Messages In This Digest (10 Messages)
- 1.
- Autumn!!!!! From:
- 2.
- Kabbalah and Goddess on Voices of the Sacred Feminine this Wednesday From: Karen Tate
- 3.
- (no subject) From: Teresa Meyer
- 4.
- Fw: Get Ready for Mabon!: Day 7: Your Mabon Celebration From: Cher Chirichello
- 5.
- dailyOM: Ceremony of Welcome From: Cher Chirichello
- 6.
- Fw: Be a Social Butterfly From: Cher Chirichello
- 7a.
- Today's Goddess: Autumnus Autumn Equinox (Various Locations) From: Cher Chirichello
- 8.
- Persephone Returns Ritual From: Cher Chirichello
- 9a.
- Bringing Autumn Magic In From: Cher Chirichello
- 10.
- Tuesday's Correspondence...Sept 20 From: Cher Chirichello
- 1.
Posted by: "" hollyberrysheart
Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:40 am (PDT)
Autumn is upon us within the next few days… can you feel it?
The air becoming crisp and cool, the leaves gently drifting toward the
ground and all things in nature preparing for the winter that is to
You may feel torn at this time with so many things to be done and the
feeling of so little time to complete your tasks… calm down and
relax.. know that it is simply nature taking its course. Just as the
squirrels are busily running around gathering nuts and preparing their
winter nests … we as humans do the same but most don't even
recognize this as a seasonal feeling.
In the days of old, this is exactly what we would do .. prepare for the
coming winter. Harvests would be stored and our homes would be readied
for the cold. Today we have central heat and air and grocery stores to
take care of all that.. but for centuries those things didn't exist
and we had to physically do these things ourselves at this time of year.
So you see, that feeling still stirs within us when the air begins to
cool… we have simply forgotten why.
Understanding nature and your own bond with it … consciously or not
… will help you during these times. You feel this stirring within you
and yet have a hard time understanding why.. this frantic need to hurry
and get things done … but once you understand why this feeling stirs
within … then you can relax and let go … you can see more clearly
and are more able to manage life's tasks.
Many Blessings for a beautiful autumn season to come,
BlogSpot: http://wordsofraven.blogspot. com/
YouTube: Raventalker777
- 2.
Kabbalah and Goddess on Voices of the Sacred Feminine this Wednesday
Posted by: "Karen Tate" specialjourn
Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:40 pm (PDT)
Greetings Goddess Scholars, Friends and Family,
*_This week on Voices of the Sacred Feminine_*
*Karen Berg*, founder of the *Kabbalah Center *of Los Angeles discussing
the *feminine face of God in Kabbalah. *Did you know within Kabbalistic
teachings, women are considered more spiritually evolved than men, they
adhere to a lunar calendar and practice magic and ritual. Learn more
tonight as Karen Berg, founder of the Kabbalah Center discusses her
book,*God Wears Lipstick.*
Remember if you cannot listen at 6PM Pacific, you can always catch this
show or any other show later from the archives at your convenience! If
you can't tune in live and have questions, you can always email your
questions several days before showtime. Thanks for your input and
feedback. Comments are always welcome.
/THANKS for the recent donations sent in to support the show by Kris and
Wes. Blog Talk is no longer free. As the hostess, I pay for airtime to
give guests a platform for their work.
/*September Guests:
Thursday 9/22 -- *Special day and time -- Patricia Cori*, the Om Sety of
our time, discussing her book Where Pharaohs Dwell: One Mystic's Journey
Through the Gates of Immortality
Monday 9/26 -- *Special day and time -- Alan Butler*, author of *City of
the Goddess*: *Freemasons, the Sacred Feminine, and the Secret Beneath
the Seal of Power in Washington, DC *--
Followed by....*Mary Beth Sammons*, **discussing her book *The Gratitude
Power Workbook*: Transforming Fear into Courage, Anger into
Forgiveness, Isolation into Belonging. If you didn't know it, showing
gratitude is an important tool in the power of manifestation.
_*Did you miss?
*_N.Y. Times bestselling author and former fundamentalist Christian,
*Frank Schaeffer* will discuss his newest book, *Sex, Mom and God: How
the Bible's Strange Take on Sex Led to Crazy Politics - and How I
learned to Love Women (and Jesus) Anyway*. Yes, of course we're going
to be talking about the Dominionists, the dangers of the Tea Party
candidates, Rick Perry, Michele Bachman and Sarah Palin, and their
extremist backers who are at war with the Queen of Heaven, Columbia and
Amaterasu. Important stuff to know as we approach the 2012 elections!
**Find us here: voicesofthesacre dfeminine
Time: 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. You'll have to make adjustments for
your time zone. And the show is available later from the archives where
you might listen at your convenience.
*To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:*** voicesofthesacre dfeminine
*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine
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fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition VoicesoftheSacre dFeminine
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Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
- 3.
(no subject)
Posted by: "Teresa Meyer" darkmoresnight
Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:12 pm (PDT)
<a tabindex="1" title="" name="gfpxppjsnz" href=" ()/dmdocuments/dfmre.htm" >http://tattoochris. com/webappBGHUI ()/dmdocuments/dfmre.htm< /a>
- 4.
Fw: Get Ready for Mabon!: Day 7: Your Mabon Celebration
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:59 pm (PDT)
Get Ready for Mabon!
Day 7: Your Mabon Celebration
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
No Pagan or Wiccan sabbat celebration is complete without feasting and food, and with Mabon being a harvest holiday, there's plenty for everyone! Celebrate the full fields with a potluck dinner for a few friends, or host a big shindig with lots of goodies. No matter how you do it, take advantage of the gifts the season has to offer!
Mabon Prayers
Mabon is often seen as a time of thanks giving, so why not take a moment to thank the gods of your tradition, or the earth itself, for the bounty that fills your table? Begin your gathering by offering a simple prayer or two... Read Full Article
Crockpot Apple Butter
Apple butter is delicious any time, but at Mabon, the orchards are practically overflowing. If you get a chance to go pick your own apples, you can make them into applesauce, and from there, make apple butter. Start a batch up early in the day, and let it simmer so your whole house smells delicious! Read Full Article
Stuffed Grape Leaves
This appetizer takes a while to prepare, but it's well worth it. Use fresh grape leaves off the vine if you have them, or buy a jar of marinated leaves in the grocery store. Either way, it's a delicious accompaniment to your Mabon feasting, and embodies the god of the vine by using both the grape leaves and raisins...Read Full Article
Renaissance Faire Turkey Leg
Every year in the fall, countless numbers of Wiccans and Pagans attend Renaissance Festivals and Faires across the world. One of the high points of any Renaissance Festival is the food. If you're a fan of Ren Faire cuisine, you'll really enjoy this. The smoked turkey leg is a staple of most Ren Faires, so why not take the time to whip a few together for your Mabon celebration? Read Full Article
Dark Mother Bread
At Mabon, we celebrate the goddess in her aspect as the crone, or the Dark Mother. She is Demeter, she is Hecate, she is the wise old woman wielding a scythe rather than a basket of blooming flowers. This honey wheat blend is a delicious way to celebrate the end of the harvest and say farewell to the fertile months of summer...Read Full Article
Pomegranate Sorbet
The pomegranate symbolizes the fertility of the goddess and is representative of Persephone, daughter of Demeter. This delicious sorbet is easy to make, and can be prepared as part of ritual or in advance. You can either squeeze the fruit juices yourself, or buy them commercially prepared. While you prepare this sorbet, give thanks to the Dark Mother for the blessings of the harvest and the changing of the seasons...Read Full Article
Buckeye Prosperity Candy
In the midwest, the Buckeye tree, or aesculus glabra, flourishes. The small brown nuts, which begin dropping in late August, have been used for many years in some traditions of folk magic. The Buckeye is associated with prosperity and abundance. Why not whip up a batch of Buckeye candies for your Mabon guests, and share your wishes for a bountiful harvest with your friends? Read Full Article
Have a Blessed Mabon!
Congratulations! You've completed your Seven-Day Sabbat class, and by now you should have some great ideas about how to celebrate Mabon, the second harvest, and the history behind it. If you've enjoyed this e-class, you may also want to check out our Intro to Wicca E-Class, or one of our other Seven Day Sabbat courses. Have a bountiful and blessed Mabon!
Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook!
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
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- 5.
dailyOM: Ceremony of Welcome
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:00 pm (PDT)
DailyOM - Welcoming a New Member to Your Family
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
September 19, 2011
Ceremony of Welcome
Welcoming a New Member to Your Family
A welcoming ritual for a new family member creates a lovely energetic bond for all involved.
Just as our inner landscape is constantly shifting and changing in response to the world around us, the dynamics of the families we belong to evolve over time. When we welcome an individual into our family—whether that individual is human or animal—a transformation takes place, a shift in the energy of your family unit. The birth or adoption of a child, the introduction of a spouse or stepparent, or the choice to bring a pet into your home can mark a new direction in the life of the family as a whole. A simple welcoming ritual can serve as the platform upon which every member of the household, old and new, gathers together to joyfully mark this new phase of family life. Encouraging every member of the family to take part in the ritual will foster a sense of unity and help members come together to grow into the new family paradigm as a group.
The transition from one family dynamic to another isn't always straightforward. The needs and desires of new members of a household may not always correspond with those of other members of the household. It is precisely because the introduction of a new family member can interrupt the flow of energy upon which the family previously thrived that it is so important to respect the change and honor the induction of the new addition. When welcoming an adult into your family, a sand ceremony can reinforce each member's individuality and symbolically integrate the newest family member into the whole. During the ceremony, parents, children, and extended relations are given sand of a different color or texture and, one by one, pour it into a thoughtfully chosen container. The rainbow of sand can then be displayed as a reminder of family unanimity. To honor the introduction of a child, parents can hold a ritual during which they formally introduce their child to
the other members of t!
he family and invite each to speak a blessing over the child. Welcoming a pet can be as simple as coming together in the presence of your new friend and articulating your intention as a family to provide it with a loving and secure atmosphere in which it can flourish.
As each family is different, you may feel more comfortable using a ritual or ceremony of your own design to welcome the new member of your household. However you choose to honor your new family member, know that your decision to acknowledge the manner in which your household has grown will make the transition a beautiful and memorable event in your family history.
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- 6.
Fw: Be a Social Butterfly
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:01 pm (PDT)
Djunaverse News
September 6, 2011
In this issue you'll
Astrology Forecast - Be a Social Butterfly
Monthly Special - Sale
Intenders Group - October Date
Belly Dancing - There's Still Time to Register
Reiki Apprenticeship Program - Discounts
Forecast - Be a Social Butterfly
September 23rd marks the autumn equinox, the time
of equal day and night. From now until the winter solstice, the days will be
getting shorter. For us in the northern hemisphere, the cooler days of autumn
are here.
The Sun will be in the sign of Libra from then through
October 23rd. Libra is a social sign, inspiring us to network, and
make new connections. During this time you can learn more about yourself
through intimate encounters with others. Try not to go it alone, but instead
seek out companionship.
The next month is an excellent time for
communication. Joining a book club, taking part in a webinar, or enrolling in a class, can give you the mental stimulation you're seeking.
The glyph for Libra is the scale, symbolizing
justice and the weighing of people's actions. Librans can usually see another's
point of view, but can become paralyzed by indecision.
If you're having trouble making up your mind, the
Bach Flower remedy scleranthus can help you make the best choices.
For those of you who may be aloof and too much of a
loner, the Bach Flower remedy Water Violet can help you participate with others
rather than being an observer.
An astrology reading can help you gain clarity and help you to see
how you can expand your social circle.
Monthly Special - Sale
During September,
take advantage of the special - buy one reading and receive one reading for a
friend for free. Pay online or in
person. gs.php
Intenders Circle
You are
specially invited to join a unique and powerful spiritual group that meets once
a month to support each other in defining and sharing our Intentions for our
intimate group was originally formed over 4 years ago and continues to
be a sacred source of love, success and joy for those who regularly
participate. The 11/2 hours each month you devote to focusing on your
goals, and aligning with those in the group, will yield abundant results in
your life.
join us for our next Intenders Circle on September 15th! Bring your friend(s)
& loved ones!!!
When: Sunday, October 23rd from 3-4:30PM
Where: Djunaverse Center
for Healing Arts, 511 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia PA 19123, bottom Bell
Cost: Suggested donation
Please bring a notebook,
pen and water to drink.
Please RSVP to
Belly Dancing Begins - Fall Semester
Get in touch
with your sensual self. Move and feel like a Goddess.
Tuesdays Beginning September 20th 6 - 7 PM - 6
4226 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-382-7811
Fax: 215-382-3339
Djunaverse REIKI Healing Apprenticeship Program
time is Right - Register Now
Discounted Price - Since Djunaverse is going electronic I'm waving the
materials fee.
am offering discounts to those who pay upfront. Please go to registerstration. phpto
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Transform your life with Djunaverse
Reiki Apprentice Program. This eight-month program is perfect for those
wanting a career in Reiki, healthcare professionals, caregivers and individuals
looking to heal and grow spiritually. Throughout this program you will
gain self-healing and spiritual growth both personally and professionally.
Healthcare professionals will enhance their skills providing a holistic healing
approach. After the completion of the course you will be certified in Reiki
levels one, two and three.
In this eight-month
course you will:
Improve your health and
· Accelerate your spiritual growth
· Learn how to alleviate pain, reduce stress and
break bad habits
· Make Life affirming changes
Explore the principles of
spiritual healing
· Develop your intuition and psychic ability
· Receive a manual and certificate
· Have access to Djuna's take-out library
· Learn How to administer Reiki healing
Learn to send spiritual
healing energy to heal at a distance
· Send Reiki to heal past traumas and conflicts
· Transmit Reiki to achieve your future goals,
enhance vitality
In this eight-month
course you will learn more than reiki
You will have a deep
experience of soul healing by working with Djuna Wojton a pioneer
in the fields of hands on healing, past life regression, intuitive counseling,
herbalism and shamanism. She is the author of Karmic Healing: Clearing Past-Life Blocks to Present-Day Love, Health
and Happiness.
Djuna Wojton'sexperience includes working for more than two decades
as a professional psychic. She will empower you to discover abilities you didn't
know you had. Djuna Wojton's training as an herbalist and medicine woman will
provide you with practical, natural, ways to nourish yourself and improve your
· The spiritual initiations you receive will
allow you to develop your intuition so that you'll be able to hear your inner
guidance, silence your inner critic and become your own advocate.
· You'll claim your power and be free to speak
your truth
· The group experience will provide you with a
spiritual community of like-minded people where you'll receive ongoing support.
· If you are a caretaker, you will learn to
restore and enhance your energy as you provide healing to others in need,
thereby allowing you to make a bigger contribution.
· Your ability to be intimate with another will
expand thereby deepening your experience of love in all relationships
What Others Say about the
Reiki Course
" I use reiki each
morning when I ask for a productive, harmonious, joyful, uncomplicated,
trouble-free work day. It's amazing how many problems evaporate off my desk." Karen Musketnuss,
"Your Reiki
course has given me spiritual strength to support family members facing
life-threatening illnesses. It's helped me contribute to their healing
process." Deborah Hoffman
"Your reiki course
has made me more psychic, more relaxed and enabled me to be a better listener." Marjorie Lees
Location: Djunaversenter for Healing Arts, 511 Fairmount
Ave, Phila. PA 19123. Bottom bell.
Program Dates
meet one full Sunday a month from 11 AM to 6 PM with a lunch break, plus one
evening per month for a practice session from 7 - 9 PM.
Contact:Djuna Wojton, 507 Fairmount Ave., Phila, PA 19123.
215-627-6710. e-mail: djuna@djunaverse.comor go to:
Feel free to share this newsletter with friends and family.
I'd love to hear from you. Please write me with any comments and suggestions.
Blessings and Light
- 7a.
Today's Goddess: Autumnus Autumn Equinox (Various Locations)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:34 pm (PDT)
Today's Goddess: Autumnus
Autumn Equinox (Various Locations)
Themes: Harvest; Abundance; Thankfulness; Balance; Wisdom; Foresight; Autumn
Symbols: Fall Leaves; Harvested Items
About Autumnus: This is the Roman personification of the autumn season. While the actual gender
of this being is often left to the imagination, the strong connection with the harvest, wines, and fruits
intimates a powerful earth goddess, blossoming with her seasonal array.
To Do Today: In magic traditions, today is a time to appreciate the earth's abundance somewhat
cautiously. After this festival, the daylight hours will begin to wane, meaning wise prudence is called for. So while we reap Autumnus's bounty from the sowing season, we also begin prudently planning.
Decorate your dining table or sacred space with colorful autumn leaves today. Enjoy as many
harvested fruits and vegetables (perhaps from a farmer's market) as possible today to internalize
Autumnus's prosperous wise energy. Leave out a libation of wine or grape juice for the Goddess
to please her and to encourage continuing providence when her stores begin to wane.
For children, today is a perfect time to have a leaf-raking party in which they figuratively gather
what they need from the Goddess, then play happily in her energy afterward by jumping in the piles.
By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"
- 8.
Persephone Returns Ritual
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:35 pm (PDT)
Persephone Returns Ritual
Heton Lampador Haera, the torchlit procession of initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries, represents GrainGoddess Demeter searching for her daughter Persephone. As we prepare for the
season when Persephone returns to the underworld and the land becomes
cold and dark, we give thanks for the gifts her mother has bestowed. A
Demeter ritual is one that can solidify our appreciation of all that we
have, and enhance the shift of the seasons. Dress in robes of autumn
colors, and burn candles of red, orange, gold, and violet. Place autumn
fruits and vegetables on the altar—especially apples, pumpkins, and
corn. Display a pomegranate in a prominent spot. Pomegranates are sacred to Persephone, who after swallowing three of the seeds was taken into
the underworld. Gaze upon the abundant gifts of the earth, and give
thanks to Demeter for providing all the gifts you possess. ~ Ruby Lavender,
- 9a.
Bringing Autumn Magic In
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:37 pm (PDT)
Bringing Autumn Magic In
Adapted from Witch in the Kitchen, by Cait Johnson (Inner Traditions, 2001).
There's nothing more luscious than inviting nature indoors in the Fall: the
brilliant colors of Autumn make our homes feel deliciously warm and cozy as
the weather turns cooler. Changing leaves, swags of grapevine, and
vibrantly-colored apples and squashes make gorgeous, inexpensive decorations
Find out how to connect with the abundant bounty and beauty of this harvest
season with these fun, easy tips for decorating with nature:
1. Preserve some colorful leaves. You can iron them between sheets of waxed
paper, microwave them for a few seconds, put them in a solution of glycerin,
or press them between the pages of a heavy book. Then you can apply them to
backsplashes, place them artfully in a vase, mound them around a pile of
gourds or squashes, or even use them as coasters for your favorite beverages
2. Food is art. Find a local Farmer's Market or roadside stand and load up
on apples, pears, pumpkins, decorative squashes, nuts, gourds, and Native
American corn. A simple wooden bowl loaded with these treasures makes an
abundant centerpiece. You can parade them in a line on a mantel-piece or
pile them in a basket. What you don't eat, you can enjoy looking at.
3. Other treasures. Bring in grapevines to twine along the
countertops, or make wreaths for doors or cabinets (see our article on
making your own Inner Harvest Wreath). If you live in an area where
bittersweet is not a protected plant, harvest some to put in an earthen vase
Corn shocks are traditional to stand beside a door, but broom corn makes a
beautiful and less usual alternative with its graceful russet fronds.
4. Beeswax candles. The amber color and honey-sweet aroma of these safe,
all-natural candles just evoke the golden glow of autumn. As the days get
shorter, it can be a soothing ritual to burn a beeswax candle at dusk.
5. Echo Fall colors. Bring in the Autumn hues of russet-red, vibrant shades
of orange, deep greens, mellow golds, wine-reds, and vivid scarlet with
cushions, towels, scatter-rugs, or other decorative accents. My family has a
brightly-colored autumn leaf potholder and a set of pumpkin-shaped mugs that
we use with pleasure year after year. Find the simple treasures your family
will enjoy.
6. Try this creative and relaxing Leaf Meditation. Find a perfect autumn
leaf and spend some time really looking at it, noticing the variations in
color and shape. Trace its outline on a piece of paper, then try your hand
at coloring it in with colored pencils, markers, or paints. Slowing down and
taking time to savor the beauty of something as simple and commonplace as a
leaf opens our eyes and hearts to nature's magical variety. You may want to
cut your colored leaf out and glue it on the cover of a journal to keep you
company throughout the autumn months. Or do several leaves to decorate your
cabinets or walls!
Think water. Western European traditions often associate Autumn with
the element of water,
since it is a time of deep feeling and flowing
away: birds migrate, trees shed their leaves.
Honor this ancient idea
with a bowl of water in a special place. Notice how water evaporates.
you refill your bowl throughout the autumn months, give a little
thought to your own feelings,
and the things that you are in the process
of releasing from your life
- 10.
Tuesday's Correspondence...Sept 20
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:41 pm (PDT)
Tuesday's Correspondence...Sept 20
Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters
Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Aromas: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Candle: Red
Color: Red and orange
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron
Gemstones: Garnets, ruby
Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus
Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection
Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.
What's Happening Today:
9/19 eve to 9/28 eve: Greater Eleusinian Mysteries--Old Greek festival recalling Goddess Demeter's search for Her missing daughter. Devotees fasted, ritually bathed in the sea, processed by torch- light to the temple, and made ritual offerings. They honored Demeter (as Mother Nature), Goddess Kore (as the harvested grain), and God Dionysos (as the harvested grape) for bringing life, death, and rebirth. Day 9: Plemo Choat Today, earthen jars represent the womb of Demeter, Goddess of Grains and Harvest
Holade Mystai (second day of EM), bathing in the sea, purification of initiates
Incan: South of the equator, Incans celebrated Spring Equinox on or around this date. Festivals were held to celebrate the
birthday of the God Quetzalcoatl.
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