luni, 4 aprilie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2581

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Gemstone Lore - Serpentine From: Silver Fox



Gemstone Lore - Serpentine

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Sun Apr 3, 2011 4:45 pm (PDT)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham

Energy: Projective
Element: Earth, Fire, Water (Antigorite)
Planet: Pluto, Saturn
Plant: Agrimony, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Bramble, Ground Iivy
Chakras: Solar plexus
Astrological: Scorpio
Resonates to the number:
Mohs Hardness: 2.5-4
Ray Colors:
Powers: Cleansing of Emotions, Protection, Intuition, Aiding in Psychic Abilities, Cleansing of all Chakras, Snake Magick, Dragon Magick, Earth Magick, Meditation, Attracting Money, Attracting Love, Serpent Goddess, Increase Luck, Accomplishments, Dreams, Fidelity, Peace, Resourcefulness

The name Serpentine actually describes a group of over twenty different gemstones and minerals. Many of these stones range from dark olive green to white-green in coloration with a smooth or scaly appearance and forming the basis for the name from the Latin serpentines meaning "serpent rock." All of these rocks are made up of magnesium iron phyllosilicate minerals and they may contain minor amounts of other elements including chromium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. As a result of this mixture, many varieties of Serpentine are not always easy to distinguish and often, the effort isn't made.

Serpentine has been found worldwide in a number of places such as New Caledonia, Canada, the USA, Afghanistan, Britain; mainly Cornwall and Ireland, Greece, China, France, Korea, Austria, India, Myanmar, New Zealand, Norway and Italy. There are three important varieties of Serpentine: Antigorite, Chrysotile and Lizardite that are often noted. The Antigorite variety of Serpentine forms along the ocean basins and close to the Earth's crust where magma and lava heat the surface. It is often used as an ornamental stone much like marble. Lizardite is the type of Serpentine often used in marble carvings, trinkets and jewelry. The Chrysotile variety of Serpentine is the mineral from which Asbestos is made. As it is fibrous, Chrysotile Serpentine has many industrial applications, including brake linings, railway ballasts and fireproof fabrics. While Asbestos can pose some serious health risks, some varieties of Serpentine in their natural state react with carbon dioxide; re-releasing oxygen into the air.

Serpentine can be an attractive green stone that has a good polish and is suitable for carving. It has been used as a substitute for Jade and is sometimes difficult to distinguish from true Jade; proving to be a testament of the beauty of Serpentine. It is sometimes called Teton Jade, New Jade, Snake Stone and numerous other names based on the location of where a particular bed of Serpentine is found. These locations often also have a high amount of clay found in the surrounding earth. The earth in these areas can also be toxic for many plants due to high levels of Nickel, Chromium, and Cobalt that makes up Serpentine.

The Maori of New Zealand have some extensive legends and beliefs regarding Serpentine. Maori call it tangiwai, meaning "tears" from a legend where a woman's tears petrified. The discovery of New Zealand is linked to the discovery of the green stone Serpentine and Nephrite. Serpentine has been carved into war weapons, amulets and religious objects by expert master carvers. Another green stone, Pounamu refers to Nephrite that is also found in New Zealand. Pendants carved of mythical spirits and monsters were carved and then passed down from generation to generation, supposedly increasing each time in power. For the Maori, this green stone was "green gold" and so important has this Serpentine been to Maori culture that it was considered a taonga or treasure and protected as such in the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. Even the Maori name for New Zealand's South Island is Te Wai Pounamu which means "The place of the Greenstone."

The Serpentine mined in Afghanistan has been known as sang-i-yashm. In Assyria, the name is Za-tu-mush-gir. The Sumerians, Assyrians, Persians and Egyptians of the ancient world used Serpentine for its smooth "oily" feel on a regular basis for seals as neither sealing wax or wet clay would stick to it.

It's interesting to note that the color green, for the Egyptians, was the color of new life, growth, vegetation and fertility and most importantly, the Nile, the literal life-giving waters that ensured Egypt's existence. A person was thought to be doing "green things" if his behavior was beneficial or life producing. Wadj, the Egyptian word for "green," also meant "to flourish or to be healthy." The Book of the Dead makes reference to the deceased becoming a falcon "whose wings are of green stone," a reference to new life and rebirth.

Green amulets were important too, with the most important being the heart scarab, much like the cross is important to Christians. The heart of course was important as Egyptians believed it to be the source of emotions and intelligence and that the heart had a will and existence of his own. And scarabs were believed to insure resurrection for the Soul in the afterlife and this "heart scarab" amulet were often included in the wrappings for mummification over the heart as a replacement as many organs would be removed. Should this green amulet have been made of Serpentine, it's an interesting connection as Serpents or snakes also have a connection with resurrection and immortality.

According to legend, Romans used Serpentine as a protection against sorcery and the dark arts. "Fright stones;" pocket amulets, were carved out of Serpentine into the shape of ugly-faced amulets and carried to scare away "Things that went bump in the night." Christian legend holds that Adam choked on the forbidden fruit when he ate it. Then when he spat it out, it turned into the stone Serpentine.

Serpentine has long been associated to provide protection from snake bites and venom. A poem attributed to Orpheus dating from the 4th century A.D. or B.C.E. comments on the healing properties of Serpentine: "No more the trailing serpent's tooth to fear. Let him who by the dragon's fang hath bled, On the dire wound Serpentine powdered spread, And in the stone his sure reliance place, For wounds inflicted by the reptile race." Vessels were made of Serpentine, as they were believed to shatter when they came into contact with poisons. As a result, many ancient peoples began using Serpentine to craft drinking vessels. In the Middle Ages, Serpentine was used to house medicines in as it was thought to be able to increase the healing powers and potency of medicines and to make them last longer.

In the ancient civilizations of America, Serpentine was considered a guardian of vital energy as well as a protector of the soul against invisible powers. The Oaxaca of Mexico would take the largest ear of corn in a field and wrap it with a chalchilhuitl. At the next planting time, this packet of corn and green stone would be buried in the field in order to ensure a successful harvest season. The name chalchihuitl were amulets made of green stone; such stones like Jadeite, Nephrite, Turquoise and Serpentine. The stones were often carved into the images of human forms or a representation of a frog; a strong symbol of precious water, fertility and abundance. Today this word chalchihuitl is used for Turquoise. Like the Egyptians, green stones also held great significance for the indigenous people of southern Mexico and Central America. The Olmec, Aztec and Mayan kings of Central America revered green and blue-green stones above all other earthly objects.


Serpentine was used as a treatment of both physical and mental diseases. This gemstone helps with headaches, unstable blood pressure, colds, inflammatory processes in kidneys and digestive system; eliminates nervousness, smoothes emotional outbursts.

With Serpentine's coloration and appearance to snake's skin, it has been believed that this stone is a reliable antidote to snake poison. Serpentine supposedly can eliminate parasitic infestations within the body.

Sleep with a serpentine taped at your navel to help heal any sort of kidney or stomach problem.

Wear Serpentine to help boost your self-confidence.

It helps children to overcome fears of insects and snakes.

With animals, Serpentine helps with skin complaints and helps to keep away fleas and ticks.

This stone helps with a wide range of women's problems. It has been used to regulate the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers, ease menstrual pain and abdominal cramping during menstruation and has been placed in the bed or under a pillow to help women achieve orgasm when tension and nervousness is preventing it from happening.


Serpentine is a very strong energy source that brings to the owner feelings of protection and emotional balance. It is used to make amulets that will guard from various dangers.

It is protective against scandals, gossip, rumor mongering and sharp tongues.

Worn as an amulet, Serpentine is thought to relieve a person from lethargy, keeping them alert to any dangers that they wish to avoid.

Serpentine is believed to have the power to bring a deep feeling of peace and stress relief to the wearer. Place Serpentine in the corners of the home to restore peace and harmony.

Prosperity And Business

Place Serpentine near the cash register to keep your customers extra happy.


Serpentine is useful with helping to raise energy and clear the chakras and meditation.

This gemstone will help when working with the energies of mythical creatures or when tapping into the energies of ancient sites. It will also help you to trust your intuition.

To help you take your meditation to new heights, keep a serpentine nearby. It will help calm your inner conflicts and bring greater peace into your life.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller

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