marți, 22 martie 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2829[2 Attachments]

Messages In This Digest (8 Messages)

Re: Hindu altar part one From: Kalimir
Re: Hindu altar part one From: Mary Cooney
Re: what can i use to invoke my intuition ,,,I'm just skimming the p From: Jude DaShiell
SageWoman Illustrations From: Rev. Alicia Lyon Folberth
Super Moon Photo Blog. From: blackbird
Strega, Greek and Roman From: Kalimir
Kali altar From: Kalimir
My Last Moon Post for now. : ) From: blackbird



Re: Hindu altar part one

Posted by: "Kalimir"   jai_ma_kali

Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:09 am (PDT)

Thank you. I will send more pictures from my phone when I get the chance. Hinduism is an umbrella term for the many religions in India excluding Sikh, Jains,Buddhism, Muslim, Linayat, Xtianity. Here are the names of some Hndu religions Ganapatyias, Visnavi, Shavitiies, Shaktas, Smartism, there are more and each of these religions like Shaivaism have different sects the way Wicca and Christianty has. Example you have in Wicca Dianics, Green Wicca, Gardenarian, Alaxandrian etc. Shaktism has many different sects as well and some agree with each other and some do not. Not all Hindus are Tantric and there are 3 main schools of Tantra. 

Thnak you for your kind words


Jai ma kali.
On Mar 21, 2011 12:32 AM, Mary Cooney <> wrote:


Very beautiful, I love the beauty of the hindu religion.  So colorful and rich.


On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 9:02 PM, Kalimir <> wrote:


[Attachment(s) from Kalimir included below]

Here is part one of my Hindu altar staues include Kali, Durga, Krishna, Hannuman, Lakshmi, Shiva, Parvati, Sarasvati, Ganesha, Vishnus stone, Lingum stone, Tara, Gayatri, Ganga water

Jai ma kali.


Re: Hindu altar part one

Posted by: "Mary Cooney"   sylvanmimi09

Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:38 pm (PDT)

That is the beauty of it also, diversity.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 7:11 AM, Kalimir <> wrote:

> Thank you. I will send more pictures from my phone when I get the chance.
> Hinduism is an umbrella term for the many religions in India excluding Sikh,
> Jains,Buddhism, Muslim, Linayat, Xtianity. Here are the names of some Hndu
> religions Ganapatyias, Visnavi, Shavitiies, Shaktas, Smartism, there are
> more and each of these religions like Shaivaism have different sects the way
> Wicca and Christianty has. Example you have in Wicca Dianics, Green Wicca,
> Gardenarian, Alaxandrian etc. Shaktism has many different sects as well and
> some agree with each other and some do not. Not all Hindus are Tantric and
> there are 3 main schools of Tantra.
> Thnak you for your kind words
> Kalimir
> Jai ma kali.
> ------------------------------
> On Mar 21, 2011 12:32 AM, Mary Cooney <> wrote:
> Very beautiful, I love the beauty of the hindu religion. So colorful and
> rich.
> Mary
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 9:02 PM, Kalimir <> wrote:
>> [Attachment(s) <#12ed92dc16dbb095_12ed65c7a2a25204_TopText> from Kalimir
>> included below]
>> Here is part one of my Hindu altar staues include Kali, Durga, Krishna,
>> Hannuman, Lakshmi, Shiva, Parvati, Sarasvati, Ganesha, Vishnus stone, Lingum
>> stone, Tara, Gayatri, Ganga water
>> Kalimir
>> Jai ma kali.

Re: what can i use to invoke my intuition ,,,I'm just skimming the p

Posted by: "Jude DaShiell"

Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:10 am (PDT)

If you have caller ID, turn it off. When calls come in on the phone,
try guessing who is calling and/or what the purpose of the incoming call
is before you take the call. That is exercise for the intuition muscle.
If you document what happens and put times and dates down for those
calls along with your hits and misses youget a bonus. Later, you can
take your logs and use planetary hours and planetary minutes tables and
add the day of week planet hour planet and minute planet to each entry.
Then you can do a couple calculations on those entries. add four digit
year to two digit month to two digit date to number corresponding to
planet for day of week to number corresponding to planetary hour to
number corresponding to planetary minute for the call taken then reduce
those numbers. The end product will be a single digit number and you
want to start taking note of them. By way of example it is March 21,
2011 1:33A.M. now. 2011+3+21=2035=2+0+3+5=10=1+0=1. Let's do a
calculation chain since these are easier to handle. lLast result was 1,
so we start the next calculation with the last result first. Since it's
before sunrise on Monday, it's still Sunday according to the way the
Greeks did planetary hours for event purposes, since the sun sign in
effect is aries we use 1 for Sunday so 1+1=2. Since it's a sun hour,
2+1=3. Since it's a Venus minute 3+6=9. That last number belongs to
Mars, so final calculation result is Mars. The question you can then
answer for yourself after all of that work is what planetary number is
most favorable for me to have hits on intuition and what planetary
number most often comes up with misses. You might do a lucky planet
calculation for yourself and compare results against that lucky star
calculation later too. Lucky star calculations use everything but the
minute planet and you put your actual birth date and time in to
calculate that. That's on the long form of your birth certificate if
you don't already know it. Sun and Moon numbers differ depending on sun
sign in effect. The 1 and 7 for sun and moon respectively get used when
sun sign is aries gemini leo libra sagitarius and aquarius. The 4 and 2
for sun and moon respectively get used when sun sign is taurus cancer
virgo scorpio capricorn and pisces. The 9 belongs to mars and Tuesday.
The 5 belongs to Mercury and Wednesday. The 3 belongs to Jupiter and
Thursday. The 6 belongs to venus and Friday. The 8 belongs to Saturn
and saturday. Here's how to figure planetary hours quickly in your head
. Sunrise for event purposes is always at 6:00A.M. local time. Sunset
for event purposes is always at 6:00P.M. local time. Sunrise and sunset
always get the planetary hour planet that matches the day of the week.
For each hour after either sunrise or sunset, subtract two days from the
day of the week and that day's planet is the correct planetary hour.
One mistake I made in all that calculating above; if it's still Sunday
the corrected date should be March 20, 2011. That changes the final
calculation from a mars minute to a saturn minute from 9 to 8. Figure
planetary minutes very quickly in your head this way. The Each planet's
minute division is 4 minutes of clock time. The 0 minute going from 0
to 3 always gets the day planet's number. For each minute after that,
subtract two days and use that planet for the next planetary minute.
Going backwards in time, you add two days. If you do that lucky star
calculation, you mght want to also have a look at the seven planet
zodiac. If you keep chart aspects in mind you probably will be able to
get some very good insight. So far I've written about planets mostly.
If you write down the sun sign too so it becomes saturn in Aries for the
example already worked and then do the same thing with your lucky star
and compare the aspect between your lucky star and Saturn in aries and
your lucky star were Moon in Cancer, then you'd have a square and might
have difficulties. But sun in leo if that were your lucky star with
saturn in aries then you'd have a trine and that would be more helpful
rather than difficult.

On Sun, 20 Mar 2011, angel M wrote:

> I'M a 41 year old pagan,that incorporates the many paths, to develop my own way, I've read about the history, to gain more knowledge,and sometimes I'm on target. I know first step is to Believe, and i do. I woke up from a long slumber of resisting,and yes i do have fear, but I'm determined to walk past it to gain what i need to become one of the magicians of our time. If you could assist me in this journey, I'd be so blessed to have you help me, to guide my way past the walls of resistance that once held me captive... I DO commit, to work these steps... Many BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links


SageWoman Illustrations

Posted by: "Rev. Alicia Lyon Folberth"   halfwolfie

Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:39 pm (PDT)

Hey all,

Just got my issue of SageWoman, issue #80 with my illustrations in it. It looks good. It's for the story, the 'Healing Power of Beauty,' and my friend Karen Mandeville is in one of the drawings.

The story I did the illustrations for is the one that is online.

Original drawings 'Woman Gardening' and 'Western Meadowlark' are still for sale on Etsy.

I have a page also on blogspot for my art:



Super Moon Photo Blog.

Posted by: "blackbird"   blackbird_61

Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:36 pm (PDT)

If you missed the Super Moon, you can still get a feel for what you missed here... 
Also this really cool pic at Coast - About 2/3 of the way down the Page, 
Blessings, BB.

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
        All other Cups
  Have their Source in Me.
                   The Goddess Innana.


Strega, Greek and Roman

Posted by: "Kalimir"   jai_ma_kali

Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:35 pm (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Kalimir included below]

This is my Strega, Greek, and Roman altar. To the far left is Hekate, Next to her is Athena, then Hera the Queen of the gods, next to her is Aphrodite, then Venus, next to her is the Queen of Witches and the beautiful pilgrim Aradia and next to her is the Queen of the moon and Witches Diana.

Hope I'm not being annoying with the pictures.

Jai ma kali.

Attachment(s) from Kalimir

1 of 1 File(s)


Kali altar

Posted by: "Kalimir"   jai_ma_kali

Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:35 pm (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Kalimir included below]

This is my shrine and altar to only Kali. Ganesha her son is there to open the way.
Om shri Kali. Ma Kali. Parameshvari Siddi Ma.&nbsp;


Jai ma kali.

Attachment(s) from Kalimir

1 of 1 Photo(s)


My Last Moon Post for now. : )

Posted by: "blackbird"   blackbird_61

Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:56 pm (PDT)

Cathy over at Open Salon was inspired by the recent moon to post, well rather a beautifal Poem. I think if you give it a moment, you will find it a moment well spent. BB.

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
        All other Cups
  Have their Source in Me.
                   The Goddess Innana.

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