sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2518

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)

Imbolc (Candlemas Song) From: Silver Fox
Imbolc Customs & Lore From: Silver Fox
Imbolc From: Silver Fox
Imbolc Incense From: Silver Fox
Sharing my Pics From: Holly Stokes



Imbolc (Candlemas Song)

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:20 am (PST)

Imbolc (Candlemas Song)
2004 Lisa Thiel
Available on Circle of the Seasons

Blessed Bridget comest thou in
Bless this house and all of our kin
Bless this house, and all of our kin
Protect this house and all within

Blessed Bridget come into thy bed
With a gem at thy heart and a crown on thy head
Awaken the fire within our souls
Awaken the fire that makes us whole

Blessed Bridget, queen of the fire
Help us to manifest our desire
May we bring forth all that's good and fine
May we give birth to our dreams in time

Blessed Bridget comest thou in
Bless this house and all of our kin
From the source of Infinite Light
Kindle the flame of our spirits tonight

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Imbolc Customs & Lore

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:20 am (PST)

Imbolc Customs & Lore
By Selena Fox

The following is a study guide from a work in progress © 1996, Selena Fox, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 219, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572 USA used in conjunction with workshops presented by Selena Fox at the 1996 Candlemas Festival at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve and as part of the Celtic Shamanism weekend seminar at Singing Wolf Center in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Other Festival Names: Candlemas, Oimlec, Brigid's Day, Groundhog's Day; merged with Lupercalia/Valentines Day

Festival Dates: January 31, February 1, February 2, February 6, February 7.

Multicultural Parallels: Ground Hog's Day (USA); Aztec New Year; Chinese New Year; Roman Lupercalia; Valentine's Day (USA); Armenian Candlemas.

Flames: Sacred Fire

torchlit processions circling fields to purify & invigorate for the coming growing season (old Pagan)
lighting & blessing of candles (11th century, Christian)
sacred fire of Brigid (Celtic Pagan)
torchlit procession to honor Juno Februata/Regina (Pagan Rome; Christianized, 7th century)

Brigid: Celtic Goddess

Triple Aspects

Goddess of Inspiration - poets, poetry, creativity, prophecy, arts
Goddess of Smithcraft - blacksmiths, goldsmiths, household crafts
Goddess of Healing - healers, medicine, spiritual healing, fertility (crops, land, cattle)


Fire - flames, candle crown, hearth
Water - cauldron, springs, wells
Grain - Brigid wheels, corn/oat sheaf Goddess effigy, Brigid's Bed
Creatures - white cow with red ears, wolf, snake, swan and vulture
Talismans - Shining Mirror to Otherworld, Spinning Wheel and Holy Grail

Name variations: Brighid; Bride (Scotland), Brid, Brigit, Bridget, Briganta (England), Brigan, Brigindo (Gaul), Berecyntia, Brigandu (France)

Name means Bright One ,High One, Bright Arrow, Power.

Christianized forms: St. Brigit (Irish), St. Ffraid (Welsh), St. Bridget (Swedish), Queen of Heaven, Prophetess of Christ, Mary.

Pictish Pagan Roots

Bruide, the Pictish royal throne name, is said to derived from the Pagan Goddess Brigid. The Bruide name was given to each Pagan Pictish king who was viewed as the male manifestation of the spirit of the Goddess. The most sacred place of the Picts was Abernethy in Fife. It was dedicated to Brigid, in Pagan times, and to St. Brigid, in Christian times. Columban monks tended a Celtic abbey there and hereditary abbots were of the Earl of Fife branch of the Clan MacDuff, which survived to the present day as Clan Wemyss (Weems).

Irish Transitions and Traditions

When Ireland was Christianized, veneration of the Pagan Goddess Brigid was transformed into that of St. Brigit, said to be the human daughter of a Druid. St. Brigit became a saint after her "death" and was supposedly converted and baptized by St. Patrick. Pagan lore was incorporated into the Christian traditions and legends associated with Her as a saint. For example, as St. Brigit, She had the power to appoint bishops and they had to be goldsmiths. She was associated with miracles and fertility. Into the 18th century a women's only shrine was kept to her in Kildare (meaning Church of the Oak) in Ireland. There, nineteen nuns tended Her continually burning sacred flame. An ancient song was sung to Her: "Brigid, excellent woman, sudden flame, may the bright fiery sun take us to the lasting kingdom." Brigid/St. Brigit was said to be the inventor of whistling and of keening.


Blessing rushes/straw and making Brigid wheels
Putting out food and drink for Brigid on Her eve (such as buttered bread, milk, grains, seeds)
Chair by hearth decorated by women; young woman carries in first flowers & greens, candle.
Opening the door and welcoming Her into the home. "Bride! Come in, they bed is made!
Preserve the House for the Triple Goddess!" Scottish Gaelic Invocation: "May Brigit give blessing to the house that is here; Brigit, the fair and tender, Her hue like the cotton-grass,
Rich-tressed maiden of ringlets of gold."
Brigid's Bed (Scotland): Putting grain effigy and a phallic wand in a basket next to the hearth/candles at night and chanting three times: "Brigid is Come! Brigid is Welcome!"


removing Yuletide greens from home & burning them (Celtic)
cleaning up fields and home (old Roman, Februa "to cleanse" month)
Mary purification festival (Christian, Western church)
burning old Brigid's wheels and making new ones (some parts of Ireland)
placing Brigid's wheel above/on door to bless home (Celtic, Wiccan)

Signs of Spring: Ground Hog's Day

seeds as a symbols of new life to come
first greens and flowers as offerings
weather - bright or grey
hibernating animals - groundhog, bear, badger

If Candlemas day be sunny and bright, Winter again will show its might.
If Candlemas day be cloudy and grey, Winter soon will pass away. (Fox version)
If Candlemas day be fair and bright, Winter will have another flight.
If Candlemas day be shower and rain, Winter is gone and will not come again. (Traditional)

Spiritual Awakening: Spirit Within

initiations - self, group (Dianic & Faery Wiccan); Christchild in temple (Christian, Eastern church)
dedication - shrines, temples (contemporary Pagan)
self blessing and spiritual dedication
inner journey for Divine inspiration
affirming the artist/innovator within; energizing creative work.


Farrar, Janet & Stewart (1987). The Witches Goddess. Custer, WA: Phoenix. Chapter 14 & page 206.
Fox, Selena (1996). Weems-Wemyss-MacDuff Family History. work in progress. ancestral lineage chart.
Green, Miranda (1995). Celtic Goddesses. London: British Museum Press. Chapter 9.
Jones, Kathy (1991). The Ancient British Goddess. Glastonbury: Ariadne. pages 23-38.
Monaghan, Patricia (1990). The Book of Goddesses and Heroines. St. Paul: Llewellyn. pages 59-60.
Moncreiffe, Sir Ian (1977). The Highland Clans. Bramhall House edition. pages 46, 101.
Walker, Barbara (1983). The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. San Francisco: Harper. pages 166-118

© 1995 (1992 revised), Selena Fox, Circle Sanctuary, Box 219, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572 USA.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller



Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:20 am (PST)

Compiled from several sources
(February 2)

Related Deities: Virgin Goddess, Venus, Diana, Februa, Maiden, Child Goddess, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Vesta, Gaia, Brigid, Selene(Greek), Branwen(Manx-Welsh), Brid, the Maiden, any Spring Goddess, the Young Lord, Pan, Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Dumuzi(Sumerian)

Related Herbs: Angelica, Basil, Bay Leaves, benzoin, celandine, clover, heather, Myrrh, Snowdrop, Rowan, willow, first flowers of the year.

Related Stones: Quartz Crystal, Opal, Moonstone, Aventurine, Sunstone, Amethyst, garnet, onyx, Turquoise

Animals & Mythical Beings: Firebird, dragon, groundhog, deer, burrowing animals, ewes, robin, sheep, lamb, other creatures waking from hibernation.

Incense/Oil: Jasmine, rosemary, frankincense, cinnamon, neroli, musk, olive, sweet pea, basil, myrrh, and wisteria, apricot, carnation.

Colors/Candles: Brown, pink, red, orange, white, lavender, pale yellow, silver.

Tools,Symbols, & Decorations: White flowers, marigolds, plum blossoms, daffodils, Brigid wheel, Brigid's cross, candles, grain/seed for blessing, red candle in a cauldron full of earth, doll, Bride's Bed; the Bride, broom, milk, birchwood, snowflakes, snow in a crystal container,evergreens, homemade besom of dried broom, orange candle annointed in oil (see above)can be used to sybolize the renewing energy of the Sun's rebirth.

Essence: Conception, initiation, insight, inspiration, creativity, mirth, renewal, dedication, breath of life, life-path, wise counsel, plan, prepare.

Meaning: First stirring of Mother Earth, lambing, growth of the Sun God, the middle of winter.

Purpose: Honoring the Virgin Goddess, festival of the Maiden/Light.

Rituals & Magicks: Cleansing; purification, renewal, creative inspiration, purification, initiation, candle work, house & temple blessings, welcoming Brigid, feast of milk & bread.

Customs: Lighting candles, seeking omens of Spring, storytelling, cleaning house, bonfires, indoor planting, stone collecting, candle kept burning dusk till dawn; hearth re-lighting.

Foods: Dairy, spicy foods, raisins, pumpkin, sesame & sunflower seeds, poppyseed bread/cake, honey cake, pancakes, waffles, herbal tea.

Other Names: Imbolg (im-molc)(em-bowl'g) (Celtic), Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc, Festival of Light, Brigid's (Brid, Bride) Day, La Fheill, An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year, Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot, Anagantios, Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day, Valentines Day.

Imbolc is a major sabbat, a festival of the White Goddess as Brigid, Bride or Lucy the Light Bringer. Astrologically the exact date of Imbolc is when the Sun is 15 degrees Aquarius. It celebrates the first stirrings of Spring. Traditionally Wiccans celebrated with purification rites and lighting bonfires as Brigid is a Goddess of Fire.

Imbolc means: "in the belly". Another source cites Imbolc coming from the word oimelc meaning "sheep's milk." This is the quickening of the year. Winter buds appear on the trees and green life stirs beneath the frozen earth. The infant Sun (the God) grows in size and strength as the Goddess recovers with the lengthening periods of light. A fire festival and festival of lights, it is sacred to the Irish Goddess Bridget. Candles are lit to illuminate the winter darkness and start spring cleaning like with cleaning the house, general repair work, ect. To welcome the change from old to new. Traditionally, the candles are lit in every room to honor the Sun's rebirth and to guide the returning Spring to the Earth. If snow is outside on the ground, walk in it to remember the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun in the snow.

A Celtic myth concerning Bride repeats the theme of a captive being. The time of the "little sun" from Samhain on November Eve to Oimelc, the eve of February 2 is ruled by the Cailleach (Old Woman), a blue-faced hag with an evil temper who flies over the countryside blasting vegetation with her staff and freezing all living things with her icy breath. During her reign she holds Bride prisoner in a cave. But on February Eve, the god Aengus of the White Steed, Aengus the Ever-Young, sees Bride in a dream and sets out to rescue her. The Cailleach tries to stop him but cannot prevail, and although she vents her rage in wild storms, valiant Aengus frees Bride.

A parallel myth from an earlier source is recounted by F. Marian McNeil in The Silver Bough.

"On the Eve of Bride, the Cailleach repairs to the Isle of Youth, in whose woods lie the miraculous Well of Youth. There, at the first glimmer of dawn, before any bird has sung or any dog barked, she drinks of the water that bubbles in a crevice of a rock, and having renewed your youth, emerges as Bride, the fair goddess at the touch of whose wand the dun grass turns to vivid green, starred with the white and yellow flowers of spring."

Lavender and white candles can be burned to honor this holiday. One tradition is to take three ears of corn, one to represent each aspect of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone), tie them together and hang them outside the home for protection and wealth till the day after the Fall Equinox and then bury them.

A traditional time for Coven and Self initiations. Purification is the theme of Imbolc, symbolized by the sweeping of the circle and cleaning of the home to make way for changes and new things to come.

Imbolc Lore:

It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honor of the Sun's rebirth. Alternately, light a kerosene lamp with a red chimney and place this in a prominent part of the home or in a window.

If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun on the snow.

Foods appropriate to eat on this day include those from the dairy, since Imbolc marks the festival of calving. Sour cream dishes are fine. Spicy and full-bodied foods in honor of the Sun are equally attuned. Curries and all dishes made with peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic or chives are appropriate. Spiced wines and dishes containing raisins - all foods symbolic of the Sun - are also traditional.

This time of year has traditionally been the lactation period of ewes and cows. Ewes are unable to produce milk until after they bear their young, which occurs at this time. Since milk was very important to the basic survival of the Celtic tribes, this was a time of great joy, and signified that the end of a long winter was in sight. At Imbolc, we are one with Nature, as we await the coming of Spring, the Vernal Equinox, when day and night are equal; light has vanquished the dark and a new change is upon the land.

Imbolc Activities:

Because of the association with flames and fire this is a good night for candle scrying as well as for making your own ritual candles (or just blessing the ones you buy from the store).

Clean your house physically or spiritually.

Clean out a closet or even just tidy your junk drawer. Bless salted water and spurge the rooms, go around the home with incense letting the smoke enter into each corner.

Light a candle and utter a prayer rededicating yourself to the Gods.

Consider leaving a strip of cloth or a ribbon outdoors overnight for the Lady to bless.

Take a walk and look for any changes in the hold winter has on the earth.

Create a feast for your family and don't forget the dairy foods.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Imbolc Incense

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:21 am (PST)

Imbolc Incense
Sources: Various

Incense #1
By Dawn Thebarge Hill

1 part each of Basil and Bay, Frankincense, Myrrh
2 parts Rosemary
3 parts Cinnamon

Grind herbs until fine if using whole herbs. Break resins into small pieces and grind. Visualize fertility and cleansing your home, environment and life of all negativity. Burn on charcoal tablets.

Incense #2
The Complete Book Of Incense, Oils And Brews
By Scott Cunningham

3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1/2 part red Sandalwood
1 part Cinnamon
A few drops of red wine
A pinch of the first flower of the season-dried

To this mixture add a pinch of the first flower (dry it first!) that is available in your area at the time of Imbolc. Burn during Wiccan ceremonies on Imbolc, or simply to attune with the symbolic rebirth of the Sun – the fading of winter and the promise of spring.

Imbolc Incense
Sources: wikipedia Chalice Centre

Dragon's Blood
Storax or Myrrh

Blend all ingredients and keep in a magic bag, bottle or jar.

Imbolc Incense
Source: David Stevens

3pts Benzoin
2pts Heather
1pt Myrrh

Burn at Imbolc.

Imbolc Incense
From: http://theother-realm.blogspot.com/2010/01/imbolc-incense.html

Dill Seeds

This incense is fairly easy to make. Unlike most incense there isn't going to be a lot of grinding with the mortar and pestle, most of it will be mixed by hand. Plus the herbs you'll be using are most likely available in your kitchen cabinet, and if not you can easily find them at your local grocery store.

To start off, grind 2 TSP of dill seeds in the mortar as finely as you can. It doesn't have to be completely powdered, but it has to be as close as you can get it.

Next mix 3 Tablespoons of Chamomile, 2 Tablespoons of Rosemary, and 3 Teaspoons of Basil in a bowl with only your hands. Then add the Dill and mix it with your hands again.

Throw in 1/2 Teaspoon of Cinnamon and mix once again with your hands. Pack it up and you're done!

Other things you can do with this besides using it as an incense:

- Put in a pouch and hang in your home to bring in the energies of Imbolc
- Grind up to a fine powder and sprinkle on your doorstep to welcome in the energies of renewal and spring.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Sharing my Pics

Posted by: "Holly Stokes" holly@ravenmadness.com   hollyberrysheart

Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:46 am (PST)

These past few snow days have been great for bird watching .. I have enjoyed
taking pics of all the colorful birds that have come see me in the backyard
.. have lookie.. I've uploaded them all to photobucket to share with


Many Blessings,


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Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/raventalker

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