marți, 30 august 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7547

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)

A Witch's Bottle for Harmony, Peace and Comfort From: Lady Nightshayde
Planets That Go Backward From: Lady Nightshayde
The Role of Prayer in Paganism From: Lady Nightshayde
The Wheel of the Year From: Lady Nightshayde
Ceremony From: Lady Nightshayde
Runes From: Lady Nightshayde
Troubling Tarot Cards From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Troubling Tarot Cards From:
Scrolls on the Self From: Lady Nightshayde



A Witch's Bottle for Harmony, Peace and Comfort

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:34 pm (PDT)

A Witch's Bottle for Harmony, Peace and Comfort

In a small, clean, blue or pink bottle assemble the following items:

9 cloves, 9 dried peas, a dried orange peel, one dried or fresh rose, and a tbsp. or so of lavender flowers. Also have a small piece of parchment, a pen, lavender and rose essential oils, and a blue stone. Be sure the bottle is cleansed both physically and spiritually before using it! On the night of a waxing moon, assemble All the necessary items and on the parchment, inscribe the appropriate rune for harmony, peace and comfort.

Visualize your home as peaceful and harmonious. Place the parchment In the bottle. Now add the stone and herbs and visualizing as you Do. Finally add the oils and say:

The spell is cast
By herbs and stone
So Mote it Be!

Leave the bottle uncorked some place where you will catch the scent now and then.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Planets That Go Backward

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:35 pm (PDT)

Planets That Go Backward

A planet that appears to move backward in the heavens for a period of time
is said to be retrograde. I've found retrograde periods uniquely helpful when
working magic and considering magical timing.

All the planets in our solar system appear at one time or another to
stop--this is called making a "station"--and then move backward. After a time, they
stop again, or station, and appear to move forward, or turn "direct."
Because some planets have faster orbits than others, the time they stop (station),
turn retrograde, stop, and turn direct varies from planet to planet.

But in fact, planets never really go backward--it just looks like they do.
Retrogrades are all an illusion created by the orbit of our own Earth.
Logically speaking, you would think that an illusion wouldn't affect reality. But
retrogrades have a profound affect on us. If you think about it another
way, there are actually many illusions that affect reality. If we consider the
human mind we know that if you "believe" something, then you can create that
something in reality. This is what magic is all about.

So what does a retrograde really mean to magical timing? When a planet
turns retrograde, it is the universe's way of saying, "Hey! Hold up a minute!
Time to take a breather. Sit back and just chill!" Of course, we can't stop
living just because a planet has decided to surf backward for a while, but in
magical timing there are ways to use these retrogrades to our advantage.

To be honest, I love to observe how people act during planetary retrogrades.
It's sort of fun to sit there, watch everyone run around with eyes twirling
in their sockets, while you just relax and smile like a Cheshire cat because
you and the universe are sharing an amusing secret, and you were prepared
for it.


To take advantage of planetary retrogrades magically, you first need to get
yourself a good astrological almanac (or calendar). In it, you will see
symbols for each planet and a little symbol, an "R" with a little "x" through it,
indicating the time it runs retrograde and a "D" beside the planet when it
turns direct.

Once you've determined the time for each planet's backward passage, the
basic key for a retrograde is: "Don't start anything in the subject area that
the retrograde planet corresponds to." While you can finish things up, if you
start something that pertains to that planet's energy while that planet is
furiously backpedaling in the universe, then what you have started will more
than likely have to be done all over again when that planet turns direct.

Second tip: The day that a planet stations (stops) before it either goes
backward (retrograde) or forward (direct) all heck is going to break loose
involving the subjects that the planet corresponds to. Be prepared!

Third tip: The day a planet goes direct, your magic in the area of that
planet's rule will act like a slingshot. Although Witches and magical people
always try to be specific when working magic, be extra careful when a planet
turns direct. Check and double-check what it is you truly want to accomplish.
The old adage, "Be careful what you wish for," holds a great deal of meaning


Although all planetary retrogrades have a general meaning, each will be
different in some way for every person because of: (1) your personal astrological
blueprint--your natal chart; and (2) what house of life the retrograde
planet is currently visiting. These two factors can get fairly complicated, and
if you haven't really gotten into astrology, the glyphs in your almanac may
look like gibberish. Still, you don't need to know everything to practice
general magical timing. If you come to like astrology, later on you can study
on your own.

Below I have described the general retrograde effects for the three fastest
moving planets--Mercury, Venus, and Mars--in relation to magical timing.
Although the slower-moving planets can have long-term effects on certain parts
of your life, their energies are not as noticeable because of the length of
time they take to affect your everyday activities. Mercury, Venus, and Mars
retrogrades, however, are quite noticeable in your day-to-day magical


Mercury is the planet of communication, short distance travel, early
education, and siblings. Primarily, Mercury is about how we communicate with
others; anything communications-centered is subject to snafus when Mercury stations
and turns retrograde. Computers go down, phones don't work, cars poop out,
travel plans are canceled, your alarm clock dies at 2:00 a.m.--the list can
be endless. A note you sent to a friend is misinterpreted and now she's mad
at you. Furthermore, aside from the Moon, Mercury is the fastest planetary
body in the heavens. Mercury is named after the Greco-Roman god Mercury--he
who is fleet of foot; he moves at a lightning pace, and he flips backward and
forward about three times a year so you will often encounter these problems.

In magic, work with Mercury rather than against him. Think before you
speak. This is a time to read, study, contemplate, work on projects you started
earlier, and tie up loose ends on things already ongoing. This includes magic
involving investigative procedures, learning, stopping the flow of gossip,
or reorganizing your notes for the big term paper that's due next month. As
computer problems often crop up during the Mercury retrograde, this will not
be the time to buy new software or try to debug your system. Also, be careful
of picking up computer viruses. If something is moving too fast and you want
to slow it down, especially in the realm of communications, you can always
place the Mercury retrograde symbol on a yellow candle, asking that as the
candle burns, the problem slows down until you have the answer you need to
proceed in a fair and honorable way.

Magical friends of mine have noticed that brief arguments flare up between
themselves and people they love the day before Mercury stations to turn either
way. On this day you might choose to sprinkle protection powder around your
house, boil a little basil in water on the stove to create sympathy, and
avoid altercations with those you care about. Because Mercury is such a fast
energy, these fights blow up and blow over quickly, yet the hard feelings may
remain until you resolve the problem over the course of the retrograde, or
during the following Mercury retrograde.& When Mercury's fancy footing does the
backward shuffle you are free to think in an imaginative, independent way.
Use this energy for vision questing and daily meditations.


Venus is the planet of love and relationships, but she also governs fast
cash, material items to which you have a psychological attachment, and your
short-term savings. When Venus turns retrograde, she basically pouts, is
irritable, and downright difficult. Because she affects relationships, her
stationing can have the same awkward effect on relationships as stumbling Mercury.
Your mother might not be as easygoing as she usually is, your boyfriend may
seem to be looking in a different direction, and your boss may have suddenly
become an unreasonable soul.

A Venus retrograde happens only every year-and-a-half and lasts about forty
days. During this time people are often attracted to the bizarre, unusual,
and obscure. If it's weird, a Venus retrograde will expose it, for good or
ill. A Venus retrograde is a good time to evaluate yourself and how you react
to your parents, spouse, boss, teachers, and friends. If you are trying to
find a lost friend or family member, the Venus retrograde is the right time to
start looking magically and mundanely. Magic practices for love and
relationships should concentrate on yourself--on doing your best to become a
better, caring, open-minded person. Other magic during this time can include
learning how to save money, how to spend money, and how to decide what you should
and should not value in your life. Talking to your guardian angel or totem
animal during a Venus retrograde about yourself, your life, and universal love
will bring you rewards.

During these forty days, people may be crabby, overly shy, socially inept,
or downright rude; yet, Venus is the goddess of creativity and things of
beauty. If you don't like what you see in the mirror, then work to change it. If
you hate the color of your apartment and had considered repainting it,
repaint it now. As you paint, concentrate on feelings of harmony and

If you can't seem to hold on to your money, draw the Venus retrograde symbol
on a white candle, and place that candle on top of the money you do have.
Ask that you learn to slow down on your spending and hold on to your present
savings. If you think that a love relationship is moving too fast, draw the
Venus retrograde symbol on a blue candle. Place the candle over a picture of
yourself. Ask that the relationship slow down until you can think clearly
about who you want to associate with and why you are really interested in that
person. Ask for clarity of thought, Venus will grant your desire.


Mars is a particularly feisty fellow. He's the gasoline that fuels all sorts
of things, ranging from athletics to war. Another Greco-Roman god, he
doesn't take "no" for an answer in the nicest terms, but he is very useful when we
need action and lots of it! Mars turns retrograde approximately every two
years and two months, so when he suddenly stops short and retreats, most
humans are left with their mouths hanging open--just as it's a shock when someone
puts water in your gas; forget the "vroom," we are now permanently set in
putt-putt mode.

While a Mars retrograde doesn't exactly act like other retrogrades (what do
you expect, he's the macho guy who likes to do things his way), and while his
retrograde period can really confuse matters, in fact this time period can
be quite useful, especially if you are a magical person. Since activities
slow down, we can learn how to apply our energy in a productive way, rather than
wasting it on things that may have no real purpose in our lives. In
particular, matters involving karma--every action having a reaction--can be dealt
with now.

Because Mars moves more slowly than the other planets we have discussed, he
will probably hit only one department in your life in particular, and because
Mars deals with challenges and aggression, you may be presented with a bump
in life you weren't particularly ready for. Old angers, resentment, and
arguments have a tendency to flare up during a Mars retrograde. How you handle
that aggression determines whether or not you will grow spiritually and take
one step up that ladder of universal love. During a Mars retrograde it is
very hard to hold your anger at bay, and after the retrograde you may see things
that you missed because you were so busy looking at the problem that you
forgot to look beyond for the solution. During a Mars retrograde, you can't
force people to behave in a specific way--you shouldn't anyway, but it is more
pronounced during this time--and issues of right and wrong will seem muddy and
mixed up.

Magically, the smartest thing to do during a Mars retrograde is to talk to
Spirit every day about your mission in life. Mars energy, channeled properly,
is not a bad thing. Remember, he's the gas in your cosmic engine. You
would think that since Mars retreats and the general pace of life slows down,
people would be more complacent. Instead, they seem to go around squealing over
the tiniest things. Indeed, this is often the time when we must face our
cosmic bullies.

In the end, Mars retrograde energy can be channeled into personal fortitude
and actually provide you with the necessary cautionary roadblocks so you can
think before you act. During a Mars retrograde, Spirit will show you who
your friends are and who doesn't care a whit about you.
source unknown,

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Role of Prayer in Paganism

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:37 pm (PDT)

Call of the Ancients

Our ancestors prayed to their gods, long ago. Their pleas and offerings are documented in the hieroglyphs that adorn the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, in the carvings and inscriptions left for us to read by the philosophers and teachers of ancient Greece and Rome. Later on, as Christianity moved in and replaced many of the old Pagan cultures, Irish monks wrote down stories, illuminating their manuscripts with vivid and colorful artwork. Information about man's need to connect with the Divine comes to us from China, India, and all over the globe.
Some prayers survive to the present day because they have lived on not in written documentation but in the oral traditions of the area -- via folktales, songs, legends, etc. Although we don't know how much of the existing wording is really "ancient" and how much was added through the ages, the message remains essentially the same. A prayer is our way of saying to the gods, "I can't do this alone, and I could sure use some help."
Offerings and Altars
In many Pagan traditions, both modern and ancient, it is customary to make an offering to a divine being. An offering is simply a gift, and it is given not as a trade-off ("Yo, here's some pretty sparkly stuff, so now can you please grant my wishes?") but as a way of showing honor and respect, no matter what the answers to your prayers may ultimately be. In some forms of Wicca, the offering of time and dedication is as important as an offering of tangible items.
Many times offerings are left on an altar or shrine to the gods, and this is common in many faiths. How many times have you driven past a Catholic church and seen flowers or candles left in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary?
So What's the Point, Really?
Some people may argue that prayer is a waste of time -- after all, if the gods are so divine, don't they already know what we need and want? Why should we have to go to the trouble of asking?
If you're married, there have probably been times where you've gotten frustrated with your spouse, because they didn't know what you wanted. You didn't TELL them what you wanted, because after all, as your spouse who loves you, they should just KNOW, right?
Well, not necessarily. Eventually, you probably talked to your significant other, found out he or she had NO idea you were annoyed at him because he didn't want to go with you to that romantic comedy you've been looking forward to for months. Then you forgave him because once the lines of communication were opened up, it turned out that your honey doesn't hate Drew Barrymore after all, he just wanted to go see something with guns and explosions instead.
The gods are the same way (no, they don't hate Drew Barrymore either). They don't always know what we want -- and sometimes, what they think we want and what WE think we want are two completely different things.
That's why it's up to you to make it known. If you want divine intervention, you should ask. If you don't, the answer will ALWAYS be "no".
Prayers vs. Spells
A prayer is a request. It's where you go directly to the Universe, the Goddess, Allah, Yahweh, Herne, Apollo, or whoever you may be hoping will help out, and you ask them point blank, "Please help me with _______________."
A spell, on the other hand, is a command. It's the redirection of energy, causing a change, to conform with your will. While you may ask a god or goddess for a little extra mojo in your spellwork, it's not always necessary. In a spell, the power comes from within the caster. In a prayer, the power comes from the gods.
Who Should I Pray To, Anyway?
You can pray to anyone you like. You can pray to a god, a goddess, or the Grand High Poobah of the Toaster Oven. Pray to whoever -- or whatever -- is most likely to take an interest in your dilemma. If you're working on protection of your home, for example, you may wish to call upon Vesta or Brighid, both guardians of the hearth. If you're about to enter into a nasty conflict, perhaps Mars, the god of war, would be willing to step in for a bit of fun.
Some people pray simply to spirits -- spirits of the earth, of the sky, of the sea, etc.
In addition to praying to gods or spirits, some Pagans and Wiccans pray to their ancestors, and that's perfectly acceptable too. You may see your ancestors as a specific individual (dear Uncle Bob who died in Vietnam, or your great great great grandpa who settled the frontier, etc.) or you may see them as archetypes. Either way, go with what works best for your tradition.
Putting it All Together
Ultimately, prayer is a very personal thing. You can do it out loud or silently, in a church or backyard or forest or at a kitchen table. Pray when you need to, and say what you wish to say. Chances are good that someone is listening.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Wheel of the Year

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:39 pm (PDT)

The Wheel Of The Year

The Wiccan year is divided into 8 parts, the Quarters and the Cross Quarters.

The Quarter celebrations are held at the two solstices and the two equinoxes; the longest and shortest days of the year, and the two days when night and day are equal in length.

The Cross-Quarter days are roughly midway between these days; on Feb. 2, May 1, August 1, and October 31.

We call these days Sabbats, Feast Days, the Days of Festival.

Since we see the wheel as round, and ever continuing, it really doesn't matter where one starts to count it; but traditionally the Wiccan year starts at Samhain, after dark on October 31.

October 31

This is the festival of the dead, Hallow-eve, when the Goddess gives the reins of government to the God. Here He presides, and the gates between the worlds are very thin. Now is the time to remember those we love who have died in the past year; for now they can join us in our celebration. The year is dying. We look forward to it's rebirth. Colors for Samhain are black, red and orange. Plants associated with it are Indian corn, pumpkins, gourds, apples and corn stalks.

December 20 - 23 (winter solstice)

This is the festival of the return of Sun, when the Great Mother brings him forth new-born. The colors associated with Yule are red and green; plants are the Yule Log, mistletoe, holly, pine and pine cones, and all sorts of nuts.

Traditionally, a candle (or other flame) is left burning all night on this longest of nights, to teach the new Sun how to shine.

Imbolc/ Candlemas
February 2

This is the feast of the torches, also known as Bridget's Day. We bid our Lady return from the darkness, and light the flames so She may see the way. The colors of Candlemas are red and white; plants are roses, cherries, and apples.

March 20-23 (vernal equinox)

This is the festival of spring, when we welcome the Goddess back from her place of rest and ask Her blessings for new growth in the coming year. The colors of Ostara are green, white and silver; plants are all spring flowers and seeds. Colored eggs are exchanged now.

May 1

This is the May Eve, the festival of fertility, when invocations and dances are performed to ensure bountiful crops and the continued fertility of all nature (including humans!). This is the time when the God and the Goddess meet as lovers, and He gives the governing of the year to Her until Samhain. The entire rainbow is associated with Beltane, as are all flowers, garlands, trees, and fresh leaves.

June 20-23 (summer solstice)

This is the festival of summer, when we dance and make merry magic in thanks for the crops growing, and the abundance of nature. This is when light is at it's peak, when the day is longest. The color of Litha is green, and plants associated with this day are roses, vines, and leaves.

August 1

This is the festival of the corn, sometimes called Lammas, when the first fruits of the harvest are brought in, and in the fields the grain is ripe but not yet harvested. We rejoice in the gifts of the Great Mother. Colors for Lammas are green, yellow, and red. Plants are corn, grains, tomatoes, berries, and flowers.

September 20-23 (autumnal equinox)

This is harvest-home, when the crops have been gathered. We give thanks for the Lady's abundance, and feast on the plentiful food. The colors of Mabon are orange, brown, yellow and red. All crops are associated with this festival, as are the brilliant fall leaves.

With these festivals, we celebrate the turning of the wheel, the continuance of life and the dance of the Earth around the Sun.

Traditionally, the colors and plants attributed to the holiday are used in the decorations; legends that mark the turning are told, and seasonal foods are eaten. This is also the time to do magic that helps the Wheel to turn, and to take advantage of the turning to plant or harvest things in our own lives, and thank the Gods for the things that they have done for us.
source unknown

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:40 pm (PDT)


How else but in custom and ceremony are innocence and beauty born?
~W. B. Yeats,"A Prayer for My Daughter

Ceremony enables transition. Rituals of initiation, such as baptism and graduation;
seasonal rituals; rituals of prayer and remembrance; dedication rituals, such as marriage; protective rituals in which we invoke our guardian spirits- all these help create a sacred link between us and Spirit, conferring special grace. Ceremony does not have to be dramatic or wordy, and it need not involve a cast of thousands.

The constituents of a ceremony are simple:
The need or impulse for ritual
Space and time dedicated to the ceremony

The intentioned, sacred use of objects, elements and expressive and apposite means
of music/speech/silence/meditation
A role for everyone participating, if appropriate
A space of silence or emptiness in which divine interaction can happen
A clear statement of the purpose at the beginning and a thank you afterward
A point at which celebrants remember and include the rest of the universe, especially
those who share their need

Ceremony can happen in any suitable place: our own home is our hearth and shrine, and as such is quite suitable for personal ceremonies. In times of transition, new ceremonies that meet the needs of a society are urgently needed, so that innocence and beauty- the currency of Spirit- can flow into our lives.

Choose a real need in your life. Devise a short and simple ceremony that will address that need practically. (Examples of needs include beginning a new job, preparing for retirement, cleansing the home after a burglary, adjusting to children leaving home, and entering the hospital.)

The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year by Caitlin Matthews

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:43 pm (PDT)


The runic alphabet, or Futhark, gets its name from its first six sounds (f, u, th, a, r, k), much like the word 'alphabet' derives from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. Each rune not only represents a phonetic sound but also has its own distinct meaning.
The Elder Futhark is divided into three groups or families called aettir (plural). Each aett (singular) represents a common theme. Aett means eight.
The first aett is assigned to Freyja, and relates to the personal aspects of day-to-day life. The second aett is assigned to Heimdal and relates to progress. The third aett is assigned to Tyr and relates to energies of dominion and the mystery of moving beyond.
The Elder Futhark is the oldest set of runes numbering twenty-four. There are other sets of runes such as the Younger Futhork with sixteen runes, the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc with thirty-three runes. Each has similarities and differences but has common uses.
Runic script has been found on many artifacts. However, runic script may be read from left to right or from right to left, even on the same artifact. Translation of runic inscriptions is therefore extremely difficult.

Rune Symbol and Representative Artwork

The first rune of the Elder Futhark is Fehu "fay-ho". Its phonetic sound is "F" as in fence. It is also the first rune of the first aett. Literally it means "cattle" which signifies moveable wealth. It is a rune of power and control and is a sign of possessions/wealth earned.
Magically it is used for achieving a goal relating to personal gain.

Uruz "ooo-rooze" is the second rune of the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "OO" as in boot. It represents the great wild ox of Europe called the aurochs, symbolized by this twin horn shape. It is a rune of healing, inner strength, and stamina.
Magically it is used to strengthen the will and increase sexual potency.

Thurisaz "thoor-ee-saws" is the third rune of the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "TH" as in thread. It is shaped like a thorn. Like a thorn it is a protective rune. It directs defensive energy and protection against attack, both physical and mental.
Magically it is used to alter the outcome of events.

Ansuz "awn-sooze" is the fourth rune in the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "AA" as in thaw. It represents Odin, the leader of the Norse gods. It symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and the power of communication.
Magically it is used to make wise decisions and insure success.

Raido "rye-though" is the fifth rune of the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "R" as in arm.
Literally it means wheel and motion. It is a rune of travel, both geographical and changes in lifestyle. It also relates to rhythm and cyclical movements.
Magically it is used as a journey charm, physically and mentally.

Kaunaz "kane-awze" is the sixth rune in the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "K" as in key. Literally, it means a fiery brand or torch to give light. It is the rune of knowledge and is related to inspiration and creativity.
Magically it is used for creative inspiration or solution to a problem.

Gebo "gay-boe" is the seventh rune in the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "G" as in give. It is the rune of giving and connection. It relates to all matters of exchange between two people and harmonizes their energies.
Magically it is used for contracts and partnerships to increase balance.

Wunjo "woon-yo" is the eighth and final rune of the first aett. Its phonetic sound is "W" as in warm. Its shape represents a metal wind vane used on Viking ships. It symbolizes joy, pleasure, fulfillment, and fellowship.
Magically it is used for fulfillment and joy in love and career.

Hagalaz "haw-gaw-laws" is the first rune of the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "H" as in hold. Literally it means hailstone and relates to disruptive and impersonal forces. Sudden transformation, positive or negative, can occur.
Magically it is seen to overcome negative habits or luck.

Nauthiz "now-these" is the second rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "N" as in north. It represents two pieces of crossed kindling and literally means need. It relates to all matters of need and of acceptance of current position.
Magically it is used in all forms of achievement and success.

Isa "ee-saw" is the third rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "EE" as in female. It literally means ice and is in the form on an icicle. It signifies delay or a halt in progress. It can be positive to allow regeneration.
Magically it is used to freeze or hold conditions for a short time.

Jera "jar-awe" is the fourth rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "J" as in jump. It means year or season and refers to cycles. It is a rune of completion at the proper time like a bountiful harvest or fruition of work.
Magically it is used to represent a tangible result for effort put in.

Eihwaz "eye-wawz" is the fifth rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "I" as in eye. It symbolizes the yew tree, one of the longest living and most poisonous trees in Europe. It is one of the most powerful runes and represents longevity and death.
Magically it is used in protection and recovery.

Pertho "perth-row" is the sixth rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "P" as in paper. It symbolizes a dice cup used to cast lots. This is a rune of uncertainty, secrets, and mystery and stands for the conflict between freewill and fate.
Magically it is used to open or block hidden forces or find lost things.

Algiz "all-yeese" is the seventh rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "ZZ" as in buzz. It symbolizes the tremendous resistance power of the elk and is a powerful protection rune.
It provides a potent shield around a wearer's body.
Magically it is used as protection against any kind of danger.

Sowulo "sow-wee-low" is the eighth rune in the second aett. Its phonetic sound is "S" as in sun. It represents the power of the sun and is a rune of great force. It channels power for enlightenment and aids in achieving goals and good health.
Magically it is used to aid in victory and increases self-confidence.

Rune Symbol and Representative Artwork

Teiwaz "tea-wawz" is the first rune in the third aett. Its phonetic sound is "T" as in two. It represents the sky god Teiwaz and is a warrior rune. Successful use is achievable only with sacrifice. Some of its qualities are enthusiasm and motivation.
Magically it is used for victory over adversity or injustice.

Berkana "bare-kawn-oh" is the second rune in the third aett and represents the birch tree. Its phonetic sound is "B" as in birth. For the ancient peoples the birch symbolized spring and the beginning of new life or something tangible.
Magically it aids in fertility, relationships, and business ventures.

Ehwaz "ay-wawz" is the third rune in the third aett and is the horse rune. Its phonetic sound is "E" as in memory. The horse was the most sacred animal of ancient pagans. It symbolizes movement and change for the better and a strong bond.
Magically it is used to bring about change and create bonds.

Mannaz "mawn-nawz" is the fourth rune in the third aett and represents man and mankind. Its phonetic sound is "M" as in mate. It symbolizes basic human qualities and cooperation. It is referred to as a rune of the mind and of knowing oneself.
Magically it is used to gain aid and the cooperation of others.

Laguz "law-gooze"is the fifth rune in the third aett and represents water. Its phonetic sound is "L" as in long. It relates to flow, the sea, emotion, and intuition. Its power is embodied in the flow of the tides and the period of transition from one state to another. Magically it is seen to accelerate flow of the mind.

Inguz "eeeng-wawz" is the sixth rune in the third aett. Its phonetic sound is "NG" as in sing. It is the symbol of light and represents Inguz the god of male fertility and the house hearth. This rune channels potential energy.
Magically it is used to build energy gradually and release it in a burst.

Dagaz "daw-gauze" is the seventh rune in the third aett and means day. Its phonetic sound is "D" as in dark. Its shape represents stable balance between opposites especially light and dark and is sometimes called the dawn rune.
Magically it has great protective powers and opens new possibilities.

Othila "oath-awe-law" is the eighth rune in the third aett and represents homeland. Its phonetic sound is "O" as in own. Its shape represents an enclosure whose contents cannot be taken away. It relates to possessions and inheritance.
Magically it is used to protect wealth and the health of the elderly.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Troubling Tarot Cards

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:44 pm (PDT)

Troubling Tarot Cards

Glance through most Tarot decks and you will see certain cards that are a
little unnerving: The Devil, the Tower, the Three of Swords. No one likes to
see these cards show up in a reading because they remind us that life has
challenges. Plans go astray and problems develop--even when we're prepared.
What's the best way to approach such troubling cards?

First, recognize that no card is good or bad in itself. Each one simply
represents an energy or influence that can affect your life. You can decide
whether that influence is helpful or not.

Sometimes what seems to be unpleasant may actually turn out to be positive.
You could draw the Five of Cups in a reading about a job prospect and think,
"How discouraging!" Two weeks later, an even better job offer comes your
way. The "lost" opportunity left you free to accept the new one.

In a similar way, positive cards can sometimes be unfavorable. Once the
Star appeared in a reading about an unsavory incident. This card was the only
bright spot in the reading and seemed out of place. In fact, it represented a
false "sweetness and light" that was being used to mask the nastiness. You
can't always take a card at face value!

Troubling cards often serve as warnings. When driving, we're glad to see a
pothole ahead of time so we can swerve to avoid it. Unpleasant cards can
tell us when something is less than ideal so we can take action to change it.
The Devil, for example, can help you recognize when you are letting yourself
be controlled or manipulated. The Five of Pentacles can signal a brief spell
of hard times so you can prepare.

In fact, a troubling card can be welcome for this very reason. Usually we
know when something is wrong in a situation. We sense a problem is brewing,
even if we can't put our finger on it. If you think you're being betrayed
and draw the Three of Swords, the problem is literally out on the table. You
can see exactly what you're dealing with.

What steps should you take when you see a disappointing card? First, check
your assumptions. Ask yourself what you truly want. Does this card capture
something you've been feeling, but didn't know you felt? Does it point out
a possibility you hadn't considered? Use this card to help you evaluate your
situation. You may decide to make changes, or just keep going as you are.
In either case, you will gain clarity and understanding.

Remind yourself that a discouraging card doesn't mean your situation is
hopeless. A pothole won't keep you from getting to your destination. You may
just have to take a different route.

Look to the other cards in the reading for insight. No trouble exists in
isolation. The other cards will give you clues about what to do. You may
recognize someone who can help in an unexpected court card. The Tower may
suggest your environment is unstable, but the other cards show your inner reserves
of love and strength.

The position of a card is important. An unsettling card in the past
certainly has a different meaning than one in the future. In one position, the Nine
of Swords may reflect your own feelings of sadness, in another position,
those of someone else--a different matter altogether!

Troubling cards are most difficult to accept as the outcome. They seem to
imply that a situation will turn out badly no matter what, but this is not the
case. Your future is never fixed. The cards show only the most likely
outcome given that all the influences in and around you continue as they are.
Simply doing a reading creates change!

You always have the power to alter your circumstances if you choose. A
Tarot reading gives you the guidance you need to become more aware of your life
and its direction. All the cards in a Tarot deck have something meaningful to
say. These beautiful symbols of energy--positive and negative--help us make
choices that enrich our lives.

by Joan Bunning,
copyright 2001

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: Troubling Tarot Cards

Posted by: ""   peves38

Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:35 am (PDT)

in 2001 in a tarot reading via internet the 3 of swords card show 2 days
later my only sistet died ,sometimes the treshold is pass and there is
nothing anybody can do...Salvador...

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

-----Original message-----
From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 30, 2011 05:44:47 GMT+00:00
Subject: [13Witches] Troubling Tarot Cards

Troubling Tarot Cards

Glance through most Tarot decks and you will see certain cards that are a
little unnerving: The Devil, the Tower, the Three of Swords. No one likes
see these cards show up in a reading because they remind us that life has
challenges. Plans go astray and problems develop--even when we're
What's the best way to approach such troubling cards?

First, recognize that no card is good or bad in itself. Each one simply
represents an energy or influence that can affect your life. You can
whether that influence is helpful or not.

Sometimes what seems to be unpleasant may actually turn out to be positive.

You could draw the Five of Cups in a reading about a job prospect and
"How discouraging!" Two weeks later, an even better job offer comes your
way. The "lost" opportunity left you free to accept the new one.

In a similar way, positive cards can sometimes be unfavorable. Once the
Star appeared in a reading about an unsavory incident. This card was the
bright spot in the reading and seemed out of place. In fact, it
represented a
false "sweetness and light" that was being used to mask the nastiness. You

can't always take a card at face value!

Troubling cards often serve as warnings. When driving, we're glad to see a

pothole ahead of time so we can swerve to avoid it. Unpleasant cards can
tell us when some


Scrolls on the Self

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:46 pm (PDT)

Scrolls on the Self

Magick is the means by which we attempt to shape our world. Personal
transformation is perhaps the best place to begin, as we must know
ourselves well, and grow constantly in order to be a whole person, and a
good practitioner of magick. Marion Weinstein said that magick differs from
superstition in that magick attempts to understand and order our world instead of
feeling that outside forces rule our destinies. We are active rather than
the passive denizens of the universe. A * indicates an outside link.

Self Perception Exploration

To perform an organized introspection, and design a plan to achieve
increased self love and confidence. To become more aware of your
perception of yourself, and it's role in your life.

You will need a notebook, journal or pieces of paper and colored
markers thin enough to write legibly with. You may wish to light a candle
(pink for self love or white for truth) and/or incense of your choice.

Location/Best Time:
Make sure you have a couple of hours set aside for this exercise. Go
to a place where you feel comfortable (inside or out) and where you will not
be likely to be interrupted or overly distracted. A good time to perform
this would be on a gibbous moon, as part of your winter starting a new year
celebration or your Birthday.

On the first page of you notebook, fill up the page as much as you
feel like with the "bad" things or traits you'd like to change about
yourself, or habits and traits you don't like, fears and insecurities you would be
rid of, whatever. For this page use a red marker, or the color that feels
right to you.

On the next page write the "good" things, your qualities, what makes
you unique, your strengths and values, interesting abilities, skills,
talents etc. Try to fill up the page. Feel free to take as long as you like.
Use a green pen, or whatever feels right to you.

Take some time now to ground and center.

Go back and look at the negative list. This time pretend it belongs
to your best friend. Try to look at these qualities form this new,
perspective. Are all of these things so terrible? In light of the good
things, do some of them really matter? Try to pick out the things that are not
that important, are not necessarily negative, or that don't bother you that
much. You can release these things first. Draw a line through these in another
color, and say aloud "I accept myself ______." (I accept myself having big
thighs, I accept myself talking too much).

Now go through it again, with another color of pen and underline those
things you have the power to change. For example if you think you don't socialize
enough, you smoke, you lose your temper too easily, etc. Circle those things
you can change (circling them symbolizes your power to change these items),
On a new sheet of paper list these things, and a target date. Try not to
overload yourself and make all the changes immediately. Changing patterns is hard
but rewarding work.

Back to the things that are not marked out or circled. Are there any
left? If not, great, skip the remainder of this paragraph. What are these
things? Is it possible you really can change them? Sometimes our own limiting
thought patterns convince us that we "have no choice" thus making us feel like
victims. Reexamine these items if you have any. Acknowledge the choices,
even if they are impractical, for example, if you are staying in a job you
don't like because you don't think you could make that much money at a different
job, acknowledge that you are choosing to stay in the job, and getting paid
well to put up with the crap. Positively frame the things you are choosing not
to change. It feels empowering just to know you do have a choice, even if
you are choosing not to take any of them. Now go back again, are there truly
some things you have no choice about? Like your short, etc. If so, can you
learn to accept these things? If a loved one was telling you about this
shortcoming, how would you counsel them? If need be, underline the items and design a ritual to embrace/accept those things which are unchangeable.

Now go to your positive sheet. If it is not totally full, write on it
some nice things people have said about you. Read the list aloud, saying
each as an affirmation. For example if you put down that you are a painter say
aloud "I am a talented artist," You may want to write these in the form of
affirmations on a new sheet of paper. Read them all aloud, and try to consider
each. Some of these may be hard to really believe. Add on at the end. "I
deserve to be whole and happy." Put this page, and your list of self help goals in
a place where you can review them periodically (monthly?) Make sure to read
aloud the affirmations regularly until you can truly believe them all. This
is most effective if you can memorize a few of them and then look at yourself
in the mirror while saying them. Have patience with yourself, we have our
while lives to grow into great tree we want to be.

Copyright © 1997, Zephyr Lioness

Permission is granted to reproduce this intact, for non-profit
purposes with this guideline attached.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

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