miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2916

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)



Re: Please help!!!

Posted by: "Sajdah Muhammad" mrsusama@gmail.com   saajidah_30

Tue Jul 5, 2011 4:04 pm (PDT)

Hi, what is her name? and I probably can see what happen to her and where
she is. I am pyschic, empath, telepathy and among others. mrsusama@gmail.com

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Ana <anagallaway@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> Can anyone help me find someone who can help find a missing person?? I
> don't know how to direct my abilities properly for such a thing. I have been
> able to find things in my house, and in other people's houses, and even my
> lost cat by asking for guidance. But I don't know how that works.
> There is a missing young woman in Poland, My friend grew up near her home.
> She says everyone in her town is looking for her. Her brother put up a web
> page in Facebook to try to get help in finding her.
> I love Chip Coffey and I think he could help, but he seems so unavailable.
> This is so sad and terrible, I want to help. I could also appreciate help if
> you just guide me on how to find the answers I seek. I could try myself.
> I am a newbie, I am psychic but I feel so helpless right now.
> Can I post the web site here? Thanks!!!

Astrological Musings: Moving into Spirit

Posted by: "blackbird" blackbird_61@yahoo.com   blackbird_61

Tue Jul 5, 2011 4:14 pm (PDT)

Hi All,
Lynn's left me with a little Dilemma this week in that her blurb that links back to her full post on Belief net; basically is the whole post? So I have cropped down more severely than usual; because I love this small bit of it 

"For me, spirituality is ecstatic experiences with the divine within nature  ...
To me this really speaks to the essence of what it is to be Pagan, but more so...
It is one thing to see the Earth as Sacred, because 'She is out Mother'
The Food Gift, the Water Gift, all we 'Possess" comes from her,
"Her Blue Body, Everything we know."
But is it possible for us as humans, to image the world would be just as Sacred a place, perhaps more so, if we were not here; Would the Red Wood be Less Majestic, the voice Of the Nightingale less musical, the Peacock less beautiful ... if we where no there to observe them? Or perhaps that is our purpose - to be the eyes and ears of Deity; to open that 'channel' by which Gaea appreciates her own Beauty.
Nuff Said.
To click over to Belief net and read the whole piece BB.


--- On Sun, 7/3/11, Astrological Musings <blogs@partner.beliefnet.com> wrote:
Sunday inspiration: Moving into Spirit
Posted: 03 Jul 2011 03:58 AM PDT
"For me, spirituality is ecstatic experiences with the divine within nature  ...
Read the full post here » 

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
        All other Cups
  Have their Source in Me.
                   The Goddess Innana.

Re: The Bubishi and Witchcraft - A short cross-disciplinary Essay

Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61@yahoo.com   blackbird_61

Tue Jul 5, 2011 6:06 pm (PDT)

BB re:
Thanks as a big fan of Liz Greene it's odd that I don't myself own the
Mythic Tarot, but thanks for the reminder that I need to address that
oversight; as too the Vision of the 3 of Pents as the apprentice, I
cannot honestly lay claim to that insight myself; Credit for that
insight, to the best of my knowledge belongs to Melanie Gendron, The 3
of Pents in the Gendron Tarot
<http://www.anar-mura.com/tgimg/gd/pen_iii.jpg> clearly shows a Father
and Son/ so the Father/Son, Master/Apprentice connection was an easy
one; it was only after seeing the Gendron that I was able to look at the
Waite <http://www.anar-mura.com/tgimg/uw/pents_iii.jpg> with new eyes
and make that connection.

But while I am here again,
Yesterday I was browsing books at Borders and I stumbled on this Quote,
In his The Essential Karate Book
> Graeme Lund, says, "One
of the problems the Westerner face when doing Karate is that their minds
are not geared to learn from acts or from instruction. Western education
has been the product of books, notes and research in libraries and on
the internet ... "

Of course this resonates perfectly with Gaia's oft repeated; and totally
correct; assertion one cannot learn Witchcraft from a book; both The
Craft and Karate are experiential disciplines, they are things that can
only be learned by doing. A few years ago now, I was telling a Musician
friend of mine; how I was doing my daily forms which included at that
time several repetitions of Gojushi-ho 'Earth and Sky' as I learned it;1
which included towards the end of the form a x-block, Reverse Punch;
Sequence, and I performed the Reverse Punch so perfectly; it was like I
had never thrown a reverse punch before at all. Now my musician friend
(a drummer) knew of course I had thrown thousands of such punches in my
life; but he also intimately understood what I was saying, because he
had had similar moments in his musical 'career'; moments when everything
just came together so perfectly and you knew for a moment, or a night,
for just one song; Damn you got it right; you're just in the groove.

My point is of course, you can read 1000 books on Karate, watch Karate
Kid 100 times; but that will never teach you what it feels like to throw
a Reverse punch; and only hundreds if not thousands of repetitions will
teach you what a Perfectly thrown reverse punch feels like; or what it
feels like to play a perfect riff; some things you just have to do.

Returning to The Craft;
At one point in my 'career' as a reader I was reading Tarot at least
weeklyand after that long time I began to feel the energy flowing
through the cards into my hands as I did the invocation of Innana;
another year later another reading as I passed my hands over the cards,
One could feel the energy of the spread; like a blanket of Static over
the spread.

Today I can generally tell how accurate a reading will be simply by the
heat in my hands as I invoke Innana; It's a experiential thing that no
amount of messages I could post will truly make anyone truly feel what I
am speaking to; and it might not be your experiance at all; my good
friend Matt; who I look to as a much more talented reader than myself;
has a completely differnt experiance when a reading is on for him; a
sense of vibration deep with-in himself; that I really cant describe in
great detail but which he has described for me a few times; and of
course your own experiance might well be completely different, only your
own practice will tell..

and that seems like a good place to end this post.

Brightest Blessings, BB.


1. I should honestly say that while I have looked, I have never found an
example of Gojushi-ho on U-tube or other sights; where it is performed
as I was taught the form, and which includes this sequence. The form as
I was taught it does appear in a now very old book, Karate's Modern
Masters, performed by Sensi Frank Mitchell.

--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups.com, ~T'rosy~ <rosyrock1968@...>
Re: [Witch_Essentials] The Bubishi and Witchcraft - A short
cross-disciplinary Essay
The story of the jealous master killing the apprentice who outshines him
also ties in with the Mythic Tarot. In the suit of Pentacles (which
tells the myth of Daedalus) a craftsman kills his nephew, who is also
his apprentice, out of jealousy when his nephew's talents as a craftsman
surpass his own.
It was great to glean this insight in the Universal Waite Three of Pents
too - and see another chapter of the Miser unfold there...

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