vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2517

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)

Daily Wisdom by Raventalker 1-20-2011 From:
Self-Dedication From: Silver Fox
Imbolc - Dream Tending Spell From: Silver Fox
Fornacalia From: Silver Fox
Hearthside Signs Of Brigit From: Silver Fox
Celtic Goddesses and Gods From: Bootie Boo



Daily Wisdom by Raventalker 1-20-2011

Posted by: ""   hollyberrysheart

Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:01 am (PST)

from the Vision Quest Deck

Daughter of Earth - Creativity

Be ready for creativity to run amuck! amuck! amuck! You have inside you
all the tools that you need.. patience and inner peace will help you
when this creative phase begins. The flood gates are bulging and soon
this creative flow will be set free... be ready!

Transformation -

When we transform ... it is like we are reborn... and in order to be
reborn .. something must pass.Don't try to hold on to the inevitable..
let go of all unnecessary baggage and allow the transformation to take
place. Don't fear change ... allow it to come to be and you will see
your world become brighter and better.

Daughter of Fire - Self Actualization

TRUST! You must trust that inner knowing that guides you. It wants to
lift you to the heavens like smoke rising from a bowl of healing herbs.
The greater your faith and trust in the secret forces that guide you ..
the more sure footed your journey will be. Your path is right there in
front of you .. trust .. believe and walk forward with love.

Many Blessings,




Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:25 am (PST)

Author Unknown

Self-dedication is a totally valid form of initiation, and even if you decide to be initiated into a coven, I recommend that you do a Self-Dedication before you start looking. You won't have the same experiences as a Witch in a coven does, but Self-Dedication is a powerful experience. Initiation means that you'll be a part of a coven and probably have some kind of formal teacher, but Self-dedication means that you're accepting Life and Nature as your most important teachers. It's making a promise to live in harmony with yourself, human and animal kind, the deities, and the Universe.

Seriously think about what that means to you before you Dedicate. How will dedication change your life? Only you will know! Do you want to choose a God/dess to be your patron--or has one already chosen you?

Self-Dedication can be as simple as sitting on the ground outside and declaring that you are a Witch. That's really all it takes, but we creative types usually want some kind of exotic ritual to declare our Path. I say, go for it! Have a blast!

It's really nice to make yourself something to mark the occasion, like a necklace or armband, so yo can look at it and wear it as a reminder of your faith. Traditional Wiccan High Priestesses often wear a necklace made out of amber and jet beads, and Wiccan Priests often wear a torque, an armband that fits above the elbow. The pentacle has become a traditional symbol of Wiccan faith, and so is the Triple Goddess symbol. Something as simple as a sun or moon is totally appropriate, too. Choose whatever you like, even if it's not "Wiccan."

Write your Dedication vows, explaining what you think Dedication means, and use these in your ritual. Some Witches choose a new name when they're initiated, and some choose several over the course of their lifetime, depending on what they feel expresses their magickal nature of the energy that they want to work with. Their magickal, or Craft, name is sometimes used only in circle, only among other Witches, or kept totally secret and only used by the Witch alone.

Native American people, as well as African people, often have several names throughout their lives, and they're given or choose a new one at each rite of passage of initiation. Witches also use Craft names to distinguish between their magickal life and their mundane life. It's a symbol, and it's a tool--much like our other tools- which signal the Witch's mind to flip the magickal switch. I never chose a Craft name because I prefer not to make any distinction between my Witchy self and my regular old self. It's up to you. If you decide to use a Craft name, you'll also have to decide when and how you use it.

Frankly, you'll probably really freak out your family if you decide that your new name is Mercury Light Feather and that they should only call you that from now on. You'll also have to pick your name, of course! You can do a "vision quest" type of meditation and see what name comes to you, or you can simply choose something that feels right. You can work out the numerical value of your given name and choose a new name that has the same value, choose something that describes your magickal personality, or take on the name of a God/dess to whom you feel a connection.

One last word, and I promise to get on with it! After you Dedicate, please refrain from flapping your gums about being a Wiccan High Priest/ess. You're not. A Nigh Priest/ess, in traditional Wicca, has been initiated three times, which is called Third Degree. A High Priest/ess is the head of a coven, either active or retired, and a High Priest/ess (we hope) has an enormous amount of life experience to help them with the enormous responsibility that comes along with being a spiritual leader. However, you certainly do have the right to call yourself a Witch, and if you continue to act in a way that backs up your claim, a Priest/ess.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Imbolc - Dream Tending Spell

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:25 am (PST)

Dream Tending Spell
By Stephanie Rose Bird

Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Sandalwood
Date to be Performed: Imbolc

This is a truly special day for Wiccans and some Witches. It is Imbolc, a high holiday that honors the triple goddess Brigit and one of the eight sabbats that mark the turning of the wheel of the year. Ground-hog day is also observed today.

This holiday incorporates the seasonal divination of the more ancient Imbolc, which uses the movement of a snake rather than the shadow of a ground-hog to divine how much longer winter will remain. It is the beginning of the Storm Moon and also the time of the Feast of Oya, the orisha of weather and changes. To the Iroquois people, it is Midwinter Ceremony, a time to bless the fields, tell your dreams, and pay tribute to your ancestors.

At bedtime now, light a braid of sweet grass. Extinguish the flame but allow the braid to smolder. Wave the braid lovingly and with great care around your bedroom, motioning with your hand to encourage the smoke to drift in a snake-like stream over your bed and pillow. Dip the braid in spring water, making absolutely sure no flame remains. Then put the braid away. Pour lavender water in a large bowl. Put your favorite seashell inside the bowl of water.

As you sleep, the bowl will act as a conduit for messages from the ancestors, nature spirits, and the great beyond. Place this under your bed or on your bed table. Replenish the water as needed over a period of two weeks. Write down your dreams in a journal. Read over them frequently. Messages revealed in the darkness of winter have special meaning. Work each day to lift the shroud of darkness so you can glimpse new growth and the coming light of spring. Understanding the mysteries of winter is at the heart of Imbolc and its celebrations.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller



Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:26 am (PST)


February ~5 - 17

The Fornacalia was held in honor of bread, and the ovens used to dry grains. This festival was movable, and could have been held any time between Febuary 5th to February 17th. February was the last month in the "old" Roman calendar, but strangely enough (from our point of view), the first day of spring was celebrated on February 5 (the Nones). It was a month, accordingly of "spring cleaning," i.e. purifcation and fertility rituals - something akin to the way Christians think of Lent. According to Ovid, the Latin word februa, ("the means of purification" ) derived from an Etruscan word equivalent for "purgamentum" ["purging"]. The word fornax is a diminutive of fornacula meaning a 'kiln' or 'furnace'. According to tradition, this ancient festival was instituted by Numa. The precise time to celebrate the Fornacalia was proclaimed every year by the Curio Maximus, who announced in tablets, which were placed in the forum, the different part which each curia had to take in the celebration of the festival. Those persons who did not know to what curia they belonged, performed the sacred rites on the Quirinalia, which fell on the last day of the Fornacalia.

In Roman mythology, Fornax was the goddess of the mysteries of bread-baking and the embryo's development

The Feast of Ovens
The Fornacalia was a feria conceptiva - a movable feast, but always celebrated before the 17th of February. It was celebrated at the level of the curiae, which is something like a ward or neighbourhood. Every curia had a leader called a curio who had to be at least 50 years old and was elected for life, and a citizen charged with ensuring the observence of curial religious feasts (called the flamen, but not offically a priest). The thirty curiones collectively comprised the college of curiones led by a Curio Maximus ('greatest curio') who, until the end of the 3rd century BCE, was always a patrician. Every curia had its own meeting house where members met to celebrate the curial feast days. Even at the zenith of the Roman Empire these were always simple, homely places devoid of ostentation. Offerings of cakes of grain and perhaps some first fruits were made here. Each year the Curio Maximus would announce the date of the Fornacalia and post a separate notice for each curia in the Forum, probably indicating where each curia should gather for the final part of the celebration. It is believed that every family in the curia brought far, that is, spelt (a kind of grain), to be toasted in the meeting hall and sacrificed to ensure that the household ovens wouldn't be burnt in the coming year. Then the curiae assembled for a collective feast. If on the last day of the Fornacalia (17th of February) anyone had missed the feast or was not a member of a curia (or had forgotten which one he belonged to), he could make a private sacrifice at the general assembly of all the curiae called the Quirinalia. Because of this the Romans called the Quirinalia the Stultorum feriae, the 'Feast of Fools', although Plutarch was not convinced of this derivation.
The Fornacalia continued to be celebrated up until the time of Lactantius (c. 240 - c. 320).
Romans didn't undertake purification activities out of a sense of personal sin and for the sake of personal salvation (cf. Lent), but rather, to give the gods their due, avert future troubles, and rid the private home and public state of evil influence.


3 cups warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C) 2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast 1/3 cup honey 5 cups bread flour 3 tablespoons butter, melted 1/3 cup honey 1 tablespoon salt 3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 2 tablespoons butter, melted
In a large bowl, mix warm water, yeast, and 1/3 cup honey. Add 5 cups white bread flour, and stir to combine. Let set for 30 minutes, or until big and bubbly.
Mix in 3 tablespoons melted butter, 1/3 cup honey, and salt. Stir in 2 cups whole wheat flour. Flour a flat surface and knead with whole wheat flour until not real sticky - just pulling away from the counter, but still sticky to touch. This may take an additional 2 to 4 cups of whole wheat flour. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to coat the surface of the dough. Cover with a dishtowel. Let rise in a warm place until doubled.
Punch down, and divide into 3 loaves. Place in greased 9 x 5 inch loaf pans, and allow to rise until dough has topped the pans by one inch.
Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 25 to 30 minutes; do not overbake. Lightly brush the tops of loaves with 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine when done to prevent crust from getting hard. Cool completely

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Fornax_(mytholog y)
http://abacus. ~mimber/Rciv/ fornicalia. htm
http://www.witcholo february/ fornacalia. php

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Hearthside Signs Of Brigit

Posted by: "Silver Fox"   trickster9993

Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:28 am (PST)

Hearthside Signs Of Brigit
Source: Candlemas
By Amber K & Azrael Arynn K

Before you leave the hearth, you might try a little spodmancy, tephramancy, or tephromancy; divination by interpreting the ashes of any fire, but particularly a sacrificial fire. When you create "Brigit's Bed" near the hearth fire, take some cold ash and lightly sprinkle it in a thin layer on the stone or brick surface before the fire, just before you retire for the night. In the morning, look to see whether there are marks or footprints in the ash. These may look like the fan shaped prints of a good or swan, or a mark made the club that the visiting goddess carries.

If there are prints, then Brigit herself has visited your home, and her blessings will be with you all throughout the year. If not, an ancient custom decrees that to remedy this, a cock be "buried as an offering at a place where three streams met – a three-fold confluence of sacred power – an incense burned on the fire the next evening." If this not possible for you, try the modern equivalent: a picnic of fried chicken by any stream, with a campfire to toast marshmallows.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Celtic Goddesses and Gods

Posted by: "Bootie Boo"   rowan2124

Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:21 pm (PST)

Angus Mac Og/ Angus of the Brugh: Ireland. One of the Tuatha De Danann. He had a gold harp that made irresistably sweet music. He had a faery palace on the on the banks of the Boyne. God of youth, love and beauty.
Anu/Dana/Dana-ana: Ireland. Mother Earth, goddess of plenty, another aspect of the Morrigu; great Goddess; greatest of all Goddesses. Sometimes she formed a trinity with Badb and Macha. Her priestesses comforted the dying and taught them. Fires were lit for her at Midsummer. She is the Maiden aspect of the triple Goddess in Ireland. Guardian of cattle and health and Goddess of fertility, comfort and prosperity.
Arawn: Wales. King of Hell; God of Annawn, the underground kingdom of the dead. God of revenge, terror, and war.
Arianrhod: Wales. Star Goddess; sky Goddess; virgin;Full Moon Goddess; goddess of reincarnation. Keeper of the circling Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time or karma. Another name for this wheel is the Oar Wheel. It was a ship which carried dead people (warriors) to Emania. She was the mother of Llew Llaw Gyffes and Dylan by her brother Gwydion. Her origional consort was Nwyvre. She is the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wales. Honoured at the Full Moon. Beauty, Reincarnation and Fertility.
Badb/Badhbh: Ireland. Battle Raven; Scald-crow; the cauldron of ever producing life. War Goddess and wife of Net who was also a was God. Sister of Macha, Anu and the Morrigu. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Ireland. Associated with the cauldron, ravens and crows, life, inspiration, wisdom, and enlightenment.
Banba: Ireland. Goddess; part of a triad with Fotia and Eriu. They used magick to repel invaders.
Bel/Belenus/Belenos/Belimawr: Ireland. Sun and Fire God; Great God. He is closely connected with the Druids. His name is seen in the festival of Beltane. Science, healing, hot springs, fire, success, cattle, crops, vegitation, fertility, purification.
Blodeuwedd/Blodwin/Blancheflor: Wales. Lily made of Celtic initiation ceremonies. She is also known as the ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise. Created by Math and Gwydion as a wife for Llew, she was then changed into an owl for her adultery and plotting Llew's death. She is teh Maiden form of the Triple Goddess; her symbol is the owl; Goddess of the Earth. Flowers, lunar mysteries, wisdom, initiations.
Boann/Boannan/Boyne: Ireland.Goddess of the river Boyne; mother of Angus Mac Og by the Dagda.
Bran the Blessed/Benedigeidfran:Wales. Brother of the mighty Manawydan ap Llyr and Branwen; son of Llyr. Association with ravens. God of prophecy, the arts, leaders, the Sun, war, writing and music.
Branwen: Wales. Sister of Bran the Blessed and wife of Irish King Matholwch. Venus of the Northern Seas; daughter of Llyr; Lady of the Lake. Goddess of love and Beauty.
Brigit/Brid/Brig/Brigid: Ireland. Daughter of the Dagda; poetess. Often referred to as The Triple Brigids, Three Blessed Ladies of Britain or The Three Mothers. Another aspect of Danu; associated with Imbolc. She had an exclusive female priesthood at Kildare and an ever burning sacred fire.She had nineteen priestesses who represented the nineteen-year cycle of the Celtic Great Year. Goddess of Fire, fertility, teh hearth, all feminine arts and crafts, martial arts, healing, physicians, poetry, learning, divination, inspiration, prophecy, smithcraft, agriculture, witchcraft, occult knowledge, love.
Cernunnos/Cernowain/Cernenus/Herne the Hunter: The Horned God; God of Nature; God of the Underworld and the Astral Plane; Great Father. The Druids knew him as Hu Gadarn, the Horned God of fertility. He is portrayed sitting in the lotus position with horns on his head, curly hair, a beard and naked except for a neck torque. He was sometimes seen holding a spear and shield. His symbols were the stag, bull, ram, and horned serpent. Virility, fertility, animals, nature, reincarnation, physical love, woodlands, wealth, warriors, commerce and crossroads.
Cerridwen/Caridwen/Ceridwen: Wales. Moon Goddess; Great Mother; grain Goddess; Goddess of Nature. Wife of the giant Tegid and mother of a beautiful girl (Creiwy) and an ugly boy (Avagdu). Welsh Bards called themselves the sons of Cerridwen. The founder of their craft was said to be born of Cerridwen and to have tasted a potent brew from her cauldron of inspiration. This potion was known as greal. It was made up of six plants for inspiration and knowledge.Her symbol is a white sow. Death, fertility, inspiration, regeneration, astrology, magick, spells, poetry, herbs, science and knowledge.
Creiddylad/Creudylad/Cordelia: Wales. Daughter of the sea God Llyr. Connected with Beltain and often called the May Queen. Goddess of Summer flowers. Represents flowers and love.
The Crone: This is one aspect of the Triple Goddess. She represents death or old age, Winter, the Waning Moon, the end of things, destruction that preceeds regeneration through the cauldron of rebirth.Sacred to her are all black creatures.
The Dagda: Ireland. The Good God; All Father; Lord of the Heavens; Father of the Gods and men; Lord of Life and Death; God of magick; Earth God. He was the High King of the Tuatha De Danann. Under hollow hills in the Earth he had four great palaces. The Dagda also had several children, most important being Brigit, Angus, Midir, Ogma, and Bodb the Red. God of death and rebirth; master of all trades; Lord of perfect knowledge. He had a cauldron called the Undry which supplied unlimited food. He also had a living oak harp which caused the seasons to change in the order they do. Protection, warriors, magick, fire, weather, prophecy, the arts, reincarnation, the harp, music, and prosperity. He is the first among magicians, warriors and artisans.
Danu/Danann/Dana: Ireland. Major Mother Goddess; ancestressof the Tuatha De Danann; Mother of the Gods; Moon Goddess; Great Mother. Another aspect of the Morrigu. Patroness of wizards, rivers, water, wells, plenty, magick, and wisdom.
Diancecht/Dian Cecht: Ireland. He once destroyed a terrible baby of the Morrigu. When he cut open the child's heart, there were three deadly serpents that could kill anything.He burned them and threw them in the river.The ashes were so deadly that the river began to boil and killed everything in it.Today the river is called Barrow. Diancecht's children were Miach, Cian, Cethe, Cu, and Airmid. He is the God of healing, medicine, regeneration, silver working, and magick.
Don/Domnu/Donn: Ireland, Wales. Abyss; Deep Sea. Queen of the Heavens; Goddess of Sea and Air. Sometimes called a Goddess and sometimes called a God.In Ireland, Don ruled over the land of teh dead. The entrances to this Otherworld were always in the sidhe or burial mounds. Had control of the elements, eloquence.
Druantia: Queen of the Druids; Mother of the tree calendar; Fir Goddess. Knowledge, creativity, passion, trees, sexual activities, fertility and protection.
Dylan: Wales.God of the Sea; Son of the wave. Son of Arianrhod and Gwydion. His symbol was the silver fish.
Elaine: Wales, Britain. Maiden aspect of the Goddess.
Epona: Britain, Gaul. The Great Mare; Divine Horse; Goddess of horses; Mother Goddess. Crops, dogs, maternity, fertility, horse breeding, healing springs, protectress of horses and prosperity.
Eriu/Erin: Ireland. A daughter of the Dagda and one of the three queens of the Tuatha De Danann.
Flidais: Ireland. Goddess of woodlands, forests, and wild things; ruler of wild beasts. She rides in a chariot drawn by deer. She is also a shape shifter.
Goibniu/Gofannon/Govannon: Ireland, Wales. One of a triad of craftsmen. He forged all the Tuatha's weapons, these weapons were deadly and if hit with one the results were fatal. God of blacksmiths, weapon makers, fire, brewing, metal working and jewelry making.
Grear Father: The Horned God;The Lord. Lord of winter, harvest and the land of the dead. Ruler of the sky, animals, mountains, powers of destruction, regeneration and lust.
Great Mother: The Lady. Goddess of fertility, the Moon, love, flowers, Summer and water.
The Green Man: A horned deity of trees and all green things on Earth. God of the woodlands.
Gwydion: Wales. Son of Don; Druid of the mainland Gods. Wizard and Bard of North Wales. He was a shape shifter and had many different skills. His symbol was a white horse. The greatest of all the enchanters. Illusion, magick, healing, changes, the sky.
Gwynn Ap Nudd: Wales. King of the underworld and the faeries. He later became the King of the subterranean faeries.
Gwythyr: Wales. King of the upper world.
Herne the Hunter: Same as Cernunnos and teh Horned God.
The Horned God: The masculine active side of nature. Also known as Earth Father. He had sacred animals which were the bull, stag, goat and bear. God of growing things, the forest, alertness, wild animals, nature, desire, agriculture.
Llyr/Lear/Lir: Ireland, Wales. God of the sea and water.
Lugh/Luga/Llew/Lug/Lugus: Ireland, Wales. Sun God, God of war. He is celebrated at Lughnassadh. Associated with ravens, his symbol is a white stag. God of war, magick, reincarnation, lightning, journeys, manual arts, initiation, healing, socerers, poets and musicians.
Macha: Ireland. She is a war Goddess. Also the Mother of life and death. She is one of the aspects of the triple Morrigu. She is honoured at Lughnassadh.
Manannan Mac Lir/Manawydan Ap Llyr: Ireland, Wales. He is a shape shifter, chief Irish sea God. God of the sea, storms, navigators, fertility, magick, rebirth, and the arts.
Margawse: Wales. Mother aspect of the Goddess.
Math Mathonwy: Wales. God of magick, sorcery and enchantment.
Merlin/Merddin/Myrddin: Wales. Druid; Great sorcerer; Great magician. He is said to have learned all his magick from the Morgan, Viviane, Nimue and the Lady of the Lake. Master at everything he does, illusion, shape shifting, herbs, healing, prophecy, crystal reading, rituals, spells, tarot, magick, incantations, psychic abilities, divination and foreseeing.
The Morrigu/Morrigan/Morgan: Ireland, Wales. Great Queen; War Goddess. Associated with ravens and crows she is the Crone aspect fo the Goddess. She is also known as the Moon Goddess, Faery Queen, Great Mother and Great White Goddess. In her dark aspect she is the Goddess of war, death and fate. She is the patroness of Witches and priestesses. Prophecy, magick, night and revenge.
Niamh: Ireland. Helps heroes at death, a form of Badhbh.
Nuada/Nudd/Nodons/Nodens: Ireland, Wales. He who bestows wealth; The Cloud maker. Similar to Neptune, he had an unstopable sword which was one of the treasures of the Tuatha. He is the God of healing, fishing, oceans, youth, beauty, water, smiths, incantations, sailing, childbirth, and magick.
Ogma/Oghma/Ogmios/Grianainech: Ireland. Very similar to Hercules, he carries a huge club and was the champion of the Tuatha. Invented the Ogham script alphabet.God of eloquence, poets, writers, inspiration, physical strength, magick, spells, music, language, the arts and reincarnation.
Pwyll: Wales. At times he is the ruler of the underworld.
Rhiannon: Wales. Known as The Great Queen. She is the Goddess of birds and horses. Enchantments, fertility and the underworld. She is usually seen riding a swift white horse.
Scathach/Scota/Scatha/Scath: Ireland, Scotland. Underworld Goddess of the Land of Scath; Dark Goddess; Goddess in the destroyer aspect. Patroness of blacksmiths, magick, healing, martial arts and prophecy.
Taliesin: Wales. The prince of song, and a poet. Patron of the Druids, Bards and minstrels. God of magick, writing, wisdom, wizards, music, knowledge, and Bards.
Tephi: Ireland. Goddess of Tara.
White Lady: Dryad of death; identified with Macha; Queen of the Dead and Crone form of teh Goddess. Goddess of death, annihilation and destruction.

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