marți, 5 iulie 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4800

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)



Guess what the Ad is for...

Posted by: ""

Mon Jul 4, 2011 8:01 am (PDT)

too funny!

Verona Free Drum and Dance Circle at Pianos, July 7, Bloomfield NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 6:40 pm (PDT)

Verona Free Drum and Dance Circle at Pianos, July 7, Bloomfield NJ

Time Tuesday, July 5 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm

36 Broad Street
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Phone 973-743-7208/9

Ceated By Casey Mccleary
North Jersey Drummers

Join us this Tuesday night for an enchanted night of Drumming, Dancing and Chanting. Please bring other instruments as well since we usually jam with multi instruments, Bring Djembes,Congas,Bongos,Cow Bells, shakers, tambourines, guitars, flutes and yourselves and friends to be a part of our eclectic group of wonderful souls!
Chairs are provided and we ask that each of you return chairs to there original configuration and bring your drink glasses and or plates up front since we have the space for free its the least we can do. There's a nice bar/restaurant where you can purchase drinks and food.

We light candles to create a relaxing yet spiritual circle.
Please join us....


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Tibetan Bowl Clearing, July 6, Lafayette, NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 6:45 pm (PDT)

Tibetan Bowl Clearing, July 6, Lafayette, NJ

Time Wednesday, July 6 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm

The Rock & Gem - Renewal Center
Rt 15 and Rt 94 OLV
Lafayette, New Jersey

Created By Margaret RockandGem
Please Come to our Tibetan Bowl Clearing Circle!

The cost is only $20 - bring your own bowl or we will provide you one to play!

Learn to use Tibetan Bowls for Clearing. Learn how to evoke the "Seven Tones" from your Bowl!

Wednesday Night at 7:00PM to 9:00PM - at the Rock and Gem Renewal Center - Bldg A - Olde Lafayette Village NJ


website: or call 973 600 7176 if you need more details or directions!

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Drum circle on Asbury Park boardwalk, July 5, Asbury Park NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 6:59 pm (PDT)

Drum circle on Asbury Park boardwalk, July 5, Asbury Park NJ
Summer Solstice Celebration Cont'd

Time Tuesday, July 5 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Asbury Park Boardwalk

Created By John Eustor
Please join us every Tuesday and Saturdays on the Asbury Park Boardwalk for our drum circle.

6:00 - 9:00
on the boardwalk - 4th Avenue ... just south of Madam Marie's (Palm Reader) and Convention Hall

All are welcome to drum, dance or just listen. Hope to see you there.


- John

This was a video of one the best circles we had last year.
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DailyOM: Discovering True Selves

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 8:56 pm (PDT)

DailyOM - Soul Seeing
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:


July 1, 2011
Discovering True Selves
Soul Seeing
The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions.

When we want to see deeply into the heart and mind of another person, soul seeing, also called soul gazing, allows us to see their soul. The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions. Through a simple art that involves looking deeply into a partner’s eyes, soul seeing can show you a person’s inner beauty that you might otherwise miss. It is possible for someone who appears cold to have a warm, giving, nurturing soul or someone of average appearance to have a beautiful soul. Soul seeing is a way of looking past shapes, sizes, attitudes, and behavior to see the real individual that lies beneath the surface. It allows you to see the true essence of another person, the radiance of their being, and their spirit within.

Soul seeing is accomplished by sitting face to face with another person. It is helpful to first state your intention before you begin. As you stare softly into each other’s eyes without stopping to look away, each of your souls is revealed to the other. Try not to look for anything in particular or seek traits you’re hoping to find. Simply let the other person’s soul reveal itself to you. After twenty minutes have passed, stay where you are and share a period of silent reflection with your partner for two minutes. You may have suddenly seen your partner’s inner nature as clearly as a bright day, or you may need to meditate on your experience before you feel comfortable with your impressions. Either way, soul seeing can be a wonderfully intimate and shared experience.

So little of who each of us is can be captured by our appearance or personality. The thoughts, fears, desires, and longings that are part of what makes us whole are not always written across our faces. Often, the most surprising thing you may learn while soul seeing is that while you and the other person may appear on the surface to be quite different, you actually share many of the same inner qualities. And then there is the unique beauty that resides within that is longing to be revealed to another who is willing to see. Soul seeing can help you experience the people in your life as they truly are, beyond any mental barriers or physical limitations.

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Daily Aromatherapy Tip  - Patchouli

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 9:02 pm (PDT)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip  - Patchouli

Strong, sweet and musty. This oil is a great fixative, meaning it helps to hold a blend together.Use in small amounts.
A stimulant and tonic at low doses it helps to move that sluggish feeling, however it is a sedative
at high doses. Helpful for anxiety and depression.

If you like the scent of Patchouli try it for cracked,sore skin.
As a tissue regenerator it is a valuable skin healer.
Use in a salve, lotion, or masage oil 3 drops to 1/2 oz. of carrier.

Independence Day (United States) Today's Goddess:  Thmei

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 9:04 pm (PDT)

Independence Day (United States)
Today's Goddess:  Thmei
Themes   Freedom; Justice; Honor; Divination; Balance; Equality; Foresight; Morality
Symbols   Scales or Balanced Items:  Ostrich Feathers
About Thmei  This Egyptian goddess of law and mother of virtue watches over human conduct, looking for right action, wise decisions, ethical dealings, and just outcomes.  On a broader scale, she also tends to matters of universal law, that we might learn its patterns, internalize its ideals, and then use this awareness throughout the year.
In some instances, Thmei is considered a prophetic goddess to call on in determining the outcome of any course of action, especially legal ones.  Egyptian art depicts Thmei bearing a single ostrich feather, the symbol of truth with self and others.
To Do Today  Celebrate your personal independence, and break free from any constraints that seem unjust or unethical, asking Thmei for the power and courage to endure. To make a Thmei charm that draws equity into all your dealings, find a portable token that, to you, represents balance, harmony, and fairness.  Put this on your
bathroom scale, saying, Balance and harmony within this shrine, Thmei, make impartial dealings mine!

Carry this token with you, or leave it in the area where you feel inequity or discord exists.
By Patricia Telesco From "365 Goddess"

Navaho Hunting Song

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 9:07 pm (PDT)

Through the flowers,
through the blossoms,
they come, they come,
they come to my song.
Through the bright dew,
through the blossoms,
they come, they come,
they come to my song.
Through the pollen,
through the flowers,
they come, they come,
the deer come to my song.
~Navaho Hunting Song
How easy it is to forget that we are fed, every moment of every hour of every day, by the planet that is our home. The rivers that wash our continents quench our thirst; the plants and animals satisfy our hunger; our lungs fill themselves, thousands of times each hour, with the sweet air of Gaia. Our primal hungers are today easily satisfied, and so we concentrate on other hungers; we want more prestige, or more power, or more possessions.
Our forebears spent much of their time satisfying their physical hunger and thirst. As children of affluence, we must learn to distinguish the soul's true hungers from the anxiety provoked by a too-easy life. A true hunger drives you toward satisfaction; a false hunger can never be satisfied, for each new possession, new toy, new enthusiasm leaves us feeling greedier than before. It takes wisdom to live with so much. Pray for that wisdom.

by Patricia Monaghan - From "The Goddess Companion"

Freedom from Fear Spell

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jul 4, 2011 9:18 pm (PDT)

Freedom from Fear Spell
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Myrrh
The  twenty-first century is turning out to
be much more than a just a number. While  our  European allies have been dealing with terrorism for decades, we Americans thought the anger and
hatred of reactionaries and fundamentalists would never  touch our
lives. English folklore includes two war legends, probably based on 
true events, that we can draw on a magical people to help affect a
dangerous world for the better. The legends claim that England’s Witches and Druids stirred up the massive storm that wrecked the dreaded
Spanish Armada in 1588, and then turned back a planned invasion by the
Nazis in 1940. We can gather, raise power, and send out magic to let
the world know that the United States and our allies will not live in
fear. To do this, gather as many other Pagans as you  can find. If
you’re a solitary you can still do this alone. Go outside if you can,
and sit on the ground of your own homeland. Raise an impenetrable
curtain  of safety surrounding the coastlines and  borders of your
nation. Feel the strength of the cone of power rising around you. When
it has reached its peak, release it into  the imagery your mind created.
By: Edain  McCoy
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