sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4689

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



Pagans in the Cafe, 3/27/2011, 9:30 am

Posted by: "WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com" WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com

Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:27 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group

Pagans in the Cafe
Sunday March 27, 2011
9:30 am - 10:30 am
(This event repeats every month on the last Sunday.)
Phone: Kerrie 0431 016 411

"Pagans in the Cafe" is a meet up and chat group for Pagans who prefer cafe latte over beer any day! Held at various cafes in the suburbs surrounding the Sydney CBD, such as Newtown and Glebe. Interested parties please call Kerrie on 0431 016 411 for further details.

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Re: Religious teaching in govt schools challenged

Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13@yahoo.com.au   carteblanche13

Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:45 pm (PDT)

Thank you for posting this minka.

Reminds me of the hilarious initiative of the inimitable David Thorne, documented for our inspiration and hilarity here:


--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com, "xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx" <gilligantor@...> wrote:
> Religious teaching in govt schools challenged
> "A Melbourne law firm has begun a legal challenge against the way religion is taught in Victorian government schools."
> More at -
> http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/australian-news/9069209/religious-teaching-in-govt-schools-challenged/
> minka


Sex Party Posters Ordered Down at Church Polling Booth

Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13@yahoo.com.au   carteblanche13

Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:55 pm (PDT)

Evidently, the current clergy of the delusional death-cult of child-molesting witch-burning misogynistic frock-wearers known as the Roman Catholic Church, finds two things incongruent with its doctrines:

1. everybody having Yahweh-built naughty bits
2. Democracy



Re: Sex Party Posters Ordered Down at Church Polling Booth

Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13@yahoo.com.au   carteblanche13

Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:36 am (PDT)

...and yet, despite being basically opposed to Democratic (and indeed, human) principles, they still get all the tax-, property- and other State benefits that "religious institutions" are entitled to under the current legislation.

What century is this again?

--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com, "carteblanche13" <carteblanche13@...> wrote:
> Evidently, the current clergy of the delusional death-cult of child-molesting witch-burning misogynistic frock-wearers known as the Roman Catholic Church, finds two things incongruent with its doctrines:
> 1. everybody having Yahweh-built naughty bits
> 2. Democracy
> http://www.sexparty.org.au/index.php/news/media-releases/1043-sex-party-posters-ordered-down-at-church-polling-booth

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