duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2527

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)

Imbolc Craft Idea - Candle Wheel From: Silver Fox
Imbolc Craft Idea - Brigid's Bed From: Silver Fox
Re: Upcoming Sabbat :) From: jessica balding
Re: Finding your Animal Totems From: jessica balding
when stressed...... From: jessica balding
colour Green... From: jessica balding
colour Blue... From: jessica balding
Colour meanings-RED From: jessica balding
Macha Nightmare/Pagan Culture &Carl Ruck/Drug Use of Ancient Cults o From: karentate108



Imbolc Craft Idea - Candle Wheel

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:03 am (PST)

Candle Wheel
Source: Unknown


craft wreath
eight white candles
ivy leaves or vines
glue gun

1. Either drill thick holes into the wreath so that candles can be placed inside or just secure them with screw-bottom candleholders or using the glue gun.

2. Place the ivy leaves around in a decorative fashion.

The eight candles are symbolic of the eight spokes of the year, and spinning the circle into motion at Imbolc is important. In ritual, the candles can be lit with a cauldron or bowl placed in the middle of the candle wheel.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Imbolc Craft Idea - Brigid's Bed

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:03 am (PST)

Brigid's Bed


basket, box, doll cradle or similar item
padding to make receptacle like a bed
figure to represent the goddess Brigid
figure to represent the God (optional)


1. Dress up the basket, box, cradle or other item you've selected to make a bed. Make it comfortable and decorate it as you wish.

2. Make a figurine to represent Brigit. This can be made with a bundle of oats, rushes, straw, or any grain or craft material fashioned into a loop or slightly human shape. You can even use a doll. It can be simple or ornate, and can even can dressed, preferably in white (to represent the Maiden). If you like, you can make a god figurine as well.

Start a new tradition in your home. Place the Brigid's Bed in the most inviting, warmest place in the house and imagine that Brigid will really visit on Imbolc. Leave an aromatic, hot snack out for her by the bed. Invite the spirit of the Goddess to inhabit the bed and ask for her blessings of fertility and healing. Put the dolly in the bed and if you wish, offer the company of the God. Add nuts to the bed to stimulate fertility. In the morning, surprise your children with a small gift that Brigid has left for them. The Bride can also be placed outside then. There she forms an amulet of prosperity, fertility and protection, which can remain till after Samhain. In her book, Ancient Ways, Pauline Campanelli suggests you return The Bride to earth before Yule.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Re: Upcoming Sabbat :)

Posted by: "jessica balding" beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk   beautishianlove

Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:18 pm (PST)

Your welcome! when you help explain stuff, it re-inforces what you know, so maybe I should be thanking you! :) A thing to remember though, you incorporate information you recieve into your way of doing things!
-Jess )0(

--- On Wed, 19/1/11, Mauve Sunrise <mauve.sunrise@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Mauve Sunrise <mauve.sunrise@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Earthwise] Upcoming Sabbat, help appreciated
To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, 19 January, 2011, 15:12


Thank you so much Jessica! I will re-read this closer to Imbolc. I greatly appreciate your help!

From: jessica balding <beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk>
To: EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 11:02:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Earthwise] Upcoming Sabbat, help appreciated


          There's the Wiccan Sabbat of Imbolc coming up-depending on where your located and the callendar you go by ( Gregorian-also known as the western callendar) will deter the date of the occassion. In the Northern hemisphere, it's usually celebrated on the 2nd Feb. It gets a bit confusing if you get too much into detail and start worrying about that kinda thing. Southern hemisphere celebrates....well I actually forget, cause I celebrate on Feb2nd.
If you wanna know more about Northern/southern hemisphere celebrations and stuff, I really recommend reading Way of wicca by Vivianne Crowley-publishers=thorsons element books.
Imbolc is also refered to as St. Brigit's day. A scottish/gaelic proverb about the day-
"The Serpent will come from the hole,
On the brown day of Bride,
Thought there should be three feet of snow,
On the flat surface on the ground".
It's a fire festival. A celebration of the warming of the earth from harsh winters'. One of 4 fire festivals; you might wanna look up " wheel of the year". A time for beginnings/initiations.
Goddess association with this day: Bridgit. Also the maiden/mother phase of the goddess, bringing things to nurture/being.
Some belief's place Imbolc on the 1st and candlemas on the 2nd Feb.
Life is celebrated as it is at this time when life beings to stir again- Earth thaws-kinda like a chicken! :)
In the home, you may want to get rid of unwanted goods/clutter. In preparation for all things new. A time of purification.
Imbolc translates as 'In the belly'. Symbolically, a stirring of Earth's womb. A time for fresh starts and new beginnings!
Remember when celebrating=to relax, you should not have to worry about what you have to get done or what your celebrations should be! What do you like to do in magic? think about it?! You could have a tea-party gathering where your friends bring drinks or cakes for after any rituals or spells. This is to ground your energies afterward. I'd suggest maybe looking on google/ask about groundings-then you'll know what you can make for yourself-bananas believe it or not can also be eaten after ritual as they are high in potasium.  You don't have to use 'high' magick on your first sabbat-if it is your first sabbat, either way..... you could read each other's tarot, or you could read there's=a way of looking to the future and asking about any new beginnings.
You could have a spring house clean and develop that into a ritual afterwards.......
Lighting lots of candles is another way to celebrate, you could cleanse your tools or charge them for future use!
You could make some goals for the future!
Well, I don't know much about Druidry, I follow Wicca, but that's as close to nature as you might find.
If there's going to be more than one of you, you could all walk into your garden on Imbolc, be close and one with nature and have a 'drawing down the moon' ritual, or you could create a coven if there's 4 of you. Or you could call the watchtowers if there are 4 of you.
If you'd like, as I now have more time on my hands....let me know if you'd like a sample ritual/spell work for Imbolc, and I'll let you know how I used to celebrate.
Recommended books-
definately way of wicca-as mentioned above and 'the witche's almanac' by Marie Bruce. I love her books-in the Almanac's she has rituals and spells, bits about moon phases for each day and basic info on gods, correspondances, months, etc.
Hope this helps :)
BB, have a great Sabbat!



Re: Finding your Animal Totems

Posted by: "jessica balding" beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk   beautishianlove

Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:18 pm (PST)

Ok, if I offended when I last posted I'm sorry. But I was not trying to 'push' totems on people, I just added an email or two on animals I thought people may see in their day to day lives-hence cat and dog being the first email. Yes, totems do come to you, and they come to give you a message. for example before writing this email, a ladybug came onto my bed, and it's still there. I wouldn't say it's my 'signature' animal, I would even say (for some reason they worry me now), compaired to my childhood, when I would easily pick them up etc. after looking it up there general meaning is luck and protection. So I should feel protected soon about events in my life etc.

I NEVER and will never claim to be a witch who knows everything the Universe has to offer, and I understand that I never will for as we evolve, so do we learn! So if I have given any negative impressions, then I'm sorry. But like I say, They were animals I thought a consensus of people would come across; cat, dog, squirrel, bear, frog etc. I didn't want to add things like dragon because some people may be unfamiliar with animal totems or need some basic information on them!
-Jess )0(


--- On Tue, 25/1/11, holly@ravenmadness.com <holly@ravenmadness.com> wrote:

From: holly@ravenmadness.com <holly@ravenmadness.com>
Subject: [Earthwise] Finding your Animal Totems
To: "EarthWise" <EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups.com>, MurfreesboroPagans@yahoogroups.com, PaganBookOfShadows@yahoogroups.com, Tennessee_Witches@yahoogroups.com, The_New_Pagan_Way@yahoogroups.com, TNWitchesCircle@yahoogroups.com, which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com, witchology@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 25 January, 2011, 15:29


Ok in the past few days I have had several conversations about how do
you find your totem animal or animals .. and how do you know which
animal is yours.... soooooooooooooo I thought I might speak a few words
about this.

The first thing that I want to say is ... the below are my own thoughts
and ways ... I'm not saying this is the one and only way and I'm not
saying I'm right and everyone else is wrong... all I can do is give you
my perspective and speak from my own experiences... so please don;t take
it personally if my view differs from yours or from what you may have
been told by someone else..

ok whew .. now that the disclaimer is said and done.. we can get down to

Note #1 - First of all there were comments by one of my friends that she
is connected to one particular animal more than any other and then she
said that <Insert name here> told her that her totem was something else
.. her next statement was that she has never connected with that animal.

Well, I'm not saying that whoever told her what her totem was - was
wrong .. that totem may be around her but not yet showing itself to her
- but also I want to say that ... YOU are the one connecting with YOUR
totem .. YOU are the one effected ... YOU are the one being guided -
Don;t worry so much about what others tell you - instead ... if you
feel strongly linked to one particular animal or 2 or 3 or whatever -
then that/those are YOUR totems.

Note #2 - You may have many totems throughout your lifetime.. some stay
with you for long periods of time and sometimes forever and some come
and go as they are needed. Sooooooo ... you meet someone and they tell
you <insert animal name here> is your totem ... or at least that's what
THEY see as YOUR totem ... and that may be true for that moment in
time... but as your life progresses and you change .. your situation
changes and all things around you change .. your totem may or may not
also change. So don't get yourself stuck on ... "so and so said this is
my totem so that's it .. forever" LOL

Note #3 - You will find your totem when you stop trying so hard to find
it ..

It is not something to be forced or made to be.. when you relax and let
things just be .. you will see...
You must allow your totem to come to you .. welcome it into your life
and soon you will discover it has been there all along.. you will see
the signs and have that DUH! Moment .. LOL...

When you push and push and try to force things to be ... the vision
becomes blurred and unclear. We all have our totems.. don't worry you
are not without one just because you are unsure of what it is. You just
have to relax and allow it to show itself to you.

Note #4 - Stan Hughes has a wonderful book called Medicine Seeker.. in
the back of his book he has a 100+ question survey to help you find out
what totems you may have. It's a very in depth survey that may bring
light to what you already know but may be suppressing.

Here's a link to Stan's page

Anyway .. I hope this has helped .. good luck

Many Blessings,


Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/raventalker


when stressed......

Posted by: "jessica balding" beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk   beautishianlove

Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:19 pm (PST)

A great feeling......de-stressing from all that seems so important, so big! But there are afew things you can do to relax;
1.) Massage your feet-you'd be surprised how calming this is=use a gentle touch!
2.) Read a book.
3.) Turn off your phone-nobody would blame you for switching it off-especially as some of us switch off after work completely anyway!
4.) Listern to some music you've never heard-maybe from a movie/musical.
5.) Watch a feel good movie; a few personal fav's-Sweet home Alabama, 13 going on 30, 17 again, it's a boy girl thing, I not promounce you Chuck and Larry, the mall cop, just like heaven, enchanted, the hang-over, the corpse bride.
When these do not seem like a fabulous idea-try this.....
After having a relaxing bath, add Lavender oil to your hair-sounds simple or maybe you dislike the smell, but give it a go. The oil without any carrier oils, does NOT burn your skin, so you can add it straight either to your hair or onto your hair from your hands. I find this very relaxing!
-Jess )0(


colour Green...

Posted by: "jessica balding" beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk   beautishianlove

Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:19 pm (PST)

CHAKRA: Fourth, Heart Chakra (with Pink)
PLANET: Venus, Jupiter and Mars
DAY: Friday/Venus - love, friendship
Wednesday/Mercury - business transactions
Thursday/Jupiter - Luck, prosperity
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand and Cauldron
SCENT/OIL: Elder, Mint, Musk, Sage Vanilla, Pine, Sweet pea, Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain, Cinnamon, Marjoram.
PLANT/HERB: Birch, Catnip, Blackberry Coltsfoot, Foxglove, Thyme, Yarrow, Feverfew, Burdock, Pennyroyal, Plantain, Briar, Verbena, Elder, Basil, Cedar wood, Sage, Dill, Clove and Mugwort.
WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Fig, Oak, Pine, Orange.
ANIMAL: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Fishes, Bee, Bull, Rabbit, Rat, Alligator, Turtle Grasshopper, Bison, Frog.
FEATHER: luck, money and foundations.
STONES: Emerald, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, Coral, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Green Quartz, Gold, Silver, Rock Crystal, Onyx, Azurite.
TAROT: The Emperor and the four Sevens again. Sometimes the Aces!

Life and Renewal, the Nature and Culture of Green
Green is life. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment. On the flip side, green is jealousy or envy (green-eyed monster) and inexperience.
Green is a restful colour with some of the same calming attributes of blue. Like blue, time moves faster in a green room.
Green is the national colour of Ireland and is strongly associated with that country. Green also has close associations with Islam. Because of all the green in nature the colour is reminiscent of Spring. Coupled with red it's a Christmas colour
Green is the colour of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful colour. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the colour of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony. Green is a safe colour, if you don't know what colour to use anywhere use green.
Green is favoured by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eyeshades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia.
Earth Gods/Goddess'. Earth energy.
-Jess )0(


colour Blue...

Posted by: "jessica balding" beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk   beautishianlove

Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:19 pm (PST)

CHAKRA: Fifth, Throat Chakra
PLANET: Neptune/Mercury
DAY: Monday/Moon = Lt Blues - peace, patience
Wednesday/Mercury= Blues - friendships, creativity, dreams
Thursday/Jupiter = Royal Blue - honour, happiness
Saturday/Saturn = Dark Blues - communication
MAGICKAL TOOL: Cauldron and Chalice
SCENT/OIL: Lily of the Valley, Honey-suckle, Cedar, Basil, Jasmine, Sweet pea, Lotus
PLANT/HERB: Carnation, Honeysuckle, Orange Heather, Cypress, Hazel, Oak Moss, Mallow, Aloe Vera Buttercup(communication), Daffodil and Baby's Breath.
WOOD: Hazel, Sycamore, Willow and Birch
ANIMAL: Dolphin, Whale, Mermaid, Blue Jay, Gull Giraffe, Robin, Deer, Ass, Clam, Lizard and the Frog.
FEATHER: BLUE: psychic awareness, peace and health BLUE/BLACK/WHITE: change and easy transition
STONES: Azurite, Turquoise, Coral, Blue Opal, Tanzanite, Sapphire, Chrysacola, Hematite, Sodalite, Blue Laced Agate, Lapis Lazuli (children) Aquamarine and Sapphire.
TAROT: The Hierophant and the Suit of Cups
Blue Lace Agate:
This beautiful pale blue gem, with its white lacy patterns has an immediately calming and soothing effect â€" very restful and pleasing to the eye. It is worn or carried to promote peace and happiness. When feeling stressed, or anxious, hold a piece of this beautiful stone to feel a sense of calm and serenity. Placed in the home, or at work, it calms the atmosphere and helps to reduce quarrels and discord.

Energy: Receptive
Elemental Ruler: Water
Chakra: Throat
Zodiac Affinities: Pisces
Powers: Calming, Peace, Happiness, Hope, Communications, Healing, Love.
To much blue/very dark blue can cause depression.
-Jess )0(


Colour meanings-RED

Posted by: "jessica balding" beautishianlove@yahoo.co.uk   beautishianlove

Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:19 pm (PST)

The meaning of colours is largely symbolic, and these associations are not conscious. They are part of the "cultural mind." So even if you've never thought about why red means danger, you still respond to a flash of red light as a warning. Even if you hate the colour pink, being in a room painted a quiet pink will calm your physical body.
Red is a male colour. Red is the colour of fire, stimulation, intensity, action, passion, life and birth. When used in magic; it can be wild and unpredictable. Red's uses in magic are primarily for blood purifying, protection from fire, sexual dysfunctions, will, rashes and inflammations, violence, energy and stimulation, passion in love, change, transformation, loyalty, courage, marriages, lust, power, destroying, freedom, force, sexuality and marriage.
Associations: Love, Sexuality, Good Health, Energy, South cardinal point, Passion, Vigour, Physical Desire, War, Pain, Stimulator, Aphrodisiac, Willpower, the God, Power, Charisma, Career Goals, Survival, Force, Impulsiveness, Danger, Courage, Strength, Vitality, Romantic Atmosphere, Protection, Exorcism, Lust, Anger, Blood, Attraction, Fertility, Revenge, Fire, help in Legal Difficulties, Sacrifice, Creativity, Action, Vibrancy, Defensive Needs (such as protection from hexes), Attacks (such as wars, "good luck" in them), Charity.
CHAKRA: First, Root Chakra
PLANET: Mars DAY: Tuesday
MAGICKAL TOOL: Sword, Cauldron, Incense Burner, Candle
SCENT/OIL: Dragons Blood, Basil, Pine, Cinnamon, Mullein, Musk.
TAROT: The Magi, Suit of Cups, the four Fives.
PLANT / HERB: Sunflower, Nettles, Holy Thistle, Crowfoot, Hops, Wormwood, Cranes-bill, Chilli-Pepper, Chives, Spikenard, Onion, Cornflower, Rose, Mustard, Garlic, Rosemary, Dill, Hibiscus, Woodruff, Tobacco, Pepperwort, Heather and Yew .
WOOD: redwood, cherry.
ANIMALS: Bear, Horse, Wolf, Ram, marsupials and night creatures, Tigers, Lions, Badger, Alligator, Ants, Beetle, Cardinal, Porcupine, Chicken, and Peacock.
STONES: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Red Tourmaline, Red Topaz, Agate, Rubelite Rhodochrosite, Quartz Crystals, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Tektite, Diamond, Red Jasper.
TAROT: The Magician, Cups, Fives.
GOD: Achilles, Ares, Atlas, Hercules, Mars, Thor, Zeus.
GODDESS: Athena, Eris, Kali, Minerva.
Ruby Reds - passionate love, anger.
Light Reds - deep affection of a non-sexual nature (such as friendship).
Cherry Reds - physical AND mental lovemaking.
Red: Spells for physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.
Magickal Purpose: Fire, passion, life, birth, stimulating, intense, highly-charged, will, ego, potential, anger, aggression, lust, war, courage, strength, fear. Its use in magic must be cautiously guarded as it can be very wild and unpredictable, as a candle color, it should be used with caution.
The Personality: Bold, assertive, impulsive, extroverted, passionate, aggressive. There is no in-between for this person, they go from one extreme to the other. But it can be a fantasy ride for anyone who joins them!
Magic Uses: Energy, passion in love, courage, lust, power, transformation, loyalty, force, sexuality, blood. May be used with black candles.

RED: candles
The fiery, invigorating colour of energy and life. Always connected to blood, birth and death; and sex. Connects with love, passion, fertility, physical energy and strength. Increases magnetism in rituals and is used in defensive magick. Also emotes courage and enthusiasm. Good in health, strength and vigor spells and defensive magick. Used in healing neuralgias and exhaustion. Red symbolizes the element of Fire as well as being a God Symbol.


Macha Nightmare/Pagan Culture &Carl Ruck/Drug Use of Ancient Cults o

Posted by: "karentate108" karentate108@ca.rr.com   specialjourn

Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:27 pm (PST)

Greetings Friends and Family,

Be sure to tune in LIVE Wednesday, or from the archives at your
**M. Macha Nightmare*, author,
<http://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicesofthesacredfeminine#>teacher and
ritualist is among the founders of the Reclaiming Tradition, a member of
the American Academy of Religion, the Marin Interfaith Council and
theNature Religion Scholars Network, CPG and Cherry Hill Seminary will
discuss the Celtic Goddess, Brigid and aspects of Building a Pagan
Culture such as the role of Pagan clergy, politics and seminaries for
Pagan study.


Hear *Dr. Carl Ruck*, classicist and author of The Road to Eleusis:
Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries, discussing drug use in the
mystery cults of Demeter and Persephone, women and the psychedelic
movement and women in ancient cults.

Time: 6PM Pacific You'll have to make adjustments for your time
zone. And the show is available later from the archives where you might
listen at your convenience.

To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:


*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine

_*Future Guests in 2011:*_
* Carolyn Niethammer, author of Daughters of the Earth, discussing
little known Native American Women we should know about
* Bob Walker, Joseph Campbell Foundation, The Power of Myth and how
Rational Thought replaced Goddess
* Alysia Tromblay, discusses the Bonpo people of Tibet who revere the
Sherab Jamma, the Great Mother
* Charles Eisenstein, speaker, visionary, author of The Ascent of
Humanity and Sacred Economics
* Gloria Feldt, author of /No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We
Think About Power/
* James William Gibson, author of A Reenchanted World: The Quest for a
New Kinship with Nature, a history of wildlife conservation, ecology,
environmental issues, animism
* Allan Johnson,// <http://www.agjohnson.us/books/firstthing/> author
of The First Thing and the Last, a novel of redemption and healing in
the aftermath of domestic violence

Karen Tate


fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives

Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth


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