miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7287

Messages In This Digest (12 Messages)

Candlemas: The Light Returns From: Lady Nightshayde
The World Tree From: Lady Nightshayde
Six Universal Spiritual Principles From: Lady Nightshayde
Breaking Winter Doldrums Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
Insights From: Lady Nightshayde
Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
The Empathy Bridge From: Lady Nightshayde
Stop Repeating the Same Mistakes From: Lady Nightshayde
Cool Website of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Names for Healing Circle, 1/26/2011, 12:00 am From: 13Witches@yahoogroups.com
Saturn  Retrograde From: Lady Nightshayde



Candlemas: The Light Returns

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:50 pm (PST)

CANDLEMAS: The Light Returns

It seems quite impossible that the holiday of Candlemas should be considered the beginning of Spring. Here in the Heartland, February 2nd may see a blanket of snow mantling the Mother. Or, if the snows have gone, you may be sure the days are filled with drizzle, slush, and steel-grey skies -- the dreariest weather of the year. In short, the perfect time for a Pagan Festival of Lights. And as for Spring, although this may seem a tenuous beginning, all the little buds, flowers and leaves will have arrived on schedule before Spring runs its course to Beltane.

'Candlemas' is the Christianized name for the holiday, of course. The older Pagan names were Imbolc and Oimelc. 'Imbolc' means, literally, 'in the belly' (of the Mother). For in the womb of Mother Earth, hidden from our mundane sight but sensed by a keener vision, there are stirrings. The seed that was planted in her womb at the solstice is quickening and the new year grows. 'Oimelc' means 'milk of ewes', for it is also lambing season.

The holiday is also called 'Brigit's Day', in honor of the great Irish Goddess Brigit. At her shrine, the ancient Irish capitol of Kildare, a group of 19 priestesses (no men allowed) kept a perpetual flame burning in her honor. She was considered a goddess of fire, patroness of smithcraft, poetry and healing (especially the healing touch of midwifery). This tripartite symbolism was occasionally expressed by saying that Brigit had two sisters, also named Brigit. (Incidentally, another form of the name Brigit is Bride, and it is thus She bestows her special patronage on any woman about to be married or handfasted, the woman being called 'bride' in her honor.)

The Roman Catholic Church could not very easily call the Great Goddess of Ireland a demon, so they canonized her instead. Henceforth, she would be 'Saint' Brigit, patron saint of smithcraft, poetry, and healing. They 'explained' this by telling the Irish peasants that Brigit was 'really' an early Christian missionary sent to the Emerald Isle, and that the miracles she performed there 'misled' the common people into believing that she was a goddess. For some reason, the Irish swallowed this. (There is no limit to what the Irish imagination can convince itself of. For example, they also came to believe that Brigit was the 'foster-mother' of Jesus, giving no thought to the implausibility of Jesus having spent his boyhood in Ireland!)

Brigit's holiday was chiefly marked by the kindling of sacred fires, since she symbolized the fire of birth and healing, the fire of the forge, and the fire of poetic inspiration. Bonfires were lighted on the beacon tors, and chandlers celebrated their special holiday. The Roman Church was quick to confiscate this symbolism as well, using 'Candlemas' as the day to bless all the church candles that would be used for the coming liturgical year. (Catholics will be reminded that the following day, St. Blaise's Day, is remembered for using the newly-blessed candles to bless the throats of parishioners, keeping them from colds, flu, sore throats, etc.)

The Catholic Church, never one to refrain from piling holiday upon holiday, also called it the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (It is surprising how many of the old Pagan holidays were converted to Maryan Feasts.) The symbol of the Purification may seem a little obscure to modern readers, but it has to do with the old custom of 'churching women'. It was believed that women were impure for six weeks after giving birth. And since Mary gave birth at the winter solstice, she wouldn't be purified until February 2nd. In Pagan symbolism, this might be re-translated as when the Great Mother once again becomes the Young Maiden Goddess.

Today, this holiday is chiefly connected to weather lore. Even our American folk-calendar keeps the tradition of 'Groundhog's Day', a day to predict the coming weather, telling us that if the Groundhog sees his shadow, there will be 'six more weeks' of bad weather (i.e., until the next old holiday, Lady Day). This custom is ancient. An old British rhyme tells us that 'If Candlemas Day be bright and clear, there'll be two winters in the year.' Actually, all of the cross-quarter days can be used as 'inverse' weather predictors, whereas the quarter-days are used as 'direct' weather predictors.

Like the other High Holidays or Great Sabbats of the Witches' year, Candlemas is sometimes celebrated on it's alternate date, astrologically determined by the sun's reaching 15-degrees Aquarius, or Candlemas Old Style. Incidentally, some modern Pagan groups have recently begun calling the holiday itself 'Brigit', presumably as a shorthand for 'Brigit's Day'. This lexical laziness is lamentable since it confuses a deity-name for the proper name of the holiday. The same disconcerting trend can be seen in the recent practice of referring to the autumnal equinox as 'Mabon', which is more properly the name of a Welsh god-form. Another holiday that gets mixed up in this is Valentine's Day. Ozark folklorist Vance Randolf makes this quite clear by noting that the old-timers used to celebrate Groundhog's Day on February 14th. This same displacement is evident in Eastern Orthodox Christianity as well. Their habit of celebrating the birth of Jesus on January 6th, with a similar post-dated shift in the six-week period that follows it, puts the Feast of the Purification of Mary on February 14th. It is amazing to think that the same confusion and lateral displacement of one of the old folk holidays can be seen from the Russian steppes to the Ozark hills, but such seems to be the case!

Incidentally, there is speculation among linguistic scholars that the vary name of 'Valentine' has Pagan origins. It seems that it was customary for French peasants of the Middle Ages to pronounce a 'g' as a 'v'. Consequently, the original term may have been the French 'galantine', which yields the English word 'gallant'. The word originally refers to a dashing young man known for his 'affaires d'amour', a true galaunt. The usual associations of V(G)alantine's Day make much more sense in this light than their vague connection to a legendary 'St. Valentine' can produce. Indeed, the Church has always found it rather difficult to explain this nebulous saint's connection to the secular pleasures of flirtation and courtly love.

For modern Witches, Candlemas O.S. may then be seen as the Pagan version of Valentine's Day, with a de-emphasis of 'hearts and flowers' and an appropriate re-emphasis of Pagan carnal frivolity. This also re-aligns the holiday with the ancient Roman Lupercalia, a fertility festival held at this time, in which the priests of Pan ran through the streets of Rome whacking young women with goatskin thongs to make them fertile. The women seemed to enjoy the attention and often stripped in order to afford better targets.

One of the nicest folk-customs still practiced in many countries, and especially by Witches in the British Isles and parts of the U.S., is to place a lighted candle in each and every window of the house (or at least the windows that faced the street), beginning at sundown on Candlemas Eve (February 1st), allowing them to continue burning until sunrise. Make sure that such candles are well seated against tipping and guarded from nearby curtains, etc. What a cheery sight it is on this cold, bleak and dreary night to see house after house with candle-lit windows! And, of course, if you are your Coven's chandler, or if you just happen to like making candles, Candlemas Day is the day for doing it. Some Covens hold candle-making parties and try to make and bless all the candles they'll be using for the whole year on this day.

Other customs of the holiday include weaving 'Brigit's crosses' from straw or wheat to hang around the house for protection, performing rites of spiritual cleansing and purification, making 'Brigit's beds' to ensure fertility of mind and spirit (and body, if desired), and making Crowns of Light (i.e. of candles) for the High Priestess to wear for the Candlemas Circle, similar to those worn on St. Lucy's Day in Scandinavian countries. All in all, this Pagan Festival of Lights, sacred to the young Maiden Goddess, is one of the most beautiful and poetic of the year.
by Mike Nichols

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



The World Tree

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:50 pm (PST)


We live in a cosmos based on the teachings of science. It is an infinite cosmos, one that began with a big bang that expands in an elliptical shape into infinity, and that will someday contract back upon us again, like some gigantic being breathing in and breathing out.

But there is another, much older vision of the cosmos that still resonates deep within our souls. This is the cosmos of shamanism. It exists all over the world. The same teachings about the universe can be found among the Pagan Vikings of Scandinavia and the Classic Maya of Central America. Ours is a truly universal universe.

According to the shamanic world view, a great tree stands at the center of all things. It is the pivot around which the Three Worlds revolve--Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.

The World Tree's mighty roots reach down into the Underworld. There, at the bottom of all things, is a dark pool of water in which some great reptile lives (the Vikings said it was a snake; the Maya said it was an alligator). This primordial dragon lies coiled at the source of the cosmos.

Above it, the World Tree stretches on and on. In the very center of its trunk lies the circle of Middle Earth, the greening world in which we move and have our being.

The Tree stretches far above our own Earthly domain, its branches soaring into Heaven, the world of the Gods. Each great branch leads to another Heaven, another divine realm.

At the top of it all, above the highest Heaven, a great bird soars. Siberian and Norse shamans claimed it was an eagle; the Maya spoke of a mystical, legendary bird called the muan. Even higher, at the apex of all things, shines the North Star.

When shamans travel to other worlds, they climb up and down the World Tree. They may travel down its trunk to seek the souls of ancestors and the dead who dwell in the darkness beneath the tree. They may travel up its trunk to commune with the souls of those yet unborn, who blossom like flowers in the branches; or they may climb to the highest Heavens of all, to seek wisdom from the Goddess and Gods.

Such was the cosmos of our ancestors. It has nothing to do with the teachings of contemporary science. Yet it is more than a simple relic of times past.

The shamanic cosmos lives on within us.

We ourselves are the tree, and our spinal column the strong trunk. Below us, deep in our bellies and sexual organs, a great serpent lies coiled--the source of our magical and sexual energy, waiting to rise, to ascend the tree.

All of yoga is based on this shamanic paradigm. When the yogini or yogi awakens the kundalini or Serpent Power within, it coaxes it up the spinal column, she or he is simply climbing up the inner World Tree, like a shaman of old. Those inner centers of power that many of us call the chakras are none other than the various Heavens and Otherworlds that serve as stations on the shaman's journey.

What about the Three Worlds themselves? What about Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld? These are one other than the Spirit, the Body, and the Soul.

When the Serpent Power reaches the thousand-petaled lotus in the top of the yogi's head, enlightenment occurs. When the shaman climbs to the top of the World Tree--to the place of the eagle and the North Star--the Goddesses and Gods speak their wisdom.

The cosmos of our ancestors lives on because it was founded in one of the greatest of all possible truths:

You are the cosmos!

by Ken Johnson,
copyright 1999

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Six Universal Spiritual Principles

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:52 pm (PST)

Six Universal Spiritual Principles

So many of us want to live more simply. In our search for strategies, focusing on these six basic principles that are common to all humanity can help us make underlying shifts in the way we live our lives, so we can live more in accordance with these deepest human values and principles.

Find out the six universal spiritual principles common to all people, here:

Being kind to all life is a choice we can make in every moment of every day--doing as little harm and as much good as we can, given our situation.

By putting ourselves in others' shoes we may understand their struggle. The roots of the word compassion are--to suffer with;-- by practicing voluntary radical simplicity, we will better understand the situation of the world's low--income people. Most spiritual traditions extend compassion to all life, the Earth as whole, and the beholder (that's you!)

The intense concern a mother has for her child, and the child for its mother is one example of unconditional love. Most of us entered this world in the space of love. when the child no longer relies on its mother for nourishment, warmth, and safety, the Mother Earth takes over meeting our needs. This space of intense concern can be extended to all life.

When we love others and the Earth we will naturally want to be accountable for our influence on their welfare. In a global economy, truly being accountable for the implications of even our smallest actions is a tall order. It we transition to a bioregional lifestyle where we see the results of our choices ad we cultivate a love for all life, we might be more willing to be accountable.

Self-imposed limits and restraints are part of a spiritual life. We can grow to love limits as they focus our energies into positive, helpful activities that do no harm.

To see the wonder and miracle of even the seemingly common things helps us appreciate our brief time on this planet. We draw a breath. . . and then another. . . What a miracle!

Copyright: Adapted from Radical Simplicity, by Jim Merkel (New Society Publishers, 2003). Copyright (c) 2003 by Jim Merkel

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Breaking Winter Doldrums Spell

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:59 pm (PST)

Breaking Winter Doldrums Spell

January is rough. It's cold and dark, and winter doldrums can set in. This is just the right time for a spell of creativity enhancement. Everyone is creative. Some can sing and dance, others have a green thumb or a way with animals. Some are wordsmiths or good cooks; others are good at magic. Begin by drawing a symbolic picture of yourself with some images representing the talents you'd like to develop. Draw yourself writing in your journal, or taking photos, or working in your garden. Next, create a small altar in a place that you see every day. Place the drawing on your altar with some other items symbolizing the talents you wish to enhance. Be creative with this—use a packet of seeds, a paintbrush, or a favorite CD as symbols. Wednesday is Mercury's day, of new beginnings and creativity. Light a yellow candle, visualizing yourself doing what you love. Each day take some time, even if only a few minutes, to practice your talent. Place offerings on the altar—flowers, fruit, wine, stones—that further symbolize your resolve to nurture your burgeoning talents.

~ Ruby Lavender

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde




Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:59 pm (PST)

To be mature means to face, and not evade, every fresh crisis that comes. - Fritz Künkel, 1889-1956

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. - Al Franken

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde




Aromatherapy Tip

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:00 pm (PST)

Discourage the spread of colds in the home.

Use this blend of Eucalyptus and Lemon
and Tea Tree to wipe down surfaces (add to warm water).
Use 8 - 10 drops in a diffuser or room spray
to help cleanse the air .

Lemon 8 drops
Eucalyptus 6 drops
Tea Tree 6 drops

from www.aromathyme.com

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Elder's Meditation of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:01 pm (PST)

Elder's Meditation of the Day

"So, with the Native way, it's not whether people find out about what you've done or not... that's not nearly as strong as having your source of morality within you, having your morality arise out of an inner perception of what is wrong, ridiculous, or shameful. You are your own judge."

-- Eunice Baumann-Nelson, Ph.D., PENOBSCOT

Inside each of us is a voice. It is a quiet voice. It is a guiding voice. If we listen for it, it will guide us, and help us avoid disaster. It is especially active when we are afraid, when we are in doubt, when we are scared, when we need help, and when we get angry. If we are excited emotionally, it is hard to hear this voice. If we are angry, it's hard to hear this voice because it is usually quiet. The best thing we can do is to practice getting quiet. If we don't get quiet, there is another voice called the judge. It tells us to attack or say bad things to other people or to judge ourselves. This voice is loud and usually gets us into trouble.

Creator, Great Mystery, help me listen for the quiet voice. Let me know this voice of Yours. Your ways are gentle. Guide me with this voice. Thank you.

from www.whitebison.org

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



The Empathy Bridge

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:02 pm (PST)

The Empathy Bridge

Few people realize that we are all psychic or `sensitive' to some
degree, and that some people are just more in-tune with that side of their mind, body and spirit connection. Based on Jung's principle theories, the psychic gifts refer to the ways that people perceive psychically. As you open to these gifts, Divine forces help and participate in your growth to test and teach you certain lessons for service and discernment. When this occurs, the positive and negative forces work with us to `shed our vices,' to remove the blocks that will inhibit the progression of these `gifts.' When these lessons are taking
place, a person's energy shifts and changes.

Empathy is often considered one of the principle psychic gifts and indeed is often considered one of the most ancient of the healing arts. Every cell in our body is an energy resonator. It has the capacity to respond to any vibration or energy we encounter. In metaphysics, we are taught that we are a microcosm of the universe. This means that we have all energies within us to some degree. Inherent within our physical and
subtle energy fields are all the inherent energies of the universe. We have the capacity to resonate and respond to whatever we want or wish to encounter.

Legends and myths abound with individuals who took upon their own shoulders the aches, pains and sins of others. Folklore around the world is rich with stories of those who could see through the eyes of others. Most people have heard tales of individuals who, by touching another's ache or pain, have healed it.

Everyone is naturally empathic to some extent. Life conditions can heighten, close or set it to overdrive. Unfortunately, if we are unaware of our ability, it can create problems for us. With an empathic person, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the feelings felt are one's own, or someone else's. Even if the feelings have been picked up from another, an empathic individual will experience them as if they are their own.

What empathic individuals need to realize is they need to honor and pay attention to how and what they feel. This is not always easy to do. We have not been trained to honor our intuitive aspects. Someone may appear to be okay, or he or she may sound sane, but with an empathic individual, often it won't be until a real life meeting occurs that the true assessment comes forth. Many empathics find the shaking of the
hand, or a brush up against will in fact trigger the intuitive insights.Many empathics find that physical touch actually seems to trigger the most intense intuitive flashes.

Empathic people are easily influenced and more susceptible to
manipulation by others. They feel and experience what others project towards them. They are also more easily drawn into the moods and energies of crowds. Often this is due to an expression of forced resonance. Most empathics can be placed in one or two categories, with most falling into the second. In the first are individuals who are touchy-feely kind. They enjoy touching and being touched for the most part. Usually a part of them realizes also through touch they are able to connect more truly with those they touch. The second category is comprised of individuals who dislike being touched. They are so
sensitive that it is very uncomfortable to have individuals touch them.

Empathy is a wonderful tool that can be used for diagnosis and insight into people, health and all life. It is important though to develop, strengthen and control it.

So how does one control or protect their empathic responses? Empathy is one of the most difficult abilities to control. It can be very confusing in that the individual is so easily influenced by others that discernment of one's true feelings can in fact become difficult. If you are unaware of how outside forces affect you, your own energy system can become weakened. These weaknesses may manifest as actual physical illnesses or as mental and emotional imbalances.

It is most essential for empathic people to learn to disconnect from others. Ideally this should be done immediately upon leaving a place or leaving the company of others. Visualize yourself disconnecting from others you encounter through out the day. The best way to do this is to visualize their connection to you in a physical way. I recommend visualizing the energy in whichever way seems most real and appropriate to you, and see if flowing either as fluid, a thread or some such force. Then see yourself severing this flow of energy and learn to cut the flow of energy to end the energy transfer.

Another way to rejuvenate yourself after an empathic dealing is to spend time in the outdoors. Fresh air and sunlight is a cleanings and strengthening shield for our energies. Spending regular time outside in the fresh air is balancing and healing. It will help us stay grounded and be less sensitive.

Above all, be aware of your aura as a shield. It is also your
psychological personal space, upon which so much importance is placed. Violations of this space can cause serious upset.

Once we learn to walk the empathic bridge, we learn to protect ourselves and give ourselves insight into people, health and all aspects of life.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know.




Stop Repeating the Same Mistakes

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:03 pm (PST)

Stop Repeating The Same Mistakes

Many years ago, Australian tennis star Ken Roswell was asked his secret to success. In this particular interview he responded by saying, "I make a lot of mistakes, but I usually don't repeat them." The confidence he expressed in this answer has always stuck with me. I have found his message to be enormously helpful in my desire to reduce the stress I feel at home.

If you think about it, mistakes are really not that big of a deal. In fact, as most of us acknowledge, we need to make mistakes in order to learn and to grow. The problem, I believe, comes when we are unwilling to either acknowledge or examine the mistakes we make, thus leading to the tendency to repeat them--sometimes over and over.

One of my own ongoing mistakes was my insistence on answering the phone at home regardless of how busy I was. Sometimes I was doing two or three things at once, while already late to take one of the kids to school. Then the phone would ring. Rather than let the answering machine pick it up, I would compound my problem by answering it myself. Now there was someone on the line requiring my attention while everything else was still to be done. The person on the other end of the line would almost always sense my hurry, and would sometimes even ask, "Why did you even bother to pick up the phone?" I must have repeated this mistake hundreds of times before I finally got it. I have since stopped--and what a tremendous relief it has been! Because I was able to acknowledge the mistake I was making, I was able to make a simple adjustment in my habitual actions. Now, if I'm busy and the phone rings--it simply means the phone is ringing. I won't even consider answering it. This simple change has brought a great deal of peace to what used to be the craziest time of the day.

I've overcome many other repeated mistakes, such as getting too involved in my kids' arguments, trying to fit too many activities into a single day, waiting too long to clean my home office desk, and on and on.

Take a look at your own mistakes. The fact that you make them is no big deal! The more important question is, are you engaged in repeated behavior and past mistakes that you might be able to change? In most cases, the answer is yes. I can assure you that it's a very freeing feeling to admit to your mistakes and decide to make a change. That way, you won't be destined to repeat them.

by Richard Carlson, PH. D.,
copyright 1998

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde




Cool Website of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:04 pm (PST)


Names for Healing Circle, 1/26/2011, 12:00 am

Posted by: "13Witches@yahoogroups.com" 13Witches@yahoogroups.com

Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:40 pm (PST)

Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group

Names for Healing Circle
Wednesday January 26, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)

If you have any requests for healing energies or candle-lighting please send them in for the Healing Circle, which is done every Wednesday Night.

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Yahoo! Inc.

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Saturn  Retrograde

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" LadyNightshayde9@aol.com   nightshayde99

Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:03 pm (PST)

Ahhhh. Saturn retrograde. This is when the planet of life lessons takes a bow and steps backward for a while, leaving you to take a good, hard look at the major decisions and choices you've made lately. And it all starts tomorrow.

On January 26, Saturn will reverse gears and travel backwards in Libra until June 13. Take this opportunity to break from pushing hard for worldly achievements, and instead turn your focus inward. All retrogrades encourage introspection, and Saturn will prompt you to review how your past decisions stack up against reality.

Is your career path in line with your life goals? Are you happy with the direction in which your life is moving? These next few months are your chance to re-assess your aims and ambitions, set new goals and adjust your methods for reaching old goals. Don't worry about making any moves just yet: All you need to do now is plan.

That doesn't mean life or your workload will be easy. In fact, Saturn loves to provide us with more work. If this happens, remember that Saturn also rewards us for our efforts -- it just might take a while to taste the fruits of your labor. Also, with Saturn in Libra, feel free to have frank discussions with partners -- business or personal -- to ensure problems are solved rather than worsened.

January 26 will also see Mercury move into a square with Saturn, which could lend the day a gloomy, discouraging feel. Don't let it get you down, though -- it will only last for this one day, and at worst, these two planets will help you cut something unnecessary out of your life.
from www.astrology.com

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


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