sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7283

Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)

(no subject) From: Beth Williams
Re: From: Raven )O(
Re: From: Beth Williams
Fun Friday--Random Tidbits about Monopoly From: Lady Nightshayde
Ophiucus Among Us From: Lady Nightshayde
Fun Friday--This is Awesome! From: Lady Nightshayde
House Spirit Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
Thought for the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
Celebrations and Rituals From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Healing circle From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Healing circle From: Alicia M
Re: Healing circle From: Fran Wolfe-Johnson
Re: Healing circle From: dragonkeepermw@msn.com
Help: Vanier From: Hot_Mama
Re: From: Ani



(no subject)

Posted by: "Beth Williams" tigerwillow13@hotmail.com   tigerwillowbutterfly

Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:04 am (PST)

Alright folks, I am in serious need of some insight here. Need someone else's thoughts on the things that keep happening in my life and those around me. I never believed in luck per se. But it seems if luck has anything to do with it, I have nothing but bad luck. If something can go wrong, it does. Can't seem to escape it. I know people worry about being cursed but I am starting to wonder if this could be true for me and mine. Those of you who know some of my past, especially the last three years, know that I have a psychotic ex-husband who believes he is somewhat of a wizard/warlock/whatever he calls himself and he had told me what he was going to do beyond the email hacking and informational sabotage and trying to ruin my relationships with my family and others I care about. He did a good job at that. Is it possible he followed through with his threat, and if so, is there something I can do to protect myself and those I care about? Is it possible to turn this around so that my life can be better? I never wanted to believe but things just keep going wrong, keep getting worse, and I can't take anymore. Please tell me what I can do. This has to change for the good. It has to.


Posted by: "Raven )O(" reenehopkins@yahoo.com   reenehopkins

Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:14 am (PST)

You need to change the way you think! You expect bad things to happen and they
do! You said it yourself "that if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have any
luck at all." The mind is a very powerful thing. And since you control your
thoughts, you also control things that come your way! Try using some positive
meditations...tell yourself things like " My faith assures that only the
positive may touch my being. I am safe and at ease in body and spirit." Tell
yourself every morning that its going to be a good day. You need to get the
negative thinking out of your head. Its not as hard to do as you might think.
I'm telling ya, people draw things to themselves without even realizing they are
doing it.

Take this for an example....say you are wanting to buy a new car, and you really
want this new car, but then in your mind you start telling yourself all the
reasons why you shouldn't buy this car. Well, you are sabotaging you ever
getting a new car. Do you understand what I mean? This was a hard lesson for me
to learn too, but once I got it, that I was making the negative things happen
with my own way of thinking and I started working towards changing my thinking,
everything turned around!! Let go of the negative, allow only the positive to
touch you!

Blessed Be



Posted by: "Beth Williams" tigerwillow13@hotmail.com   tigerwillowbutterfly

Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:34 am (PST)

Thank you Raven. Problem is, I have always done this. I have had a positive mindset and the bad just keeps happening. I have worked really hard to help my husband, my children and others in my life to do the same. Makes it rather difficult to convince them that thinking good things will bring good things when it hasn't. I truly believe what you are saying. As magic is based in intent and will, I have attempted to keep my thoughts on good to happen in my life. So, why does the opposite occur? It is all so abnormal. The problems, obstacles, etc., seem so bizaar, so "no way this could be happening" kind of stuff. But thanks again for your insight.

To: 13Witches@yahoogroups.com
From: reenehopkins@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 08:13:56 -0800
Subject: Re: [13Witches]

You need to change the way you think! You expect bad things to happen and they do! You said it yourself "that if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all." The mind is a very powerful thing. And since you control your thoughts, you also control things that come your way! Try using some positive meditations...tell yourself things like " My faith assures that only the positive may touch my being. I am safe and at ease in body and spirit." Tell yourself every morning that its going to be a good day. You need to get the negative thinking out of your head. Its not as hard to do as you might think. I'm telling ya, people draw things to themselves without even realizing they are doing it.

Take this for an example....say you are wanting to buy a new car, and you really want this new car, but then in your mind you start telling yourself all the reasons why you shouldn't buy this car. Well, you are sabotaging you ever getting a new car. Do you understand what I mean? This was a hard lesson for me to learn too, but once I got it, that I was making the negative things happen with my own way of thinking and I started working towards changing my thinking, everything turned around!! Let go of the negative, allow only the positive to touch you!

Blessed Be


Fun Friday--Random Tidbits about Monopoly

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:54 am (PST)


The three most-landed-on properties in Monopoly are
Illinois Avenue. "GO" and the B&O Railroad.


The game board streets in original Monopoly are named after
streets in the gambling resort city of Atlantic City, New
Jersey. In 1972, the Atlantic City Commissioner of Public
Works threatened to change the names of the real Baltic and
Mediterranean Avenues, but public outcry vetoed the bill.


Both the Reading pronounced (Redding) and Pennsylvania Railroads are no longer in business. And St. Charles Place was leveled to make room for a casino. In Atlantic City, the game's Marvin
Gardens is actually spelled "Marven Gardens."

Escape maps, compasses and files were inserted into
Monopoly game boards smuggled into POW camps inside Germany
during World War II. Real money for escapees was slipped
into the packs of Monopoly money.


The character locked behind the bars is called Jake the
Jailbird. Officer Edgar Mallory sent him to jail.


World records are maintained for the longest game in a
treehouse (286) hours, underground (100 hours), in a
bathtub (99 hours) and upside-down (36 hours).

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Ophiucus Among Us

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:54 am (PST)

Ophiuchus Among Us

Everyone's talking 'bout the 13th sign today, Ophiucus, (O-phew-cuss) which is a very cool-looking constellation. To the ancients, it appeared to be a man holding two snakes -- a two-part constellation pair called Serpens (Cauda) and Serpens (Caput). Its Latin name is Serpentarius -- a snake handler!
Here's why there's a controversy today -- the "new" sign is as ancient as the sky itself, just not part of the Tropical Zodiac. Since the Greeks spied the Zodiac ("circle of animals"), the constellations have shifted in relation to the Sun, and this is known as precession. There are TWO Zodiacs, one used in Tropical astrology that stays in alignment with the seasons. And Sidereal, one that keeps in line with the actual position of the stars. So if you're a Cancer like me in Tropical, you're a whole sign ahead in Sidereal, a Gemini. Which Zodiac you're drawn to is totally up to you. The Jyotish tradition, or Vedic uses Sidereal, as do some Western astrologers. Some even switch teams and convert -- or use both Zodiacs.
In sidereal (based on where the constellations are now), the Sun moves through Ophiuchus from November 29th to December 17th, for 18 days (more than Scorpio). It's in the area of the powerful Galactic center, and during that time, there's an interstellar breeze. If your birthdate falls in this timeframe, you can claim the power of the secret sign.
If you feel jipped or confused, please read Amy Herring's thorough take on Ophiuchus, the 13th Sign. She draws the conclusion that the energies of Scorpio and Ophiuchus share the sky, and have been blended in our consciousness.
On the other hand, there are astrologers like Richard Lee Vaughn of Real Time Astrology, who says humanity has been kept in the dark about Ophiuchus. And that it's a symbol of masterfully handling the negative side of reptilian energies. He writes, "The constellations of Scorpio and Ophiuchus lie side by side. Scorpio is the sign of serpents, lizards, reptilians and Lucifer. Ophiuchus, also known as the snake handler or charmer, used its powers to keep the evil tendencies of the Scorpion at bay."
Rob Brezny responded to an attempt to debunk astrology by throwing Ophiuchus in our faces, with this -- Here we go again with the Ophiuchus Scam.
I'm fascinated that there's so much interest in Ophiuchus, since I know cosmic bodies come into awareness not just when they're discovered, but as a result of reclaiming ancient knowledge too. The bigger question to me is what is driving the collective consciousness to reclaim the snake handler? Are we searching now for that archetype, with so much negativity, manipulating, mayhem, and possibly reptilian mischief afoot?
What I love about astrology is that its a dynamic field of knowledge. Rather than be defensive about its omission in the Zodiac, maybe it's time to give it space. I've heard from a lot of younger people who are excited by this archetype -- the Pluto in Scorpios (born 1984-1996?) I'm excited to see where this leads and will be collecting articles, and looking into it more deeply myself. Moderator Fiona Kelly has started a thread on this to share your thoughts in the Astrology Forum.

What the Hell is Ophiuchus Anyway? Michael Lutin on "Conquering the Universe with Astrology" show tonight!
Dark Star Astrology on Zodiac Signs, Fixed Stars and Precession.
Lost Books of Nostradamus and Ophiuchus

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Fun Friday--This is Awesome!

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:55 am (PST)


House Spirit Spell

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:55 am (PST)

House Spirit Spell

Ancient Romans honored their guardian house spirits at this time of year. To communicate with or to attract a house spirit, set a small, appealing statue in a special place in your home. Before it, place a small heatproof dish, and burn some of your favorite incense, saying:

"Welcome gentle spirit, guard my home.
Please guard the cradle, hearth, and every room."

House spirits love attention. Leave a bit of food or burn some incense in its bowl as an offering. At least once a year, usually in January, pay special tribute by serving your family a meal in your spirit's honor. Pork, wine, and cakes are appropriate items to serve.

Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde

You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Thought for the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:56 am (PST)


Elder's Meditation of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:57 am (PST)

Elder's Meditation of the Day

"The most important thing now is to reveal the inner temple of the soul with right thinking and right activity."

-- Willaru Huayta, QUECHUA NATION, PERU

The key to growing a strong tree is to have a good system of roots and to feed the roots with good medicine. If we put poison in the root system, it will affect the tree, and it will become obvious to the rest of the forest what is being fed to the roots. This is also true of the human being. We need to feed our roots with right thinking. If our thinking is right, it will become obvious to the rest of the people. We don't need to tell people about ourselves with our mouth because our actions always tell them.

Great Spirit, direct my thinking today. Feed my roots.
from www.whitebison.org

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Aromatherapy Tip

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:58 am (PST)

This is a concentrated massage oil that may help with mild depression.

3 tblsp. sweet almond oil

8 drops Lavender essential oil

8 drops Ylang ylang essential oil

2 drops Basil essential oil

2 drops Geranium essential oil

2 drops Bergamot essential oil

Blend together in an amber glass bottle.

Add the sweet almond oil and shake gently.

Apply a small amount onto the back of the hands and chest area.

Inhale the essences from your hands after application to the skin.

Apply two or three times daily as needed

from www.aromathyme.com

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Celebrations and Rituals

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:59 am (PST)

Celebrations and Rituals

No matter whether you are celebrating Candlemas by yourself or in a group, your celebration will be enhanced with decorations and music. Here are some suggestions for setting the stage.

The Setting

Decorations for Imbolc or Candlemas should reflect the themes of the season. Gold or brass is always appropriate, as are red and white. Evergreen boughs can represent Brigit's green mantle and the departing winter, and pussy willows, crocuses, snowdrops, and hazel catkins can symbolize the coming of spring.

Celtic knotwork is appropriate, and any of the art books by George or Ian Bain or Courtney Davis can show you Celtic designs appropriate to the Season. Brigit's crosses can be used in abundance. Remember that Brigit was known for all the holy wells and springs dedicated to her, so a small tabletop fountain would be a charming addition. If possible, set it in a nest of evergreen boughs with early-blooming flowers like crocus and hyacinth adding delightful touches of color.

Place a wreath of boughs and flowers holding several candles on the table as a centerpiece for the feast. In the middle of the wreath you could honor the Poet, Smith, and Healer by placing a favorite book of poetry, a small anvil, and a few bunches of dried healing herbs.

Brigit has a close relationship with the world of Faery, so scatter a few small fairy decorations among the silver, gold, and pastel glitter. Brigit's sacred
animals include sheep, cows, bears, pigs, geese, and swans, so a few animal figurines may find places among the evergreens and spring flowers.

Decorating your bed can be a whole delight in itself. If you have the funds and the storage space,consider buying a set of white flannel sheets and a bright red comforter to use every year at Imbolc. If you have four-posters, hang them with swaths of dark green fabric, tied with big red bows and white lace ribbons. Perfume the bedroom with bayberry or cinnamon candles. (Be sure to blow out the candles before you go to sleep!)

Any table can be covered with a white flannel sheet and sprinkled with silver glitter, to symbolize the snows of winter, with early spring flowers as a counterpoint. Be lavish with the use of red fabric and gold glitter, to signify the Sun and the solar theme of the holiday. Fire and ice are always nice.

Incenses appropriate to the season include the single-wood incenses, like cedar, pine, and juniper, as well as blends special of the season that you can make yourself.

If you are doing ritual in someone's living room, cover the TV, computer, and stereo with brightly-colored fabric. Always turn off the phones, both landline and cell, and pagers, and take off watches, especially beeping ones. If there's a fireplace, light a good fire about an hour before the ritual starts, and put a large log on just as you begin. That way you won't have to tend the fire in the middle of your activities.

The Altar

The Brigit altar might be covered with a white cloth, symbolizing the white mantle of snow outside. Add a green swath of fabric for Brigit's green cloak, and red candles in candleholders of brass, to symbolize the ascendancy of the sun. A small anvil, a book of poetry, and a bunch of dried herbs to honor the Smith, Poet, and Healer. Place on the altar symbols of any illnesses or injuries you have recovered from during the last year, as thanks, or as symbols of those situations you want Lady Brede's help with during the coming year. Very few of us are smiths, but we do have creative projects we are working on, so perhaps place a symbol of one of those on the altar.

It's fun and educational to create four Quarter altars. In the east honor Poetry, using your favorite poetry, art, and calligraphy, on a cloth of deep gold or light blue. For the south, Smithcraft, use a small anvil, a small hammer, your athame, and a red candle or a cotton-ball-and-alcohol fire in a small cauldron, all placed on a red or red-and-gold cloth. In the west, for healing, place your tabletop fountain on a light blue or light green drape, along with dried herbs and a few bottles of tinctures or pots of salve you made the previous summer. And in the north, on a purple drape for sovereign, place a sword or scepter and crown (or pictures of them), plus a scroll to signify the Law.

The Music

The music of Brigit's time has mostly been lost, and what survives is primarily Christian ecclesiastical. However, in recent years Celtic music has enjoyed a great revival, and we think Brigit would be happy to be celebrated with Irish harp and bodhran (the Celtic drum). If you don't play yourself, put a CD into the boom box and enjoy. You can use this as background music through the whole celebration, save one piece for a lively dance, or just have music at the beginning and during the feast afterward.
by Amber K and Azrael Arynn K

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Re: Healing circle

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:13 am (PST)

Please add him (John) to the healing circle? I am really worried about him

His name has been added for the next Healing Circle.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Re: Healing circle

Posted by: "Alicia M" akupar@hotmail.com   aliciamarchildon

Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:43 pm (PST)

how do you mean, this is in secret

To: 13Witches@yahoogroups.com
From: LadyNightshayde9@aol.com
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:12:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Healing circle

Please add him (John) to the healing circle? I am really worried about him

His name has been added for the next Healing Circle.

Love Each Day,

Lady Nightshayde






Re: Healing circle

Posted by: "Fran Wolfe-Johnson" tygermoonfoxx@gmail.com   tygermoonfoxx

Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:45 pm (PST)

I'm not certain what you mean. The Healing Circle is an actual circle which
Lady Nightshayde performs. The people who are in need are mentioned and
worked over at that circle. No secrets about it. She was merely
acknowledging the receipt of the request.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Alicia M <akupar@hotmail.com> wrote:

> how do you mean, this is in secret

"Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs
my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to
the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy."

-- Hamlin Garland

Fran Wolfe-Johnson (WalkerTXKitty)
FoxHeart Acres, FL


Re: Healing circle

Posted by: "dragonkeepermw@msn.com" dragonkeepermw@msn.com   rbl2hrly

Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:11 pm (PST)

Thank you Lady. I apologise for requesting out of turn but I found out last night.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Lady Nightshayde <LadyNightshayde9@aol.com>
Sender: 13Witches@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:12:58
To: <13Witches@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: 13Witches@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Healing circle

Please add him (John) to the healing circle? I am really worried about him

His name has been added for the next Healing Circle.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Help: Vanier

Posted by: "Hot_Mama" alicia_marchildon@yahoo.com   alicia_marchildon

Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:44 pm (PST)

I am a recovering addict and need someone or some people to send a spell my way to help me in my difficult time.
I also have a history with abuse, a lot of trauma as well.
I am 6 months pregnant and 5 days, CAS is watching me carefully, I have two girls with family now. This baby I am ready for and will not lose this baby.
So if anyone can help me in anyway I would be grateful



Posted by: "Ani" ani_shadowdragon@peoplepc.com   mystressacksunamoon

Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:19 pm (PST)

Perhaps it is unresolved issues. To find resolution, the orignal issue must be addressed and faced. Sometimes it takes time to dig deep enough to find the root of the problem, but definately worth the time and effort to eliminate negativity. Also, I would suggest smudging on a regular basis, cleansing and purifying as well as protection.
On occasion, and unbeknowest to the self, a person can call negative to themselves because of these unresolved issues, or you can also pick up energies from others. Learn to feel the difference and ask yourself if your "feelings" are your own, or someone elses.
There are many ways in which to rid yourself of negativitiy... like attracts like....without the actions and healing, positive change is slow coming..if it arrives at all..


----- Original Message -----
From: Beth Williams
To: 13W
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: [13Witches]

Thank you Raven. Problem is, I have always done this. I have had a positive mindset and the bad just keeps happening. I have worked really hard to help my husband, my children and others in my life to do the same. Makes it rather difficult to convince them that thinking good things will bring good things when it hasn't. I truly believe what you are saying. As magic is based in intent and will, I have attempted to keep my thoughts on good to happen in my life. So, why does the opposite occur? It is all so abnormal. The problems, obstacles, etc., seem so bizaar, so "no way this could be happening" kind of stuff. But thanks again for your insight.

To: 13Witches@yahoogroups.com
From: reenehopkins@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 08:13:56 -0800
Subject: Re: [13Witches]

You need to change the way you think! You expect bad things to happen and they do! You said it yourself "that if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all." The mind is a very powerful thing. And since you control your thoughts, you also control things that come your way! Try using some positive meditations...tell yourself things like " My faith assures that only the positive may touch my being. I am safe and at ease in body and spirit." Tell yourself every morning that its going to be a good day. You need to get the negative thinking out of your head. Its not as hard to do as you might think. I'm telling ya, people draw things to themselves without even realizing they are doing it.

Take this for an example....say you are wanting to buy a new car, and you really want this new car, but then in your mind you start telling yourself all the reasons why you shouldn't buy this car. Well, you are sabotaging you ever getting a new car. Do you understand what I mean? This was a hard lesson for me to learn too, but once I got it, that I was making the negative things happen with my own way of thinking and I started working towards changing my thinking, everything turned around!! Let go of the negative, allow only the positive to touch you!

Blessed Be

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