Messages In This Digest (11 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Bound spirits From: Michelle
- 1b.
- Re: Bound spirits From: cgotte
- 1c.
- Re: Bound spirits From: Blackbird
- 1d.
- Re: Bound spirits From: gaia_d
- 1e.
- Re: Bound spirits From: cgotte
- 1f.
- Re: Bound spirits From: Jen Thon
- 1g.
- On "Darkness", Metaphysics & Wicca - (Was: Bound spirits From: gaia_d
- 1h.
- Re: Bound spirits - JenThon From: gaia_d
- 2a.
- On Ouija boards From: Ana
- 2b.
- Re: On Ouija boards From: gaia_d
- 2c.
- Re: On Ouija boards From: Ana
- 1a.
Re: Bound spirits
Posted by: "Michelle" glaistig1753
Tue Jun 7, 2011 6:00 am (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jen Thon < > wrote:
> Has anyone purchased spirits bound to vessels? Is it for real? I'm really
> considering it.
> Jen
I would not suggest buying this kind of item from someone because you don't know who, or what you getting really. This is a fascinating area of magic to learn and I have not found many sources of information sadly, but I do think it would be a more powerful bond with the spirit if you learned the art yourself :)
- 1b.
Re: Bound spirits
Posted by: "cgotte" cgotte
Tue Jun 7, 2011 6:01 am (PDT)
Greetings Jen.....
If you want to obtain a "friend" as you stated, it's a bit obvious even in this physical realm, you Don't Buy friends.
Your going to have to do the Work Yourself, simply put. And it looks like it's an 11 day (or more) process & Commitment on Your Part to have the correct Ilmu Khodam come to you, & that is if you are Worthy....hence the Work & Commitment in doing so!
There is nothing wrong with paying for another's hard work, but some things you need to do Yourself or you are not worthy to receive the Gifts that the Ilmu Khodam may have.
And the Ilmu Khodam is More than a "friend" as you simply stated...
Way More than a simple Friend.
Best of Luck.
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jen Thon < > wrote:
> Gaia,
> I mean no offense either, however I think you've jumped to conclusions and
> formed opinions before you have the facts.
> Assuming this is legitimate;
> According to what is posted, these are NOT human spirits that will incarnate,
> they are higher beings that wish to be attached to a HUMAN person, but have come
> forward to be housed in a vessel of some sorts, often times temporary until they
> become attached to a soul, or become a companion. So I too had a huge problem
> with the word "Binding" or "Bound", but I actually think this word is not
> entirely accurate for what is done..
> I do not want a slave, I want a friend who can strengthen my weaknesses.
> According to the listings, spirits such as Ilmu Khodam want to serve people, and
> be helpers of sorts. There is an entire tradition of magik based on Khodams.Â
> Why would these things be for sale? Well, because witches need to be paid for
> their time like anyone else. It takes time, and talent I do not have to conjure
> these entities. Do I have to be a highly proficent witch to utalize the skills
> and results of others efforts? No, I just have to be smart.
> _____________________ _________ __
> From: gaia_d <Gaia_D@...>
> To: Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 11:32:45 AM
> Subject: [Witch_Essentials] Re: Bound spirits
> Â
> --- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jen Thon <jenthon@> wrote:com
> >
> > Has anyone purchased spirits bound to vessels? Is it for real? I'm
> really
> > considering it.
> > Jen
> >
> I guess i'd have to ask, WHY -- I honestly mean no offense, but i can't
> help wondering:
> a. Why you'd *want* to contribute to / participate in the idea of
> "binding" spirits (or *using* "bound" spirits) at all;
> b. Why you'd want to participate in "binding them" to an object, when
> they are (presumably) dead souls who are (by virtue of their being
> "bound to an object") being tortured and prevented from "moving on" as
> all Spirits are supposed to, and considering that Pagans are supposed to
> honor and attune with "natural cycles" -- including the "natural cycle"
> of Life-to-Death-to-(Re)-Birth;
> c. Why you seem to think it's ok to "purchase" spirits;
> d. Why you'd want to "purchase" such souls, which is/ would be after
> all, a form of SLAVERY???
> ~Gaia
- 1c.
Re: Bound spirits
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Tue Jun 7, 2011 6:32 am (PDT)
I would very much appreciate it if you would take the time to expand on
your post; This is way outside my area of expertise - as my focus has
always been on Divination, but you seem to know just what you are
talking about and I think your expertise in this matter would serve both
Jen and the larger group well in this moment.
So if you would please your effort would be much appreciated, Brightest
Blessings, BB.
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "cgotte" <rgotte8016@com ...>
Greetings Jen.....
If you want to obtain a "friend" as you stated, it's a bit obvious even
in this
physical realm, you Don't Buy friends.
Your going to have to do the Work Yourself, simply put. And it looks
like it's
an 11 day (or more) process & Commitment on Your Part to have the
correct Ilmu
Khodam come to you, & that is if you are Worthy....hence the Work &
in doing so!
There is nothing wrong with paying for another's hard work, but some
things you
need to do Yourself or you are not worthy to receive the Gifts that the
Khodam may have.
And the Ilmu Khodam is More than a "friend" as you simply stated...
Way More than a simple Friend.
Best of Luck.
- 1d.
Re: Bound spirits
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Tue Jun 7, 2011 7:42 am (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jen Thon < > wrote:
> Gaia,
> I mean no offense either, however I think you've jumped to conclusions
> formed opinions before you have the facts.
My apologies if i did not entirely understand some of the specifics
involved with practice you described.
*However*, there are still some *major* problems with it:
> Assuming this is legitimate;
That's quite an assumption.
> I do not want a slave, I want a friend who can strengthen my
One doesn't (and certainly *shouldn't*) need to "PURCHASE" friends or
The "Higher SElf", Spiritual Guides, Deities, etc, are all said to exist
(at least in part) to help "strengthen weaknesses" and help guide people
toward personal Growth.... and part of their virtue includes the fact
that they need not be "bound"to -- and *cannot* be "purchased" by --
anyone or anything.
> Why would these things be for sale? Well, because witches need to
be paid for
> their time like anyone else. It takes time, and talent I do not
have to conjure
> these entities.Â
As a Wiccan High Priestess for nearly 20 years, i can tell you that
while many witches of different magickal systems and Traditions
(including many Wiccans) do ask for modest, reasonable "payment" for
such things as teaching classes, or the necessary supplies for running a
Coven, they do *NOT* ask for "payment" for *Spiritual services*
(including Initiations, Rituals, Spell-castings, etc), as a matter of
ethics, for serving the Gods and Goddesses with the authority and powers
bestowed as BLESSINGS from Those Gods.
I have to ask, where do you think we got that knowledge/ experience to
which you're referring? -- We worked long and hard to learn and become
proficient at them.
"Spell-begging" is the pejorative term that's been given to the (rather
common - especially among young wannabes) practice of asking for Spells
(usually, in chat or discussion groups). It's considered a major
"no-no" by most experienced witches, for good reason -- Here is a good
quote on that, which also addresses more of what you've said here:
" ..An important thing to realize though is traditionally, witches
do not ask strangers for spells. There is never any need to. When you
do, you come off sounding at best a little naive, and at worst like a
complete fool - especially those who insist that, "Of course all
witches should help each other with any information they have."
Wrong. Traditionally witches understand the training that needs to come
before spell working and they don't need that kind of help. And even
more importantly, they are ethically obligated to not give information
out to anyone whom they do not know personally, and cannot trust to use
the information correctly. So, if you find someone offering to teach
you magic or give you spells whom you do not know very well, in person,
then you can be sure they have not been trained as witches and are not
qualified to give the information they are offering. This is an all to
frequent occurrence in online "chat rooms" and e-mail
discussions groups."
(Forest Butera, )spells.html
Here's another quote on this issue, from "Magic; Rites of
Passage; Paths of Power"
at - html
< >html
"The knowledge of how to do magic is a gift revealed to us by the
gods when we take the trouble to get to know them and honor them. Doing
magic is much more than following a "spell" recipe in a book. Spell
books do exist, but only to provide examples and suggestions.
Traditionally trained Wiccans do not depend on spell books for their
"Teachers of traditional Wicca are very careful of choosing to whom
they teach magic. The teacher is responsible for what happens to the
knowledge they provide so they must be absolutely sure of the intentions
and ethics of the student. For this reason you will not find traditional
Wiccans talking freely to strangers about how to do magic nor do they
give out "spells". Traditional Wicca teachers guide qualified students
through the process of designing their own spells when the time is
End quote, html
< >html
Do I have to be a highly proficent witch to utalize the skills
> and results of others efforts? Â No, I just have to be smart.
I trust you'll forgive me if i don't think it's particularly "smart" to
violate basic, essential magickal ethics -- especially when someone does
so, because they're just plain unwilling (for whatever "reason") to do
the work to learn the skills for themselves, and instead, want to *buy*
others to do it for them.
_____________________ _________ _________ ________
> _____________________ _________ __
> From: gaia_d Gaia_D@...
> To: Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 11:32:45 AM
> Subject: [Witch_Essentials] Re: Bound spirits
> Â
> --- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jen Thon jenthon@ wrote:com
> >
> > Has anyone purchased spirits bound to vessels? Is it for real? I'm
> really
> > considering it.
> > Jen
> >
> I guess i'd have to ask, WHY -- I honestly mean no offense, but i
> help wondering:
> a. Why you'd *want* to contribute to / participate in the idea of
> "binding" spirits (or *using* "bound" spirits) at all;
> b. Why you'd want to participate in "binding them" to an object, when
> they are (presumably) dead souls who are (by virtue of their being
> "bound to an object") being tortured and prevented from "moving on" as
> all Spirits are supposed to, and considering that Pagans are supposed
> honor and attune with "natural cycles" -- including the "natural
> of Life-to-Death-to-(Re)-Birth;
> c. Why you seem to think it's ok to "purchase" spirits;
> d. Why you'd want to "purchase" such souls, which is/ would be after
> all, a form of SLAVERY???
> ~Gaia
- 1e.
Re: Bound spirits
Posted by: "cgotte" cgotte
Tue Jun 7, 2011 4:21 pm (PDT)
Greetings Blackbird...
I claim No Expertise on this subject at all.
I simply Googled what Jen posted: "Ilmu Khodam" & read up on the subject & got a quick education on it all!
It is all very interesting, but something I personally am not interested in.
Since Jen is the person who started the thread, & is the one interested in Obtaining & Using a "Ilmu Khodam", she may be able to shed some more light on the subject. Or do as I simply did & Google it!
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Blackbird" <blackbird_61@com ...> wrote:
> I would very much appreciate it if you would take the time to expand on
> your post; This is way outside my area of expertise - as my focus has
> always been on Divination, but you seem to know just what you are
> talking about and I think your expertise in this matter would serve both
> Jen and the larger group well in this moment.
> So if you would please your effort would be much appreciated, Brightest
> Blessings, BB.
> --- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "cgotte" <rgotte8016@com >
> wrote:
> >
> Greetings Jen.....
> If you want to obtain a "friend" as you stated, it's a bit obvious even
> in this
> physical realm, you Don't Buy friends.
> Your going to have to do the Work Yourself, simply put. And it looks
> like it's
> an 11 day (or more) process & Commitment on Your Part to have the
> correct Ilmu
> Khodam come to you, & that is if you are Worthy....hence the Work &
> Commitment
> in doing so!
> There is nothing wrong with paying for another's hard work, but some
> things you
> need to do Yourself or you are not worthy to receive the Gifts that the
> Ilmu
> Khodam may have.
> And the Ilmu Khodam is More than a "friend" as you simply stated...
> Way More than a simple Friend.
> Best of Luck.
- 1f.
Re: Bound spirits
Posted by: "Jen Thon"
Tue Jun 7, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
I looked both of those up and they looked pretty awful.If I have to do that
stuff in order to contact a Khodam they are not my kind of folk! I'm not a dark
kind of person....I thoght Khodams were ok, that's whey I used them as an
example, but maybe not.
_____________________ _________ __
From: " " < >
To: Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 9:38:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Witch_Essentials] Bound spirits
What path r u looking at. Is it the palo or santeria venue.
_____________________ _________ __
From: Jen Thon < >
Sender: Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. com
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 04:18:39 -0700 (PDT)
To: <Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. >com
ReplyTo: Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. com
Subject: [Witch_Essentials] Bound spirits
Has anyone purchased spirits bound to vessels? Is it for real? I'm really
considering it.
- 1g.
On "Darkness", Metaphysics & Wicca - (Was: Bound spirits
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Tue Jun 7, 2011 6:07 pm (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jen Thon < > wrote:
> Actually,
> I looked both of those up and they looked pretty awful.If I have to do
> stuff in order to contact a Khodam they are not my kind of folk!Â
I'm not a dark
> kind of person....
The term "dark" can mean different things to different people, so i'd
like to encourage you to elaborate if you'd like.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to provide some information --
especially for any beginners who have concerns about "darkness", "Black
Magick", and such things/ terms.
(And Medusa)
(c) 2005 By < > ; Please
don't reproduce without permission.
The Shadow: What It Is, How It Works:
Renowned Psychologist Carl Jung, (who in his later work focused a great
deal on mythical and spiritual issues, and became the "father"
of "Depth Psychology") spoke of the personal SHADOW which all
individuals and groups have --
The Shadow is that aspect of our subconscious which "carries" any
qualities that we cannot bear to recognize or acknowledge within
ourselves. He spoke of the Shadow as "the Other" in us, that
embarrasses or shames us:
"By Shadow i mean the "negative" side of the personality, the sum of
all those unpleasant qualities we like to hide, together with the
insufficiently developed functions and the content of the personal
The Shadow is "negative" only from the point of view of consciousness;
it is NOT totally immoral or incompatible with our conscious
personalities. Rather, it potentially contains values of the highest
morality. This is particularly true when there is a side hidden in the
shadow personality which society values as positive, but which is
regarded by the indivdual as inferior. [For example, when -- for a
female -- the external culture values independence, but women are told
they should be dependent and needy. In such a case, independence might
be relegated to the woman's personal Shadow.]
By 1945 Jung was referring to the Shadow as simply "the thing a person
has no wish to be." "One does not become enlightened by imagining
figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter
procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular."
The Shadow "coalesces into a relatively separate splinter personality in
the unconscious, where it is isolated from exposure and discovery. This
compensates for the one-sided identification we make with what is
acceptable to our conscious minds."
The Shadow is very powerful; it is the source of a great
deal of psychic energy, and it USES psychic energy to maintain the
Shadow and to hide it from ourselves -- The more we refuse to
acknowledge and work with our Shadow, the more energy it takes.
Most people who deny their Shadow end up PROJECTING it onto
others. For Example: a person who has secret homosexual tendencies might
spend enormous energy hiding the fact from himself and everyone else; at
the same time, developing tremendous hatred toward homosexuals, and even
suspicion toward others who (he believes) harbor homosexual tendencies.
Or, a person who hates his own inner weaknesses might develop tremendous
hatred toward anyone who demonstrates weakness of any kind.
See how it works?
This is (one of) the origins of BIGOTRY -- projecting onto others the
very human qualities, tendencies, desires, interests, etc - that we
cannot bear to confront in ourselves. It's what makes people say things
like, "Those __, they're all a bunch of ___!" and "You can't trust a __,
they're all alike!" It's what makes people use terms like "Gook" and
"Towel-head" and all the other ugly terms that separate us from each
other. It makes the "Other" into some 'thing' less human and therefore
easier to hate and denounce, even perform acts of cruelty and
"inhumanity" toward.
If you want to know what your own Shadow is like, just look at the
people who drive you crazy -- the people who anger, disgust, irritate,
annoy, enrage, horrify or embarrass you.
Here's an "AXIOM" to remember: The stronger your personal
reaction against someone or some characteristic, the more your personal
Shadow is being activated.
This is *not* to say that someone or some characteristic might not be
undesirable -- it very well may be -- but a NORMAL reaction is simply,
calmly, to acknowledge it, NOT to get all hot and bothered over it.
AXIOM #2: The hotter and more bothered you get over something or
some-one, the more your Shadow is being activated.
Any legitimate spiritual path eventually leads one to stand
and confront this Shadow self. In most Metaphysical/ esoteric systems/
orders (like Wicca), this is an absolute pre-requisite to Initiation --
for very good reasons. Whatever characteristics we refuse to
acknowledge within ourselves eventually fester and manifest as fear,
hypocrisy, and bigotry ("I could never do/ be that way, but those
awful people over there....." or, "Beware the dark side!").
It is absolutely foolhardy to go traipsing through the deep realms of
the Mind/ Psyche/ Spirit without proper preparation and
"tending" of one's own psychic equipment. Many a poorly
prepared "wannabe" Pagan/ NewAger has discovered to their dismay
that all is not white light and "good vibes" in these Realms;
that what you don't know can hurt you, and that whether you
consciously "give power" to something or not, is irrelevant.
The sub/super- conscious realms of Spirit and Psyche have power of their
own; there are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our
meager experience or human-created philosophies; and our psyches carry
deep secrets, especially from us -- that is part of their function -- to
protect us from such information before we are able to deal with it.
But please note: I am *not* suggesting that this "Shadow" or
"Darkness" is in any way "evil" --
It is (unfortunately) very true that (Unlike Pagans or Wiccans) many
"New Agers" erroneously accept patriarchal / Christian
demonization, fear and loathing of "the darkness" and its (supposed)
equivalence with evil.
Paganism in general and Wicca in particular, have no such notions. In
fact, Wicca values and appreciates "Darkness', the
"inward-or-downward-turning" parts of each Cycle -- and sees
them as a necessary (if potentially challenging) part of all natural
Since Wiccans honor the Universe as a totality, they do *not* split it
up into dualities (ie, "Light (Good)" versus "Dark(Evil)"; nor do they
accept the Christian notion that there is some sort of great "battle"
waging between "Good and Evil"; nor that they must take "sides" in any
such battle. Rather, they recognize that there is a proper place for
both light and darkness, life and death, growth and limitation /
destruction -- (as well as all other dualities) .
For just a few examples: To grow a garden, one must destroy weeds and
pests; to help trees grow and bear fruit, one must prune them; absolute
and unending light would be as dangerous as constant darkness; the
growth cycle unchecked by the principle of death or limitation, is what
we call "Cancer". Thus, Wiccans (and most Pagans) honor and
pursue a BALANCE.
Similarly, the tendency to split magick into concepts of "White (good)"
versus "Black(evil)" is irrelevant to and has no place in Wicca; it
comes out of Christian, NOT Wiccan, world-views and ethics.
In Spiritual growth, one often confronts these Shadow aspects as
demonic personification(s) of all one's fears, weaknesses, or
disgusts; when they manifest we should be ready to de-mystify,
un-demonize them, and learn from them.
A very helpful exercise is to observe arguments from this
perspective: they are prime opportunities for people's Shadows to get
activated and run amok. LISTEN to the kind(s) of accusations that are
being hurled and you'll get a very good idea of what somebody's Shadow
involves -- what they fear is deep within themselves, or fear they may
be capable of.
And the stronger the rhetoric, the more virulent the accusations (in
cyberspace terms, the more they italicize or capitalize their words, the
more exclamation points they use, etc) -- the more that Shadow is likely
running rampant.
This can help us understand the frequently UNSTATED but heart of a
disagreement, get to the heart of what's really going on, perceive the
real issues -- and hopefully, find a way to solve or defuse the REAL
problems -- much faster.
Halloween/ Samhain is of course the perfect time of year to
work on the Shadow -- this holiday is DESIGNED to get people to
acknowledge and confront some very universal Shadow issues: fear and
loathing of death, disease, decline, etc.
The "monsters" of Halloween are (in part) so popular precisely because
they remind us of the "monsters" within -- the Monsters of the
unconscious/ subconscious , that dwell within us all and ANYBODY
who refuses to acknowledge that they most certainly *do* have 'monsters'
dwelling within them, is fooling themselves and directly speaking from
their own Shadow.
A Ouija Board is a *perfect* tool for the Shadow. When
someone who has NOT done their Shadow work gets hold of a Ouija Board,
their Shadow is set free and can begin to run amok -- it can impersonate
a "demon", a deceased relative or beloved, an angel, everything in
between, and often, ALL OF THE ABOVE.
A beginner simply does not have the experience, power, or
knowledge to actually "conjure" some demon -- and they don't HAVE to --
with a Ouija board, their untamed, wild, undisciplined Shadow is quite
"demon" enough for them! -- Remember that it has access to every bit of
conscious AND UNCONSCIOUS material you have *ever* acquired, everything
you have ever thought, imagined, experienced, wondered, feared, worried
about; from infancy through to the present.
I strongly discourage (Wiccan or other metaphysical) students
from using the Ouija (aka "Spirit Board") UnLESS they have
mastered the BAsics, (Centering, Grounding, Cleansing, Shielding,
Casting Circle, etc) *and* done their basic Shadow work. These boards
are *not* toys, and in fact seem to particularly lend themselves to
rampant Shadows....Besides, i think there are much better, more
effective divinatory tools -- the pendulum, Tarot, Astrology, Runes,
etc - which all seem to be less potentially troublesome.
There is a particular "category" of Goddess often
referred to as the "Dark Goddess(es)" Medusa along
with Persephone, Hekate, Kali-Ma,Erishkegal, the Furies, and several
others belong to this category.
Here is some very good information on the Dark Goddess(es), by
Vicki Noble, from "woman of power" magazine, Issue # 12:
,,,,The Dark Goddess is no lightweight She promises
trouble an end to form as we have known it; the death of the ego.
Her mythology suggests that She is venomous, wrathful, outraged, awake
and on fire. She is impersonal, yet she erupts from deep within the
human psyche with unexpected passion and rage. She is Transformation in
the extreme, and her power is regenerative and healing,. Like a
trickster, she frees us from the trappings that bind us to our tiny
personal worlds; like a knife she cuts away all that is inessential and
untruthful. She shatters structure, disintegrates the personality,
destroys form. She liberates and saves, heals and frees. Now is her
time, and women are her vessels.
There is an inherent problem with the re-appearance of the
Dark Goddess in the world today, and more personally in women's
individual lives. When she was repressed, and her priestesses
disempowered, she was also "demonized" by the new ruling elite.
What had always belonged to her -- and by extension to her priestesses
was the power to interpret and carry out "natural law" in
individual and community lives. The powers of life and death were Hers,
and we humans approached Her with awe and respect. When female roles
were replaced by male priests and shamans, and temples became places
where rules and regulations were made and held as
"commandments", the Dark Goddess was maligned and made
Women carry this malignant definition of female power in our cells
today. When the Dark Goddess begins to erupt in us, instead of rage at
the wrongs that have been done, many women feel guilty and ashamed, as
if something "demonic" were awakening in us. What is this
terrible force that makes a woman scream at her lover, rage at the
authorities, and rail at God?
When the Dark Goddess enters the life of even the most
"ordinary" of women, She turns them into
"troublemakers". Certainly the world around us defines Her
presence as demonic and destructive Women of all types stop being
She is not partial to feminists, however, or any group or class. She
belongs only and absolutely to truth and its expression through form.
We can't harness Her to our personal ego-desires, no matter how
"correct" our politics. She will not exempt us her
precious vessels from the onslaught of her transformative intent.
Transcending all efforts to understand and name, She forces us to reach
into free space and experience the Unknown.
I love the Dark Goddess yet when she visits my life, I feel as if
I am in an earthquake, a volcano, a tidal wave of terrible proportions.
As She says "NO!" to what was, and "Yes!" to what
isn't quite yet, She forces us to jump the inevitable gap that
exists between the past and the future.
Transformation always involves a death of the old, a moment of total
unknown voidness when we are naturally afraid, and a breathless leap
into renewal when we are "reborn". It is this amazing doorway
between death and rebirth that the Dark Goddess guards "
(End quoted material from "The Dark Goddess" by Vicki Noble, in "woman
of power" magazine, Issue 12: 57)
Medusa is a perfect representative and example of the Shadow
something / some One so "ugly" that a mere glance of Her,
caused people who looked upon her, to freeze and turn to stone. (It is
perhaps useful to remember that originally, Medusa was considered
Here's a very powerful poem written by May Sarton,which I
think perfectly illustrates the "Shadow" aspect of Medusa's
(from "The Muse as Medusa" by May Sarton, In "woman of
power" magazine, Issue 12: )
I saw you once, Medusa; we were alone.
I looked you straight in the cold eye, cold.
I was not punished, was not turned to stone -
How to believe the legends I am told?...
I turn your face around! It is my face.
That frozen rage is what I must explore -
Oh secret, self-enclosed, and ravaged place!
This is the gift I thank Medusa for."
(copyright 1978 from Invocations and Mythologies " in Collected
Poems of May Sarton )
As indicated above, the "solution" is to acknowledge and work
*with* the Shadow, rather than to hide from, deny or resist it. There
are many ways to do this "Shadow work" -- and as I say above, nearly
every (formal) metaphysical or spiritual Path has some aspects designed
to help people recognize, accept and work through their Shadow in
Wicca, for example, this should be done (at least to some degree) before
First Degree Initiation, but (in many Traditions) it is most frequently,
consciously and intensely taken on, during training for the Second
Certainly nobody with intentions of acting as a leader, should do so
without having done considerable Shadow work, because leadership roles
of any kind tend to emphasize and activate Shadow material (ie,
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.")
RESOURCES On the Shadow:
- "The Search for the Beloved" by Jean Houston
- "Meeting the Shadow" by Zweig and Abrams
- "Mysteries of the Dark Moon" by Demetra George
- "Finding Our Way Through the Dark" by D George (astrology book)
- the classic Hollywood sci-fi film, "Forbidden Planet" is a great
resource on the Shadow
- "What Dreams May Come" starring Robin Williams,
- "The Ghost" video by Michael Jackson --
about a Rock singer who is challenged by a self-righteous religious
fanatic who lives in a haunted mansion (both played by Jackson himself)
It's my hope that everyone will take this information and
consider it -- first, in terms of understanding themselves better, and
secondly, in terms of understanding the role of the Shadow, and
appreciating Medusa as a primary example in this process. We need to
check out the things/people who irritate, annoy, disgust, horrify or
enrage us -- they are most likely carrying some of our Shadow, and we
need to acknowledge, accept, confront and work *with* those aspects of
our Selves, so we can stop projecting onto others and rid ourselves of
the bigotry that often results from this.
Secondly, i believe we need to begin observing others in light of this
information -- it will help us understand the REAL motivations, issues,
conflicts, etc around us, all the time.
Finally, since Jung maintained that not only individuals, but ALL groups
have a Shadow, -- we may gain tremendous insight into our cultures (and
sub-cultures and groups) by considering -- What is/ are *their* Shadows?
What is the American Shadow? The Pagan, Wiccan, or Christian Shadow?
I think we might have some interesting discussions around these
questions --
Blessings --
- 1h.
Re: Bound spirits - JenThon
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Tue Jun 7, 2011 10:07 pm (PDT)
Hi Again, Jen Thon --
I just wanted to tell you that after considering my last reply to you, i really felt that i could and SHOULD have found a way to communicate my thoughts in a more respectful manner, and i wanted to sincerely apologize to you.
Please know that you are *very* welcome here, and i completely understand that you (and anyone here) may (very rightly) have very different experiences, values and ethics, that should be *respected*, even if / when they are disagreed with. I deeply apologize that my replies where inconsistent with that important principle, and i hope you'll forgive -- or at least, not leave the Group becauase of my failing!
Blessed Be -
- 2a.
On Ouija boards
Posted by: "Ana" anagallaway
Tue Jun 7, 2011 4:22 pm (PDT)
I am wondering, I am psychic and sensitive, so I have encountered many unexplained things as it it. My sister in law and I are like sisters, she is a great person, very sweet. She got a ouija board and wants to use it. The one experience I had with a board was many many years ago. it did not go well, the spirit got angry and threw the board across the room while nobody was touching it. I promised myself never to play with one again.
I am very curious and I really want to use one again. Is it as dangerous as I think? I know, it is like opening the door to strangers. I know, the spirits can lie to you and tell you what you want to hear, or tell you they are someone you are looking for.
I told my sister in law maybe, but not at my house, I do attract spirits, I don't want them moving in. She said we can do it at her house, out in the yard.
I talked to a good friend, and he told me to make sure I have a candle lit next to us and half a glass of water, and be careful.
I have asked questions before just in general at home. And sometimes I get answers, like pictures or words. Or when I ask "where is my phone?" (for example) and something or someone leads me to it. It happens a lot. What is the difference between contacting them through the board or trough me?
Oh, almost forgot, I have done some writing too. I felt a spirit one night while at work. Kept trying to get my attention, so asked who it was. I started writing on a piece of paper and getting answers to who it was and what they wanted. Just words on paper.
Other times I feel them touch my hair or my shoulder. I say hi, but never had an answer on who it is.
Ok, I apologize I talk too much
- 2b.
Re: On Ouija boards
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Tue Jun 7, 2011 6:16 pm (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Ana" <anagallaway@com ...> wrote:
> I am wondering, I am psychic and sensitive, so I have encountered many
unexplained things as it it. My sister in law and I are like sisters,
she is a great person, very sweet. She got a ouija board and wants to
use it. The one experience I had with a board was many many years ago.
it did not go well, the spirit got angry and threw the board across the
room while nobody was touching it. I promised myself never to play with
one again.
> I am very curious and I really want to use one again. Is it as
dangerous as I think? I know, it is like opening the door to strangers.
I know, the spirits can lie to you and tell you what you want to hear,
or tell you they are someone you are looking for.
> I told my sister in law maybe, but not at my house, I do attract
spirits, I don't want them moving in. She said we can do it at her
house, out in the yard.
> I talked to a good friend, and he told me to make sure I have a candle
lit next to us and half a glass of water, and be careful.
> I have asked questions before just in general at home. And sometimes I
get answers, like pictures or words. Or when I ask "where is my phone?"
(for example) and something or someone leads me to it. It happens a lot.
What is the difference between contacting them through the board or
trough me?
> Oh, almost forgot, I have done some writing too. I felt a spirit one
night while at work. Kept trying to get my attention, so asked who it
was. I started writing on a piece of paper and getting answers to who it
was and what they wanted. Just words on paper.
> Other times I feel them touch my hair or my shoulder. I say hi, but
never had an answer on who it is.
> Ok, I apologize I talk too much
> Thanks!
> Ana
HI and Merry Meet, Ana --
ABsolutely NO need to "apologize", that's what we're all here for!
I'm afraid i must tell you that i strongly DIScourage (especially
beginners) from using Ouija / Spirit Boards.
For an entire, in-depth article discussing the subject, please see my
previous post, on "Darkness, Metaphysics & Wicca" -
I hope that's helpful -- Blessed Be -
- 2c.
Re: On Ouija boards
Posted by: "Ana" anagallaway
Tue Jun 7, 2011 10:14 pm (PDT)
Thank you. I am going to go see her right now. She wants to try to contact her mom. I will explain that it's not a good idea. It's hard when people die suddenly and you are left with so many questions, I understand. But I also don't think Ouija is a good idea.
I just asked because I thought I was overreacting. I guess I wasn't.
But then curiosity killed the cat.
Thank you.
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "gaia_d" <Gaia_D@...> wrote:com
> --- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Ana" <anagallaway@com > wrote:
> >
> > I am wondering, I am psychic and sensitive, so I have encountered many
> unexplained things as it it. My sister in law and I are like sisters,
> she is a great person, very sweet. She got a ouija board and wants to
> use it. The one experience I had with a board was many many years ago.
> it did not go well, the spirit got angry and threw the board across the
> room while nobody was touching it. I promised myself never to play with
> one again.
> >
> > I am very curious and I really want to use one again. Is it as
> dangerous as I think? I know, it is like opening the door to strangers.
> I know, the spirits can lie to you and tell you what you want to hear,
> or tell you they are someone you are looking for.
> >
> > I told my sister in law maybe, but not at my house, I do attract
> spirits, I don't want them moving in. She said we can do it at her
> house, out in the yard.
> >
> > I talked to a good friend, and he told me to make sure I have a candle
> lit next to us and half a glass of water, and be careful.
> >
> > I have asked questions before just in general at home. And sometimes I
> get answers, like pictures or words. Or when I ask "where is my phone?"
> (for example) and something or someone leads me to it. It happens a lot.
> What is the difference between contacting them through the board or
> trough me?
> >
> > Oh, almost forgot, I have done some writing too. I felt a spirit one
> night while at work. Kept trying to get my attention, so asked who it
> was. I started writing on a piece of paper and getting answers to who it
> was and what they wanted. Just words on paper.
> >
> > Other times I feel them touch my hair or my shoulder. I say hi, but
> never had an answer on who it is.
> > Ok, I apologize I talk too much
> > Thanks!
> > Ana
> HI and Merry Meet, Ana --
> ABsolutely NO need to "apologize", that's what we're all here for!
> I'm afraid i must tell you that i strongly DIScourage (especially
> beginners) from using Ouija / Spirit Boards.
> For an entire, in-depth article discussing the subject, please see my
> previous post, on "Darkness, Metaphysics & Wicca" -
> I hope that's helpful -- Blessed Be -
> ~Gaia
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