miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2883

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

The Dancers Tarot - 5 more days to raise $2500 From: Moti
File - TeachMe.html From: Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups.com



The Dancers Tarot - 5 more days to raise $2500

Posted by: "Moti" moti@contactimprov.com   dancecontact

Tue May 31, 2011 8:19 am (PDT)

[Dancers Tarot Flier]
Dear friends, witches, and tarot enthusiasts

I'm in the final days of my Kickstarter fundraiser for "The Dancers
Tarot" -- a deck of tarot cards with photos of dancers to
represent the archetypes. Thank you to the 125 people who have already

You can watch the project video, read all about it, & help out here:

I have 5 more days to raise $2500. Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing
system: I only get the money that has been pledged if I reach my entire
funding goal by June 5th. Backers (at any level) get rewards; for $50
you get a copy of the completed deck! If 50 more people pledge $50 each,
the fundraiser will be a success!

Thanks for any support you are able to offer! Even a few
dollars helps. Help spread the word by telling a friend, tweeting about
it, or linking to my project on facebook.

In Gratitude,
Moti Zemelman

File - TeachMe.html

Posted by: "Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups.com" Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups.com

Wed Jun 1, 2011 1:59 am (PDT)

*** Teach Me Something, ***
Teach me something ....

Post A Favorite poem, or a Verse from that Poem
Tell me how that makes you feel about the Goddess

Post a Link to a Pic of a Favorite Card at Taroteca
<http://taroteca.multiply.com/photos/album/41/Gendrone> tell me
how you feel about that card.

Review a Favorite Book
> that taught you something about
Wicca, the Tarot,
or gave you a spiritual insight

Our Group,
Will only become your group if you choose to participate, whether
to ask a Question, or Offer an Anwser, both are equally valuable
here, so please raise your voice, let yourself be heard.

It's your turn now,
Teach Me Something....

Brightest Blessings All, BB.
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