miercuri, 8 iunie 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4774[17 Attachments]

Messages In This Digest (15 Messages)

Get Ready for Litha!: Day 5: Midsummer Magic From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: Get Ready for Litha!: Day 6: Crafts and Creations for Litha From: Cher Chirichello
It's Right There From: holly@ravenoriginals.com
Fw: * Spiritually  Speaking * Spiritually Speaking's Daily Guide for From: Grandfather Oak
Need for prayers (sorry for the cross posting) From: Christopher Annon
The Divine Feminine on "Is This Normal?" From: Karen Tate
Re: "Share A Spell Day" From: whodyathinkitis
Re: Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together? From: whodyathinkitis
Re: Healers ........ Who are they really? From: whodyathinkitis
Housekeeper Job, Roselle NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Wednesday's Correspondence...June 8 From: Cher Chirichello
Today's Goddess: Nugua From: Cher Chirichello
Dig-Right-In Divination From: Cher Chirichello
DailyOM: Personal Tales From: Cher Chirichello
Pima Rain-Making Song From: Cher Chirichello



Get Ready for Litha!: Day 5: Midsummer Magic

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 3:22 am (PDT)

Get Ready for Litha!: Day 5: Midsummer Magic
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Get Ready for Litha!

Day 5: Midsummer Magic
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
Midsummer is a time of mystery and magic in many traditions. Today, we'll look at some of the sacred sites around the world, and how they connect to the magic of Litha. Also, we'll discuss wildcrafting -- if you've never heard of it, it's a great way to get yourself connected to the magic of nature! However, it's important to wildcraft responsibly and ethically. Finally, we'll talk about how you can create an elemental garden, with each quarter celebrating one of the four cardinal elements.

Sacred Places
Ley Lines

Ley lines are known in the metaphysical community as invisible "power lines" that connect sacred places. But does geographic alignment automatically mean a magical connection? Find out whay ley lines are, and how they became famous. Read More

Stone Circles

All around Europe, and in other parts of the world, stone circles can be found. While the most famous of all is certainly Stonehenge, thousands of stone circles exist around the globe. From a small cluster of four or five standing stones, to a full ring of megaliths, the image of the stone circle is one that is known to many as a sacred space. Read More

Sacred Springs, Holy Wells

If you read mythology, you'll notice that the feature of a magical body of water -- a spring, a stream, a well -- often pops up. In the British Isles and parts of Europe, these mystical places are considered more potent than ever at the time of the summer solstice. Many have fallen into disrepair, and some vanished altogether, but sacred springs and holy wells are still out there. Read More

The Magic of Nature
Create an Elemental Garden

If you're into gardening, you might want to consider planting an elemental garden. The four classical elements are often associated with Pagan and Wiccan spirituality, so why not incorporate them into your gardening? Litha is a great time to work on your garden, so if you haven't gotten out there digging in the dirt yet, now's your chance! Read More

How to Wildcraft

Don't have time to plant your own garden, or do you want to add to the herbs you've already grown? Many Pagans and Wiccans get involved with the hobby known as wildcrafting - it's a way of harvesting plants from their natural habitat, in the wild. However, it's important that people who wildcraft do so ethically and responsibly. Read More

Tomorrow: Litha Crafts and Creations

In tomorrow's lesson, we'll look at some simple craft projects you can make to celebrate the season. We'll make Ogham staves for divination, a lavender Dream Pillow, a Litha blessing besom, and more!

Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook!

This email is written by:
Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
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Fw: Get Ready for Litha!: Day 6: Crafts and Creations for Litha

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 3:22 am (PDT)

Get Ready for Litha!: Day 6: Crafts and Creations for Litha
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Get Ready for Litha!

Day 6: Crafts and Creations for Litha
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
Let's face it, you probably can't walk into your local discount store and ask for the "Litha Decorations" aisle, right? That's okay -- there are plenty of Litha items you can make on your own. Litha is right smack in the middle of summer, so there are all kinds of natural goodies you can use in craft projects. Why not try creating some of these simple creations as a way of celebrating the season of Midsummer?
Litha Fire Incense

Midsummer is a great time for herb gardens, because there are buds and blooms everywhere. This is a powerful time to gather herbs, and also to prepare and use them. Any fresh herb can be dried simply by picking it and tying it up in small bundles in a well-ventilated area. Make this incense to use during your Litha rituals and meditations. Read More

Make a Set of Ogham Staves

Ogham staves are a popular method of divination among Pagans who follow a Celtic-focused path. Although there are no records of how staves might have been used in divination in ancient times, there are a number of ways that they can be interpreted. There are 20 original letters in the Ogham alphabet, and five more that were added later on. Litha is a good time to make a set of staves, because a walk outdoors can yield all kinds of wood for your project. Read More

The Magic Staff

Many Pagans and Wiccans use a magical staff in rituals and ceremonies. While it's not a required magical tool, it can come in handy. The staff is typically associated with power and authority, and in some traditions only the High Priestess or High Priest carries one. In other traditions, anyone may have one. Much like the wand, the staff is considered symbolic of male energy, and usually is used to represent the element of Air. The staff is something you can make yourself, with a little bit of effort. Read More

Backyard Sundial

If you have kids -- or even if you don't -- this is a fun project to do during the summer, because it shows us just how the sun does affect our daily lives. Use some stones and a stick to mark the times of day, and you'll soon be able to tell the time just by looking at the shadow! Read More

Lavender Dream Pillow

At Litha, the herb gardens are in full bloom, and if you have lavender growing, you're probably blessed with all kinds of purple abundance right now! Lavender is associated with calming and peacefulness, so Midsummer is a perfect time to make yourself a lavender pillow, to help bring about relaxing dreams. Read More

Litha Blessing Besom

Litha is a season of great solar energy. A great project to put together is a blessing besom. Sweeping is, after all, one of the best ways of making a space sacred and clean. Make a blessing besom, and you can use it to physically cleanse your home, and then hang it up to keep positive energy flowing around you. Read More

Tomorrow: Your Litha Celebration

No Litha celebration is complete without a feast, so tomorrow I'll share some of my favorite Litha recipes. Plan a potluck or some other get-together, and invite friends over to celebrate the summer solstice!

Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook!

This email is written by:
Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
Email Me | My Blog | My Forum
Missing a lesson? Click here.

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It's Right There

Posted by: "holly@ravenoriginals.com" holly@ravenoriginals.com   hollyberrysheart

Tue Jun 7, 2011 7:29 am (PDT)

It’s right there next to you, behind you, in front of you, above,
below and all around you. It’s right there!

Peace, love, joy and excitement.

Sure there are other things as well… but that doesn’t take away the
peace, love, joy and excitement that also exist.

It may be storming but the love, peace, joy and excitement can still be
found… if you just look for it.

If all you look for is rain.. that’s all you will find.

Take each day as it comes and find some enjoyment in each day.

A cool breeze on a hot, sunny day.
A refreshing moment beneath a shade tree.
The warmth of a sweater on a cold night.
The coolness of your pillow on the flip side.
A smile
A giggle
A friend
A kiss
A hug
A snuggle
The warmth of a campfire
Lightening bugs a dusk
The song of a bird
The purrr of a kitten
An eager welcome home from your pet
The smell of jasmine blooming in late spring
Snow cones and ice cream!
4 leaf clovers
Babies sleeping
The quiet at the end of a long day
The chatter of children at play
Movie Night
Doing something right
Sunsets and sunrises
Unexpected surprises

It’s all there… no matter where you go…

Just take another look and you’ll see … It’s Right There!

Many Blessings for a great day!

LuLu: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/raventalker

Blog: http://raventalker.wordpress.com

BlogSpot: http://wordsofraven.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/raventalker
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Raventalker777


Fw: * Spiritually  Speaking * Spiritually Speaking's Daily Guide for

Posted by: "Grandfather Oak" robert_patti@windstream.net   grandfatheroak_wizard

Tue Jun 7, 2011 9:35 am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Grandfather Oak included below]

From: Lisa Day
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 11:59 AM
To: spiritually Speaking
Subject: * Spiritually Speaking * Spiritually Speaking's Daily Guide for June 7, 2011

Spiritually Speaking's Daily Guide

Please pass this along to anyone who may enjoy ... Spread the light!

In This Issue:
1.. The Daily Motivator
2.. Daily Guidance from Eileen Caddy
3.. Dr. Wayne Dyer Daily Affirmation
4.. Spiritual Thought For The Day
5.. Deshan The Meditation Tip of The Day
6.. World Prayers
7.. OSHO Zen Tarot
8.. Hugh Higgins Daily Cosmic Piper
9.. Elders Meditation for Today
10.. Today's Skywatch
11.. Tut ... Notes from the Universe
12.. Daily Horoscopes


The Daily Motivator

What you seek
When you look for things to complain about, you’ll find plenty. When you look for things to be joyful about, you’ll also find plenty.

So what kind of world do you wish to live in? Do you prefer to live in a world full of annoyance and frustration, or would you rather live in a world filled with opportunities for joy?

You can choose the quality of your world by choosing your focus. You can choose the quality of your life by choosing what you seek.

Seek to be a true, sincere friend, and you’ll find that you have many good friends. Seek to provide real, honest, creative value and you’ll experience much meaningful value flowing into your life.

Whether you realize it or not, whether you like it or not, you are highly effective at achieving the goals that most intensely occupy your awareness. So what exactly are the things that most intensely and most frequently fill your awareness?

Your attitude in every moment defines what you are seeking. And what you seek, is what you get.

â€" Ralph Marston

Daily Guidance from Eileen Caddy
Guidance for 7 June
Why not excel in everything you do? To be good at anything, you have to keep on practising until you have mastered it. Why do you imagine that you can have perfect results in this spiritual life if you only dabble in it? Stop being a dabbler and plunge in wholeheartedly. This life calls for everything you have to make it work, so why not give all you have and see what happens? It does not matter what it is in life, nothing will live and become part of you until you have put it into practice and have seen how it works. Start right now getting down to the art of living this spiritual life. Keep on experimenting with it, and be not put off if you do not get immediate results. Simply go on applying the principles and eventually you will see how wonderfully it all works out. It is a truly glorious life when you are willing to give yourself completely to it.


Get Inspired
There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember our purpose for being on this great Earth. This is the voice of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us.

I release all feelings of worry and guilt.
Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and worry about what might be done.
Serenity Found

Spiritual not religious awareness is important to me. It is through continued spiritual growth that I maintain my sobriety. Below are some thoughts I have discovered in my spiritual journey that I found useful. I hope they are for you as well.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance---that principle is contempt prior to investigation. -Herbert Spencer from Alcoholics Anonymous (The Big Book) (IV edition page 568)


Silencing the Glitter
of the Strars -
night rain. Uko
"[Uko] must have been sitting in his small hut looking at the night stars glittering, and then suddenly...the night rain silencing all the glitter of the stars. Why has he written this?
"In this is contained the whole [Zen] manifesto.
"The stars are there, they are shining; the rain comes, the clouds come and the stars disappear, but they are still there. The clouds or the rain cannot take them away.
"Your buddhahood is just your inner glitter, your inner luminosity. Rain comes and clouds come, but they all pass away: your interiority remains untouched. Your glitter is not the glitter of the stars that can be taken away or that can be erased even for a moment. Your glitter and your silence is so deeply rooted in you that there is no way to avoid it.
"You have been avoiding, everybody has been trying to avoid the buddha, but you will not succeed, I promise you. Sooner or later you will get tired of hiding, of running away from yourself. Sooner or later you will sit down - a Zazen mat or no mat - silently and peacefully, and suddenly: the explosion!
"This is what you have been looking for all your many lives."

Osho, Excerpted from:
The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself


World Prayers

Beautiful cries of warbling perception
Mixed into overpowering swells that rise and fall
Slick concoctions of toasted spice and bubbling laughter.

Every emotion in every thought, every flavor of nostalgia
Experience, human, animal, mineral, celestial
Spiraling into ideas, shapes, motion, people, places, civilization, towering faces
The words of them all fly, glide, and sink about my mind
A radio tuned to ethereal frequencies that likes its static and adventures.

I have no need to control any of you, beyond what I find in my own mind
Just let me dance and whirl on your surfaces
Finding my peace as I walk on water
Home being the pond where you first found me.

therioshamanism - amber bell



Hugh Higgin's Cosmic Connection
The Suffering Mother; The Practical Path/

There is always something missing in people. Have you noticed? But it seems we do not notice what is good about them, or not enough.

The moon transits from Leo to Virgo, noon or mid-afternoon in the Western Hemisphere, early evening in Europe, still later by the clock in India. During the transition there are three to four hours of void-of-course moon, which I shall not calculate. You will have to wing it.

Feelings about people are mixed up with your feelings about your career or your status, your standing in the world. You may resent the fact that a friend or partner does not respect your ambitions or achievements.

When feeling impotent or useless, dropping things or stumbling, you can rise beyond the immediate toward the mediated, that is, the mental, the comprehension within you which grows by the days and years. Eventually it rises into reverence for the Supreme. Meanwhile there is a playful quality in the day.

Preserving one's position amid dispute is a grace one learns through trial and error, so any temporary error ought not to upset you too much. Your resourceful side finds ways of saying what needs to be said in a way which evokes or at least preserves harmony. You can be hard on people when they deserve such treatment but are trying to awaken them as painlessly as possible.

Anticipating problems in connection with home and job is a way of preventing them. When you work, you get confirmations of the right way to go. By reasoning out where you need to be at each moment, you do the better thing for the better result.

A release from the worse forms of tyranny seems to be coming to many (politically in the Arab world anyway). When there are doubts about any leader or a parent figure, you can look toward their deeper side and try to trust it enough to evoke it. Awareness of past tragedies helps to prevent tragedies. The suffering of saints, spiritual guides, and good people has prepared a path of flowers for others.

Ways of handling practical matters improve through the day and into the evening while the moon forms a trine with Jupiter and Pluto in earth signs.

{Tuesday} /The Suffering Mother; the Practical Path\

Cosmic Piper

Daily forecast-meditation at:


Elder's Mediatation of the Day
Elder's Meditation of the Day June 7
"If there is a shadow of a doubt someplace, that will cause a weakness."
--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
In the Spiritual World there is a spiritual Law. The Law says; like attracts like. This means whatever mental picture we hold inside our minds we will attract from the Universe. To make this Law work we must maintain a constant picture. If we picture or vision something, and along with this picture we have doubting thoughts, our vision will not happen and we will get EXACTLY what we picture or vision. The Law always works. A doubting vision will not materialize what we want. A vision without doubt will always happen. This is a spiritual Law.

My Maker, today, let my vision become strong.



Tuesday, June 7
Good news is brewing today.

Use a light touch with people and calls Tuesday morning as the Moon squares touchy and vain Venus at 10:27 AM and then turns Void of Course until she enters practical Virgo at 2:33 PM.

Hold off on decisions until the Moon changes signs as Luna runs right into a welcome trine to lucky Jupiter at 3:42 PMâ€"and at the same moment clever Mercury trines dependable Saturn. This is when you will be most likely to clearly see the pros and cons of a situation, and thus it sets up a very good day to make important long-range decisions.

Something that starts today has this balanced trine in the birth chart and it’s notable that highly successful people also have this same trine in their birth charts.

The Moon also opposes dreamy Neptune at 4:09 PM and this is the moment when you are driving in a well-known area but don’t know where you are for a few seconds.

The fog clears quickly and green lights stay on for evening activitiesâ€"reach out.

If your birthday is this week (June 5â€"11)
This unusual Jupiter Neptune sextile is a lovely blessing in your new Solar Return, Gemini.

This can be the year when a dream (Neptune) comes true (Jupiter). Yes, yes, yes.

Neptune is creative, idealistic, spiritual and psychicâ€"you are going to know who’s lying and who’s not in the months ahead. Jupiter rewards any action you take to have new experiences.

So this is the year to get off the beaten path, Gemini, and to follow your hunches and instincts. Mars and Jupiter are in patient and practical Taurus in your new SR increasing your ability to accurately judge the value of people and purchasesâ€"it’s a good year to buy property, land and items that will increase in value over time.

Quality over quantity, Gemini, and you’ll be happy with the outcome.

As times change.


TUT Notes from the Universe

Think of every single thing that you "have to" do to get through a day, as things you "get to" do... before your turn is over.

Everything's a gift,
The Universe

Daily Horoscopes

Tuesday, June 7
We are enthusiastic and raring to go this morning because a brilliant Sun-Uranus alignment encourages innovative action while the dramatic Leo Moon reflects our need to be seen and appreciated. However, the Moon’s shift into analytical Virgo at 3:33 pm EDT reveals a more practical side of life. Meanwhile, brainy Mercury forms a harmonious trine to steady Saturn, enabling us to think about our plans before rushing into anything too impulsively.

Aries You may feel as if so much has happened and your life has changed a lot these past few months. However, the stability that you once counted on has faded. Fortunately, today could offer you small victories in your current battle of regaining control. But don’t swing into action too quickly or you might run off in the wrong direction to fix problems that can wait. Ask someone you trust to help you set new priorities before you make a mistake.

Taurus You might not be the first to come up with the answer to a problem today, but your solution is worth waiting for. Your idea may seem overly simplistic, but it’s hard to argue with your rock solid logic. Ironically, all the pieces of your plan fit so well together that others could suspect you of hiding something. Don't be tempted to back off just to settle someone else’s fears. Stick to what you know is true and the resistance will dissipate.

Gemini There won’t likely be any unexpected surprises today because rational Mercury in your clever sign harmoniously trines serious Saturn. You are standing on a firm foundation now upon which you can build a reliable action plan. But don’t be satisfied with the status quo; instead, establish new goals that extend beyond your current ones. Try not to miss this opportunity to apply your analytical skills, while your logic is as good as it gets.

Cancer The intensity of your desires doesn’t let up as clarity replaces anxiety. If your plans have been ambiguous lately because you couldn’t make a decision, now the fog clears, giving you the ability to perceive what’s ahead. Making choices about how to best tie up loose ends is a smart idea today if you want to be ready for the future. You might be surprised at how much you actually accomplish if you just diligently work at a steady pace.

Leo You may believe that you’re running out of time as the Moon leaves your sign today. Although your anxiety is likely self-imposed now, you grow calmer as the day proceeds. There’s no need to push yourself too hard; your current fear of failure is probably unwarranted. Do whatever you can without having unrealistic expectations and then set new goals tomorrow when your far-sighted vision improves.

Virgo You may be more unconventional than others realize, even if it appears that you’re following the party line. Your ideas might be quite progressive, yet hiding them now is a good idea so you don’t seem out of place at work. Luckily, you have the ability to concentrate fully on your career. Fortunately, your singular focus may be enough to ease the developing pressure in other areas of your life at this time.

Libra You take your role as mediator very seriously today, but others may be growing tired of your desire to fix relationships that don’t live up to your standards. Your friends and associates honestly believe that you’ve done enough and that it's now time for you to back off. However, you are more patient than usual and you are willing to wait before making your next move. Just remember that it’s not a smart idea to make decisions for anyone else before you attend to your own.

Scorpio You can achieve a certain satisfaction now, even if the circumstances of your current relationships are complicated. Your reasoning is sound and you can effectively think through all the possibilities before saying something that you might later regret. Nevertheless, it’s still smart to acknowledge old insecurities so they don’t get in your way. Unresolved issues can make you anxious, provoking you to disclose secrets that you would rather keep to yourself a while longer. Consider your audience before you utter a word.

Sagittarius You may be considering ways to stabilize a relationship because your partner seems to be acting somewhat flighty now. On one hand, you’re tempted to take desperate action if you see someone you care about slipping away. But rather than panicking needlessly, this is the time for cool and collected actions. Slow down and think everything through first. Your rational approach of sharing your concerns in a non-judgmental manner will allow others to meet you halfway.

Capricorn It may feel as if your schedule has become so busy that it’s growing unmanageable. Thankfully, you are blessed with organizational superpowers today as clever Mercury in your 6th House of Work forms an easy trine with sensible Saturn in your 10th House of Career. But attempting to accomplish too much can be disastrous now, so don't try to do everything all at once. For the best results, set priorities, make a list and then methodically check off the items one at a time.

Aquarius This is a great day to put your travel schedule together for an upcoming trip. Or, if you are considering a new course of study, now is the time to make it happen. In fact, all forms of growth are favored today, so enroll in that class or book your plane tickets. Your positive attitude goes a long way on your road to success, so if you’re seeking adventure, there's no reason to wait any longer.

Pisces If you have been putting off a major decision, today is your day to deliver your final answer. However, you won’t likely act impulsively as communicator Mercury receives a helping hand from reserved Saturn, adding a cool logic to your thought process. Following a hunch often works for you, but now cold hard facts will take you even further. Remember that your best choices are made with both your head and your heart.

¸,.·´¯`·.»§« Practice a Random Act of Kindness »§«.·´¯`·.,¸

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Attachment(s) from Grandfather Oak

10 of 17 Photo(s) (View all Photos)


Need for prayers (sorry for the cross posting)

Posted by: "Christopher Annon" christopher.annon@yahoo.com   christopher.annon

Tue Jun 7, 2011 1:52 pm (PDT)

Hello Brothers and Sisters! We need your prayers! Chandle has been out of work since September last year. Things have been vey tight but we've managed. The good news is, she has a job interview next Tuesday for an almost perfect job. Please pray that the Lord and Lady blesses her words and the ears of the interviewer.

Love you guys,
Blessed be


The Divine Feminine on "Is This Normal?"

Posted by: "Karen Tate" karentate108@ca.rr.com   specialjourn

Tue Jun 7, 2011 2:54 pm (PDT)

This month on "Is This Normal?" we explore the Divine Feminine.

Emily and Simone welcome Karen Tate, host of the radio show "Voices of
the Sacred Feminine" and author of "Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing
Goddess on Planet Earth", on Tuesday, June 7, at 7:30 p.m. PDT on
Ustream. You can join in the fun with Emily and Simone and be part of
the action by going to http://www.ustream.tv/channel/is-this-normal1. If
you enter the chat room you will REALLY be part of the action!

Karen Tate has a passion for travel, comparative religions, ancient
cultures, and Goddess Spirituality. And for more than two decades, she
has used that passion to fuel her writings, lectures and guided trips.
She shows that Goddess advocates are no longer just perceived as radical
feminists or liberals, but that they are social and political activists,
humanitarians, environmentalists, teachers, housewives, sanitation
workers and ministers. Her Website at www.karentate.com shows the
breadth of her work. And her radio show can be found at

"Is This Normal?" is a webcast presented by The Center for Positive
Sexuality on sex and sexual issues hosted by Emily Prior and Simone, The
Filthy Book Reader.The show is broadcast on our Ustream Channel. Viewing
this show does not require a membership or age verification, however to
chat with us during the show, you must create a Ustream Profile, that
asks for birthdate, gender, and zip code. Clips from previous shows can
be found on our Youtube Channel.

"Is This Normal?" deals with all sorts of sexual topics, ranging from
basic sex education to gay and lesbian issues to kink and alternative
sexualities. The show features guests from the academic field and from
the various alternative lifestyles, reviews on current sex research and
recent discoveries, sex in the news from around the world,
demonstrations, and other fun stuff.

Ms Prior named the program based on her experiences in teaching and
lecturing on sex and sexuality topics. "In all the consulting and
teaching I've done, the most frequent question I get is "Am I normal?"
or "Is this normal?"

For more information, please contact: emily@positivesexuality.org

Other contact information:

Emily Prior of The Center for Positive Sexuality, www.positivesexuality.org

Simone, The Filthy Book Reader, www.filthybookreader.blogspot.com

Simone is also Exquisite Restraint Corsets, www.exquisiterestraint.net

The Center for Positive Sexuality is a non-profit organization dedicated
to the idea that people not only need to be educated about sex and
sexuality, but that everyone needs to be able to see these topics
portrayed from a positive, healthy perspective. Sex and sexuality are
normal, natural parts of being human and should be explored as a part of
everyone's development. Our website is: http://www.positivesexuality.org.

Emily E. Prior, MA
Center for Positive Sexuality

Re: "Share A Spell Day"

Posted by: "whodyathinkitis" mdkbic@gmail.com   butimcute101

Tue Jun 7, 2011 7:42 pm (PDT)

dunno if i did share this one already, but it's still my favorite.

Deardre's Light Change Spell

I wrote this. Feel free to share, but keep my name on it. Thank You.

Picture the stretch of you you need to drive. Now picture all the lights on
that road turning green as you approach. Chant the following as many times
as feels necessary (once or twice does the trick for me):

Money, Limes, Traffic Lights and Trees;

These are things that I like Green.

Turn for me, Stay for me,

Get me quickly and safely

To where I need to be

An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will;

As I Will, So Mote It Be!

Have a great day! -Deardre

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Cher Chirichello <CHIC0411@yahoo.com>wrote:

> "Share A Spell Day"
> Share a favorite spell, we prefer your own and if it is please be prepared
> to answer questions about the spell and possible substitutions. If you do
> decide to share someone else...Please make sure their names and links is on
> it so they get the credit or advertisement from us. Can't wait to share!
> Cher
> New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Re: Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together?

Posted by: "whodyathinkitis" mdkbic@gmail.com   butimcute101

Tue Jun 7, 2011 7:52 pm (PDT)

I appreciate what you say. I do my very best to be open minded, and listen
and consider before i open my mouth to speak. I am very lucky, there are a
few communities nearby that have a high enough concentration to allow openly
pagan businesses to flourish. I am going to one this weekend to go pentacle
window-shopping. My first pentacle (and only) was lost just recently at a
local carnival. Last time I lost it, it was reunited with me after the
winter was over...... I asked my HPS and BF Michelle to come with me, and
she wrote it in her calendar so she would not forget. I feel blessed to have
good friends, and open minded friends. So, if anyone ever finds themselves
visiting Long Island, New York, United States, feel free to drop a line an
i'll make time to meet up and share a cuppa coffee with you. :) BB, Deardre
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Teresa <darkmoresnight@yahoo.com> wrote:

> *Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together? *
> *<snip for space saving>*
1f u c4n r34d 7h15 u r3411y n33d t0 g37 l41d

Re: Healers ........ Who are they really?

Posted by: "whodyathinkitis" mdkbic@gmail.com   butimcute101

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:03 pm (PDT)

Meriya -

That's awesome, and it sounds as though you have a natural ability for
communication with animals! I'm glad that you were able to save the young
hawk's life, and that your family and neighbors were able to help in some
small fashion. -Deardre

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Connie Michaud <conster58@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> <snip 2 save space>
1f u c4n r34d 7h15 u r3411y n33d t0 g37 l41d

Housekeeper Job, Roselle NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:15 pm (PDT)

Housekeeper/Limpia Casas     

Employer:  Self

Roselle, New Jersey 07203 United States
Last Updated:     06/07/2011

Job Type:     Employee
Job Status:     Part Time
Shift:     Weekends
Please see Job Details for Apply instructions.
Job Description

General house cleaning for a small apartment, a little ironing. We need someone twice a month on the weekend for a few hours (3-4 hours). Must have own transportation. Prefer someone with many years of experience and we will require references.

Must have own transportation. Prefer someone with many years of experience and we will require references. Please email for faster response at claudiaorleans@yahoo.com


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Wednesday's Correspondence...June 8

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:30 pm (PDT)

Wednesday's Correspondence...June 8

Today's Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

Deities: Odin, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Lugh, Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Incense:  Saffron, Verbena

Aromas: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Color of The Day: Pale Green

Candle: Green

Planet: Mercury

Metal: Mercury (Quicksilver)

Gemstones: Adventurine, agate

Herbs & Plants: Aspen trees, lilies, lavender, ferns

Associations: Business and job-related issues, communication, loss and debt, traveling and journeys

Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

What's Happening Today:

If on the eighth of June it rain
That foretells a wet harvest, men sayen
As the English do with St Swithin's day (in June), the French use the weather on this day (the feast day of St Medard) to forecast the coming weeks. If it rains, the rain will continue for four or five weeks, or recur at haying time. In Norway, they say that rain today will last for forty days.
Blackburn, Bonnie and Leofranc, Holford-Strevens, The Oxford Book of Days, Oxford University Press, 2000
Kightly, Charles, The Perpetual Almanack of Folklore, Thames & Hudson 1987
Mens - The ancient Romans honored the goddess Mens ("Mind") on this day, to fulfill a vow undertaken by Hannibal
after a defeat in 217 BC.
Blackburn, Bonnie and Leofranc, Holford-Strevens, The Oxford Book of Days, Oxford University Press, 2000
Source:School of The Seasons

China: Grain in Ear Festival - The grain Gods are honored with
old rituals to ensure a harvest of plenty.  The grain Gods are
honored with rituals to ensure a harvest of plenty.

Japan: An ancient rice festival is held in Japanese villages.
Kimono-clad women recite prayers and light rice-straw fires to
honor the God of the rice and bless the crops.
The Helka festival is still held in Ritvala, Finland to ensure
that the fields will continue growing. Maidens of the village
parade and there is feasting and folk dancing to honor Helka on
Whitsunday. http://www.saaksmaki-seura.fi/helkajuh.htm#english

Today's Goddess: Nugua

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:33 pm (PDT)

Today's Goddess: Nugua
Dragon Boat Festival (China)
Themes: Balance; Masculinity; Femininity; Cooperation; Equality
Symbols:  Yin-Yang Symbol; Opposites
About Nugua:  In China, Nugua is known as "she who restores balance."  Nugua's energy brings life back into equilibrium when circumstances may have threatened us with chaos.  In art she is depicted as being part rainbow-colored dragon and part woman, representing the importance of maintaining balance between the lower and the higher self.
To Do Today:  Around this time of year, when the daylight and nighttime hours are growing closer to equal, the Chinese hold a dragon-boat festival that revels in Nugua's balance--the masculine (yin) and feminine (yang), the light and the dark, and the cooperative energies that dance between the two.  To commemorate this yourself, be sure to carry a coin with you (the heads/tails represents duality), but keep it where you won't accidentally spend it.  Bless it, saying,
"By day and dark,
Nugua's balance impart."
If negativity threatens your sense of stability, follow Chinese custom and drum out the evil.  Use anything that has a drumlike sound, move counterclockwise, the direction of banishing, and visualize Nugua's rainbow filling every inch of your home.
Offerings of beans, peaches, and rice are also customary.  So, either leave these in a special spot or eat them to internalize any of Nugua's attributes you need today.
By Patricia Telesco  From "365 Goddess"

Dig-Right-In Divination

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:34 pm (PDT)

Dig-Right-In Divination 
This is a favorable day for doing divination, especially for the purpose of
digging into the past, and in particular for digging into one’s own
childhood. To do this, you might gather all those old photographs you’ve had lying around for years and put them at long last into an album.
Write down all you can remember about them, then call other family
members and ask them for more information about what is happening in the pictures. If you don’t have photographs, write down whatever you
remember about events in your childhoodâ€"including any family stories and jokes, any holiday or vacation recollections. Look at the photos, or
stories, and see what else you remember that you have not thought about
in years. Our childhoods are our roots, after all.
~Magenta Griffith

DailyOM: Personal Tales

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:42 pm (PDT)

DailyOM - Writing Your Story
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:


June 7, 2011
Personal Tales
Writing Your Story
We all have a story to tell whether we publish it or keep it for just ourselves or family; allow yourself to be heard.

Everyone, at one time or another, has wanted to express his or her story. Writing a memoir to read privately, share with family or friends, or publish is an emotionally satisfying way to gain perspective on your experiences while sharing your unique voice. We’ve all experienced feelings and events in our lives that we are longing to write down. Giving in to that urge can give you an outlet for purging any frustration, anxiety, or long-dormant feelings. No one else has to read it. You may even want to write your story without reading it right away. Satisfying the need to tell your story is not predicated upon your writing ability. It does, however take effort to write down the truth in detail. Your memories, captured on paper as descriptive scenes, sights, sounds, and scents, may at first seem disconnected or incomplete. But rest assured that you possess the ability to shape your recollections into stories.

Everyone wants to be heard. Reading your story to others can meet that need. Writing your story can also help you understand your life experiences. And when you finish writing, you may be surprised at what you have accomplished. Your story can encompass as much or as little of your life as you prefer. You may surprise yourself with new insights, or you may find yourself exploring your roots, your identity, and your future through your words. Allow your writing to guide you and write as truthfully as possible. Don’t worry about what others will think of your personal journey, your style of writing, or your words.

Research has shown that writing a personal narrative filled with feelings and perceptions can create long-term health benefits. As you write, remember to have compassion for yourself, particularly when writing about traumatic events. If you are a young person, you can add to your life story as you grow older. Your writing may help family members know you better, or they may understand themselves more through reading about your experiences. More importantly, you are expressing yourself in a permanent way, giving a gift to yourself, and letting your voice be heard.

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Pima Rain-Making Song

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Jun 7, 2011 8:50 pm (PDT)

Let us begin. Let us sing. .
Singing of the small corn.
Singing of the large corn.
Singing as the evening falls.
Singing as the light dawns.
The light dawns and finds us singing,
singing as the corn waves tassels at us.
The dark falls and finds us singing,
singing while the squash waves leaves us.
The earth rumbles from the beating
of our basket drums.
The sky rumbles from the beating
of our basket drums.
The rain comes. The rain comes.
~Pima Rain-Making Song
The plants that feed us need sun and water and soil in order to thrive. Too much of one, too little of another, will mean a ruined crop - and, because we depend upon plants for food, will mean starvation and death as well. Our forebears knew the necessity of balance between sun and rain, between night and day, between rest and activity. Too often, today, the balance is lost, so that newscasters bemoan the rain our farms and gardens need - and which we, in turn, need as well.
When the weather thwarts our plans this summer, when weekends are rainy and evenings damp, let us recognize the rain's necessity and thank the goddess for her bounty. The lush green fields, and full larders, will be our rewards

By Patricia Monaghan  From " The Goddess Companion"
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