Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)
- 1.
- Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together? From: Teresa
- 2a.
- Sacred Goddess Tour to Turkey - Deadline June 15th - check out the i From: karentate108
- 3.
- Jean Shinoda Bolen/Women Saving the World on Voices of the Sacred Fe From: karentate108
- 1.
Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together?
Posted by: "Teresa" darkmoresnight
Mon Jun 6, 2011 10:37 am (PDT)
Can Pagan, Wiccan, oh heck Every one get together?
I was asked this about a year ago. I said I think we all could but there
were others that said we cant. I thought that was sad. That here we are
in the year 2011 and we still have pregadice towards our fellow Man.
We can work with each other because we are so closed minded like it was
in the Dark Ages. We point the finger at who we don't think comform to
what we feel are in a set beliefe pattern. Those people that don't want
to follow the rules. I thought these Groups were formed to help inform
people of Information, Meet-ups and so on and so on.
Have you ever looked around you fair city a take note on how many
Wiccan, Pagan Shopes, Business there are. There is very few left. Most
just give up for some reason or other. Another shop gone. was it the
religious people that had forced it out are did we not help support it.
I am opening a small business on-line and I am setting up Events like
psychic Fair to generate Business. I hope that in a year I will be able
to open a real shop that people can come and have a cup of coffee or tea
while you brouce the store.
I hope to have people come to the Events and shop my on-line store when
I have it finished But we will have to wait and see. We need to support
the remaining store in our area.I personally love to go to "The Magic
Cauldrin" and I used to shop in a store in Katy called "Witches Cabinet"
it was later renamed some thing else. The point is that we need to get
along and help each other No more looking and laughing whenyou see
someone fall remember that person could be you someday. and who will be
there to help you get back on your feet.
Tricia Bradley
- 2a.
Sacred Goddess Tour to Turkey - Deadline June 15th - check out the i
Posted by: "karentate108" specialjourn
Mon Jun 6, 2011 7:49 pm (PDT)
/On the Trail of the Goddess in Turkey - Anatolia - Land of the
Nourishing Mothers!/
Check out the new video of sacred places in Turkey....
Hear the hauntingly beautiful music as the Ancient Mother calls..... v=Twbcx8IicxI
For the itinerary and more information scroll below....
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
**Visit the Artemis Temple in Ephesus
*Greetings All,
I'm teaming up with Turkish Scholar Rashid Ergener to bring you On the
Trail of the Goddess in Turkey. A diamond in the rough, Turkey is a
melting pot of cultures and spiritualities. We'll be doing sacred
Turkish Baths, experiencing the Whirling Dervishes, sacred shopping,
eating wonderful food, visiting fabulous museums, and visiting sites of
Isis, Cybele, Magna Mater, Kubaba, Aphrodite, Mary, Artemis,
Hecate....and doing ritual in many locales where few tourists tread. *
*For only 20 women and men in November 2011...spread the news! Deadline
to sign up is June 15th!
*For the itinerary and details check it out:*
* tours/Tate% 20goddess% 20tour%202011. htm
*Karen Tate
*P.S. Sorry if you got this twice.
- 3.
Jean Shinoda Bolen/Women Saving the World on Voices of the Sacred Fe
Posted by: "karentate108" specialjourn
Mon Jun 6, 2011 9:37 pm (PDT)
Greetings Friends and Family,
Be sure to catch my You Tube video at the end of this email as I present
to the American Academy of Religion on Goddess Thealogy for a
Sustainable Future. Then also see the line up for *June guests* on
Voices of the Sacred Feminine.
Please tune in to our awesome shows every Wednesday at 6PM PST/9PM EST
or later from the archives at your convenience --
Foremother and Wayshower, *Jean Shinoda Bolen* - Discussing her new
book, Like a Tree - How Trees, Women and TreePeople Can Save the Planet!
Taste the Forbidden Fruit
Taste the Forbidden Fruit!
Find us here: voicesofthesacre dfeminine
__*Recent PAST SHOWS... You can access them in the archives*_ -
Independent researcher/writer, _*Rachel Tabachnick* discussed *Sarah
Palin*_'s background in the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement and why
this is very different from stereotypical white, male-led
fundamentalism. We'll discuss the "prayer warriors" and the views of
the NAR on women's roles, as well as *why this all makes Palin's
religious background an issue for voters. *
Followed by Foremothers of the Women's Spirituality Movement, _*Charlene
Spretnak*_, author of Missing Mary, discussing the *tension over Mary
among the three branches of Christianity* still prevalent today.
_*Rene Barrett*_ - film maker of the documentary Bloodline, about the
legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene discusses what's new in her research
since our last chat.
*_Jeanne Prevett Sable_*, organic gardener, freelance writer
specializing in farming and environmental issues, and author of Seed
Keepers of Crescentville will discuss genetically modified foods in our
topic *GMO's Working Against Mother Nature*.
*_Tami Ken_t....*author of the Wild Feminine discusses learning from the
female body, giving boys greater access to the feminine, learning how to
run feminine energy in our bodies and lives to shift into a new paradigm
and access our true creative potential.
*_Den Poitras_....a story of the most radical male feminist alive and
his brush with _parthenogenesis_*
_*Marie Jones*_, author of *The Trinity Secret: The Power of Three & the
Code of Creation* discusses her book revealing the origin of trinity
myths, science vs the triune nature of reality, the sacredness of three,
and how this correlates with the code of creation.
Followed by...._*Yaba Badoe*_ producer/director of the award winning
documentary *The Witches of Gambaga*, an extraordinary story of a
community of women condemned to live as witches in Northern Ghana. This
is a story of strong community of "witches" and women's movement
activists determined to end abusive practices and improve women's lives
in Ghana.
Filmmaker _*Steve Jones*_ will discuss the year he spent with Lady
Olivia Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis as he made the film about her
life, *Olivia, Priestess of Isis*. Followed by....
Documentary film maker,_*Thomas Quinn*_, discussing his book, *What Do
You Do with a Chocolate Jesus? (An Irreverent History of
Christianity).*...a funny but factual history of the New Testament, the
growth of Christianity and religion's role in the founding of America.
But we don't stop with the past, we also discuss the politics of
religion in the present: The re-writing of history by bogus Right Wing
historians, Evangelical Christians, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, and
the phoney fears of Sharia Law and Glen Beck's apocalyptic ravings.
We're going to ask questions like why Eve got a raw deal? Was Jesus a
feminist? Was there ever really a female pope? Where does the bible
stand on abortion? Do politicians misrepresent Christianity? Is our
government based on Christian values?
_*Barbara Walker*_, author of */Man Made God/ *and how that has shaped
our society. Followed by _*Patrick McCollum*_ bringing us up to date on
the Tier One vs Two religious intolerance lawsuit in CA, his travels to
Nepal, Russia, the UK, Israel and Palestine and what's happened since he
received the Mahatma Ghandi award.
_*Charlene Spretnak*_, author of *Relational Reality*: New Discoveries
of Interrelatedness That Are Transforming the Modern World will
discuss: What is relational reality, examples of interrelatedness in
areas of health, education/parenting, community/design/ architecture and
the economy. What are some of the implications of the Relational Shift
with regard to women.
Followed by - _*Nancy Williams*_, author of Hawkmoon discussing the
*Roles of Women in the Frontier West*.
Time: 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. You'll have to make adjustments for
your time zone. And the show is available later from the archives where
you might listen at your convenience.
*To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:*** voicesofthesacre dfeminine
*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine
_*JUNE LINE UP of Guests -
6/15 - Leah Burton - Discussing *Christian fundamentalism in the military*
6/22 -- Judith Laxer - Discussing founding and running the *Gaia
Temple*, followed by *Z. Budapest* discussing upcoming celebrations to
honor Merlin Stone.
6/29 -- Marie Jones - Discussing *PSIENCE - How New Discoveries in
Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal
Phenomena* followed by Meloney Hudson Sexy, Spirited and Strong -
*Becoming a Positive Energy Woman*!
_Check out my You Tube Clip on Eco-Feminist/Goddess Thealogy for a
Sustainable Future_
* v=2RA9TV49xrQ
Goddess is a Democrat !! Imagine the feedback from that statement in my
interviews with Riane Eisler and Starhawk on my radio show, Voices of
the Sacred Feminine. But what were we really saying in that statement
that might not have been immediately evident? We were saying the
strategy to move us toward that paradigm shift, into a post-kyriarchal
world, would not just be the use of secular law, but through a change in
thealogy - the mythology of the Sacred Feminine, deity, archetype and
ideal, might re-establish the foundations on our planet necessary for
sustainable future for all life and Mother Earth. Hear the line of
thought....presented at the WECSOR/American Academy of Religion by Dr.
Rev. Karen Tate. For more info go to
*_*New News -- did you catch these articles?*_
_The Primitive Conservative Brain
_(http://blog.buzzflash. ) Compare it to Mother 12395
Why Sacred Journeys? What about Turkey?_ s-goddess- spirituality- in-los-angeles/ sacred-tour- of-goddess- sites-turkey- coming-november- 2011-for- women-men
Karen Tate LA-Womens- -Goddess- Spirituality- Examiner php?id=129193467 6&ref=profile
fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition VoicesoftheSacre dFeminine
Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives radio_show. html
Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
You-Tube....http://www. isisisis13
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ø¤º°` Earthwise ø¤º°`
The Worldwide Spirit of Paganism
in Australia, America & Worldwide!
Take a Look at Our Huge EBay Store
For all your Magickal & Ritual Supplies
This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
for in our communications with each other. Members are
encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
offended by a posting, write to me at
Thank you.
Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup
Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
ø¤º°` Earthwise ø¤º°`
The Worldwide Spirit of Paganism
in Australia, America & Worldwide!
Take a Look at Our Huge EBay Store
For all your Magickal & Ritual Supplies
This Earthwise Book of Shadows group holds the expectation
that a tolerant, mature and respectful dialogue be strived
for in our communications with each other. Members are
encouraged to challenge anyone not adhering to these
principles and to notify the list owner Astarte if you are
offended by a posting, write to me at
Thank you.
Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup
Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at
Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
related items, to purchase wholesale or even put on consignment,
she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte
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