marți, 26 iulie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4788

Messages In This Digest (10 Messages)



Re: Carole Chapman aka Crafty Crone

Posted by: "Mara"   hpishtar

Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:57 am (PDT)

Hi the link to Sunday Ritual is,+Sydney,+New+South+Wales

and the Funeral is at the Ann Wilson Chapel cnr of Barrenjoey rd and Darley
st on Wednesday at 12pm. Please bring flowers. Thanks


Mara Carter

Nutrimetics International

Executive Sales Manager
Email: <>
On line shop: <>

Diamond Divas are achievers!



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Re: Carole Chapman aka Crafty Crone

Posted by: "Mark Dunn"   blackwulf2

Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:07 pm (PDT)

hey guys which is the funeral at?

----- Original Message -----
From: Mara
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:57 AM
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] Re: Carole Chapman aka Crafty Crone

Hi the link to Sunday Ritual is,+Sydney,+New+South+Wales

and the Funeral is at the Ann Wilson Chapel cnr of Barrenjoey rd and Darley
st on Wednesday at 12pm. Please bring flowers. Thanks


Mara Carter

Nutrimetics International

Executive Sales Manager
Email: <>
On line shop: <>

Diamond Divas are achievers!



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


The Truth About the Tarot

Posted by: "Rev.Keira"   witchmiriamlynde

Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:32 am (PDT)



(Hanged Man in the Rider Tarot of A. E. Waite)

The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards consisting of two parts, the Greater or Major Arcana and the Lesser or Minor Arcana. The word arcanum
means a secret; what is hidden. It was first applied to the Tarot by
the 19th century French occultist Paul Christian, but it was only in
1888 that the astrologer Ély Star used the terms Major Arcana and Minor
Arcana to differentiate the two main sections of the Tarot. Papus also
employed these terms, and it was through the works of Papus that they
gained their current popularity.

The Greater Arcana, also known as the trumps or atouts or keys, are
22 picture cards. Each trump is a full-length scene that usually
contains a human figure, or figures. In popular modern versions of the
Tarot, which are based either directly or indirectly on the Tarot of
Marseilles, two of the trumps, the Moon and the Wheel of Fortune, do not
depict human figures, and some of the figures, such as those on the
trumps Death and the Devil, are humanoid rather than human. However, in
general it may be observed that the Greater Arcana shows humanity
functioning on the stage of the universe.

Each trump bears a name and a number. The exceptions in the
Marseilles Tarot, which is the standard traditional Tarot, are the trump
the Fool, which has no number, and the trump Death, which has no name.
In more modern versions of the Tarot, the Fool has been given the number
zero, and the title "Death" has been added to the Death trump.

The images of the trumps are laden with significant symbolism. The
figures depicted are archetypal. Each trump carries an entire set of
complex, subtle interpretations and esoteric correspondences.

The Lesser Arcana are 56 cards in four suits that resemble the suits
of ordinary playing cards. Each suit of 14 minor or small cards has
number cards from one to ten, and four court cards instead of the three
found in playing card decks. Playing cards contain the court cards King,
Queen and Knave (Jack) in each suit -- Tarot cards contain the court
cards King, Queen, Knight and Page in each suit. The Page is equivalent
to the Knave.

How the fourth court figure of the Knight found its way into the
common pack of early Italian playing cards that constitutes the Minor
Arcana of the Tarot is not known with certainty. In the early stages of
the evolution of the Tarot, a form was developed that had six court
cards in each suit - three male figures and three equivalent female
figures, the King and Queen, Knight and Dame, Page and Maid. It has been
conjectured that the present four court figures in each suit represent,
not the addition of a single court card to each suit, but the
elimination of two court cards from this expanded version of the Tarot,
which never gained in popularity.

The six court figures in each suit are to be found in the Cary-Yale Visconti Tarocchi Deck
published by US Games. This 15th century Italian deck is one of the
hand-painted Visconti-Sforza Tarot decks that may well mark the very
origins of the Tarot.

The suit names of the Minor Arcana are Rods or Wands, Cups or
Chalices, Swords or Daggers, and Disks or Pentacles. The suit symbol for
Rods is a wooden staff, which is of various shapes and lengths in
different decks. The symbol for Cups is a goblet of various shapes. The
symbol for Swords is a sword, usually but not always short with a
triangular blade. The symbol for Disks is a coin, or a circular disk
with a design of some sort, such as a pentagram, marked upon it. These
suit symbols confirm that the Lesser Arcana of the Tarot had its
beginnings in ordinary playing cards, because early packs of Italian
playing cards contain the same suit symbols.

In the Marseilles Tarot, neither a name nor a number appears on the
number cards, which are distinguished by multiples of the suit emblem --
for example, the Ten of Swords shows ten swords with their blades woven
together. Later Tarots have added the name and number to the number

The court cards of each suit are distinguished both by a name, and by
the emblem for the suit which is either held by the court figure on the
card, or appears near the court figure. The Kings and Queens are
depicted seating on thrones, the Knights are mounted upon horseback, and
the Pages stand. Unlike the court figures of ordinary playing cards,
which are shown from the waist up, and are reflected on the bottom
halves of the cards, the figures on the Tarot are almost always

Various exotic and distant origins have been postulated for the
Tarot. One popular theory during the early 20th century, which is still
widely accepted today, is that the prototypes for the Tarot designs were
carried out of India by the ancestors of the European Gypsies, and used
by them for fortune-telling during their travels. Another very popular
notion among occultists of the 19th century, such as Paul Christian,
Eliphas Levi, Papus, and Oswald Wirth, is that the Tarot designs
originated in ancient Egypt, and were carried out of Egypt by Gypsies as
they traveled through the Nile valley.

Neither of these opinions has any evidence to support it. The
earliest true Tarot decks were first observed in northern Italy around
the middle of the 15th century, and there can be little doubt that the
images on the trumps of the Tarot were invented by Italian artists
working under the influence of the medieval emblem tradition during the
Italian Renaissance. The medieval practice of symbolically representing
ideas with images was fused with the symbolic images of gods, mythical
beasts, virtues, graces, fates, and so on derived from the revival of
classical Greek and Roman art and writing.

Ordinary European playing cards are half a century older than the
Tarot, and took their inspiration from Saracen card decks carried into
Europe from the East during the Crusades. The earliest conjectured date
for the passage of playing cards into Europe from the Islamic world is
1360. The beginnings of the Tarot have been fixed at no earlier than
1410, and more probably should be dated around 1425.

The Tarot did not spring to life in its mature form, like the goddess
Athene from the forehead of Zeus. It evolved over time, although its
evolution was surprisingly rapid. One early version, called the
Minchiatte Tarot, contains 97 cards instead of 78. A Minchiatte deck has
the cards of the regular Tarot (some in a greatly modified form), with
the addition of trumps to represent the four virtues (Justice,
Fortitude, Temperance and Prudence), the four elements (Fire, Water, Air
and Earth), and the twelve zodiac signs. The trump The Pope has been
removed from the atouts to avoid irritating the Catholic Church. Other
Tarocchi decks contain less than 78 cards -- this reduction is usually
achieved by removing some of the number cards from each suit. Even some
older decks that have the usual number of cards have different images
for some of the trumps, or arrange the trumps in an unconventional

Given this variety in the early evolution of the Tarot, it is
surprising that the form we know and use today was fully realized in
northern Italy by the middle of the fifteenth century. The deck that
demonstrates this perfection of the structure of the Tarot has been
republished under the title Visconti-Sforza Tarocchi Deck by US
Games. The date of this Italian deck cannot be fixed with absolute
certainty, but it was created for the wealthy Visconti family, perhaps
as a celebration of the ascent in 1450 of Francesco Sforza to the ducal
crown of Milan.

What is usually considered by occultists to be the correct form of
the traditional Tarot is the French version commonly called the Tarot of
Marseilles. The city of Marseilles was renowned for the large number of
card makers who worked within its boundaries, and around the year 1930
the name of the city became attached to the traditional Tarot. The
French Tarot was the first to fix the order of the trumps by printing
the numbers of the trumps directly on the cards. The earliest surviving
Tarot that shows numbered trumps was published by Catelin Geofroy in
1557. Prior to this innovation, the trumps contained only pictures.
Their numbering and order was a matter of oral tradition. In the
Marseilles deck the Fool, which as I mentioned above is not numbered, is
located between trumps XX and XXI. Roman numerals were always used to
number the older decks. Below are the names and numbers of the trumps in
the Marseilles Tarot:

I - Le Bateleur (The Juggler)

II - La Papesse (The Female Pope)

III - L'Imperatrice (The Empress)

IV - L'Empereur (The Emperor)

V - Le Pape (The Pope)

VI - L'Amoureux (The Lovers)

VII - Le Chariot (The Chariot)

VIII - La Justice (Justice)

IX - L'Hermite (The Hermit)

X - La Roue de Fortune (The Wheel of Fortune)

XI - La Force (Strength)

XII - Le Pendu (The Hanged Man)

XIII - unnamed; in later decks La Mort (Death)

XIV - Temperance (Temperance)

XV - Le Diable (The Devil)

XVI - La Maison Dieu (The House of God)

XVII - L'Etoile (The Star)

XVIII - La Lune (The Moon)

XIX - Le Soleil (The Sun)

XX - Le Jugement (Judgement)

-- Le Mat (The Fool)

XXI - Le Monde (The World)

Why the Fool was placed second-last in the sequence of the trumps, or
who first put it there, is unknown, but this location for the Fool was
described by Eliphas Levi, Paul Christian, and other French and English
occultists of the 19th century, and it became the traditional location
for this card, even though no one pretended to know why this should be.
Aleister Crowley and A. E. Waite both considered this location of the
Fool absurd.

It is my own belief that it stems from a mistaken interpretation of
the numbering of the Tarot cards that was employed by Etteilla, a seed
merchant and cartomancer who real name was Jean-Baptiste Alliette
(1738-91). Etteilla designed his own Tarot deck, first published in 1789
(though dated 1788), and numbered all of its cards in order, beginning
with the trumps and proceeding to the suit cards. However, since his
Fool bore no number at all, and did not even occupy a numbered place in
the sequence, the cards were numbered from one to seventy-seven, not
seventy-eight. Etteilla placed his Fool at the end of the trumps - that
is to say, between card 21, the final trump before the Fool, and card
22, the first of the suit cards. My guess is that somehow or other, when
the Fool acquired a numbered position in the sequence of trumps in
later Tarot decks, though still without bearing a number itself, or
bearing the non-number zero, it was placed, after the practice of
Etteilla, just before the 22nd card, which due to the numbered position
occupied by the Fool became the final trump.

The French occultists who were centered around the teachings of
Eliphas Levi experimented with placing the Fool both at the beginning
and at the end of the sequence of trumps, as well as in its traditional
position, so that for some of them, such as Papus (Gerard Encausse) the
Fool had three simultaneous positions! The English Rosicrucian society
known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, founded in 1887,
assigned the Fool the numerical value of zero and firmly located it at
the beginning of the trumps.

The leader of the Golden Dawn, George Samuel Liddell "MacGregor"
Mathers, adopted the practice of Levi of assigning the 22 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet in order to the 22 Tarot trumps, but because the Fool
was moved from the end of the trumps (its usual place when this
assignment of Hebrew letters was made by the French occultists) to the
beginning, the association between the trumps and letters was displaced
by one letter. For example, under Levi the trump Le Bateleur (The
Juggler) received the first Hebrew letter, Aleph. Under Mathers the Fool
received the first letter, Aleph, and the Juggler received the second
Hebrew letter, Beth. And so on.

The link between the Hebrew letters and the trumps did not originate
with Levi, but was suggested in 1781 in the eighth volume of the work Le Monde Primitif
by Court de Gébelin (1728-84). Court de Gébelin was also the source for
the myth of the Egyptian origins of the Tarot, and of their supposed
connection with the Gypsies.

Under the influence of the Golden Dawn several of the names for the
Marseilles trumps were modified slightly. The Golden Dawn sequence and
names for the trumps, below, is as close to a modern standard as
presently exists.

0 - The Fool

1 - The Magician

2 - The High Priestess

3 - The Empress

4 - The Emperor

5 - The Hierophant

6 - The Lovers

7 - The Chariot

8 - Strength

9 - The Hermit

10 - The Wheel of Fortune

11 - Justice

12 - The Hanged Man

13 - Death

14 - Temperance

15 - The Devil

16 - The Tower

17 - The Star

18 - The Moon

19 - The Sun

20 - Judgement

21 - The Universe

Apart from the placement and numbering of the Fool, the most
significant change made by Mathers to the trumps was the counterchange
in the numbers and locations of the trumps Justice and Strength.
Traditionally, Justice is numbered eight and Strength eleven. Mathers
numbered Justice eleven and Strength eight, and exchanged the places of
these cards in the sequence of the Major Arcana.

This change was adopted by many modern Tarot designers, some of whom
probably did not even know why the change was made. The rationale for
the counterchange of these trumps lies in the zodiac signs assigned to
each in the system of occult associations used by the Golden Dawn. In
that system, which is too complex to explain here, the trump numbered
eight is linked with the sign Leo and the trump numbered eleven is
linked with the sign Libra. Obviously Leo is a more appropriate sign for
the trump Strength, which illustrates a woman holding in her hands the
jaws of a lion, and Libra is a more appropriate sign for the trump
Justice, which shows a woman holding a set of scales (the symbol of Leo
is the lion, the symbol of Libra is the scales).

Most modern Tarot decks use the Golden Dawn arrangement for the
trumps, or aspects of it. This is because several of the most important
Tarot designers, such as Aleister Crowley, Arthur Edward Waite, and Paul
Foster Case, were intimately connected with the Golden Dawn. Even
though the original Golden Dawn cards, painted by Mathers' wife, have
been lost (or lie hidden in some unknown private collection), and are
known only in the form of textual descriptions and modern re-creations,
the deck exerted a profound influence thanks to the decks based upon its
principles that were created by former Golden Dawn members.

The most popular modern Tarot deck is the 1910 Rider pack, sometimes
known as the Waite Tarot or the Rider-Waite Tarot. It was designed by
former Golden Dawn member A. E. Waite (1857-1940) and illustrated by the
artist Pamela Colman Smith (1878-1951), who was one of Waite's
followers after he left the Golden Dawn to create his own occult
society. It is called the Rider pack because it was first published by
Rider and Company, Waite's book publisher.

Waite adhered to the Golden Dawn practice of numbering the Fool zero,
although for some inexplicable reason he did not place the Fool at the
beginning of the trumps, but in its traditional position between
Judgement and the World. Waite also numbered Justice eleven and Strength
eight, in imitation of the Golden Dawn practice, but in his explanatory
book The Key to the Tarot he refused to give his readers any
justification for this change. As a result of these and other
peculiarities, Waite's Tarot is a curiously awkward amalgam of tradition
and the Golden Dawn system.

What made Waite's deck so popular was his practice of placing on each
of the forty number cards a picture that portrays a scene expressing
the meaning of the card. Before Waite's Tarot, the number cards almost
always contained multiples of the suit symbol. For example, the Three of
Swords shows three swords on the Marseilles card, but Waite's card
shows a heart pierced by three swords, with storm clouds raining in the
background. A small number of older Tarots put pictures on the number
cards, but this practice was quite uncommon.

The Tarot has for centuries been used both for gaming and for
divination. There is no question that it was originally designed in the
15th century for purposes of gaming. Those who played the game of Tarot
attached no explicit esoteric significance to the cards. However, it is
difficult to believe that they could have avoided speculation about the
meanings of the enigmatic images on the trumps. The Tarot cards first
begin to be used for telling the future at the end of the 18th century.
Divination is certainly the more fascinating use for the Tarot, even if
it is not the oldest. When Tarot cards are placed in groups and
patterns, the complexity of their meaning is multiplied and takes on
specific interpretations that can be applied to situations in life.

Tarot divination is done by laying out a certain number of randomly
selected cards in a pre-established pattern. The pattern of cards formed
during a divination is known as a spread. Numerous popular spreads are
used in divination. Each individual card has an entire set of base
meanings. Which of these applies is determined by the nature of the
question. Groups of cards also have traditional meanings when they occur
in divination.

Prior to the Golden Dawn, the meanings for each Tarot card sometimes
seemed arbitrary or contradictory. These meanings were derived from
tradition and seldom questioned by Tarot diviners. The Golden Dawn
applied an entire esoteric structure to the Tarot, with the result that
the interpretations for the cards became much more consistent and
rational. Under the Golden Dawn system there is a justification for
asserting that a particular card carries a particular meaning.

The meanings for the trumps in the Golden Dawn system are largely
based upon their correspondences with the 22 Hebrew letters, and the
esoteric meanings for the letters; with the 12 zodiac signs, 7
traditional astrological planets and 3 active elemental principles that
are associated with the Hebrew letters; and with the 22 paths or
channels on a complex Kabbalistic symbol known as the Tree of the
Sephiroth or the Tree of Life. The paths on the Tree connect ten spheres
representing the numbers from one to ten -- each path is assigned a
Hebrew letter and a Tarot trump in the Golden Dawn system.

At first consideration, the Tarot appears to be a plaything for
children. It is only when we examine it at length with a receptive mind
that its incredible richness of meaning begins to reveal itself. To
truly understand the Tarot requires many years of intense study. No one
can ever claim to have completely mastered it. In some respects, the
Tarot is like the game of chess, which has only a simple board of 64
squares, and a limited number of pieces that move in very circumscribed
ways, yet is so incredibly complex that the human mind is incapable of
containing all its intricacies.

The Tarot enables a human being to sound the depths of his or her
psyche. Every conception and impulse and emotion that can be held in the
conscious or subconscious may be formulated by combinations of Tarot
cards. The Tarot acts as a kind of mirror for the mind. It allows hidden
psychic currents to express themselves to our awareness. Its potential
for psychoanalysis has not yet even begun to be explored. Jung, who was
so fascinated by dream archetypes and alchemical symbolism, largely
overlooked the Tarot.

In addition to opening a window on our psyches, and revealing through
divination secret and future matters, the Tarot can be used in
practical ritual magic as a set of doorways for astral travel, and as
the basis for the creation of telesmatic images and talismans. As I
suggested in my book New Millennium Magic,
and elsewhere in my writings, it is even possible to construct from the
Tarot itself an entire working ritual temple and complete set of
ceremonial instruments.

The twelve trumps assigned to the twelve signs of the zodiac, when
laid out on the floor of the ritual chamber, define the ritual circle.
The four Aces represent the four elemental instruments used on top of
the altar during ritual magic, and can be employed to project those
elemental forces. The three trumps linked to the active elements, the
Fool (Air), the Hanged Man (Water) and the Last Judgement (Fire) serve
to cleanse the ritual circle by the higher potentials of these three
elements. Using the Last Judgement to stand for the fifth element of
Spirit or Light, this trump in conjunction with the Aces can define the
points of the pentagram, by which the powers of the elements are
invoked. Similarly, the seven trumps associated with the seven planets
can be used to define the points and center of the hexagram, through
which the planetary powers are invoked. The number cards may be used to
call upon the powers of the Sephiroth and their angels, and the court
cards may be employed to represent the permutations of Tetragrammaton.
In a similar manner, all of the forms and objects of ritual magic are
embodied in symbolic form in these seventy-eight cards.

The Tarot is the central tool of modern Western magic, and has no rival in importance with the possible exception of astrology.

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Carole Chapman cremation service on Wednesday at  Macquarie Memorial

Posted by: "Ozpagan"   wwwozpagancom

Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:49 pm (PDT)

Carole Chapman's cremation service is at 12-noon Wednesday at the Macquarie Memorial Park at Delhi and Plassey Roads in North Ryde.


Re: Carole Chapman cremation service on Wednesday at  Macquarie Memo

Posted by: "Mara"   hpishtar

Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:06 pm (PDT)

Hi Tim

What on earth is going on??

Yesterday you sent an email saying that her funeral is at the Cementary now
her Cremation is at 12 pm at the same time that her Funeral!!!

This is not right I don't know why you making this mistakes but is very
upsetting and everybody is getting totally confused.

Can you make sure you post the right thing



Mara Carter

Nutrimetics International

Executive Sales Manager
Email: <>
On line shop: <>

Diamond Divas are achievers!



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Re: Carole Chapman cremation service on Wednesday at  Macquarie Memo

Posted by: ""   carteblanche13

Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:58 pm (PDT)

Dear Witches

Mara has asked me to post this to the group- this is the FINAL, CORRECT info for Carole's funeral and honour ritual.


Best regards

"Hi CB

Could you please post this into the site

Hi the link to Sunday Ritual is,+Sydney,+New+South+Wales&h

and the Funeral is at the Ann Wilson Chapel cnr of Barrenjoey rd and Darley
st on Wednesday at 12pm. Please bring flowers. Thanks

Im really tired. I cant reply to every single person and Tim made a big
mistake and I see nobody knows where to go!
So could you please do me this favour and post to his list and any others.

Mara BB"

Sent from my iPhone

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Caroles funeral

Posted by: "Captain Howdy"   lord_dijor

Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:49 pm (PDT)

Ok correction to a few postings as to Carole's Funeral Carole Chapman's Funeral details

Carole will be having an open public funeral and anyone wishing pay thier last respect is most welcome to attend and bring flowers if you wish. The simple funeral will be held on Wednesday 27th July at noon at the Ann Chappel located the Cnr Barrenjoey Rd and Darley Street Monavale....................Ty Mara

Ann Wilson Funerals
Funeral Directors - Mona Vale, NSW
Cnr Barrenjoey Rd & Darley St, Mona Vale NSW 2103, Australia
Phone number(02) 9979 5978


Caroles funeral

Posted by: "Captain Howdy"   lord_dijor

Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:50 pm (PDT)

Ok correction to a few postings as to Carole's Funeral Carole Chapman's Funeral details

Carole will be having an open public funeral and anyone wishing pay thier last respect is most welcome to attend and bring flowers if you wish. The simple funeral will be held on Wednesday 27th July at noon at the Ann Chappel located the Cnr Barrenjoey Rd and Darley Street Monavale....................Ty Mara

Ann Wilson Funerals
Funeral Directors - Mona Vale, NSW
Cnr Barrenjoey Rd & Darley St, Mona Vale NSW 2103, Australia
Phone number(02) 9979 5978


Carole's funeral & memorial rite (final, correct info)

Posted by: "carteblanche13"   carteblanche13

Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:01 pm (PDT)

Dear Witches

Mara has asked me to post this due to the confusion. Disregard all other info.

"Hi CB

Could you please post this into the site

Hi the link to Sunday Ritual is,+Sydney,+New+South+Wales&h

and the Funeral is at the Ann Wilson Chapel cnr of Barrenjoey rd and Darley
st on Wednesday at 12pm. Please bring flowers. Thanks
So could you please do me this favour and post to his list and any others.

Mara BB


Re: Carole's funeral & memorial rite (final, correct info)

Posted by: "Ozpagan"   wwwozpagancom

Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:17 pm (PDT)

Thanks Carte Blanche for the correction. My apology over any confusion. Ross Chapman had given me these directions to where Carole will be taken AFTER the chapel service.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the Ann Wilson Chapel on the corner of Barrenjoey road and Darley street, Mona Vale, at 12 noon.

vinum sabbati,

--- In, "carteblanche13" <carteblanche13@...> wrote:
> Dear Witches
> Mara has asked me to post this due to the confusion. Disregard all other info.
> "Hi CB
> Could you please post this into the site
> Hi the link to Sunday Ritual is
> l=en&ll=-33.692281,151.284957&spn=0.018925,0.042272&sll=-33.696948,151.29566
> 5&sspn=0.075694,0.169086&z=15
> and the Funeral is at the Ann Wilson Chapel cnr of Barrenjoey rd and Darley
> st on Wednesday at 12pm. Please bring flowers. Thanks
> ...
> So could you please do me this favour and post to his list and any others.
> Thanks"
> Mara BB

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