vineri, 3 iunie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2885

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)

New Member/My Specialties From: LorriePaige



New Member/My Specialties

Posted by: "LorriePaige"   anindigogirl

Thu Jun 2, 2011 6:17 pm (PDT)

Merry Meet Everyone! I'm new here and wanted to say I've been Pagan for
just a few years now, having come from a Christian background (but
originally Jehovah's Witness as my family are). I did not come to
paganism with any JW beliefs, as I hated being a part of that religion,
left at 17 and chose to be a Christian then. I have come to paganism
with and still embrace very much some Christian beliefs, like
worshipping Christ and honor Easter and other Christian holidays and
things like communion. I am a Christian Pagan Witch.

Throughout the years, like most people I guess, you come to love and be
good at certain things. For me, I really love altars. I have two in my
apt. I also love divination tools and enjoy very much making them. I
have made Pagan Prayer Beads, and a Ouija Board. Come this Litha, I plan
on making Dream Pillows. I try to make something at every Sabbat, like I
once made a 4 ft. Maypole for Beltane.

After the Dream Pillows, I want to make my own Tarot cards. Has anyone
made their own?? If so, any suggestions on the kind of paper material to
use? I assume you then have it laminated (after drawing/writing designs
on each of course) which is easy to do.

I really know a lot about altars, the Ouija Board and other divination
tools (some unusual) if anyone has any questions about these subjects.

Blessed Be,


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