly monopolized power. The ruling class ended up controlling the sources of wealth which are seed, water, manufacturing, and trade. This required a radical change in the concept of ownership.
In most small-scale societies with less intensive subsistence patterns, economically important properties, such as land and water wells, usually were not owned in the sense that we think of ownership today. Rather, this property is kept in stewardship for the society as a whole. An individual keeps the property only so long as it is being used. Strong pressures of reciprocity within the community require that property be shared or given away rather than hoarded if it is not being used.
In order for a wealthy ruling class to emerge, this concept of ownership had to be replaced over time by one in which absolute personal property rights are paramount. This transition allowed for wealth to be accumulated by individuals and passed on to their descendants rather than returned to the society for redistribution.
As a result, economic disparities developed between families over time. These disparities gave rise to economic class distinctions and non-egalitarian societies. As these major social changes were occurring, the status and power of women generally declined as well.
In other words early farming was for the common good, just as hunting. People groups tended to specialize in either or both. The land, water, seed and distribution was viewed as belonging to everyone, who toiled and did their share of work. Provision was probably granted to the less fortunate, but everyone was required to work, if possible.
The Sacred Fire
Religious Tolerance
J. W. Mavor and B. E. Dix, "Manitou: The sacred landscape of New England's Native Civilization, " Inner Traditions (1989).
B. G. Walker, "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets," Harper and Row, San Francisco CA, (1983), Pages 77 to 79.
http://faeriekeeper .net/faeriefesti val0321.htm
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 2a.
Beach Magick
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:24 am (PDT)
Beach Magick
Source: Ostara by Edain McCoy
If you end up on the beach this spring, you'll find you're in a place where you have the magick of earth, water, and wind literally at hand. Only a thunderstorm on land could off a better place to be for spellcrafting. Try any of the following suggestions for making magick at the beach.
Use a flat area of sand to draw a picture of something you want. You use a stick, your finger, or even water-soluble paints. As you draw, infuse your creation with all the energy of your need. Allow it to wear away on its own as your desire manifests.
Honor the deities of the sea by tossing bread crumbs into any natural body of water at dawn or sunset. Their blessing will be returned to you threefold.
Sitting at the exact spot where the world of water and the world of earth meet places you symbolically between two worlds. To the ancient Celts these were places with great magickal potential. As you straddle these worlds, visualize your magickal wishes traveling through you to and from these realms where desires must first manifest before they come to you.
To ground yourself when you feel frazzled or flighty, burrow yourself deep into the warm sand and bury your feet while taking deep, relaxing breaths.
Arrange small shells into the initials of someone in whom you have a romantic interest in order to attract his or her attention. Allow the formation to wear away on its own.
Toss smaller shells back into the sea as an offering to the Sea Goddess Yemaya or the Sea God Neptune.
Sit at the shoreline and, with eyes closed, ask the sea deities to send you a talisman of their power to carry with you. When you feel your request has been granted, open your eyes. You may find an interesting shell or piece of driftwood has appeared near you. Be sure to thank the deities for their gift to you.
Ask the deities to assist you in finding a shell for your alter to represent the element of water. You might even find one big enough to blow into, like a horn, to use in ritual for calling the quarters or announcing the beginning and ending of a ritual.
Comb beaches and lakeshores for small stones that have had a hole worn through the center by the eroding action of water and sand. These are gifts of the earth and water elements, and symbols of the Goddess. Wear them on cords around your neck as amulets for fertility or protection.
At low tide, go to the water's edge and, with your forefinger, draw a representation in the sand of something you desire. Pour your mental energy into it and ask the sea spirits and deities to bless your petition. Walk away without looking back and allow the tide to come in and carry the wish to sea when it goes out again. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon on the Earth. There are two high and two low tides, occurring at equal intervals during each lunar day, with is about 24 hours and 51 minutes. Several Internet sites, including can help you pinpoint these for any given area.
At low tide, sculpt in the damp sand a representation of something you wish to remove from your life. As the tides come in and wash the sculpture away, they can also take away what you choose to release from your life.
At the midpoint in the tidal cycle, when the tide is neither fully in nor out, tread cautiously to the shoreline and allow the wind, water, and the pull of the moon and sun to balance your soul and mind and purify your spirit.
Immerse yourself in water as an act of purification or to dedicate yourself to your spiritual pursuits.
Immerse yourself in water while visualizing yourself gathering cleansing energy from the water. As you slowly emerge back onto dry land, visualize that you are carrying all those desirable things from the unseen world into your own physical life.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 3a.
Deities Of The Spring Equinox
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:25 am (PDT)
Deities Of The Spring Equinox
By Patti Wigington,
Spring is a time of great celebration in many cultures. It's the time of year when the planting begins, people begin to once more enjoy the fresh air, and we can reconnect with the earth again after the long, cold winter. A number of different gods and goddesses from different pantheons are connected with the themes of Spring and Ostara.
Asasa Ya (Ashanti): This earth mother goddess prepares to bring forth new life in the spring, and the Ashanti people honor her at the festival of Durbar, alongside Nyame, the sky god who brings rain to the fields.
Cybele (Roman): This mother goddess of Rome was at the center of a rather bloody Phrygian cult, in which eunuch priests performed mysterious rites in her honor. Her lover was Attis (he was also her grandson, but that's another story), and her jealousy caused him to castrate and kill himself. His blood was the source of the first violets, and divine intervention allowed Attis to be resurrected by Cybele, with some help from Zeus. In some areas, there is still an annual three-day celebration of Attis' rebirth and Cybele's power.
Eostre (western Germanic): Little is known about the worship of this Teutonic spring goddess, but she is mentioned by the Venerable Bede, who said that Eostre's following had died out by the time he compiled his writings in the eighth century. Jacob Grimm referred to her by the High German equivalent, Ostara, in his 1835 manuscript, Deutsche Mythologie. Eostre's name is the root of our present day spring celebration of Ostara.
Flora (Roman): This goddess of spring and flowers had her own festival, Floralia, which was celebrated every year between April 28 to May 3. Romans dressed in bright robes and floral wreaths, and attended theater performances and outdoor shows. Offerings of milk and honey were made to the goddess.
Freya (Norse): This fertility goddess abandons the earth during the cold months, but returns in the spring to restore nature's beauty. She wears a magnificent necklace called Brisingamen, which represents the fire of the sun.
Osiris (Egyptian): This lover of Isis dies and is reborn in a resurrection story. The resurrection theme is popular among spring deities, and is also found in the stories of Adonis, Mithras and Attis as well.
Saraswati (Hindu): This Hindu goddess of the arts, wisdom and learning has her own festival each spring in India, called Saraswati Puja. She is honored with prayers and music, and is usually depicted holding lotus blossoms and the sacred Vedas.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 3b.
Re: Deities Of The Spring Equinox
Posted by: "Powerbabe7"
Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:43 am (PDT)
On Mar 14, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Silver Fox < >
> Deities Of The Spring Equinox
> By Patti Wigington,
> Spring is a time of great celebration in many cultures. It's the
> time of year when the planting begins, people begin to once more
> enjoy the fresh air, and we can reconnect with the earth again after
> the long, cold winter. A number of different gods and goddesses from
> different pantheons are connected with the themes of Spring and
> Ostara.
> Asasa Ya (Ashanti): This earth mother goddess prepares to bring
> forth new life in the spring, and the Ashanti people honor her at
> the festival of Durbar, alongside Nyame, the sky god who brings rain
> to the fields.
> Cybele (Roman): This mother goddess of Rome was at the center of a
> rather bloody Phrygian cult, in which eunuch priests performed
> mysterious rites in her honor. Her lover was Attis (he was also her
> grandson, but that's another story), and her jealousy caused him to
> castrate and kill himself. His blood was the source of the first
> violets, and divine intervention allowed Attis to be resurrected by
> Cybele, with some help from Zeus. In some areas, there is still an
> annual three-day celebration of Attis' rebirth and Cybele's power.
> Eostre (western Germanic): Little is known about the worship of this
> Teutonic spring goddess, but she is mentioned by the Venerable Bede,
> who said that Eostre's following had died out by the time he
> compiled his writings in the eighth century. Jacob Grimm referred to
> her by the High German equivalent, Ostara, in his 1835 manuscript,
> Deutsche Mythologie. Eostre's name is the root of our present day
> spring celebration of Ostara.
> Flora (Roman): This goddess of spring and flowers had her own
> festival, Floralia, which was celebrated every year between April 28
> to May 3. Romans dressed in bright robes and floral wreaths, and
> attended theater performances and outdoor shows. Offerings of milk
> and honey were made to the goddess.
> Freya (Norse): This fertility goddess abandons the earth during the
> cold months, but returns in the spring to restore nature's beauty.
> She wears a magnificent necklace called Brisingamen, which
> represents the fire of the sun.
> Osiris (Egyptian): This lover of Isis dies and is reborn in a
> resurrection story. The resurrection theme is popular among spring
> deities, and is also found in the stories of Adonis, Mithras and
> Attis as well.
> Saraswati (Hindu): This Hindu goddess of the arts, wisdom and
> learning has her own festival each spring in India, called Saraswati
> Puja. She is honored with prayers and music, and is usually depicted
> holding lotus blossoms and the sacred Vedas.
> Silver Fox
> "It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I
> shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to
> tell you the truth."
> Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 4a.
About Ostara
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:25 am (PDT)
About Ostara
By Rel Davis
Regrettably, there is a lot of ignorance among a lot of neo-pagans! One point is the oft-repeated statement that "the ancients celebrated the wheel of the year" with eight holidays, the "quarters" and the "cross-quarters."
Actually, the wheel of the year celebrations are entirely modern. In most of the world, the "ancients" knew nothing of the eight holidays. In fact, south of the equator, they make no sense at all. Midsummers would take place toward the end of December!
Our Celtic ancestors celebrated some festivals similar to the modern ones, but they borrowed the "quarters" (the equinoxes and the solstices) from the Roman invaders.
Three examples:
First: Harvesthome is usually celebrated at the autumnal equinox (around September 21) by modern neo-pagans. The German version of this is the Oktoberfest, celebrated the end of September and the first week of October. This is because that is the time the bulk of the harvest is completed. Harvesthome originally was celebrated locally at that time -- when the bulk of the harvest was done. Only our scientifically minded moderns associate it with the autumnal equinox.
Second: Yule is often celebrated at the winter solstice. This is completely wrong. The word "solstice" literally means the "standing still" of the sun (which is around December 21). The word Yule is from the Old German word "Jul" meaning "a turning wheel." Yule is the time the sun "turns" in the sky and begins to climb up again. This would be around December 25, when the turning would first become apparent to the naked eye. The Roman festival of Sol Invictus (the "unconquerable sun") was on December 25, as were the birth of Mithra (the Persian sun-god) and the Norse Yule.
Third: (And now, at last, we get to Ostara!) Ostara is often celebrated in ignorance as the vernal equinox. Ostara (or Eostre, or Easter) was the Teutonic lunar goddess who was born each year at the vernal full moon (the next full moon after the vernal equinox.) Her symbols were the egg and the bunny (if you look at the full moon you can plainly see an image of a rabbit leaping).
Each month, the moon goddess Eostre died (at the new moon) and stayed dead for three days. (There are, of course, three days to a new moon.) At the full moon, she came to full life (pregnant) and gave birth during the three days of the full moon. At the spring full moon (Ostara), she was said to give birth to all the glories of springtime -- flowers, baby animals, new leaves, etc.
If any of this sounds familiar, the whole thing was borrowed by Christianity for its own "Easter" celebration!
For pagans, Ostara is a time of joy in a renewed springtime. It was the ancient time of planting -- as it still is in many parts of the world.
My grandfather was a profligate (in the words of rural Georgia a century ago.) He was kicked out of the Glenn, GA, Baptist church for "blasphemy and drunkenness" and he was forced to leave his home town over a scandal involving a shooting. But he was also a good farmer. Every year he would plant his crops on the "first full moon after the spring equinox." He would begin planting early in the morning and work through the night (under the full moon) until all his fields were planted. Other farmers would work only in the day and take a week or more to plant what Grand- dad did in two days. His crops always came in. He claimed the full moon helped the seeds to germinate. My father (a Baptist minister) said it was only because he planted everything timely. Either way, my grandfather followed an ancient tradition.
Ostara was the time of planting. For us, it can also be a time to plant seeds of growth, to begin new ventures and re-institute old relationships.
Let's give up a lot of that nonsense about the "quarters" of the year. Remember, these were primarily of importance to the patriarchal solar cultures that destroyed the earlier, lunar Goddess civilizations. Keeping these "holidays" only perpetuates the solar-male supremacy myths.
Blessed be.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 5a.
Re: HI I'm New
Posted by: "Barbara Nardini" b_nardini
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:21 pm (PDT)
Merry Meet Barbara
Im Barb and I too am new to the craft..I chose the path of Pagan
and I am on my way of interacting with new folk from here and re-join with some
others whom i havent been able to see in awhile...Well, may the blessings of the
four winds be upon you and have a great time during Ostara...blessed be...Barb
_____________________ _________ __
From: Barby < >
To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wed, March 2, 2011 3:38:09 PM
Subject: [Earthwise] HI I'm New
HI Im Barbara Just wanted to introduce myself a little. Im looking to read
around & interact with people to learn more about Wicca and other paths. Im
doing my research but I do feel myself leaning towards Wicca, and Gaia... I've
recently started growing my own herbs, as well as flowers, & soon vegetables. Im
preparing for my first Ostara, I'll be on my own but thats ok. I'll start basic.
I've also recently met some followers of the craft here in Miami, Fl., along
with a Metaphysical store close to my job. The woman who runs the shop was
helpful. This weekend Im also attending a Psychic Fair. So all in all im
learning experimenting experiencing and letting my mind body & soul guide me
through my path. I look for ward to speaking w. all of you. =]
- 5b.
Re: HI I'm New
Posted by: "Benjamin Graham" saintben2000
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
Hello. Welcome. Hope you find peace and blessings.
--- On Wed, 3/2/11, Barby < > wrote:
From: Barby < >
Subject: [Earthwise] HI I'm New
To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2011, 3:38 PM
HI Im Barbara Just wanted to introduce myself a little. Im looking to read around & interact with people to learn more about Wicca and other paths. Im doing my research but I do feel myself leaning towards Wicca, and Gaia... I've recently started growing my own herbs, as well as flowers, & soon vegetables. Im preparing for my first Ostara, I'll be on my own but thats ok. I'll start basic. I've also recently met some followers of the craft here in Miami, Fl., along with a Metaphysical store close to my job. The woman who runs the shop was helpful. This weekend Im also attending a Psychic Fair. So all in all im learning experimenting experiencing and letting my mind body & soul guide me through my path. I look for ward to speaking w. all of you. =]
- 6a.
Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working
Posted by: "Martha Dickinson" mensachick529
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:21 pm (PDT)
Amen to that
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Andrews family < >wrote:
> Also note that by name calling & accusing others of being uninformed,
> racists & such, you are guilty of the same. What you do comes back to you.
> Karma is a funny thing. Learned that one a long time ago.
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Andrews family < >wrote:
>> Mirror magic is a funny thing, what you send out yourself is reflected
>> back on you. Realize that the left/Democrats, etc are just as guilty of
>> those same 'sins' as the right/rep side. Also realize that while
>> corporations may be behind the GOP, socialists,Marxists & Union thugs are
>> behind the democrats. KKK has historically also sided with Democrats.
>> Democrats rallied against Brown vs the Board of Education. Oh just educate
>> yourself & keep politics off pagan groups. I didn't come to pagan groups
>> for politics.
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Karen Tate < >wrote:
>>> Greetings Friends,
>>> The idea originated by a group of people on Facebook. If you're in
>>> alignment with this, spread this far and wide.
>>> On Thursday March 3, at anytime during that 24 hours, we're engaging in
>>> mirror magic to thwart the Republican (GOP) party and Fox News. We're tired
>>> of the Republican war on women, the middle class and poor, planned
>>> parenthood, and now the unions who helped build the middle class. We're
>>> tired of Fox News distorting truth for the benefit of Corporations and the
>>> GOP. Many of you probably saw independent studies that came out from
>>> universities showing how viewers of Fox are some of the most mis-informed
>>> viewers in the United States. They are hiding behind the Constitution to
>>> lie to Americans to pad their pocketbooks. They constantly try to divide
>>> Americans based on racism, sexism, immigrant bashing, religious intolerance,
>>> etc. Why? Because if everyone wakes up to the real enemies - the
>>> corporations who are the masters of the GOP, then they'll have quite a
>>> problem on their hands if the people unite against a common enemy and
>>> demand justice and fairness. Many are coming to believe the latest budget
>>> cuts economists say will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, that the GOP
>>> has publicly said they don't care about, is actually an intention to
>>> sabotage the country's economy, then blame Obama, so they can win the 2012
>>> presidency.
>>> So, get out your mirror. Have some image that represents the Republican
>>> party and Fox News. Use their logos if you like. Google the logos of Fox
>>> News and the GOP and print them out. Place your mirror on your altar or
>>> kitchen table or where ever you plan to work this intention. Your focus is
>>> whatever bad intentions for Americans spews forth from FOX or the GOP, it
>>> is reflected back at them. That their deeds and lies are exposed and come
>>> back to haunt them. That people wake up to their misdeeds destroying
>>> average Americans so the rich can get richer. Basically, they are bringing
>>> this on themselves. What they put out in the world will be reflected back
>>> on them. Cook up the intention whatever way you want, but this is the
>>> central focus. They get back what they've been spewing. The damage they've
>>> been doing comes back as damage to their cause. So make your logos face the
>>> mirror, effectively reflecting their image and deeds back at them. Muster
>>> up all your pent up anger and passion and put it into this intention. Then
>>> release it into the Universe so it can do it's work. And leave the mirror
>>> and logos/pictures/images there if you can - giving it more energy everyday.
>>> We have to use the collective power of our intentions. We certainly
>>> don't have the money Republicans have to buy off our politicians and make
>>> laws and tax codes that continue to benefit the rich. No one on the Right
>>> is calling for shared sacrifice. The War Budget isn't being tapped for
>>> money. The rich aren't getting tapped to pay taxes even at the Clinton
>>> Administration rates - instead they're getting tax cuts. Their rich
>>> accountants find ways they dodge taxes. So where do they want to get the
>>> money -- on the poor and middle class who have been reamed by Wall Street.
>>> Wake up America -- fight against this economic terrorism.
>>> And if this is not your political leaning - if you like what the
>>> Republicans are doing the country - don't write me. Just hit the delete
>>> button.
>>> --
>>> Karen
>>> LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examinerhttp: //www.facebook. com/profile. php?id=129193467 6&ref=profilehtt p://www.myspace. com/karentate108
>>> fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
>>> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Editionhttp://www.blogtalkra theSacredFeminin e
>>> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archiveshttp://www.karentate. com/Tate/ radio_show. html
>>> Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations &
>>> Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
>>> You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
*SUPPORT OUR 911 FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!*
http://www.911familiesforamerica. org/
http://mensachickie.multiply. com/
- 6b.
Re: Fight the GOP/Right/FOX NEWS w/Magic - Join Our Magickal Working
Posted by: "Wiccan Cottage" wiccan.cottage
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love, in perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil:
An harm ye none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee,
So ever mind the rule of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
And merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
--- In EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. , Andrews family <debb.andrews@com ...> wrote:
> Also note that by name calling & accusing others of being uninformed,
> racists & such, you are guilty of the same. What you do comes back to you.
> Karma is a funny thing. Learned that one a long time ago.
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Andrews family <debb.andrews@...>wrote:
> > Mirror magic is a funny thing, what you send out yourself is reflected back
> > on you. Realize that the left/Democrats, etc are just as guilty of those
> > same 'sins' as the right/rep side. Also realize that while corporations may
> > be behind the GOP, socialists,Marxists & Union thugs are behind the
> > democrats. KKK has historically also sided with Democrats. Democrats rallied
> > against Brown vs the Board of Education. Oh just educate yourself & keep
> > politics off pagan groups. I didn't come to pagan groups for politics.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Karen Tate <karentate108@...> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Greetings Friends,
> >> The idea originated by a group of people on Facebook. If you're in
> >> alignment with this, spread this far and wide.
> >>
> >> On Thursday March 3, at anytime during that 24 hours, we're engaging in
> >> mirror magic to thwart the Republican (GOP) party and Fox News. We're tired
> >> of the Republican war on women, the middle class and poor, planned
> >> parenthood, and now the unions who helped build the middle class. We're
> >> tired of Fox News distorting truth for the benefit of Corporations and the
> >> GOP. Many of you probably saw independent studies that came out from
> >> universities showing how viewers of Fox are some of the most mis-informed
> >> viewers in the United States. They are hiding behind the Constitution to
> >> lie to Americans to pad their pocketbooks. They constantly try to divide
> >> Americans based on racism, sexism, immigrant bashing, religious intolerance,
> >> etc. Why? Because if everyone wakes up to the real enemies - the
> >> corporations who are the masters of the GOP, then they'll have quite a
> >> problem on their hands if the people unite against a common enemy and
> >> demand justice and fairness. Many are coming to believe the latest budget
> >> cuts economists say will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, that the GOP
> >> has publicly said they don't care about, is actually an intention to
> >> sabotage the country's economy, then blame Obama, so they can win the 2012
> >> presidency.
> >>
> >> So, get out your mirror. Have some image that represents the Republican
> >> party and Fox News. Use their logos if you like. Google the logos of Fox
> >> News and the GOP and print them out. Place your mirror on your altar or
> >> kitchen table or where ever you plan to work this intention. Your focus is
> >> whatever bad intentions for Americans spews forth from FOX or the GOP, it
> >> is reflected back at them. That their deeds and lies are exposed and come
> >> back to haunt them. That people wake up to their misdeeds destroying
> >> average Americans so the rich can get richer. Basically, they are bringing
> >> this on themselves. What they put out in the world will be reflected back
> >> on them. Cook up the intention whatever way you want, but this is the
> >> central focus. They get back what they've been spewing. The damage they've
> >> been doing comes back as damage to their cause. So make your logos face the
> >> mirror, effectively reflecting their image and deeds back at them. Muster
> >> up all your pent up anger and passion and put it into this intention. Then
> >> release it into the Universe so it can do it's work. And leave the mirror
> >> and logos/pictures/images there if you can - giving it more energy everyday.
> >>
> >> We have to use the collective power of our intentions. We certainly don't
> >> have the money Republicans have to buy off our politicians and make laws and
> >> tax codes that continue to benefit the rich. No one on the Right is calling
> >> for shared sacrifice. The War Budget isn't being tapped for money. The
> >> rich aren't getting tapped to pay taxes even at the Clinton Administration
> >> rates - instead they're getting tax cuts. Their rich accountants find ways
> >> they dodge taxes. So where do they want to get the money -- on the poor and
> >> middle class who have been reamed by Wall Street.
> >>
> >> Wake up America -- fight against this economic terrorism.
> >>
> >> And if this is not your political leaning - if you like what the
> >> Republicans are doing the country - don't write me. Just hit the delete
> >> button.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Karen
> >> LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examinerhttp: //www.facebook. com/profile. php?id=129193467 6&ref=profilehtt p://www.myspace. com/karentate108
> >> fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
> >>
> >> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Editionhttp://www.blogtalkra theSacredFeminin e
> >>
> >> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archiveshttp://www.karentate. com/Tate/ radio_show. html
> >>
> >> Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations &
> >> Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
> >>
> >> You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
- 7a.
Re: Do Love Spells Work?
Posted by: "feinicsinion" feinicsinion
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:21 pm (PDT)
Good day,
I'm new to the group and I hope that you will find my perspective on this topic helpful or at least interesting.
The question I am replying to is "Do love spells work?" The answer is they can but that isn't always a good thing. You see, you might be crushing on that really cute hunk at work and he's so sweet and nice. He's just really great, he smells wonderful and he's so smart. Thing is, you may have nothing in common and once you've done a love spell, if it works, he's in love with you. What if you find you get home and have nothing to talk about? Your interests are completely different. He likes dogs, you like cats. Then where are you? You have to break that spell.
My second reservation about love spells is that love spells directed towards a specific person takes away that person's free will. That is something I find horrendous. I would never want someone to do something that would force me to act against my own free will nor would I want someone to do that to someone in my family. This being said, I would never work a love spell with a specific person in mind.
For those who are looking for love, my suggestion is not to do a "love" spell but do a "meet someone" spell. What I mean by this is do a spell that asks the universe to bring you (not them) into contact with someone haveing A, B and C characteristics. Or ask the powers that be (whoever they are for you) to bring you in contact with multiple people that have these characteristics. That's when you take the time to get to know them, date and find the right one. In this you are doing the spell to influence your own actions rather than those of someone else and it's left in your hands to make things work.
Now this is just my opinion and perspective through my own explorations but I hope it helps.
- 8a.
Re: A Message From Beyond The Grave
Posted by: "Arhata Osho" arhatafreespeech
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
The Angels step fourth with a message to reveal.
They want you to know that they are alive and very real.
Bringing to you, loved ones who have passed
Those who have gone far too soon and far too fast
From the heart, I hand you a rose
And a message conceiled in prose
Though it may seem that they are worlds away
They are with you each and every day
You feel their presence and wonder if they are really there
They want you to know the answer is yes, no matter where
Though they have no voice to speak the words they wish to say
There are messengers on the way
Sending a sign so you will know
It really was them tapping at your window
A bird, a dragonfly or the sway of a willow
Whatever the signal, you'll just know
The message is for you no matter from where it came
You're not going crazy, it was they who called out your name
That scent that danced upon the breeze
That bird that nests just outside in the trees
It's not coincidence, it's not a fluke or a trick of the light
That feeling you have is right
It's me from the other side of the veil
Letting you know I'm here with my will
Sleep sound my loves, don't worry about me
The world I'm in is as beautiful as can be
There is no suffering and no pain
There is only light and love showering us like rain
My dears, please don't be sad, for I am not truly gone away
We will meet again someday.
For now, accept this rose and put a smile upon your face
Someday we shall again find ourselves in the same place.
With love and grace I hand this to you.
Know that I shall always be with you.
Many Blessings,
Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
- 9.
Pagan Spirit Gathering, June 19-26, near Chicago IL
Posted by: "Shauna Aura" rhidian1
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
Greetings spiritual seekers,
I'm really excited that PSG (Pagan Spirit Gathering) will be just an hour
and a half west of Chicago. There's an amazing track of workshops offering
continuing education for Pagan leadership, community building, and clergy
skills which has taught me a lot of great skills to have in my toolbelt as a
leader and seeker.
If you've never been to a festival, this is a great one to attend--lots of
amazing workshops and musicians, and everyone is incredibly friendly and
welcoming. There are also rites of passage rituals customized for young men
and women, crones, and sages, kids programming, and more. Mark and I are
thinking of chartering a schoolbus to get folks without cars (and their
tents) from Chicago to and from the festival.
The cost of the festival is a steal for a week-long event. If you're
planning to attend let me know if you are interested in getting shuttled
to/from the event, or interested in camping together and sharing food prep,
or even if you want to attend but don't have camping gear (or, can't attend
but could donate some camping gear) please do let me know. I'd love to have
our Pagan community come together so that as many people as possible can
experience a festival like this. If you're new to Paganism, this is a great
way to get your feet wet. If you've been Pagan for many years but never
really felt connected to community, this is also a great opportunity.
Blessings to all!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pagan Spirit Gathering < >
*Pagan Spirit Gathering 2011
National Celebration of Summer Solstice and Pagan Culture
June 19-26 at Stonehouse Park in Northern Illinois*
We hope you can join us!
*Registration is now open - register online by March 4 for a special early
bird registration rate: onlineregistrati on *
*Hundreds of Program Activities including:*
Rituals * Workshops * Candlelight Labyrinth * Concerts Magickal Marketplace
* Youth Programs * Firespinning Bonfires * Drumming * Dancing * Pagan
Leadership Institute * Rites of Passage * Solstice Revels * and much more!
*Presenters include:*
Raven Grimassi, Stephanie Taylor, Trish Telesco, Don Lewis, Kathryn Hinds,
Steve Posch, Falcon River, Jack Montgomery, Patrick McCollum, Nora Cedarwind
Young, Selena Fox, and others!
*Musicians include:*
Ruth Barrett, Arthur Hinds, Murphey's Midnight Rounders, Shibaten,
Spellsinger, Spiral Rhythm, Tuatha Dea, Watersprite, and others!
Proposals for workshops, rituals, concerts, and other presentations are now
being accepted from those who register. Vendor applications are also being
accepted from registrants.
Please help us get the word out about PSG 2011 - please post this notice &
PSG's URL: to social networking sites, blogs,
websites, e-zines, elsewhere!
Follow us on Twitter: Spirit
Join the PSG Facebook group:
Circle Sanctuary | PO Box 9 | Barneveld, WI 53507
- 10.
Need Help!
Posted by: "Cassandra Cranmore" wicca_girl_95
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
I have been wiccan for a while but my parents don't know, how should I tell them??
- 11a.
Re: Corn Pillows
Posted by: "Jess Quinn" the_sagebrush_kid
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
Back in january I threw my back out something aweful. I tookk many steaming hot baths, pain pills and used the heating pad all day and night. Still it was not feeling any better. my naeghbor gave me a "barly bag" which is the same thing. I swear by the gods. I heated it up and put it on my back for like 10 minutes before falling to sleep. When I woke up the next day.....not a single problem. the pain I had for days was gone.
the only thing I hated about the barly bag was that it smelled funny when you heated it up.. I am gonna make this, as I am sure this will not as bad as the barly did. Thanks for the suggestion.
Later Days
:D Jess :D
--- On Sat, 3/5/11, Holly Stokes < > wrote:
From: Holly Stokes < >
Subject: [Earthwise] Corn Pillows
To: THE_NEW_PAGAN_WAY@YAHOOGROUPS. , "Chandra Mortensen" <gaiasmajick@COM >, "Earthwise" <EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. >, "Laurie Sward" <lobomerangue@com >, "MurfreesboroPagans" <MurfreesboroPagans@ yahoogroups. >, "Nashville-Pagans" <nashville-pagans@com yahoogroups. >, Spiraladys_Magick_com Circle@yahoogrou , "'Spiritual Journey'" < list-list@ >, , TNWitchesCircle@yahoogroups. , trishaanne45@com , WitchesofNashville@yahoogroups. , witchology@yahoogrocom
Date: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 6:04 PM
Wrote up some info on corn pillows. what they are used for and how to make
them if anyone is interested. have a look at the link below ..
instructions.. information and photos
http://raventalker.wordpress. com/2011/ 03/05/the- amazeing- corn-pillows
Many Blessings,
Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
- 11b.
Re: Corn Pillows
Posted by: "Randi and Bryan heckadon" randi_phx
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
OMG!! Get out ofmy head I was thinking on the way home from town today "I should find a pattern/DIY on cornpillows. What an AWESOMEgift idea that would be for all the women I work with." Must get started superfast!
--- On Sat, 3/5/11, Holly Stokes < > wrote:
From: Holly Stokes < >
Subject: RE: [Earthwise] Corn Pillows
To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 6:39 PM
Yeah easy to make and not costly either
Many Blessings,
Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
From: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. [mailto:EarthwiseBOS@com yahoogroups. ] On Behalf Of mooncom
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 7:34 PM
To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. com
Subject: RE: [Earthwise] Corn Pillows
Very cool, thanks for sharing. I think I know what everyone close to me will be getting for presents this year :)
From: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. [mailto:EarthwiseBOS@com yahoogroups. ] On Behalf Of Holly Stokescom
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 8:04 PM
To: THE_NEW_PAGAN_WAY@YAHOOGROUPS. ; Chandra Mortensen; Earthwise; Laurie Sward; MurfreesboroPagans; Nashville-Pagans; Spiraladys_Magick_COM Circle@yahoogrou ; 'Spiritual Journey'; ; TNWitchesCircle@yahoogroups. ; trishaanne45@com ; WitchesofNashville@yahoogroups. ; witchology@yahoogrocom
Subject: [Earthwise] Corn Pillows
Wrote up some info on corn pillows. what they are used for and how to make
them if anyone is interested. have a look at the link below ..
instructions.. information and photos
http://raventalker.wordpress. com/2011/ 03/05/the- amazeing- corn-pillows
Many Blessings,
Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
--------------------- --------- ------
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
x$:0` Earthwise x$:0`
<:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: ]]======0
The Worldwide Spirit of Paganism
in Australia, America & Worldwide!
Take a Look at Our Huge EBay Store
For all your Magickal & Ritual Supplies au/Astarte- Earthwise
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
for in our communications with each other. Members are
encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
offended by a posting, write to me at
Thank you.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup 1293/
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Yahoo! Groups Links
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- 12.
Intro and Wand Question
Posted by: "Rose Lieberman" roselieberman
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
Merry Meet, All. Iâve been on this list before. My name is Rose, Iâm 63, I live in rural upstate New York.
I need some information.
QUESTION: Iâd like to make my own wand. I have an apple tree on my property which, I believe, is now dead or certainly in its last phase of life.
WHEN is a good time to take the wood from this fellow creature to fashion my wand?
WHAT words of ritual can I say during this process?
WHAT Goddess can I invoke during this ritual?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Blessed Be,
- 13.
Posted by: "Renee Clanchy" dryad999
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:23 pm (PDT)
Hi, thank you for accepting my membership.
Bright Blessings, Dryad999
- 14a.
Re: The Angels
Posted by: "Bronwyn Fish"
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:23 pm (PDT)
Blessings Raventalker,
Completely agree with you. I and my sister have always noticed numbers in
triplicate or the patterns 11:11, 22:22. We have always taken it as a sign to
take notice of what is happening around us, but of late, we are seeing it
everywhere. Letters, clocks, notice boards, books, car number plates on signs,
in literature, everywhere.
Now it could be that since we are aware of them, that is our focus so that's all
we see, but whether it is angels, Mother Gaia, Great Spirit, whomever you hold
highest, I feel they are a message, that we are being asked to stop walking
around in a constant state of unconscious disempowerment, we are being given
something to focus our minds on, so that we can wake up, sit up and take notice
of the changes happening all around us. The shift in the magnetic poles, the
climate, the increase in the number and ferocity of the weather. I beleive our
beautiful planet is cleansing and healing and if we don't listen to the signs to
help her, I think we will be part of her recycling.
Just my thoughts...
_____________________ _________ __
From: " " < >
To: EarthWise <EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups. >;com
MurfreesboroPagans@yahoogroups. ; PaganBookOfShadows@com yahoogroups. ;com
Tennessee_Witches@yahoogroups. ; The_New_Pagan_com Way@yahoogroups. ;com
TNWitchesCircle@yahoogroups. ; witchology@yahoogrocom
Sent: Tue, 8 March, 2011 6:00:20 AM
Subject: [Earthwise] The Angels
For the past couple of weeks some of you will know my stories about
reoccurring numbers in triplicate form ââ¬Â¦. Just about every single day
for the past 2 weeks I will suddenly look up to see set of numbers like
444, 333, 222, 111, 555 , etc.
It has been a constant thing and quickly I understood that there was a
message there for me. But what?
Many said I should write about it .. so here we go.
After the first few days of seeing these sets of numbers, I started to
do a bit of research on their meaning.
As you can imagine .. sites all over the web differ.. some state similar
meanings and some completely different than anotherââ¬Â¦ so who to
The first thing that hit me was how some of the meanings felt very true
to me.. without knowing a definate answer ââ¬Â¦ they still ââ¬Å"feltââ¬ï¿½ true
to ME. Then some of the meanings ââ¬Å"feltââ¬ï¿½ very wrong.
Sometimes this conflict happened all one one site .. it wasnââ¬â¢t like I
agreed totally with one site and not with another .. there was conflict
inside me with meanings on most of the sites if not all of them.
So again, who and what to believe?
So, I did what one would think was the natural most obvious thing to
doââ¬Â¦ I asked the angels themselves. You see all the sites were in
agreement with one thing and that one thing was that the numbers in
triple form were indeed signs or messages from the angels.
I asked the questionââ¬Â¦ What do all these numbers mean? What is the
message you are trying to get across to me?
The answerââ¬Â¦ The numbers are indeed a sign or message from your angels
.. and to each person specific numbers have personal meaning ââ¬Â¦ and so
depending on the person the message is for, the message is different..
specific to the relationship of that person to that number being shown
to them.
I know .. NOT a direct answer .. but then again it is!
We each can probably say we have a favorite number ââ¬Â¦ and we can each
probably say certain numbers have specific significance in our lives.
All in all the number sin triple form are to get our attention .. the
angels letting us know that they are with us .. sometimes it is just to
comfort us .. sometimes it is to let us know that our actions or
thoughts are on the right path .. and sometimes it is a warning .. and
then again sometimes it is a sure sign to keep moving forward.
For each person it is something completely and totally different ..
depending on where we are on our pathââ¬Â¦ what we are going through and
what is ahead of us.
So my message from the angels today .. donââ¬â¢t worry so much about what
others say ââ¬Â¦ instead look to yourself and make up your own mind about
what lies before you. TRUST in YOU.
Many Blessings,
Blog: http://raventalker.wordpress. com
or http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
YouTube: Raventalker777
Don't forget you can catch me every Tuesday and Thursday night at 7:00pm
central on the-wolf- and-the-bear
- 15.
Posted by: "Tahuti Lodge" tahuti_lodge
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:23 pm (PDT)
Tahuti Lodge is very pleased to welcome back to NYC, the incomparable.
Conducting a ALL NEW, VERY SPECIAL Workshop on
CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS: http://tarot.tahutilodge. org
Tarot Astrology Angels Spirits Magick
(Qabalistic, Enochian, Goetia)
Every deck of Tarot cards is a magical apartment building teaming with a neatly organized
population of angels and spirits built upon foundation of Astrology and Qabalah.
Join Lon for an entertaining day of magick and discovery as he opens the mysteries of his
Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. Out of print for years, it is now again available in a beautiful limited edition.
Tarot of Ceremonial Magick is the only tarot deck ever created that accurately incorporates
the key elements of Astrology and the two most popular and widely practiced varieties of
Qabalah-based magick; The Enochian magick of Dr. John Dee, and Goetia. Each card is
also awealth of additional details including Tattwa meditation symbols, even I Ching hexagrams.
Not a novelty tarot deck, this is "Real Magick in a box " and the key that unlocks the magical
mysteries of all Tarot decks.
This event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and will be held in Tahuti Lodge's temple space in Long Island City, Queens
1:00pm - 6:00 pm
Admission is $25 in advance or
$30 at the door on the day of the event.
Seating is limited
Please reserve your seat using Paypal
http://tarot.tahutilodge. org
For more information about Ordo Templi Orientis, Tahuti Lodge, and our events,
please visit our website at:
- 16.
New Online Academic Course on Jewish Kabbalah [Begins April 4]
Posted by: "codybahir" codybahir
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:23 pm (PDT)
This course is hosted by the new organization, Phoenix Rising: Academy
of Esoteric Studies and Creative Arts, run out of Athens and London.
Below, is a brief course description as well as link to the course
website on Phoenix Rising.
Kabbalah: An Introduction to the Jewish Mystical Tradition
Starts April 4, 2011
Course Objectives: To familiarize students with the historical
development of the Jewish mystical tradition and the complexities of its
cosmology, philosophy, theology and practice. We start by examining
select biblical and rabbinic references to mystical practices and
experiences. We then explore the early flowerings of the Kabbalistic
tradition and the evolution of the doctrine of the Sefirot (Tree of
Life)from the medieval period through the present as primarily embodied
by the Zohar, Lurianic Kabbalah and Hasidism. This course will also
cover such central topics as Theurgy, Tikkun (spiritual repair), Magic,
ritual, meditation as well as heterodox movements in order to provide
students with a firm foundation upon which to pursue further study of
any aspect of Kabbalah.
For more information on the course, (including how to register) as well
as information on Phoenix Rising Academy, please refer to the following
url: gr/en/structure/ esoteric- studies/introduc to\
ry-courses/kabbalah-an-introduction -to-the-jewish- mystical- tradition/
< >gr/en/structure/ esoteric- studies/introduc t\
ory-courses/kabbalah- an-introduction- to-the-jewish- mystical- tradition/
- 17a.
Re: End the War Rally - Saturday March 19 - 12N - Los Angeles - Holl
Posted by: "Martha Dickinson" mensachick529
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:24 pm (PDT)
Ok so to clarify we can post non pagan related totally partisan political
issues here? I didn't think we could, but hey if we can I get a ton of mail
from the republicans, tea parties and different conservative groups I'd be
more than happy to share :)
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Karen Tate < > wrote:
> -
> - End Occupation: Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine & Everywhere!
> - Fund Jobs, Healthcare & Education, Not Militarism!
> - Stop Budget Cuts, Tuition Hikes & Attacks on Working Families!
> - From Egypt to Wisconsin to Los Angeles: The People Have the Power!
> la/events/ march-19- los-angeles- protest-1. html
> --
> Karen
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*SUPPORT OUR 911 FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!*
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- 18a.
Re: St Patrick
Posted by: "luther Pendragon" orderofystrad
Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:24 pm (PDT)
where i am in the swansea valley in south wales in the next valley over there is a village called banwen local legend has it he was from there the village is next to a roman road and a fort ''sarn helen ''
the legend says that he was caputured by the mouth of the river neath near the present town of briton ferry
there are details on this site
On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 18:20 GMT Silver Fox wrote:
>St Patrick
>From Neamh
>St. Patrick (AD 385-462) was captured and enslaved in Ireland as a youth, escaped, and finally returned as an adult to spread Christianity as a Catholic missionary. He was not Irish by birth, but was believed by some accounts to be either the son of a Roman Officer, or a British Celt. In his confession, one of the few documents known to be written by Patrick, he describes his father as "Calpornius, a deacon, son of Potitus, a priest, of the village Bannavem Taburniæ"
>In legend, Patrick is given credit for driving the snakes out of Ireland. In reality, the 'snakes' may well refer to the Druids, who were discredited and finally driven underground with the coming of Christianity. Patrick is credited with establishing Christianity in Ireland, and in the following centuries it either ousted or assimilated the old, pagan beliefs. Pagan festivals and holidays were adapted into Christian holy days, and many of the local god and goddess stories converted into tales of Irish saints. The most famous example is the Celtic goddess Brigit, or Bride, who is now known in the Christian Church as St. Brigit, Ireland's premier female saint.
>St. Patrick's birth name was Gaewyn and the estimated date of his birth was 390 A.D. in Roman Britain. At age 16 the man who would later be known as the patron saint of Ireland was kidnapped by Irish raiders and sold into slavery. He escaped slavery six years later and fled to the European mainland where he received his religious training at Catholic monasteries. He took the name Patrick upon joining the priesthood and eventually attained the rank of Bishop. It was then that Patrick set out to do missionary work in Ireland. In around 432 A.D., he arrived in Ireland and began to compete with the priests of the pagan faith for followers.
>St. Patrick's struggle with the pagan order of the time began during the Celtic springtime fire festival known as Beltane. The ritual commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the High King's fire, from which all the other fires in the land would be lit. According to legend, St. Patrick lit an Easter fire on a nearby hill. The High King sent nine chariots to vanquish Patrick and put out his fire. Circling counter to the sun's path, the chariots attacked, but were unable to prevail against the holy fire.
>Still, Patrick's work was cut out for him. In his struggle to discredit the Druid elders and gain the confidence and later the souls of the Irish population, he was (in his own words) forced to "curse their fertile lands, so that they became dreary bogs; to curse their rivers, so that they produced no fish; to curse their very kettles, so that with no amount of fire and patience could they ever be made to boil; and as a last resort, to curse the Druids themselves, so that the earth opened and swallowed them up."
>St. Patrick began teaching Catholicism and the Holy Trinity to the Pagans by using a three leaf clover (a plant used in many of their rituals) to represent the father, the son and the holy spirit.
>His efforts were successful in converting the Gaelic population to Catholicism and making Ireland a fortress for the Catholic faith.
>Silver Fox
>"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
>Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 18b.
Re: St Patrick
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:10 pm (PDT)
thanks for that bit of info, I'll try to remember that in the future.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
> To: earthwisebos@yahoogroups. com
> From: uk
> Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 19:36:05 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Earthwise] St Patrick
> hi
> where i am in the swansea valley in south wales in the next valley over there is a village called banwen local legend has it he was from there the village is next to a roman road and a fort ''sarn helen ''
> the legend says that he was caputured by the mouth of the river neath near the present town of briton ferry
> there are details on this site
> martin
- 19.
Gemstone Lore - Jet
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:52 pm (PDT)
(Witch's Amber)
http://www.alizons-psychic-secrets. com/jet.html jet.htm gems/jet. html Gemstones- Jewelry J.htm
http://www.psychic-revelation. com/reference/ a_d/crystals/ jet.html
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham
Energy: Receptive
Element: Earth, Spirit
Deity: Cybele
Direction: North
Planet: Saturn
Plant: Asphodel, Red Carnation, Cedar, Cypress, Ivy, Myrrh, Lavender, Sage
Chakras: Root
Astrological: Capricorn
Tarot: World
Resonates to the number:
Mohs Hardness: 2.5-4
Ray Colors: Black, Dark Purple
Powers: Alleviates Grief, Negativity, Protection, Anti-nightmare, Luck, Divination, Health, Healing, Psychic Experience, Calm, Fear
While known by its folk names of Witch's Amber or Black Amber, Jet is considered a minor gemstone as it has organic origins, making it a mineraloid and not a true mineral. It is a variety of coal known as Lignite, the result of high pressure decomposition of wood from millions of years ago to the family of trees known as Araucariaceae. It is the last stage of carbon before the diamond state. Jet is found in two different forms, hard and soft. Hard Jet is the result of carbon compression and salt water whereas soft Jet is the result of carbon compression and fresh water. Jet ranges in color from tan to dark brown and of course black. The description 'jet black' has come to denote anything that is completely black. The finest Jet is found in England, but it is also known to be found in the United States, Poland, China, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, India and Russia.
Jet has been mined since about 1500 BC. Items of Jet such as beads, pendants and charms have been found in ancient burial mounds. The Romans, who exported it from Whitby, Northern England, used Jet for ornamental and decorative jewelry. Jet was fashionable during the reign of Queen Victoria. Jet has also been used in magic and incense. It has been believed to be a potent protective and grounding agent. Both the Romans and the Chinese believed that jet is simply a more ancient form of amber. The ancient Greek worshippers of Cybele are said to have worn Jet to obtain her favors.
It was often associated with protection in the afterlife among both the Egyptian and Pueblo people. Jet has a long tradition of being carved into prayer beads and religious sculpture. It was shaped into rosary beads in the sixteenth century and is still used for religious purpose by those of several Native American cultures. Medieval Healers believed burning Jet would cure fevers and illnesses and it was used in Rosary Beads to invoke the favor of God. Witches sometimes wear it in a necklace of alternating amber (representing the Goddess) and jet beads. It is thought by some that if Jet is worn, it should be set in silver.
Jet is easy to polish, having a silky glow or sheen to it. It's also easy to carve, but is known to break when trying to make detail work. And while not as popular among some jewelry collectors, there has been imitation Jet being passed out on the markets as the "real deal." Anthracite (hard coal) and Vulcanite (hardened rubber) are both superficially similar to Jet, and have been used to imitate it. These imitations are not always easy to distinguish from real Jet. When rubbed against unglazed porcelain, true Jet will leave a chocolate brown streak. One method of authenticating Jet found in Wikipedia mentioned that the touch of a red-hot needle should cause Jet to emit an odor similar to coal. And unlike black glass, which is cool to the touch, Jet isn't cool, due to its lesser thermal conductive quality.
Jet has a close relationship to Amber, both mineralogically and energetically. Both gemstones come from trees with Amber being a fossilized from of resin. It has been commented that trees are rooted in the ground and reach for the sky. Trees serve as the bridges between the physical and spiritual realms. Amber represents the flow of this energy and Jet represents the vessel or conduit by which this energy flows. If Amber is Yang, a positive energy, then Jet is Yin, the negative energy. Both stones relate to each like positive and negative polarities, male and female, kinetic and magnetic principles. If you have studied Jet, you should also consider studying Amber. Jet even gets its name of Black Amber in that like Amber, this stone when rubbed with wood, silk or cloth, will build up an electrical charge, attracting pieces of dust or paper. Jet and Amber are considered to be stones of the High priestesses and High priests.
Jet's virtues were described by Pliny, according to the version of Holland as:
"In burning, the perfume thereof chaseth away serpents, and bringeth women again that lie in a traunce by the suffocation or rising of the mother; the said smoke discovereth the falling sicknesse and bewraieth whether a young damsel be a maiden or no; the same being boiled in wine helpeth the toothache, and tempered with wax cureth the swelling glandules named the king's evil. They say that the magicians use this jeat stone much in their sorceries, which they practice by the means of red hot axes, which they call axinomancia, for they affirm that being cast thereupon it will burne and consume, if that ewe desire and wish shall happen accordingly."
An ancient technique for divination using Jet is to take a large ax and a fireplace or barbecue pit. Place the ax head in the fire until it is red hot. Then enchant or empower your piece of Jet. Have a question already in mind or visualize a possible future event that troubles you.
When the ax has been heated, remove it from the fire and cast the Jet on it. If it burns, the answer is yes or the course of action is expected to be favorable. If it doesn't burn, then the reverse is true, the answer is no or the course of action isn't favorable.
Jet is well known for having a calming effect that dispels fears. Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears that limit their lives. It can be used too to prevent nightmares.
Feng Shui
Use this stone in the Center area for calming and harmony, in the South for enlightening, in the North for personal journeys or Northeast in order to help with self cultivation.
Jet has a variety of various healing abilities or properties. It protects from illnesses, helps to control mood swings and fight deep depression. It's thought to help with female disorders, labor, teeth problems, stomach pain, colds, glandular swelling, lymphatic problems, fevers, and hair loss, reduce migraines, headaches, epilepsy, aid the cleansing of the liver and kidneys and helps align the lower spine. Supposedly, Jet can be powdered and mixed with bees wax and then applied to tumors to aid in healing or ridding the body of them.
Modern mystics still cling to the old beliefs that the smoke from burning jet will repel fevers, infections, hysteria, hallucinations, epilepsy and stomach troubles. Powdered Jet drunk in water or wine is also "good for" colds, gout, cramps, toothache, palsy, tumors and premenstrual syndrome.
In healing, combine Jet with Amber or Sugilite for cleansing the liver and kidneys.
You can also combine Jet with blue candles during healing fires or use the incense of Lavender and Sage to promote good health.
If you have trouble sleeping put one Jet on one side of your bed and Amber on the other. Alternatively, you wear Jet to bed, place it under a pillow or hang it near your bedpost for protection from nightmares and to ensure a restful sleep.
Wear Jet to maintain proper energy flow within the body and avoid ill-health.
This stone has great absorbing qualities and helps to draw out negative energies. Some have used this stone for binding, defense by repelling dark magic; reversing spells and thought-forms into positive power.
Wear Jet as a necklace or carry it in your pocket for protection and to dispel negative energy.
Jet helps to release a person from stress if it is combined with Lepidolite.
It's thought that Jet jewelry should not be loaned out, as it is said to be so absorptive that its owner can be vulnerable to negative magic if it falls into the wrong hands.
Jet protects from violence, domestic abuse, the evil eye, possession, thunderstorms.
It protects the finances. Keep Jet in the cash box or on the wealth corner.
A small piece of Jet can be placed for a moment on a newborn's stomach to protect them.
It's known as a traveler's amulet, and the wives of sailors often burnt it to protect their husbands while they were at sea. Jet has been known historically, to also protect from scorpions and snake bites, especially when the stone is wore over the heart.
During the Medieval times, Jet was carved into beetles and worn for protection.
Jet is known to stimulate psychic experiences and guide one in a quest for spiritual enlightenment. Some have found this mystical stone useful for meditation, grounding and transformation. Similarly, this stone can be used in aiding divination.
When placed on an altar Jet increases the effectiveness of any Magicks conducted. As it also carries a negative electrical charge it is good for drawing power and knowledge to the bearer.
For psychic protection and purification Jet can be combined with Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz.
With Jet seen as a grounding and balancing mineral due to it's ability to accumulate and absorb negative energy; Jet is seen as being able to attract and access ancient knowledge and wisdom.
Strengthen you psychic awareness by placing small shavings of Jet in a clear glass bottle filled with water. Let this bottle sit in the Sun for several hours until the water has warmed up. Filter out the Jet and drink the water.
Powdered Jet can also be added to psychic incense blends. Or place powdered Jet on a glowing charcoal block for meditation or scrying using the fumes.
Care And Cleansing Of Jet
As this stone is very effective at absorbing negative energy, it should be frequently cleansed of this same energy. Jet should especially be thoroughly cleansed after every healing session.
There are several different opinions on how Jet should be cleansed and many of them are indeed contradictory. Some of this contradiction may come about as to what type of Jet you actually have, the hard or soft Jet. What matters in the end, is finding the method that works best for you and to stick with it.
Some methods for cleansing Jet of negativity are either in a stream or lukewarm water. It should be charged for two hours together with rock crystals, or in direct exposure to sunlight. Another source says this should be the early sunlight.
Another source states that Jet should be cleansed one night in dry sea salt and then on rock crystals the next night and not to cleanse or charge this stone in sunlight or water.
Yet another source states it should be cleansed in warm, soapy water. The same source says to avoid the use of salt or salt water when cleansing Jet. It goes on then to recommend instead that a smudge stick can be used to clear Jet of negativity.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 20a.
Gemstone Lore - Amber
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:53 pm (PDT)
(The Witches' Stone)
Sources: Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham
Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Enhancing Your Mind Body Spirit
Amber by Stephanie Pflumm
Energy: Projective
Astrological: Taurus & Libra
Chakras: Soul Star, Crown , Throat, Thymus and Heart
Elements: Fire & Akasha.
Number: 3
Planet: Sun
Deity: The Great Mother, Sun Deities
Powers: Luck, healing, strength, beauty, love, Stability, self-confidence, protection, peace, Electromagnetic. Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity, mood balancer, confidence, inability to make decisions; thyroid, inner ear & neuro-tissue strengthener; activates altruistic nature; realization of the spiritual intellect, stomach, anxiety, spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Excellent detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies, Energy magnet, increases enjoyment, High electrical charge for positive energy. Harmonizes Yin and Yang. Excellent in use in rituals for enhancing your beauty and attractiveness. Increased effectiveness of spells if placed on altar. Increases strength while relieving or curing health conditions.
Amber is the oldest substance used by humans for jewelry, with beads and pendants of amber having been found in northern European gravesites dating back to 8000 B.C.E. Only the pearl is older then amber in its usage as jewelry and amulets. This "crystal" is actually a natural resin from an extinct form of pine from the Oligocene era that was submerged under the sea 60 million years ago. It often contains fragments of complete specimens of insects and plants that accidentally fell into the sticky resin millions of years ago. Because amber, unlike gemstones, is warm to the touch and often contains insect fragments, it was thought to possess life.
Amber has gone by many names over the centuries In Latin it is known as Succinum and mineralogists refer to it as Succinite. Germans inspired by the Fossil's ability to burn dubbed this gem Bernstein. In China amber was known as the "Soul of the Tiger" as it was believed on their death, the souls of tigers entered into the stone and thus believed to protect against fire and water. The Phoenicians traded amber heavily. In Rome amber was given to gladiators for courage and was used for curing headaches and throat infection. In the Middle Ages it was thought that if a man placed amber upon his wife's breast while she slept, it would make her confess all her evil deeds.
Succinic acid is one of the compounds in the chemical makeup of Amber. In the human body it works as an organic stimulant, aiding the nervous system, heart, kidneys and healing processes. It is no wonder Humans instinctively turned to this fossil gem to cure a variety of our ills.
Hippocrates (460-377 BC) writings on the medicinal uses of Amber were used by alchemists and scientists throughout the middle ages. One of the oldest remedies involving Amber is to crush it and mix it with honey. This mixture was used to treat gout, asthma and the black plague. Roman physicians used the same honey mix to cure throat, ear and eye maladies. In China Amber was added to Opium to make an Amber Syrup which was prescribed as a tranquilizer and antispasmodic.
Tribes from Lithuania would smudge newborns with smoke from Amber to ensure healthy growth. Doctors in the middle ages gave Amber beads to draw the yellow out of jaundiced skin. Russian men mixed the gem with vodka to improve fertility and performance. In Germany it was given to teething infants to promote strong teeth.
As amber is a fossil, it has associations with time, cycles, and longevity. Similarly, since it was once a living substance, it is related to Akasha or Spirit, the fifth element which governs and binds together earth, air, fire and water, and in a sense, is the ultimate source of them. Akasha is also symbolic of life and living things.
In some contemporary Wiccan covens, women usually high priestesses wear necklaces consisting of alternating amber and jet beads. Though reasons for the use of these materials vary, it is said that these two stones represent the Goddess and God, the feminine and masculine principles, the projective and receptive forces of nature. They also heighten magical effects.
Amber when rubbed against wool or silk becomes electrically charged and will attract pieces of paper to it. Its old Greek name was electron, from which we derive our modern word electricity. All these mysterious properties and associations make amber one of the most widely used and prized magical substances of all times and places on Earth.
There was a range of beliefs about how amber was formed: that it was the fossilized tears of Indian birds, or congealed rays of the setting Sun found on the sea shore, or the dew of sunbeams, or that it exuded from warm mud. Greek and Roman myths are rich with stories of gods that cried Tears of the Sun (Amber). In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Phaeton's sisters weep Amber tears when their brother fails in his efforts to please his father, the Sun. Apollo cried tears of Amber when he was banished from Olympus.
Varieties of Amber
As well as its usual yellow or reddish-brown color amber is also found in a range of other varieties, including white (bone amber), black, blue and green. Amber with a cloudy appearance due to internal bubbles is known as bastard amber. The blue and green forms also contain trapped air bubbles, which cause a coloring of fluorescent light. Reddish amber is often known as ruby amber.
Place Names
Types of amber are also named after their place of origin: for example, bacalite is found in Baja California, Mexico; burmite is sourced in Myanmar, formally Burma; and roumanite is found in Romania.
Common Amber
The most common form of amber is succinite, found in the Baltic. It is sometimes known as "true amber."
Magical Uses
Amber, in common with a few other stones, has been utilized for nearly every purpose in magic. It has figured in countless millions of spells and magical rituals. Despite its high price, amber is a sound magical investment. You can either find it on a beach or just buy it from a reliable dealer much that is sold as amber is really glass, plastic or "reconstituted amber." Insist on genuine, unprocessed amber. And be prepared to pay quite a bit for it.
An Aid To Memory
Amber is said to improve the ability to recall. If you find yourself forgetting little things all the time, try this ritual with amber.
*Bless your amber under the midday Sun, saying: "May my memory be as true as the energy in you."
*Imagine the beautiful stone being filled with a golden glow as it is energized by solar forces.
*Meditate on the amber for a few minutes to strengthen your memory.
To Bring Courage
The Romans considered amber to be a stone of courage, and it can help you if you suffer from timidity and an unwillingness to speak your mind.
While you carry out this simple ritual to boost your bravery, remember that amber is also known as the "Soul of the Tiger." This will give you confidence in the spell's success.
*Hold the amber in your hand and repeat the phrase "It is my will to have the courage of the tiger," until you feel an inner strength rising through your body.
*Do this every day for a week on the waxing Moon, and then wear or carry your amber on your person. Feel the difference it makes to your sense of courage.
Increasing Wealth
As amber's coloring resembles the Sun, it is often used in wealth spells. This may also be an echo of the fact that only the wealthy could afford to wear amber in ancient times.
*Use a piece of amber as a wish stone, holding it in your left hand and rubbing it clockwise with your right forefinger whenever you have received money. As you do so say, "Amber bring more wealth to me that I may be blessed with further prosperity."
*Make your monthly pay check stretch further by using amber to attract more money into your life or save on deals.
*It is worn to increase strength, for business success, or to stimulate the flow of money toward the magician, and plays a part in attraction spells.
*Finally a bit of powdered amber added to any incense will increase its effectiveness.
To Store Energy
In times past, amber was traditionally combined with jet in the "witch's necklace." This may be because the fossilized resin is extremely effective at storing magical charge. Amber is very easy to charge up and carry as a talisman to attract more positive energy.
*Hold the amber in your left hand and rub it clockwise with your right forefinger, concentrating on the type of energy you want to store within the stone, such as luck, success or love. You should feel a sensation of warmth in your hands as the energies are transferred from them into the gem.
*Witches, wise women; and shamans wear amber beads to strengthen their spells, whether cast in caves, deserted valleys, or at lonely seashores or within magically created spheres of power in urban bedrooms. A large piece of amber placed on the alter increases the effectiveness of your magic.
A Healing Resin
Amber has a long history of medicinal use, and today it is still used by the medical profession in the form of Oil of Amber, also known as Oil of Succinate. This is used in the preparation of liniments.
*In the Middle Ages, amber was used against a whole range of complaints, including arthritic pains, asthma, heart and stomach problems, plague, poisons, various diseases, vertigo, protecting unborn children and easing childbirth
*Beads of amber are worn around the neck as a general protector of health and to relieve or cure existing conditions. It has been worn for prevention or relief of convulsions, deafness, insanity, sore throat, earache, headache, toothache, asthma, rheumatism, digestive troubles and almost every internal ailment. A ball of amber held in the hand reduces a fever.
*Because it is often translucent, or even transparent, amber is worn or carried to strengthen the eyes. Looking through a piece of amber is thought to do the same.
*Amber powder was burned during childbirth to assist the woman's labor and also, was smoldered so the piney smoke could be sniffed to halt a nosebleed.
Protective Amulet
Amber necklaces are perhaps one of the most commonest forms utilized in magic. Such necklaces are protective when worn. It is a potent amulet against negative magic and is especially effective in safeguarding children.
*Have children wear amber beads to guard their health, as countless others have done in many parts of the world. Or place a bit in the child's bedroom.
*In ancient times, when sex was viewed as completely natural and yet sacred activity, representations of the generative organs were commonly used in magic. Amber carved in the shape of a phallus was carried as a supremely potent magical protection, particularly against the evil eye. Though this seems to be the product of patriarchy, I'm sure that images of the female organs were just as effective, and used just as much, but this information has been suppressed.
*If you feel you are being subjected to heavy negativity, light a white candle and place it on the ground or floor. Sit before it with a handful of small amber beads, using them, create a circle around yourself. Sit within the circle while restoring your energy and closing yourself off to any and all outside influences. Repeat as necessary.
*Another protective use of amber is to place nine small beads or pieces into a bath of very warm water. Soak in the rub until the water cools, then retrieve the amber, towel off, and carry or wear one of the beads until your next bath.
Beauty And Love
Amber is worn to enhance beauty and general attractiveness. During the Renaissance, the donning of amber was said to increase bodily weight; however this was probably because the buxom female figure was then in fashion. There's no evidence to support the claim. Amber does seem to magnify its wearer's natural beauty, attract friends and companions to the lonely, and stimulate happiness.
*Amber has long been regarded as being highly sensual and magnetic. It is worn to attract love and to increase one's enjoyment of pleasurable activities, including sex. Small pieces of amber can be added to herbal love-attracting mixtures or worn near the heart to attract a mate.
*Human fertility was a constant concern in past ages, and it still is for many. Women wore images of fish, frogs, and rabbits carved of amber to ensure conception. To combat impotency and to ensure their own fertility, men wore amber figures of lions, dogs, and dragons. This may seem quaint, but such images charged with magical energy and worn with ritual intent can work. There are no limitations in magic, save for those we impose upon ourselves.
Charge your Amber on the earth in the sun and then place it on the Crown Chakra as its golden rays ground your Higher Self into your body.
Or place it in a glass of spring water and leave outside in the sun for 3 hours (gem essences). Then drink the water with the awareness of being open to Solar rays as they illuminate you.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
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ø¤º°` Earthwise ø¤º°`
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Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
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Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
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If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
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