marți, 5 iulie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2915

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



Re: A story I want to share to get your opinion

Posted by: "rr"   rrobynns

Mon Jul 4, 2011 1:45 pm (PDT)

Hi..I hae not been able to sleep and was a mite compelled to read your
posting. My view is that you were so very innocent, scared,
were protecting yourself. Mayhap you wre even guided to do the
ritual...amazig to think to. Do that at age eight.I am posting frrom a
cell,so hard to continue,but I think the point is intent, which was self
protection at thatage not. Harm.blessed be
On Jul 3, 2011 8:06 PM, "Czigany Shimza" <> wrote:
> Thank you so much for your feedback!
> Czigany Shimza
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ladyhawke <>
> To: Witch_Essentials <>
> Sent: Sun, Jul 3, 2011 6:56 am
> Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] A story I want to share to get your
> Karma isn't a bank account. You don't "do" something and get it back 3
> Think about it.
> If a person were to do one bad thing, then there would be a return of 3
bad things.
> 1 "bad thing", times 3 karmas = 3 "bad karma things" returned to you. Yes?
> So then you could do 2 "good things", times 3 karmas = 6 "good karmas".
> By that way of thinking, all a person would have to do is 1 "good thing"
more than their amount of "bad things".
> LOL.. maybe her own nasty energy was returning to her.
> Then again, sometimes a duck is just a duck and nothing more. (she got
hurt because she wasn't being safe)
> As for you being 8 yrs old and not running to rescue the person who made
your life hell: You were only 8!
> Let it go.
> BB
> karen
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Ziggy <> wrote:
> Hello and Merry Meet,
> I want to share a story with you all because I want your opinion. When I
> was born I was born in a mental hospital because my mother was there.
> They said she heard voices and could see the dead and communicate with
> different things so back in the 40"& 50"s if you were any thing like
> psychic or had gifts in the paranormal field that is what they did and
> she died in a mental hospital. Well my grand parents took me home and
> raised me. I had polio at 18 months old and crawled on the floor until I
> was 4 yrs old. Then because they couldn't offord the braces and
> operations I had to have they gave me to foster parents that lived in
> St. Louis, Mo. ( I was born in Louisville, Ky) any way the people that
> took me were wealthy and they taught me how to walk but most of the
> times (every year) I was in the hospitals having surgeries on my legs. I
> am very greatful to them but they were very abusive verbally and
> phyically. They didn't give me love but showered me with material
> things. But when I would want a hug or affection they told me to go sit
> down and don't be silly. My foster mom was very abusive. I remember one
> time I got to come home from the hospital with a cast on my leg and she
> had gotten uspet with something I had said, she threw me on the floor by
> the head of my hair and sat on my chest and was beating me and hitting
> my head up and down on the floor, well so much for that. While in the
> hospital they would fill me with drugs starting at 5 yrs old when I
> started having the surgeries and then when it was time to go home they
> would just cut me off with no meds to take at home. When I was 10 yrs
> old I had a terrible hip operation and they gave me morphine all the
> time so I got addicted to it at 10 yrs old. ( we are talking in the mid
> 50's). So one time I got very angry from the abuse and we had many
> beautiful tree's there where I lived. Well, I was about 8 yrs old and
> new nothing about witchcraft or the wiccan rede. So I took some of my
> foster mothers bobby pins that she had in her hair because back then
> everyone used bobby pins to curl there hair. well, I took those bobby
> pins and whet out to a tree and at the very base of the tree buried them
> in the ground close to the base of the tree as close as I could get them
> and said some giberish over them angry with her. Well then after about 3
> days the foster mom was up on a latter washing the windows and she
> slipped and fell. I saw it happen and didn't go up to her to see if she
> was ok, I just saw that she wasn't moving at all. I felt happy and went
> to my room. Well, she finally woke up and I pretended I didn't hear or
> see anything. The next time, she was mowing the yard with one of those
> sit down little tractor mowers and she forgot to bend her head to go
> under a tree and the tree knocked her off the mower and the mower was
> still mowing around by itself. Now my question to you or anyone out
> there. Since I was only 8 yrs old and didn't know about harm none. What
> do you think? Will I have bad karma? Will this come back on me in the
> future 3 times or do we as Wiccans have a defence system? Remember I was
> only 8 yrs old.
> Thank you for reading this long letter.
> Blessed Be!
> Czigany Shimza

Re: A story I want to share to get your opinion

Posted by: "Czigany Shimza"   monkeywhispers725

Mon Jul 4, 2011 2:26 pm (PDT)

Thank you so much Robbyn, I appreciate your understanding, Thank you for being compassionate to me.
Blessed Be

Czigany Shimza

-----Original Message-----
From: rr <>
To: Witch_Essentials <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 1:45 pm
Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] A story I want to share to get your opinion

Hi..I hae not been able to sleep and was a mite compelled to read your posting. My view is that you were so very innocent, scared, were protecting yourself. Mayhap you wre even guided to do the ritual...amazig to think to. Do that at age eight.I am posting frrom a cell,so hard to continue,but I think the point is intent, which was self protection at thatage not. Harm.blessed be
On Jul 3, 2011 8:06 PM, "Czigany Shimza" <> wrote:
> Thank you so much for your feedback!
> Czigany Shimza
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ladyhawke <>
> To: Witch_Essentials <>
> Sent: Sun, Jul 3, 2011 6:56 am
> Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] A story I want to share to get your opinion
> Karma isn't a bank account. You don't "do" something and get it back 3 times.
> Think about it.
> If a person were to do one bad thing, then there would be a return of 3 bad things.
> 1 "bad thing", times 3 karmas = 3 "bad karma things" returned to you. Yes?
> So then you could do 2 "good things", times 3 karmas = 6 "good karmas". Yes?
> By that way of thinking, all a person would have to do is 1 "good thing" more than their amount of "bad things".
> LOL.. maybe her own nasty energy was returning to her.
> Then again, sometimes a duck is just a duck and nothing more. (she got hurt because she wasn't being safe)
> As for you being 8 yrs old and not running to rescue the person who made your life hell: You were only 8!
> Let it go.
> BB
> karen
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Ziggy <> wrote:
> Hello and Merry Meet,
> I want to share a story with you all because I want your opinion. When I
> was born I was born in a mental hospital because my mother was there.
> They said she heard voices and could see the dead and communicate with
> different things so back in the 40"& 50"s if you were any thing like
> psychic or had gifts in the paranormal field that is what they did and
> she died in a mental hospital. Well my grand parents took me home and
> raised me. I had polio at 18 months old and crawled on the floor until I
> was 4 yrs old. Then because they couldn't offord the braces and
> operations I had to have they gave me to foster parents that lived in
> St. Louis, Mo. ( I was born in Louisville, Ky) any way the people that
> took me were wealthy and they taught me how to walk but most of the
> times (every year) I was in the hospitals having surgeries on my legs. I
> am very greatful to them but they were very abusive verbally and
> phyically. They didn't give me love but showered me with material
> things. But when I would want a hug or affection they told me to go sit
> down and don't be silly. My foster mom was very abusive. I remember one
> time I got to come home from the hospital with a cast on my leg and she
> had gotten uspet with something I had said, she threw me on the floor by
> the head of my hair and sat on my chest and was beating me and hitting
> my head up and down on the floor, well so much for that. While in the
> hospital they would fill me with drugs starting at 5 yrs old when I
> started having the surgeries and then when it was time to go home they
> would just cut me off with no meds to take at home. When I was 10 yrs
> old I had a terrible hip operation and they gave me morphine all the
> time so I got addicted to it at 10 yrs old. ( we are talking in the mid
> 50's). So one time I got very angry from the abuse and we had many
> beautiful tree's there where I lived. Well, I was about 8 yrs old and
> new nothing about witchcraft or the wiccan rede. So I took some of my
> foster mothers bobby pins that she had in her hair because back then
> everyone used bobby pins to curl there hair. well, I took those bobby
> pins and whet out to a tree and at the very base of the tree buried them
> in the ground close to the base of the tree as close as I could get them
> and said some giberish over them angry with her. Well then after about 3
> days the foster mom was up on a latter washing the windows and she
> slipped and fell. I saw it happen and didn't go up to her to see if she
> was ok, I just saw that she wasn't moving at all. I felt happy and went
> to my room. Well, she finally woke up and I pretended I didn't hear or
> see anything. The next time, she was mowing the yard with one of those
> sit down little tractor mowers and she forgot to bend her head to go
> under a tree and the tree knocked her off the mower and the mower was
> still mowing around by itself. Now my question to you or anyone out
> there. Since I was only 8 yrs old and didn't know about harm none. What
> do you think? Will I have bad karma? Will this come back on me in the
> future 3 times or do we as Wiccans have a defence system? Remember I was
> only 8 yrs old.
> Thank you for reading this long letter.
> Blessed Be!
> Czigany Shimza


Re: A story I want to share to get your opinion

Posted by: "Jude DaShiell"

Mon Jul 4, 2011 8:04 pm (PDT)

I think how it is someone with no formal training in the craft may have
been effective using magick was because some deity or deities who look
after the interests of children decided to help you out and that's
probably how you knew to do what you did perhaps without having heard
what to do from anyone earlier. There is another probable scenario too,
which is that what you did actually had no effect at all. In that
scenario, the events that unfolded would have happened with or without
any involvement on your part. If you study numerology and if somewhere
on the internet information exists that links either life paths
expression numbers, or lucky stars to days and hours when magick is most
effective and ineffective for them, you may be able to figure this out
if you remember the dates and hours when these events happened in the
first place. There's a possibility information may be connected to
essence crossings but I think that doubtful since essences are
intermediate numerology and too advanced for the A.D.H.D. generation to

On Mon, 4 Jul 2011, Czigany Shimza wrote:

> Thank you so much Robbyn, I appreciate your understanding, Thank you for being compassionate to me.
> Blessed Be
> Czigany Shimza
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rr <>
> To: Witch_Essentials <>
> Sent: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 1:45 pm
> Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] A story I want to share to get your opinion
> Hi..I hae not been able to sleep and was a mite compelled to read your posting. My view is that you were so very innocent, scared, were protecting yourself. Mayhap you wre even guided to do the ritual...amazig to think to. Do that at age eight.I am posting frrom a cell,so hard to continue,but I think the point is intent, which was self protection at thatage not. Harm.blessed be
> Robbyn
> On Jul 3, 2011 8:06 PM, "Czigany Shimza" <> wrote:
> > Thank you so much for your feedback!
> >
> >
> >
> > Czigany Shimza
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ladyhawke <>
> > To: Witch_Essentials <>
> > Sent: Sun, Jul 3, 2011 6:56 am
> > Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] A story I want to share to get your opinion
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Karma isn't a bank account. You don't "do" something and get it back 3 times.
> >
> > Think about it.
> > If a person were to do one bad thing, then there would be a return of 3 bad things.
> > 1 "bad thing", times 3 karmas = 3 "bad karma things" returned to you. Yes?
> >
> > So then you could do 2 "good things", times 3 karmas = 6 "good karmas". Yes?
> >
> > By that way of thinking, all a person would have to do is 1 "good thing" more than their amount of "bad things".
> >
> > LOL.. maybe her own nasty energy was returning to her.
> > Then again, sometimes a duck is just a duck and nothing more. (she got hurt because she wasn't being safe)
> >
> > As for you being 8 yrs old and not running to rescue the person who made your life hell: You were only 8!
> > Let it go.
> >
> > BB
> > karen
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Ziggy <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello and Merry Meet,
> >
> > I want to share a story with you all because I want your opinion. When I
> > was born I was born in a mental hospital because my mother was there.
> > They said she heard voices and could see the dead and communicate with
> > different things so back in the 40"& 50"s if you were any thing like
> > psychic or had gifts in the paranormal field that is what they did and
> > she died in a mental hospital. Well my grand parents took me home and
> > raised me. I had polio at 18 months old and crawled on the floor until I
> > was 4 yrs old. Then because they couldn't offord the braces and
> > operations I had to have they gave me to foster parents that lived in
> > St. Louis, Mo. ( I was born in Louisville, Ky) any way the people that
> > took me were wealthy and they taught me how to walk but most of the
> > times (every year) I was in the hospitals having surgeries on my legs. I
> > am very greatful to them but they were very abusive verbally and
> > phyically. They didn't give me love but showered me with material
> > things. But when I would want a hug or affection they told me to go sit
> > down and don't be silly. My foster mom was very abusive. I remember one
> > time I got to come home from the hospital with a cast on my leg and she
> > had gotten uspet with something I had said, she threw me on the floor by
> > the head of my hair and sat on my chest and was beating me and hitting
> > my head up and down on the floor, well so much for that. While in the
> > hospital they would fill me with drugs starting at 5 yrs old when I
> > started having the surgeries and then when it was time to go home they
> > would just cut me off with no meds to take at home. When I was 10 yrs
> > old I had a terrible hip operation and they gave me morphine all the
> > time so I got addicted to it at 10 yrs old. ( we are talking in the mid
> > 50's). So one time I got very angry from the abuse and we had many
> > beautiful tree's there where I lived. Well, I was about 8 yrs old and
> > new nothing about witchcraft or the wiccan rede. So I took some of my
> > foster mothers bobby pins that she had in her hair because back then
> > everyone used bobby pins to curl there hair. well, I took those bobby
> > pins and whet out to a tree and at the very base of the tree buried them
> > in the ground close to the base of the tree as close as I could get them
> > and said some giberish over them angry with her. Well then after about 3
> > days the foster mom was up on a latter washing the windows and she
> > slipped and fell. I saw it happen and didn't go up to her to see if she
> > was ok, I just saw that she wasn't moving at all. I felt happy and went
> > to my room. Well, she finally woke up and I pretended I didn't hear or
> > see anything. The next time, she was mowing the yard with one of those
> > sit down little tractor mowers and she forgot to bend her head to go
> > under a tree and the tree knocked her off the mower and the mower was
> > still mowing around by itself. Now my question to you or anyone out
> > there. Since I was only 8 yrs old and didn't know about harm none. What
> > do you think? Will I have bad karma? Will this come back on me in the
> > future 3 times or do we as Wiccans have a defence system? Remember I was
> > only 8 yrs old.
> >
> > Thank you for reading this long letter.
> >
> > Blessed Be!
> >
> > Czigany Shimza
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


BOOK REVIEW Stations of the Sun Ronald Hutton

Posted by: "Wizard_of_Tacoma"   wizard_of_tacoma

Mon Jul 4, 2011 1:58 pm (PDT)

BOOK REVIEW Stations of the Sun Ronald Hutton

The date of the book: © 1996
Title: Stations of the Sun
Author: Ronald Hutton
Publisher: Oxford University Press (February 15, 2001)
Language: English
Subject: history of the ritual year in Britain
Description or Synopsis BOOK REVIEW:
Ronald Hutton (born 1953) is a British historian..
his specialist is historical British paganism and folklore.
A very scholarly work a great source for information on the origins and customs surrounding the holidays in Britain. the development of many Western calendar customs in Britain, root of our American traditions.
Hutton, is a careful historian that emphasize that he uses documented, historical records.

Highest recommendation and could be essential reading for everyone (especially neo-pagans)


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