Messages In This Digest (13 Messages)
- 1.
- Spin off time...What do you do as a modern City and Suburban Witc From: Cher Chirichello
- 2.
- Friday Finds An Idea!, 6/10/2011, 9:00 am From:
- 3.
- Insect Repellent Recipe From: Grandfather Oak
- 4.
- From a thought to a dream From:
- 5.
- Christian Fundamentalism in the Military on Voices of the Sacred Fem From: Karen Tate
- 6a.
- Re: Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together? From: Teresa Meyer
- 7.
- Fw: Saturday June 11-11 : Tyberonn Inet Interview on 2012 The 11-11 From: Grandfather Oak
- 8.
- Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 6/10/2011, 8:00 pm From:
- 9.
- Fw: DailyOM: Begin with Yourself From: Cher Chirichello
- 10.
- Divine Divination Workshop, June 11, Westampton Township, NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 11.
- FREE INTRODUCTION TO WICCA, June 11, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 12.
- Jen the Tarot Pixie and Denise Saracco Shaman, June 11, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 13a.
- New Jersey Renaissance Faire, June 4-12, Bordentown NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 1.
Spin off time...What do you do as a modern City and Suburban Witc
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:43 am (PDT)
Spin off time...What do you do as a modern City and Suburban Witch, when
your don't have much luxury of the woods around you and as times change
things become more easy to get simply by local stores and food
shopping...what is your favorite NON witchy store that would carry the
same things you would need in your magickal Life?
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 2.
Friday Finds An Idea!, 6/10/2011, 9:00 am
Posted by: ""
Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:41 am (PDT)
Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group group/which_ witch_is_ witch/cal
Friday Finds An Idea!
Friday June 10, 2011
9:00 am - 10:00 am
(This event repeats every week.)
As we know the goal is to live our lives magically in the moment every day in the now and while it would be nice to go and buy all the cool witchy stuff that is out there...their is so much in every day objects that we can use around the home.
So here is what I suggest...Post up an every day object once a week and let the creative juices flow and post up what we would or could possibly use it for magically.
I thought it would be kinda cool and inspiring...whatcha think..
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- 3.
Insect Repellent Recipe
Posted by: "Grandfather Oak" grandfatheroak_wizard
Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:25 am (PDT)
From: "The Herbal Body Book" by Sandy McClure
Insect Repellent Recipe
2 cups witch hazel
1 1/2 teaspoons essential oil of citronella or lemongrass
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Combine all ingredients in a 16-ounce spray bottle. Shake vigorously.
Requires no refrigeration. Shake well before use and apply liberally
as needed. Keep away from eyes, nose and mouth.
This insect repellent recipe is a natural alternative to chemical sprays.
It works best on days when the mosquitoes are only slightly to
moderately hungry. If they're voracious, a stronger concoction will
have to be sought
- 4.
From a thought to a dream
Posted by: "" hollyberrysheart
Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:03 am (PDT)
From a thought to a dream
From a dream to reality
We all have within us this ability
To make our wishes and dreams come true
The power is there, sitting deep inside you
Thoughts become words, words become action
The universe works in reaction
Speak out loud, what you wish to see
Answers will soon come to thee
With honor and love in your heart
For the dream to come true
You must play an active part
Walking in the direction of your dream
Itâs not as easy as it may seem
Obstacles sometimes block the way
Never give up, no matter what anyone has to say
Positive thoughts and actions ease the trail
Donât worry about âWhat if I failâ
Where there is a will, there is a way
Thatâs what Iâve always heard them say
So follow your heart and you shall soon see
What was once a dream, has now become reality!
Many Blessings,
LuLu: raventalker
Blog: http://raventalker.wordpress. com
BlogSpot: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
YouTube: Raventalker777
- 5.
Christian Fundamentalism in the Military on Voices of the Sacred Fem
Posted by: "Karen Tate" specialjourn
Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:44 pm (PDT)
Greetings Friends and Family,
This Wednesday we have with us _*Leah Burton*_ discussing *Christian
Fundamentalism in the Military*.
_*Coming later in June -
6/22 -- Judith Laxer - Discussing founding and running the *Gaia
Temple*, followed by *Z. Budapest* discussing upcoming celebrations to
honor Merlin Stone.
6/29 -- Marie Jones - Discussing *PSIENCE - How New Discoveries in
Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal
Phenomena* followed by Meloney Hudson Sexy, Spirited and Strong -
*Becoming a Positive Energy Woman*!
Independent researcher/writer, *Rachel Tabachnick* discusses *Sarah
Palin*'s background in the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement and why this
is very different from stereotypical white, male-led fundamentalism.
We'll discuss the "prayer warriors" and the views of the NAR on women's
roles, as well as *why this all makes Palin's religious background an
issue for voters. *
Following my show with journalist Rachel Tabachnick about Sarah Palin
and her church, I've asked one of the Foremothers of the Women's
Spirituality Movement, *Charlene Spretnak*, author of Missing Mary, to
come on the show and discuss the *tension over Mary among the three
branches of Christianity* still prevalent today.
_*Jean Shinoda Bolen*_ discussing her new book, Like a Tree; How Trees,
Women and Tree People Can Save the Planet.
Taste the Forbidden Fruit
Taste the Forbidden Fruit!
Find us here: voicesofthesacre dfeminine
__*More PAST SHOWS... You can access them in the archives*_ -
_*Rene Barrett*_ - film maker of the documentary Bloodline, about the
legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene discusses what's new in her research
since our last chat.
*_Jeanne Prevett Sable_*, organic gardener, freelance writer
specializing in farming and environmental issues, and author of Seed
Keepers of Crescentville will discuss genetically modified foods in our
topic *GMO's Working Against Mother Nature*.
*_Tami Ken_t....*author of the Wild Feminine discusses learning from the
female body, giving boys greater access to the feminine, learning how to
run feminine energy in our bodies and lives to shift into a new paradigm
and access our true creative potential.
*_Den Poitras_....a story of the most radical male feminist alive and
his brush with _parthenogenesis_*
_*Marie Jones*_, author of *The Trinity Secret: The Power of Three & the
Code of Creation* discusses her book revealing the origin of trinity
myths, science vs the triune nature of reality, the sacredness of three,
and how this correlates with the code of creation.
Followed by...._*Yaba Badoe*_ producer/director of the award winning
documentary *The Witches of Gambaga*, an extraordinary story of a
community of women condemned to live as witches in Northern Ghana. This
is a story of strong community of "witches" and women's movement
activists determined to end abusive practices and improve women's lives
in Ghana.
Filmmaker _*Steve Jones*_ will discuss the year he spent with Lady
Olivia Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis as he made the film about her
life, *Olivia, Priestess of Isis*. Followed by....
Documentary film maker,_*Thomas Quinn*_, discussing his book, *What Do
You Do with a Chocolate Jesus? (An Irreverent History of
Christianity).*...a funny but factual history of the New Testament, the
growth of Christianity and religion's role in the founding of America.
But we don't stop with the past, we also discuss the politics of
religion in the present: The re-writing of history by bogus Right Wing
historians, Evangelical Christians, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, and
the phoney fears of Sharia Law and Glen Beck's apocalyptic ravings.
We're going to ask questions like why Eve got a raw deal? Was Jesus a
feminist? Was there ever really a female pope? Where does the bible
stand on abortion? Do politicians misrepresent Christianity? Is our
government based on Christian values?
_*Barbara Walker*_, author of */Man Made God/ *and how that has shaped
our society. Followed by _*Patrick McCollum*_ bringing us up to date on
the Tier One vs Two religious intolerance lawsuit in CA, his travels to
Nepal, Russia, the UK, Israel and Palestine and what's happened since he
received the Mahatma Ghandi award.
_*Charlene Spretnak*_, author of *Relational Reality*: New Discoveries
of Interrelatedness That Are Transforming the Modern World will
discuss: What is relational reality, examples of interrelatedness in
areas of health, education/parenting, community/design/ architecture and
the economy. What are some of the implications of the Relational Shift
with regard to women.
Followed by - _*Nancy Williams*_, author of Hawkmoon discussing the
*Roles of Women in the Frontier West*.
Time: 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. You'll have to make adjustments for
your time zone. And the show is available later from the archives where
you might listen at your convenience.
*To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:*** voicesofthesacre dfeminine
*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine
_Check out my You Tube Clip on Eco-Feminist/Goddess Thealogy for a
Sustainable Future_
* v=2RA9TV49xrQ
Goddess is a Democrat !! Imagine the feedback from that statement in my
interviews with Riane Eisler and Starhawk on my radio show, Voices of
the Sacred Feminine. But what were we really saying in that statement
that might not have been immediately evident? We were saying the
strategy to move us toward that paradigm shift, into a post-kyriarchal
world, would not just be the use of secular law, but through a change in
thealogy - the mythology of the Sacred Feminine, deity, archetype and
ideal, might re-establish the foundations on our planet necessary for
sustainable future for all life and Mother Earth. Hear the line of
thought....presented at the WECSOR/American Academy of Religion by Dr.
Rev. Karen Tate. For more info go to
*_*New News -- did you catch these articles?*_
_The Primitive Conservative Brain
_(http://blog.buzzflash. ) Compare it to Mother 12395
Why Sacred Journeys? What about Turkey?_ s-goddess- spirituality- in-los-angeles/ sacred-tour- of-goddess- sites-turkey- coming-november- 2011-for- women-men
Karen Tate LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examiner php?id=129193467 6&ref=profile
fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition VoicesoftheSacre dFeminine
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives radio_show. html
Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
- 6a.
Re: Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together?
Posted by: "Teresa Meyer" darkmoresnight
Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:19 pm (PDT)
Where do you live? If you live near me it would be cool to meet for Coffee. I am hoping to have a web site up soon. And I hope to be successful in all that I try to do. I hep we can meet some time soon. TTYL
--- On Tue, 6/7/11, whodyathinkitis < > wrote:
From: whodyathinkitis < >
Subject: Re: [which_witch_is_witch] Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together?
To: which_witch_is_witch@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 9:52 PM
I appreciate what you say. I do my very best to be open minded, and listen and consider before i open my mouth to speak. I am very lucky, there are a few communities nearby that have a high enough concentration to allow openly pagan businessesto flourish. I am going to one this weekend to go pentacle window-shopping. My first pentacle (and only) was lost just recently at a local carnival. Last time I lost it, it was reunited with me after the winter was over...... I asked my HPS and BF Michelle to come with me, and she wrote it in her calendar so she would not forget. I feel blessed to have good friends, and open minded friends. So, if anyone ever finds themselves visiting Long Island, New York, United States, feel free to drop a line an i'll make time to meet up and share a cuppa coffee with you. :) BB, Deardre
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Teresa < > wrote:
Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together?
<snip for space saving>--
1f u c4n r34d 7h15 u r3411y n33d t0 g37 l41d
- 7.
Fw: Saturday June 11-11 : Tyberonn Inet Interview on 2012 The 11-11
Posted by: "Grandfather Oak" grandfatheroak_wizard
Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:50 pm (PDT)
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: Saturday June 11-11 : Tyberonn Inet Interview on 2012 The 11-11-11
In This Earth-Keeper Newsletter
The Heralded & Prophesied Ascension of December 21, 2012 is 18 months away. What does it all mean?
Tyberonn Interview on 2012 & the 11-11-11
Saturday - June 11 at 1 pm CDT
Update on the 11-11-11:
Very Special Surprise World Renowned Guest Speaker !
Scroll Down for FAQ on the 11-11-11
Free Global Inet Telecast
Interview with James Tyberonn
Hosted By Merrilee Kinzie
2012 & The Triple Date Portal - 11-11-11
Link : innerprizes
Saturday, June 11 - Live Interview Timings:
11 am Pacific, 12 noon Mountain, 1 pm Central, 2 pm Eastern
World Clock Converter to Find International (Local) Timing in Your Area: ck/converter. html
The 11-11-11
Gathering in the Crystal Vortex
In 2002 Kryon channeled that evidence of Atlantis exists in Arkansas. Come discover why the Crystal Vortex is emerging and completing to be one of the most benevolent and powerful vortexial sites on the Ascending Earth. Arkansas is the largest singular deposit of natural quartz crystal on the planet, and it is being activated in the Crystal Transition of the planet and indeed the transition of humanity into the Crystalline energy. Many are drawn to experience this, and receive the downloads. This will be a magnificent Gathering of Earth-Keepers. We have over 300 registered with capacity for over 500. This event has sold out the past 2 years, and we will sell out the 11-11-11. Do you feel the call of the 'Law of One' ? Join the Family !
We are finalizing negotiations with our renowned & celebrated very very special surprise 'Guest Speaker' for the 11-11-11. Announcement will be made in mid July. This will be absolutely wonderful and delightful.
We are truly honored! Stay tuned !!!!!
Where Will You Be on the 11-11-11 ?
Join the Earth-Keeper Family for
The Gathering in the Crystals
The 11-11-11
In the Crystal Vortex
The Triple Date Portal Event of the Year
Featuring Shania Noll, Michael Cremo, Dr Semir Osmanagich,
Dr Daniel Condron, MAX the Original Crystal Skull, JoAnne Parks, Jean-Claude Savard, Anaya-Ra, Randy Monk, Linda Roebuck, Sharon Sessions and Master Musicians Fred Mitchim & Ron Crose ... the 'Healing Team ' and many others!
We are also pleased to announce that there will be a very very special 'surprise' speaker at the 11-11-11 !
Private sessions with MAX, still available.
Register: ProductInfo. aspx?productid= EVENT49
Max is the most powerful Conscious Library on the planet. The original code carrier, and so important to the planetary Ascension. Yet Max is also a healing, nurturing energy that communicates clearly in upshifting each person that interfaces his massive loving field.
Limited Personal Sessions With MAX at the 11-11-11
Remarkable photo of Max projecting a complete human Spinal Column and Brain
(Photo-Courtesy of JoAnn Parks)
AAMetatron on MAX
...And the Enigmatic Crystal Skulls
"Max is indeed one of the 'original' Crystal Paradigms, in your terms. He is of Pleiadean & Arcturian construct and origin. MAX is a vast consciousness, akin to a super computer, with a considerable library of data contained therein. He is the most powerful, most conscious of all of the remaining 'Ancient Crystal Skulls'.
The Sacred Oath of the Atla-Ra- The Atlantean Law of One
Before Atlantis was taken over by the Aryians in its final destructive stage, a beautiful, peaceful and highly spiritual matriarchal society called the 'Law of One' presided in extraordinary harmony for over 20,000 years in what Edgar Cayce termed the 'Golden Age of Atlantis'. The era of the Law of One in the incredibly harmonic Golden-Age of Poseida achieved the highest frequency of Love ever actualized on planet Earth. They are now re-emerging.
The 11-11-11 Family
Music at the 11-11-11
The 11-11-11 - Keeps Getting Better
Dr Daniel Condron & Randy Monk
Sacred Pinnacle Mountain, located in a State Park near Little Rock is a granitic quartz mountain in a pyramidal form . It is located in the quartz-crystal strata region ofArkansas, located near the Arkansas River. Pinnacle Mtn is said to house the Crystalline Sun-Disc in a crystal chasm beneath it, that
coordinates the energy of the Ark-Crystal Vortex.
Little Rock Arkansas has been listed in Travel magazine as one of the 10 most beautiful cities in America. It is traversed by the Arkansas River, and straddled in green-svelte rolling hills between the Ouachita and Ozark Mountain ranges . Our venue is the Hotel in centre of the above photo. Little Rock sits atop the largest singular strata deposit of natural quartz crystal in the world.
Upcoming Earth-Keeper Events
For Information or Queries : Call 936 447-9119 or 936 522-8804
Tyberonn at the United Nations in NYC - August 19, 2011
Sacred Britain Pilgrimage - Sold Out
The 11-11-11- In the Crystal Vortex-Nov 2011
Nov 11-12, 13, 14 - All 4 Days ProductInfo. aspx?productid= EVENT49
Confirmed Events in In 2012
Pilgrimage to Egypt - March 2012
Tyberonn with Kryon in Santiago Chile- Oct 2012
The 12-12-12 - December 2012
Australia Seminars & Pilgrimage 2012
Sacred Egypt - Keying the Code Pilgrimage -March 2012
Egypt Sign-Up Details Will Be Announced in 3 Weeks !
Register Here for the 11-11-11- In the Crystal Vortex-Nov 2011
Nov 11-12, 13, 14 - All 4 Days
Click Link to Register ! ProductInfo. aspx?productid= EVENT49
FAQ - The 11-11-11:
1) What is included in the 11-11-11 Event registration?
Our registration is for full attendance for the four days of the Gathering. Your registration does not include accommodations, hotels, meals or transport.
2) When should I arrive?
We suggest arriving on the evening or afternoon of Thursday, November 10.
3) What is the schedule?
The formal agenda will be released in July 2011. Registration will begin at 8:00 am on Friday November 11. Friday and Saturday will extend from 8:30 am until 8:00 pm with 90 minutes breaks for lunch and dinner. Featured speakers will be between 9 am and 4 pm each day.
4) Is the Pilgrimage to Sacred Pinnacle Mountain included in the registration?
Yes. It is part of the package and will be Monday, Nov 14th. Pinnacle Mountain is a powerful sacred site, an enormous solid-granitic quartz pyramidal shaped mountain, and beneath its massive matrix is one of the 12 Sun Discs. It is about a 25 minutes drive from our hotel, transport however, is not provided, but many will be taking cars, so if you do not have a riode, you should be able to find someone to share transport with.
5) How do I book a session with MAX, the Sacred Crystal Skull?
You must first be registered to get a session with MAX. You then must send int he registration form for the 11-11-11 and check the box on the form to indicate you wish to have a session with Max. Sessions will be organized in July, and you will be advised of your time slot. We reserve the right to include up to 3 people at a time in the private room with MAX, at the lower 'group' session rate. All monies for sessions with MAX are paid to and go to caretaker, JoAnn Parks. Earth-Keeper do not take any commissions or monies for these sessions.
6) How do I book a session with one of the Healers at the 11-11-11 ?
We will list endorsed 11-11-11 Healers and their contact information in August-2011. All monies paid to Healers are paid direct, and Earth-Keeper takes no commission or monies for these sessions. Sessions are arranged directlywith the listed healer. Earth-Keeper does not guarantee the session and cannot guarantee the attendance or presence of listed Healers. This is not part of our formal offering for the event. We simply provide the opportunity to work with those endorsed and listed in the August 2011, 11-11-11 Newsletter.
7) What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellations are accepted through 9 October, with a $125 cancellation fee.
8) How many I register for the 11-11-11 Event?
Registration can be processed online or by calling our Admin Staff at 936 447-9119 . Abundance Exchange can be remitted by check (USA Banks Only) , money order, credit card or PayPal. We add 5% to credit cards and PayPal.
9) What weather should I expect?
The weather in Little Rock in mid November is generally crisp,sunny and beautiful. Average temperatures will be in the mid to high 50's F in the day and low 40's F at night. However, it is possible to have temps in the mid to high 60's in the day or if a cold stream blows thru, slightly below freezing. Normally in the 50's for that time of year.
10) What should I bring?
Come with an open joyous heart to be in a nurturing environment of loving soul family. Treat everyone with respect and kindness, and expect to give and receive a lot of Hugs! You may also wish to bring your personal crystals & drums for ceremony. Do bring a rain jacket just in case for Monday. Please do not bring books, pamphlets, cd's , dvds, crystals etc to solicit , advertise or sell.
11) Is the main venue hotel sold out?
There is still room to attend the event. We have an enormous and beautiful high ceiling Grand Ballroom for the speakers and conference. However, hotel rooms at the main venue are currently sold out. There is a possibility, with cancellations that some rooms on site will open up. We have however, reserved 150 rooms at two excellent hotel facilities within very near walking distance. One is approximately 100 meters away, (3 minute walk) the other about a 15 minute walk ( aboiut 500 meters away) . We have reserved these rooms in the overflow hotels exclusively for 11-11-11 attendees. You must be pre-registered to attend the 11-11-11 in order to be able to book one of these rooms in the nearby overflow hotels. We do expect to sell these out. Book soon!
12) Will you be able to assist attendees in finding room share and car share partners.
Yes. We will begin this process for assisting registered attendees seeking an expense sharing partner for transport, rental car or room share in September. This will be announced in our 11-11-11 Attendee Newsletters.
About Tyberonn
James Tyberonn worked as a professional engineer & geologist for 33 years. He is a native of Arkansas, but has lived & worked abroad for 30 years, circumnavigating the globe many times & traveling to over 75 countries in his geology work. Tyb has always had a very deep love for the earth, and a driven interest in spirituality and metaphysics all of his life. During his 33 years of working abroad, he devoted himself to intense metaphysical studies of varied disciplines. He focused on understanding the energy of the living Earth from both a scientific and metaphysical perspective. He has recently been invited to speak at the United Nations S.E.A.T in August of 2011.
A military veteran, Tyb served his country as an officer in the US Army Signal Corps. In his geological work, he lived as an expatriate in Bolivia, Brazil, India, Venezuela, Gabon, Congo, Russia, United Arab Emirates and Scotland. He studied gemology while in Brazil, and speaks Spanish, Portugese and French. He has had a great interest in metaphysics, sacred sites, grids, leylines, portals, vortexes, healing gems, crystals, auric maintenance, EMF, Light Body, spiritual growth and music.
A musician, he produced and recorded a music cd of blues and jazz. All of the proceeds from the CD are donated to charity, the Foundation for the Cure of Cystic Fibrosis.
Tyb is a member of the Sierra Club and a staunch environmentalist. He has a great love for the planet, and believes the Earth to be the living sentience of GAIA. He has visited over 300 sacred sites across the globe over the past four decades. He has been a guest speaker at the 'Elders Speak' Conference in Sedona, Arizona and the 2007 Eagle & Condor Elders Gathering in Peru, attended by over 100 Native Americans including Spiritual Head of the Mayan Nation, Don Alejandro Olax. He has co -hosted many conferences with Ronna Herman and been a guest on numerous metaphysical radio programs including The New Earth, Voice America, Awakening Now, News for the Soul, VOA, BBC , Infinity Radio, Souls in Transition, and Mystical World.
He has mixed Native American heritage, and has completed seven 5-day prayer fast, vision quests in the Lakota modality, and several 3 1/2 day fasting dance ceremonies . He has had numerous shamanic journeys in Mexico and in South America. He currently resides in Texas. He has authored three books, co-written a fourth with Lee Carroll (Kryon) and Tom Kenyon (The Hathors) and is writing his fifth book on the metaphysical healing properties of gemstones.
Tyberonn began channeling Archangel Metatron in 2007, and is featured each month in the 'Sedona Journal of Emergence Magazine. He has recently retired from his geological work, and now writes and conducts seminars and sacred site travel throughout the Americas on a full time basis.
His extensive travels and time as an expatriate allowed him great opportunities to learn other languages and cultures. He is truly a "Citizen of the World", and dedicates his life to sharing the spiritual and sacred scientific information received from Archangel Metatron.
" I am a Citizen of the World, and my Nationality is Goodwill". Socrates
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- 8.
Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 6/10/2011, 8:00 pm
Posted by: ""
Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:40 pm (PDT)
Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group group/which_ witch_is_ witch/cal
Thursday Night Prayer Circle
Friday June 10, 2011
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Protection, Strength, Healing, Prayers to Everyone Mentioned Tonight!
I'm lighting this candle tonight for anyone who needs Prayers, healing , guidence, help or love. If anyone has anything they would like to post, can be a simple prayer or anything they need to talk about your more then welcome! Your in my prayers!
We like to send prayers out tonight for:
granddaughter Morganna (coolseawatersz)Brain Bleed, talking,
walking, head & neck muscles back to normal, poss. leaving
rehab soon, Lt arm still not moving much please more prayers!
Karen Starns (night_raven_5465) Brain Tumor
Mona (mo58_2001) Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prayers also to Mona's daugher in law Lisa Bragg passed away after terrible accident 02/25/10
Rev. Felicity Lavelle (Breast Cancer)
Sharon (fotograffa2001) Fibromyalgia & Arthritis
Regina Rosian (emeraldharley2003 friend)cancer
Oberon (Colan CA, Hernia n Mesh surg)
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- 9.
Fw: DailyOM: Begin with Yourself
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:28 pm (PDT)
DailyOM - The Journey of Finding a Relationship
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
June 10, 2011
Begin with Yourself
The Journey of Finding a Relationship
The journey to finding a relationship is just that, a journey that uses all of our life wisdom and experiences.
Before we embark upon the journey of finding the relationship that is right for us, we may want to take the opportunity to refine our concept of who we are and our ideas of what we want from life. That way, we are clearer on the kind of person we want to attract into our lives. Part of the journey of finding a mate is learning how to become our own mate. When we can learn to meet our needs without relying on someone else to complete us, we donât have to form relationships from the space of needing our emptiness to be filled. We can also discover our intrinsic value, separate from what someone else might be reflecting back to us. Getting to know who we are and learning to love ourselves creates a solid foundation of self that we can bring to any relationship.
We are fortunate to live in a time when relationships can unfold at a pace that is right for us and take unique forms. Friendship, dating, open relationships, long term relationships, long distance relationships, or committed relationships â" we are free to choose the kind of relationships that we want. If you want to be in relationship, but havenât found the right one for you, remember that the universe works in perfect order and, therefore, right now your life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to be. Maybe all this time has been part of your preparation period for meeting your intended partner. Even the relationships in our lives that havenât worked out as we had hoped serve us by teaching us to make better choices in our next relationships.
Finding the relationship we want can come early or later in life. It may even happen again and again in one lifetime. There is no right or wrong for how to find a relationship nor is there a timeline that you have to follow. Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, continue to become your own soul mate, and stay open to love. The journey of finding the right relationship begins with being in right relationship with yourself.
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- 10.
Divine Divination Workshop, June 11, Westampton Township, NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:39 pm (PDT)
Divine Divination Workshop, June 11, Westampton Township, NJ
Saturday, June 11 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth
6 Devonshire Dr
Westampton Township, NJ
Created By Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth
Tarot, Runes, Astrology and other systems of divination will be discussed when Mark A. Lyons, Professional Clairvoyant, speaks on differing systems of guidance for spiritual & practical means. Mark has been a professional reader for over 17 years & will impart personal tips for reading oneself & stories from his many adventures as a Clairvoyant Consultant.
FOR RESERVATIONS: Please contact Jean's Place at or
609-510-3895 from 9AM to 9PM, Monday thru Saturday.
Price is $20 per person.
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- 11.
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:43 pm (PDT)
With High Priests Sage & Matthew
Saturday, June 11, 2011 Begins at 4:00p.m. FREE!
Peaceful Paths
7 High St.
Butler, NJ 07405
Wicca is a positive, nature-oriented Pagan religion derived from very ancient roots. It is not evil. It is not devil-worship. The origins of the word 'Wicca' are believed to have come from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "wise one" and Wicca is known, therefore, as "The Craft of the Wise"!
This class, as the title implies, is meant to serve as an introduction to Wicca. Join us and bring your questions, doubts and curiosity about Wicca to this event for FREE! Beginning in June, Priests Sage & Matthew will present a 13 week course entitled Wicca 101. Whether you are a beginner looking for some guidance, a solitary practitioner in search of some formal training, or simply have a desire to learn more about this deep and ancient spirituality, this class will be the perfect opportunity to learn a fair mix of tradition, technique, history, myth, magick and mystery!
Feeling a deep connection to magick and myth all of his life, Priest Sage has been following the Wiccan path for the past 13 years. He is a 1st Degree Wiccan High Priest, initiated in the Alexandrian/Gardnerian traditions, but now practices a more eclectic style of Wicca. As a High Priest, he has lead & performed countless rituals and ceremonies with many circles and groups in the Pagan community.
Matthew is an initiated 1st Degree Wiccan High Priest who was taught in the stylings of the Alexandrian/Gardnerian traditions. Although initiated just over 3 years ago, he has always had a deep interest in the magickal arts and has performed & participated in many rituals and ceremonies in the Pagan community as well.
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
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Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 12.
Jen the Tarot Pixie and Denise Saracco Shaman, June 11, Butler NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:46 pm (PDT)
will be available for readings this month on our Psychic Saturday, 6/11, from 12:00-2:00! Walk-ins are always welcome but you can reserve your choice of timing if you call to book an appointment!
Peaceful Paths
7 High St.
Butler, NJ 07405
For those seeking harmony, clarity, and/or guidance, she will be available for individual sessions on most Fridays at Peaceful Paths from 12:00-6:00p.m. Appointments are recommended. Walk-ins are welcome but please be sure to call in advance to make sure she's here! $35.00/half hour, $60.00/hour, $100.00/two hours -(sliding scale available). For further details, visit Denise's website: www.swiftwindtherap y.wordpress. com
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
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Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 13a.
New Jersey Renaissance Faire, June 4-12, Bordentown NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:47 pm (PDT)
New Jersey Renaissance Faire, June 4-12, Bordentown NJ
Get your Tickets now!
June 4, 5, 11, 12 2011
11 AM - 6 PM rain or shine
School Day June 10, 2011 9 AM - 2 PM
Liberty Lake Summer Camp
1195 Florence Columbus Road
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Greetings everyone,
Our online store is up and running at our website. Get your discounted tickets for the NJ Ren Faire's 2011 season right now at our website below and follow the link on the home page. If you respond to me by March 15 at this email, i will send you a discount code for additional savings if you use it by March 16.
Looking forward to a great season. Take a look at our blog while you are there as well, there is a link for that at our home page as well.
Kind regards,
TJ Miller
Check out our highlight video for the 2010 season: v=nnJqExPGBdA
NJ Renaissance Faire Website
The New Jersey Renaissance Faire was conceived in 2009 by T.J. Miller, John Williams and Phil Leiff. Their mutual love of renaissance faires as a way to touch and engage an audience brought them as if by the magic of Crossford woods to Liberty Lake and to Andy Pritikin. The magic swept him in as well for he had only seen his first renaissance faire that very year.
Many thanks to Andy Pritikin and the entire Liberty Lake staff for believing in the magic of the New Jersey Renaissance Faire and for making this dream, a dream that belongs to the four of us now, and to our amazing cast, merchants and guests, into a reality. ~T.J. Miller
Entertainment abounds at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire, where youâre sure to fall in with master revelers from our in-house acting company. Be dazzled by authentic costumes, meet jugglers, minstrels and maidens fair.
The festival will be full of fun and frivolity.
Also enjoy live performances from a variety of independent professional performers. Some of the fine entertainers who will grace us this year are on this page (click their name to see their
home sites as well.)
Many Vendors and Merchants, More to come, applications located on web site!
Email: Fax line: (609)499-0025
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
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