marți, 16 august 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7530

Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)

Re: Aphids From: ElizaBeth "Lace" Gilligan (ska Vashti-Bri
Mondays are share a spell day? From: hrokr8
Re: Mondays are share a spell day? From: Lady Nightshayde
Today's Quote From: Lady Nightshayde
The Three Faces From: Lady Nightshayde
The Folk Magic of Hair From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: The Folk Magic of Hair From: ~*~Carly~*~
Spell to Deflect Negativity From: Lady Nightshayde
The Power of Words From: Lady Nightshayde
Peppermint Distance Healing Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
Beginner's Guide to Meditation From: Lady Nightshayde
Doorway Protection From: Lady Nightshayde
The Beauty of Forests From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: The Beauty of Forests From: Hazell Mccardell
Re: The Beauty of Forests From: Lady ckrystal Hawk
make hair grow spell From: Hazell Mccardell
**Tarot Tuesday**, 8/16/2011, 12:00 am From:



Re: Aphids

Posted by: "ElizaBeth "Lace" Gilligan (ska Vashti-Bri"   vashtibrianna

Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:05 pm (PDT)

For the Aphids, spray a 1 part dishsoap and 4 parts water on the aphids. It doesn't hurt the plants, smothers the aphids.



Mondays are share a spell day?

Posted by: "hrokr8"   hrokr8

Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:06 pm (PDT)

Blessed be.

I just joined this group. I'm glad to be here. I'll talk more about myself soon, but first I wanted to know what exactly happens on "share a spell day". What happens?


Merletta Rut


Re: Mondays are share a spell day?

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:12 pm (PDT)

I just joined this group. I'm glad to be here. I'll talk more about myself soon, but first I wanted to know what exactly happens on "share a spell day". What happens?

Merry meet Merletta.

On "Share a Spell Day" members are invited to send in a spell to share with others.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Today's Quote

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:07 pm (PDT)

Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. - Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Three Faces

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:06 pm (PDT)

The Three Faces

One of the most obvious differences between Witchcraft and most current world religions is the presence of a divine female image who is not dependent upon a male deity. This image of the Goddess as a creative, strong force has attracted many women and men in modern society to Witchcraft, and encourages people fighting oppression in its many forms. The Goddess is generally believed to have three major aspects: Maiden, Mother and Crone, who correspond to the main cycles of life, detailed below.

Aspect: Creativity, birthing, compassion and healing
Moon Phase: Full
Color: Red
Animals: Elephant, Lion and Whale

Aspect: Warrior, playful, strong, athletic and individuality
Moon: New and Waxing
Color: White or Yellow
Animals: Dog, doe and hawk

Aspect: Teacher, cleansing, growth, death and rebirth
Moon: Waning
Color: Black or dark purple
Animals: Mare, sow or owl

A special note about the Crone: In a time when the power of women as healers and wise women was feared by the Christian Church, and when the natural cycles of birth and death were denied, old women were particularly feared and vilified. Many of the women who were accused of witchcraft, tortured, and murdered by church authorities were older women. The church has propagated the image of all witches as old hags with crooked noses, who do evil rather than good, to dehumanize and disempower the women in our communities who served as teachers and healers before the onset of Christianity. This image continues to abound in various media images today.
In Witchcraft, the image of the Crone is of an old, wise woman who teaches us the lessons she has learned--not an ugly, evil eater of children. She can be difficult to work with from a magickal sense if you are shirking your responsibilities or refusing to let go of unhealthy people, relationships and habits, but Her role is to help us learn to cut away the old so that new can grow.

---author unknown

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Folk Magic of Hair

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:06 pm (PDT)

The Folk Magic of Hair

Hair is a magical substance, springing from our heads, repository of our divine energy, home of what makes us human. In cultures worldwide, hair is a symbol of the individual, subject to suffering in negative spells, or potent as a blessing and talisman. Any time hair is tied or braided, a magical knot of protective energy is formed, keeping the person safe from harm.

In the Inca highlands, at one year of age, a child's family invited the villagers to the house. Everyone brings a gift, a blanket, a llama, gold jewelry, or other items. They place the offered gifts around the child. The child's hair is sectioned off and tied with colorful ribbons, often red in color. Throughout South America, and elsewhere, the color red is symbolic of life. Burials often include red pigment sprinkled over the body. The family takes a special pair of scissors--probably a modern version of the sacred obsidian knives used in the region--and at the point where the hair is tied off, they cut off the lock. This is then given to the visitors, who takes the tied lock home and keeps it in the house. In this way the child's life force is protected in many places, and also brings into the other houses some of the exuberant energy of the child, where it serves as a talisman of fertility for the keepers of the lock.

This magic behind this ceremony is universal. A remnant that survives in our own culture is the "Boy's First Haircut," which has unfortunately been relieved of much of its original ritual significance. But this magic can be reclaimed easily and added to a child's first birthday party, or better yet, to a special celebration just for relatives. As hair is magically powerful, you don't want to give these locks to anyone you don't love and trust. And you probably won't want to shear your child's head so thoroughly as the highland villagers do, but little bows can be placed at the end of locks of hair, and trimmed, leaving a two-inch piece of hair bound with a ribbon. While red is traditional for this spell, other colors from our culture can be used, including the traditional pink for girls and blue for boys--or the long-standing compromise color yellow, which can be seen as a symbol of solar energy and the power of life.

Traditional worry dolls have found new life as a modern talisman for protection the hair, and the person wearing it. These little dolls in the forms of men and women have been used for centuries. They are made of wire or clay, thread, and topped with a bit of black paint, often mixed with shiny metallic grains. The custom is for a child to tell these dolls his or her problems, one problem for each doll, then place them in a little box beside the bed at night before going to sleep. During the night the tiny dolls will work to solve the problems.

These popular little dolls are now being made into hair barrettes, where they serve a protective function and see a bit more of the physical world than from the traditional box beside the bed.

These, and other, hair ornaments are ordinarily reflective, distracting those who have the power of the evil eye. Instead of meeting the eyes of the individual, the malefic gaze is directed to the sparkling objects in the hair, and the evil effect is averted.
by David Harrington
copyright 2001

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: The Folk Magic of Hair

Posted by: "~*~Carly~*~"   carloo62

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:41 pm (PDT)

speaking of hair
anyone have ideas on how to get hair to grow faster??


From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 7:06 PM
Subject: [13Witches] The Folk Magic of Hair

                The Folk Magic of Hair

Hair is a magical substance, springing from our heads, repository of our divine energy, home of what makes us human.  In cultures worldwide, hair is a symbol of the individual, subject to suffering in negative spells, or potent as a blessing and talisman.  Any time hair is tied or braided, a magical knot of protective energy is formed, keeping the person safe from harm.

In the Inca highlands, at one year of age, a child's family invited the villagers to the house.  Everyone brings a gift, a blanket, a llama, gold jewelry, or other items.  They place the offered gifts around the child.  The child's hair is sectioned off and tied with colorful ribbons, often red in color.  Throughout South America, and elsewhere, the color red is symbolic of life.  Burials often include red pigment sprinkled over the body.  The family takes a special pair of scissors--probably a modern version of the sacred obsidian knives used in the region--and at the point where the hair is tied off, they cut off the lock.  This is then given to the visitors, who takes the tied lock home and keeps it in the house.  In this way the child's life force is protected in many places, and also brings into the other houses some of the exuberant energy of the child, where it serves as a talisman of fertility for the keepers of the lock.

This magic behind this ceremony is universal.  A remnant that survives in our own culture is the "Boy's First Haircut," which has unfortunately been relieved of much of its original ritual significance.  But this magic can be reclaimed easily and added to a child's first birthday party, or better yet, to a special celebration just for relatives.  As hair is magically powerful, you don't want to give these locks to anyone you don't love and trust.  And you probably won't want to shear your child's head so thoroughly as the highland villagers do, but little bows can be placed at the end of locks of hair, and trimmed, leaving a two-inch piece of hair bound with a ribbon.  While red is traditional for this spell, other colors from our culture can be used, including the traditional pink for girls and blue for boys--or the long-standing compromise color yellow, which can be seen as a symbol of solar energy and the power of life.

Traditional worry dolls have found new life as a modern talisman for protection the hair, and the person wearing it.  These little dolls in the forms of men and women have been used for centuries.  They are made of wire or clay, thread, and topped with a bit of black paint, often mixed with shiny metallic grains.  The custom is for a child to tell these dolls his or her problems, one problem for each doll, then place them in a little box beside the bed at night before going to sleep.  During the night the tiny dolls will work to solve the problems.

These popular little dolls are now being made into hair barrettes, where they serve a protective function and see a bit more of the physical world than from the traditional box beside the bed.

These, and other, hair ornaments are ordinarily reflective, distracting those who have the power of the evil eye.  Instead of meeting the eyes of the individual, the malefic gaze is directed to the sparkling objects in the hair, and the evil effect is averted.
by David Harrington
copyright 2001

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde  


Spell to Deflect Negativity

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:07 pm (PDT)

Spell to Deflect Negavity

Wide-mouthed glass jar
Knife or other carving tool

Perform this spell after sunset. Set the jar in front of the mirror. Place
some ashes inside the jar and fill about 2/3 of the way with vinegar.

Draw a representation of the negativity with the knife on the apple. While
you are carving, feel the negativity drawn into the apple.

Raise the apple above the jar and say :
"Protection sought with apple and ash
Vinegar and salt, just a dash.
Far away I send you, at this hour
May all your attempts to harm turn sour."

Place the apple in the jar. A chemical reaction should take place. Visualize
the negativity fizzle the way the contents of the jar fizzles.

For best results, perform this spell for three consecutive nights.

source unknown

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Power of Words

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:07 pm (PDT)

The Power of Words

The spoken word is a great magical power. Words become living things. When
created and given life by your will, and sent forth by being spoken into the
ethers, words are vessels of intent, carriers of energy, and tools that shape
perception and experience. Words are powerful, subtle, magical things.

Words can hurt or they can heal. Unaware of what they are doing, many people
spew thoughtless, careless, hurtful words out into the midst of their lives,
like verbal pollution. People respond. Do you really know what you've been
saying? Take some time and think over the things you have said today, either out
loud, or just to yourself. What you discover may prove enlightening.

Words are the way we communicate on a conscious level, but they can, and do,
reach down to deeper levels. Salesmen and prophets, poets, and politicians all
use words to get what they want by manipulating their words to create, shape,
and guide their victims' responses. The trick is in knowing what sort of
message to send with your words. Tell yourself that you can't do something, and
you probably won't; tell yourself that you can, and you just might. It's not a
lot of hokey feel-good crap--it works. Find something to replace the negative
messages you tell yourself over the course of your day. You just have to dare
to make a conscious change in how you program yourself by your choice of words.

It is important to select the appropriate words for any given situation. Be
aware of what you are saying whenever you call on a deity, or invite elementals
to play in your kitchen. Know what your words mean, and the context from
which they have been drawn if they are not your own words. Don't just piece
together a ritual from cool- sounding bits you've lifted. Take that extra step and
make the words work together in a coherent fashion. Better yet, rewrite them in
your own words to suit your own will. You'll get better results, and learn a
bit in the process as well.
by Jim Garrison

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Peppermint Distance Healing Spell

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:07 pm (PDT)

Peppermint Distance Healing Spell

1. Place peppermint leaves on top of a photograph of the patient.

2. Charge a blue candle with your desire.

3. Carve and dress the candle as desired.

4. Burn it beside the photograph.

5. When the candle has burned down, dispose of the peppermint leaves.

6. Repeat as needed, with fresh leaves each time.

~The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes~

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Beginner's Guide to Meditation

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:09 pm (PDT)

Beginner's Guide to Meditation
How to start your journey
by M. McMahon

If someone told you, do this one thing every day and your life will absolutely, without a doubt improve and even the present will become more enjoyable, most people would beg to sign up! Yet when you reveal this magical potion as meditation, there can be resistance.

Some of us would rather be told it's an operation or an expensive investment. Perhaps you tried meditation once and decided - I can't do it! I can't even sit still for five minutes! How can I meditate for 10 or even 20 minutes?

The real question is how can you not meditate?

Our minds crave peace and emptiness so much it tries to process everything as quickly as possible to get to a peaceful place. But instead of giving our minds a rest, we just pile on more things! We fill up all of our time, our relationships are endlessly complex and just living in our world is filled with passwords, parking spaces, pollution and taxes! Our minds want to rest so much they have to make us physically sick just to get a break.

If you live an unconscious life of action and reaction, you cannot have inner peace, and outer peace will eventually be impossible. But if you dare to dive within, you won't just find peace, you'll find everything waiting for you in the unified field.

This energy is what ties everything together in the entire universe. It's always there, but the world of form confuses us and we think the form is the real thing. But it's the unseen beneath the form that is the real thing. It's holding everything around you and is even holding you. And when you meditate you wrap yourself in a blanket of infinite possibility and power.

With that in mind, try our easy beginner's guide to a journey that could change your life.

Keep it simple!
You don't have to find a guru to learn how to meditate. You don't have to take a class. You don't have to pay for a "mantra." You can do all of the above if you find them helpful, but meditation is for free, for joy and for you.

Step 1
Meditate as soon as you wake up. It can be helpful to brush your teeth or drink a glass of water but you don't need to eat breakfast. In fact, the less you put between the moment you awake and the moment you start meditating, the better. If you can sit cross-legged on the floor with your back straight, that's great. But if you would prefer to sit in a chair, that's fine too. You don't have to look like a yogi to experience the power of meditation. You just need to be willing.

Step 2
Start with sound and then move to silence. Begin by setting a timer for ten minutes and set it aside. Now, open your mouth and make sound. Unformed, open, pure sound. It will sound strange to you if you are used to only using your mouth for words, but let go of all self-consciousness and just let pure sound come out of your mouth. Keep doing it until you are the sound. Then take the volume down to silence.

If you are not in the practice of meditating, as soon as you stop making noise, your mind will leap right back in with chatter, "you don't have time for this, this isn't doing anything, why did you say that at work yesterday…" and that is great. It means your mind is so full that it wants to empty itself. As each thought comes, say out loud, "Thank you, I release you now," and return to open sound and then return to silence. If you keep this practice going, you'll find that the space between the thoughts (the peace that passeth understanding!) will grow and grow. Soon your grateful dismissal of thoughts that do not serve you will come quickly and you'll find yourself dismissing thoughts all day long that do not serve a peaceful existence.

Step 3

Once ten minutes feels like five - and it will eventually! Go ahead and set the timer for 20 minutes. It's time to swim in the infinite field! Start your meditation with open sound and turn to silence. Now focus your energy from your pelvis - to your heart - and then to the space between your eyes. Some call this the "third eye." Visualize a little man who leaps from your forehead and splashes into an endless sea of light. You are that little man - you are surrounded on all sides everywhere by the infinite field. You are made of the very same light and you can swim in the infinite field at all times! When we open our eyes, we see all the distractions to peace. But the distractions are an allusion. The field is always there around you. You are never alone, because you are never separate. You are part of the whole. The field is you.

Step 4
Now it's time to receive. In just a day or two you will see how meditation quiets your mind and makes you both more alert and more at peace. Over a period of weeks, you will start to see things connecting in your life in unexpected and incredible ways. Thoughts will come when you are swimming and you will start to feel led in your life, rather than alone and terrified! Negativity will diminish itself as you empty the thoughts each morning. The thoughts that do interrupt you will be softer and kinder. The hard, angry thoughts are always the first to go because they are the strongest and they are the first to fight against meditation. Once you release them, they lose all their power. Some days you have so many negative thoughts, it seems all you are doing is releasing them! Isn't it wonderful that you can let them go? Before meditation, you had no defense at all. And it is these voices that keep us from accessing our true selves, our purpose and our great life.

There is nothing more powerful you can do, then to meditate, to receive all that the universe wants for you. Why wouldn't you want to tap into every talent and ability you have?

Don't give up if you miss a day or two. Just go right back to your practice.

Don't judge your meditation. It will plateau a few times before you really go deep. That's okay.

If you get discouraged, meditate. If wonderful things come into your life, meditate. If you don't know what to do with your life, meditate. All the answers are there.

Finally, remember, when you are in alignment with your power, your power will go beyond what you ever imagined. Your dreams are just waiting for you to allow them to come true.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Doorway Protection

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:10 pm (PDT)

Doorway Protection - To protect your house or a room

Tools: a besom or decorative broom - plain, or decorated with dried or silk flowers to match your decor or the current season; a nail or hook to put on a door to hold the besom.
Hang the besom or broom on the back of the door and say:

"As you hang upon my door,
Remember what a door is for
Letting in and keeping out
Is what a door is all about.

As we travel on our rounds,
Help us return safely to our grounds.
But whether we're in or whether we're out,
Please keep want and trouble out."
Make the sign of the banishing pentagram on the inside of the door,
and the sign of the invoking pentagram on the outside.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Beauty of Forests

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:13 pm (PDT)


Re: The Beauty of Forests

Posted by: "Hazell Mccardell"   hmccardell

Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:13 pm (PDT)

Message did not come thru. Missed you. Hope everything is going well.

On Mon Aug 15th, 2011 8:13 PM EDT Lady Nightshayde wrote:

>The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
>Love Each Day,
>Lady Nightshayde


Re: The Beauty of Forests

Posted by: "Lady ckrystal Hawk"   ladyckrystalhawk

Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:11 pm (PDT)

Merry Meet,
Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing.
Blessed Be
Lady Ckrystal Hawk

We will look back
Be humble like a Hawk
Fly high with golden wings
To the Sky Above

From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: [13Witches] The Beauty of Forests


The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde  


make hair grow spell

Posted by: "Hazell Mccardell"   hmccardell

Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:05 pm (PDT)

Say these words thrice as you hold the part of body you wish hair to grow : stretch it , twist it, make it grow, like a river let it flow, three times fast shall this hair grow, this is my will so mote it be!


**Tarot Tuesday**, 8/16/2011, 12:00 am

Posted by: ""

Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:04 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group

**Tarot Tuesday**
Tuesday August 16, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)

It's Tarot Tuesday. Post any questions or articles regarding Tarot or divination.

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